add = Add add1 = Add blue_square = Separator checkButtonSelected = Selected option checkButtonUnselected = Unselected option correct = Correct correct_bg_grey = Correct institution.logo = Logo .IST # dotist-id = Logo .IST dotist_bck_a = Logo of dotist intranet dotist_info = Information dotist_logout = Logout dotist_post = Publish dotist_pub = Logo of dotist intranet dotist_red_bullet = Bullet dotist_sop = Logo of dotist intranet dotist_student = Logo of dotist intranet downArrow = Down arrow fenix_euro_onblack = Fenix project logo fenix_logo = Fenix project logo gray_square = Bullet header_bck = icon_anuncio = Announcement icon_arrow = Arrow icon_author = Author icon_comment = Comment icon_csv = Format CSV (Excel) icon_doc = Format DOC (Word) icon_email = E-mail icon_file = File icon_pdf = PDF Format icon_redcircle = Bullet icon_uk = English version icon_warning = Warning incorrect = Incorrect info = Information institucionalProjectsManagement = Institucional Projects Management intranetSOP = Intranet SOP ist_header = Instituto Superior Técnico list-bullet = Bullet login_dotist = Log in logo-fenix-xmas = Fenix project logo - christmas version logo-fenix = Fenix project logo logoff-bar = Logout LogoIST = Logo of Instituto Superior Técnico logout = Logout logo_ist_class = Logo of Instituto Superior Técnico multipleChoiseFormula = Multiple choice formula multipleResponseFormula = Multiple Response Formula number_1 = Number one number_2 = Number two number_3 = Number three number_4 = Number four portalEst-id = Student Portal portalEstudante = Student Portal printer = Printer prodep = PRODEP projectsManagement = Projects Management radioButtonSelected = Radio button selected radioButtonUnselected = Radio button unselected red-list-bullet = Bullet remove = Remove remove1 = Remove round_bullet = Bullet rss_ico = RSS square-bullet = Bullet success01 = Successful operation success02 = Successful operation sup-bar = Support contact title_adminDisc = Course administrator toggle_minus10 = Minimize toggle_plus10 = Maximize upArrow = Up arrow utl_logo_40 = Logo of Universidade Técnica de Lisboa wwwist = Logo of Instituto Superior Técnico externallink = External link # Person homepage photo personPhoto = Person photo # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\images\autocomplete spinner = Loading # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\images\flags en = English pt = Portuguese # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\images\homepage page_bck = BACKGROUND wwwist = Logo of Instituto Superior Técnico # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\images\navlateral minus01 = Minimize plus01 = Maximize # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\images\transitional back_32blue = BACKGROUND back_32gray = BACKGROUND back_32yellow = BACKGROUND bullet07 = BACKGROUND bullet08 = BACKGROUND error01 = BACKGROUND grad32-fa-eee = BACKGROUND grad64-f5-fff = BACKGROUND success01 = BACKGROUND # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\posGraduacao\guide\images istlogo = Logo of Instituto Superior Técnico # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\teacher\imsExample\imsExample_files studentTests = studentTests_002 = studentTests_003 = studentTests_004 = studentTests_005 = studentTests_006 = studentTests_007 = studentTests_008 = studentTests_009 = studentTests_010 = studentTests_011 = studentTests_012 = studentTests_013 = studentTests_014 = studentTests_015 = studentTests_016 = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\editor\images bgcolor = Background color blackdot = Bullet bold = Bold centre = Centred copy = Copy cut = Cut email = E-mail hr = Separator hyperlink = Hyperlink image = Image indent = Indent insert_table = Insert table italic = Italic justifyfull = Justify full left_just = Left align list = List numbered_list = Numbered list outdent = Outdent paste = Paste redo = Redo right_just = Right align smiley = Smile spellcheck = Spellcheck textcolor = Text color underline = Underline undo = Undo # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\advhr\images advhr = Separator # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\advimage\images sample = Sample bytes = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\contextmenu\images spacer = ? vazio? # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\directionality\images ltr = rtl = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\emotions\images emotions = smiley-cool = Smiley cool smiley-cry = Smiley cry smiley-embarassed = Smiley embarassed smiley-foot-in-mouth = Smiley foot in mouth smiley-frown = Smiley frown smiley-innocent = Smiley innocent smiley-kiss = Smiley kiss smiley-laughing = Smiley laughing smiley-money-mouth = Smiley money mouth smiley-sealed = Smiley sealed smiley-smile = Smiley smile smiley-surprised = Smiley surprised smiley-tongue-out = Smiley tongue out smiley-undecided = Smiley undecided smiley-wink = Smiley wink smiley-yell = Smiley yell # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\flash\images flash = flash # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\fullpage\images add = add fullpage = move_down = move_up = remove = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\fullscreen\images fullscreen = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\iespell\images iespell = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\inlinepopups\images spacer = window_close = window_maximize = window_minimize = window_resize = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\insertdatetime\images insertdate = inserttime = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\layer\images absolute = backward = forward = insert_layer = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\paste\images pastetext = pasteword = selectall = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\preview\images preview = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\print\images print = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\save\images save = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\searchreplace\images replace = search = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\style\images apply_button_bg = style_info = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\table\images buttons = table = table_cell_props = table_delete = table_delete_col = table_delete_row = table_insert_col_after = table_insert_col_before = table_insert_row_after = table_insert_row_before = table_merge_cells = table_row_props = table_split_cells = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\plugins\_template\images template = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\themes\advanced\docs\en\images insert_anchor_window = insert_image_window = insert_link_window = insert_table_window = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\themes\advanced\images anchor = anchor_symbol = backcolor = bold = bold_de_se = bold_es = bold_fr = bold_ru = bold_tw = browse = bullist = buttons = button_menu = cancel_button_bg = charmap = cleanup = close = code = color = copy = custom_1 = cut = forecolor = help = hr = image = indent = insert_button_bg = italic = italic_de_se = italic_es = italic_ru = italic_tw = justifycenter = justifyfull = justifyleft = justifyright = link = menu_check = newdocument = numlist = outdent = paste = redo = removeformat = separator = spacer = statusbar_resize = strikethrough = sub = sup = underline = underline_es = underline_fr = underline_ru = underline_tw = undo = unlink = visualaid = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\themes\advanced\images\xp tabs_bg = tab_bg = tab_end = tab_sel_bg = tab_sel_end = # Directory of C:\workspace\fenix\jsp\javaScript\tiny_mce\themes\simple\images bold = bold_de_se = bold_fr = bold_ru = bold_tw = bullist = buttons = cleanup = italic = italic_de_se = italic_ru = italic_tw = numlist = redo = separator = spacer = strikethrough = underline = underline_fr = underline_ru = underline_tw = undo = # faixa_licenciatura = imagemCentral_01 = Central Building imagemCentral_02 = Central Building imagemCentral_03 = Central Building imagemCentral_04 = Central Building OldInquiry = photoPlaceHolder = sopbanner = Serviço de Organização Pedagógica SOP_entradaFoto01 = SOP photo SOP_entradaFoto02 = SOP photo student_01 = Student student_02 = Student student_photo1 = Student photo student_photo2 = Student photo student_photo3 = Student photo #others excel = Excel questionLabel = Question optionLabel = Option feedbackLabel = Feedback # Stork stork.logo=Stork language.en = English = Portuguese