package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The BooleanRadioInputRender provides a way of doing the * input of an Boolean value by using a list of radio buttons. All the values * of that Boolean are presented as a radio button and the use can choose * one of the values. * *

* Example: *

* * @author mrsp */ public class BooleanRadioInputRenderer extends InputRenderer { /** * this field is a format {@link FormatRenderer} that must evaluate to true * of false, if true the slot will be rendered read-only, if false it won't * * @author joantune - João Antunes */ private String readOnlyIf; private String readOnlyIfNot; private String trueLabel; private String falseLabel; private String bundle; private String eachClasses; private String eachStyle; public BooleanRadioInputRenderer() { super(); setStyle("white-space: nowrap;"); } public String getReadOnlyIf() { return readOnlyIf; } /** * This property is a formatted property (like * {@link ConditionalFormatRenderer}) that is evaluated. If it is true, the * slot will be considered read only, if false it won't * * @author joantune - João Antunes * @property */ public void setReadOnlyIf(String readOnlyIf) { this.readOnlyIf = readOnlyIf; } public String getEachClasses() { return eachClasses; } public String getReadOnlyIfNot() { return readOnlyIfNot; } /** * This property is a formatted property (like * {@link ConditionalFormatRenderer}) that is evaluated. If it is false, the * slot will be considered read only, if true it won't * * @author joantune - João Antunes * @property */ public void setReadOnlyIfNot(String readOnlyIfNot) { this.readOnlyIfNot = readOnlyIfNot; } /** * This property will set the class for each list item * * @property */ public void setEachClasses(String eachClasses) { this.eachClasses = eachClasses; } public String getEachStyle() { return eachStyle; } /** * This property will set the style for each list item * @property */ public void setEachStyle(String eachStyle) { this.eachStyle = eachStyle; } public String getBundle() { return this.bundle; } /** * Sets the bundle to be used when overring the boolean value presentation * with labels. * * @property */ public void setBundle(String bundle) { this.bundle = bundle; } public String getFalseLabel() { return this.falseLabel; } /** * Sets the key to use when presenting the false value. * * @property */ public void setFalseLabel(String falseLabel) { this.falseLabel = falseLabel; } public String getTrueLabel() { return this.trueLabel; } /** * Sets the key to use when presenting the true value. * * @property */ public void setTrueLabel(String trueLabel) { this.trueLabel = trueLabel; } @Override protected Layout getLayout(Object object, Class type) { return new Layout() { @Override public HtmlComponent createComponent(Object object, Class type) { Boolean booleanObject = (Boolean) object; if (getReadOnlyIf() != null || getReadOnlyIfNot() != null) { //let's get its parent to assert what to do regarding the read only Object parentObject = null; if (getContext().getParentContext() != null) { parentObject = getContext().getParentContext().getMetaObject().getObject(); } Boolean useReadOnlyIfResult = null; Boolean useReadOnlyIfNotResult = null; try { if (getReadOnlyIf() != null) { useReadOnlyIfResult = (Boolean) RendererPropertyUtils.getProperty(parentObject, getReadOnlyIf(), false); } if (getReadOnlyIfNot() != null) { useReadOnlyIfNotResult = (Boolean) RendererPropertyUtils.getProperty(parentObject, getReadOnlyIfNot(), false); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if ((useReadOnlyIfNotResult != null || useReadOnlyIfResult != null)) { if ((useReadOnlyIfNotResult != null && !useReadOnlyIfNotResult) || (useReadOnlyIfResult != null && useReadOnlyIfResult)) { if (booleanObject == null) { return new HtmlText(""); } return new HtmlText(String.valueOf(booleanObject)); } } } HtmlRadioButtonList radioList = new HtmlRadioButtonList(); Boolean booleanTrue = Boolean.TRUE; MetaObject booleanMetaObject = MetaObjectFactory.createObject(booleanTrue, null); PresentationContext newContext = getContext().createSubContext(booleanMetaObject); newContext.setRenderMode(RenderMode.getMode("output")); HtmlComponent component = getBooleanComponent(booleanTrue, newContext); HtmlLabel trueLabel = new HtmlLabel(); trueLabel.setBody(component); HtmlRadioButton buttonTrue = radioList.addOption(trueLabel, booleanTrue.toString()); trueLabel.setFor(buttonTrue); Boolean booleanFalse = Boolean.FALSE; booleanMetaObject = MetaObjectFactory.createObject(booleanFalse, null); newContext = getContext().createSubContext(booleanMetaObject); newContext.setRenderMode(RenderMode.getMode("output")); component = getBooleanComponent(booleanFalse, newContext); HtmlLabel falseLabel = new HtmlLabel(); falseLabel.setBody(component); HtmlRadioButton buttonFalse = radioList.addOption(falseLabel, booleanFalse.toString()); falseLabel.setFor(buttonFalse); buttonTrue.setChecked(booleanObject == null ? false : booleanObject); buttonFalse.setChecked(booleanObject == null ? false : !booleanObject); radioList.setTargetSlot((MetaSlotKey) getInputContext().getMetaObject().getKey()); for (HtmlListItem item : radioList.getList().getItems()) { item.setClasses(getEachClasses()); item.setStyle(getEachStyle()); } return radioList; } private HtmlComponent getBooleanComponent(Boolean value, PresentationContext newContext) { if (value == null) { return RenderKit.getInstance().render(newContext, value); } else { if (value) { if (getTrueLabel() == null) { return RenderKit.getInstance().render(newContext, value); } else { return new HtmlText(RenderUtils.getResourceString(getBundle(), getTrueLabel())); } } else { if (getFalseLabel() == null) { return RenderKit.getInstance().render(newContext, value); } else { return new HtmlText(RenderUtils.getResourceString(getBundle(), getFalseLabel())); } } } } }; } }