label.branch.credits = Credits
button.payments.back = Back
label.choose.year.execution = Choose Year Implementation:
link.student.schedule = View student schedule = Enrollment of students in elective courses = Unable to retrieve data from the course selected.
title.student.print.registrationDeclaration = Registration Statement = You should select the entries and the amount to generate the payment guide
error.CurricularCoursesEnrollmentDispatchAction.cannot.manage.studentCurricularPlan = The student has no curriculum for which it is possible to make entries = TECHNICAL INSTITUTE
label.submit = Submit
label.payments.noPaymentsWithoutReceipt = There are no payment without a receipt
label.student.number = Number
label.payments.username = Username
label.enrollment.normal.course = Normal Registration
button.student.other = Another Student
title.student.enrolment.with.rules = Enrolling students in courses (with application of the rules of registration)
label.payments.printTemplates.costCenter = Cost Center
label.payments.currencySymbol =
errors.required.checkbox = You must select at least one {0}.
label.payments.not.found = There are no payments = Course for effecting change where
button.student.end = End
title.student.enrollment.rules.without = Enrollment of students in disciplines - without rules
label.payments.searchByDocumentIDandType = Search for Personal Data
message.enrolment.state.enroled = Entered
button.enroll = Subscribe
title.student.curricularEnrollments = Subscriptions Curriculum
label.payments.currentEvents = Current debt = the number of student
print.declaration.section = Undergraduate Section
label.first.step.equivalence = Step 1: Indicate that the student attribute equivalences pertende by entering its number and selecting the type of course you belong to.
button.delete = Delete
link.student.enrollment.without.rules = Enrollment of students in disciplines - without rules = Date of commencement of the new curriculum (dd / mm / yyyy)
link.manual.equivalence = Manually assigning equivalences
link.student.print.registrationDeclaration = Registration
error.student.enrollment.AreasNotEqual = Areas of specialization and secondary have to be different.
error.impossible.operations = It is impossible to continue the operation. Data unavailable.
error.exception.notAuthorized.student.warningTuition = This student must carry your registration with your tutor.
errors.required = {0} should define correctly.
title.student.change.areas = Areas / Sections / Branches = View = Payment Guide
label.payments.printTemplates.processFrom = Process = a course
label.back = Back
error.student.curricular.plan.areas.conflict = Areas of specialization and secondary have to be different. = one type of course = Can not register for more than {0} disciplines accumulated. = To enroll the student subjects simply select them below. = To enroll the student to new disciplines. = Note: The student number {0} has completed all course subjects "{1}", chosen in the years and semesters.
message.student.unenrolled.curricularCourses = Curriculum subjects in which they can register
label.maintain = Facebook = Before enrolling you must define the Code for Special Season.
button.yes = Yes
label.student.curricular.plan.state = State of the curriculum of the student
error.exists.curricular.course.equivalency = The equivalence exists.
message.change.areas.success = The areas of the student were successfully changed as anybody in the table above.
title.student.curriculum = Curriculum Student
label.student.enrollment.specializationArea = Specialisation = Search
label.choose.semester = Choose a Semester:
label.transfer = transfer
label.documentRequestsManagement.documents = Documents = Registration statement with the year and number of entries
label.payments.printTemplates.footer.institutionIdentification = Av Rovisco Pais, 1 1049-001 Lisboa Codex Phone: 218417336 Fax: 218419531 Taxpayer No.: 501507930
label.pricesManagement.pricePerPage = Price Per Page
label.payments.preparePayment = Check Payment
error.student.enrollment.incompatibleAreas = The areas chosen are incompatible, having regard to the subjects in which the student is approved.
error.student.curriculum.noCurricularPlans = No Students {0} has no associated curriculum.
label.student.studentCPFound = Plan (s) Course (s) found (s)
error.transaction.enrolment = To maintain consistency, you can not use the "Back" (Back) or the "Refresh" button (update) of your browser. Restart the application process.
label.payments.back = Back
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period = Out of the registration period: Next period to {0} {1}.
label.rectify = True
error.student.curriculum.not.from.chosen.execution.year = The curriculum of the student n. {0} does not belong to that application year chosen.
errors.suffix =
label.payments.paymentConfirmed = The payment was successful = half
link.payments.receipts = Query Receipts
error.student.enrolmentPeriod = The registration period does not correspond to this time enforcement.
message.successful.enrolment = Registration successful.
label.payments.receipts.printReceipt.title = Payment Receipt
link.declarations = Explanations
label.pratical.abbr = P
error.too.many.specialSeason.enrolments = In this code, the student can only have {0} entries.
error.student.notExist = Student {0} does not exist.
label.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirm Receipt Creation
button.payments.receipt = Receipt
label.weight = Weight
label.specializationAreaName = Area of Specialization
label.student.enrollment.from = of
label.payments.documentType = Document Type
label.payments.eventsWithInstallments = Debts w / Phased Payment
error.areas.choose = Must choose areas of specialization and secondary to proceed with registration.
label.choose.curricularPlan = Choose (s) Plan (s) Course (s)
label.payments.contributorName = Name
label.equivalente.curricular.course = Discipline Course Equivalent
link.student.enrolment = Subscriptions Curriculum = Not Assigned
label.unenroll = Unsubscribe = The student has no entries in this year running.
label.student.enrollment.executionPeriod = Implementation Period
link.student.print.enrollmentsDeclaration = Registration = To unsubscribe simply subjects the student to select them below. = You must select at least one discipline in order to proceed and make an entry.
label.secondaryAreaName = Secondary area = You can only make one transaction with each entry.
link.student.areas = Areas / Sections / Branches
label.cancel = Cancel
label.navheader.student = Student = There are no entries in this curriculum.
link.curricular.course.equivalence.create = Insert new equivalence = You should select the entries and the amount for payment
error.student.degreeCurricularPlan.LEEC = The student does not belong to the curriculum LEEC.
error.cannot.change.specialSeasonCode = Can not change to this code.
message.student.flunked = Warning: The student is prescribed.
error.enrollment.notStudentTutor = The user does not have the mentoring of student No. {0}. = Must register at least {0} disciplines.
title.student.enrollment.improvment = Student enrollment for grade improvement
label.payments.candidacy = Application
label.anotations = Remarks
label.continue = Continue
label.second.semester = Semester 2 = Choose Course:
label.pricesManagement = Pricing = To register for the courses in a given year must necessarily subscribe to all subjects of previous years.
title.student.marksSheetConsult = Consultation Guidelines
label.enrollment.optional.course = Enrollment in Discipline Option
button.student.ok = Ok = The student has no curriculum for which you can change the areas
label.choose.old.curricular.course = Choose the old curriculum subject = If you want subscriptions to other areas should select the ones you want. = Can not register for more than {0} disciplines.
label.enrollment.state = State of registration
link.student.enrollment.without.rules.super.user = Enrollment of students in disciplines - without rules and equivalences (Super User)
label.fourth.year = 4th Year
link.student.enrolment.without.rules = Enrollment of students in normal subjects
label.payments.contributor = Paying Entity = Guide
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.default = Out of the registration period.
label.credits.warning = The claims of each area are recorded as follows: credits for all approved courses in the area in question + credits for all courses completed to enroll in the same area.
When there are disciplines that may belong to both the area of specialization as the secondary area, the program does not know at the outset of the areas in which the student wishes to make these disciplines, or do not know which areas should assign their claims.
Thus, the program detects that the areas could be completed with the accounting for those credits, in which case assign correctly as intended by the student.
If however none of the areas may be terminated with the accounting for those credits, they will be broken down into two areas (never exceed the maximum power of a group) until the student makes a sufficient number of disciplines in order to complete the areas may be terminated.
Consequently, the total of claims presented here may not correspond exactly to that expected by the student, which however does not mean they are either poorly recorded.
label.payments.eventDate = Date of Occurrence
label.choose = Choose
error.SpecialSeasonEnrolmentDispatchAction.cannot.manage.studentCurricularPlan = The student has no curriculum for which you can enroll on special season
label.credits = Credits
message.empty.studentCurricularPlans = This registration has no plans Curriculum
label.payments.paymentsWithoutReceipt = Issuing Receipts
message.student.enrolled.curricularCourses = Curriculum subjects that are subscribed = Type of Course
label.send.mail = Send Email = Information on the course selected:
label.navheader.curriculums = Resumes
link.student.areas.edit = Edit = You must select at least one discipline in order to proceed and make an entry.
label.payments.receipts = Query Receipts
label.payments.contributorNumber = No. of Contributor
message.student.whithout.enrollments = The student has no inscriptions.
error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber.withNumber = There is an application with the number '{0}'
label.payments.payedAmount = Amount Paid
error.student.curricularPlan.nonExistent = The student does not have a corresponding curriculum.
label.enroll = Subscribe
label.enrollment.extra.curricular.course = Enrollment in Discipline Extra Curricular
label.curricular.course.branch = Branch = There are no debts
title.student.notNeedToEnroll.current = Disciplines to which the student has waiver
label.number = Number
label.choose.lastStudent = Enter the Last Student Number:
link.student.enrollment.specialSeason = Enrolling students in courses - special time
button.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirm
title.welcome = Welcome to the Department of Undergraduate
label.specialSeasonCode = Code Special Season
label.first.step.enrolment = Step 1: Indicate that you want inscerver student entering your number and selecting the type of course you belong to.
link.notNeedToEnroll.insert = Insert
message.error.curriculumHistoric.executionYear = Academic Year
label.delete = delete = The student has no inscriptions on improve grades
errors.integer = {0} must be an integer.
link.student.view.enrolments = View Subscriptions
label.payments.documentNumber = Number
message.student.has.not.payed.all.tuition = The student has debts of tuition.
link.student.enrollment = Enrollment of students in disciplines - with rules
link.student.information = Personal Information
print.declaration = DECLARATION
link.consultCurriculum = Curriculum Consultation = Situation of the student number {0} with respect to elective courses of your course for the current semester:
error.message.noTuitonPayed = The situation of school fees is not regularized.
link.pricesManagement = Pricing
error.enrollment.student.withTutor = The student already has a tutor to make enrollment:
Tutor with No {0} - {1}.
label.curricularCourse = Course Curriculum
label.student.enrollment.secondaryArea = Secondary Area
label.second.year = 2nd Year = Submit
The Technical High
label.payments.payment = Payment label.pricesManagement.edit = Edit label.navheader.equivalences = Equivalences label.payments.printTemplates.totalAmountToPay = The outstanding importance of label.payments.amountToPay = Amount Payable () = Enrollment in elective courses label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.secondPrintVersion = 2nd Copy = Pay error.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt.not.found = The receipt does not exist title.student.notNeedToEnroll.toInsert = Disciplines to be exempt = There is no student with the number {0}. label.second.step.enrolment = Step 2: Select which of course, that semester and academic year that is the subject (or group of disciplines) that the student enroll pertende. link.guides = Guides label.theoretical.abbr = T label.year = Year label.first.semester = Semester 1 = The student has no special time of enrollment in = Choose the course of the old curriculum subject: label.old.curricular.course = Course Curriculum label.payments.print = Print begin = Home label.choose.student = Enter the Number of Students: label.executionYear = Academic Year = Continue? title.equivalencies.curricular.course = Equivalences label.payments.totalAmount = Total Value label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.contributor = Paying Entity error.student.curricularPlan = Student {0} has no active curriculum. label.payments.receipt = Receipt = Invalid date error.exception.notAuthorized2 = You are not authorized to perform this operation. message.student.enrollment.confirmation = The registration was successful. Confirm the current situation below. label.fiveth.year = 5th Year = Making Change of Course error.administrativeOffice.payments.person.doesnot.contain.receipt = A person does not have that receipt button.student.modify = Change button.submit.student = Submit error.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt.contributor.does.not.exist = The taxpayer identification number selected does not exist error.impossible.operations.enroll = It was impossible to continue the student's Registration No {0}. = Choose Type of Course: = Document processed by computer label.payments.year = Year message.leq.unique.laboratory = You can only subscribe to a lab. message.student.curriculum = Curriculum Student label.payments.confirmCreateReceiptQuestion = Want to create a receipt? label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.receiptNumber = Receipt No. = There are disciplines in which the student can enroll in special season label.student.enrollment.number = Student No. link.notNeedToEnroll = Layoffs button.cancel = Cancel error.student.activeCurricularPlan.nonExistent = The student shall not have an active curriculum. link.student.curriculum = Curriculum button.insert = Insert link.student.view.student.curricular.plans = View Plans Curriculum label.semester = Half message.student.noPayed.tuition = Warning: The student has not settled the payment of fees. error.enrollment.notAuthorized = There is authorized to make the application process. label.choose.curricular.course.old = Choose the old curriculum subject: link.student.enrollment.improvment = Enrolling students in courses - grade improvement = Search label.write.mail = Write Email link.receipts = Receipts title.student.information = Student Personal Information title.student.enrolment.specialSeason = Registration of Students - Special Season = Lisbon label.number.semester = Semester button.payments.continue = Continue label.finalEvaluation = Final Evaluation message.empty.registrations = The student enrollment has link.consult = Consultation = Department of Undergraduate title.student.print.enrollmentsDeclaration = Registration Statements