#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net) # # Resources specific to the Library portal # Language: English # button.back = Back button.cancel = Cancel button.confirm = Confirm button.createExternalPerson = Create External Person button.createExternalUnit = Create External Unit button.entrance = Entrance button.exit = Exit button.export = Export button.exportConfirm = Confirm Exported Data button.exportToXml = Export to XML button.generateCard = Generate Card (PDF) button.generateLibraryNumber = Generate Code button.modify = Modify button.save = Save button.search = Search button.unconfirm = Unconfirm button.unexport = Unmark as exported card.link.generateMissingCards = Generate cards (PDF) card.message.feedback.noMissingCards = There are no missing pdf card generations for any created card. card.message.help.generateMissingCards = This feature allows creating a PDF with all cards missing. error.card.date.canNotBeNull = Date is mandatory in limited cards. error.createExternalePerson.existingId = There is already a person with that identification with the name {0} error.createExternalePerson.noId = Document Id number is mandatory. label.attendances = Attendances label.attention = Warning label.card = Card label.card.address = Address label.card.category = Category label.card.category.libraryCard = Library Card Category label.card.category.person = Person Category label.card.date = Validity label.card.date.limited = Limited label.card.date.unlimited = Unlimited label.card.mobile = Mobile Phone label.card.name = Name label.card.nameToCard = Card Name label.card.number = Number label.card.parishOfResidence = Parish of Residence label.card.person.address = Address label.card.person.email = Email label.card.person.mobile = Mobile Phone label.card.person.phone = Telephone label.card.phone = Telephone label.card.pin = Pin label.card.postalCode = Postal Code label.card.unitName = Unit label.card.unitNameToCard = Card's Unit label.find.operator = Search Person label.lastContractDates = Last contract / subscription label.library.capacity = Capacity label.library.lockers = Lockers label.missingcardsdocument.filename = File label.missingcardsdocument.uploadtime = Release Date label.occupant = Occupant label.pages = Page label.person.entranceTime = Entrance label.person.grantOwner = Grant Owner label.person.invitationValidUntil = Invitation valid until label.person.istUsername = ist ID label.person.name = Name label.person.researcher = Researcher label.person.type = Type label.search.operator = ist ID link.back = Back link.card.create = Create Card link.card.create.person = Insert new user link.card.details = Datails link.card.emitLetter = Generate Letter (PDF) link.card.generateMissingLetters = Generate letters (PDF) link.card.generateMissingLetters.studentsAndGrantOwner = Generate letters to students and grant owners (PDF) link.cardSearch = Search with Card link.confirm = Confirm link.edit = Edit link.exit = Exit link.exportToExcel = Export to Excel link.manualSearch = Manual Search link.unconfirm = Unconfirm message.card.createNewPerson = The external person does not yet exist in the system. Make sure the name is correct. If the person you seek does not exist yet, you can create it. message.card.createNewUnit = The chosen unit does not yet exist in the system. Make sure the name of the unit is correct. If you want to create a new external unit, choose create external unit. message.card.noMissingLetters = There are no missing pdf letter generations for any created card. message.card.numberOfPersons = On this list are {0} people. message.card.searchPerson.emptyUserName = You must specify a name, to carry out the search. message.card.unitName.tooLong = The name of the unit is too long ({0} characters). The card only supports {1} characters in this field. message.card.userName.tooLong = The user name is too long ({0} characters). The card only supports {1} characters in the name. message.library.portal.intro = In this section you can export information related with publications known to F\u00E9nix in a way that is possible to add that information to the library's own systems. text.library.card.generateMissingLetters = This feature allows creating a PDF with all the letters missing. text.title.library.card.generateMissingLetters.studentsAndGrantOwner = This feature allows the creation of a PDF with all the letters missing for Students and Grant Owners. thesis.validation.button.cancel = Cancel Validation thesis.validation.button.editPendingComment = Edit Observations thesis.validation.button.pending = Pending thesis.validation.button.validate = Validate thesis.validation.help = You are able to search using this criteria: author, title, reference, employe, state, curricular year. To validate a thesis use the Verify link. Thenm in the thesis page use the Validate button and insert the reference. TO cancel a thesis validation use the Cancel Validation button. A thesis can be marked as Pending if it is not ready to be validated. thesis.validation.link.hideHistory = Hide Operation History thesis.validation.link.showHistory = Operation History thesis.validation.message.error.emptyReference = Empty References are not allowed thesis.validation.message.feedback.emptyHistory = There are no operations on this thesis thesis.validation.message.feedback.search.empty = There are no thesis that match the selected criteria. thesis.validation.message.feedback.search.found = {0} Theses were found that match the selected criteria. thesis.validation.message.help.searchfor = (author, title, reference or employee) thesis.validation.title.details = Verify Thesis Details thesis.validation.title.list = Theses Validation title.intro = In this section you can export information related with publications known to F\u00E9nix in a way that is possible to add that information to the library's own systems. title.library.card.create.person = Insert External Person title.library.card.details = Card Details title.library.card.edit = Edit card title.library.card.generate = Generate Card title.library.card.generateMissingCards = Generate Cards title.library.card.generateMissingLetters = Generate Letters title.library.card.generateMissingLetters.studentsAndGrantOwner = Generate Letter for Students and Grant Owners title.library.card.history = Generated Cards History title.library.card.list = User List title.library.letter.history = Generation History of Letters title.library.letterforstudents.history = History Generation Letters for Students and Fellows title.library.letters.history = Generated Letters History title.library.lettersforstudents.history = Generated Letters for Students and Grant Owners History