/*============================================================================== HTML2XHTML Converter 1.0 ======================== Copyright (c) 2004 Vyacheslav Smolin Author: ------- Vyacheslav Smolin (http://www.richarea.com, http://html2xhtml.richarea.com, re@richarea.com) About the script: ----------------- HTML2XHTML Converter (H2X) generates a well formed XHTML string from a HTML DOM object. Requirements: ------------- H2X works in MS IE 5.0 for Windows or above, in Netscape 7.1, Mozilla 1.3 or above. It should work in all Mozilla based browsers. Usage: ------ Please see description of function get_xhtml below. Demo: ----- http://html2xhtml.richarea.com/, http://www.richarea.com/demo/ License: -------- Free for non-commercial using. Please contact author for commercial licenses. ==============================================================================*/ //add \n before opening tag var need_nl_before = '|div|p|table|tbody|tr|td|th|title|head|body|script|comment|li|meta|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|hr|ul|ol|option|'; //add \n after opening tag var need_nl_after = '|html|head|body|p|th|style|'; var re_comment = new RegExp(); re_comment.compile("^$"); var re_hyphen = new RegExp(); re_hyphen.compile("-$"); // Convert inner text of node to xhtml // Call: get_xhtml(node); // get_xhtml(node, lang, encoding) -- to convert whole page // other parameters are for inner usage and should be omitted // Parameters: // node - dom node to convert // lang - document lang (need it if whole page converted) // encoding - document charset (need it if whole page converted) // need_nl - if true, add \n before a tag if it is in list need_nl_before // inside_pre - if true, do not change content, as it is inside a
function get_xhtml(node, lang, encoding, need_nl, inside_pre) { var i; var text = ''; var children = node.childNodes; var child_length = children.length; var tag_name; var do_nl = need_nl ? true : false; var page_mode = true; for (i = 0; i < child_length; i++) { var child = children[i]; switch (child.nodeType) { case 1: { //ELEMENT_NODE var tag_name = String(child.tagName).toLowerCase(); if (tag_name == '') break; if (tag_name == 'meta') { var meta_name = String(child.name).toLowerCase(); if (meta_name == 'generator') break; } if (!need_nl && tag_name == 'body') { //html fragment mode page_mode = false; } if (tag_name == '!') { //COMMENT_NODE in IE 5.0/5.5 //get comment inner text var parts = re_comment.exec(child.text); if (parts) { //the last char of the comment text must not be a hyphen var inner_text = parts[1]; text += fix_comment(inner_text); } } else { if (tag_name == 'html') { text = '\n\n'; } //inset \n to make code more neat if (need_nl_before.indexOf('|'+tag_name+'|') != -1) { if ((do_nl || text != '') && !inside_pre) text += '\n'; } else { do_nl = true; } text += '<'+tag_name; //add attributes var attr = child.attributes; var attr_length = attr.length; var attr_value; var attr_lang = false; var attr_xml_lang = false; var attr_xmlns = false; var is_alt_attr = false; for (j = 0; j < attr_length; j++) { var attr_name = attr[j].nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (!attr[j].specified && (attr_name != 'selected' || !child.selected) && (attr_name != 'style' || child.style.cssText == '') && attr_name != 'value') continue; //IE 5.0 if (attr_name == '_moz_dirty' || attr_name == '_moz_resizing' || tag_name == 'br' && attr_name == 'type' && child.getAttribute('type') == '_moz') continue; var valid_attr = true; switch (attr_name) { case "style": attr_value = child.style.cssText; break; case "class": attr_value = child.className; break; case "http-equiv": attr_value = child.httpEquiv; break; case "noshade": break; //this set of choices will extend case "checked": break; case "selected": break; case "multiple": break; case "nowrap": break; case "disabled": break; attr_value = attr_name; break; default: try { attr_value = child.getAttribute(attr_name, 2); } catch (e) { valid_attr = false; } break; } //html tag attribs if (attr_name == 'lang') { attr_lang = true; attr_value = lang; } if (attr_name == 'xml:lang') { attr_xml_lang = true; attr_value = lang; } if (attr_name == 'xmlns') attr_xmlns = true; if (valid_attr) { //value attribute set to "0" is not handled correctly in Mozilla if (!(tag_name == 'li' && attr_name == 'value')) { text += ' '+attr_name+'="'+fix_attribute(attr_value)+'"'; } } if (attr_name == 'alt') is_alt_attr = true; } if (tag_name == 'img' && !is_alt_attr) { text += ' alt=""'; } if (tag_name == 'html') { if (!attr_lang) text += ' lang="'+lang+'"'; if (!attr_xml_lang) text += ' xml:lang="'+lang+'"'; if (!attr_xmlns) text += ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"'; } if (child.canHaveChildren || child.hasChildNodes()){ text += '>'; // if (need_nl_after.indexOf('|'+tag_name+'|') != -1) { // text += '\n'; // } text += get_xhtml(child, lang, encoding, true, inside_pre || tag_name == 'pre' ? true : false); text += ''+tag_name+'>'; } else { if (tag_name == 'style' || tag_name == 'title' || tag_name == 'script') { text += '>'; var inner_text; if (tag_name == 'script') { inner_text = child.text; } else { inner_text = child.innerHTML; } if (tag_name == 'style') { inner_text = String(inner_text).replace(/[\n]+/g,'\n'); } text += inner_text+''+tag_name+'>'; } else { text += ' />'; } } } break; } case 3: { //TEXT_NODE if (!inside_pre) { //do not change text insidetag if (child.nodeValue != '\n') { text += fix_text(child.nodeValue); } } else { text += child.nodeValue; } break; } case 8: { //COMMENT_NODE text += fix_comment(child.nodeValue); break; } default: break; } } if (!need_nl && !page_mode) { //delete head and body tags from html fragment text = text.replace(/<\/?head>[\n]*/gi, ""); text = text.replace(/[\n]*/gi, ""); text = text.replace(/<\/?body>[\n]*/gi, ""); } return text; } //fix inner text of a comment function fix_comment(text) { //delete double hyphens from the comment text text = text.replace(/--/g, "__"); if(re_hyphen.exec(text)) { //last char must not be a hyphen text += " "; } return ""; } //fix content of a text node function fix_text(text) { //convert <,> and & to the corresponding entities return String(text).replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n").replace(/\&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/\u00A0/g, " "); } //fix content of attributes href, src or background function fix_attribute(text) { //convert <,>, & and " to the corresponding entities return String(text).replace(/\&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/\"/g, """); }