package; /* * ValueTypes declarations */ // SPECIAL CASE (for this file only): // // ValueTypes should not be declared here. Instead they should be declared // programmatically in: // /* * Domain classes declarations */ external class AbstractDomainObject; class PersistentRoot { String rootKey; } relation MultipleRoots { PersistentRoot playsRole previous; PersistentRoot playsRole next; } relation PersistentRootAbstractDomainObject { AbstractDomainObject playsRole rootObject; PersistentRoot playsRole; } class TransactionStatisticsEntry { String server; int numReport; long numReads; long numWrites; long numAborts; long numConflicts; long secondsBetweenReports; DateTime when; CounterStats readOnlyReads; CounterStats readWriteReads; CounterStats readWriteWrites; } class TransactionStatisticsLog { } relation TrabsactionStatisticsLogHasTransactionStatisticsEntry { TransactionStatisticsEntry playsRole entry { multiplicity *; } TransactionStatisticsLog playsRole; }