#!/bin/sh # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Runs sql scripts to update database from previous release. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DB=$1 USER=$2 echo Using database: $DB echo Enter password for $USER: read -s password function execute() { echo ---------------------------------------- $1 mysql -u$USER -f -p$password --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 echo } function executeWithTempFile() { echo ---------------------------------------- $1 mysql -u$USER -f -p$password --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 > tmp.sql mysql -u$USER -f -p$password --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < tmp.sql rm tmp.sql echo } execute "Remove invalid vowel participations" cleanupThesisParticipations.sql execute "Clean status of inactive vigilancies" resetConvokeStatus.sql execute "Clear thesis that weren't removed when students unenrolled" cleanThesisWithoutEnrolments.sql execute "Alter TeacherLegalRegimen to LegalRegimem" alterTeacherLegalRegimenTable.sql execute "Alter TeacherServiceExemption to ServiceExemption" alterTeacherServiceExemptionTable.sql