button.executionCourse.archive.generate = Generate archive button.submit = Submit button.substitute = Substitute classification.nonOfficial.information = All information on this page regarding classifications has no official value. error.Contact = An Error has Occurred error.Exception = An Error nas Occurred error.NotAuthorized = Not Authorized Operation error.contact.welcome = Este formulário serve para contactar o suporte técnico do sistema. Utilize-o para reportar o erro ocorrido no sistema. error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInGivenPeriod = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in IST in the given period. error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInNotClosedYears = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in IST in an opened execution year. error.curricularPlanInDraftStage = The curricular plan is still in draft stage. error.curricularPlanNotApproved = The curricular plan hasn't been approved yet. error.impossibleCurricularPlan = There is no information about the degree's curricular plans. error.impossibleDegreeInfo = It was impossible to find detailed information about the degree. error.impossibleExecutionDegreeList = This degree hasn't been carried out in IST. error.public.DegreeInfoNotPresent = There is no detailed information about the degree. error.email.validation.bcc.invalid = Email is not valid : error.email.validation.message.empty = Message required error.email.validation.subject.empty = Subject required error.email.validation.no.recipients = Recipient required label.announcements = Announcements label.archive.options.announcements = Announcements label.archive.options.evaluations = Evaluation label.archive.options.groupings = Groups label.archive.options.planning = Planning label.archive.options.schedule = Schedule label.archive.options.shifts = Shifts label.beginning = Beginning label.classOrClasses = Class(es) label.competenceCourse.notAprroved = Not Approved label.competenceCourse.notAprroved.note = Note: The information is not approved by Cientifical Council. label.day = Day label.deploy.warning = Attention: The system will go under maintenance in {0} to {1} minutes and will be temporarily unavailable. We'll be brief. Thank you. label.deploy.warning.moment = Attention: The system will go under maintenence in brief moments and will be temporarily unavailable. We'll be brief. Thank you. label.document = document label.end = End label.evaluation.enrolment.period = Enrolment period label.evaluationType = Assessment label.events = Events label.exam = Exam label.execution.year = Year label.executionCourses = Courses in co-evaluation label.extra.lesson = Extraordinary lesson label.final.evaluation = Final label.generalObjectives = General Objectives label.grade.a = Excellent label.grade.b = Very Good label.grade.c = Good label.grade.d = Sufficient label.group = Group label.students.group.send.email=Students of {0} group label.students.grouping.send.email=Students of {0} grouping label.grouping = Group label.groupingDescription = Description label.groupingName = Name label.groupings = Groups label.homepage = Homepage label.hours = hours label.hoursPerWeek = Weekly lesson work load label.in = in label.lastAnnouncements = Recent Announcements label.lecturingTeachers = Faculty label.lesson = Lesson label.lessonPlannings.not.available = No planning was found. label.lessons = Lessons label.name = Name label.number = Number label.number0.0 = 0.0 label.online.test = Online Tests label.operacionalObjectives = Operational Objectives label.person.login.external = external label.person.photo.browse = Select the file label.person.photo.file.info = The file must be in jpeg or png formats, and its size must not exceed 1Mb.
The photo will be resized to fit in a square of 100x100 pixeis. label.person.photo.info =

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label.person.photo.selectfile = Seleccione o Ficheiro label.person.photo.state = Approval State label.person.photo.title = Replace Photo label.person.portugueseNationality = PORTUGUESE label.person.portugueseNationalityFormated = Portuguese label.person.title.photo = Photograph label.project = Project label.projects = Projects label.public.site = View public site label.publicRelationOffice = Public Relations Office label.publishedMarks = Marks label.responsible = (Responsible) label.room = Room label.rooms = Rooms label.rss = RSS label.schedule = Schedule label.shift = Shift label.shift.remove.body = "Dear student,\nthis e-mail serves to inform you of the cancelation of enrollement in the following shift: {0} \nFor more information please contact your teacher. label.shift.remove.subject = Cancelation of enrollment in shift label.shifts = Shifts label.shifts.empty = Empty shift. label.shifts.nondefined = There are no shifts for this course label.shifts.remove = Remove all label.student.group.number = Group number label.student.number = Student Number label.students.in.grouping = Student enroled in group: label.students.size = Students Number label.submit.support.form = Submit Form label.summaries = Summaries label.summary.lesson = Lesson label.summary.shift.type = Shift type label.support.form.message = Message: label.support.form.priority = Priority: label.support.form.requestContext = Portal: label.support.form.requestType = Type: label.support.form.responseEmail = Your email: label.support.form.subject = Subject: label.teacher = Teacher label.teacher.abbreviation = Prof. label.testsAndExams = Tests/Exams label.theses.empty.message = There are no published dissertations for this degree. label.thesis.abstract.notDefined = not defined label.thesis.coordination = Coordination label.thesis.fullTitle = Title label.thesis.keywords.notDefined = not defined label.thesis.state = State label.written.test = Test link.announcements = Announcements link.bibliography = Bibliography link.evaluationMethod = Assessment Process link.evaluations = Assessment link.executionCourse.archive = Site Archive link.executionCourse.archive.explanation = In this page you can select the information to include in the archive and the archive's format. #property.executionCourse.theoreticalHours=Theoretical #property.executionCourse.practicalHours=Practical #property.executionCourse.theoreticalPracticalHours=Theo-Practical #property.executionCourse.labHours=Laboratorial #property.executionCourse.seminaryHours=Seminary #property.executionCourse.problemsHours=Problems #property.executionCourse.fieldWorkHours=Field Work #property.executionCourse.trainingPeriodHours=Traning #property.executionCourse.tutorialOrientationHours=Tutorial Orientation link.executionCourse.archive.generate = Generate site's archive link.groupings = Groups link.hide.message = Hide Message link.homepage.activation = Activation link.homepage.options = Options link.inicialPage = First page link.lessonPlannings = Planning link.manage.homepage.content = Contents link.objectives = Objectives link.person.photo.cancel.submission = Cancel submission # Photos link.person.upload.photo = Import photo link.program = Program link.rss = RSS link.shifts = Shifts link.summaries = Summaries link.viewMore = View more message.all = All message.announcements.not.available = No announcements were found. message.bibliography.optional.order = Sort secondary bibliography message.bibliography.order = Sort main bibliography message.confirm.non.reversable.operation = This operation is not reversable. Do you wish to continue with the operation? message.evaluation.not.available = No assessment process was found. message.infoGroupPropertiesList.not.available = No group exists. message.introduction = Brief Introduction message.modifiedOn = Updated message.moved.permanently = The location of the site has been permanently moved. You should update your bookmarks. message.notSpecified = not counted. message.objectives.not.defined = Objectives not defined. message.optionalBibliography = Optional Bibliography message.presences = Number of attending students message.program.not.defined = Program not defined. message.project.wihtout.coavaliation = None exist message.project.wihtout.description = No description message.public.thesis.coordination.empty = coordination not defined message.recommendedBibliography = Recommended Bibliography message.rss.1 = You can receive information of each course at IST via RSS. Simply subscribe to the feed in your favorite RSS viewer. message.rss.2 = What is RSS? message.rss.3 = RSS (Really Simple Syndication ou Rich Site Summary) is standard based on an XML language. It allows you to get updated information from multiple sources in your RSS viewer. message.rss.4 = RSS viewers message.rss.5 = RSS viewers group information from multiple sources in a summarized manner. Many free and comercial viewers exist on the web for all platforms. message.rss.7 = Available feeds message.rss.copy.feeds = Copy the URL's to your RSS viewer. message.siteAddress = Alternative Site message.sortOptionalBibliography = Sort entries message.sortRecommendedBibliography = Sort entries message.students = {0} message.summaries.not.available = No summaries were found. message.thesis.publication.notAvailable = There is no publication associated with this dissertation. message.without.shift = Without Shift message.students.attendsSearch.noResults = Previous search has no results property.groupOrGroups = Group(s) property.lesson.beginning = Beginning property.lesson.end = End property.lesson.room = Room property.shift = Shift property.turno = Shift support.Contact = Support Form support.contact.welcome = This form allows you to contact the system technical support team. Use it to report an error, to tell us your sugestion or request or if you have any doubt. To solve any academic issue, please contact the central services. support.form.message.exception = Be as detailed as possible in the problem description. Please tells us the steps to reproduce it, as well as what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. support.form.message.help = Be as detailed as possible when describing a problem. If you're reporting an error, please tells us the steps to reproduce it, as well as what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. support.form.priority.help = Help us resolve the most urgent issues by telling us the importance of your request. support.mail.sent = Your request was sent to the technical support team. You will soon receive an answer. Thank you. support.mail.session.error = user without active session / no roles obtained support.mail.submitted = Your message will be processed as soon as possible.

Thank you for contact.
The Fenix team. support.mail.url = suporte@dot.ist.utl.pt title.evaluation = Assessment title.evaluationMethod = Assessment Process title.moved.permanently = 301 Moved Permanently title.program = Program title.thesis.details.coordination = Coordination title.thesis.details.details = Details title.thesis.details.publication = Publication title.search.spaces=Spaces label.grp.latest.requests=Latest requests label.grp.year=Year label.grp.degree=Degree Type label.grp.date=Date label.grp.person=Person label.grp.request.listing=Request listing label.grp.request.listing.success.with.degreetype=Request of listing for the year of {0} of type {1} confirmed. label.grp.request.listing.success=Request of listing for the year of {0} confirmed. label.grp.latest.requests.done=Latest requests done for the year of {0} label.grp.latest.requests.done.with.degreetype=Latest requests done for the year of {0} of type {1} label.grp.active=Active label.grp.concluded=Concluded label.grp.options=Options label.students.attends.send.mail= {0} selected students