<%-- ### Title #### --%>
<%-- ### End of Title ### --%>
<%-- ### Return Links / Steps Information(for multistep forms) ### --%>
Step 1: Step Name >
Step N: Step name
<%-- ### Return Links / Steps Information (for multistep forms) ### --%>
<%-- ### Error Messages ### --%>
<%-- ### End of Error Messages ### --%>
<%-- ### Context Information (e.g. Person Information, Registration Information) ### --%>
<%-- ### End Of Context Information ### --%>
<%-- ### List of Process States ### --%>
<%-- ### End of List of Process States ### --%>
<%-- ### Operation Area (e.g. Create Candidacy) ### --%>
" />
" />
<%-- ### End of Operation Area ### --%>
<%-- ### Buttons (e.g. Submit) ### --%>
<%-- ### End of Buttons (e.g. Submit) ### --%>