label.submit.edit = Change = Note: The information visible / available refers to error.delegates.personNotFound = The coordinator / student was not found. error.elections.createVotingPeriod.votingPeriodIntersecting = Intersects an existing voting label.curricularYear = Academic year label.submit = Submit label.emptyCandidacy = - label.student.number = No. of Student label.elections.excel.not.have.votes = There were no votes in this election link.tutorship.student.lowPerformance.donwload = Export to Excel message.tutorshipSummaryPeriod.confirm = The period was saved successfully. title.tutorship.student.performance.grid = Grid Performance label.sendEmailToStudents = Send Email to Students label.votingPeriod = Voting title.tutorship.tutor.performanceGrids = See Performance Grilles error.elections.setPeriod.invalidPeriod = {0}, {1} th year: the period introduced ({2}) does not belong to the current academic year ({3}). label.submit.success = Guidelines tutorials successfully created label.elections.createCandidacyPeriod.selectDegreeType = Filtering by type of course label.elections.editVotingPeriod.editPeriod = Editing voting times link.delegates.addRole = Assign office link.showCandidacyPeriods = Results of Applications title.pedagogicalCouncil.managers.add = Add People label.submit.delete = Remove Tutoring label.tutorship.lowPerformance.request.request = Request = Press the nomination period required to consult RESPECTIVE candidates. = Disciplinary Enforcement label.votesPercentage = Absolute% Votes link.delegates.removeRole = Remove post label.elections.createVotingPeriod.createPeriod = Establishment of voting times link.findDelegates = Search Delegates label.summary.40to60 = 40-60 (%) label.excel.professorUsername = Number of Teachers link.delegates.removeFirstCycleDelegate = Remove delegate label.tutorship.students.number = Student (s) found (s) link.delegates.removeSecondCycleDelegate = Remove delegate label.createEditCandidacyPeriods = Delegates from the Year Nominations message.pedagogical.council.welcome = Welcome to the website of the Pedagogical Council. label.showVotingPeriods = Voting Results for Delegates Year label.personUsername.explanation = Examples: ist1xxxxx / dxxxx / lxxxxx = There is one person in the system with logging indicated. label.dropDown.all = All label.choose.degreeCurricularPlan = Choose a Curriculum Plan label.choose.department=Choose a Department error.elections.create.invalidEndDate = Invalid Period: The date that ends the period entered must be greater than start date. label.elections.excel.studentNumber = Number of Students student.does.not.exist = There is no tutoring with the student number {0}. label.tutorship.class = Class label.emptyVoting = - label.summary.teacherName = Name label.summary.categoryName = Category portal.pedagogical.council = Portal of the Pedagogic = You must wait until the voting period ends so you can nominate a student. label.createAnotherPeriod = Set another period label.summary.0to20 = 0-20 (%) label.submit.success.delete = Guidelines tutorials successfully removed label.tutorship.executionCourse = Discipline elections.showVotingResults.noVotes = There are no voting by students. error.elections.createVotingPeriod.mustCreateCandidacyPeriod = {0}, {1} th year: to create a nomination period before creating a vote. button.elections.editPeriods = Edit Periods = Select the type of course and academic year for all of its voting sessions. label.elections.createEditCandidacyPeriod.selectPeriods = Selection of course (s) and year (s) label.delegates.election.resume = Election Period selected label.excel.lessons.summaries.percentage = % Of classes with Abstract label.excel.lessons.notTaught.summaries = No. Of classes not Taught label.excel.lessons.notTaught.summaries.percentage = % Of classes not Taught label.submit.create = Create label.excel.course = Discipline in Execution label.elections.showCandidacyPeriod.selectPeriods = Selection of course (s) and year (s) label.elections.secondRoundElections.description = In this section you create a second round of elections. Select the new candidates and choose a new vote. label.delegates.createEditGGAEDelegates.confirmPerson = Confirmation of the coordinator / student name = Enter the start and end of the nomination period. error.elections.createVotingPeriod.mustBeAfterCandidacyPeriod = {0}, {1} th year: the vote entered ({2}) must exceed the nomination period ({3}). label.secondYear = 2nd Year button.add = Add label.delegates.election.results = Results of the election period selected label.excel.department = Department = Enter the new end date of the vote (must be greater than the current one) and click "Update period".
To remove this voting period, click "Remove period." button.delegates.addDelegate = Assign label.tutorship.lowPerformance.requestDate = Date label.tutorship.year = Year label.alias = Username label.elections.deleteVotingPeriod.deletePeriods = Remove voting times button.delegates.submit = Submit label.summary.givenSummariesPercentage = Percent in class label.notTaught.summary.givenSummariesPercentage = Percent of not Taught = Select the type of course for all courses of this type. error.election.not.have.candidates = There are no candidates to create a new voting session link.pedagogicalCouncil.managers.remove = Remove = People with access to the site management label.excel.lessons = No. of Classes = Enter the start and end of voting. label.delegatesManagement.GGAE = Delegates from GGAE = Confirm that you want to remove the voting period selected.
If you also want to remove the associated application period, select that option. label.delegatesManagement = Body of Delegates label.degreeType = Course type label.delegates.createEditDelegates.selectedDegreeTypeAndDegree = Type of course and the course selected label.removeCandidacy = Remove nomination period? error.pedagogicalCouncil.managers.add.idNumber.notFound = There is one person with the identification number indicated. label.secondRoundElections = Second round of elections = Student's Name link.tutorship.student.lowPerformance.confirmation = It has been confirmed your request. You will receive an email when it is completed. error.delegates.studentNotBelongsToDegree = The student entered does not belong to this course. label.votes = No Votes label.excel.professorEmail = Email Teachers label.elections.votingPeriod.results = Results of voting selected tutor.does.not.exist = There is no guardian with the number of faculty {0}. label.summary.siglas = Degree (s) label.excel.sheetName = Control Briefs label.tutor.number = No. of Faculty = Click "Create period" in the cell corresponding to the pair (course, year) you want to create an application period.
Click on a specific period, previously created, to edit it.
To create or edit simultaneously more than one period, select several courses and click on "Create periods" or "Edit periods, respectively.
To remove all periods of a year, for the courses selected, click "Remove periods." label.thirdYear = 3rd Year label.teacher = Professor title.pedagogicalCouncil.managers.add.message = To add a site manager to enter the login name of the person or so the number of identification document. label.electedDelegate = Delegate elected label.selectedExecutionYear = Academic year selected label.tutorship.lowPerformance.degreeName = Course button.elections.deletePeriods = Remove Periods label.summary.executionCourseName = Discipline label.username = Identification label.elections.showVotingPeriod.selectDegreeTypeAndExecutionYear = Filtering by type of course and academic year label.endDate = End Date = Guidelines tutorials successfully changed label.delegates.integratedMasterDegreeDelegate = Delegate Master = The post of Chief of the Year has been awarded to a student (see the table above).
May appoint another delegate as a student, removing the responsibility of the student present and assigning it to the new student. label.delegates.createEditDelegates.selectDegreeType = Select the desired type of course label.showCandidacyPeriods = Results of Delegates of the Year Nominations title.tutorship.student.curriculum = Curriculum Student message.summary.noDataForThisSemester = No data for this semester = Total label.sendMail = Send Email error.elections.newElection.currentVotingPeriodExists = {0}, {1} first year there is an ongoing one voting ({2}). Hope this ends, or remove it, so you can create new application period. label.excel.professorName = Name of Teachers = Select the type of course for all courses of this type. label.elections.createVotingPeriod.selectDegreeType = Filtering by type of course link.delegatesManagement = Body of Delegates error.elections.edit.colidesWithVotingPeriod = {0}, {1} th year: the nomination period ({2}) conflicts with the vote ({3}). button.elections.createPeriods = Create Periods label.summary.20to40 = 20-40 (%) label.tutorship.lowPerformance.sumEcts = No. of ECTS Achieved button.elections.editPeriod = Update = Enter the ID of the coordinator / student to be appointed as delegate label.empty.tutorships = There are no active tutoring. link.createEditCandidacyPeriods = Applications bolonha.process = Bologna Process navigation.competenceCoursesManagement = Racing Disciplines label.tutorship.lowPerformance.sumEctsDate = Date Number of ECTS Achieved label.delegates.ggaeDelegate = Delegate Group of Major Areas of Study label.degrees = Courses error.yearDelegateElections.delete.pastPeriod = The period that attempted to remove already ended. error.delegates.ggaeDelegates.functionsNotFound = The deputy posts Groups Large Areas of study does not exist in the system.
Contact our technical support: label.elections.secondRoundElections.votedCandidates = Candidates voted in the first election label.elections.secondRoundElections.emptyCandidates = There were no candidates voted link.tutorship = Tutoring message.tutorship.summary.not.filled = The tutorship summary was not yet filled. label.delegates.createEditDelegates.delegatesFromDegree = Body of the course delegates selected label.createPeriod = Define period error.yearDelegateElections.edit.pastPeriod = {0}, {1} th year means the period tried to edit ({2}) is finished and will be stored in the system history. label.elections.nrBlankVotes = Number of blank ballots: label.tutorship.lowPerformance.request.requestDate = Date label.delegates.createEditGGAEDelegates.selectGGAEDelegateType = Select the type of delegate you want to add label.elections.deleteCandidacyPeriod.deletePeriod = Remove periods Applications label.tutorship.lowPerformance.number = No. of Student label.elections.secondRoundElections.votingPeriod = Choose the vote label.currentExecutionYear = Current academic year = Select the type of course and academic year for all of its voting sessions. label.votesRelativePercentage = Votes Percentage (%) = Export To Excel label.delegates.createEditDelegates.selectDegree = Select the desired course error.elections.edit.electionNotFound = {0}, {1} th year: there is no election for this course and academic year. title.tutorship.tutor.tutorships = See Tutorandos error.delegates.noDelegateFunction = Unable to add post of deputy. The job you want does not exist in the system. error.delegates.degreeNotSelected = You must select a course error.delegates.degreeTypeNotSelected = You must select a course type = After confirmation by the elected student, you can assign the respective position of delegate. message.pedagogicalCouncil.managers.empty = There are not added to groups of people managing the site of the Pedagogical Council. button.delegates.cancel = Cancel label.elections.votingPeriod.resume = Voting selected = Click on the vote required to query the results RESPECTIVE. label.fourthYear = 4th Year label.firstYear = 1st Year error.personFunction.endDateBeforeBeginDate = Could not allocate the new position of deputy. label.elections.excel.curricularYear = Year Course label.createEditVotingPeriods = Delegates voting in Year label.showVotingResults = Poll Results button.elections.deletePeriod = Remove Period = Mobile = There are no published or Bologna curricula approved. = Name title.tutorship.student.lowPerformance = List Students with Low Income label.fifthYear = 5th Year label.executionCourse.summaries = Summaries of the discipline label.elections.showVotingPeriod.selectPeriods = Selection of course (s) and year (s) button.delegates.goBack = Back link.delegates.changeDelegate = Edit label.elections.excel.nrBlankTotalVotes = Total number of blank votes label.excel.semester = Half label.elections.candidacyPeriod.resume = Nomination period selected label.tutorship.classes = Classes = New End Date label.studentNumber = Student No. = Site = Change the data you want and press 'Change'.
To remove this application period, click "Remove period." label.elections.excel.studentName = Student's Name label.showCandidates = Candidates = Confirm that you want to remove the voting sessions for selected courses in the previous table.
Select the desired academic year and carry on "Remove periods." error.elections.createVotingPeriod.mustCreateNewCandidacyPeriod = {0}, {1} th year: to create a new application period before creating a new voting link.delegates.viewResults = View results label.summary.teacherNumber = Number label.summary.teacherId = IST id link.elections.candidacyPeriod.results.hidePhotos = Hide photos of the candidates error.delegates.noElection = Although there were no elections for the Chief of the Year selected year. label.tutorship.lowPerformance.request.personName = Order by label.elections.candidacyPeriod.results = Students in the candidate nomination period selected label.summary.declaredLessons = Declared Classes error.elections.edit.newEndDateMustBeGreater = {0}, {1} first year: new end date must be greater than before. label.summary.80to100 = 80-100 (%) error.elections.createVotingPeriod.onlyCanExtendPeriod = {0}, {1} th year: During the voting period, just being able to edit the end date the same. title.tutorship.edit = Edit Tutoring = Confirm that the coordinator / student who wishes to nominate is presented as a delegate label.summary.givenSummaries = Summaries in the Classroom label.notTaught.summary.givenSummaries = Not Taught Classes link.elections.candidacyPeriod.results.showPhotos = Show pictures of the candidates label.startVotingDate = Early voting label.candidacyResume = Candidate competenceCoursesManagement = View Competency Courses link.delegates.removeDelegate = Remove label.showElectionResults = Poll Results label.endVotingDate = Voting ends label.elections.secondRoundElections.otherVotedCandidates = Other candidates polled in the first election = Students {0} st Year Course {1} label.summary.60to80 = 60-80 (%) label.searchType = Search for = On this page you can choose which people can manage the site of the Pedagogical Council. Everyone in this group may change the general information sections, and events listings site of the Pedagogical Council. label.elections.excel.nrTotalVotes = Total Number of Voters = Weekly Effort = Name label.tutorship.lowPerformance.list = Available Listings label.tutorship.tutor = Tutor label.candidacyPeriod = Applications label.teacher.department = Department link.createEditVotingPeriods = Polls label.functionType = Delegate type label.year = Year = To create periods of the vote, watch the nomination period and associated charge on their cell.
To extend the end date of the vote, click on its description.
To create, edit or remove more than one period, select their courses and press the button due. label.delegateRole = Designation of the Delegate label.delegates.masterDegreeDelegate = Deputy Master delegates.section = Delegates label.summary.percentageOfLessonsWithSummary = % Classes with Contents = Start Date title.tutorship.create = Allocation of Tutors label.executionYear = Academic year label.delegates.createEditGGAEDelegates.person = Coordinator / Student to be appointed as delegate label.delegate = delegate label.elections.secondRoundElections = Second Round of Elections = See Site error.personFunction.dates.intersection.for.same.function = You can not nominate the same student for another position of delegate of the same type. link.sendEmailToStudents = Send Email to Students label.tutors = Active tutors tutorials link.delegates.addDelegate = Assign label.excel.lessons.summaries = No. of Classes with Contents = Confirm that you want to remove periods of candidates for the courses selected in the previous table.
Select the desired academic year and carry on "Remove periods." label.years = {0} st Year pedagogical.council = Pedagogical label.delegates.degreeDelegate = Delegate Degree label.startDate = Start Date = Export to Excel label.delegatesManagement.GGAE.subTitle = Groups of Large Areas of Study label.summary.numberOfLessonInstancesWithSummary = No classes with Abstract = Email error.pedagogicalCouncil.managers.add.alias.notFound = There is one person in the system with logging indicated. label.idNumber = Identification No. elections.showCandidates.noCandidates = There are no self-proposed candidate. button.elections.createPeriod = Create Time label.delegates.yearDelegates = Delegates of the Year label.elections.editCandidacyPeriod.editPeriod = Editing periods Applications = There is one person with the identification number indicated. message.pedagogicalCouncil.noSite = The Pedagogical Council does not have a defined site. Please contact the system administrator to support . label.lastVotingPeriod = Final voting = Change Managers label.tutorship.shift = Shift label.elections.deleteVotingPeriod.deletePeriod = Remove voting error.delegates.studentNotFound = The student was not found. link.showVotingPeriods = Voting Results label.elections.showCandidacyPeriod.selectDegreeTypeAndExecutionYear = Filtering by type of course and academic year message.summary.noExecutionCourses = There are courses with summary execution within the parameters chosen label.elections.createCandidacyPeriod.createPeriod = Creating periods Applications = Course label.documentId = Identification Document label.pastPeriod = Period ended error.elections.newElection.invalidPeriod = {0}, {1} th year: the nomination period introduced ({2}) should be greater than previously established ({3}). link.delegatesManagement.GGAE = Delegates from GGAE label.elections.createEditVotingPeriod.selectPeriods = Selection of course (s) and year (s) navigation.curricularPlansManagement = Courses and Curriculum Plans = Email label.delegates.ggaeDelegates = Delegates Groups Large Areas of Study label.votingResume = votes label.summary.numberOfLessonInstances = No Classes