package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contents; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.RootDomainObject; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accessControl.EveryoneGroup; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accessControl.Group; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accessControl.groups.language.ExpressionGroup; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.exceptions.DomainException; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.functionalities.AvailabilityPolicy; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.functionalities.Functionality; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.functionalities.FunctionalityContext; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.functionalities.GroupAvailability; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.functionalities.Module; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import; import; import; /** * A Content is a piece of information, normally created directly * by a user, that can be composed and presented in a page or menu. * * @author cfgi * @author lpec * @author pcma */ public abstract class Content extends Content_Base { public Content() { super(); setRootDomainObject(RootDomainObject.getInstance()); setOjbConcreteClass(getClass().getName()); setCreationDate(new DateTime()); setContentId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } public abstract boolean isParentAccepted(Container parent); public boolean isAnAnnouncement() { return false; } public boolean isAnAnnouncementBoard() { return false; } public Collection getParents(Class type) { List parents = new ArrayList(); for (Node node : getParents()) { T parent = (T) node.getParent(); if (type != null && !type.isAssignableFrom(parent.getClass())) { continue; } parents.add(parent); } return parents; } public T getParent(Class type) { Collection parents = getParents(type); return parents.isEmpty() ? null : parents.iterator().next(); } public Node getParentNode(Container parent) { for (Node node : getParents()) { if (node.getParent() == parent) { return node; } } return null; } /** * Checks is this item is available in the given context, that is, if the * person hold in the context may click the item to start an activity or * usecase. * * @return true if the item is available for the person hold in * the context */ public boolean isAvailable(FunctionalityContext context) { if (context == null) { return true; } if (getAvailabilityPolicy() == null) { return true; } try { return getAvailabilityPolicy().isAvailable(context); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } public abstract List getPathTo(Content target); /** * Deletes this object. * *

* This delete method is a template method for all contents. First * {@link #checkDeletion()} is called. If the object is not deletable then a * subclass must throw a {@link DomainException} explaining why. If no * exception is thrown then {@link #disconnect()} is called to allow the * object to remove any specific relations. After that {@link #deleteSelf()} * is called to allow object finalization. * *

* After all this the standard relations of a functionality are removed and * the object is marked for deletion in the database. * * @throws DomainException * if the content cannot be deleted */ public void delete() { checkDeletion(); disconnect(); deleteDomainObject(); } /** * Verifies if this content can be deleted. * * @return true by default */ public boolean isDeletable() { return true; } /** * Checks if this content can be deleted and throws and exception if it * can't. * * @throws DomainException * if this item cannot be deleted */ protected void checkDeletion() { if (!isDeletable()) { throw new DomainException("content.delete.notAvailable"); } } /** * Removes any specific relations the item has. Subclasses that override * this method must call super to remove all relations. * *

* If other objects should be deleted because of this object beeing deleted, * this is the place to do it. */ protected void disconnect() { disconnectContent(); } protected void disconnectContent() { if (hasAvailabilityPolicy()) { getAvailabilityPolicy().delete(); } for (Node node : getParents()) { node.delete(); } for (Container container : getInitialContainer()) { container.setInitialContent(null); } removeCreator(); removePortal(); removeRootDomainObject(); } /** * Finalizes the state of this content, that is, does the last finalization * after beeing disconnected but before being marked for deleting from the * persistent storage. */ protected void deleteSelf() { // do nothing } public boolean isAvailable() { return isAvailable(Functionality.getCurrentContext()); } // This method is to determine if the content is publicly available in the // contents' structure, // i.e., whether it should be subjected to checksum verification. public boolean isPublic() { if (this instanceof Module) { return false; } final AvailabilityPolicy availabilityPolicy = getAvailabilityPolicy(); if (availabilityPolicy == null) { for (final Node node : getParentsSet()) { final Content content = node.getParent(); if (content.isPublic()) { return true; } } return getParentsSet().isEmpty(); } else { return isPublicGroup(availabilityPolicy.getTargetGroup()); } } private boolean isPublicGroup(final Group group) { return group instanceof EveryoneGroup || (group instanceof ExpressionGroup && isPublicGroup(((ExpressionGroup) group).getGroup())); } public Boolean getPublicAvailable() { return isPublic(); } public abstract Collection getMenu(); public String getPath() { return null; } /* * Code that came from SiteElement */ protected boolean isNameUnique(List siblings, MultiLanguageString name) { Map> names = new Hashtable>(); for (Content sibling : siblings) { if (sibling == this) { continue; } MultiLanguageString siblingName = sibling.getNormalizedName(); for (Language language : siblingName.getAllLanguages()) { Set languageNames = names.get(language); if (languageNames == null) { languageNames = new HashSet(); names.put(language, languageNames); } String localName = siblingName.getContent(language).toLowerCase(); languageNames.add(localName); } } for (Language language : name.getAllLanguages()) { Set languageNames = names.get(language); if (languageNames == null) { continue; } String localName = name.getContent(language).toLowerCase(); if (languageNames.contains(localName)) { return false; } } return true; } public Group getPermittedGroup() { AvailabilityPolicy availability = getAvailabilityPolicy(); Group result; if (availability == null) { result = null; } else { result = availability.getTargetGroup(); } return result == null ? new EveryoneGroup() : result; } public void setPermittedGroup(Group group) { if (group == null) { setAvailabilityPolicy(null); } else { new GroupAvailability(this, group); } } @Override public void setTitle(MultiLanguageString title) { if (title == null || title.isEmpty()) { super.setTitle(null); } else { super.setTitle(title); } } @Override public void setDescription(MultiLanguageString description) { if (description == null || description.isEmpty()) { super.setDescription(null); } else { super.setDescription(description); } } public boolean isAbleToSpecifyInitialContent() { return false; } public abstract boolean isContainer(); public abstract boolean isElement(); public boolean matchesPath(final String path) { for (final String name : getNormalizedName().getAllContents()) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(path)) { return true; } } return false; } public void addPathContents(final List contents, final String path) { if (matchesPath(path)) { contents.add(this); } } protected Container findSomeNonModuleParent() { for (final Node node : getParentsSet()) { final Container container = node.getParent(); if (!(container instanceof Module)) { return container; } } return null; } public void addPathContentsForReversePath(final List contents) { final Container container = findSomeNonModuleParent(); if (container != null) { container.addPathContentsForReversePath(contents); } else { return; } contents.add(this); } public void appendReversePathPart(final StringBuilder stringBuilder) { final String name = getNormalizedName().getContent(); stringBuilder.append("/"); stringBuilder.append(name); } public void appendReversePath(final StringBuilder stringBuilder) { final Container container = findSomeNonModuleParent(); if (container != null) { container.appendReversePath(stringBuilder); } appendReversePathPart(stringBuilder); } public String getReversePath() { final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); appendReversePath(stringBuilder); return stringBuilder.toString(); } @Override public void setAvailabilityPolicy(AvailabilityPolicy availabilityPolicy) { AvailabilityPolicy currentAvailabilityPolicy = getAvailabilityPolicy(); if (currentAvailabilityPolicy != null) { currentAvailabilityPolicy.delete(); } super.setAvailabilityPolicy(availabilityPolicy); } @Override public void setName(final MultiLanguageString name) { if (!isNameValid(name)) { throw new DomainException(""); } super.setName(name); setNormalizedName(normalize(name)); } private boolean isNameValid(MultiLanguageString name) { for (String content : name.getAllContents()) { if (content.indexOf('?') >= 0 || content.indexOf('/') > 0) { return false; } } return true; } public MultiLanguageString getNormalizedName() { final MultiLanguageString normalizedName = super.getNormalizedName(); return normalizedName == null ? normalize(getName()) : normalizedName; } public static MultiLanguageString normalize(final MultiLanguageString multiLanguageString) { if (multiLanguageString == null) { return null; } final MultiLanguageString result = new MultiLanguageString(); for (final Language language : multiLanguageString.getAllLanguages()) { result.setContent(language, normalize(multiLanguageString.getContent(language))); } return result; } public static String normalize(final String string) { return string == null ? null : StringNormalizer.normalize(string).replace(' ', '-'); } public boolean isUnitSite() { return false; } }