label.ects.yearOrSemester = Anual/Semestral: label.ects.curricularYear = Academic Year label.ects.semester = Semester label.ects.branch = Branch: label.ects.mandatoryOrOptional = Compulsory/Optional: label.ects.credits = Credits: label.ects.creditsEcts = ECTS label.ects.creditsNational = Nacionais label.gep.code = Code label.ects.webPage = Web Site: label.ects.responsibleTeacher = Responsible for the Course: label.ects.semanalHours = Weekly timetable estimated: label.ects.teo = Theorical + label.ects.prat = Pratical + label.ects.teoPrat = Theorical/Pratical + label.ects.lab = Laboratory Classes label.ects.objectivesGen = General Objectives of the course: label.ects.objectivesOper = Operational Objectives of the course: label.ects.program = Course contents: label.ects.bibliography = Bibliography and study elements available to students: label.ects.principalBiblio = Main bibliography and lecture notes label.ects.secondaryBiblio = Other bibliography label.ects.avaliation = Assessement methods: label.ects.lastModificationDate = Last Update label.ects.semestral = Semestral