package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.cardGeneration; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Degree; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.DegreeCurricularPlan; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Person; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.RootDomainObject; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.StudentCurricularPlan; import; import; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.student.Registration; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.student.Student; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.util.FactoryExecutor; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.util.StringUtils; import; public class CardGenerationEntry extends CardGenerationEntry_Base { public static class CardGenerationEntryDeleter implements FactoryExecutor { private final CardGenerationEntry cardGenerationEntry; public CardGenerationEntryDeleter(final CardGenerationEntry cardGenerationEntry) { this.cardGenerationEntry = cardGenerationEntry; } public Object execute() { if (cardGenerationEntry != null) { cardGenerationEntry.delete(); } return null; } } public CardGenerationEntry() { super(); setRootDomainObject(RootDomainObject.getInstance()); } public static CardGenerationEntry readByEntityCodeAndCategoryCodeAndMemberNumber(final String subline) { for (final CardGenerationEntry cardGenerationEntry : RootDomainObject.getInstance().getCardGenerationEntries()) { if (cardGenerationEntry.getEntityCodeAndCategoryCodeAndMemberNumber().equals(subline)) { return cardGenerationEntry; } } return null; } public static String createLine(final StudentCurricularPlan studentCurricularPlan) { final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final DegreeCurricularPlan degreeCurricularPlan = studentCurricularPlan.getDegreeCurricularPlan(); final Degree degree = degreeCurricularPlan.getDegree(); final DegreeType degreeType = degree.getDegreeType(); final Registration registration = studentCurricularPlan.getRegistration(); final Student student = registration.getStudent(); final Person person = student.getPerson(); stringBuilder.append(Campus.getUniversityCode(degreeCurricularPlan.getCurrentCampus())); stringBuilder.append(degree.getMinistryCode()); stringBuilder.append("002"); stringBuilder.append(translateDegreeType(degreeType)); stringBuilder.append(fillLeftString(student.getNumber().toString(), '0', 8)); stringBuilder.append("A"); stringBuilder.append("1112"); stringBuilder.append(" "); stringBuilder.append(" "); stringBuilder.append("00"); stringBuilder.append("00"); stringBuilder.append("00"); stringBuilder.append("00"); stringBuilder.append("00000000"); stringBuilder.append(normalizeDegreeType17(degreeType)); stringBuilder.append(" "); stringBuilder.append(fillLeftString(normalizeStudentNumber(student), '0', 5)); stringBuilder.append(fillString(normalizeStudentNumber(student), ' ', 8)); stringBuilder.append(" "); stringBuilder.append(normalizeDegreeType12(degreeType)); stringBuilder.append(" "); // Academic year - no longer specified // because the cards last for more than // one year. stringBuilder.append(" "); stringBuilder.append(" "); stringBuilder.append(fillString(normalizeDegreeName(degree), ' ', 42)); stringBuilder.append(" "); stringBuilder.append(fillString(normalizePersonName(person), ' ', 84)); stringBuilder.append("\r\n"); return stringBuilder.toString(); } public void setLine(final StudentCurricularPlan studentCurricularPlan) { final String line = createLine(studentCurricularPlan); final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(line.substring(0, 30)); stringBuilder.append(getNumberOfCards(studentCurricularPlan)); stringBuilder.append(line.substring(32)); setLine(stringBuilder.toString()); } private String getNumberOfCards(final StudentCurricularPlan studentCurricularPlan) { final Person person = studentCurricularPlan.getPerson(); final int numberOfCards; if (getPerson() == null) { numberOfCards = person.getCardGenerationEntriesCount(); } else { numberOfCards = person.getCardGenerationEntriesCount() - 1; } return numberOfCards > 9 ? Integer.toString(numberOfCards) : "0" + numberOfCards; } @Override public void setLine(final String line) { final String name = line.substring(178, 262); for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); if (c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != ' ' && !Character.isLetter(c) && c != '-' && c != '\'') { registerProblem(""); } } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(line.substring(0, 108)); final String subCategory = line.substring(108, 131).replace('.', ' ').replace('-', ' ').replace('/', ' '); sb.append(subCategory); final String workPlace = line.substring(131, 178).replace('&', ' ').replace('_', ' ').replace('/', ' ').replace(':', ' '); sb.append(workPlace); sb.append(line.substring(178)); if (line.length() != 264 || sb.length() != 264) { registerProblem("line.has.incorrect.length"); } super.setLine(sb.toString()); } protected void registerProblem(final String message) { final CardGenerationBatch cardGenerationBatch = getCardGenerationBatch().getCardGenerationBatchProblems(); setCardGenerationBatch(cardGenerationBatch); new CardGenerationProblem(cardGenerationBatch, message, "", getPerson()); } public static int translateDegreeType(final DegreeType degreeType) { final String ministryCode = degreeType.getMinistryCode(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ministryCode)) { throw new Error("Unkown degree type: " + degreeType.getName()); } return Integer.parseInt(ministryCode); } protected static String fillLeftString(final String uppered, final char c, final int fillTo) { final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = uppered.length(); i < fillTo; i++) { stringBuilder.append(c); } stringBuilder.append(uppered); return stringBuilder.toString(); } protected static String fillString(final String uppered, final char c, final int fillTo) { final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(uppered); for (int i = uppered.length(); i < fillTo; i++) { stringBuilder.append(c); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } protected static String normalizeDegreeType17(final DegreeType degreeType) { if (degreeType == DegreeType.DEGREE) { return "LICENCIATURA "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.MASTER_DEGREE) { return "MESTRADO "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_DEGREE) { return "LICENCIATURA "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_MASTER_DEGREE) { return "MESTRADO "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_INTEGRATED_MASTER_DEGREE) { return "MESTR INTEGRADO "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_ADVANCED_SPECIALIZATION_DIPLOMA) { return "PROGRAMA DOUTORAL"; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_ADVANCED_FORMATION_DIPLOMA) { return "DFA "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_SPECIALIZATION_DEGREE) { return "ESPECIALIZACAO "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.EMPTY) { return "U.C. ISOLADAS "; } throw new Error("Unknown degree type: " + degreeType); } protected static String normalizeStudentNumber(final Student student) { final Integer number = student.getNumber(); return number.toString(); } protected static String normalizeDegreeType12(final DegreeType degreeType) { if (degreeType == DegreeType.DEGREE) { return "LICENCIATURA"; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.MASTER_DEGREE) { return "MESTRADO "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_DEGREE) { return "LICENCIATURA"; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_MASTER_DEGREE) { return "MESTRADO "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_INTEGRATED_MASTER_DEGREE) { return "MESTR INTEGR"; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_ADVANCED_SPECIALIZATION_DIPLOMA) { return "PRG DOUTORAL"; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_ADVANCED_FORMATION_DIPLOMA) { return "DFA "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.BOLONHA_SPECIALIZATION_DEGREE) { return "ESPECIALIZ "; } if (degreeType == DegreeType.EMPTY) { return "U.C.ISOLADAS"; } throw new Error("Unknown degree type: " + degreeType); } protected static String normalizeDegreeName(final Degree degree) { final String degreeName = normalize(degree.getIdCardName()); if (degreeName.length() > 42) { throw new Error("Degree name exceeds max length: " + degreeName + " has length: " + degreeName.length()); } return degreeName.replace(',', ' '); } public static String normalize(final String string) { final String normalized = StringNormalizer.normalize(string); return StringUtils.upperCase(normalized); } public static String normalizePersonName(final Person person) { final String normalizedName = normalize(person.getName()); if (normalizedName.length() > 84) { throw new Error("Name exceeds max length of 84: " + normalizedName); } else if (normalizedName.length() < 84) { return fillString(normalizedName, ' ', 84); } return normalizedName; } public void delete() { removeCardGenerationBatch(); removePerson(); removeRootDomainObject(); deleteDomainObject(); } public Category getCategory() { return readCategory(getLine()); } public static Category readCategory(final String line) { final String codeString = line.substring(11, 13); final int code = Integer.valueOf(codeString); return Category.valueOf(code); } public String getCampusCode() { return this.getLine().substring(0, 4); } public String getCourseCode() { return this.getLine().substring(4, 8); } public String getEntityCode() { return this.getLine().substring(8, 11); } public String getCategoryCode() { return this.getLine().substring(11, 13); } public String getMemberNumber() { return this.getLine().substring(13, 21); } public String getEntityCodeAndCategoryCodeAndMemberNumber() { return this.getLine().substring(8, 21); } public String getRegisterPurpose() { return this.getLine().substring(21, 22); } public String getExpirationDate() { return this.getLine().substring(22, 26); } public String getReservedField1() { return this.getLine().substring(26, 27); } public String getReservedField2() { return this.getLine().substring(27, 28); } public String getSubClassCode() { return this.getLine().substring(28, 30); } public String getCardViaNumber() { return this.getLine().substring(30, 32); } public String getCourseCode2() { return this.getLine().substring(32, 34); } public String getSecondaryCategoryCode() { return this.getLine().substring(34, 36); } public String getSecondaryMemberNumber() { return this.getLine().substring(36, 44); } public String getCourse() { return this.getLine().substring(44, 67); } public String getEditedStudentNumber() { return this.getLine().substring(67, 75); } public String getEditedSecondaryMemberNumber() { return this.getLine().substring(75, 83); } public String getLevelOfEducation() { return this.getLine().substring(83, 95); } public String getRegistrationYear() { return this.getLine().substring(95, 100); } public String getIssueDate() { return this.getLine().substring(100, 108); } public String getSecondaryCategory() { return this.getLine().substring(108, 131); } public String getWorkPlace() { return this.getLine().substring(131, 173); } public String getExtraInformation() { return this.getLine().substring(173, 178); } public String getStudentCompleteName() { return this.getLine().substring(178, 262); } public boolean matches(final String line) { return linesMatch(getLine(), line); } public static boolean linesMatch(final String line1, final String line2) { final String cl1 = makeComparableLine(line1); final String cl2 = makeComparableLine(line2); return cl1.equals(cl2); } private static String makeComparableLine(final String line) { final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(line.substring(0, 21)); stringBuilder.append(line.substring(26, 30)); stringBuilder.append(line.substring(32, 262)); return stringBuilder.toString(); } }