ACADEMIC_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE = Academic Office ALUMNI = Alumni AcademicCalendar.type.label = Academic Calendar BOLONHA_MANAGER = Curriculum Administrator Bologna CANDIDATE = Candidate CMS_MANAGER = CMS Manager COORDINATOR = Coordinator CREDITS_MANAGER = Claims Administrator DEGREE_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE = Undergraduate Services DEGREE_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE_SUPER_USER = Super User Services Degrees DELEGATE = Delegate DEPARTMENT_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE = Secretary of the Department DEPARTMENT_CREDITS_MANAGER = Credit Administrator Department DEPARTMENT_MEMBER = State Department DIRECTIVE_COUNCIL = Board EMPLOYEE = Employee EXAM_COORDINATOR = Examinations Coordinator EXTERNAL_SUPERVISOR = External Supervisor EnrolmentPeriodInClasses = In classes / Shifts EnrolmentPeriodInCurricularCourses = Courses in Curriculum EnrolmentPeriodInCurricularCoursesFlunkedSeason = Courses in Curriculum (for students who have been prescribed) EnrolmentPeriodInCurricularCoursesSpecialSeason = Courses in Curriculum (for students who have Special Season) EnrolmentPeriodInImprovementOfApprovedEnrolment = Improvements in Note EnrolmentPeriodInSpecialSeasonEvaluations = Special Season FIRST_TIME_STUDENT = Student 1st time GEP = Employee of the GEP GRANT_OWNER = Baggins GRANT_OWNER_MANAGER = Manager Baggins IDENTIFICATION_CARD_MANAGER = Management Cards INSTITUCIONAL_PROJECTS_MANAGER = Project Manager Institutional ISTID_INSTITUCIONAL_PROJECTS_MANAGER = IST-ID Institutional Project Manager INTERNATIONAL_RELATION_OFFICE = International Relations Office IT_PROJECTS_MANAGER = IT Project Manager LIBRARY = Library MANAGER = Administrator of the Phoenix MASTER_DEGREE_ADMINISTRATIVE_OFFICE = Department of Postgraduate MASTER_DEGREE_CANDIDATE = Candidate Master MESSAGING = Communication NAPE = Nape OPERATOR = Operator PARKING_MANAGER = Parking Manager PEDAGOGICAL_COUNCIL = Member of the Pedagogic PERSON = Person PERSONNEL_SECTION = Chamber Staff PROJECTS_MANAGER = Project Manager PUBLIC_RELATIONS_OFFICE = Public Relations Office RECTORATE = Rectory ISTID_PROJECTS_MANAGER = IST-ID Project Manager RESEARCHER = Investigator RESIDENCE_MANAGER = Accommodation Manager RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_MANAGER = Resource Allocation Manager RESOURCE_MANAGER = Heritage Manager ReingressionPeriod = Re-admittance SCIENTIFIC_COUNCIL = Member of Scientific Council SEMINARIES_COORDINATOR = Seminar Coordinator SPACE_MANAGER = Manager Venues SPACE_MANAGER_SUPER_USER = Super User Manager Spaces STUDENT = Student STUDENT_MASTER_DEGREE = M.Sc. student TEACHER = Professor TREASURY = Treasury Officer TUTORSHIP = Tutoring WEBSITE_MANAGER = Site Administrator = Management Academic Calendars active = Active = Alias Management alumni.closed.identity.requests = Archive of Alumni alumni.identity.request.confirm.identity = Caro / Alumni to {0}, its application for confirmation of identity was confirmed. alumni.identity.request.curriculum.access = You can now access their curriculum in the Alumni Portal. = = IST - Project Phoenix alumni.identity.request.mail.subject = ALUMNI @ IST - Identity Confirmation alumni.identity.request.password.request = Thank you for your participation! Your username is {0}. To create a password to access the system should go to https: / / / password / authn_alumni.php? Rid = {1} & uuid = {2} alumni.identity.request.password.request.refuse = Deverá fazer um novo pedido introduzindo a sua informação pessoal correcta seguindo o link : {0} alumni.identity.request.refuse.identity = Dear Alumni {0}, your identity confirmation request was denied. = Your student number in the IST is {0}. alumni.identity.requests = Identity Validation = There are no requests for verification of identity. alumni.received.requests = Orders received alumni.update.socialSecurityNumber = Update NIF alumni.validate.identity.request = View Alumni button.add = Add button.cancel = Cancel button.change = Change button.choose = Choose button.continue = Continue button.create = Create button.createClassifications = Create Classifications button.generateFiles.generate = Generate button.insert = Insert button.manager.executionCourseManagement.continue = Continue button.manager.teachersManagement.dissociate = Disassociate = Next button.remove = Remove = Save = Search button.send = Send = Show button.submit = Submit button.transfer = Download button.uploadFiles.upload = Submit cache.domain.number = No. of objects cached cache.domain.state.undetermined = It is not possible to determine the state of the cache. cache.response.number = No. of responses cached cache.response.refresh.timeout = Time responses are cached cache.response.refresh.timeout.units = s categories = Categories cms.executionCourseWebsite.label = Pages Disciplines commandButton.bindCountry = Associate Country create.invited.person.title = Create External Person create.person.title = Create Person curricularCourses.toTransfer = Curriculum subjects to transfer curricularYear.destination = Year of study where the target execution discipline date.format = (Dd / mm / yyyy) documentIdNumber = Number of identification document documents.addressee = Recipient = Recipient Name documents.addressee.username = Username Recipient = Document = Documents Generated documents.operator = Operator = Operator Name documents.operator.username = Username Operator documents.source = Source of information documents.type = Type documents.uploadtime = Date of Submission documents.uploadtime.after = Subsequent to Date of Submission edit.categories = Edit Categories edit.person.title = Edit Person emissionDateOfDocumentIdYearMonthDay = Date of Issue of Identity Document emissionLocationOfDocumentId = Place of Issue of Identity Document enrol = Registration error.AcademicCalendar.empty.title = Name required. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.dates.intersection = Intersects another interval (s) input (s) on the same level. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.different.rootEntry = You can not delete an entry belonging to another calendar. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.empty.begin.dateTime = Date of Commencement required. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.empty.end.dateTime = End Date compulsory. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.empty.title = Name required. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.has.childs = You can not delete an entry that has associated entries. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.has.external.references = The entry that is trying to delete is used by other entities. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.invalid.dates = Invalid dates: the range must be contained in the top slot. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.invalid.parent.entry = Can not create an entry of type [{0}] under the entry [{1}]. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.invalid.template.entry = Check the reset invalid. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.out.of.bounds = The entry you are editing entries can not contain outside their boundaries. error.AcademicCalendarEntry.unchanged.dates = There was no change of dates is therefore not possible to redefine the entry into a new calendar. error.Exception = Error Occurred error.ExecutionYear.exceeded.number.of.executionPeriods = Number of Periods Running for the year exceeded Execution [{0}] error.NotAuthorized = Operation Not Permitted error.PaymentCodeMapping.find.existing.code = There is already a mapping between and {0} {1} error.ROLE_TYPE_ALIAS.already.exists = Already have alias based on that role. error.RootEntry.invalid.templateEntry = Calendar redefining invalid (note: if the calendar entries already has redefined virtual or reset the original schedule can not be changed) error.academicCalendar.has.entries = You can not delete the calendar because it has associated entries. error.academicCalendarEntry.has.childs = Can not delete entry because it has associated entries. error.academicCalendarEntry.invalid.parent.entry = Can not associate this type of entry to top entry type. error.academicCalendarEntry.number.of.subEntries.exceeded = Maximum number of entries of this kind has been reached. = There is a rule on that time period error.alias.already.exists = Alias already defined by someone else. error.becomeInherent = Can not make the inherent job selected! This has associated persons. error.begin.after.end = Date of Commencement not be later than the date of the End. error.costCenter.alreadyExists = The new cost center is already associated with another unit. error.creating.letters.file = It was impossible to generate the file for sending the letters. error.creating.sibs.outgoing.file = It was impossible to generate the file to SIBS. = You must indicate the start and end date in dd / mm / yyyy. = Invalid format (yyyy) = Specify an end date of the examination period of the first half after the beginning of. error.dateSwitched.exams.two = Specify an end date of the examination period of the second half after the beginning of. = Specify an end date of the period of classes after the first semester of beginning. error.dateSwitched.lessons.two = Specify an end date of classes in the period after the second semester of beginning. error.dateSwitched.periods = The ending date of a period must precede the starting date of the next period of continuation. error.delete.function = You can not delete the job selected! This has involved persons or positions involved. error.delete.unit = It is not possible to delete the selected drive! This has associated entities. error.exception.commons.institution.institutionAlreadyExists = Existing Institution! error.exception.duplicateSibsPaymentFileProcessing = The file has been processed SIBS error.exception.existing = {0} already exists. error.exception.nonExistingPerson = The nominee does not exist = Dates with invalid format error.existent.acronym = Acronym existing! error.function.parentInherentFunction.equals.function = Cargo chosen equal to the inherent charge! error.generateFiles.emptyList = It was impossible to generate the file because there was no information. error.generateFiles.errorFile = It was impossible to generate the file. error.generateFiles.invalidBind = The course {0} has more stages than payment codes SIBS error.impossibleInsertCoordinator = It was impossible to insert the coordinator. = Insurance does not set for this year of implementation error.integerArray = {0} must be defined and should be an integer. = Date is in the wrong format = It was not possible to add the period because some of the dates are invalid error.invalid.fine.rate = The fine rate must be between 1 and 0 error.invalidRole = Can not add user to Role error.invitation.dates.intersection = Intersection of calls error.invitation.endDateBeforeBeginDate = End Date hath be later than the date error.manager.SIBS.IOException = Error closing InputStream: {0} error.manager.SIBS.codeNotFound = Error: Unable to find the source of payment: {0} error.manager.SIBS.fileException = Error processing file: {0} error.manager.SIBS.noSuchStudent = Student number: {0} does not exist! error.manager.SIBS.nonProcessedCodes = Error creating the report, there are codes in the raw file SIBS. error.manager.SIBS.notSupportedExtension = File not recognized: {0} error.manager.SIBS.processException = Error processing code: {0}. Message {1} error.manager.SIBS.reportException = Error creating the report: {0} error.manager.SIBS.studentNotFound = Student number: {0} was not found. error.manager.SIBS.zipException = Error processing zip file: {0} error.manager.executionCourseManagement.noExecutionPeriods = There are times execution. error.manager.implossible.findPerson = There were no persons with these characteristics. error.manager.impossible.insertPrecedence = Can not insert the Precedence. error.manager.impossible.readCCofDCP = Can not read the Disciplines of the Curriculum Plan One. error.manager.invalidDate = The end date field must match the present or the past. error.manager.oneItem.findPerson = at least one variable search error.manager.samePrecedencesForMerge = You can not choose twice the same precedence. error.manager.teachersManagement.PSWithS = The teacher has the discipline to shift execution {0}. Remove the first turn. error.manager.teachersManagement.PSWithSL = The teacher has time for questions for the discipline execution {0}. Remove the first times of doubt.
error.manager.teachersManagement.noPSNorRF = The faculty number {0} teaches is not responsible for enforcement disciplines. error.manager.teachersManagement.noTeacher = The faculty number {0} does not exist. error.manager.teachersManagement.noTeacherNumber = Enter a number of teachers. error.manager.teachersManagement.notPSNorRFTeacher = No Teachers {0} is not associated with implementing these disciplines. error.manager.teachersManagement.nullPSNorRF = The data do not exist to disassociate. error.manager.wrongDates = The end date must be after start date. error.merge.external.units.equals.units = Unable to perform merge the unit. = There are fields missing in the form error.negative.gratuity = The gratuity value must be higher than zero = The file has already been processed = The warning selected does not exist. = Can not create an alias for the Institutional nominee. = You must specify the name of the office. = You must specify what type of relationship. error.noFunction = There is no job selected! error.noRoles = Unable to list the roles. error.noUnit = There is the drive selected! error.noUsername = We found no record with this username {0}. = Select a file to upload error.person.empty.documentIdNumber = Person without identification number associated. error.person.empty.idDocumentType = Type of person without identification attached. error.person.existent.docIdAndType = Existing person. error.person.without.login.identification = The person selected does not have Login error.personFunction.endDateBeforeBeginDate = The end date must be greater than the initial date. error.same.unit = Unable to add selected drive! = The unit can not be erased! error.unit.endDateBeforeBeginDate = The end date must be greater than the initial date. error.unit.equals.parentUnit = Unit Father invalid! (Is the drive itself.) = Parent unit currently selected unit is already father! = The unit chosen Father invalid (it's sub-unit). error.unsupported.operation = Operation not supported. errors.byte = {0} must be a byte. = {0} is not a valid date. errors.double = {0} must be a real number. = {0} is not a valid email address. errors.fileRequired = You should choose a file. errors.fileTooLarge = The file is too large errors.float = {0} must be a real number. errors.integer = {0} must be an integer. errors.invalid = {0} is invalid. = The date {0} is invalid (dd / mm / yyyy). errors.invalid.delete.not.empty.branch = Unable to delete the branch {0} because it has curricula for students. errors.invalid.delete.not.empty.execution.course = You can not delete the discipline because it has associated information. errors.long = {0} should be a long. errors.maxlength = {0} can only have at most {1} characters. errors.minlength = {0} must be at least {1} characters. errors.range = {0} is not between {1} and {2}. errors.required = Should define: {0}. errors.short = {0} must be an short. errors.unableToProcessImage = The file you submitted does not correspond to a valid image errors.unsupportedFile = The file format is not supported exception.student.does.not.exist = The student does not exist. executionCourse.destination = Discipline target execution executionCourse.origin = Disciplinary enforcement source executionDegree.destination = Course discipline where the target execution expirationDateOfDocumentIdYearMonthDay = Effective Date of Document Identification generate.userUID.title = Institutional generate Username = "Allow" send email indicating successful validation. "Invalidating" sends an email indicating that the information entered does not match the system. identity.validation.nok = Validation of identity denied. identity.validation.ok = Identity validation successfully verified. info.find = You can use '%' to replace any number of characters, even zero characters.
And the '_' to replace exactly one character. info.manager.findPerson = You can search for people by username, name, identification number, email, or personnel number. institutionalNumber = Personnel number invitation.edit.title = Edit = Management Invitational label.AcademicCalendarRootEntry.type = Academic Calendar label.AcademicSemesterCE.type = Academic Semester label.AcademicTrimesterCE.type = Academic Quarter label.AcademicYearCE.type = Academic Year label.EnrolmentsPeriodCE.type = Registration Period label.ExamsPeriodInNormalSeasonCE.type = Period of Examinations (Regular Season) label.ExamsPeriodInSpecialSeasonCE.type = Examination Period (Special Season) label.GradeSubmissionInNormalSeasonCE.type = Period Release Notes (Regular Season) label.GradeSubmissionInSpecialSeasonCE.type = Period Release Notes (Special Season) label.LessonsPeriodCE.type = Period Classes label.TeacherCreditsFillingForDepartmentAdmOfficeCE.type = Period of Completion of Credits (Secretary of Department) label.TeacherCreditsFillingForTeacherCE.type = Period of Completion of Credits (Teachers) label.academic.calendars = Academic Calendars label.academicCalendar.description = Description label.academicCalendar.title = Name = Persistent Management Group (Access Control) label.action = Action = Add New Person to the Group label.address = Address label.advisories = Notice (s) label.advisories.list = Active Warnings label.alias = Alias label.all = All label.approved = Validated label.area = Location label.areaCode = Postal Code label.areaOfAreaCode = Area Postal code label.areaType = Type Area label.attention = Attention label.authorize = Authorize label.back = « Back label.begin = Commencement = Home label.beginDate = Created On label.branch = Branch label.cache.clear = Clear Cache label.cache.load.all.objects = Read all articles in the field label.cache.refresh = Refresh label.cancel = Cancel label.candidate.accessAddress = Address Access label.candidate.identificationDocumentNumber = Document Number Identification label.candidate.identificationDocumentType = Type of Identification Document label.candidate.password = Password label.candidate.username = Username label.change = Change label.choose.destination.unit.not.official = Choose foreign Unit Unofficial Destination label.choose.destination.unit.official = Choose foreign Unit Official Destination label.choose.execution.period = Select the period running: = Choose another external drive destination = Choose a new Host Unit = Choose a new Responsible Entity = Choose a new duration of the call label.choose.responsibility.person = Choose Person Responsible label.choose.responsibility.unit = Select Responsible Unit label.choose.responsible.entity = Choose Responsible Entity label.choose.unit = Choose foreign Unit Unofficial = Outdoor Unit Unofficial Source label.class.enrolment.period.for.reingression = Re-admittance = Classes = Curricular Disciplines = Curriculum Courses (for students who have been prescribed) = Curriculum Courses (for students who have Special Season) = Note Improvements = Special Season label.clear = Delete label.closed.requests = Requests solved = Home label.comment.optional = Comment label.competenceCourse = Course label.contactEmail = Email Contact label.continue = Continue label.coordinator.number = Number Coordinator label.costCenterCode = Cost Center label.countryOfBirth = Country of Birth label.countryOfResidence = Country label.course.code = Code = Discipline label.create = Create label.create.academic.calendar = Create Calendar label.create.academic.entry = Create New Calendar Entry label.create.external.person.afterSearch = If the person you're looking for does not exist you can insert a new = Create Alias = Create Alias Modifiable = Creating new invitation = Step 1: Choose Unit Guest = Step 3: Fill in the Call Duration = Step 2: Choose Responsible unit (per person) = Step 3: Fill in Personal Data = Validity of the Create New Login = Create New Group Persistent = Create Alias based on Role label.create.where = Create in label.createSite = Create Site label.creationDateTime = Creation Date label.cron.currently.running = Running label.cron.invocation.end = End label.cron.invocation.period = Period invocation label.cron.invocation.server = Server label.cron.invocation.start = Home label.cron.invocation.sucessful = Invocation successfully ran label.cron.last.invocation.end.time = End of the last invocation label.cron.last.invocation.start.time = Beginning of the last invocation label.cron.last.invocation.successful = Last Invocation successfully ran = Expected start of the next invocation label.cron.number.invocations = Number of invocations label.cron.order = Order = Date set label.cron.script.classname = Script = Code updated on: label.curricularCourseGroup.area = science = manage courses label.curricularCourseGroup.optional = free options label.custom.alias = Alias Modifiable = Date = Home = End = (Dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm) label.dateOfBirth = Date of Birth label.dateOfBirthYearMonthDay = Date of Birth = Day label.decisionDateTime = Data Validation = Travel to associate label.delete = Delete label.delete.academic.calendar = Delete label.department = Department = Cancel = Cancelled? = Phase = Academic year = Name = Show label.dges.importation.process.campus = Campus label.dges.importation.process.cancel = Cancel label.dges.importation.process.cancelled = Cancelled? label.dges.importation.process.end.time = End date of application label.dges.importation.process.entry.phase = Phase label.dges.importation.process.execution.year = Academic year label.dges.importation.process.file = File label.dges.importation.process.filename = File label.dges.importation.process.importation.content = Content Import = Date of application label.dges.importation.process.start.time = Date of start of the process label.dges.importation.process.view = Log label.districtOfBirth = District of Birth label.districtOfResidence = District label.districtSubdivisionOfBirth = County of Birth label.districtSubdivisionOfResidence = County label.documentIdEmissionDate = Date of Issue of Identity Document label.documentIdEmissionLocation = Place of Issue of Identity Document label.documentIdExpirationDate = Effective Date of Document Identification label.documentIdNumber = No Doc ID label.documents.empty = No documents were found for your search label.domainObjectManagement.deleteObject = Delete label.domainObjectManagement.editObject = Edit label.domainObjectManager.class = Class label.domainObjectManager.instance.not.found = The desired object does not exist! label.domainObjectManager.oid = IdInternal label.dump.thread.trace = Write state of the threads in the logs. = Target Table label.edit = Edit label.edit.academic.calendar = Edit Calendar label.edit.academic.calendar.entry = Edit label.edit.academic.entry = Edit Entry label.edit.advisory = Edit Note label.edit.alias = Edit Alias label.edit.login.period = Edit validity Login = Edit Group label.editGuide = Issue Guides label.editManagers = Edit Managers = Email = Bcc = Include all coordinators of diplomas for advanced training in recipients (bcc). = Include all students in advanced training diploma recipients (bcc). = Include all coordinators of undergraduate courses (bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Include all undergraduate students (bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Include all coordinators in integrated master's recipients (bcc). = Include all students in integrated master recipients (bcc). = Include all coordinators master's (bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Include all students in master's (bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Include all coordinators of doctoral programs in recipients (bcc). = Include all students in doctoral programs in recipients (bcc). = Include all coordinators specializing in recipients (bcc). = Include all students specializing in recipients (bcc). = Cc = Include all coordinators of undergraduate (pre-Bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Include all undergraduate students (pre-Bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Include all non-teaching staff in recipients (bcc). = Include all teachers responsible for courses in recipients (bcc). = Address = Sender = Include all coordinators Masters (pre-Bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Include all MA students (pre-Bologna) in recipients (bcc). = Message = Include all researchers in recipients (bcc). = Include all students in recipients (bcc). = Subject = Include all teachers in recipients (bcc). = To label.emailWord = Email: label.empty.academic.calendars = There are no set academic calendars. label.empty.log = There are no entries on historical privileges. label.end = End = End label.endDate = End Date label.endOfReport = End label.enrolment.period.endDate = End label.enrolment.period.startDate = Home label.enrolment.period.type = Type of registration period label.entry.academicCalendar = Academic Calendar label.entry.state = State label.entry.templateEntry = Template label.errorDetail.attributeParam = Request Attributes label.errorDetail.class = Class label.errorDetail.file = File label.errorDetail.key = Key label.errorDetail.method = Method label.errorDetail.package = Package label.errorDetail.referer = Referer label.errorDetail.related = Only on the fenix label.errorDetail.requestParam = Parameters of the Request label.errorDetail.sessionAttribute = Session Attributes label.errorDetail.title = Error Details label.errorDetail.value = Value = Date and Time label.errorList.detail = Details label.errorList.exception = Exception label.errorList.filterby = Filtering by label.errorList.from = From: label.errorList.message1 = Found label.errorList.message2 = errors with this parameter label.errorList.param = Parameter label.errorList.searchFor = Search for Errors label.errorList.selectDay = Choose a day to see the error report: label.errorList.selectInterval = Select an Interval to see the error report: = To: label.errorList.user = User = Want to remove the discount? label.event.discounts = Discounts label.executionInterval = Implementation Period label.executionPeriod.beginDate = Start Date label.executionPeriod.endDate = End Date label.executionSemester = Term label.executionYear = Academic Year label.expirationDate2 = Validity = End Date = Date of application = Start Date label.fatherName = Father's Name label.file = File label.from = From label.fromNumber = Get in student numbers: label.fullName = Name label.ganttDiagram.event = Type / Name label.ganttDiagram.observations = Remarks label.ganttDiagram.period = Period label.gender = Sex label.generateFiles = Generation File label.generateFiles.SIBS = File to SIBS label.generateFiles.file = The File label.generateFiles.generating = The Generate label.generateFiles.letters = Letters to File label.generateFiles.paymentEndDate = Payment Due Date (dd / mm / yyyy) label.grade = Note = Cancel = Canceled = End Date = Year of implementation = Name = Generated = Create Order = There are no pending requests = Date of application = User = Start Date = Generated = Show label.gratuity.reports-generated.list = Reports generated label.gratuity.reports.empty = There are no reports generated = Open Orders = Group label.guideNumber = Guide Number label.guideYear = Year Guide label.guidesManagement = Management Guides label.have = Has = Guest Unit label.idDocumentType = Type of Identification Document label.identification = Identification Document label.identificationDocumentNumber = Document Number Identification label.identificationDocumentType = Type of Identification Document label.identificationNumber = Docment Identification Number label.insert.academic.calendar = Create calendar label.insert.calendar.entry = Create entry label.insert.edit.competency.course = Insert-Edit Competency Course label.institutional.alias = Institutional Alias label.institutional.userName = Institutional Login label.invalidate = Invalidate label.invitation.time.interval = Validity of the Call = Contacts label.invitedPerson.created.with.success = Outsider successfully created = Membership = Validity of the Call = Personal Information = Housing label.listErrors = List of errors label.locality = Location label.login.begin = Start Date label.login.end = End Date = Login Information label.manage.cron = Cron Scripts label.manage.department.degrees = Manage Courses Departments label.manage.holidays = Management Holidays label.manageFiles = File Management label.manageFinance = Financial Management label.manager = Manager label.manager.SIBS.allDone = Processing all files SIBS finished. label.manager.SIBS.creatingReport = Creating the report SIBS payments ... label.manager.SIBS.done = Processing terminated. label.manager.SIBS.linesFound = Found {0} payline. label.manager.SIBS.processingFile = Processing payments SIBS file: {0} label.manager.SIBS.reportCreated = Report created. label.manager.SIBS.startingProcess = Processing ... label.manager.approvationRatioLimits = Approval Rate label.manager.arithmeticMeanLimits = Arithmetic Mean label.manager.associate.curricularCourses = Associate curriculum subjects label.manager.associate.execution.course = Associate label.manager.associate.executionCourses = Associate discipline enforcement = Associate Coordinator label.manager.backManageBranches = Back to management of branches label.manager.backReadCurricularCourse = Back to course curriculum label.manager.backReadDegree = Back to the course label.manager.backReadDegreeCurricularPlan = Back to syllabus label.manager.backReadTeacherInCharge = Back to change faculty label.manager.bolonhaCompetenceCoursesManagement = Disciplines Racing Bologna label.manager.bolonhaCurricularPlansManagement = Structure of Bologna label.manager.both.semesters = Both Semesters = Managing branches label.manager.choose = (Choose) label.manager.chooseNotLinked = Subjects not related to curriculum label.manager.clickToCopy = This operation allows you to view all areas that have been or are part of the curriculum subject. It also has the ability to click on the values of scope for copying the information. label.manager.code = Code label.manager.competence.bolonha = Pre-Bologna Competency label.manager.competence.course = Disciplinary Jurisdiction Name = Disciplines Racing Pre-Bologna label.manager.competenceCourse.administrating = Is administering discipline competence: label.manager.competenceCourse.associated.departments = Associated Departments label.manager.competenceCourse.nonExisting.curricularCourses = This course has no competence curriculum subjects related! label.manager.coordinator = If you want to change select the new coordinator: label.manager.coordinators.modification = Amendment to the Coordination Team label.manager.coordinators.nonExisting = This course of execution is assigned to the faculty team coordination. label.manager.course.structure = Course Structure label.manager.create.competence.course = Create New Discipline Powers = Create site label.manager.createExecutionDegrees = Create Curriculum Implementation label.manager.createPerson = People create label.manager.curricular.course.scope.branch = Branch label.manager.curricularCourse.acronym = Acronym label.manager.curricularCourse.administrating = Is administering the discipline of study: label.manager.curricularCourse.code = Code label.manager.curricularCourse.message.basic = This course was considered basic label.manager.curricularCourse.message.non.basic = This course was considered non-basic = Name of the course curriculum label.manager.curricularCourseGroups.insert.area = Insert Group Disciplines of Scientific Area label.manager.curricularCourseGroups.insert.optional = Insert Group Option Courses = Management Groups Curricular Disciplines label.manager.curricularCourseScope.beginDate = Start Date label.manager.curricularCourseScope.branch = Branch label.manager.curricularCourseScope.branch.en = Branch label.manager.curricularCourseScope.curricularSemester = Half label.manager.curricularCourseScope.curricularSemester.en = Semester label.manager.curricularCourseScope.curricularYear = Year label.manager.curricularCourseScope.curricularYear.en = Year label.manager.curricularCourseScope.endDate = Final Date label.manager.curricularCourseScopes = Scopes label.manager.curricularCourseScopes.nonExisting = This course curriculum has no scopes! label.manager.curricularCourseToAddPrecedence = Apply the discipline that aims to Precedence label.manager.curricularCourses = Curricular Disciplines label.manager.curricularCourses.nonExisting = This curriculum has no curriculum subjects! = Course = Acronym = Is administering the course: = Course Name = Type of course label.manager.degreeCurricularPlan = Curriculum label.manager.degreeCurricularPlan.administrating = Is managing the curriculum: = Name of curriculum label.manager.degreeCurricularPlans = Curriculum Plans label.manager.degreeCurricularPlans.nonExisting = This course curriculum has not! label.manager.degrees = Courses label.manager.delete.branches.warning = Want to delete them anyway? If confirmed, all students belonging to these branches, the Branch will move to the Common Core! = Delete label.manager.delete.degrees = Delete Courses label.manager.delete.selected.branches = Delete selected branches label.manager.delete.selected.competences = Delete Selected Disciplines Racing label.manager.delete.selected.curricularCourseScopes = Delete selected scope label.manager.delete.selected.curricularCourses = Delete selected curriculum subjects label.manager.delete.selected.degreeCurricularPlans = Delete selected curriculum label.manager.delete.selected.degrees = Delete selected courses label.manager.delete.selected.executionCourses = Delete selected disciplines play label.manager.delete.selected.executionCourses.certainty = Delete the discipline of execution: {0} - {1} ({2})? label.manager.delete.selected.executionDegrees = Delete label.manager.department = Department label.manager.dissociate.execution.course = Dissociate label.manager.dissociate.execution.course.certainty = Are you sure you want to decouple this implementation discipline? label.manager.dissociate.execution.course.title = Dissociation of course completion: label.manager.edit.branch = Edit business label.manager.edit.competenceCourse = Edit discipline competence label.manager.edit.curricular.course.scope = Printed in the context label.manager.edit.curricularCourse = Edit curricular subject label.manager.edit.curricularCourseScope = Edit label.manager.edit.curriculum = Edit information curricular label.manager.edit.curriculum.english = English version label.manager.edit.curriculum.portuguese = Portuguese Version = Edit Course label.manager.edit.degreeCurricularPlan = Edit curriculum label.manager.edit.execution.course.teachers = Edit faculty label.manager.edit.executionDegree = Edit Course running label.manager.edit.executionDegree.coordinators = Edit Coordination Team label.manager.editExecutionDegrees = Edit Resumes Execution label.manager.end.curricular.course.scope = End label.manager.end.curricularCourseScope = End connection label.manager.entryGradeLimits = Note Seedings label.manager.exams = Examinations = Course completion: label.manager.execution.period.semester = Half label.manager.execution.period.state = State label.manager.execution.period.year = Year label.manager.executionCourse.announcementMove = Moving Announcements label.manager.executionCourse.code = Code label.manager.executionCourse.executionPeriod = Implementation period = Name of discipline enforcement = Site = Disciplinary Enforcement to associate label.manager.executionCourseManagement = Disciplines Execution label.manager.executionCourseManagement.code = Code label.manager.executionCourseManagement.curricularCourse = Course Curriculum label.manager.executionCourseManagement.curricularCoursesList = Disciplines Curriculum Associates label.manager.executionCourseManagement.curricularYear = Year Course label.manager.executionCourseManagement.delete = Delete label.manager.executionCourseManagement.delete.executionCourse = Delete Disciplinary Enforcement label.manager.executionCourseManagement.edit = Edit label.manager.executionCourseManagement.edit.executionCourse = Edit Disciplinary Enforcement label.manager.executionCourseManagement.edit.executionCourse.course.load = Edit Hourly Loads label.manager.executionCourseManagement.executionCoursesNotLinked = View subjects without enforcement associations label.manager.executionCourseManagement.executionPeriod = Implementation Period label.manager.executionCourseManagement.insert.executionCourse = Insert Disciplinary Enforcement label.manager.executionCourseManagement.join.executionCourse = Add Disciplines Execution = [Choose One] label.manager.executionCourseManagement.underGraduate = Graduation label.manager.executionCourseManagement.welcome = This section has the ability to perform operations relating to enforcement disciplines.
Disciplinary Enforcement Operation Insert lets you insert a discipline in execution time performance.
Edit Operation Execution Discipline allows you to edit and delete subjects running a play period.
The operation Merge Disciplines Execution lets you turn two disciplines in an execution. label.manager.executionCourses = Disciplines Execution label.manager.executionCourses.nonExisting = This course curriculum has courses running! label.manager.executionDegree.campus = Campus label.manager.executionDegree.coordinator = Coordinator label.manager.executionDegree.edit.coordinator = Current coordinator of the course: label.manager.executionDegree.examsSpecialSeason = Special Exam Season label.manager.executionDegree.executionYear = Academic year of implementation label.manager.executionDegree.gradeSubmissionNormalSeason1 = Release Notes 1st Semester label.manager.executionDegree.gradeSubmissionNormalSeason2 = Release Notes for Semester 2 label.manager.executionDegree.gradeSubmissionSpecialSeason = Release Notes Special Season label.manager.executionDegree.periodNotDefined = Not defined label.manager.executionDegree.present.executionYear = Implementing current academic year: label.manager.executionDegree.temporaryExamMap = Map exams temporary label.manager.executionDegreeManagement = Executive Resumes label.manager.executionDegrees = Executive Courses label.manager.executionDegrees.nonExisting = This curriculum has courses running! label.manager.executionPeriod = Implementation period: label.manager.executionYear = If you want to change select the new year running: label.manager.findPerson = Find Person label.manager.findedOnePersons = {0} was found person. label.manager.first.semester = First Semester label.manager.generateFiles.confirmation = was created! label.manager.generateFiles.welcome = This section has the possibility to generate files useful in the IST.
File Operation for SIBS generates a file to send to SIBS with references to the payment of Fees for ATM.
File Operation Letters to generate the file to create the letters to send pupils to the payment of Fees.
label.manager.insert.branch = Insert branch label.manager.insert.competence.course = Discipline Competency Insert label.manager.insert.conjunction.precedence = Create Conjunction of Precedence label.manager.insert.coordinator = Insert Coordinator = Enter the personnel number Coordinator label.manager.insert.curricularCourse = Insert discipline curriculum label.manager.insert.curricularCourseScope = Insert field label.manager.insert.curricularCourseScope.fromAnother = Copy = Insert course label.manager.insert.degreeCurricularPlan = Insert curriculum label.manager.insert.dijunction.precedence = Create Disjunction of Precedence label.manager.insert.execution.course = Enter discipline enforcement label.manager.insert.executionCourse = Delete Disciplinary Enforcement label.manager.insert.executionDegree = Insert stroke play = Not bound to enter teaching IST = Insert the teaching personnel number = Not bound to enter teaching IST label.manager.insert.restriction.confirmation = Confirmation label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionByNumberOfDoneCurricularCourses = Precedence Number of Seats Made label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionDoneCurricularCourse = Precedence Chair Made label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionDoneOrHasEverBeenEnrolledInCurricularCourse = Precedence Chair with at Least One Entry in the Past label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionHasEverBeenOrIsCurrentlyEnrolledInCurricularCourse = Precedence Chair Admitted label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionHasEverBeenOrWillBeAbleToBeEnrolledInCurricularCourse = Precedence Chair Ever Enrolled or Chance Enrolment Moment label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionNotDoneCurricularCourse = Precedence Chair Not Done label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionNotEnrolledCurricularCourse = Precedence Chair Not Admitted label.manager.insert.restriction.restrictionPeriodToApply = Precedence Execution dates label.manager.insert.simple.precedence = Create Simple Precedence label.manager.lessons = Classes label.manager.limits = Limits label.manager.mainPage = Home label.manager.mergePersons = Fusion People = No = This curriculum has no branches. label.manager.noCoordinatorsList = The coordinators are not defined = Number of chairs made / or entered the Period to apply label.manager.numberFindedPersons = Found {0} people. label.manager.numberOfDoneCurricularCourses = Subjects made / approved label.manager.oldCurricularPlans = Curriculum Consultation Pre-Bologna label.manager.periodToApplyRestriction = Period to apply Precedence label.manager.personManagement = People Management label.manager.personManagement.welcome = This section has the possibility to carry out operations on people.
Operation Person Search allows you to find information about the person by name, email and personnel number.
The operation of Privilege Management lets you assign roles to people.
The operation Generate Password allows you to generate a password and assign the person.
The operation Generate Password for Student Tuition allows you to generate a set passwords and assign them to students.
Operation Job Management allows you to manage the positions of managing a particular person.
label.manager.precedence.type = Type Precedence label.manager.precedences.conjunction.selectFirstPrecedence = Choose one of priorities they want to combine: label.manager.precedences.conjunction.selectSecondPrecedence = Select the second precedence: = Management Precedence label.manager.precedentCurricularCourse = Previous Discipline label.manager.privilegesManagement = Privileges Management label.manager.readDegrees = Pre-Bologna structure label.manager.responsible = Responsible label.manager.restrictionByNumberOfDoneCurricularCourses = {0} disciplines approved label.manager.restrictionDoneCurricularCourse = Subject {0} approved label.manager.restrictionDoneOrHasEverBeenEnrolledInCurricularCourse = At least one entry in the subject {0} label.manager.restrictionHasEverBeenOrIsCurrentlyEnrolledInCurricularCourse = Discipline entered {0} label.manager.restrictionHasEverBeenOrWillBeAbleToBeEnrolledInCurricularCourse = Discipline entered {0} or likely to enroll label.manager.restrictionNotDoneCurricularCourse = Subject {0} is not approved label.manager.restrictionNotEnrolledInCurricularCourse = Discipline never entered {0} label.manager.restrictionPeriodToApply = In the first half {0} = Save Changes label.manager.second.semester = Second Semester label.manager.semester = Half #SpecialSeason label.manager.specialSeason.specialSeasonStatusTracker = Special Season: Status tracker label.manager.studentCurricularPlan.code = Code = Name of the student curriculum label.manager.studentCurricularPlans = Curriculum Student label.manager.studentCurricularPlans.nonExisting = This plan has the student's curriculum subjects! = IST Id = Name of lecturer label.manager.teacher.number = Personnel number label.manager.teachers.modification = Change of Faculty label.manager.teachers.nonExisting = This course has not teachers assigned execution. label.manager.teachersManagement = Management Faculty label.manager.teachersManagement.dissociate = Disassociate label.manager.teachersManagement.evaluation = Teacher Evaluation label.manager.teachersManagement.executionCourseName = Disciplinary Enforcement label.manager.teachersManagement.professorShips = Teaches label.manager.teachersManagement.removeECAssociation = Disassociate Disciplines Execution label.manager.teachersManagement.responsibleFor = Responsible label.manager.teachersManagement.teacher = Lecturer label.manager.teachersManagement.welcome = This section has the ability to perform operations relating to teachers.
The operation UnAssociate Disciplines Execution lets you remove the association between a teacher and several subjects running. label.manager.teaches = Teaches label.manager.temporaryExamMap = If you want to change select the new value: = the label.manager.unassociate.selected.curricularCourses = Disassociate curriculum subjects selected label.manager.uploadFiles.welcome = This section has the ability to submit files useful in the IST.

The operation of SIBS File submits the received file SIBS with references from payment of Fees for ATM.
label.manager.viewAllcurricularCourseScopes = Show all fields label.manager.yes = Yes label.maritalStatus = State Civil label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.requesterName = Name label.maximumCourses = Maximum Number of Option Courses label.maximumCredits = Maximum Number of Credits label.mechanographical.number = Personnel number: label.merge.persons.remove.from.persistentGroups = Remove groups persisted label.merge.persons.remove.from.unitsWithPermissionToUpload = Remove the units are allowed to upload files label.minimumCourses = Minimum Number of Option Courses label.minimumCredits = Minimum Number of Credits = Mobile label.month = Month label.motherName = Mother's Name = Name label.nameEn = Group Name in English label.nameOfFather = Father's Name label.nameOfMother = Mother's Name label.nameWord = Name: label.nationality = Nationality = Amount (euro) = User = Date Created = Begin Date = End Date = Execution Year label.newPasswordForStudentRegistration = Generate Passwords Tuition for New Students = » = Next Day = Next Month = Next Week = There are no active warnings. = Outdoor Unit Unofficial Destination = Outdoor Unit Unofficial Source label.noCurriculumLineLogsFound = No logs were found for this student during this period play label.note = Note: label.official.detination.unit = Outdoor Unit Official Destination = Old Courses Structure label.operation = Operation label.operator.choosePerson = Enter your username or number of identification document of the user. = Actual Photo = No photos pending = Photo Pending = Personal Data = User Login = State = Date of Submission = Photos label.operator.submit.ok = The file was submitted successfully. label.parishOfBirth = Town of Birth label.parishOfResidence = Parish label.paymentCodeMapping.confirm.delete.message = Delete? label.paymentCodeMapping.newCode = New Code label.paymentCodeMapping.oldCode = Old code label.paymentCodeMappings = Mapping Codes label.paymentCodeMappings.empty.list = There are no codes for the academic year selected label.payments.annul = Cancel label.payments.annulTransaction = Void Payment label.payments.generateSibsOutgoingFile = Generate File Fees label.payments.noPersonsFound = There were no people label.payments.operations = Operations label.payments.postingRules = Payment Rules label.payments.postingRules.addGratuityPostingRule = Create Gratuity Posting Rule label.payments.postingRules.category = Category label.payments.postingRules.category.graduation = Graduation = School Insurance label.payments.postingRules.category.postGraduate = Postgraduate label.payments.postingRules.confirmDeletePostingRule = Delete the rule can cause problems on debts that depend on it. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE? label.payments.postingRules.createDFAGratuityPR = Create Rule Fees label.payments.postingRules.createGraduationGratuityPostingRule = Create Rule Fee label.payments.postingRules.createGraduationStandaloneEnrolmentGratuityPostingRule = Create Rule for Fee Curriculum Units Isolated label.payments.postingRules.createGratuityPaymentPlan = Create Payment Plan Fee label.payments.postingRules.degreeCurricularPlan.rulesFor = Rules for Payments label.payments.postingRules.editPostingRule = Edit Rule label.payments.postingRules.gratuityPaymentPlans = Fee Payment Plans = Payment Rules label.payments.postingRules.noGratuityPaymentPlans = There are no payment plans for curriculum label.payments.postingRules.noPostingRules = There are no rules = To add a provision must complete all information label.payments.postingRules.paymentPlan.noInstallments = There are benefits associated label.payments.postingRules.phdProgram.rulesFor = Rules for Payments label.payments.postingRules.postingRuleDetails = Details of Rule label.payments.printDegreeGratuityLetters = Charter Tuition label.payments.searchPerson = Find Person label.payments.uploadPaymentsFile = Upload File label.payments.uploadPaymentsFile.filename = File Name label.payments.uploadPaymentsFile.successMessage = The file was successfully uploaded = People Existing Group = Number of People = E-Mail: = Identification label.person.identificationDocumentNumber = No Document ID: label.person.identificationDocumentType = Identification Document: = Ist ID label.person.mobilePhone = Mobile: label.person.occupation = Occupation: label.person.relation.with.institution = Relationship to Institution label.person.relationTypes = Types of Value label.person.telephone = Phone: = Personal Data = Organizational Unit User label.person.username = Username: label.person.webSite = HomePage: label.personManagement.merge.choose.persons = Select people label.personManagement.merge.delete.person = Delete person label.personManagement.merge.delete.student = Delete student label.personManagement.merge.destiny.oid = Oid person's destination label.personManagement.merge.remove.oid = Oid of the person to remove = Events and Accounts = Personal data label.personManagement.merge.transfer.registrations = Transfer Enrollments = Data from student = End = Fine = Start = Value = Telephone label.presentationNameWithParents = Name label.previous = ' = Previous Day label.previous.month = Previous Month label.previous.week = Previous Week label.proceed = Proceed label.profession = Profession = The properties were formatted successfully! label.qualification.attendedBegin = Start Frequency label.qualification.attendedEnd = End Frequency label.qualification.branch = Branch = Country label.qualification.dateYearMonthDay = Completion Date = Course label.qualification.degreeRecognition = Recognition of the Course label.qualification.designation = Designation label.qualification.equivalenceDataYearMonthDay = Data Equivalence label.qualification.equivalenceSchool = School Equivalence label.qualification.mark = Note = Institute label.qualification.specializationArea = Specialisation label.qualification.title = Title label.qualification.type = Type of Qualification label.qualification.year = Completion Year label.queueJobs.latest = Last orders label.queueJobs.list.cancelJob = Cancel job label.queueJobs.list.courseYear = Year of implementation = Date = Degree label.queueJobs.list.format = Format label.queueJobs.list.listing = Job name label.queueJobs.list.person = Person label.queueJobs.list.sendJob = Resubmit job label.queueJobs.title = Open Orders = Live server: label.refresh = Update label.registration.transitToBolonha = Transit label.remove = Remove = "Date" label.reports.degreeCandidacyForGraduatedPerson = "CandidGradPer" label.reports.degreeChangeIndividualCandidacy = "CandidMudCurso" label.reports.degreeTransferIndividualCandidacy = "CandidTrans" label.reports.generate = Generate Report label.reports.grad.fee = "Taxagrad" = "PropLB" label.reports.gratuity.lic = "PropLic" label.reports.gratuity.mb = "PropMB" label.reports.gratuity.mi = "PropMI" label.reports.institutionAffiliation = "Credit" label.reports.phdProgramCandidacy = "Phd Applications" = "Seggrad" label.reports.month = Month label.reports.over23IndividualCandidacy = "Maiores23" = Report Payments label.reports.pgrad.fee = "Segpos" label.reports.proesp = "PROESP" label.reports.propdfa = "PropDFA" label.reports.propdout = "Propdout" label.reports.propmest = "Propmest" label.reports.residence = "Residencia" label.reports.secondCycleIndividualCandidacy = "CandidSegCiclo" label.reports.standaloneEnrolmentGratuityEvent = "PropUCIsoladas" label.reports.totarif = "Totarif" label.reports.totrans = "Totrans" label.reports.version = "Ver" label.reports.year = Year label.request.headers = Request Headers label.requestType = Order Type label.responsibility.person = Person Responsible label.responsibility.person.username = Person (username) label.responsibility.unit = Unit Responsible = Responsible Entity label.return = Back label.role.type.alias = Alias Based on Roles label.roleType = Type of Role label.root.units.note = The following are checkboxes to indicate whether the unit in question is the representative institution of the Interior, Foreign Institution or earth. label.rootEarthUnit = Earth label.rootExternalInstitution = Foreign Institution label.rootInstitution = Institution Internal = Search = Find Person = Select label.semester = Half = Campus (for filteragem coordinators, faculty, staff and students) label.sendDate = In = Server: label.setRoles = Assign = Details label.sibs.outgoing.payment.file.detail = Details label.sibs.outgoing.payment.file.errors = Errors = Export orders label.sibs.outgoing.payment.file.launch = Create export application label.sibs.outgoing.payment.file.list = File List export = File = Edit date of shipment to SIBS label.sibs.outgoing.payment.file.view = Show label.sibs.outgoing.payment.files.empty = No files for export label.sibs.outgoing.payment.last.outgoing.successful.sent.payment.file = Date of last file uploaded successfully label.sibs.outgoing.payment.last.successful.sent.payment.file = Date label.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.cancel = Cancel label.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.cancelled = Cancelled? label.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.create = Submit label.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.end.time = Finalized = Date request label.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.requestor = Applicant label.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.start = Create export application label.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.start.time = Started = There are no requests for export of references ATM label.sibs.outgoing.payment.successfulSent = Transmission SIBS label.sibs.outgoing.payment.successfulSent.view = Details label.sibs.outgoing.payment.upload.time = Date Created label.siteAvailable = Site Created label.socialSecurityNumber = No. of Contributor label.startOfReport = Home label.step = Step label.student.number = No. of Student label.studentCurricularPlan = Student Curriculum Plan label.studentRange = Enter the range of the number of student for whom you want to generate new passwords label.subject = Subject label.success = The warning was successfully created. label.system = System = Setting System Properties: = System Properties: = IST Id label.teacher.number = Personnel number label.template.academic.calendar = Reset calendar label.tipoCurso = Type of Course label.toNumber = Finish in student numbers: = Transfer Events and Entries label.transfer.registrations = Transfer Enrollments label.type = Type label.until = until label.uploadFiles = Upload Files label.uploadFiles.SIBS = File SIBS label.uploadFiles.uploading = Upload label.user = User label.userType = Type of User label.verify.if.invitedPerson.already.exists = Check whether the person already exists label.view.curriculumLineLogs = See CurriculumLineLogs label.view.curriculumLineLogs.statistics = Calculate Statistics label.view.viewCurriculumLineLogStatistics = Registration Statistics label.view.viewCurriculumLineLogStatistics.enrolmentInterval = Range of Applications label.view.viewCurriculumLineLogStatistics.executionSemester = Academic Year label.webAddress = Homepage label.websiteManagement = Management Websites label.who = About label.who.granted.role = Who Has label.who.was.granted.role = Affected label.workPhone = Phone settings / Extension Work label.year = Year link.activate.person = Activate link.close.execution.period = Close link.closed.requests = View requests resolved ' link.cmsConfiguration = Settings link.create.external.person = Create External Person link.create.external.person.because.does.not.exist = Person does not exist in the search result. link.create.external.person.invited = Create External Invited Person link.create.invited.person.because.does.not.exist = Create new outsider / guest link.create.person.because.does.not.exist = Create new person link.create.sites.for.execution.period = Create Sites link.create.student.curricular.plan = Create a new curriculum for the student. link.current.execution.period = Making Current link.delete = Delete = Create request for applications for exports of generate passwords link.dges.importation.process.request = Create Order link.domain.browser = Domain Browser link.edit = Edit link.edit.execution.period = Edit link.edit.invitation = Edit link.editFunction = Edit Post link.editUnit = Edit Unit = Management Positions = Edit = Associate link.generate.institutional.username = Generate link.manage.invitations = Manage Invitations link.manage.login.alias = Manage Aliases link.manage.login.time.intervals = Manage Validity link.manager.createCourseReports = Create Reports Teaching link.manager.createExecutionCourses = Create Disciplines of Execution = Emails Sent link.manager.equivalencies = Equivalences link.manager.executionCourseManagement.associate = Associate Course Curriculum link.manager.notNeedToEnrol = No need to do link.manager.organizationalStructureManagement = Management Units and Offices link.manager.qualification.back = Back link.manager.qualification.create = Create Empowerment link.manager.qualification.edit = Edit Qualification link.manager.qualification.notExitsQualifications = There are no qualifications = Management Rules link.manager.seperate.execution_course = Separate Discipline link.manager.studentsManagement = Student Management link.manager.studentsManagement.subtitle.createStudentCurricularPlan = Create Student Curriculum Plan link.manager.studentsManagement.subtitle.transferEnrollments = Transferring Registrations link.manager.teachersManagement = Management Faculty link.manager.teachersManagement.removeECAssociation = Disassociate Disciplines Execution link.manager.teachersManagement.teacherCategoryManagement = Category Management = Insert new warning = Create New Post = Create Job = Create New Rule = Create New Unit Top = Create Unit = Create Sub-Unit link.newPasswordForStudentRegistration = Generate Passwords for Enrollment of New Students = Unavailable = Open link.operator.changePassword = Generate New Password link.operator.newPassword = Generate Password = Photos link.person.does.not.have.role = You do not have this role link.person.give.role = Assign Role link.recover.inactive.person = Activate Person link.remove = Remove link.runNow = Invoking now = Show History Privileges link.title.mock = Mock User link.title.qualification = Managing Skills link.transferCurricularCourse = Download link.userGroupsManagement = User Groups link.view = View link.view.log = View Log = View events for cancellation list.title.execution.course.toAssociate = Choose discipline implementation to associate with the current curriculum subject: = Disciplines associated with this implementation period running: list.title.execution.periods = Existing Implementation periods: list.title.working.areas = Areas: = Management Logins = Management Validity manager.announcements.chooseUnit = Choose a unit manager.announcements.create.creatingForUnit.label = You are creating a board for the unit: = Manage Boards manager.announcements.stats.announcementsStats.label = Announcements = Back manager.announcements.stats.boardStats.label = Boards manager.announcements.stats.existingBoards.label = Total manager.announcements.stats.invisibleAnnouncements.label = Total manager.announcements.stats.invisibleExpiredAnnouncements.label = Expired manager.announcements.stats.invisibleNotExpirednnouncements.label = Published manager.announcements.stats.invvisibleAnnouncementStats.label = Ads Not Visible manager.announcements.stats.label = Statistics = Statistics manager.announcements.stats.visibleAnnouncementStats.label = Ads Visible manager.announcements.stats.visibleAnnouncements.label = Total manager.announcements.stats.visibleExpiredAnnouncements.label = Expired manager.announcements.stats.visibleNotExpiredAnnouncements.label = Published manager.announcements.title.label = Management Boards manager.announcements.welcome = This section has the ability to perform operations on the boards (local listings).
The Managing Boards operation allows you to create a new board, associating her readers and editors. You can edit or delete an existing board.
Operation Statistics lets you watch scores of boards and ads. manager.monitor.requests.title = Monitoring Requests = Activate Monitoring = Average execution time = Deleting Records = Disable Monitoring = Service.method() = Last execution time = Call Number = Update = Service Monitoring = Total execution time manager.monitor.system.applicationServer = Application Server manager.monitor.system.availableProcessors = Available Processors manager.monitor.system.freeMemory = Free Memory manager.monitor.system.maxMemory = Max Memory manager.monitor.system.refresh = Update manager.monitor.system.title = System Monitoring manager.monitor.system.totalMemory = Total Memory manager.monitor.system.webContainer = Web Container manager.monitor.users.activate-monitorring = Activate Monitoring manager.monitor.users.clear-user-logs = Deleting Records manager.monitor.users.deactivate-monitorring = Disable Monitoring manager.monitor.users.refresh = Update manager.monitor.users.service.accessTime = Access manager.monitor.users.service.footPrint = Service.method() manager.monitor.users.title = User Monitoring manager.monitor.users.username = User message.acronym = Acronym: message.action = Action message.activate.person = This interface is used to enable faculty, staff and students who have no role assigned. message.administrativeOffice = Graduate Department in association with: message.already.existing.branch = There is already a branch with this code! = There is already a course with this data! message.belongsTo = Owned by message.campus = Associate Campus message.canBeResponsibleOfSpaces = Responsible for Venues message.cant.delete.curricular.course.scope = You can not delete this part because it has written assessments associated! message.classification = Rating: message.confirm.delete.branches = Really delete the (s) branch (s) selected (s)? message.confirm.delete.curricular.course.scope = Are you sure you want to delete the selected scope? = All areas related to the (s) subject (s) course (s) selected (s) will be deleted! Want to continue? message.confirm.delete.enrollment = Want to delete the registration of (a) student (a)?!? message.confirm.delete.execution.degrees = Delete selected play resumes? message.confirm.delete.studentCurricularPlan = Want to delete the curriculum of (a) student (a)?!? message.costCenter = Cost Center: message.createExecutionPeriods.success = The Disciplines of Execution were created with success! = Group disciplines message.curricularCourseGroup.coursesToAdd = Courses Available Add = Bachelor's / Master's associate: = Is administering the course: message.degreeCode = Acronym message.degreeName = Name message.degreeNameEn = Name in English message.degreeType = Type of Course message.department = Member department: message.departmentCourse = Discipline Department = There are no orders completed = There are no pending requests = There are no requests processed = There are no requests processed message.edit = Edit message.edit.DegreeCP = Edit Curriculum Plan message.editCurriculum = Editing Course Information message.editCurriculum.english = Editing Course Information message.editDegree = Edit Course = This message was sent through the Phoenix system, on behalf of (the) = coordinators diplimas advanced training = diploma students advanced training = Coordinators of undergraduate courses (bologna) = undergraduate students (bologna) = coordinators integrated Masters = Masters students integrated = Engineers Master (bologna) = Masters students (bologna) = coordinators of doctoral programs = students in doctoral programs = Coordinators of expertise = students of specialization = graduate engineers = undergraduate students = non-teaching staff = professors responsible for courses = Master Coordinators = Masters students = . = To the following recipients: = Researchers = students = teachers = The email was registered for shipment. message.endDate = End Date message.executionCourseBoard.edition.not.available.yet = This feature is not yet available. Currently you can only manage channel unit. message.existingCurricularCourse = The curriculum subject {0}, {1} with code already exists! message.existingCurricularCourseScope = The branch connection with {0}, {1} of the first year, semester {2} already exists! message.existingDegreeCPName = The Curriculum Plan {0} already exists! message.existingDegreeCPNameAndDegree = The Curriculum Plan Course {0} {1} already exists! message.existingDegreeCode = The course with the symbol {0} already exists! message.existingDegreeName = The course of type {0} with name {1} already exists! message.existingExecutionDegree = The course will run for the year academic performance {0} already exists! message.functionListingType = List only those positions: message.functionType = Type of Position: = Want to cancel this order? message.inherentFunctionListingType = List only those positions involved: message.inherentTo = Main Title message.inherentTo2 = Making Inherent message.inherentTo3 = Remove Inherence message.initialDate = Start Date message.insert.coordinator.number = Enter the personnel number of the coordinator: message.insert.degreeCurricularCourseScope.error = You can not create a new scope because there are no branches associated with the current curriculum. message.insert.executionPeriods.error = You can not create a new scope because there are no Enforcement Periods. = Enter the name of the teacher message.insert.professorShip = Associate professor message.insert.professorShip.nonAffiliatedTeacher = Faculty members not linked to IST = Insert IST Id = Insira o IST Id do docente: message.insert.teacher.number = Enter the personnel number of teachers: message.insertDegree = Insert course message.log.not.present = The log is not present. message.manage.holidays = This interface are managed feiados used for accounting for employee attendance. message.manager.advisory.expirationDate = You must indicate the expiration date of the message in the format dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm. message.manager.advisory.message = You must enter a message. message.manager.advisory.recipients = You must specify the recipients. message.manager.advisory.sender = You must indicate the source of the message. message.manager.advisory.subject = You must enter a subject. message.manager.and = and message.manager.basic = Basic = Default message.manager.code = Abbreviation Course message.manager.credits = Credits message.manager.curricular.course.acronym = Abbreviation Course message.manager.curricular.course.credits = Credits message.manager.curricular.course.ectsCredits = ECTS credits message.manager.curricular.course.enrollmentAllowed = Available for subscription message.manager.curricular.course.enrollmentWeigth = Weight for registration message.manager.curricular.course.mandatoryEnrollment = Compulsory message.manager.curricular.course.maxIncrementNac = Maximum number of entries accumulated message.manager.curricular.course.maxIncrementNac.abbr = No Max Insc Acc message.manager.curricular.course.minIncrementNac = No minimum cumulative enrollment message.manager.curricular.course.minIncrementNac.abbr = No Min Insc Acc message.manager.curricular.course.scope.YearAndSemester = Year / Semester message.manager.curricular.course.scope.beginDate = Start Date message.manager.curricular.course.scope.branchCode = Branch message.manager.curricular.course.scope.curricularSemester = Half message.manager.curricular.course.scope.curricularYear = Year message.manager.curricular.course.scope.endDate = End Date (dd / mm / yyyy) message.manager.curricular.course.weight = Weight = The starting date can not be later than the end date! = Remarks = Duration = Closing date: (dd / mm / yyyy) = Start date: (dd / mm / yyyy) = Type of evaluation = Year minimum for Optional Subjects = Name = Name in English = Credits needed = Numerus Clausus = State message.manager.degreeCurricularPlansList = List of curricula: message.manager.degreeType = Type of Course message.manager.delete = Delete message.manager.execution.course.available.grade.submission = Submission Notes Online message.manager.execution.course.code = Acronym message.manager.execution.course.comment = Comments message.manager.execution.course.entry.phase = Phase Entry = Name message.manager.execution.course.semester = Half message.manager.executionCourseManagement.chooseDegree = Please choose a degree corresponding to the curriculum subject to associate. message.manager.executionCourseManagement.chooseLinked = Please choose the desired degree and years. message.manager.executionCourseManagement.chooseLinkedCourses = Please choose the desired course and year. message.manager.executionCourseManagement.chooseNotLinked = Or, in case you want to view the execution disciplines that have no connection with curriculum subjects, choose the next option. message.manager.executionCourseManagement.noCurricularCourses = Discipline execution {0} has no associated curriculum subjects. message.manager.existing.curricular.course = There is already a curriculum subject with such name and code! message.manager.existing.curricular.course.acronym = There is already a curriculum subject (in this curriculum) with this symbol! message.manager.existing.curricular.course.scope = There is already a connection with these branch and semester! = There is already a course with this data! = There is already a curriculum with that name! = There is already implementing a course for that year! message.manager.fieldWorkHours = Number of hours of field work message.manager.gradeScale = Rating scale message.manager.gradeType = Rating scale message.manager.has.precedence = has precedence: message.manager.labHours = Number of hours of lab message.manager.mandatory = Mandatory = Course Name message.manager.or = Or message.manager.praticalHours = Number of practice hours message.manager.problemsHours = Number of hours of trouble message.manager.regimeType = Scheme message.manager.seminaryHours = Number of hours of seminars message.manager.teachersManagement.choosePSorRF = Select the application you want to disassociate disciplines and confirm by pressing on disassociate. message.manager.teachersManagement.noProfessorships = The teacher teaches courses not running. message.manager.teachersManagement.noResponsibleFor = The teacher is responsible for enforcement disciplines. message.manager.teachersManagement.teacherNumber = Type the Ist ID of the teacher to edit: message.manager.theoPratHours = Hours of theoretical and practical message.manager.theoreticalHours = Number of hours of theory message.manager.this.course = Discipline message.manager.trainingPeriodHours = Hours of training message.manager.tutorialOrientationHours = Number of hours of general tutorial guidance message.manager.type = Type = University message.manager.uploadSIBSFileSuccess = The SIBS file was successfully uploaded. message.memory.units = The units are bytes of memory. message.must.define.code = Code should set. = It must set name. = Unit Name: = Unit Name (English): message.non.existing.branch = The branch does not exist! message.non.existing.curricular.course.scope = The scope does not exist! message.non.existing.curricular.semester = The semester does not exist! message.non.existing.execution.course = The course which he intended to implement the access does not exist! message.non.existing.execution.year = The school year running there! message.non.existing.teacher = This professor does not exist! message.non.existing.teachers = An error occurred because some teachers were no longer in the database! message.nonExisting.executionCourse = The discipline to which implementation to access does not exist! message.nonExistingCurricularCourse = The course curriculum at which to access does not exist! message.nonExistingDegree = The course for which to access does not exist! message.nonExistingDegreeCurricularPlan = The curriculum with which to access does not exist! message.nonExistingExecutionDegree = The course running at which to access does not exist! message.nonExistingExecutionPeriod = The implementation period for which to access does not exist! = There is no student to remove message.personManagement.merge.onlyOneSideHasStudent = Only one person has the subject of Student message.personManagement.merge.person.removed = Person removed message.personManagement.merge.student.removed = Student removed message.registration.transitToBolonha = Pass the student for bologna = Enter the name or part of the name of the teacher message.sibs.outgoing.payment.queue.job.cancel.confirmation = Want to cancel this order? message.subUnit = Father + Unit message.subUnitListingType = List only the sub-units: message.subUnits = Sub-Units message.superiorUnit = Superior Unit message.topUnit = - Parent Unit message.unavailable.execution.period = there is already a discipline associated with running on this period message.uniType = Unit Type: message.unit.inherentParentFunction = Cargo inherent: message.unitAcronym = Acronym message.unitBeginDate = Start Date message.unitClassification = Classification message.unitCostCenter = Cost Center message.unitEndDate = End Date message.unitListingType = List only drives: message.unitName = Unit Name message.unitType = Type message.unitWebAddress = URL message.viewExternalUnits = View Only External Institutions: message.viewUnitsWithoutParents = View All Top Units message.webAddress = URL: no.institution = Institution Foreign None! operator.module.title = Operator option.curricular.course.scope.semester.1 = 1st year / 1st semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.10 = 5th year / 2nd semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.2 = 1st year / 2nd semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.3 = 2 year / 1st semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.4 = 2nd year / 2nd semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.5 = Year 3 / 1 semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.6 = 3rd year / 2nd semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.7 = 4th year / 1st semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.8 = 4 year / 2nd semester option.curricular.course.scope.semester.9 = 5th year / 1st semester = Graduation option.editDegree.masterDegree = Master option.editDegreeCP.20 = 10-20 option.editDegreeCP.5 = 1-5 = Active option.editDegreeCP.concluded = Concluded option.editDegreeCP.notActive = Not active option.manager.false = No option.manager.true = Yes option.semester.1 = 1st half option.semester.2 = 2nd half person.invitation.create.title = Create New Invitation property.advisory.expirationDate = Validity: property.advisory.from = From: property.advisory.message = Message: property.advisory.recipients = Recipients: property.advisory.recipients.employees = Staff property.advisory.recipients.students = Students property.advisory.recipients.teachers = Teachers property.advisory.subject = Subject: = Course property.documentIdNumber = Document Identification Number property.examsFirstEnd = Period End of 1st Semester Exams property.examsFirstStart = Beginning of Period 1st Semester Exams property.examsSecondEnd = End of Semester 2 Exams property.examsSecondStart = Start Period Examination of 2nd Semester property.faq.answer = Answer property.faq.question = Question = Section property.faq.section.parent = Upper Chamber property.glossary.definition = Definition property.glossary.term = Term property.lessonFirstEnd = Classes End of 1st Half property.lessonFirstStart = Start of classes for the 1st Semester property.lessonSecondEnd = Lessons from the End of Semester 2 property.lessonSecondStart = Start of Classes of Semester 2 property.login.username = Username: property.student.degreeType = Course Type property.student.number = Student No. property.week = Week shifts.toTransfer = Shift to shift specialSeason.label.courseName = Course specialSeason.label.degreeSigla = Degree specialSeason.label.studentName = Name specialSeason.label.studentNumber = Student number student.curricular.plan.already.exists = There is already a plan for the student's progress and condition indicated. teacher.already.exists = Professor not linked to the existing STI! teacher.docente = Lecturer text.number.created.sites = No. of sites created: title.FunctionName = Name Designation title.FunctionName.en = Name Title (English) title.Functions = Positions not related to the Unit Members title.all.units = Listing all drives title.associatedCountry = Associated Country title.cache = Cache Management title.chooseFunction = Choose the Designation title.chooseUnit = Choose Unit title.cms = CMS Management title.cron = Cron = Export applications for generating passwords = Create export application = Completed Orders = Open Orders title.dges.importation.process = Import students from DGES = Create Order = Requests processed = Unprocessed Orders title.edit.execution.period = Edit Implementation Period title.emails = Sending E-mails title.equivalencies = Equivalences title.execution.periods = Implementation Periods title.executions = Management Execution title.faces = Java Server Faces Example title.faqs = Management FAQ's title.frameworks = Frameworks title.glossary = Management Glossary title.gratuity.reports = Report tuition = By date interval = By execution year title.gratuity.situations = Situations Update Fee title.inherentFunctions = Job Inherent Associated Unit title.kerberos.test = Kerberos Test title.manage.advisories = Management Notices title.manage.cache = Cache Management title.manage.enrolement.period = Registration Periods title.manage.execution.periods = Management of Execution Periods title.manage.faq = Management FAQ's title.manage.glossary = Management Glossary title.manage.roles = Management Roles title.manager.executionCourseManagement.seperate.executionCourse = Separate Disciplinary Enforcement title.manager.executionDegreeManagement = Execution Degree Management title.manager.organizationalStructureManagement = Management of Organizational Structure title.manager.qualification.createQualification = Create Empowerment title.manager.qualification.editQualification = Edit Qualification title.manager.qualification.showQualifications = List of Qualifications title.messages.and.notices = Messages and Warnings title.notices = Management Notices title.objects = Management Objects title.organizationalStructureManagement.information = Informative Note: To create sub-units or positions in the unit of choice in the corresponding top listing below. title.people = Personnel Management title.personManagement.merge = Fusion People = Formatting Properties title.relaod.struts = Reload Struts Configuration title.relation.type = Relationship Type title.reload.renderers = Reread Configuration Renderers title.renderers = Examples Renderers title.roleoperationlog = History Privileges title.rules.listing = Existing Listing Rules = Management Rules title.send.mail = Sending Mail title.send.mails = Sending Mails = Monitoring Services title.struts = Struts Example = Management Support title.system = System Management title.system.information = System Information title.teaching.structure = Management Framework for Teaching title.transaction.logs = System Transactions title.unitDetails = Unit Details title.unitSite.manage.sites = Site Management Unit title.units.merge = External Merge Units title.units.merge.confirmation = Confirmation title.users = Monitoring Users unenrol = Unsubscribe unit.withoutFunctions = There are no positions associated with the unit. unit.withoutInherentFunctions = There are inherent positions associated with the unit. unit.withoutNonInherentFunctions = There are not related positions associated with the unit. unit.withoutSubUnits = There are sub-units associated with the unit. unitName = Unit Name username = Username warning.manager.SIBS.codeAlreadyProcessed = The code: {0} has already been processed and have another payment -> ignored, check this warning.manager.SIBS.foundMapping = Mapping found: {0} - {1} warning.manager.SIBS.invalidCode = Invalid code: {0} warning.manager.SIBS.invalidating = Changing the state of code: {0} to invalid. warning.manager.SIBS.multipleRegistrations = Student number: {0} has more than one registration. warning.manager.SIBS.reportAlreadyProcessed = This report has already been processed. label.manage.strikeDays=Strike Day Management