#!/bin/bash # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Runs sql scripts to update database from previous release. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DB=$1 USER=$2 DB_HOST=$3 INSTITUTION=$4 PASSWORD=$5 echo Using host: $DB_HOST echo Using database: $DB echo Using user: $USER echo Institution: $INSTITUTION echo Password: $PASSWORD function execute() { if [ -z $3 ] then echo ---------------------------------------- $1 mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 echo else if [ "$INSTITUTION" == "$3" ] then echo ---------------------------------------- $1 specific for $3 mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 echo fi fi } function executeWithTempFile() { echo ---------------------------------------- $1 mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 > tmp.sql mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < tmp.sql rm tmp.sql echo } execute "Add timestap to migration" phdMigrationData.sql execute "Add last modified date" alterTableInquiryResult.sql execute "Corrected the name from Student to Registration and added Student relation" alterTableStudentInquiryRegistry.sql execute "Add PhdIndividualProgramProcessEmail entity and Person associated to PhdEmail" addPhdProcessAndPersonToEmail.sql