uPortal by JA-SIG


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uPortal Roles

The deployment of uPortal requires several functional roles of responsibility. As is the case of many project one person may assume one of more of the following roles:

diamond  uPortal Administrator The uPortal Administrator is responsible for managing the hardware, making decisions regarding capacity planning, performance monitoring, backing up the system, and initially installing uPortal and dependant software.
diamond  uPortal Implementor The uPortal Implementor may be responsible for taking a uPortal release and implementing it as a production system. The implementor may perform such tasks as integrating the authentication/authorization mechanism, designing the look and feel, managing the channel categories and default layouts, and be responsible for publishing the channels.
diamond  uPortal Developer The content developer may be responsible for creating the content which will be rendered as channels. That content may be as simple as a static html page or as complex as a large web application.
diamond  uPortal Subscriber The uPortal subscriber is the end user that uses the portal. The subscriber can customize their view of the portal by adding tabs, subscribing to channels, and selecting a different "skin".
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