/** * */ package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.injectionCode; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.applicationTier.IUserView; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.DomainObject; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Person; import pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.security.UserView; /** * @author Goncalo Luiz
* Created on 17:31:53,23/Nov/2005 * @version $Id$ */ public class AccessControl { static public IUserView getUserView() { return UserView.getUser(); } static public Person getPerson() { final IUserView userView = getUserView(); return userView == null ? null : userView.getPerson(); } static public boolean hasPerson() { return getPerson() != null; } static public void check(DomainObject c, AccessControlPredicate predicate) { Person requester = AccessControl.getPerson(); boolean result = false; result |= (predicate != null && predicate.evaluate(c)); if (!result) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append("User ").append(requester.getUsername()).append(" tried to execute access content instance number") .append(c.getIdInternal()); message.append("but he/she is not authorized to do so"); throw new IllegalDataAccessException(message.toString(), requester); } } static public void check(Object c, AccessControlPredicate predicate) { Person requester = AccessControl.getPerson(); boolean result = false; result |= (predicate != null && predicate.evaluate(c)); if (!result) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append("User ").append(requester.getUsername()).append(" tried to execute access content instance number") .append(c.toString()); message.append("but he/she is not authorized to do so"); throw new IllegalDataAccessException(message.toString(), requester); } } static public void check(AccessControlPredicate predicate) { Person requester = AccessControl.getPerson(); boolean result = false; result |= (predicate != null && predicate.evaluate(null)); if (!result) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); final String username = requester == null ? "" : requester.getUsername(); message.append("User "); message.append(username); message.append(" tried to execute method but he/she is not authorized to do so"); throw new IllegalDataAccessException(message.toString(), requester); } } }