AcademicServiceRequest.already.has.event = The student already has a debt = The student has missing personal information necessary to conclude this request.
AcademicServiceRequest.hasnt.been.payed = This request must be payed by the student before being delivered.
ApprovementCertificateRequest.cannot.ignore.external.entries.within.a.mobility.program = Cannot ignore external entries once you chose a Mobility Program. = Please specify a Mobility Program to create this Approvement Certificate.
ApprovementCertificateRequest.registration.has.conclusion.processed = Students cannot request an Approvement Certificate after their registration is concluded.
ApprovementCertificateRequest.registration.hasnt.finished.third.year = Students cannot request an Approvement Certificate before concluding the 3rd curricular year. = Students cannot request an Approvement Certificate after their degree is concluded.
ApprovementCertificateRequest.registration.without.approvements = Students cannot request an Approvement Certificate before being approved in all curricular courses.
CREDITS = Credits
CURRICULAR_COURSE_CREDITS = Equivalent Curricular Courses
CURRICULUM_GROUP_CREDITS = Group Credits Exemption
ConcludedState.cannot.create.concluded.state.on.registration.with.average = Não pode criar ou alterar o estado Concluído de uma Matrícula já submetida ao Apuramento Final.
ConcludedState.must.use.registration.conclusion.process = Para marcar esta Matrícula como concluída deverá proceder ao seu Apuramento Final. = Tem que indicar um Programa de Mobilidade na criação desta Certidão. = Por favor indique a data referente à situação de conclusão escolhida. = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Certidão de Fim de Curso uma vez que não tem o curso concluído. = The Student's registration hasn't yet been submited to the conclusion process.
DegreeFinalizationCertificateRequest.registration.registryRequestIsNotSentToExternalEntity = O Diploma de Registo ainda não foi enviado para a reitoria, pelo que o a certidão não pode ainda ser processada.
DegreeFinalizationCertificateRequest.registration.withoutDiplomaRequest = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Certidão de Fim de Curso uma vez que não tem registo de pedido de Carta de Curso.
DegreeFinalizationCertificateRequest.registration.withoutPayedDiplomaRequest = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Certidão de Fim de Curso uma vez que ainda não pagou o pedido de Carta de Curso.
DegreeFinalizationCertificateRequest.registration.withoutPayedRegistryRequest = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Certidão de Fim de Curso uma vez que ainda não pagou o pedido de Diploma de Registo.
DegreeFinalizationCertificateRequest.registration.withoutRegistryRequest = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Certidão de Fim de Curso uma vez que não tem um pedido de Diploma de Registo.
DiplomaRequest.cannot.request.before.registration.start = The diploma cannot have been requested before the registration start.
DiplomaRequest.diploma.already.requested = O Aluno já possui um pedido de Carta de Curso para esta Matrícula. = The diploma cannot be concluded since the Student's registration hasn't yet been submited to the conclusion process.
DiplomaRequest.diploma.concluded = Documento pronto para entrega.
DiplomaRequest.diploma.not.available = A Carta de Curso pretendida ainda não está disponível.
DiplomaRequest.diploma.received = Documento recebido da Reitoria.
DiplomaRequest.diploma.sent = Documento enviado para a Reitoria.
DiplomaRequest.dissertation.not.discussed = Plano curricular sem tese discutida
DiplomaRequest.registration.doesnt.have.dissertation.thesis = The Student doesn't have a dissertation thesis. = The Student's registration hasn't yet been submited to the conclusion process.
DiplomaRequest.registration.withoutPayedRegistryRequest = The student can not ask for a letter of course since it has not paid the application for Certificate of Registration.
DiplomaRequest.registration.withoutRegistryRequest = The student can not ask for a letter of course since it has an application for Certificate of Registration.
DocumentRequest.cannot.create.for.transited.registrations = Esta Matrícula foi Transitada, deverá efectuar o Pedido de Documento na respectiva Transição. = O Aluno tem Taxas de Secretaria e/ou Seguro em atraso nesta Matrícula.
DocumentRequest.registration.has.not.payed.gratuities = O Aluno tem Pagamentos de Propinas em atraso nesta Matrícula. = O Aluno tem Pagamentos de Seguro Escolar em atraso nesta Matrícula.
DocumentRequestCreateBean.error.other.purpose.required = Document purpose is required.
EQUIVALENCE = Equivalence
EXTRA_CURRICULAR = Extra-Curricular = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Certidão de Inscrição para esta Matrícula uma vez que não tem qualquer inscrição no Ano Lectivo pedido. = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Declaração de Inscrição para esta Matrícula uma vez que não tem qualquer inscrição no Ano Lectivo actual.
EnrolmentEvaluation.cannot.set.grade.on.not.payed.enrolment.evaluation = Não poderá lançar a nota do aluno {0} uma vez que tem pagamento em atraso relativo à sua inscrição.
IRSDeclarationRequest.only.available.after.first.valid.year = As Declarações de IRS de Matrículas de Aluno só estão disponíveis no Fénix a partir de 2006.
IRSDeclarationRequest.only.available.for.bolonha.registrations = Declarações de IRS de Matrículas de Aluno Pré-Bolonha deverão ser impressas no Aplica. = Esta Matrícula do Aluno não está activa.
PROPAEDEUTICS = Propaedeutics
RegisteredState.error.registration.has.enroled.enrolments.for.execution.year = The Tuition can not go to an inactive state since it has entries in {0}. You should remove the entries are not approved.
RegisteredState.error.registration.has.enrolments.for.execution.year = This Registration can not be changed to an inactive state since it has enroled enrolments in {0}. = Cannot create requests on transited registrations.
STANDALONE = Standalone Curricular Courses = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Certidão de Matrícula para esta Matrícula uma vez que não se encontra matriculado no Ano Lectivo pedido. = O Aluno não pode pedir uma Declaração de Matrícula para esta Matrícula uma vez que não se encontra matriculado no Ano Lectivo actual.
academic.service.request.concluded.with.success = O pedido de serviço académico foi concluído com sucesso.
academic.service.request.delivered.with.success = O pedido de serviço académico foi entregue com sucesso.
academic.service.request.processed.with.success = O pedido de serviço académico foi processado com sucesso. = Pedidos requeridos no Portal do Estudante: = Pedidos tratados pelo funcionário: = Pedidos tratados por outros funcionários
#Service Requests Management = Serviços Académicos
add.state.warning = Atenção: a data indicada deverá reflectir a realidade curricular desta Matrícula
all.curriculum = toda a informação curricular do aluno.
average.rule = MC = Somatório (Peso x Classificação) das Unidades Curriculares / Somatório (Peso) das Unidades Curriculares
back = Voltar
begin.of.execution.year = o início do ano lectivo = No caso de alunos que venham a terminar os seus cursos no formato de "Bolonha" não se aplica esta metodologia de cálculo da média pois as médias são determinadas separadamente para cada ciclo (1º e 2º).
button.back = Voltar
button.cancel = Cancelar
button.choose = Escolher
button.confirm = Confirmar
button.continue = Continuar
button.create = Criar
button.delete = Apagar
button.end = Terminar
button.enrol = Inscrever
button.enrol.without.rules = Subscribe without rules = Send
button.insert = Inserir
button.payments.back = Voltar
button.payments.cancel = Cancelar
button.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirmar
button.payments.continue = Prosseguir
button.payments.create = Criar
button.payments.createReceipt = Criar Recibo
button.payments.creditNotes = Notas de Crédito
button.payments.delete = Apagar
button.payments.gratuityExemption.create = Criar
button.payments.gratuityExemption.delete = Apagar = Emitir Guia = Pagar
button.payments.preparePayment = Pagamento
button.payments.print = Imprimir
button.payments.receipt = Recibo = Guardar = Pesquisar
button.submit = Submeter
campus = Campus
cancel.request = Cancelar Pedido = Não pode apagar o estado Concluído da Matrícula uma vez que já foi impresso uma Certidão de Fim de Curso da mesma.
cannot.delete.concluded.state.of.registration.with.concluded.diploma.request = Não pode apagar o estado Concluído da Matrícula uma vez que já foi impresso uma Carta de Curso da mesma.
certificates = Certidões
concluded.requests = Pedidos Concluídos = Data de Conclusão = A Data de Conclusão sugerida para esta Matrícula é
conclusion.document = Folha de Apuramento Final
conclusion.document.average.atribution = Atribuição da Média
conclusion.document.concluded.lowercase = concluded
conclusion.document.concluded.uppercase = concluiu = O coordenador do curso = o curso de
conclusion.document.metioned.above.with.following.units = acima indicado, constituído pelas seguintes unidades curriculares e classificações
conclusion.document.on.registration.number = , na Matrícula nº
conclusion.document.scholarship.of = a parte escolar d
conclusion.document.the.student = O Aluno
confirm.cancel = Deseja cancelar este pedido?
confirm.reject = Deseja rejeitar este pedido?
credits.abbreviation = Créd.
curricular.year = Curricular Year
curricular.year.abbreviation = AC = O cálculo do ano curricular tem como base a informação curricular do aluno no início do correspondente ano lectivo
curricular.year.rule = AC = mínimo (inteiro ( (créditos ECTS aprovados + 24) / 60 + 1) ; Nº de anos do curso)
declarations = Declarações
degree = degree
degree.DegreeType.prefix = course of = course leading to
degree.DegreeType.prefix.two = course of
degree.average = Degree Average
degree.average.abbreviation = MC = O cálculo da média tem como base a informação curricular actual do aluno.
degree.concluded = Degree Concluded
degree.concluded.ects = ECTS Completed
degree.hasConclusionProcess = Calculated?
diploma.supplement = Diploma Supplement
diploma.supplement.annual = Annual
diploma.supplement.eight = 8. Information on the Portuguese Higher Education System
diploma.supplement.eight.1 = Higher Education Structure
diploma.supplement.eight.1.1 = Licenciado degree
diploma.supplement.eight.1.1.body = Both university and polytechnic institutions confer the degree of licenciado (bachelor). In polytechnic education, the cycle of studies that leads to the degree of licenciado has 180 credits and a normal length of six curricular semesters of students' work. In certain cases namely those covered by internal legislation or by European legislation, the cycle of studies can have up to 240 credits with a normal length of up to seven or eight curricular semesters of students' work. In university education, the cycle of studies that leads to the degree of licenciado has from 180 to 240 credits and a normal length between six to eight curricular semesters of students' work. In the 1st cycle of studies, the degree of licenciado is conferred to those that, after concluding all the curricular units that integrate the study programme of the licenciatura course, have obtained the established number of credits.
diploma.supplement.eight.1.2 = Mestre degree
diploma.supplement.eight.1.2.body = Both university and polytechnic institutions confer the degree of mestre (master). The cycle of studies that leads to the degree of mestre has from 90 to 120 credits and a normal length of between three to four curricular semesters of students' work. In polytechnic education, the cycle of studies that leads to the mestre degree must ensure predominantly that the student acquires a professional specialization. In university education, the cycle of studies that leads to the mestre degree must ensure that the student acquires an academic specialization resorting to research, innovation or expansion of professional competences. In university education, the mestre degree may also be conferred after an integrated cycle of studies, with 300 to 360 credits and a normal length of 10 to 12 curricular semesters of students' work, in cases for which the access to the practice of a certain professional activity depends on that length of time established by legal EU standards or resulting from a stable practice consolidated in the European Union. In this cycle of studies the degree of licenciado is conferred to those who have obtained 180 credits corresponding to the first six semesters of work. The degree of mestre is conferred to those that, after concluding all the curricular units that integrate the study programme of the mestrado course, have obtained the established number of credits, as well as successfully defended in public their dissertation, their project work or their traineeship report.
diploma.supplement.eight.1.3 = Doutor degree
diploma.supplement.eight.1.3.body = The Doutor (doctor) degree is only conferred by university institutions. The degree of Doutor is conferred to those that, after concluding all the curricular units that integrate the study programme of the Doutoramento (doctorate) course have successfully defended their thesis in the public act.
diploma.supplement.eight.1.body = Higher Education includes university and polytechnic education. University education is offered by public, private and cooperative university institutions and polytechnic education is offered by public, private and cooperative non-university institutions. Private higher education institutions must be subject to the previous recognition of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
diploma.supplement.eight.2 = Access conditions
diploma.supplement.eight.2.1 = General regime to accede to higher education
diploma.supplement.eight.2.1.body = National and foreign students wishing to apply through the general regime to the first cycle of studies must fulfil the following conditions: have successfully completed a secondary course or a national or foreign qualification legally equivalent; have set for the entrance examinations required for the degree programme the student wishes to attend and get the minimal mark required (There are higher education institutions that accept foreign tests or exams); have fulfilled the prerequisites for the higher education course the student wishes to attend, if required.
diploma.supplement.eight.2.2 = Special conditions
diploma.supplement.eight.2.2.body = Besides the regime geral (general regime), there are special conditions for top level athletes, Portuguese citizens on an official mission abroad, national or foreign staff in diplomatic mission, permanent staff of the Portuguese Armed Forces and scholarship holders within the framework of cooperation agreements signed by Portugal.
diploma.supplement.eight.2.3 = Special Competitions
diploma.supplement.eight.2.3.body = Besides the general regime and the special conditions there are also special competitions for applicants with certain specific qualifications thus allowing new publics to accede to higher education in a perspective of lifelong learning, namely: applicants over 23 years old who have passed a especial exam for assessing their capacity to accede to higher education; holders of a specialization technological course. Admission to higher education institutions is subject to numerus clausus
diploma.supplement.eight.3 = Admission to 2nd cycle of studies
diploma.supplement.eight.3.body = Those who meet the following conditions may apply to the cycle of studies that leads to the mestre degree: holders of the licenciado degree or legal equivalent; holders of a foreign academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State that has subscribed this Process; holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutorily competent scientific body of the higher education institution to which they wish to be admitted.
diploma.supplement.eight.4 = Admission to 3rd cycle of studies
diploma.supplement.eight.4.body = Those who meet the following conditions may apply to the cycle of studies that leads to the doutor (doctor) degree: holders of the mestre (master) degree or legal equivalent; holders of a licenciado degree who have a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum vitae that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutorily competent scientific body of the higher education institution to which they wish to be admitted; holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutorily competent scientific body of the higher education institution to which they wish to be admitted.
diploma.supplement.eight.5 = Classification System
diploma.supplement.eight.5.body = The degrees of licenciado and mestre shall have a final classification between 10 and 20 on a numerical scale of 0 to 20, as well as its equivalent in the European scale of comparability of classifications. The academic degree of doutor is assigned a final classification pursuant to the regulating standards approved by the university that confers it.
diploma.supplement.eight.6.asteriscs = (*) Except when in order to exercise a certain professional activity requiring education and training rating between 210 and 240 ECTS. (**) In exceptional circumstances, and subject to the fulfillment of every requirement relating to the definition of the objectives of the degree and the conditions for acquiring the latter, a cycle of studies leading to a Mestre degree in a specialized field may be amount 60 credits resulting from a stable and consolidated practice in the specific field at international level. (***) A Mestre degree may also be granted following and integrated cycle of studies of which the duration, for the purposes of obtaining access to a Professional activity, a) is established by European Union regulation; and b) results from a regular and consolidated practice within the European Union; in such cases, a Licenciado degree is granted to students having obtained 180 ECTS (3 years, 6 semesters).
diploma.supplement.eight.body = The description of the Portuguese Higher Education System, officially provided by NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centres) is the following:\n\nThe Framework Law on the Education System (Law nr. 46/86, dated 14 October 1986, further amended by Laws nr.115/97, dated 19 September and nr. 49/2005, dated 30 August) establishes the general legal framework of the Education System. According to this Law, the educational system comprises three levels: basic, secondary and higher education. Basic Education is universal, compulsory and free and comprises three cycles, the first cycle lasts for four years, the second lasts for two years and the third lasts for three years. Pre-school education is optional and is for children between the ages of 3 and the age of entering basic education. Secondary education is not compulsory and it comprises a 3 - year cycle (corresponding to 10th, 11th and 12th year of schooling).
diploma.supplement.five = 5. Information on the function of the qualification = 5.1 Access to further study = The = Not applicable. = degree grants access to postgraduate studies, according to the terms described in section 8.
diploma.supplement.five.two = 5.2 Professional status (if applicable):
diploma.supplement.four = 4. Information on the contents and results gained
diploma.supplement.four.five = 4.5 Overall classification of the qualification: = values
diploma.supplement.four.four = 4.4 Classification system: = It is necessary to achieve a minimum grade of 10 in each curricular Unit for approval. Considering the previous academic years to take the degree, the overall classification results of this degree graduates are distributed according to the national grading scale, as well as, to it's equivalent in the ECTS Grading Scale stated below:
diploma.supplement.four.four.three = ECTS Grade
diploma.supplement.four.four.two = National Grade = 4.1 Mode of study: = Full-time, Presential.
diploma.supplement.four.six = 4.6 Thesis classification
diploma.supplement.four.three = 4.3 Programme Details:
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.five = ECTS\nCredits
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.four = Duration = Annual
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.four.two = Semester = Execution Year = Obs.\n(*) = Curricular Unit of the University {0}, School {1}
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.six = Marks = 0-20\nValue
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.six.two = ECTS\nA-E
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.three = Type = Compulsory
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.three.three = Extra-curricular
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.three.two = Optional
diploma.supplement.four.three.header.two = Curricular Unit = (e.g. modules or units studied), and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained.
diploma.supplement.four.two = 4.2 Programme requirements:
diploma.supplement.four.two.programmerequirements.template.noareas = {0} {1} consists of {2} ECTS and doesn't offer any specialization area.
diploma.supplement.four.two.programmerequirements.template.noareas.with.official.publication = {0} {1} consists of {2} ECTS and doesn't offer any specialization area.\n\nThe organization, curricular structure and the graduation study plan are published in Diário da República at {3}.
diploma.supplement.four.two.programmerequirements.template.withareas = {0} {1} consists of {2} ECTS and offers {3} specialization areas: {4}.\n\nThe organization, curricular structure and the graduation study plan are published in Diário da República at {5}.
diploma.supplement.of = of = 1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification = 1.5 = {0} Number = Valid (day/month/year) = 1.4 Nationality: = 1.1 Family Name(s): = 1.6 Student Identification Code: = 1.3 Date of birth (day/month/year): = 1.2 Given Name(s):
diploma.supplement.professionalstatus.credited.arquitect.withintership = The use of the professional title of Arquitect requires a qualifying requirement to "Ordem dos Arquitectos". = The use of the professional title of Engineer requires a qualifying requirement to "Ordem dos Engenheiros".
diploma.supplement.professionalstatus.notapplicable = Not applicable. = A titularidade do Mestrado em {0} dispensanda a realização de exame de admissão à Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE). O título profissional de Engenheiro requer um pedido de admissão à OE. = A possibilidade de dispensa de exame de admissão à Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE) pelos titulares do Mestrado em {0} encontra-se em fase de aprecisação. O título profissional de Engenheiro requer um pedido de admissão à OE.
diploma.supplement.qualification.FIRST_CYCLE = University Education - Licenciatura - Level 5 (ISCED)
diploma.supplement.qualification.SECOND_CYCLE = University Education - Mestrado - Level 5 (ISCED)
diploma.supplement.qualification.THIRD_CYCLE = University Education - Doutoramento - Level 6 (ISCED)
diploma.supplement.qualifiedgrade.excelent = Excellent
diploma.supplement.qualifiedgrade.good = Good
diploma.supplement.qualifiedgrade.sufficient = Sufficient
diploma.supplement.qualifiedgrade.verygood = Very Good
diploma.supplement.semestral = Semestral = 7. Certification of the Supplement = 7.4 Official stamp or seal = 7.1 Date (day/month/year): = 7.3 Capacity: = Rector = 7.2 Signature:
diploma.supplement.six = 6. Additional Information = 6.1 Additional Information: = Was = No recognised extra curricular activities. = between = and
diploma.supplement.six.two = 6.2 Further information sources:
diploma.supplement.six.two.body =,, = This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commision, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international 'transparency' and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.
diploma.supplement.three = 3. Information on the level of the qualification = 3.1 Level of qualification
diploma.supplement.three.three = 3.3 Access requirements: = See section 8.
diploma.supplement.three.two = 3.2 Official length of programme
diploma.supplement.two = 2. Information identifying the qualification
diploma.supplement.two.five = 2.5 Language(s) of instruction and examination:
diploma.supplement.two.four = 2.4 Name and status of institution administering studies (in original language): = 2.1 Name of qualification and title conferred (in original language):
diploma.supplement.two.three = 2.3 Name and status of awarding institution (in original language):
diploma.supplement.two.two = 2.2 Main field of study for the qualification:
diploma.supplement.weeksOfStudyPerYear.FIRST_CYCLE = 40 weeks of study per year
diploma.supplement.weeksOfStudyPerYear.SECOND_CYCLE = 40 weeks of study per year
diploma.supplement.weeksOfStudyPerYear.THIRD_CYCLE = 40 weeks of study per year
document.print = Impressão de Documento
document.request.created.with.success = Documento criado com sucesso.
documentRequest.confirmDocumentSuccessfulPrinting = The document was properly printed?
#Document Requests Management
documentRequests = Pedidos de Documentos
documents.ApprovementCertificate.detailedInfoIntro = obtained approval on the following curricular units
documents.Certificate.baseAmountPlusAmountForUnits = Cert. Amount
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.creditsInfo = having received a total of
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.detailedInfoIntro = with approval on the following curricular units
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.diplomaDescription.diploma = the following diploma
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.diplomaDescription.letter = the following diploma = having required
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.exceptionalConclusionInfo.internshipAbolished = when the Directive Commission decided to abolish the internships system
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.exceptionalConclusionInfo.internshipApproved = when the regulatory stage was approved = with Studies Plan approved in
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.exceptionalConclusionInfo.studyPlan.two = by the Scientific Council
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.exceptionalConclusionInfo.technicalEngineer = under Decree 830/74 of December 31
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.graduateTitleInfo = has the right to the degree of
documents.DegreeFinalizationCertificate.registryNumber = having been issued the registry number
documents.birthLocale = born in
documents.declaration.valid.purpose = Esta Declaração é válida apenas para = Curricular Units hold in = under the = nationality = A parte escolar compõe-se das seguintes disciplinas = with the final grade
documents.remainingCreditsInfo = Credits obtained by Equivalence
error.AdministrativeOffice.empty.situationType = Please specify the state
error.AdministrativeOffice.end.before.begin = The end date must be after the begin date = Please specify and end date
error.CourseLoadRequest.invalid.number.of.enrolments = Please choose at least one enrolment
error.CreditsDismissal.already.exists.similar = Já existe uma dispensa de créditos no grupo '{0}' com as mesmas origens e o mesmo número de créditos ects
error.DiplomaSupplement.degreeOfficialPublicationNotFound = Error in document generation. The publication in the Official Gazette of the course structure does not exist in the system, contact support.
error.Enrolment.cannot.delete.thesis = You can not remove the entry because it has an associated thesis. You should contact the coordinator for the thesis that is removed and then you can remove the listing.
error.EnrolmentEvaluation.registration.with.invalid.state = A matrícula do aluno {0} não se encontra num estado activo = There are no extra-curricular enrolments = The room shown is occupied.
error.Registration.null.startDate = Deverá definir a data de início
error.Registration.startDate.changes.first.registration.state = Data de início inválida, pois o primeiro estado da matrícula vai ficar com uma data inválida
error.RegistrationAcademicServiceRequest.executionYear.before.registrationStartDate = The request's execution year cannot be previous to the registration's start date.
error.RegistrationAcademicServiceRequest.requestDate.before.registrationStartDate = The request date cannot be previous to the registration's start date.
error.RegistrationRegime.semester.has.more.ects.than.maximum.allowed = Registration is {0} ECTS enrolled in {1}, which exceeds the maximum allowed per semester for a part-time ({2} ECTS) = There are no standalone enrolments
error.Student.has.partial.regime = The student is part-time in {0}
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.create.dismissals = You are not allowed to manage equivalences made after the clearance
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.registration.inactive = O Estado da Matrícula no período escolhido é inactivo.
error.StudentCurricularPlan.with.part.time.regime.cannot.enrol = Students with part-time can not make entries in isolated discipline
error.StudentEnrolmentDA.must.choose.externalCurricularCourses = Deverá escolher disciplinas = You must choose at least one source for replacement = Apenas dívidas não liquidadas podem ser canceladas.
error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber = O número de candidatura não existe
error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber.withNumber = Não existe uma candidatura com o número '{0}'
error.administrativeOffice.payments.person.not.found = There's no person with such information
error.alias.already.exists = This student is already enrolled.
error.allStudentsAreInMarkSheets = There are no students for this marksheet
error.already.aproved = O aluno já está aprovado à curricular {0} = Já está inscrito à curricular {0} no {1} = There are no payments for the calendar year {0} = The calendar year shall be prior to the current
error.areaCode.invalidFormat = Formato inválido. Use xxxx-xxx
error.attends.cant.delete = You can not delete Attends
error.attends.cant.delete.has.associated.marks = You can not delete because the student already has medical examinations or tests with notes released
error.attends.cant.delete.has.project.submissions = You can not delete Attends because there are submissions of projects
error.attends.cant.delete.has.student.groups = You can not delete attends, because the student is enrolled in groups
error.candidacy.already.created = Já existe uma matrícula para o Curso indicado!
error.cannot.add.registrationState.incoherentState = ERRO! O Estado da Matrícula não foi criado para não deixar os restantes estados incoerentes.
error.cannot.change.specialSeasonCode = Não é possível alterar para esse código. = The student is already enrolled and / or attend discipline '{0}' {1} in one of their enrollments (see the entries and / or courses attended)
error.cannot.delete.flunked.registrationState = You can not erase the state Appointed. If the student has submitted an appeal and this was accepted then it should create a new state registered.
error.cannot.delete.registrationState.incoherentState = ERRO! O Estado da Matrícula não foi apagado para não deixar os restantes estados incoerentes.
error.conclusionGrade.invalidFormat = Formato inválido. Introduza 2 dígitos
error.conclusionYear.invalidFormat = Formato inválido. Introduza 4 dígitos
error.contacts.PartyContact.public.implies.all.visible = Se seleccionar a opção Público, deve também seleccionar as opções: Alunos, Docentes, e Funcionários. = A origem não pode ser vazia, tem que escolher pelo menos uma inscrição
error.credits.invalid.credits = O número de créditos introduzido ({0}) não respeita o limite máximo estabelecido pelo curso
error.curriculumGroup.required = Tem que escolher um grupo
error.custom.student.creation.student.number.higher.than.generated = The student number is not valid. = Tem de escolher um plan Curricular. = The Student Tuition has not yet been submitted to the Qualifying Final.
error.diplomaSupplement.registrationDoesNotHaveEitherRegistryDiplomaOrDiplomaRequest = The registration has no application for registration certificate or a diploma processed old.
error.diplomaSupplement.registrationNotSubmitedToConclusionProcess = The Student Tuition has not yet been submitted to the Qualifying Final.
error.diplomaSupplementRequest.alreadyRequested = There is already an application for the diploma supplement to the application cycle.
error.diplomaSupplementRequest.cannotAskForSupplementWithoutEitherRegistryDiplomaOrDiplomaRequest = You can only ask the diploma supplement after the application for certificate of registration (or if there is a longstanding demand of the letter of course).
error.diplomaSupplementRequest.cannotModifyRequestedCycle = You can not change the order cycle.
error.diplomaSupplementRequest.requestedCycleMustBeGiven = The application has a specified cycle, contact support.
error.diplomaSupplementRequest.requestedDegreeTypeIsNotAllowedForGivenStudentCurricularPlan = The course has the student's application cycle.
error.diplomaSupplementRequest.splittedNamesDoNotMatch = Separate the names are not consistent with the full name of the student. = You can not create a waiver since the group '{0}' does not contain the discipline '{1}' in '{2}'
error.documentRequest.errorGeneratingDocument = Error in generating the document, contact the support they provide data document that attempted to generate.
error.documents.AnnualIRSDeclarationDocument.annual.irs.document.alread.exists.for.year = There is already a statement for the year chosen irs.
error.equivalence.must.define.enrolments.and.grade = Para criar uma equivalência deverá escolher inscrições e/ou introduzir uma nota
error.equivalence.plan.number.of.equivalences = Please put a value greater than 0 = You must fill in the subject and message alert = The majority of subjects must be one of the associated programmes shown above. = There is no chosen degree yet. You must add more subjects of one of the associated programmes. = The teacher is already assigned as coordinator for the chosen programme
error.erasmus.create.user = Error on user {0} creation and importation LDAP: {1} {2}
error.erasmus.insert.vacancy.already.exists = A vacancy for this university and programme has already exists
error.erasmus.vacancy.has.associated.candidacies = Its not possible to remove this vacancy because it has associated applications
error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriod = A data de avaliação não se encontra dentro do período de exames ou está fora de periodo execução
error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriod.withEvaluationDateAndPeriodDates = A data de avaliação {0} não se encontra dentro do período de exames ({1} a {2})
error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriodWithDates = A data de avaliação não se encontra dentro do período de exames ({0} a {1})
error.exception.commons.institution.codeIsEmpty = Deverá preencher o código = Já existe uma instuição com o mesmo nome e tipo na instuição pai = Não pode apagar a disciplina = É necessário escolher o período de execução
error.extraCurricularActivity.maxActivitiesLimitReached = Each person can have no more than {0} activities.
error.extraCurricularActivity.overlaping = The activity temporally overlaps other activity of that kind.
error.extraCurricularActivityTypes.unableToDeleteUsedType = The type: {0} can not be removed because is already assigned to students
error.extraCurricularActivityTypes.unableToEditUsedType = The type: {0} can not be edited because is already assigned to students
error.grade.invalid.grade = The note inserted is not valid for this subject = Formato da data inválido
error.invalid.extraCurricularActivity.entry.intersection = The line: {0 },??,{ 1}, {2} represents an invalid overlap of two similar activities for the same student.
error.invalid.grade = Note invalid = O Estado escolhido é inválido!
error.invalid.student.number = O aluno com o número {0} não existe
error.markSheet.already.confirmed = A pauta está confirmada e não pode ser modificada = A pauta não pode ser apagada
error.markSheet.create.with.invalid.enrolmentEvaluations.number = Não é possível criar uma pauta sem alunos
error.markSheet.edit.with.invalid.enrolmentEvaluations.number = Não é possível, por edição, remover todos os alunos da pauta
error.markSheet.invalid.arguments = Os valores usados para criar a pauta não estão correctos
error.markSheet.invalid.state = Não pode realizar essa operação numa pauta com esse estado
error.markSheet.student.alreadyRectified = A nota do aluno {0} já foi rectificada = Error in conversion of the notes to ECTS. (Please contact support giving the student enrollment data) = Não existe nenhum aluno com o número introduzido = O aluna não existe na pauta
error.noTeacher = O docente com o número {0} não existe
error.nonExisting.AssociatedCurricularCourses = Não existem disciplinas curriculares associadas. = You are not authorized to perform the clearance
error.notAuthorized = Não está autorizado a efectuar essa operação. Por favor contacte o suporte.
error.notNeedToEnrol.empty = O aluno com o número {0} não tem dispensas
error.payments.gratuityExemption.amount.or.percentage.are.required = Deverá seleccionar um das opções (Valor or Percentagem) = Deverá seleccionar apenas uma das opções (Valor ou Percentagem) = Deverá seleccionar as entradas e a quantia para gerar a guia de pagamento = Deverá seleccionar as entradas e a quantia para efectuar o pagamento
error.payments.person.doesnot.contain.receipt = A pessoa não possui esse recibo
error.payments.receipt.contributor.does.not.exist = O número de contribuinte seleccionado não existe = Deverá seleccionar entradas para passar um recibo
error.payments.receipt.not.found = O recibo não existe
error.permissions.cannot.enrol.without.rules = You are not allowed to make entries without rules
error.permissions.cannot.update.registration.after.conclusion.process = You are not allowed to modify the registration is completed after the clearance
error.person.existent.docIdAndType = Esta pessoa já está matriculada neste curso. = The phd process has not yet been submitted to the qualifying final. = Formato inválido. Introduza 9 dígitos
error.print.failed = Não foi possível imprimir a pauta
error.rectorateSubmission.noDocumentsToZip = There are no documents to be included in the zip. = The degree of information is mandatory
error.registration.has.not.concluded.cycle = O Aluno ainda não concluíu o {0} nesta Matrícula, pelo que não conluíu a mesma. = Nesta Matrícula, o Aluno não tem todos os Ciclos obrigatórios concluídos.
error.registration.preBolonhaSourceDegreeNotFound = Não foi encontrada nenhuma Matrícula de origem do Reingresso.
error.registration.preBolonhaSourceRegistrationCannotReingress = O Estado da Matrícula de origem do Reingresso está incorrecto.
error.registryDiploma.alreadyHasDiplomaRequest = The student already has an application for registration and Diploma for this cycle.
error.registryDiploma.alreadyRequested = The student already has an application for Certificate of Registration Registration in this cycle.
error.registryDiploma.cannotModifyRequestedCycle = The cycle can not be changed for this request.
error.registryDiploma.notAvailableForGivenDegreeType = There is a payment model for this type of course.
error.registryDiploma.registrationNotSubmitedToConclusionProcess = The Student Tuition has not yet been submitted to the Qualifying Final.
error.registryDiploma.requestedCycleMustBeGiven = The application has a specified cycle, contact support.
error.registryDiploma.requestedCycleTypeIsNotAllowedForGivenStudentCurricularPlan = The application cycle does not exist in the curriculum of the student. = O estado não pode ser mudado de '{0}' para '{1}'
error.serviceRequests.AcademicServiceRequest.cannot.modify.freeProcessed = The free processed option cannot be modified
error.serviceRequests.AcademicServiceRequest.cannot.modify.requestDate = The request date cannot be modified
error.serviceRequests.AcademicServiceRequest.invalid.requestDate = A data de entrada não está correcta (não pode ser posterior à data actual) = Não é possível modificar o pedido = Deverá indicar uma justificação = A data da situação a criar não pode ser posterior à data actual = A data da situação a criar não pode ser anterior à data da situação actual = A data de recepção não pode ser anterior à data da última situação do pedido = A data de envio não pode ser anterior à data da última situação do pedido = The splitted names do not match the full name.
error.serviceRequests.diplomaRequest.names.are.null = The name was not correctly separated between given names and family names. = Please provide the year of the declaration
error.serviceRequests.documentRequests.cannot.change.numberOfPages.on.payed.documents = O número de páginas não pode ser modificado em documentos já pagos
error.socialSecurityNumber.invalidFormat = Formato inválido. Introduza 9 dígitos
error.special.season.not.granted = The student has no status in the selected period, giving it access to the Special Period.
error.student.StudentStatute.has.special.season.enrolment = Can not delete this statute. The student is enrolled in Special Season for access conferred by that status.
error.student.enrolments.invalid.choice = A escolha é inválida
error.studentCurricularPlan.doesnot.have.courseGroup = The course of the student group has the {0}
error.studentCurriculum.ExternalEnrolment.already.exists.externalEnrolment.for.externalCurricularCourse = Já tem uma inscrição para a disciplina {0};
error.studentDismissal.curricularCourse.required = Tem que escolher pelo menos uma disciplina
error.studentDismissal.curriculumGroup.required = Tem que escolher um grupo
error.studentStatute.alreadyExistsOneOverlapingStatute = Erro! Já existe um Estatuto com datas coincidentes.
error.teacherNotResponsibleOrNotCoordinator = O docente não é responsável pela unidade curricular ou não é coordenador da licenciatura = Já existe uma unidade com o mesmo nome ou código.
error.unit.ampty.acronym = O Código tem que ser preenchido. = Não pode apagar a unidade = The student is already enrolled in shifts
final.average.sugested = A Média Final da Matrícula sugerida para esta Matrícula é = Média final = A Média de Curso e Data de Conclusão seguintes constam na Certidão de Fim de Curso. = A informação constante nesta página refere-se a
in.feminine = in
info.extraCurricularActivities.import.rules = This area allows the import of Extra Curricular Activities. The import is done through Excel files with the following format:
info.extraCurricularActivities.successfully.imported = The following data were successfully imported:
int = inteiro
justification = Justificação
label.DegreeChangeIndividualCandidacy.approvedEctsRate = The
label.DegreeChangeIndividualCandidacy.gradeRate = B
label.ExternalCourseLoad.numberOfCourseLoads = Número de Cargas Horárias
label.ExternalProgramCertificate.numberOfPrograms = Número de Programas
label.IndividualCandidacy.candidacy = Application
label.IndividualCandidacy.candidacyDate = Date of Application
label.IndividualCandidacy.highSchoolType = Type of institution attended in Secondary
label.IndividualCandidacy.notes = Notes
label.IndividualCandidacy.numberOfCandidaciesToHigherSchool = No. of applications beyond the Higher Education
label.IndividualCandidacy.numberOfFlunksOnHighSchool = Number of times that were held in the Secondary School
label.IndividualCandidacy.observations = Remarks
label.IndividualCandidacy.professionType = Type of occupation of the student
label.IndividualCandidacy.professionalCondition = Condition before the student's status in employment
label.IndividualCandidacy.responsible = Responsible
label.IndividualCandidacy.state = State
label.IndividualCandidacy.whenCreated = Creation Date
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.affinity = Affinity
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.candidacyGrade = Application Note
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.degreeNature = Nature
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.institution = Institution
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.interviewGrade = Interview
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.otherEducation = Other grades obtained = Previous Course
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.professionalExperience = Professional Experience
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.professionalStatus = Professional Status
label.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.seriesCandidacyGrade = C = Student's Name
label.academicAdminOffice = Academic Administrative Office = Permission's Management
label.academicAdminOffice.students.importData = Import Information for Students = Reverse w / State 'Processing' = Criar dívidas = Criar Dívida Taxa de Secretaria = Create registration fee to DFA = Cria Multa de Inscrição Fora de Prazo = Criar Dívida Propina = Create Debt Insurance = Dívida criada com sucesso = Active
label.activeEnrolment = (with active enrolments)
label.activeEnrolments.capitalized = With course enrolments in the chosen year
label.actual.grade = Actual Grade
label.add.attends = Add an attends
label.add.studentData = Insert Student Info
label.addNewActivity = Add New Activity
label.addNewStatute = Add New Statute
label.address = Address
label.agreementInformation = Número
label.and = and
label.anotation = Observação
label.area = Localidade
label.areaCode = Código Postal
label.areaOfAreaCode = Área do Código Postal
label.attends.with.enrolment = Enroled
label.attends.with.shift.enrolment = Enroled in Shifts
label.attends.without.enrolment = Attending
label.attends.without.shift.enrolment = Not enroled in shifts
label.back = Back
label.bearer.female = bearer
label.bearer.male = bearer
label.beginExecutionPeriod = Begin Period
label.branch = Branch = by
label.cancel = Cancel
# Erasmus candidacies
label.candidacy.eramus = Erasmus = A informação de candidatura está pronta a enviar para o RAIDES.
label.candidacy.information.not.valid = A informação de candidatura não está pronta a enviar para o RAIDES.
label.candidacy.registration.declaration = DECLARAÇÃO
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.academicServicesOffice = SECRETARIA DOS SERVIÇOS ACADÉMICOS
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.graduationSection = Secção de Graduação
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section1 = DECLARA, a pedido do interessado, que o aluno Número
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section2 = portador do
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section3 = natural de
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section4 = filho de
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section5 = e de
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section6 = no ano lectivo
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section7 = ESTÁ INSCRITO no curso de
label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section8 = deste instituto. = CC
label.certificateRequests.ExamDateCertificateRequest.curricularCoursesWithoutMarkedExams = Disciplinas sem exames marcados
label.certificateRequests.ExamDateCertificateRequest.exams = Exames
label.certificateRequests.ExamDateCertificateRequest.noExamsForCurricularCourses = Não existem exames nas disciplinas seleccionadas
label.certifies = certifies
label.checksum = Número de Controlo
label.choosePrinter = Escolha a impressora onde deseja imprimir
label.code = Código
label.common.branch = Tronco Comum
label.concluded = Concluded
label.concludedInChosenYear = That concluded in the chosen year
label.conclusionDate = Conclusion Date
label.conclusionGrade = Conclusion Grade
label.conclusionYear = Conclusion Year
label.confirm = Confirm
label.confirmMarkSheet = Confirmar Pauta
label.confirmationDate = Confirmation Date = Alumni = Visible to alumni. = Funcionários = Visível para os funcionários. = Orgãos de Gestão = Visível para os orgãos de gestão. = Público = Visível para o público. = Alunos = Visível para os alunos. = Docentes = Visível para os docentes.
label.continue = Continuar
label.coordinator = Coordinator
label.coordinator.female = Coordinator
label.coordinator.male = THE COORDINATOR
label.coordinatorName = Nome do Coordenador = País
label.countryOfBirth = País de Nascimento
label.countryOfPrecedenceDegree = País
label.countryOfResidence = País
label.course.enrolmentWithRules = Inscrições em Disciplinas (com regras)
label.course.enrolmentWithoutRules = Inscrições em Disciplinas (sem regras)
label.course.enrolments = Inscrição em Disciplinas
label.course.improvementEnrolments = Inscrições em Melhoria
label.course.moveEnrolments = Mover Inscrições
label.course.moveEnrolments.with.rules = Move Registration (with rules)
label.course.moveEnrolments.without.rules = Move Registration (no rules)
label.course.specialSeasonEnrolments = Inscrições em Época Especial = Subjects with notes for launch
label.create = Criar
label.createMarkSheet = Lançar Pauta = Passo 1: Criar Pauta
label.createMarkSheet.step.two = Passo 2: Inserir Notas
label.createOldMarkSheet = Launch Former Staff
label.creationDate = Data Submissão = Créditos Área Secundária = Créditos Área Científica
label.credits.temporarySubstitution = Temporária?
label.creditsNumber = Número de Créditos
label.currencySymbol = €
label.currentInstitutionName = Instituição
label.currentSituation = Situação Actual
label.currentState = Estado Actual = Course description
label.curricular.course.aproved = Unidades(s) Aprovada(s)
label.curricular.course.code = Código
label.curricular.course.from.curriculum = Unidade Curricular
label.curricular.course.from.curriculum.withBreak = Unidade Curricular = Disciplina label.curricularCourse = Unidade Curricular label.curricularCourse.code = Course Code = Course Name label.curricularCourseRequests = Pedidos relativos a cadeiras curriculares label.curricularPlan = Curricular Plan label.curricularYear = Curricular Year label.curriculum.validation.calculatedAverage = Average label.curriculum.validation.calculatedFinalAverage = Average calculated final = Completion date label.curriculum.validation.continue = Proceed with grading = Date label.curriculum.validation.enteredAverageGrade = Average s / rounding label.curriculum.validation.enteredFinalAverageGrade = Final Average label.curriculum.validation.graduated.title = Degree = Mark as registered label.curriculum.validation.normal.type.first.season.description = Regular Season (1st season) label.curriculum.validation.normal.type.second.season.description = Regular Season (2nd season) label.curriculum.validation.print.documents = Printing Documents = Date Final Stage label.curriculum.validation.set.evaluations = Assignment Notes label.curriculum.validation.student.enrolment.without.rules = Enrollment in Courses (no rules) label.curriculum.validation.unenrol = Remove Registration label.curriculumGroup = Group label.curriuculum.validation.course = Discipline label.cycle = Cycle label.cycleType = Cycle Type = Date label.dateOfBirth = Date of Birth = Degree = Degree Acronym = Degree Name = Number of Enrolments label.degreeCurricularPlan = Degree Curricular Plan label.degreeCurricularPlan.student = Student Curricular Plan label.degreeDesignation = Degree Designation label.degreeType = Degree Type label.delete = Delete label.delete.attends = Delete Attends label.delete.shift.enrolments = Remove shift enrolments label.deleteActualInfo = Limpar Matrícula label.diplomas = Diplomas = Diplomas found: {0} label.diplomasListBySituation = Diploma List label.directly.approved = Aprovação Directa label.dislocatedFromPermanentResidence = Moved from their permanent residence? label.dismissalClass = Tipo label.dismissalType = Tipo de Equivalência label.dispatchDate = Delivery Date label.districtOfBirth = Distrito de Nascimento label.districtOfResidence = Distrito label.districtSubdivisionOfBirth = Concelho de Nascimento label.districtSubdivisionOfResidence = Concelho label.districtSubdivisionOfResidenceObject = County label.districtSubdivisionOfResidenceObject.required = * County label.documentIdEmissionDate = Data de Emissão label.documentIdEmissionLocation = Local de Emissão label.documentIdExpirationDate = Data de Validade label.documentIdNumber = Identification Document label.documentRequests.DocumentRequest.numberOfPages = Número de Páginas label.documentRequests.confirmation = Confirmar Pedido label.documentRequestsManagement.back = Voltar label.documentRequestsManagement.conclude = Concluir label.documentRequestsManagement.createDocumentRequest = Criar Pedido label.documentRequestsManagement.document = Documento label.documentRequestsManagement.documentRequestInformation = Informação do Pedido label.documentRequestsManagement.documentRequestNotModifiable = Não é possível modificar o pedido label.documentRequestsManagement.documentRequestSituation = Situação do Pedido label.documentRequestsManagement.documents = Documentos label.documentRequestsManagement.editDocumentRequest = Editar Pedido de Documento label.documentRequestsManagement.editRequest = Editar label.documentRequestsManagement.operations = Operações label.documentRequestsManagement.process = Processar = Procurar label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.all = All Courses label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.average = With Average label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.detailed = Detailed label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.document.purpose = Document Purpose label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.documentRequestType = Document Type label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.exceptionalConclusionDate = Exceptional conclusion date label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.extraCurricularCourses = Extra-Curricular Courses label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.internshipAbolished = By Internship Abolishment label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.internshipApproved = By Internship Approval label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.notes = Notes label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.otherPurpose = Other Purpose label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.requestSituationType = Situation label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.standaloneCourses = Standalone Courses label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.studentNumber = Student Number label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.studyPlan = By approved Study Plan label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.technicalEngineer = Technical Engineer label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.urgency.charge = Would you like to pay the Urgency Charge? label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.urgent = Urgent = No label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.urgent.yes = Yes label.documentRequestsManagement.showDocumentRequests = Requested Documents label.documentRequestsManagement.viewDocumentRequest = View Document Request Details label.documentRequestsManagement.viewRequest = View label.documents = Documents label.documents.anualIRS = IRS Annual label.documents.noDocumentFound = No documents found label.documents.noPersonsFound = No people were found with the criteria specified #End: MarkSheets label.dropDown.all = Todos label.ects = ECTS label.ects.credits = ECTS Credits label.edit = Editar label.editDate = Data de Alteração label.elements = Elements = Email label.emissionDate = Conclusion Date label.employee = Employee label.employee.create = Create Employee label.endExecutionPeriod = End Period = Enrolment Date label.enrolment.evaluation.remove = Remove label.enrolmentModel = Enrolment Model label.entryPhase = Entry Phase label.epoca = Epoch label.epoch = Epoch label.equivalence = Equivalência label.equivalency = Equivalência = Chosen Degree label.eramsus.candidacy.choosen.subjectsAndDegree = Chosen Subjects and Degree label.eramsus.candidacy.enrol = Subscribe = Choose the programme = Mark as read label.erasmus.alert.body = Message label.erasmus.alert.entity = Entity label.erasmus.alert.sendEmail = Email sent to student? label.erasmus.alert.subject = Subject label.erasmus.alert.whenCreated = Creation date label.erasmus.alert.whoCreated = Responsible label.erasmus.appliedSemester = Applied Semester label.erasmus.applyForSemester = You're applying for label.erasmus.approved.learning.agreements.empty = This application has not approved learning agreements label.erasmus.associatedDegrees = Associated programmes label.erasmus.candidacy.degrees.and.subjects = Programme and subjects label.erasmus.candidacy.educational.background = Educational background label.erasmus.candidacy.learning.agreement.file = Document label.erasmus.candidacy.registration = Tuition label.erasmus.candidacy.state.description = State label.erasmus.chooseCourses = Choose subjects label.erasmus.coordinator.assign.teacher = Assign label.erasmus.coordinator.removal = Remove label.erasmus.coordinator.teacher = Teacher label.erasmus.coordinator.teacher.found = The teacher with the number specified is: = IST Id = Name label.erasmus.coordinator.teacher.number = Number = Search = Country label.erasmus.course = Subject = Subjects label.erasmus.create.alert = Create alert = Current Study = Year of the diploma = Previous years of study in higher education = Have you any experience of carrying out a research project? = If so, please state the name of diploma(s) = Have you obtain any diploma(s)/ degree(s) = Programme label.erasmus.degrees = Programmes label.erasmus.ects = ECTS label.erasmus.eidentifier = Eidentifier label.erasmus.erasmus.coordinator.insert = Assign coordinator label.erasmus.erasmusVacancy.insert = Insert vacancy label.erasmus.home.institution = Home Institution label.erasmus.home.institution.address = Address label.erasmus.home.institution.address.detailed = Name Exchange Coordinator = Name of exchange coordinator = Email label.erasmus.home.institution.fax = Fax = Name = Name of home institution = Phone = Choose the country and university label.erasmus.insertVacancy.number.vacancies = Number of vacancies label.erasmus.language.competence.enAbleFollowLectures = I'm able to follow lectures in english language label.erasmus.language.competence.enAbleToFollowLectureWithExtraPreparation = I would be able to follow lectures with some extra preparation in english language label.erasmus.language.competence.enStudyingLanguage = I'm able to studying english language label.erasmus.language.competence.intensivePortugueseCourseFebruary = February/March label.erasmus.language.competence.intensivePortugueseCourseSeptember = September label.erasmus.language.competence.ptAbleFollowLectures = I'm able to follow lectures in portuguese language label.erasmus.language.competence.ptAbleToFollowLectureWithExtraPreparation = I would be able to follow lectures with some extra preparation in portuguese language label.erasmus.language.competence.ptStudyingLanguage = I'm able to studying portuguese language = Last sent reception email label.erasmus.master.programme = Programme label.erasmus.master.programme.applied = The student applies to label.erasmus.missing.required.documents = Missing documents = Period of study = Date of arrival = Date of departure = Have you already contacted other staff members of IST on the choice of the project? = Main subject project/thesis = If so, please give the name of contact = Types of study label.erasmus.remove = Remove = Do you wish to revert the process to pending? label.erasmus.revoke.approved.learning.agreement.file = Remove label.erasmus.semester = Semester(s) you're applying for = Send email to the candidate = Send email to candidates with missing documents label.erasmus.send.reception.edit.body = Body label.erasmus.send.reception.edit.subject = Subject = Send email = Filter applications notified = Processes = University label.erasmus.vacancy.hasAssociatedCandidacies = Has associated applications? label.erasmus.vacancy.removal = Remove label.erasmus.validate.application = Validate application label.erasmus.validate.application.title = Validate Application label.erasmus.validated = Valid application? = Validated by coordinator = Validated by NMCI label.erasmus.visualize.alerts = View alerts label.erasmus.visualize.alerts.empty = There are no alerts label.erasmus.visualize.alerts.title = View Alerts label.evaluation = Avaliação label.evaluationDate = Data de Avaliação label.even = par label.executionCourse = Disciplina Curricular label.executionCourse.code = Code = Execution Course Name label.executionPeriod = Execution Period label.executionYear = Execution Year label.executionYear.notCapitalized = Execution year label.existingStudentDismissal = Equivalências existentes label.export.diploma.birthLocale = Place of birth label.export.diploma.conclusionDate = Completion date label.export.diploma.degreeName = Course label.export.diploma.dissertationTitle = Title of dissertation label.export.diploma.file = File label.export.diploma.filename = Filename label.export.diploma.graduateTitle = Academic Degree label.export.diploma.isMasterDegree = It's Masters? = Name label.export.diploma.nameOfFather = Father's Name label.export.diploma.nameOfMother = Mother's Name label.externalRegistrationData.manage = Alterar Dados Externos da Matrícula #Begin: External Units label.externalUnits = Instituições Externas label.externalUnits.confirmDeleteExternalCurricularCourse = Deseja apagar a unidade curricular label.externalUnits.confirmDeleteUnit = Deseja apagar a unidade label.externalUnits.countries = Países = País label.externalUnits.createCountry = Criar País label.externalUnits.createDepartment = Criar Departamento label.externalUnits.createExternalCurricularCourse = Criar Disciplina label.externalUnits.createExternalEnrolment = Criar Inscrição Externa label.externalUnits.createSchool = Criar Escola label.externalUnits.createUniversity = Criar Universidade label.externalUnits.deleteInformation = Apagar label.externalUnits.department = Departamento label.externalUnits.departments = Departamentos label.externalUnits.editExternalCurricularCourse = Editar Disciplina label.externalUnits.editExternalEnrolment = Editar Inscrição Externa label.externalUnits.editInformation = Editar Informação label.externalUnits.enrolStudent = Inscrever Aluno label.externalUnits.externalCurricularCourse = Disciplina label.externalUnits.externalCurricularCourses = Disciplinas label.externalUnits.externalEnrolments = Inscrições label.externalUnits.noDepartments = Não existem departamentos label.externalUnits.noExternalCurricularCourses = Não existem disciplinas label.externalUnits.noExternalEnrolments = Não existem inscrições label.externalUnits.noSchools = Não existem escolas label.externalUnits.noSearchResults = Não foram encontrados resultados label.externalUnits.noUniversities = Não existem universidades = Escola label.externalUnits.schools = Escolas label.externalUnits.type = Tipo label.externalUnits.universities = Universidades = Universidade label.extra.curricular.course = Extra Curricular label.extraCurricularActivities = Extra Curricular Activities label.extraCurricularActivities.import = Import Activities Extra Curricular label.extraCurricularActivities.manage = Manage Activities Extra Curricular label.extraCurricularActivity.end = End of Activity label.extraCurricularActivity.file = File label.extraCurricularActivity.start = Home Activity label.extraCurricularActivity.type = Type label.extraCurricularActivityTypes = Extra Curricular Activities label.extraCurricularActivityTypes.confirmDelete = Are you sure that you want to remove the selected type? This operation is irreversible label.extraCurricularActivityTypes.create = Create New Type label.extraCurricularActivityTypes.nameEn = Name in English label.extraCurricularActivityTypes.namePt = Name in Portuguese label.falseLabel = - label.familyNames = Family Names label.fatherName = Nome do Pai label.fatherProfessionType = Type of Occupation of Father label.fatherProfessionalCondition = Condition before the Father's occupational status label.fatherSchoolLevel = Level of education of the Father = Notes launched label.firstCycle.average = Average (1st Cycle) #End: Lists label.firstCycle.concluded = 1st Cycle Concluded label.firstCycle.conclusionDate = Conclusion Date (1st Cycle) label.firstCycle.ects = ECTS completed (1st cycle) label.firstCycle.hasConclusionProcess = Calculated? (1st cycle) label.from = From label.gender = Gender label.givenNames = Given Names label.grade = Nota (10-20/NA/RE/AP) label.grade.scale = Scale label.grade.scale.min = Scale label.grades = Notas = Teachers with grades to submit label.grantOwnerType = Type of Scholarship = Grupo = Créditos em Grupo label.highSchoolType = Type of establishment attended the Secondary School label.homologationDate = Data de Homologação label.idDocumentType = Tipo label.idDocumentType.descriptive = Tipo do Doc. de Id. label.identification = Identificação label.identificationNumber = Número label.identificationNumber.descriptive = Número do Doc. de Id. label.ignoreCurriculumInAdvance = Skip Courses in Advance label.ignoreExternalEntries = Ignore External Units label.improvement.enrolment = Inscrição em Melhorias = in = in the label.information = Informação label.ingressedInChosenYear = Ingressed in the chosen year label.ingression = Ingression Code label.ingression.short = Ingression label.institution = Choose Existing Institution label.institutionUnitName = Institution label.institutions = Institutions = is #Students Lists label.lists = Lists label.main.branch = Branch / Main Profile label.manage = Manage label.manage.extraCurricularActivityTypes = Manage Extra Curricular Activity Types label.manage.permissions = Manage Permissions label.manager.curricularCourse.acronym = Acronym label.maritalStatus = Marital Status label.markSheet = Pauta label.markSheet.all.masc = Todos label.markSheet.archive = Arquivo label.markSheet.change = Alterar label.markSheet.confirm = Confirmar label.markSheet.edit = Editar label.markSheet.evaluatedStudents = Evaluated Students label.markSheet.leftToPrint = Existem '{0}' pautas submetidas via Web por imprimir = Não label.markSheet.of = de label.markSheet.original.grade = Nota Original label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.curricularCourse = Disciplina Curricular = Curso label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.degreeCurricularPlan = Plano Curricular label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.markSheets.lefToPrint = Pautas submetidas por imprimir label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.numberOfMarkSheets = Número de Pautas label.markSheet.reason = Despacho label.markSheet.rectification = Rectificação label.markSheet.rectificationHistoric = Histórico de Rectificações label.markSheet.rectify = Rectificar label.markSheet.remove = Remover label.markSheet.removeMarkSheet = Tem a certeza que deseja remover a pauta? label.markSheet.send.mail = Enviar Emails aos Docentes label.markSheet.students = alunos label.markSheet.students.capitalized = Alunos label.markSheet.students.with.grade = Alunos com nota label.markSheet.students.without.grade = Alunos sem nota label.markSheet.studentsWithImpossibleEnrolments = Os seguintes alunos têm inscrições impossíveis label.markSheet.submit = Lançar label.markSheet.submittedByTeacher = web label.markSheet.totalNumberOfStudents = Número total de alunos label.markSheet.update = Actualizar label.markSheet.view = Ver label.markSheet.yes = Sim label.markSheetState = Estado label.markSheetType = Tipo = Cadeiras com Notas por Submeter = Pautas por Confirmar = Teachers with marksheets to confirm label.message = Message label.minor.branch = Industry Profile / secondary = Mobile label.mobilePhones = Mobile Phones label.mobilityProgram = Mobility Program label.motherName = Mother's Name label.motherProfessionType = Type of Occupation of Mother label.motherProfessionalCondition = Condition before Mother's occupational status label.motherSchoolLevel = Educational Background of Mother = Name label.nameMaxEctsCredits = Nome - Max. ECTS label.nationality = Nationality label.native = native #Begin: MarkSheets label.navheader.marksSheet = Pautas = Urgent = Number of Disciplines = Reports = Cancel = Cancel this request? = Create request = Cancelled? = End = Begin = Requestor = Request date = View = State = Creation Date = Creation Date = Description = Employee = Process without Payment = Justification = Student = Student Number = Number of Disciplines = Urgent = Application Number = Code = Current execution year studies begin date = Current curricular year = Number of enrolled ECTS in current year = Degree code = Degree concluded = Degree name = Degree type name = Final Result = First execution year on IST = First month to pay = Gratuity Amount = In this year student made degree change = Document Number = Document Type = Institution Code = Institution Name = CET Owner = Degree Owner = Master degree owner = Titular de grau superior = Titular Doutoramento = Nº de ECTS obtidos no ano lectivo anterior que esteve inscrito = Last year curricular year = Last year enrolled ECTS = Number of curricular years on current degree = Number of degree changes = Number of enrolments on registration = Number of months in execution year = Nº Matriculas = Observations = Regimen = Student Name = Student Number = Aproveitamento escolar 50% = Execution Year = Campus = Phase = Begin = End = Nota Nova = Calendar year = Personal Income Tax returns = Create new declaration = Generate new declaration label.newInstitutionName = ou Criar Nova Instituição label.newState = Novo Estado = Não = Não tem inscrições neste semestre = Não existem inscrições neste grupo label.noMarkSheetsFound = Não foram encontradas pautas label.noStudentRegistrations = O aluno não possui matrículas activas = Dispensa label.notNeedToEnrol = Dispensas label.notNeedToEnrol.associated.enrolments = Inscrições Associadas #End: Party Contacts label.notNeedToEnrol.chooseStudent = Escolher Aluno label.notNeedToEnrol.code = Código da Dispensa label.notNeedToEnrol.code.withbreak = Código da Dispensa label.notNeedToEnrol.degreeCurricularPlan.withbreak = Plano Curricular da Dispensa label.notNeedToEnrol.deleteQuestion = Pretende apagar esta dispensa? label.notNeedToEnrol.enrolment = Associar Inscrições a Dispensas label.notNeedToEnrol.list = Lista de Dispensas = Nome da Dispensa label.number = Number label.number.short = Nr. label.numberAprovedCurricularCourses = Aprovações label.numberEnroledCurricularCoursesInCurrentYear = Inscrições no Ano Corrente label.numberOfCandidaciesToHigherSchool = Number of Applications to higher education beyond label.numberOfFlunksOnHighSchool = Number of times that were held in the Secondary School label.numberOfStudentsWithoutGrade = Number of students without notes label.odd = ímpar label.of.both = of label.of.female = of label.of.male = of label.of.the.hermaphrodite = of the label.of.the.male = of the label.only.urgent = Only Urgent label.option = Option label.optionalCurricularCourses.move = Gerir Opções label.otherSchoolLevel = If you chose Other, specify = Page = Page label.parentUnit = Instituição Pai label.parishOfBirth = Freguesia de Nascimento label.parishOfResidence = Freguesia label.partyContacts.EmailAddress = Email label.partyContacts.MobilePhone = Telemóvel label.partyContacts.Phone = Telefone label.partyContacts.Picture = Fotografia label.partyContacts.WebAddress = Website label.partyContacts.addEmailAddress = Adicionar Email label.partyContacts.addMobilePhone = Adicionar Telemóvel label.partyContacts.addPhone = Adicionar Telefone label.partyContacts.addPhysicalAddress = Adicionar Morada label.partyContacts.addWebAddress = Adicionar Homepage #Begin: Party Contacts label.partyContacts.defaultContact = Principal label.partyContacts.delete = Apagar label.partyContacts.edit = Editar label.partyContacts.editEmailAddress = Editar Email label.partyContacts.editMobilePhone = Editar Telemóvel label.partyContacts.editPhone = Editar Telefone label.partyContacts.editPhysicalAddress = Editar Morada label.partyContacts.editWebAddress = Editar Homepage = Não existem Email's = Não existem telemóveis = Não existem telefones = Não existem moradas = Não existem Homepages label.partyContacts.view.falseLabel = - label.partyContacts.view.trueLabel = Sim #Begin: Payments label.payment = Pagamento label.payments = Pagamentos label.payments.amountToPay = Valor a Pagar (€) label.payments.back = Voltar label.payments.cancel = Cancelar label.payments.cancelEvent = Cancelar Dívida label.payments.candidacy = Candidatura label.payments.confirmCancelReceiptQuestion = Deseja cancelar o recibo? label.payments.confirmCreateOtherPartyPayment = Deseja criar o pagamento por parte da empresa? label.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirmar Criação Recibo label.payments.confirmCreateReceiptQuestion = Deseja criar o recibo? label.payments.contributor = Entidade Pagadora label.payments.contributorAddress = Morada label.payments.contributorName = Nome label.payments.contributorNumber = Nº de Contribuinte label.payments.create = Criar #Credit Notes label.payments.creditNotes = Notas de Crédito: Recibo {0}/{1} label.payments.creditNotes.entries.with.reimbursement.appliable = Entradas com reembolso aplicável = Não existem entradas reembolsáveis label.payments.creditNotes.printCreditNote.title = Nota de Crédito label.payments.currencySymbol = € label.payments.currentEvents = Dívida corrente label.payments.depositAmount = Deposit Amount label.payments.description = Descrição label.payments.documentNumber = Número label.payments.documentType = Tipo de Documento label.payments.edit = Editar label.payments.entryType = Tipo label.payments.event = Dívida label.payments.eventDate = Data de Ocorrência label.payments.eventDetails = Detalhes de Dívida = Dívidas = Tem a certeza que deseja CANCELAR a dívida? = Tem a certeza que deseja ABRIR a dívida? Caso opte por continuar, as datas a considerar para cálculo de juros (se aplicáveis) serão as actuais. = Não existem detalhes = Não existem dívidas = Não existem pagamentos efectuados label.payments.eventsWithInstallments = Dívidas c/ Pagamento Faseado label.payments.exemptions = Isenções label.payments.exemptions.noEventsToApplyExemption = Não existem dívidas para aplicar isenção label.payments.exemptions.noExemptions = Não existem isenções label.payments.extract = Extracto label.payments.gratuityExemptions = Isenções de Propina label.payments.gratuityExemptions.amount = Valor label.payments.gratuityExemptions.createExemption = Criar Isenção de Propina label.payments.gratuityExemptions.deleteExemption = Apagar label.payments.gratuityExemptions.editExemption = Editar label.payments.gratuityExemptions.noGratuityExemption = Não existe Isenção de Propina definida label.payments.gratuityExemptions.or = ou label.payments.gratuityExemptions.other = Outro (Valor ou Percentagem) label.payments.gratuityExemptions.percentage = Percentagem label.payments.gratuityExemptions.viewExemption = Ver Isenção de Propina = Guia = Gestão de Pagamentos = Nome label.payments.newContributor = Nova Entidade Pagadora label.payments.noCreditNotes = Não existem notas de crédito label.payments.noPaymentsWithoutReceipt = Não existem pagamentos sem recibo label.payments.noReceipts = Não existem recibos label.payments.not.found = Não existem pagamentos label.payments.number = Número label.payments.operations = Operações label.payments.otherPartyPayment = Pagamento Por Empresas label.payments.otherPartyPayment.details = Detalhes label.payments.otherPartyPayment.noEntriesForEvent = Não existem pagamentos de empresas para a dívida label.payments.otherPartyPayment.noEvents = Não existem dívidas que possam ser pagas por empresas label.payments.payedAmount = Payed Amount label.payments.payedDate = Payment Date label.payments.payedEvents = Payed label.payments.payedEvents2 = Pagamentos Efectuados label.payments.payment = Pagamento label.payments.paymentCodes = Payment codes label.payments.paymentConfirmed = O pagamento foi efectuado com sucesso label.payments.paymentExemptions = Payment exemptions label.payments.paymentExemptions.noPaymentExemptions = There are no exemptions from payment label.payments.paymentsWithoutReceipt = Emitir Recibos label.payments.penaltyExemptions = Isenções de Multa label.payments.penaltyExemptions.noPenaltyExemptions = Não existem isenções de multa label.payments.penaltyExemptions.showPenaltyExemptions = Isenções de Multa label.payments.person = Pessoa label.payments.preparePayment = Confirmar Pagamento label.payments.print = Imprimir label.payments.printTemplates.annulledDocument = *****DOCUMENTO ANULADO***** = Lisboa label.payments.printTemplates.costCenter = Centro de Custo label.payments.printTemplates.creditNote.numberInformation = Nota de Crédito Nº {0}/{1} label.payments.printTemplates.creditNote.receiptInformation = Referente ao Recibo Nº {0}/{1} label.payments.printTemplates.duplicate = DUPLICADO = Documento processado por computador label.payments.printTemplates.footer.institutionIdentification = Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 1049-001 Lisboa Codex Telefone: 218417336 Fax: 218419531 Contribuinte Nº: 501507930 label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.administrativeOfficeFee = Taxa de Secretaria label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.administrativeOfficeFeeAndInsurance = Taxa de Secretaria e Seguro label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.body = Face aos regulamentos em vigor e às decisões do Conselho Directivo do IST o pagamento da Taxa de Secretaria, Seguro Escolar e Propinas deverá ser realizado através da Rede de Caixas Automáticas MULTIBANCO ou aos balcões dos serviços académicos. Note-se que o atraso no pagamento implica o pagamento de juros, no caso das propinas, e de um agravamento de {0} € no caso da Taxa de Secretaria e Seguro Escolar. O não pagamento da Taxa de Secretaria e Seguro Escolar ou Propinas implica penalizações, de acordo com os regulamentos em vigor. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.footer.first.note = A partir desta data o valor será acrescido de um agravamento de {0} €. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.footer.second.note = A partir desta data serão acrescidos ao valor juros mensais à taxa legal em vigor. Os juros vencem no primeiro dia do mês a que dizem respeito. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.grautity = Propinas label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.installmentsGratuity = Propina em prestações = Seguro Escolar # Gratuity Template Resources = Carta de Propinas label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode = Modalidade de Pagamento label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.amount = Montante label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.body = O pagamento da Taxa de Secretaria e Seguro Escolar, assim como o pagamento da Propina, pode ser efectuado no seu valor total ou em prestações. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.entity = Entidade label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions = O pagamento através da Rede de Caixas Automáticas MULTIBANCO poderá ser executado observando as seguintes instruções: label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.first = Seleccione em OUTRAS OPERAÇÕES a opção PAGAMENTO DE SERVIÇOS. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.fourth = Guarde o talão que servirá como comprovativo do pagamento. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.second = Introduza a Entidade, Referência e Montante correspondente à opção, de acordo com as tabelas seguintes: label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.third = Termine a introdução de dados confirmando com a tecla verde. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.paymentCode = Referência label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.title = Informação aos Alunos das Licenciaturas do I.S.T., ano Lectivo {0} = Exmo(a). Senhor(a) label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.totalGratuity = Propina Total label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.until = Até = Guia de Pagamento label.payments.printTemplates.guideForOtherPartyPayments.contributor = Entidade Pagadora #Print Templates = INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO label.payments.printTemplates.issuedBy = Emitido por label.payments.printTemplates.original = ORIGINAL label.payments.printTemplates.processFrom = Processo de label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.contributor = Entidade Pagadora label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.receiptNumber = Recibo Nº label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.secondPrintVersion = 2ª Via label.payments.printTemplates.theEmployee = O Funcionário label.payments.printTemplates.totalAmountReceived = Recebida a importância de label.payments.printTemplates.totalAmountToPay = A liquidar a importância de label.payments.printTemplates.vatExemptionNotice = Isento de IVA ao abrigo do art.º 9º label.payments.receipt = Recibo label.payments.receiptOwner = Pessoa label.payments.receipts = Consulta de Recibos label.payments.receipts.confirmAnnul = Tem a certeza que deseja ANULAR o recibo? label.payments.receipts.printReceipt.title = Recibo de Pagamento = Procurar label.payments.searchByCandidacyNumber = Procurar Candidatura label.payments.searchByDocumentIDandType = Procurar por Dados Pessoais label.payments.searchByUsername = Procurar por Username = Ver label.payments.sibsPayments = Pagamentos por Multibanco label.payments.totalAmount = Valor Total label.payments.transferPayments = Transferir Pagamentos label.payments.transferPaymentsAndCancel = Transferir Pagamentos e Cancelar label.payments.username = Username label.payments.viewDetails = Detalhes label.payments.year = Ano label.period = {0} º Ano, {1} º Semestre #End: External Units label.periodDescription = {0} º Semestre {1} label.permission = Permission # Permissions label.permissions = Permissions label.person = Person label.person.similarResults = Pessoas semelhantes existentes no sistema label.person.title.addressInfo = Residência label.person.title.addressesInfo = Moradas label.person.title.contactInfo = Contactos label.person.title.filiation = Filiação label.person.title.originInfo = Additional Information = Dados Pessoais label.person.title.precedenceDegreeInfo = Grau Precedente = Visível para os Alunos/Alumni? = doctoral programme = Certificate = Lisbon = concluded in = son of = daughter of = son of = Given = e de = and = and = The Coordinator = Total = Urgent = with the thesis titled = Telefone label.phones = Telefones label.pricesManagement = Preçário label.pricesManagement.edit = Editar Preçário label.pricesManagement.price = Preço label.pricesManagement.pricePerPage = Preço Por Página label.pricesManagement.pricePerUnit = Preço Por Unidade label.print = Imprimir label.print.web.markSheets = Imprimir pautas submetidas via WEB label.printed = Printed label.printer = Impressora label.profession = Profissão label.professionType = Type Occupation label.professionalCondition = Status in employment status are label.program.certificate.program = um programa que faz parte integrante deste Certificado e que vai devidamente rubricado e autenticado com o carimbo a óleo em uso nesta Secretaria label.program.certificate.programs = os {0} programas que fazem parte integrante deste Certificado e que vão devidamente rubricados e autenticados com o carimbo a óleo em uso nesta Secretaria label.proposedCurricularCourse = Cadeira Curricular Proposta label.receive = Receber label.receiveDate = Data de Recepção label.rectified = Rectificada label.rectify = Rectificar label.rectifyMarkSheet = Rectificar Nota label.rectifyMarkSheet.chooseStudent = Escolha de aluno/nota a rectificar label.rectifyMarkSheet.chooseStudent.fromList = Ou seleccione um aluno da lista: label.rectifyMarkSheet.chooseStudent.studentNumber = Através do número de aluno: = Passo 1: Escolher o Aluno label.rectifyMarkSheet.step.two = Passo 2: Rectificar Nota label.rectifyOldMarkSheet = True Old Tariff = Step 1: Choose Discipline label.rectifyOldMarkSheet.step.three = Step 3: True Note label.rectifyOldMarkSheet.step.two = Step 2: Choose the Student label.rectorate = Rectorate label.rectorateSubmission.batchDetails = Lote aberto dia {0} contento {1} documentos. label.rectorateSubmission.confirmActions = Are you sure you want to do this operation? label.rectorateSubmission.creation = Data de Criação label.rectorateSubmission.creator = Creator label.rectorateSubmission.delay = Are you sure you want to delay this document (and if needed the associated Diploma Supplement) to the next batch? label.rectorateSubmission.document = Documento label.rectorateSubmission.documentRequestCount = Documentos label.rectorateSubmission.documentRequestType = Tipo de Documento label.rectorateSubmission.noRequestsInBatch = Não existem documentos neste lote. label.rectorateSubmission.receiver = Responsible for Reception label.rectorateSubmission.reception = Date Received label.rectorateSubmission.registryCode = Código de Registo label.rectorateSubmission.registryCodeRange = Códigos label.rectorateSubmission.requestedCycle = Ciclo label.rectorateSubmission.submission = Date Sent label.rectorateSubmission.submitter = Responsible for Transmission label.register.confirmation = Confirmar Matrícula label.registeredDegreeCandidacies.degreeName = Degree label.registeredDegreeCandidacies.documentIdNumber = Identification label.registeredDegreeCandidacies.first.time.student.registration = Registrations label.registeredDegreeCandidacies.first.time.list = Registered students for 1st year 1st time label.registeredDegreeCandidacies.registrationDate = Registration date label.registeredDegreeCandidacies.studentNumber = Student number label.registeredDegreeCandidacies.studentName = Name label.registration = Matrícula label.registration.addNewSCP = Adicionar Novo Plano Curricular label.registration.enrolments.number.short = Nº of Enrolments label.registration.historic = Histórico de Estados label.registration.manageState = Adicionar Estado label.registration.newSCP = New Student Curricular Plan label.registration.number = Student Number label.registration.number.withLineBreak = Student Number label.registration.state = Registration State label.registrationAgreement = Agreement label.registrationAttends = Disciplinas Frequentas pelo Aluno label.registrationDetails = Registration Details label.registrationState = State label.remarks = Remarks label.remove.enrolmennt.evaluation.confirmation = Want to remove this note? label.remove.enrolmennt.evaluation.confirmation.title = Removal note label.remove.grades = Anular Pauta label.request = Request label.requestByDegree.unspaced = RequestsByDegree label.requestDate = Request Date = Total Requests Found: {0} label.requestListByDegree = List of Requests by Degree label.requestType = Request Type label.requestedCurricularCourse = Cadeira Curricular label.requests = Requests label.responsible = Responsável label.responsibleListByCourse = List of Responsibles by Course label.responsibleTeacher = Professor label.responsibleTeacherNames = Teachers responsible label.schoolLevel = Degree label.schoolTimeDistrictSubdivisionOfResidence = County of residence (the address in class time) label.scope.curricular.semester = {0} Ano, {1} Semestre = Procurar = Begin date = End date label.searchMarkSheet = Procurar Pauta label.secondCycle.average = Average (2nd Cycle) label.secondCycle.concluded = 2nd Cycle Concluded label.secondCycle.conclusionDate = Conclusion Date (2nd Cycle) label.secondCycle.ects = ECTS completed (2nd cycle) label.secondCycle.hasConclusionProcess = Calculated? (2nd cycle) label.selected = Select label.semester = Semester label.semesters = Semesters label.send = Enviar label.send.mail = Enviar Emails = Critérios de Procura label.sentDate = Data de Envio label.serviceRequestNumber = Request Nr. label.serviceRequestNumber.withLineBreak = Request Nr. label.serviceRequestNumberYear = Request ID label.serviceRequestNumberYear.withLineBreak = Request ID label.serviceRequests = Serviços label.serviceRequests.deferRequest = Grant application? label.serviceRequests.defermentDescription = Decision label.serviceRequests.documentRequests.executionYear = Ano Lectivo label.serviceRequests.documentRequests.executionYear.withLineBreak = Ano Lectivo label.serviceRequests.enrolment = Disciplina label.serviceRequests.equivalencePlanRequest = Plano de Equivalência label.serviceRequests.newCourseGroup = Grupo novo label.serviceRequests.oldCourseGroup = Grupo antigo label.serviceRequests.purpose = Descrição label.serviceRequests.sendEmailToStudent = Enviar email ao aluno? = Paper = Discipline label.set.evaluation.enrolment.condition = Condition label.set.evaluation.enrolment.state = State label.set.evaluation.enrolment.weight = Weight = Date Rating label.set.evaluation.exam.reference = Ref Discussed label.set.evaluation.execution.year = Academic Year label.set.evaluation.grade.value = Note (10-20/NA/RE/AP) label.set.evaluation.grade.value.simple = Note = Sheet label.set.evaluation.type = Type = Launch Notes label.since = Desde label.socialSecurityNumber = Nº de Contribuinte label.special.season.enrolment = Inscrição em Época Especial label.specialSeasonCode = Código Época Especial label.spouseProfessionType = Type of Occupation of Spouse label.spouseProfessionalCondition = Condition before working status of spouse label.spouseSchoolLevel = Level of Schooling of Spouse label.startDate = Data de Início label.startDateOrHomologation = Data de Início (Homologação) label.state = State label.stateDate = Active Since label.stationery = Stationery label.statuteType = Statute Type label.statutes = Statutes label.student = Student label.student.create = Create Student label.student.create.external.enrolment = Criar inscrição externa label.student.enrollment.choose.externalCurricularCourses = Escolher Disciplinas label.student.enrollment.choose.externalUnit = Escolher Unidade = Inscrição em Disciplinas label.student.enrollment.cycleCourseGroup.noCycleDestinationAffinities = Não existe nenhum ciclo compatível no qual se pode inscrever label.student.enrollment.enrolIn = Inscrição no = Ocorreram Erros na Inscrição = Erros ao desinscrever label.student.enrollment.externalUnit = Unidade = A unidade escolhida não possui disciplinas externas = Não tem inscrições em disciplinas externas label.student.enrollment.optional.course = Inscrição em Curricular de Opção = Avisos label.student.enrollment.withRules = com regras label.student.enrollment.withoutRules = sem regras label.student.enrolment.chooseExecutionPeriod = Choose Execution Period label.student.enrolments = Enrolments label.student.enrolments.executionPeriod = Courses Enroled: label.student.enrolments.number.first.semester = Enrolments 1º semester label.student.enrolments.number.second.semester = Enrolments 2º semester label.student.enrolments.number.short = Nº courses enroled label.student.existingExternalEnrolments = Inscrições em disciplinas externas existentes label.student.externalEnrolments = Disciplinas Externas label.student.female = Student label.student.grade = Grade = O aluno tem dívidas de propina em atraso label.student.improvement.enrolments.executionPeriod = Disciplinas Inscritas em melhoria: label.student.male = Student label.student.manageExternalEnrolments = Gestão de Disciplinas Externas label.student.moveCurriculumLines.curriculumLines.selection.required = Seleccione as inscrições/dispensas que pretende mover label.student.moveCurriculumLines.noCurriculumLinesSelected = Não foram seleccionadas inscrições/dispensas = Name = Não existe informação de cedêncida de dados label.student.noCourseGroupCurriculumGroup.unenrol.confirmation.message = Want to remove the application? label.student.number = Number label.student.optional.enrolments = Inscrição em Curricular de Opção label.student.registerStudent = Register Student = com alunos activos no ano lectivo {0} = para todos os tipos de curso = com alunos que terminaram o curso no ano lectivo {0} = para o tipo de curso {0} = Estão disponíveis as seguintes listagens, label.student.setEvaluations.chooseExecutionPeriod = Choose Semester label.student.specialSeason.enrolments.executionPeriod = Disciplines Inscribed on special season label.studentCredits.create = Criar nova dispensa de créditos = Active = Students Found: {0} label.studentCurricularPlan.state = Estado do Curriculo label.studentCurricularPlans = Planos Curriculares do Aluno label.studentData.personalDataAuthorization = Lending Data label.studentDataByExecutionYear = Cedência de Dados Pessoais label.studentDataByExecutionYear.delete.confirmation.message = Tem a certeza que deseja apagar a informação? label.studentDetails = Detalhes do Aluno = Inserir Disciplinas: = Inserir nova disciplina a que o aluno se encontra dispensado: label.studentDismissal.chooseCreditsDismissalEnrolments = Criar Dispensa de Créditos label.studentDismissal.chooseEquivalenceDismissalEnrolments = Criar Equivalência label.studentDismissal.chooseExternalCurricularCourse = Escolher Curricular Externa label.studentDismissal.confirmCreateDismissals = Confirmar label.studentDismissal.create = Criar nova equivalência = Origem Dispensa Créditos label.studentDismissal.dismissals = Unidade Curricular / Grupo Destino label.studentDismissal.dismissals.enrolments = Unidade Curricular / Grupo Origem label.studentDismissal.ects.message = ECTS: Créditos ECTS que o aluno possui. label.studentDismissal.equivalence.origin = Origem Equivalência label.studentDismissal.equivalences = Equivalências label.studentDismissal.equivalent.enrolments = Disciplina(s) Equivalentes label.studentDismissal.equivalents = Equivalentes label.studentDismissal.evaluationDate = Data de Avaliação label.studentDismissal.externalEnrolments = Competências Externas label.studentDismissal.externalEnrolments.empty = O aluno não tem nenhuma inscrição externa = Grupo Destino label.studentDismissal.grade = Nota = Créditos em Grupo label.studentDismissal.internalEnrolments = Inscrições IST label.studentDismissal.internalEnrolments.empty = O aluno não tem nenhuma inscrição aprovada no IST = Gestão de Equivalências = Não existem equivalências label.studentDismissal.max.message = Máx: Nº de créditos máximo a que o aluno se pode inscrever. label.studentDismissal.min.message = Min: Nº de créditos mínimo para o aluno aprovar no grupo. = Não foram seleccionadas Equivalências = Cadeiras a que o aluno se encontra dispensado label.studentDismissal.selected = Select = 1º Passo : Escolher Origem da Equivalência = 1º Passo : Escolher Origem da Dispensa de Créditos = 1º Passo : Escolher Origem da Equivalência = 1º Passo : Escolher Origem da Substituição label.studentDismissal.step.three = 3º Passo : Confirmar label.studentDismissal.step.two = 2º Passo : Escolher Disciplina(s) Equivalente(s) / Grupo label.studentDismissal.substitution.origin = Origem Substituição label.studentEquivalence.create = Criar nova equivalência label.studentExtraCurricularActivities.unavailable = Student does not have Extra Curricular Activities label.studentInternalSubstitution.create = Create new replacement internal label.studentNumber = Student Number label.studentPage = Student Page label.studentRegistrations = Registrations label.studentStatutes = Student Statutes label.studentStatutes.manage = Manage Statutes label.studentStatutes.unavailable = Aluno não tem estatutos definidos label.studentSubstitution.create = Criar nova substituição label.students = Students label.studentsListByCurricularCourse = List of Students by Curricular Course label.studentsListByDegree = List of Students by Degree label.studiesStartDate = Studies Start Date label.subject = Subject label.submit = Submit label.submit.markSheet = Lançar label.submittedByTeacher = Submitted by Teacher label.summary = Resumo label.teacher = Docente label.that = that label.the.female = the label.the.male = the label.thirdCycle.average = Average (3rd Cycle) label.thirdCycle.concluded = 3rd Cycle Concluded label.thirdCycle.conclusionDate = Conclusion Date (3rd Cycle) label.thirdCycle.ects = ECTS completed (3rd cycle) label.thirdCycle.hasConclusionProcess = Calculated? (3rd cycle) label.title.ExternalRegistrationData = Dados Externos da Matrícula label.title.RegistrationState = Estado da Matrícula label.title.deleteActualInfo = Limpar Matrícula = Total Créditos ECTS label.type = Type label.type.of.aproval = Tipo da Aprovação label.type.of.aproval.withBreak = Tipo da Aprovação label.until = Until label.urgency = Urgency label.urgent.plural = Urgent label.username = Username label.utilities.diploma.export = Export label.utilities.exportation.empty = There are no qualifications to be imported = Another = October = Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico = Full time = Parcial time label.valid.until = valid until label.verified = Verified label.view = Ver label.viewMarkSheet = Ver Pauta label.visible = Visível label.visualizeRegistration = Processo de Matrícula label.warning = Aviso label.was = was label.webAddress = Homepage label.webAddresses = Homepages label.with = with label.with.minimum = with minimum label.withStandaloneEnrolments = With standalone enrolments in the chosen year label.write.mail = Escrever Email #End: Price Management label.year = Year label.years = Years label.yes = Sim lable.year.semester = Ano / Semestre language = Language last.modification = Última Alteração last.modification.withLineBreak = Última Alteração = O cálculo da média apresentado é apenas indicativo não tendo qualquer valor legal. link.consult = Consult link.diplomasListBySituation = Diplomas link.documentsOperations = Documents Operations = Statistics = Edit email message link.guides = Guides link.listCourseResponsibles = Responsibles By Course link.lists.xlsFileToDownload = Download Excel (XLS) = Download Excel (XLS) - with additional information = Gestão de Pautas link.notNeedToEnrol.enrolment = Associar Inscrições = Old Management Guidelines link.option.choose.curricular.course = Escolher Opção link.option.enrol.curricular.course = Inscrever link.payments = Pagamentos #End: Payments #Begin: Price Management link.pricesManagement = Preçário link.pricesManagement.edit = Editar link.receipts = Recibos link.rectorateSubmission = Envio à Reitoria link.rectorateSubmission.backToIndex = « Back to index link.rectorateSubmission.closeBatch = Fechar Lote link.rectorateSubmission.delay = Delay link.rectorateSubmission.generateMetadata = Gerar Excel com informação do lote link.rectorateSubmission.generateMetadataForDiplomas = Generate Excel with the lot information to Letters link.rectorateSubmission.generateMetadataForRegistry = Generate Excel with the lot for information Registration Laws and Supplements link.rectorateSubmission.markAsReceived = Marcar lote como Recebido da Reitoria link.rectorateSubmission.markAsSent = Marcar lote como Enviado à Reitoria link.rectorateSubmission.receive = Receber link.rectorateSubmission.reprint = Reprint link.rectorateSubmission.viewBatch = Ver link.rectorateSubmission.viewRegistration = Ver Matrícula link.rectorateSubmission.zipDocuments = Gerar zip com os documentos do lote link.registeredDegreeCandidacies.export.withApplyForResidence = Export only with apply for residence link.registration.viewCurriculum = Ver Currículo de Matrícula link.registration.viewStudentCurricularPlans = Ver Planos Curriculares link.student.back = Voltar link.student.backToStudentDetails = « Voltar à Página do Aluno = Criar Dispensa de Créditos link.student.create.dismissal = Criar Equivalência link.student.create.equivalence = Criar Equivalência link.student.create.internal.substitution = Create Internal Replacement link.student.create.substitution = Criar Substituição link.student.createSchoolRegistrationDeclarationRequest = Criar Pedido de Declaração de Matrícula link.student.deleteRegistrationState = Apagar Estado = Gestão de Equivalências link.student.editPersonalData = Editar Dados Pessoais link.student.enrolInCourses = Gestão de Inscrições link.student.extraCurricularActivity.delete = Delete Activity link.student.manageEnrolmentModel = Editar Modelo de Inscrição link.student.manageExternalRegistrationData = Gerir Dados Externos link.student.manageIngressionAndAgreement = Alterar Ingresso/Acordo link.student.manageRegistrationStartDates = Alterar Datas link.student.manageRegistrationState = Gerir Estados link.student.printRegistrationDeclaration = Imprimir Declaração de Matrícula = Contactos, média e autorizações link.student.setEvaluations = Reviews link.student.statute.delete = Apagar Estatuto link.student.transitToBolonha = Transitar link.student.unenrol = Desinscrever link.student.viewCurriculum = Ver Currículo link.student.viewPersonalData = Visualizar dados pessoais link.student.visualizeRegistration = Ver Processo » link.student.visualizeStudent = Ver Detalhes do Aluno link.studentOperations = Operações de Alunos link.studentOperations.createStudent = Matricular Aluno link.studentOperations.importData = Import Data link.studentOperations.registerStudent = Matricular Candidato link.studentOperations.viewStudents = View Students #Begin: Lists link.studentsListByCurricularCourse = Students by Course link.studentsListByDegree = Students by Degree = Download = UTL Social work scholarship results link.view.deleteActualInfo = Limpar Matrícula lists.participationType = Participation type lists.serviceRequestsByDegree = Requests By Degree lists.studentByCourse.unspaced = Students By Course lists.studentByDegree.unspaced = Students By Degree = A Técnica Superior da Secção de Graduação do = O Técnico Superior da Secção de Graduação do = A Técnica Superior da Secção de Pós Graduação do = O Técnico Superior da Secção de Pós Graduação do = A Coordenadora do Núcleo de Graduação = O Coordenador do Núcleo de Graduação = A Coordenadora do Núcleo de Pós Graduação e Formação Contínua = O Coordenador do Núcleo de Pós Graduação e Formação Contínua message.conclusion.process.already.performed = The clearance has been achieved. If you repeat the process, it may be necessary to reverse the orders of course letter and certificate of graduation (if they have already been delivered) state to 'processing' in order to print the new versions. message.confirm.create.service = Serviço = Ao carregar em Limpar Matrícula todas as inscrições sem nota e reservas de turnos para o ano {0} serão apagadas. message.confirm.delete.registrationState = Deseja MESMO APAGAR o Estado da Matricula? message.curriculum.evaluations.empty = There are no release notes message.curriculum.validation.not.allowed = It is not allowed in the grading syllabus message.curriculum.validation.not.documentCustomization = Customisation of document printing message.curriculum.validation.observation = Curriculum Validation message.declaration.registration.comma = , = º. ano do curso de = portador do = Disciplinas. = deste Instituto em message.declaration.registration.execution.year.prefix = no ano lectivo message.declaration.registration.father.prefix = filho de = no = ESTÁ INSCRITO message.declaration.registration.location.prefix = Secretaria dos Serviços Académicos do Instituto Superior Técnico, em message.declaration.registration.mother.prefix = e de message.declaration.registration.nationality.prefix = natural de message.declaration.registration.of = of message.declaration.registration.person.tail = DA SECÇÃO DE GRADUAÇÃO DO INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO DA UNIVERSIDADE TÉCNICA DE LISBOA message.declaration.registration.person.title.female = A TÉCNICA SUPERIOR message.declaration.registration.person.title.male = O TÉCNICO SUPERIOR message.declaration.registration.student.number.header.female = DECLARA, a pedido do interessado, que a aluna Número message.declaration.registration.student.number.header.male = DECLARA, a pedido do interessado, que o aluno Número message.declaration.registration.was.enroled = ESTEVE INSCRITO = Escolha o documento que deseja requerer = The candidate is not registered message.erasmus.candidacy.enrol.on.modules = Enroll in courses message.erasmus.candidacy.registration.creation.for.candidate = Create registration for candidates = Please select a programme and click in 'Assign' message.erasmus.coordinator.removal.confirmation = Do you wish to remove this coordinator? = You're coming from {0} which is associated with the following IST programmes: message.erasmus.insertVacancy.instructions = To insert a new vacancy, please select the country and then the university. Bind with a programme and insert the vacancy number = The approved learning agreement most recently attached is not viewed. message.erasmus.most.recent.alert.not.viewed = This process contains alerts not read message.erasmus.not.viewed.approved.learning.agreements.empty = There is no processes with approved learning agreements not viewed. message.erasmus.not.viewed.erasmus.alerts.process.empty = There's no processes with unread alerts message.erasmus.revoke.approved.learning.agreement.file.confirm = Remove? = You may choose different subjects in different programmes. Though the majority of selected subjects must be one of the programmes associated with your university. Please select the subjects below: = Please select one university message.erasmus.vacancy.confirm.vacancy.removal = Do you want to remove the vacancy? message.evaluation.edition.context.curriculum.validation = Note issued in connection with the validation of curricula = The notes were launched successfully. message.evaluations.updated = The notes have been updated message.markSheet.confirm = Deseja confirmar esta pauta? message.markSheet.rectify = Deseja rectificar esta nota? = Existem {0} cadeiras com notas por submeter. = Existem {0} pautas submetidas por confirmar. = There is no generated reports = There is no requests made = New Document successfully generated. You can download the document or warn the student to do on the student portal = Não foram encontrados alunos. = Certifies, as requested by the applicant, that his personal file is organized as filed with this Department, reports that: = made thesis presentation for Doctoral Programme in field of = message.registeredDegreeCandidacies.result.empty = The search gave empty results. message.registration.addNewSCP.success = Novo Plano Curricular Adicionado com Sucesso message.registration.ingression.and.agreement.edit.success = O Acordo e o Ingresso foram actualizados com sucesso! = Escolha o serviço que deseja requerer message.student.personDataEditedWithSuccess = Os dados da Pessoa foram editados com Sucesso! message.student.personIsEmployee = A Pessoa indicada é um Funcionário. Os seus dados apenas poderão ser alterados na Secção de Pessoal. message.student.registerStudent.confirm = Confirma que deseja matricular este aluno? message.student.registerStudent.success = Aluno matriculado com sucesso. message.success.deleteActualInfo = A Matrícula foi limpa com sucesso! message.success.state.delete = O Estado da Matrícula foi apagado com sucesso! message.success.state.edit = Estado alterado com Sucesso! message.urgency.charge.explanation = Os actos requeridos poderão ser executados, salvo algum imprevisto, no prazo máximo de cinco dias, mediante um pagamento de uma taxa de valor igual ao do acto requerido. message.warning.urgent.request = Warning: urgent requests are subject to the doble base amount indicated in the fee. minimum = mínimo = A Média Final não foi inserida no sistema ou a Matrícula ainda não foi submetida ao processo de Apuramento. new.requests = Pedidos Novos newAcademicServiceRequests.empty = Não existem novos pedidos de serviços. newAcademicServiceRequests.title = Pedidos Novos no.academic.service.requests.found = Não foram encontrados pedidos de serviços académicos nesta situação. no.approvements = Não existem aprovações neste ano lectivo. no.concluded.academic.service.requests = Não existem pedidos de serviços concluídos. no.document.requests = Não existem pedidos de documentos na Secretaria em nome do aluno no.historical.academic.service.requests = Não existem pedidos de serviços no histórico. no.historical.document.requests = Não existem pedidos de documentos no histórico desta matrícula. = Não existem novos pedidos de serviços. no.processing.academic.service.requests = Não existem pedidos de serviços em processamento. no.processing.document.requests = Não existem pedidos de documentos em processamento. notConcluded.requests = Pedidos não Concluídos notDelivered.requests = Pedidos não Entregues number.of.pages.printed = Nº de páginas impressas = Is exempted from studies portal.academicAdminOffice = Secretaria Académica portal.academicAdminOffice.welcome = Bem-vindo ao Portal da Secretaria Académica = Este documento deverá ser impresso no Aplica. processing.requests = Pedidos em Processamento processingAcademicServiceRequests.empty = Não existem pedidos de serviços em processamento. processingAcademicServiceRequests.title = Pedidos não Concluídos quick = Rápido receive.request = Receber Pedido rectorate.code.generated.with.success = O código de reitoria foi associado com sucesso. registration.confirm.delete.regime = Want to delete the scheme? registration.curriculum = Currículo de Matrícula = There are schemes registration.not.concluded = O Plano Curricular não respeita a estrutura do Curso ou o Aluno não possui nesta Matrícula os Créditos necessários para o Apuramento Final registration.regime = Regime registration.regime.create = Create Regime registration.regimes = Regimes = Show Regimes reject.request = Rejeitar Pedido request.declined = DENIED request.granted = GRANTED request.information = Informação do Pedido request.situation = Situação do Pedido requests.historic = Histórico de Pedidos result = Result rule = Rule = As regras aplicadas constam do livro Regulamentos dos Cursos de 1º e 2º Ciclo, 2009/2010 do Instituto Superior Técnico. send.request = Send Request student.editCandidacyInformation = Editar Informação de Candidatura student.identification.number = Student Idenfication Number = Finalist? = Information for the new establishment (if repeated) student.regimes = Scheme student.registrationConclusionProcess = Apuramento Final = Clearance Information student.registrationViewAttends = Consultar Disciplinas Frequentadas student.separateCycle = Separate cycle title.curriculum.validation = Curriculum Validation title.curriculum.validation.evaluations = Notes launched title.erasmus.application.process.list = Application processes title.erasmus.candidacy.create.registration = Create registration title.erasmus.candidacy.enrol.on.modules = Enroll in courses title.erasmus.erasmus.coordinators.list = Erasmus Coordinators title.erasmus.erasmusCoordinators.assign = Assign coordinator title.erasmus.erasmusVacancy.list = Vacancy list title.erasmus.language.competence = Language competence title.erasmus.not.viewed.approved.learning.agreements.list = Not viewed processes with approved learning agreements title.erasmus.not.viewed.erasmus.alerts.process.list = Processes with alerts not read = Revert state to pending = Send reception email = Reception email for accepted candidates title.erasmus.upload.learning.agreement = Attach approved learning agreements title.erasmus.view.approved.learning.agreements = View approved learning agreements title.export.diplomas = Export certificates = Created reports = Requests title.payments.currentEvents = Dívida Corrente title.payments.paymentConfirmed = Confirmação do Pagamento title.rectorateIncoming = Incoming baches from Academic Office = Batches from Degree Administrative Office = Batches of Master Degree Administrative Office title.rectorateSubmission = Envio de Documentos à Reitoria title.rectorateSubmission.closed = Lotes fechados title.rectorateSubmission.received = Lotes recebidos title.rectorateSubmission.sent = Lotes enviados title.rectorateSubmission.unsent = Lote de documentos novos title.student.edit.evaluation = Edit Note title.student.setEvaluations = Reviews = Bolsas de Acção Social (UTL) = Result toDeliverAcademicServiceRequests.empty = Não existem pedidos de documentos em processamento. toDeliverAcademicServiceRequests.title = Pedidos não Entregues utilities.export.old.diplomas = Export old Diplomas values = values = The student has no approved extra-curricular courses = The student has no approved standalone courses error.istid.invalidFormat=Invalid ISTId rror.chosen.year.not.within.working.period=The chosen year is not in a year where the student was in working development's already a gratuity for that year is no posting rule for this kind of event and date. |