#!/bin/bash # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Runs sql scripts to update database from previous release. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DB=$1 USER=$2 DB_HOST=$3 INSTITUTION=$4 PASSWORD=$5 echo Using host: $DB_HOST echo Using database: $DB echo Using user: $USER echo Institution: $INSTITUTION echo Password: $PASSWORD function execute() { if [ -z $3 ] then echo ---------------------------------------- $1 mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 echo else if [ "$INSTITUTION" == "$3" ] then echo ---------------------------------------- $1 specific for $3 mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 echo fi fi } function executeWithTempFile() { echo ---------------------------------------- $1 mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < $2 > tmp.sql mysql -u$USER -f -h$DB_HOST --default-character-set=latin1 $DB < tmp.sql rm tmp.sql echo } execute "Phd Migration Process" phdMigrationProcess.sql execute "Make all existing evaluations use TYPE20 grade scale" defaultExistingEvaluationsToTYPE20.sql execute "Add logging data of the migration process to the PhdMigrationIndividualProcessData" addPhdMigrationLogging.sql execute "Add amount per enrolment field" addAmountPerEnrolmentField.sql