label.fill.information=Missing Information Filling
label.fill.missing.candidacy.information.message=After the commission of the Gabinete de Planeamento, Estratégia, Avaliação e Relações Internacionais (GPEARI) of the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, the Instituto Superior Técnico is asked to fill its student's data for the inquiry of "RAIDES - Registo de Alunos Inscritos e Diplomados do Ensino Superior".\
To respond to this mandatory inquiry, we need you to fill the following form, whose completion time does not exceed 10 minutes. We thank you in advance for your understanding and urgent response to this request.
Conselho Directivo IST
label.registraitons.with.missing.candidacy.information=Registrations with missing information
message.candidacy.requirements.not.available=The candidacy requirements are not available.
label.editing=(in edition) Degree Information
error.message.CandidacyPeriodNotDefinedException=Candidacy period is not defined for this degree.
error.message.ProposalPeriodNotDefined=Proposal period is not defined for this degree.
title.finalDegreeWork.candidacy=Candidacy to Dissertation = Access only for students with registration.
message.out.enrolment.period.default = No enrollment period
message.out.enrolment.period.normal = Enrollment Period
message.out.realization.period = Execution date:
message.out.until = to = Execution date = {0}: The enrollments on courses occur from {1} to {2} = {0}: For students enrolled in Special Season, the enrollments on courses occur from {1} to {2} = {0}: The enrollments in Special Season evaluations for courses of Semester {1} of {2} occur from {3} to {4} = {0}: The enrollments in Special Season evaluations occur from {1} to {2}
message.out.classes.enrolment.period = {0}: The shifts booking occur from {1} to {2} = Room(s) = Without associated room There are no defined evaluations.
message.out.not.enrolled = Not Enrolled
group.enrolment= Enrollments
link.appearance = (Link)
label.enroled = enrolled degree disserations info
label.studentDataByExecutionYear.short = Data Authorization
label.studentDataByExecutionYear = Personal Data Authorization = There is no information about personal data authorization
title.student.dataShareAuthorizations = Data Share Authorization
title.student.dataShareAuthorizations.short = Data Authorization
message.student.dataShareAuthorization.saveSuccess = Change Successful
label.student.dataShareAuthorization = Authorization Option
label.student.dataShareAuthorizationDate = Active Since
link.student.dataAuthorizationHistory = View Authorization History
label.dismissal.TemporarySubstitution=Temporary Substitution
label.dismissal.InternalSubstitution=Internal Substitution
label.closed = Closed
button.change = Change
label.shiftType.description.problems = Issues = [Choose one]
link.finalDegreeWork.candidacy = Application = Completed
button.continue = Continue » = Course subjects selected
message.students.with.tutor = Students who have tutor must contact the tutor to proceed with their enrollment.
error.student.degreeCurricularPlan.LEEC = The student does not belong to the curriculum LEEC.
link.thesis.operation = View History of Operations
label.enrolment.choose_change = Change / Carry Registration = Date of Submission = Remove
label.bolonhaTransition = Transition to Bologna
label.studentCurricularPlan.organizedBy.executionYears = Execution Years = If you want to check / change the courses you will attend.
label.viewDegreeCurricularPlan = See Curriculum Plan
property.groups = Groups
label.individual = INDIVIDUAL
message.noStudentExecutionCourses = You are not enrolled in any discipline. = No
view = View
label.hour = Hour
label.enroll = Enroll = You do not have enrollments in transition
label.student.enrollment.branch = Branch
label.enrolmentEnd = End:
message.project.wihtout.description = No description = The response period is not currently active
label.student.NumberOfStudentsInShift = Number of students enrolled in groups of this turn:
label.students.lowercase = students
link.backToProjects.description = Back to the course groupings
link.title.delegatesInfo = View Delegates Info
link.pick.scp = Choosing Curricular Plan
error.message.GroupProposalAttributedByTeacherException = You cannot remove an application from a proposal that has already been assigned. You should contact the teacher to remove the assignment.
aprovementType.professionalPurpose.fithGrade = The student chooses a Certificate of Utilization aimed at professional purposes but is a student of 5th year with the completed course. = Please enter at least one document type.
label.transitToBolonha = Transit to Bologna
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Candidacy = Application
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.description = Course Groupings that are in registration period: = Properties of the group
message.LEEC.students.tutor = Students of LEEC who do not know if they should have a tutor, or who is their tutor, should visit the following link: LEEC ~ / guardians / tutorado.html = Enrollment in Courses
link.cleanResponses = Clear answers
label.time = Time
label.student.thesis.notFound = You are not enrolled in any dissertation course.
error.transaction.enrolment = To maintain coherence, you cannot use the "Back" or the "Refresh" buttons of your browser. Please restart the application process. = Attention
message.shift.without.groups = No groups
label.StudentGroup = Group elements = While proceeding, you are choosing to transit to the Bologna regime
error.alreadyEnrolledError = It is not possible to enroll because you are already enrolled in this exam. = The registration you have chosen has moved to Bologna.\
You should only choose to continue if you want to finish the course in the scheme of Bologna.
If you intend to complete the course in Pre-Bologna scheme should not proceed; in this case Cancel.\
Note: The transition process is irreversible. = Other: study visits, etc..
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.attribution.byTeacher = Assigned by Teacher
property.lesson.end = End
label.enrollment.dislocatedStudent.isDislocated = Please indicate your provenance
label.student.viewAllStudentsAndGroups.description = This page shows the enrolled students and their group memberships.
Show Shifts: Lets go back to the page where you visualize the shifts of the group.
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Theme = Seminar
link.title.residencePayments = Payments of residence
label.student.thesis.edit.abstract.message = Describe briefly the dissertation in Portuguese and English. Write a maximum of 250 words. = If you want to change / continue enrolling in shifts.
enroll = Subscribe
label.student.groupEnrollment.title = Group Enrollment
error.message.StudentCannotBeACandidateForSelectedDegree = You cannot apply for the selected course.
label.semester.abbreviation = Sem.
label.shiftType.description.trainingPeriod = Internship
label.testEndDate = End Date
title.student.enrollment.resume = Enrollment in Courses - Summary
label.urgency.charge = Urgency Fee
label.student.NumberOfStudentsWithoutShift = Number of students enrolled in groups without shift:
label.senior.specialtyField_ = Areas of Expertise:
link.title.seminaries.rules = Rules of Seminars
label.dismissals.noDismissals = There are no dismissals
label.title = Title
label.projectTable.IdealCapacity.title = Ideal number of students per group
label.viewInstructions = See Instructions
error.studentNotEnroled = You are not enrolled in the exam.
label.seminariesEquivalencies = Available Options
link.seminaries.enrolment = Seminars = You cannot remove courses for which you are enrolled in shifts.
label.from = from
no.document.requests = There are no requests for documents at the academic office on behalf of student
title.student.thesis.submission = Dissertation submission = Choose extra-enrollment courses
label.student.NumberOfStudents = Total number of students enrolled in groups of this shift:
label.executionPeriod = Execution Period
message.warning.student.enrolmentClasses.labs = The booking of Lab shifts is not binding and is only available to see your final timetable. The teachers responsible for each discipline are in charge of the actual Lab reservations.
errors.fullShift = You cannot create a group, because all the shifts are already full.
error.message.NoConfirmationInProcessException = For the course of the dissertations to which you are applying, the allocation process does not involve the confirmation of the student.
link.testsSubmissions = Response and submission of Worksheets
title.student.thesis.edit.abstract = Edit Summary
errors.integer = {0} must be an integer number
message.LMAC.students = Students from LMAC that wish to enroll in courses of of 3rd, 4th or 5th year should go to the academic office with their study plan for the academic year. = Executed by
label.student.statute.description = Statute
message.infoGroupPropertiesList.not.available = There are no groups.
title.viewStudentsAndGroupsWithoutShift = Show Students Enrolled in Groups without Shift
label.projectSubmissions.seeTeacherObservation = View Remarks
error.senior.terminationDateBeforeToday = Please specify a termination date of the degree that is after the current date.
label.confirmGroupStudentEnrolment = Are you sure that you want to subscribe to this group?
label.student.enrollment.from = from
link.student.enrollment = Courses
label.chooseOptionalCurricularCourse = Choose Option
link.giveUp = Quit
label.modalityTitle = Mode
label.viewCandidacyTitle = Candidacy Data
message.enrollment.terminated.shifts = When you finish the registration process,you should make the booking of classes in
button.cancel = Cancel
label.projectSubmissions.viewProjectSubmissions.title = Submitted Files
label.candidacies.with.missing.information = Applications with missing information
label.thesis.orientation = Guidance
errors.editStudentGroupShift.allShiftsFull = You cannot change the shift of your group because all the other groups are full. = Document Type
label.shift = Shift
label.legend = Label = If you want to view the resulting timetable.
label.unEnroll = Unsubscribe
label.student.statute.enddate = End date of status
label.weight = Weight
link.projectSubmissions.viewProjectsWithOnlineSubmission.viewProjectSubmissions = View Submitted Files
error.student.thesis.declaration.visibility.required = You must choose whether the files associated with the dissertation are available only for internal use (Intranet) or are public and of open access (internet).
label.senior.informaticsSkills = Computer Skills:
errors.impossible.minimumCapacity.groupEnrolment = You cannot create the group because the number of students is less than the minimum capacity.
link.student.enrollmentTitle = Enrollments
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student.Name = Name
label.course.enrollment.acumulated.enrollments = Counts as * Courses for the number of Accumulated Courses
label.title.dislocatedStudent.inquiry = Inquiry About Student Provenance
message.leq.unique.laboratory = You can only subscribe to one lab.
link.shift.enrollment.item3 = End
link.shift.enrollment.item2 = View Schedule
error.student.enrollment.incompatibleAreas = The chosen areas are incompatible, given the student's approved courses.
link.shift.enrollment.item1 = Classes and Shifts Booking
label.course.enrollment.acumulated.enrollments2 = Accumulated
NAC (max 10) = Portuguese = Here you can request certificates and check the status of the requests. Declaration requests and Diploma requests should be made at the academic office desk.
finalDegreeWork.candidacies.not.found = No candidacies found
label.curricular.course.semester = Semester
link.student.thesis.file.remove = Remove
label.documents.anualIRS = Annual IRS
label.attention.nonCaps = Attention
label.enrolments.bolonhaEnrolment = Bologna Courses
title.student.portalTitle = Student Portal
label.Terminar = End
error.message.tuitionNotPayed = Your tuition, office tax, or insurance fees are not in order. Please go to the academic office desk.
label.candidacyCurricularCourseTitle = Course
label.student.estatute = Statute Name
leic.old.secretary.enrolment.student.reason = The student will have to go to the academic office desk to process his enrollment. You can make your shift booking by choosing the courses that you wish to attend. Thank you.
label.senior.informaticsSkills_ = Computer Knowledge:
label.enrollment.dislocatedStudent.whereFrom = In what country did you complete high school?
button.student.end = End
label.viewStudentCurricularPlan = View the Student Curriculum
label.student.removeStudentInGroup.description = You can remove your registration as long as you comply with the grouping policy. = Timetable
error.attend.curricularCourse.impossibleToEnroll = You cannot enroll in courses that were not chosen on the LEEC courses enrollment.
label.student.emptyStudentGroupInformation.description = Show Shifts: To return to the page that shows the group shifts.
Enroll: If you are not yet enrolled, you can enroll in the group if it has vacancies.
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student = Student = Add = Note: If you are a student of the 2nd cycle and you enlisted by "CIA2C - Internal Competition for Access to the 2nd cycle" your enrollment must be made at the academic office desk.
errors.editStudentGroupShift.shiftFull = You cannot change your group's shift, because the shift that you selected is full.
label.information.export.password = Password to Export Curricular Information
link.student.thesis.file.upload = Submit
document.request.warnings.title = Requests that do not meet the following conditions will be invalidated manually at the academic office:
link.unEnrollStudentGroupShift = Dissociate Shift
errors.student.already.enroled = You cannot remove courses in which you are enrolled at the academic office.
error.existingGroup = Please try again to create the group.
label.grade.scale = Scale
label.enrol.secondCycle = 2nd Cycle
error.fill.notes = Please indicate the other purposes that the document is intended for.
message.successful.enrolment = Enrollment successful.
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.propertiesDescription = Description of the group properties:
- Maximum Capacity per group: Maximum number of students who may enroll in a group
- Ideal Capacity for group: Ideal number of students who should enroll in a group
- Minimum Capacity per group: Minimum number of students who may enroll in a group
- Maximum number of groups: Maximum number of groups that the students may enroll in a shift
- Enrollment Policy:
(A) ATOMIC means students must enroll in the group simultaneously and the number of members must be greater or equal to the minimum capacity and lower or equal to the maximum. In case the group already exists, there may be further individual enrollments, as long as the maximum capacity is not exceeded. If any student wants to unsubscribe, he may do so as long as the group keeps the minimum capacity.
(B) INDIVIDUAL means that students enroll in the groups individually, as long as the maximum capacity is not exceeded. A student unsubscribe at any time, even if the number of members of the group becomes lower than the minimum capacity. = Sort by
message.studentTest.notSent = The worksheet has not been submitted. The deadline for completing the sheet has expired.
title.student.enrollment.simple = Enrollment in Courses
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student.Number = No. = Portuguese
message.project.wihtout.coavaliation = There are none
label.execution.year = Execution Year
label.shiftType.problems = Pb = Registrations in Transition
link.choose.optional.curricular.course = Choose Option
label.nrOfElements = Number of vacancies in the group:
label.projectDescription = Group description
message.student.statutes.empty = You have no associated statutes
label.writtenTests = Tests = Week
button.finish = Finish
label.transition.bolonha.registrationsInTransition.noRegistrations = There are still no registrations in transition = Next enrollment period
aprovementType.professionalPurpose.thirdGrade = The student chooses an Utilization Certificate aimed at professional purposes but he has not yet completed the 3rd year.
title.student.thesis.upload.dissertation = Submit Dissertation
label.curricular.course.acronym = Acronym
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.CurricularCourse.Code = Code
arithmeticMean = Arithmetic Mean
link.student.seniorTitle = Finalists = Weekly Effort
label.instructions = Instructions
button.submit = Submit
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Back = Back
button.anull = Cancel
label.transition.bolonha = Bologna Transition
label.student.thesis.submit.noExtendedAbstract = The extended abstract has not been submitted yet.
link.shift.enrolement.edit = Choose Shifts
label.projectSubmissions.submitProject.title = Submit File
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.individualPolicy = Individual Policy
link.viewAllStudentsAndGroups = Students
label.seminaries.theme = Theme
error.noAttendsForStudent = The student does not attend any discipline.
label.shiftType.theoricoPratic = TP
label.infoStudents.studentsWithoutGroup = Select the students to include in the new group:
label.thesis.operation.confirmation = Confirmed = Enroll in classes = Student curricular plan not found.
message.showShiftsToEnroll.actual.timetable = Your current timetable:
title.student.thesis.submit.details = Details
message.warning.student.enrolmentClasses.first.year.first.semester = Classes and shifts of the courses of 1st year 1st semester are blocked from registration until the students of the 1st year are placed
thesis.student.declaration.notAccepted = You must accept the privacy statement
label.student.enrollment.secondaryArea = Secondary Area = You cannot enroll in more than {0} courses.
link.title.payments = Payments
label.teacher.EnrollStudentGroupShift.description = On this page you can assign the shift to the group.
The shifts that can be selected are those with vacancies.
errors.suffix =
label.evaluationsWithoutEnrolmentPeriod = Evaluations without enrollment period defined
label.shiftType.trainingPeriod = E
label.student.studentCPFound = Curricular Course(s) found.
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.default = Out of the enrollment period. = Must enroll at least {0} courses.
error.message.InsufficientCompletedCoursesException = For the selected course, you must have passed in more {0} discipline(s) from among the following: {1}. = There are outstanding debts. To rectify the situation, please go to the Academic Office.
message.LESIM.students = Students from LEIC Taguspark to enroll in the following optional courses of year 5: disciplines of LEIC - Alameda or the two disciplines of the 4th year of the Additional Area, you should go to Academic Office of the Taguspark campus. = File = There is no seminar with open enrollments. = You have no enrollments in this situation = Enrollment in optional courses
label.course.enrollment.cancel = Cancel
label.evaluation.shortname.exam = Exam
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.companyLink = External Advisor
label.confirmGroupStudentUnrolment = Do you want to remove your enrollment from this group?
errors.enrollStudentGroupShift.notEnroled = You may not assign a shift to the group because you are not subscribed to the group.
warning.amIItoEnroll = It is advisable to enroll first in Mathematical Analysis II before any other discipline of the 2nd year = Courses chosen for enrollment:
message.infoStudents.not.available = There are no students without group for enrollments.
title.student.thesis = Dissertation
label.senior.professionalExperience_ = Experience:
label.enrollment.choose = Choose
message.student.curricular.plan.various = Note: It is normal that there are two curricular plans for the same course.
The curricular plan with the earliest date (year of entry into the IST), contains your resume just like you would view it in the page of the IST.
The curriculum with the most recent date (this school year) contains your resume as if you had started this year, i.e. only with the disciplines in which you are enrolled in this school year.
The reason for this separation is to give chance to check the correctness of your past curriculum, so that, later (and after making sure everything is in order), it is possible to gather all the information in a single curricular plan.
title.student.LEEC.enrollment = Enrollment of students in LEEC courses - with rules
link.writtenTests.enrolment = Tests
title.student.schedule = Schedule
label.yes = Yes
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Modality = Mode
title.student.enrollment = Enrollment of students in courses - with rules = You must select at least one course in order to proceed with the enrollment.
label.beginDate = Start Date
label.student.viewStudentsAndGroupsByShift.description = This page shows all the students enrolled in groups of the previously selected shift, and their respective groups.
Show Shifts: Lets you go back to the page that shows the shifts of the group.
message.infoSiteGroupsByShiftList.not.available = There are no groups.
label.degreeType = Degree Type
link.title.yearDelegateElections = Year Delegate Election
label.viewExecutionCourseForuns.title = Course Forums
link.exams.enrolment = Exams
label.thesis.declaration.notAccepted = Not Accepted
label.groupWord = View Group
message.student.cannotEnroll.inquiriesNotAnswered = Surveys have to be answered. Please fill them before continuing your Enrollment in Courses.
errors.removeEnrolment.minimumNumberOfElements = You cannot remove your enrollment, because the group has a minimum number of elements.
message.student.shiftEnrollment = The left box contains the courses that are available for you to attend, the right box contains the courses that you will attend. Use the "add course" and "remove course" buttons to update the second box.
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.coorientatorName = Co-Advisor
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.atomicDescription = This type of enrollment requires the students to form groups in person before enrolling. The enrollment of all the students in a group is made by a single student. Students may enroll and withdraw from the groups as long as they do not violate the minimum / maximum number of students of the grouping.
label.seminaries.motivation = Motivation:
label.closedEnrolment = in which you are subscribed
label.enrollment.optional.course = Enrollment in Optional Course
button.student.modify = Change
label.course.enrollment.state = State
of the
label.enrollment.dislocatedStudent.dislocated = Are you a displaced* student ?
message.exportChecksumReport = Please export the evidence, it is necessary to prove the delivery of the worksheet. No claims will be accepted without proof of delivery.
button.thesis.declaration.reject = Reject
label.residence.payments = Housing
label.dismissals = Dismissals
label.enrollment.dislocatedStudent.dislocated.explanation = * A student is considered displaced when their family lives in a district different from Lisbon or out of Portugal.
return = Back
message.warning.student.enrolmentClasses.notEnroll = In certain circumstances, which are listed in the following cases, you may attend a course in which you are now enrolled in your curricular plan.
error.shift.enrollment.capacityExceded = The shift {0} has exceeded its capacity. In the absence of any other available shift, you should contact your course's coordination so that it negociates with the GOP the opening of more vacancies or shifts for this particular course.
label.enrolmentPeriodNoBR = Enrollment Period
label.execution.course = Execution course
error.Enrolment.has.ExtraExamRequests = The enrollment to be deleted is associated with extra exam requests.
message.subQuestions = This question has sub-questions. After answering one, new questions may appear.
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.CurricularCourse.Name = Name
error.message.GroupStudentCandidaciesExistException = There are still other students in the group. Please remove first your colleagues from the group.
message.NoShift = No Shift = Pre-Bologna Registration
errors.prefix =
title.finalDegreeWork.attribution = Confirm assignment to the dissertation
errors.notSelected.executionCourse = You must select a course.
link.toDoTests = Tests underway
error.enrollment.personalInquiry.mandatory = The response to this survey is mandatory.
label.candidacySubmitedTitle = Candidacy Registered
label.senior.extracurricularActivities = Extracurricular Activities:
label.enroledEvaluations = Evaluations in which you are enrolled
message.warning.student.enrolmentClasses = The classes booking does not replace the enrollment in the respective disciplines, which can be done in
label.registration.enrollmentsInPresentYear = Enrollments in the Current Year
error.seminaries.candidaciesLimitReached = You cannot make more than {0} candidacy(ies) in this series of seminars. If you want to make a new candidacy, you must cancel one that is pending. = You must enter a justification
label.lesson.end = End
link.grouping.chooseGroups = Choose Groups
label.transition.bolonha.message.part2 = Below the dismissals are listed the disciplines that represent the source of credits of each dismissal.
The temporary equivalences (dismissals shown in red) are those in which one or more courses were not yet graded.
Students are asked to verify the information presented here, according to the transition plans .
In case of doubt, please contact the course coordination, state your student number and clearly identify the issue.
label.transition.bolonha.message.part1 = In order to prepare the transition of the students' curriculums for the Bologna process, the following displays a board that outlines how the courses that the student has concluded are to be accounted for in the new curriculum. = Errors have occured during the enrollment
error.GroupPropertiesShiftTypeChanged = Unable to perform the edition, because someone has changed the association of the shift to the group. Please try again.
button.exit.enrollment = Exit the enrollment process = There are no enrollments in this curricular plan.
documents.requirement.consult = View Requests
label.studentGroupNumber = Group No.
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.orientatorName = Advisor
link.doneTests = Tests done = Date
notes = Remarks
label.information.export.manage.passwords.delete = Delete
label.title.seniorInfo = Senior Information Sheet
label.student.enrollment.executionPeriod = Execution Period
label.enrollmentsFilter.basic = Type of enrollments:
link.title.tutorInfo = Tutorship Information
errors.existing.groupStudentEnrolment = You are already enlisted in a group.
request.information = Request Information = Country
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.debts.for.previous.execution.years = You cannot enroll because there are debts of previous years that are not settled
label.enrollmentsFilter = Choose the type of enrollments:
title.student.thesis.submit.keywords = Keywords
label.warning = Warning
message.shift.enrollement.extra = Extra-enrollment courses:
label.finalEvaluation = Final Evaluation
label.documents.noDocumentFound = No documents found = The enrollment period is not open
link.title.writtenTests.enrolment = Enrollment in Tests
button.reset = Reset
label.senior.languageSkills_ = Language skills:
label.document.request.confirm = Confirm these requests:
message.seminaries.selectCaseStudy = To perform your candidacy, please select five case studies in order of preference.
link.student.tutorInfo = Tutorship
label.degreeCurricularPlan = Curricular Plan
label.student.enrollment.specializationArea = Specialization Area
error.message.GroupProposalCandidaciesExistException = There are still existing candidacies. Please remove first the candidacies.
label.atomic = ATOMIC
error.test.cantShowTestCorrection = Worksheet is still ongoing.
label.thesis.keywords.en = English
message.testDates = Period of execution of the Worksheet: from {0} to {1}.
label.senior.professionalInterests_ = Areas of Professional Interest:
message.CoursesWithTests = Courses with tests = Discussion Date
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Motivation = Motivation
label.senior.expectedDegreeTerminationDay = Degree Graduation Day = Contact Hours: lessons, assessments and project work, exams, tests, oral tests
message.precedence.during.enrolment = The course {0} has enrollment precedence.
thesis.student.dissertation.missing = You have not yet submitted the PDF of the dissertation
label.enrollment.state = Enrollment State
error.exception.notAuthorized.student.warningTuition = You are not authorized to view this information.
Make sure that:
- you have settled the payment of fees;
- your registration is not flunked;
- you have no tutor.
errors.unEnrollStudentGroupShift.shiftFull = You cannot dissociate the shift of your group, because the no-shift group is full.
message.editStudentGroupShift = Select new shift:
label.clear = Clear
label.evaluationsWithEnrolmentPeriodOpened = Evaluations with open enrollment period
areaCode = Postal Code
label.transition = Transition
title.ExecutionCourseProjects = Groupings in Enrollment Period
link.curricular.course.enrolment = Enrollment in Courses
label.student.StudentGroupInformation.description = Enrollment and Group Management - You can join a group that has vacancies available if you are not already subscribed to any group. You can only unsubscribe from atomic groups if you do not violate the minimum number of students of each group. If you are subscribed, you can change the shift associated with the group.
label.information.export.manage.passwords = Password Management
label.shift.toEnroll = Book
label.view = View
link.title.specialSeason.enrolment = Special Season Enrollments
label.season = Season
label.evaluation.type.all = All
errors.impossible.operation = It was impossible to proceed with the operation. Unavailable data.
error.message.OutOfCandidacyPeriodException = For the selected degree, the candidacy period runs from: {0}
label.preBolonha = Pre-Bologna = Instructions: Enrollment in Courses
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.CurricularCourse = Course = Degree in which you want to make the dissertation = There are no evaluations with open enrollment
label.test.totalClassification = Total grade
message.seminaries.selectedCases = Selected Cases
property.student.number = Number
urgency.charge.view = Urgent?
errors.impossible.maximumCapacity.groupEnrolment = You cannot create the group because the number of students is greater than the maximum capacity.
label.shiftType.fieldWork = TC
label.thesis.declaration.accepted = Accepted
error.message.MinimumNumberOfStudentsUndefinedException = The minimum number of students is not defined.
error.enrollStudentGroupShift = Unable to make the association, because someone changed the association of the shift to the group. Please try again.
mobile = Mobile phone
button.remove = Remove = You are not enrolled in any evaluation
label.thesis.abstract.en = English
link.finalDegreeWork.confirmAttribution = Confirm Assignment
link.specialSeason.enrolment = Special Season
group = Group
message.infoSiteStudentsAndGroupsList.not.available = There are no students enrolled in groups of this shift.
label.testBeginDate = Start Date
link.tests = Worksheets
button.choose = Choose
title.enrolmentGroup.insertNewGroup = Create New Group
label.enrolment = Enrollment
label.chooseCourses = Please choose the degree of the courses that you wish to attend
message.enrollment.instructions = Instructions = There are no classes that you can book.
label.thesis.language = Language
label.notEnroled = Not Enrolled
link.student.delegatesInfo = Delegates
label.enrollment.personalData.changes = Note: Any changes to the response to this inquiry must be made through the Academic Office.
label.lesson.beginning = Home
generic.secretary.enrolment.student.reason = The student will have to go to the academic office to process the enrollment. You can make the reservation of classes by choosing the courses that you wish to attend. Thank you.
label.evaluation.shortname.project = Project
request.situation = Request Situation
error.Enrolment.has.CourseLoadRequests = The enrollment to be deleted is associated with Course Load Requests.
link.insertGroup = Create Group
message.giveUpQuestion = If you give up from this paragraph, you will not be able to respond.
Do you want to quit this paragraph? = Contact
errors.noStudentInAttendsSet = By action of a teacher you can no longer access the enrollment area in groups of this particular course. = Your registration does not belong to any PhD process. You should contact the respective office to associate the registration to your PhD process.
detailed = Detailed
label.themesTitle = Themes
label.thesis.coorientator = Co-Advisor = You have had no curricular enrollment during the last two semesters. Please go to the academic office.
student.male.capitalized = Student = Senior Information Sheet = Here you can fill in a weekly effort (in hours) spent last week {0}, for each of the courses in which you are enrolled. These values should be filled weekly until the end of the evaluation period. For each course, you should enter the hours of contact with teachers, self-study and Other:
error.message.InsufficientCompletedCreditsInSecondCycleException = For the selected degree, you must have obtained {1} credits in the second cycle, but you've still only got {0}.
error.message.oldLeicStudent = The student will have to go to the academic office to process the registration. You can make your reservation of classes by choosing the courses that you wish to attend. Thank you.
title.execution.course = Course
label.branch.credits = Credits
title.ExecutionCourseProjects.short = Groupings
message.shifts.not.available = There are no shifts.
label.shiftType.description.seminary = Seminars
button.change.enrolment = Change
error.shift.enrollment.capacityLocked = The shift {0} is not open for enrollment. In case its the first semester and the shift is for the first academic year, the enrollment period may not yet have started. There are still some laboratories whose teachers have chosen not to use the electronic enrollment in shifts.
message.enrollment.terminated = When you finish the enrollment process you can check your
label.senior.professionalInterests = Areas of Professional Interest:
label.registration.presentState = Current Status
label.evaluation.project.end = Delivery
label.validationCode = Validation Code
label.senior.expectedDegreeTerminationHelp = (dd/mm/yyyy)
label.attention.text = Must submit one course at a time and fill in all three fields (Contact, Autonomous Work and Other).
label.projectTable.newProjectProposal = Courses in co-evaluation
link.projectSubmissions.viewProjectSubmissions.submitProject = Submit File
title.student.thesis.submit.extendedAbstract = Extended Abstract
label.shiftWord = Your shift: = Other = Degree
button.back = Back
label.evaluations.enrolment = Evaluations Page
error.message.NoAttributionToConfirmException = It is not possible to confirm an assignment that has not yet been made.
label.student.viewShiftsAndGroups.description = Shifts and grouds of the select grouping:
View Groupings: To return to the page that shows the grouping(s) of the selected course.
Show All Students Enrolled in this group: Allows you to view all students enrolled in groups.
Column Shift of the table:
Shift Name: Shows the students of the shift.
Groups column of the table:
The sub-column Vacandies corresponds to the number of groups that you can still enroll in the shift.
If the shift is not limited in groups, "No Limit" appears in the column.
Create Group: You can create a new group if you are not yet enrolled in any other group of the grouping.
[N]: You can view, change the shift, subscribe and unsubscribe to the group number N .
link.enrolment = Enroll
error.enrolmentPeriodNotDefined = Enrollment Period not defined
error.message.NumberOfNecessaryCompletedCreditsInSecondCycleNotSpecifiedException = The student is not yet enrolled in the 2nd cycle or else the minimum number of completed credits was not specified by the coordinator.
link.shift.chooseCourses = Choose Courses
label.projectSubmissions.observations = Remarks
label.seminaries.showCandidaciesLimitExceeded.Back = Back = Courses for enrollment:
label.student.thesis.upload.abstract.message = The extended abstract file that you submit is covered by the previously accepted statement. We will only accept extended abstract files in PDF format. = Download = Before proceeding the Course Enrollment, please answer this short survey
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.normal = Normal Season: enrollment period from {0} to {1}
link.title.exams.enrolment = Enrollment in Exams
label.registration = Choose Registration
title.ChooseExecutionCourse = Choose a course
label.visualize = Show
title.student.thesis.proposal = Theme assigned
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Case = If = Day
property.lesson.weekDay = Weekday
label.groupOperations = Options:
label.option = Option:
label.shift.enroll = Book
label.viewExecutionCourseForuns.noForumsForExecutionCourse = There are no forums
error.message.debts.from.past.years.not.payed = Your situation of tuition and/or office fee and insurance is not settled. Please go to the academic office.
label.senior.specialtyFieldFinalWork = Do not forget to mention the Degree Final Project.
label.seminaryCandidacyDetails = Details
label.enrollment.personalData.noAuthorization = I do not authorize the Instituto Superior Técnico to provide third parties with my personal data contained in the academic databases.
label.shiftType.seminary = S = Degree
justification = Justification
label.student.viewEnroledExecutionCourses.description = Courses that you attend with active groups
label.dismissal = Dismissal
error.message.NoDegreeStudentCurricularPlanFoundException = You are not an undergraduate student. = Mandatory enrollment courses:
error.student.enrolmentPeriod = The enrollment period does not correspond to the current execution period.
Label.groupings = Groupings
button.finalize.enrolment = Confirm
label.enrollment.personalData.allEnds = Any and all purposes, including commercial (marketing, advertising, offering of goods and services, etc. ...).
label.projectSubmissions.viewProjectSubmissions.noStudentGroupForGrouping = You are not enrolled in any group of the project grouping = If you wish to unsubscribe from the shift you have chosen, respectively.
label.class = Class
link.viewExecutionCourseForuns = Forums of Courses = Courses whose enrollment will be removed:
link.student.finalWorkTitle = Dissertations
message.noStudentTests = You have no worksheets in the specified date.
link.title.finalWorkTitle = Dissertation = To enroll in the courses in a given year, you must necessarily enroll in all the courses of the previous years.
label.senior.extracurricularActivities_ = Extracurricular Activities:
label.elections.votingPeriod.confirmation.blankVote = Do you wish to confirm the Blank vote?
areaOfAreaCode = Area of the Area Code
label.projectName = Name of the grouping
label.shiftType.description.tutorialOrientation = Tutorial Orientation
button.thesis.declaration.accept = I Accept
participate = Participate
average.view = Average?
error.message.CurrentClassesEnrolmentPeriodUndefinedForDegreeCurricularPlan = The deadline for the booking of classes is not set for your degree.
label.documents = Documents
label.shift.enrolled = Reserved
error.message.CandidacyInOtherExecutionDegreesNotAllowed = The candidacy to proposals from other degrees is not allowed.
message.infoSiteStudentGroupList.not.available = There are no elements in the group. = The student chooses a Utilization Certificate and has completed the degree.
label.senior.expectedDegreeTerminationMonth = Month of Degree termination = There are no evaluations without defined enrollment period
label.semester Semester
title.student.thesis.submit.declaration = Declaration
button.removeCourse = Remove Course = Information about Online Worksheets
The sessions in Fénix have a validity period. If the session expires while you are answering, after you submit the responses you will be redirected to the login page. In this case the answers are not submitted and you should resubmit the answers.
Responses may be submitted separately and in any order. If you are answering to an evaluation inquiry, each answer can only be submitted once.
After each submission, the system generates a validation code that is related to this submission. This code contains information about the inquiry and the submitted responses, and the date/time of the submission. Always confirm that, after the submission, you are redirected to the page where you can obtain this code. Complaints are not accepted without this code.
By default, the formula for correction of responses is
single choice:
Multiple Choice:
These formulas imply that negative ratings may be obtained. However the teacher may choose to use other formulas of correction. If in doubt please contact the teacher.
message.executionCourses.not.available = There are no courses with groups in enrollment period.
link.backToProjects = Back = Name = The student is in the process of changing course. Please go to the academic office.
link.enrollStudentGroupInShift = Associate Shift
label.optional.lowercase = Optional
link.student.portal.home = Home
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.number = Proposal No.
message.warning.student.enrolmentClasses.notEnroll.chooseCourse = To attend classes of a course in which you are not enrolled in your curriculum, you will have to choose the course before proceeding to the booking of classes:
message.studentQuestionsNotAnsweredNumber = Number of unanswered questions:
button.submitTest = Submit Test
label.finish = Finish
title.viewStudentsAndGroupsByShift = Show Students Enrolled in Groups of the Shift
message.student.shiftEnrollment.confirmation = The booking of classes was successful in all the courses that you attend.
label.thesis.operation.submission = Submitted
no.previouse.response.period = Nothing to fill
link.title.curriculum = Curriculum of the Student
label.thesis.field.empty = Not defined
label.course.type = Type
title.student.thesis.declaration = Declaration
label.student.statutes = Statutes = The hours that you entered are invalid (must be positive integers).
label.senior.professionalExperience = Professional Experience: = The operation cannot be made because the student is enrolled in a dissertation in a year after the current year.
link.title.statutes = Student Statutes = Registrations to Enroll
label.executionCourse = Course = All = Name = There is no shift where you can sign up.
label.student.viewGroupEnrolment.description.title2 = Individual Policy
label.student.viewGroupEnrolment.description.title1 = Atomic Policy
title.student.thesis.edit.keywords = Edit Keywords
errors.noStudentsInAttendsSet = One of the students to enroll no longer has permission to enroll in a group.
errors.footer =
error.enrollment.notAuthorized = You are not authorized to perform the enrollment process.
message.showShiftsToEnroll.showAllCourses = If you want to view all courses = Errors while unsubscribing = Courses
label.information.export = Information Export
error.message.MaximumNumberOfProposalCandidaciesPerGroupUndefinedException = The maximum number of dissertations that each group can apply is not defined.
label.end = End
message.exportChecksumReportAfterSubmission = After submitting the report you should export the proof of delivery. No complaints will be accepted without the proof of delivery.
error.Enrolment.has.ProgramCertificateRequests = The enrollment to be deleted is associated with Program Certificate Requests.
label.periodDescription = {0} Semester {1} = View Record
label.senior.expectedDegreeTermination = Termination date of the Degree (expected):
urgency.charge.explanation = The requested documents may be performed, save some unforeseen event, within five days upon payment of a fee equal to the value of the requested document.
error.UnEnrollStudentGroupShift = Impossible to dissociate the shift, because someone changed the association of the shift to the group. Please try again.
label.thesis.declaration.reject.deleteFiles = You have decided not to accept the declaration but you have uploaded files previously. If you confirm, these files will be automatically removed.
label.shiftType.theoric = T
message.studentTestLog.checksumReport = Export Proof (pdf)
label.scope.curricular.semester = {0} Year, {1} Semester
link.finalDegreeWork.proposal.listings = Proposals = Transit to Bologna
label.student.SpecialSeasonEnrollment.description = In this section you can make your enrollment in special season evaluations, provided that you have the statute that gives you access to this evaluation period.
The enrollment periods for special season evaluations can be found in the school calendar.
Any questions or inaccuracies in the process can be resolved at the Academic Office desk.
label.number = Number
label.enrollment.enrolIn = Enrollment in = The worksheet is not available.
urgency.charge = Do you wish to pay the urgency fee?
submit = Submit
errors.removeEnrolment.studentNotEnroled = You cannot remove your enrollment because you are not enrolled in the group.
label.attention = ATTENTION
label.evaluations.list = Evaluations List
label.thesis.Dissertation = Dissertation = There are no curricular plans.
errors.removeEnrolment.minimumNumberOfElementsAndStudentNotEnroled = You cannot remove your enrollment, because the group has a minimum number of elements and you are not enrolled in the group.
not.applicable = Does not apply to pre-Bologna curricular plans.
error.noStudent = The student that you are trying to modify does not exist. = Room = Warnings
link.student.portalTitle = Student Portal
link.finalDegreeWork.selectProposals = Select Proposals
label.course.enrollment.ectsCredits = ECTS credits
message.infoSiteShiftList.not.available = There are no shifts to enroll. = Degree
warning.lerci = It is advisable to enroll in only 5 courses
label.projectTable.MaximumCapacity.title = Maximum number of students per group
confirm.cancel = Do you want to cancel this order?
error.message.MaximumNumberOfProposalCandidaciesPerGroupReachedException = Each student can only apply to a maximum of {0} dissertations.
link.viewExecutionCourseForuns.viewForum = View Forum
average = With average?
message.student.curriculum = Student Curriculum
label.senior.expectedDegreeAverageGrade = Final Grade (predicted)
label.course.enrollment.ectsCredits2 = ECTS credits
button.enroll = Enroll
label.student.thesis.declaration.view = View Statement = Not Assigned = You cannot remove the course in which you are enrolled in working groups.
message.warning.student.notYet.enroll = WARNING: You have not yet signed up to courses.
detailed.view = Detailed?
label.student.number = Number
label.evaluation.shortname.test = Test
label.test.questionOrder = Question
errors.enrollStudentGroupShift.shiftFull = You cannot assign the shift to your group, since the shift you selected is full. = Invalid number of active registrations. Please contact the academic office.
label.notEnroledEvaluations = Evaluations in which you are not enrolled
message.shift.enrollement.legend = Types of Shift: T - Theoretical | P - Practical | TP - Theoretical and practical | L - Laboratory | TC - Fieldwork | Pb - Problems | S - Seminars | E - Internship | OT - Tutorship Orientation
label.student.thesis.file.declaration.notAccepted = You can submit files only after accepting the statement.
error.attends.cant.change.attends = Unable to book this class because you are already enrolled.
label.viewExecutionCourseForuns.noAttendsForExecutionPeriod = The forums are available after the enrollment in courses
label.credits.abbreviation = Cred.
label.projectSubmissions.viewProjectsWithOnlineSubmission.noProjectsWithOnlineSubmissionForExecutionCourse = There are no projects with online submission
link.evaluations.enrolment = Evaluations
message.student.enrollment.confirmation = The enrollment was successful. Confirm the current situation below.
label.student = Student
label.thesis.title = Title
error.special.season.not.granted = You do not have the statute that allows access to the special season on the desired period.
title.student.thesis.submit.dissertation = Dissertation
label.projectTable.MinimumCapacity.title = Minimum number of students per group
link.title.student.enrollment = Enrollment in Courses
message.LEIC.students = Students of LEIC Alameda of the old curriculum (5th year) should go to the Academic Office.
label.candidacyFormTitle = Candidacy Form
projects = Projects
title.RemoveEnrolment = Remove Enrollment
view.curricular.plans = View curricular plan = Confirm Transition to Bologna
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.MinimumCapacity = Minimum
label.opened = Open
label.student.thesis.submit.noDissertation = The dissertation document has not yet been submitted. = Here you can request a set of documents from the Academic Office
label.enrollment.dislocatedStudent.district = District / Autonomous Region
error.exception.notAuthorized = You are not authorized to access this information.
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.GroupEnrolmentPolicy = Policy
label.projectSubmissions.viewProjectsWithOnlineSubmission.noAttendsForExecutionPeriod = There are no enrollments in courses of this semester courses with online submission of projects
label.evaluationsWithEnrolmentPeriodClosed = Evaluations with enrollment period closed
error.StudentGroupShiftIsChanged = The association to the shift of this group of students has been changed by someone else. Please try again.
link.title.results.test = Results of the Physics Assessment Test
link.backToShiftsAndGroups.description = Back to shifts of the group
label.student.viewGroupStudentEnrolment.description = On this page you can confirm or cancel your enrollment in the displayed group.
label.distributedTest = Worksheet
label.shiftType.description.fieldWork = Fieldwork = Course Name = Check the status of your requests to the academic office
error.transaction.enrollment = The enrollment process does not support the use of buttons "Back" (Back) and "Refresh" (Reload) of your browser. Similarly, the selection of courses should be done independently. For this reason you will have to restart the enrollment process.
label.thesis.declaration.visibility = Visibility
button.confirm = Confirm
label.curriculum = Curriculum
label.seminaryTitle = Name
label.information.export.manage.passwords.none.present = You have no generated password.
title.credits.warning = Warning (aimed at students who have to choose primary and secondary specialization areas)
label.senior.personalInfoWarning = If you wish to change your personal contacts you should access the Personal portal. The changes of your personal data with administrative purpose must be made directly at the academic office.
You should go to the CIIST Desk if you want to insert your pass-type photo in Fénix.
label.thesis.orientator = Advisor
label.vacancies = Vacancies
label.thesis.subtitle = Sub Title
title.GroupStudentEnrolment = Enrollment in Group
message.showShiftsToEnroll.visibleCourse = You are viewing the course
link.all = All
label.enrollment.specialSeason = Enrollment in Special Season = If you want to end, for now, the process of booking classes.
label.projectTable.GroupEnrolmentPolicy.title = Enrollment policy (Individual or Atomic)
property.lesson.beginning = Home
label.student.enrollment.number = Student No.
link.myExecutionCourses = My courses
label.pick.registration = Choose Registration
button.exit = Exit = (Hours/week)
error.enrollment.student.withTutor = The student already has a tutor to perform the enrollment:
Tutor with No. {0} - {1}.
label.cancelCandidacy = Cancel
error.senior.studentNotASenior = You do not have the Finalist student statute. For more information, please contact the Alumni - IST
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.individualDescription = This type of enrollment allows students to enroll and withdraw freely and individually from the groups, as long as they do not exceed the maximum allowed number of students
label.thesis.file = File
label.student.thesis.jury.notFound = No jury has been appointed yet to evaluate the dissertation.
link.editStudentGroupShift = Change Shift = Name
label.projectTable.GroupMaximumNumber.title = Maximum number of groups in the grouping
label.prices = Pricing
label.evaluation.project.begin = Home
label.dismissal.noSource = no source
errors.enrollStudentGroupShift.allShiftsFull = You may not assign any shift to your group because they are all full.
otherPurpose = Other = Bologna Registration(s) = You cannot enroll in more than {0} accumulated courses.
label.projectSubmissions.viewProjectsWithOnlineSubmission.title = Projects - Online Submission
label.lesson.weekDay = Weekday
label.choose.documentToRequest = Choose the certificate(s) that you wish to request:
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.specialSeason = Students of special season: enrollment period from {0} to {1}
email = E-mail = Note: If you are using this feature for the first time, or if you wish to clarify any questions please refer to the use of
label.student.viewShiftsAndGroups.description.item4 = [x]: Each number corresponds to a group. You can view the students enrolled in the group. You can subscribe and unsubscribe to groups. If you are already enrolled in a group, you can change the group of shift. = Enrollment in courses (performed by the student) are only for undergraduate students. If you are a graduate student, you should go to the graduate academic office.
label.student.viewShiftsAndGroups.description.item3 = Create Group: Create a new group (if you are not yet enrolled in a group in this grouping)
label.senior.expectedDegreeTerminationYear = Degree termination year
label.student.viewShiftsAndGroups.description.item2 = Vacancies: Number of groups that can still enroll in the turn.
title.StudentGroupInformation = Group view
label.student.viewShiftsAndGroups.description.item1 = Shift: List of shifts. When selected allows you to view the list of students and groups enrolled in the shift.
error.cannot.reserve.first.year.shift = The booking of classes of the 1st year is available only after the 26th September.
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.flunked.students = Students whose registration had been flunked: enrollment period from {0} to {1}
label.nameWord = Name
label.student.thesis.confirmed = The documents of the dissertation have been confirmed. You cannot make more changes.
label.finalDegreeWork.proposal.orderOfPreference = Order of Preference
errors.noStudentInAttendsSetToDelete = You cannot remove your enrollment because you are not enrolled in the group and you no longer have permission to enroll in a group.
label.student.viewGroupEnrolment.description.2 = When you create a group in a grouping of individual policy, you can choose the remaining elements of the group. Enrollments are made individually and freely by each student as long as they respect the maximum number of students allowed per group.
label.student.viewGroupEnrolment.description.1 = When you create a group in a grouping of atomic policy, you must simultaneously select the other elements of the group, and respect the minimum and maximum number of students allowed. = QUC - Quality Assurance of Curriculum Units
label.thesis.operation.title = List of Operations
message.student.shift.enrollment = Reserve Classes - Summary
label.executionYear = Execution Year
message.actualHour = Current time:
thesis.student.discussionDate.missing = You must specify the date on which the dissertation was discussed
message.seminaries.avaliableCases = Available Cases
thesis.student.keywords.missing = The keywords of the dissertation are not yet defined
label.test.questionValue = Rating
label.student.statute.startdate = Start date of the statute
consult = View = You can only choose one purpose for the document.
label.identification = Identification
error.message.MinimumNumberOfStudentsNotReachedException = The minimum number of students in each group is {0}.
label.projectTable.description = Description
title.editStudentGroupShift = Change the Shift of the Group
label.numberWord = Number
title.student.shift.enrollment = Classes Booking
label.enrolmentPeriod = Enrollment
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.residence.debts = You cannot enroll because there are debts of residence that are pending
link.student.yearDelegateElections = Election of Year Delegate
label.choose = Choose
label.course.enrollment.enroll = Enroll = You have no registrations for which you can make enrollments
error.message.MaximumNumberOfStudentsReachedException = The maximum number of students of each group is {0}.
error.enrollment.notStudentTutor = The student is not of your tutoring.
label.student.thesis.upload.dissertation.message = The filename of the dissertation that you submit is covered by the previously accepted statement. We will only accept dissertation files in PDF format. = Your state does not allow you to enroll. Please go to the academic office.
link.shift.enrolment = Classes
label.attendCourses = Courses that you will attend
student.thesis.document.type = You must submit the file in PDF format
error.message.secretaryEnrolmentStudent = You will have to go to the academic office to process your registration. You can make your booking of classes by choosing the courses that you wish to attend. Thank you.
error.projectSubmissions.viewProjectSubmissions.submitProject.unableToStoreFile = Could not save the file = Registrations to choose the 2nd cycle in advance
label.execution.period = Execution period
title.viewAllStudentsAndGroups = View All Students Enrolled in Groups
label.creditsDismissal = Credits Dismissal
label.enrollment.personalData.authorization = I authorize the Instituto Superior Técnico to provide third parties with my personal data contained in the academic databases, for the following purposes:
label.registration.basic = Registration = Your enrollment is complete. To view all the courses in which you are enrolled, you may check your curriculum
label.choose.degreeCurricularPlan = Choose the curricular plan
label.student.thesis.unavailable = Currently, you cannot change any information associated with the dissertation.
label.senior.lastModificationDate = Last modification date: = Autonomous Work
link.removeEnrolment = Remove Enrollment
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.student.confirmation = Student confirmation
label.transition.bolonha.registrationsInTransition = Registrations in Transition
link.title.calendar = Calendar
error.test.invalidTest = Nonexistent test.
error.message.flunked = The student's registration is flunked. Please go to the academic office.
title.ShiftsAndGroups = View the Shift of the Grouping = Page of = Once the values are submitted they cannot be changed. To proceed press the OK button. To check the values again press the Cancel button.
label.evaluationDate = Evaluation Date = There are no evaluations with closed enrollment period
label.deadline = Deadline
label.enrollment.personalData.nonComericalEnds = Other, non-commercial, purposes (biographical, recreational, cultural, etc.);
document.purpose = Purpose
label.student.viewStudentGroupInformation.description = This page shows the elements enrolled in the selected group.
View Shifts: To return to the page where you view the shifts of the group.
Enroll: You can enroll to if you have not already enrolled and if the group has vacancies
Remove Enrollment: You can unsubscribe.
Shift Change: If you are enrolled in the group, you can change the shift.
label.emailWord = Email = Enroll in
button.addCourse = Add Course
label.projectTable.project = Grouping
error.noProject = That grouping no longer exists in the database.
label.course.enrollment.weight2 = Enrollments
message.cancel.academicServiceRequest.sucess = Document Request canceled successfully.
error.message.NumberOfNecessaryCompletedCreditsInFirstCycleNotSpecifiedException = The minimum number of completed credits was not specified by the coordinator.
error.message.NotCompletedCurricularYearException = For the selected degree, you must have completed the {0} academic year. To that end, you must still obtain approval for the following courses: {1}.
button.continue.enrolment = Continue »
message.studentTest.sent = The worksheet was sent.
label.editStudentGroupShift.oldShift = The current shift is:
label.enrolmentGroup.chooseShiftAndStudents = Choose the shift and the students that you wish to enroll in YOUR group.
label.lesson.type = Type
errors.unEnrollStudentGroupShift.notEnroled = You cannot dissociate the shift, because you are not enrolled in the group.
error.message.GroupProposalAttributedException = You cannot remove an application from a proposal that has already been assigned to you. You should contact the coordinator to remove the assignment.
label.nrOfGroups = Vacancies:
label.credits.warning = The credits of each area are recorded as follows: credits of all the approved courses in that particular area + credits of all the courses that were just enrolled in that area.
When there are courses that may belong both to the area of specialization and to the secondary area, the program does not know in which area does the student wish to complete these courses, in other words, it does not know which areas to assign the respective credits.
Thus, the program detects if the areas could be concluded with those credits, in which case it will assign them correctly as intended by the student.
However, if none of the areas can be concluded with those credits, the credits will be split among the two areas (without exceeding the maximum of either group) until the student completes a sufficient number of courses in order to determine if the areas can be concluded.
Consequently, the total of credits presented here may not correspond exactly to the student's expectations, which, however, does not mean they are being poorly recorded.
document.request = Document Request
title.student.thesis.submit.abstract = Abstract
message.LEFT.students = LEFT Students that wish to enroll in courses of the 4th or 5th years should go to the Physics Department Office.
label.enrollment.personalData.inquiry = Inquiry of the Transfer of Personal Data (mandatory answer)
error.message.InsufficientCompletedCreditsInFirstCycleException = For the selected degree, you must have obtained {1} credits in the first cycle, but you still only got {0}. = Autonomous work: work outside the classroom, study, work preparation, implementation of projects
label.curricularplan = Curriculum Plan
label.shiftType.laboratory = L
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.MaximumCapacity = Maximum
link.finalDegreeWork = Dissertation
label.projectSubmission.projectFile = Project File
link.title.shift.enrolment = Class Booking
label.evaluation.type = Evaluation type
message.thesis.process.instructions = Please confirm all the data filled in. Next, you should print your identification sheet and deliver it in the office of your department.
label.student.viewStudentsAndGroupsWithoutShift.description = This page shows the students enrolled in groups without shift and their respective groups.
View Shifts: Lets you go back to the page that shows the shifts of the group. = There are no approvals in this Registration.
link.results.test = Physics Assessment Test
label.GroupNumber = Group No.
label.student.thesis.submission = Dissertation
message.showShiftsToEnroll.title = Reserve classes and Shifts
phone = Telephone
degreeFinalizationType.withoutDegreeCertificate = The student chooses a Degree Finalization Certificate but has not yet made Diploma Request.
link.title.groupEnrolment = Enrollment in Groups
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.title = Title
label.projectSubmissions.viewProjectSubmissions.noProjectSubmissions = No files have been submitted in this project
label.test.classification = Classification
message.showShiftsToEnroll.instructions4 = The information of the shifts appears in the following format: Course > Class Type > Room. Example: TCMI (T) VA5 corresponds to the shift of the course Heat and Mass Transfer I, Theory Class, Room VA5. = View Transition Plan
message.showShiftsToEnroll.instructions3 = to book or remove the respective shifts.
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.atomicPolicy = Atomic Policy
message.showShiftsToEnroll.instructions2 = and = Total
label.student.thesis.edit.keywords.message = Enter 4 to 6 keywords separated by commas.
message.showShiftsToEnroll.instructions1 = Click on the icons
message.showShiftsToEnroll.instructions0 = Instructions:
button.exit.shift.enrollment = Cancel
message.student.enrolled.curricularCourses = Curriculum courses in which you are enrolled
link.student.declaration.goBack = Back
link.title.seminaries.enrolment = Candidacy for Seminars
error.shift.enrollment.nonExistingShift = An error has occured during the processing of the enrollment in the shifts that you have chosen.
label.finalDegreeWork.addProposal = Add Proposal
errors.existing.elementsEnrolment = One of the elements that you are trying to enroll is already enrolled in another group.
label.enrollment.personalData.professionalEnds = Only for purposes of employability (job offers, internships, scholarships, etc. ...);
error.noGroup = That group no longer exists in the database. = User
label.lessons = Classes
link.title.evaluations.enrolment = Enrollments in Evaluations
link.projectSubmissions = Project Submission
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.GroupMaximumNumber = Groups
error.message.NumberOfNecessaryCompletedCoursesNotSpecifiedException = The minimum number of concluded courses has not yet been completed specified by the coordinator.
message.warning.student.enrolmentClasses.Fenix = Enrollment in Courses
label.studentCurricularPlan = Choose your curricular plan:
label.seminariesToEnroll = Seminars available for enrollment:
label.noActiveRegistration = You have no active registration.
message.shift.enrollement.resume.item2 = If you wish to attend a course in which you cannot enroll, view the following page before proceeding with the booking of classes:
label.course.enrollment.weight = Counts as * Courses for Enrollment
message.shift.enrollement.resume.item1 = Before starting the booking of shifts, you must enroll in the curricular courses that you plan to attend in:
label.curricular.year = Curricular Year = to
errors.impossible.nrOfGroups.groupEnrolment = You cannot create the group because the shift is full.
message.shift.enrollement.list = Reserved Shifts: = In this area you can find, in a centralized manner, some traditional academic services, which are usually dispersed. The purpose of this area is to help you find information quickly and efficiently, to accelerate some of the processes associated with your school journey, and to minimize the time spent in seeking information. New services will be added to the existing services throughout the school year.
message.studentQuestionsAnsweredNumber = Number of questions answered:
label.student.thesis.view = View
label.lesson.time = Hours
title.student.thesis.upload.abstract = Submit Abstract
label.openEnrolment = with open enrollment
property.lessons = Classes
link.student.curriculum = Curriculum
errors.required = You should specify: {0}
label.currentCandidacies = Applications taken: = Room
property.turno = Shift
label.seminairies.seeRules = (rules)
message.student.shiftEnrollment.lacksCourses = Warning: There are still shifts to enroll of {0} course(s).
label.enrollment.cycleCourseGroup.noCycleDestinationAffinities = There is no suitable cycle in which you can enroll
errors.header =
label.studentCurricularPlan.organizedBy.groups = Groups
link.student.seeAllClasses = Show all courses = That enrollment that you wish to delete is the source of one or more equivalencies.
final.average = Final Grade
label.detailed = Detailed
error.areas.notAuthorized = You cannot change the area of specialization/branch without the consent of the degree coordinator.
error.message.MaximumNumberOfStudentsUndefinedException = The maximum number of students is not defined.
label.thesis.file.size = Size
errors.editStudentGroupShift.notEnroled = You cannot change the shift because you are not enrolled in the group.
label.studentCurricularPlan.basic = Curriculum Plan
label.curricular.course.year = Year
label.seminaryEnroll = Enroll
label.enrolmentPage = Enrollment
label.senior.specialtyField = Specialization Areas:
error.notAuthorizedUnEnrollment = You cannot unsubscribe from that exam.
Either the enrollment period has ended or you have already been assigned a room.
label.groupOption = Option:
label.enrolmentBegin = Start:
link.seminaries.rules =
error.message.OutsideOfCurrentClassesEnrolmentPeriodForDegreeCurricularPlan = Out of the booking class period. = Properties
documents.requirement = Certificate Request
title.enrollStudentGroupShift = Associate Shift to the Group
error.student.enrollment.AreasNotEqual = The specialization and secondary areas have to be different.
errors.invalid.insert.groupStudentEnrolment = You cannot enroll in that group because it is already full.
label.thesis.declaration.state = State
error.areas.choose = You must choose the specialization and secondary areas to proceed with the enrollment. = Group constitution:
errors.range = {0} is not between {1} and {2}
error.student.curricularPlan.nonExistent = The corresponding student does not have a curricular plan.
address = Address
link.StudentGroupsList = View Groups
label.state = State
label.course = Course
label.useInformation = Usage Information
thesis.student.extendedAbstract.missing = You have not yet uploaded the abstract PDF file
label.thesis.operation.creation = Created
label.shiftType.pratic = P
label.transition.bolonha.noEquivalences = There are no equivalences
error.shift.enrollment.nonExistingStudent = That student does not exist.
errors.invalid.shift.groupEnrolment = Choose a shift = If you want to enroll in other areas you should select the ones you want.
link.student.thesis.submit.edit = Edit
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.IdealCapacity = Ideal
label.evaluationNote = The enrollment period can still be defined. In this case you will need to enroll in order to take part in the evaluation.
link.title.timetable = Student Timetable
student.thesis.generate.identification.failed = Unable to generate the identification form of the dissertation. Please contact the support.
label.thesis.operation.operation = Operation
label.finalDegreeWork.groupProposals = Proposals to which the student is applying
thesis.student.abstract.missing = The abstract has not yet introduced in its textual form
label.shiftType.tutorialOrientation = OT = Week to submit
label.extraCurricular = Extra Curricular
link.student.portal.back = Back = The values entered must be integers and must be filled in the three fields, possibly with zero (0). Only the conscious filling of this data, with the regular and proper introduction of the work effort, ensures that this tool will serve the interest of the School, as a means of identifying some problems and their causes, which may occur during the semester.
label.type = Type
error.test.cantDoTest = The worksheet is not ongoing at this time.
message.shift.enrollement.curricular = Curriculum courses in which you are enrolled: = Academic Services
link.groupEnrolment = Groups
message.cant.enroll = Unfortunately you cannot enroll through this system. Please enroll with the old system or contact the academic office or the degree coordinator, in order to verify your situation.
message.student.unenrolled.curricularCourses = Curriculum courses in which you can enroll
button.clean = Clear
link.viewAllStudentsAndGroups.description = View list of students that are enrolled in groups of this grouping
label.senior.languageSkills = Language skills: = Generate identification form
label.information.export.manage.passwords.generate = Generate Password
label.newProjectProposalExecutionCourses = Courses in Co-evaluation
label.thesis.operation.approval = Approved = Request made successfully.
label.course.enrollment.curricularYear = Curricular
label.student.EditStudentGroupShift.description = Warning: you may move to shifts with open vacancies.
link.backToShiftsAndGroups = Back
label.bolonha = Bologna
error.notAuthorized.ShiftEnrollment = Unable to make the booking of classes.
message.empty.curriculum = Curriculum empty.
link.unenrole.shift = Cancel Booking
label.class.withId = Class {0}
link.student.back=« Back
#IST Career Workshop
label.careerWorkshopApplication.title=IST CareerWorkshops Application Form for Scholarship
link.student.careerWorkshop=IST CareerWorkshops
link.title.careerWorkshop=IST CareerWorkshops
label.careerWorkshopApplication.applicationRules= a.) Fill this form in accordance with your preferences in both shift and topic.
b.) Keep in mind this follows a ranking order (1 means it is your favourite).
c.) You can grant the same level of significance to several items.
d.) Resubmitting will invalidate previous submissions and will place your application at the end of the queue.
label.careerWorkshopApplication.successfulEdit=Your application was saved successfully.
label.careerWorkshopApplication.subTitle=Enrollment period:
label.careerWorkshopApplication.subTitleSeparator= to
label.careerWorkshopApplication.dashSeparator= -
label.careerWorkshopApplication.termsOfResponsability=I declare that I have read and agree to the terms of the "IST CareerWorkshops" Scholarship Application Rules, and I have full knowledge that in case of breaking the aforementioned rules I cease to be elected to any further school support in identical events.
link.careerWorkshopApplication.rules=Application Rules for the IST CareerWorkshops Scholarship
label.careerWorkshop.shiftProposals=Shift Proposals
label.careerWorkshop.preference=Preference (1-{0})
label.careerWorkshop.themeProposals=Topic Proposals
label.manageCareerWorkshop.startDate = Begin date
label.manageCareerWorkshop.endDate = End date
label.manageCareerWorkshop.relatedInformation = Related information
label.manageCareerWorkshop.confirmationStartDate = Confirmation period starts at
label.manageCareerWorkshop.confirmationEndDate = Confirmation period ends at
label.careerWorkshop.openApplicationEvents=Open Application Periods:
label.careerWorkshop.noOpenApplicationEvents=As of now there is no open application period.
label.careerWorkshop.pendingForConfirmation=Scholarship grants waiting for your confirmation:
label.careerWorkshop.noPendingForConfirmation=You have no pending confirmation at this moment.
label.manageCareerWorkshop.presentConfirmation=Confirm Grant
label.careerWorkshopApplication.termsAcceptance=By accepting the scholarship that was assigned to me, I know that, in accordance with the "IST Career Workshops" Scholarship Application Rules, I am obliged to attend the two training sessions that were assigned to me, and in case of breaking the aforementioned rules I cease to be elected to any further school support in identical events, namely the inclusion of my contact in employability services to companies and the contact of graduates of the IST directed to companies and institutions.
label.careerWorkshopApplication.confirmationCode=Confirmation code
label.careerWorkshopApplication.confirmation=Do you accept this scholarship in respect to the aforementioned conditions?
button.accept = Accept
button.decline = Decline
CareerWorkshopThemes.RESUME = Resumé Elaboration
CareerWorkshopThemes.LABOUR_MARKET_STRATEGIES = Labour Market Insertion Strategies
CareerWorkshopThemes.RECRUITMENT_TECHNIQUES = Interviews and Other Selection Techniques
CareerWorkshopThemes.CAREER_MANAGEMENT = Career Management