package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.research.result; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Employee; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Person; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.RootDomainObject; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.exceptions.DomainException; import; import; public class ResultParticipation extends ResultParticipation_Base { public enum ResultParticipationRole { Author, Editor; public static ResultParticipationRole getDefaultRole() { return Author; } } public static enum OrderChange { MoveUp, MoveDown, MoveTop, MoveBottom; public static int getOffset(OrderChange order) { switch (order) { case MoveUp: return -1; case MoveDown: return 1; case MoveTop: return -Integer.MAX_VALUE; case MoveBottom: return Integer.MAX_VALUE; default: return 0; } } } /** * Comparator than can be used to order participations. Order: Ascending by * personOrder. */ public static class OrderComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(ResultParticipation rP1, ResultParticipation rP2) { Integer order1 = rP1.getPersonOrder(); Integer order2 = rP2.getPersonOrder(); return order1.compareTo(order2); } } private ResultParticipation() { super(); setRootDomainObject(RootDomainObject.getInstance()); } /** * Constructor used to create a ResultParticipation. */ ResultParticipation(ResearchResult result, Person participator, ResultParticipationRole role, Integer order) { this(); checkParameters(result, participator, role, order); fillAllAttributes(result, participator, role, order); } @Checked("ResultPredicates.participationWritePredicate") public void setEditAll(ResearchResult result, Person participator, ResultParticipationRole role, Integer order) { fillAllAttributes(result, participator, role, order); setChangedBy(); } @Checked("ResultPredicates.participationWritePredicate") public final void movePersonToDesiredOrder(OrderChange orderChange) { if (orderChange == null) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.orderChange.null"); } move(orderChange); setChangedBy(); } @Override @Checked("ResultPredicates.participationWritePredicate") public void setRole(ResultParticipationRole role) { if (role == null) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.role.null"); } if (!this.getRole().equals(role)) { if (!this.getResult().hasPersonParticipationWithRole(this.getPerson(), role)) { super.setRole(role); this.getResult().setModifiedByAndDate(); } else { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.association.exists", this.getPerson() .getName(), this.getRole().toString()); } } } public boolean getIsLastParticipation() { return (this.getResult().getResultParticipationsCount() == 1); } public boolean getCanBeRemoved() { return !(getIsLastParticipation() || this.getPerson().equals(this.getResult().getCreator())); } public final static ResultParticipation readByOid(Integer oid) { final ResultParticipation participation = RootDomainObject.getInstance().readResultParticipationByOID(oid); if (participation == null) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.null"); } return participation; } /** * Verify required fields for constructor. */ private void checkParameters(ResearchResult result, Person participator, ResultParticipationRole role, Integer order) { if (result == null) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.result.null"); } if (participator == null) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.person.null"); } if (role == null) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.role.null"); } if (!result.acceptsParticipationRole(role)) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.result.invalid.participation.role"); } if (result.hasPersonParticipationWithRole(participator, role)) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.participation.exists"); } if (order == 0 && result.getResultParticipationsCount() > 1) { throw new DomainException("error.researcher.ResultParticipation.invalid.order"); } } /** * Update the last modification date and author name. */ private void setChangedBy() { this.getResult().setModifiedByAndDate(); } private void move(OrderChange change) { final int newOrder = this.getPersonOrder() + OrderChange.getOffset(change); final List originalList = this.getResult().getOrderedResultParticipations(); List orderedParticipations = new ArrayList(); orderedParticipations.addAll(originalList); orderedParticipations.remove(this); // Participation will be the first element in list. if (newOrder < 0) { orderedParticipations.add(0, this); } // Participation will be the last element in list. else if (newOrder > orderedParticipations.size()) { orderedParticipations.add(orderedParticipations.size(), this); } // Participation will be on the newOrder in list. else { orderedParticipations.add(newOrder, this); } // ResultParticipation list was re-arranged. Update personOrder slot // (0,1,2...). int index = 0; for (ResultParticipation participation : orderedParticipations) { originalList.get(originalList.indexOf(participation)).setPersonOrderAttribute(index++); } } private void fillAllAttributes(ResearchResult result, Person participator, ResultParticipationRole role, Integer order) { super.setResult(result); super.setPerson(participator); super.setPersonOrder(order); super.setRole(role); } private void setPersonOrderAttribute(Integer personOrder) { super.setPersonOrder(personOrder); } private void removeAssociations() { super.setResult(null); super.setPerson(null); } public final void delete() { removeAssociations(); removeRootDomainObject(); deleteDomainObject(); } public final void deleteIfNotLast() { if (getIsLastParticipation()) { throw new DomainException(""); } delete(); } /** * Blocked setters. */ @Override public void setResult(ResearchResult Result) { throw new DomainException("", "setResult"); } @Override public void setPerson(Person Person) { throw new DomainException("", "setPerson"); } @Override public void removePerson() { throw new DomainException("", "removePerson"); } @Override public void removeResult() { throw new DomainException("", "removeResult"); } /** * TODO: Not domain logic!! WARNING * * @return */ public Integer getVisualOrder() { return this.getPersonOrder() + 1; } public String getAditionalInfo() { Person person = this.getPerson(); final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); String unit = RenderUtils.getResourceString("RESEARCHER_RESOURCES", "label.unit"); Employee employee = person.getEmployee(); if (employee != null && employee.getLastWorkingPlace() != null) { text.append(unit + ": " + employee.getLastWorkingPlace().getName()); } else { if (person.hasExternalContract()) { text.append(unit + ": " + person.getExternalContract().getInstitutionUnit().getName()); } else { text.append("username: " + person.getUsername()); } } return text.toString(); } }