package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.assiduousness.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.assiduousness.AssiduousnessRecord; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.assiduousness.Leave; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.assiduousness.Meal; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.assiduousness.WorkScheduleType; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.Interval; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; public class Timeline { private List timePoints; public Timeline(WorkScheduleType workScheduleType) { timePoints = new ArrayList(); timePoints.add(new TimePoint(workScheduleType.getWorkTime(), AttributeType.NULL, AttributeType.NULL)); timePoints .add(new TimePoint(workScheduleType.getWorkEndTime(), workScheduleType.isWorkTimeNextDay(), AttributeType.NULL)); List pointList = new ArrayList(); pointList.addAll((workScheduleType.getNormalWorkPeriod()).toTimePoints(AttributeType.NORMAL_WORK_PERIOD_1, AttributeType.NORMAL_WORK_PERIOD_2)); if (workScheduleType.definedFixedPeriod()) { pointList.addAll((workScheduleType.getFixedWorkPeriod()).toTimePoints(AttributeType.FIXED_PERIOD_1, AttributeType.FIXED_PERIOD_2)); } if (workScheduleType.definedMeal()) { pointList.addAll(((Meal) workScheduleType.getMeal()).toTimePoints()); } plotList(pointList); } public Timeline(LocalDate day, DateTime firstClocking, DateTime lastClocking) { timePoints = new ArrayList(); timePoints.add(new TimePoint(firstClocking.toLocalTime(), AttributeType.NULL, AttributeType.NULL)); timePoints.add(new TimePoint(lastClocking.toLocalTime(), day.equals(lastClocking.toLocalDate()) ? false : true, AttributeType.NULL)); } public List getTimePoints() { return timePoints; } public void setTimePoints(List newTimePoints) { timePoints = newTimePoints; } public int getNumberOfTimePoints() { return getTimePoints().size(); } public TimePoint getTimeLinePosition(int position) { return getTimePoints().get(position); } // To add directly a point to the timeline - used ONLY by addPoint private void addPoint(int position, TimePoint timePoint) { getTimePoints().add(position, timePoint); } public void plotList(List pointList) { for (int i = 0; i < pointList.size(); i++) { plotPoint(pointList.get(i), i); } } // Adds a point to the time line, sets the openIntervals accordingly // TODO must refactor! it's confusing and has some dups... public void plotPoint(TimePoint newPoint, int workedPoints) { int timeLineSize = getNumberOfTimePoints(); Attributes insideIntervals = new Attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < timeLineSize; i++) { TimePoint currentPoint = getTimeLinePosition(i); if (newPoint.isAtSameTime(currentPoint)) { for (AttributeType attributeType : newPoint.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()) { if (insideIntervals.contains(attributeType)) { pointClosesInterval(insideIntervals, attributeType, i); currentPoint.getPointAttributes().addAttribute(attributeType); } else { pointOpensInterval(insideIntervals, attributeType, i); // insideIntervals.addAttributes(currentPoint. // getIntervalAttributes() // .getAttributes()); currentPoint.getPointAttributes().addAttribute(attributeType); } } return; } else if (newPoint.isBefore(currentPoint)) { addPoint(i, newPoint); // adds the point in this position and shifts the current point // to the next position // (i+1) se attrib ponto do novo ponto estao em intervalos // abertos => intervalo vai-se fechar for (AttributeType attributeType : newPoint.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()) { if (insideIntervals.contains(attributeType)) { pointClosesInterval(insideIntervals, attributeType, i); } else { pointOpensInterval(insideIntervals, attributeType, i); } } return; // get off the for loop } else { // is after caso em q o intervalo ja esta' aberto faz o update // do atributo no ponto for (AttributeType attribute : currentPoint.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()) { if (insideIntervals.contains(attribute)) { newPoint.getIntervalAttributes().removeAttribute(attribute); // removes the current point attribute to new point // interval attributes insideIntervals.removeAttribute(attribute); } else { if (!newPoint.getIntervalAttributes().contains(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION) && newPoint.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES) && attribute.equals(AttributeType.MEAL) && workedPoints % 2 == 0 && workedPoints != 0) { TimePoint mealStart = findIntervalStartPointByAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); TimePoint newMealStart = findStartLunchBreak(null); TimePoint mealEnd = findIntervalEndPointByAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); if (!mealStart.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES) && newMealStart != null && newMealStart.isBefore(mealStart) && !isPointStartingAttributeInterval(newMealStart, AttributeType.MEAL)) { int newMealIndex = getTimePointIndex(newMealStart); if (newMealIndex != -1) { newMealStart.getPointAttributes().addAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); newMealStart.getIntervalAttributes().addAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); addIntervalAttributeToNextPoints(newMealIndex, new Attributes(AttributeType.MEAL)); } } if (mealEnd != null) { TimePoint pointBeforeMeal = findWorkedPointBefore(newPoint); if (!mealEnd.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES) && pointBeforeMeal != null && pointBeforeMeal.getIntervalAttributes().contains(AttributeType.MEAL)) { int oldMealIndex = getTimePointIndex(mealEnd); if (oldMealIndex != -1) { mealEnd.getPointAttributes().removeAttribute(attribute); addIntervalAttributeToNextPoints(oldMealIndex, new Attributes(AttributeType.MEAL)); } newPoint.getPointAttributes().addAttribute(attribute); insideIntervals.addAttribute(attribute); } } else { newPoint.getPointAttributes().addAttribute(attribute); insideIntervals.addAttribute(attribute); } } else { newPoint.getIntervalAttributes().addAttribute(attribute); // adds the current point attribute to new point // interval attributes insideIntervals.addAttribute(attribute); } } } } } TimePoint lastTimelinePoint = getTimeLinePosition(timeLineSize - 1); // the newpoint is after the last point in the timeline newPoint.setTime(lastTimelinePoint.getTime()); newPoint.setNextDay(lastTimelinePoint.isNextDay()); addPoint(timeLineSize - 1, newPoint); // adds the point in this position and shifts the current point to the // next position // (i+1) se attrib ponto do novo ponto estao em intervalos abertos => // intervalo vai-se fechar if (insideIntervals.contains(newPoint.getPointAttributes())) { // inserted point only has 1 attribute pointClosesInterval(insideIntervals, newPoint, timeLineSize - 1); } else { // novo intervalo pointOpensInterval(insideIntervals, newPoint, timeLineSize - 1); } } private int getTimePointIndex(TimePoint timePoint) { for (int i = 0; i < timePoints.size(); i++) { TimePoint timePointList = timePoints.get(i); if (timePointList.equals(timePoint)) { return i; } } return -1; } // Removes an attribute from all timeline's points starting from // startPosition part of plotPoint private void removeIntervalAttributeFromNextPoints(int startPosition, Attributes attributes) { int timeLineSize = getNumberOfTimePoints(); for (int i = startPosition; i < timeLineSize; i++) { TimePoint currentPoint = getTimeLinePosition(i); currentPoint.getIntervalAttributes().removeAttributes(attributes.getAttributes()); } } // Adds an attribute to all timeline points' interval starting from // startPosition. the timeline's last point is excluded 'cause it's the // end // of all 1 point intervals part of plotPoint private void addIntervalAttributeToNextPoints(int startPosition, Attributes attributes) { int timeLineSize = getNumberOfTimePoints() - 1; // exclude the last // timeline point for (int i = startPosition; i < timeLineSize; i++) { TimePoint currentPoint = getTimeLinePosition(i); currentPoint.getIntervalAttributes().addAttributes(attributes.getAttributes()); } } // As the point closes the interval, this method removes the point's // attribute from the open intervals set and from all subsequent point's // attribute sets part of plotPoint private void pointClosesInterval(Attributes insideIntervals, TimePoint point, int position) { insideIntervals.removeAttributes(point.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()); // remove // the attribute from the openIntervals set removeIntervalAttributeFromNextPoints(position, point.getPointAttributes()); // remove // the attribute from this and the next points } private void pointClosesInterval(Attributes insideIntervals, AttributeType attributeType, int position) { insideIntervals.removeAttributes(new Attributes(attributeType).getAttributes()); // remove // the attribute from the openIntervals set removeIntervalAttributeFromNextPoints(position, new Attributes(attributeType)); // remove // the attribute from this and the next points } // As the point opens the interval, this method adds the point's // attribute // to the open intervals set and to all subsequent point's attribute // sets // part of plotPoint private void pointOpensInterval(Attributes insideIntervals, TimePoint point, int position) { insideIntervals.addAttributes(point.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()); // adds // the point's attribute to the openInterval set addIntervalAttributeToNextPoints(position, point.getPointAttributes()); // adds // the point's attribute to this and the rest of the following points } private void pointOpensInterval(Attributes insideIntervals, AttributeType attributeType, int position) { insideIntervals.addAttributes(new Attributes(attributeType).getAttributes()); // adds // the point's attribute to the openInterval set addIntervalAttributeToNextPoints(position, new Attributes(attributeType)); // adds // the point's attribute to this and the rest of the following points } // Finds the start point of a worked interval before a given TimePoint. // The // start point must have worked as point attributes and worked must be // in // its interval attributes private TimePoint findWorkedStartPointBetweenPoints(TimePoint startPoint, TimePoint endPoint) { int startPosition = getTimePoints().indexOf(startPoint); int timelineSize = getNumberOfTimePoints(); for (int i = startPosition; i < timelineSize; i++) { TimePoint point = getTimeLinePosition(i); // worked is never overlapped to another worked, so if it's a // worked // point it's unique AttributeType pointWorkedAttribute = point.getPointAttributes().intersects(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES); if (pointWorkedAttribute != null) { if (isPointStartingAttributeInterval(point, pointWorkedAttribute) && (point.isBefore(endPoint) || point.isAtSameTime(endPoint))) { return point; } } } return null; } // Finds the start point of the interval. The start point must have // attribute as point attributes and attribute must be in its interval // attributes private TimePoint findIntervalStartPointByAttribute(AttributeType attribute) { for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (isPointStartingAttributeInterval(point, attribute)) { return point; } } return null; } // Finds the end point of the interval. The end point must have // attribute as // point attributes and attribute must not be in its interval attributes private TimePoint findIntervalEndPointByAttribute(AttributeType attribute) { for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (isPointClosingAttributeInterval(point, attribute)) { return point; } } return null; } public boolean isOpeningAndNotClosingWorkedPeriod(TimePoint point) { boolean isPointEndingAnyWorkedPeriod = isPointEndingAnyWorkedPeriod(point); for (AttributeType attributeType : point.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()) { if (DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.contains(attributeType) && point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(attributeType) && !isPointEndingAnyWorkedPeriod) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isClosingAndNotOpeningWorkedPeriod(TimePoint point) { boolean isPointStartingAnyWorkedPeriod = isPointStartingAnyWorkedPeriod(point); for (AttributeType attributeType : point.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()) { if (DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.contains(attributeType) && !point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(attributeType) && !isPointStartingAnyWorkedPeriod) { return true; } } return false; } // Finds the end point of the interval before a given TimePoint. The end // point must have attribute as point attributes and attribute must not // be // in its interval attributes private TimePoint findIntervalEndPointBetweenPointsByAttribute(TimePoint startPoint, TimePoint endPoint, AttributeType attribute) { int startPosition = getTimePoints().indexOf(startPoint); int timelineSize = getNumberOfTimePoints(); for (int i = startPosition; i < timelineSize; i++) { TimePoint point = getTimeLinePosition(i); if (isPointClosingAttributeInterval(point, attribute) && (point.isBefore(endPoint) || point.isAtSameTime(endPoint))) { return point; } } return null; } // Returns an TimeInterval of the specified attribute BEWARE that the // TimeInterval doesn't have information about the attribute used in // calculateAttributesDuration since we need to build and interval to // get // its duration private TimePoint[] findWorkedIntervalByAttribute(AttributeType attribute) { List listTimePoint = findFirstTimePointsByAttribute(attribute); if (listTimePoint.size() == 2) { return new TimePoint[] { listTimePoint.get(0), listTimePoint.get(1) }; } return null; } private List findFirstTimePointsByAttribute(AttributeType attribute) { List timePointList = new ArrayList(); TimePoint startPoint = findIntervalStartPointByAttribute(attribute); TimePoint endPoint = findIntervalEndPointByAttribute(attribute); if ((startPoint != null) && (endPoint != null)) { timePointList.add(startPoint); timePointList.add(endPoint); } return timePointList; } private boolean isPointStartingAnyWorkedPeriod(TimePoint point) { for (AttributeType attributeType : DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.getAttributes()) { if (isPointStartingAttributeInterval(point, attributeType)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isPointEndingAnyWorkedPeriod(TimePoint point) { for (AttributeType attributeType : DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.getAttributes()) { if (isPointClosingAttributeInterval(point, attributeType)) { return true; } } return false; } // A point starts an AttributeType attribute interval if its attribute // contains attribute and if the interval attributes contains attribute private boolean isPointStartingAttributeInterval(TimePoint point, AttributeType attribute) { return (point.getPointAttributes().contains(attribute) && point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(attribute)); } // A point closes an AttributeType attribute interval if its attribute // contains attribute and if the interval attributes does not contain // attribute private boolean isPointClosingAttributeInterval(TimePoint point, AttributeType attribute) { return (point.getPointAttributes().contains(attribute) && (point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(attribute) == false)); } // Finds which attributes overlap one interval public Attributes findAttributesIntervalThatOverlapFromAttributes(AttributeType attribute, Attributes attributesToCheck) { Attributes overlappedAttributes = new Attributes(); for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { // ou o ponto tem o atributo ou o intervalo tem o atributo (caso // em // que o ponto pertence ao intervalo do attribute) if (point.getPointAttributes().contains(attribute) || point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(attribute)) { for (AttributeType attributeCheck : attributesToCheck.getAttributes()) { if (point.hasAttributes(attribute, attributeCheck)) { overlappedAttributes.addAttribute(attributeCheck); } } } } return overlappedAttributes; } public boolean areIntervalsByAttributeOverlapped(AttributeType attribute1, AttributeType attribute2) { TimePoint overlappedPoint = null; for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (point.hasAttributes(attribute1, attribute2)) { overlappedPoint = point; } } if (overlappedPoint != null) { return true; } return false; } // Checks if the attribute interval and attributes are overlapped. public boolean areIntervalsByAttributeOverlapped(AttributeType attribute1, Attributes attributes) { TimePoint overlappedPoint = null; for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (point.hasAttributes(attribute1, attributes)) { overlappedPoint = point; } } if (overlappedPoint != null) { return true; } return false; } // Calculates the duration of a List public Duration calculateDurationPointList(List pointList) { Duration totalDuration = Duration.ZERO; Iterator pointListIt = pointList.iterator(); while (pointListIt.hasNext()) { TimePoint point =; TimePoint point2 = null; do { if (point2 != null) { point = point2; } if (pointListIt.hasNext()) { point2 =; totalDuration = TimeInterval(point.getTime(), point2.getTime(), point2.isNextDay()) .getDuration()); } else { return totalDuration; } } while (countNumberOfWorkedAttributes(point2) > 1 || (countNumberOfWorkedAttributesInInterval(point2) > 1) || (point2.getPointAttributes().contains(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION))); } return totalDuration; } private int countNumberOfWorkedAttributes(TimePoint point2) { int result = 0; for (AttributeType attributeType : point2.getPointAttributes().getAttributes()) { if (DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.getAttributes().contains(attributeType)) { result++; } } return result; } private int countNumberOfWorkedAttributesInInterval(TimePoint point2) { int result = 0; for (AttributeType attributeType : point2.getIntervalAttributes().getAttributes()) { if (DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.getAttributes().contains(attributeType)) { result++; } } return result; } public Duration calculateWorkPeriodDuration(TimePoint firstTimePoint, TimePoint lastTimePoint, TimePoint minimumClockTimePoint, TimePoint maximumClockTimePoint, Duration maximumDuration, WorkScheduleType workScheduleType) { Duration totalDuration = Duration.ZERO; Duration temp = Duration.ZERO; List timePointIntervals = new ArrayList(); List justificationsIntervals = new ArrayList(); for (AttributeType attributeType : DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.getAttributes()) { TimePoint[] timePoints = findWorkedIntervalByAttribute(attributeType); if (timePoints != null) { if ((firstTimePoint != null && (timePoints[1].isBefore(firstTimePoint) || firstTimePoint .isAtSameTime(timePoints[1]))) || (lastTimePoint != null && (lastTimePoint.isBefore(timePoints[0]) || lastTimePoint .isAtSameTime(timePoints[0])))) { DateTime begin = timePoints[0].getTime().toDateTimeToday(); DateTime end = timePoints[1].getTime().toDateTimeToday(); if (timePoints[1].isNextDay()) { end = end.plusDays(1); } Interval timePointInterval = new Interval(begin, end); if (timePoints[0].getPointAttributes().contains(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION) && timePoints[1].getPointAttributes().contains(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION)) { justificationsIntervals.add(timePointInterval); } else { timePointIntervals.add(timePointInterval); } if (workScheduleType != null && workScheduleType.getScheduleClockingType().equals(ScheduleClockingType.OLD_RIGID_CLOCKING)) { Interval overlap = timePointInterval.overlap(workScheduleType.getNormalWorkPeriod() .getFirstPeriodInterval().toInterval(begin)); if (overlap != null) { temp = overlap.toDuration(); } if (workScheduleType.getNormalWorkPeriod().isSecondWorkPeriodDefined()) { overlap = timePointInterval.overlap(workScheduleType.getNormalWorkPeriod().getSecondPeriodInterval() .toInterval(begin)); if (overlap != null) { temp =; } } } else { temp = getDurationBetweenPoints(timePoints[0], timePoints[1], minimumClockTimePoint, maximumClockTimePoint); } if (!(timePoints[0].getPointAttributes().contains(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION) && timePoints[1] .getPointAttributes().contains(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION)) && (maximumDuration != null && (temp.isLongerThan(maximumDuration)))) { totalDuration =; } else { totalDuration =; } } } } for (Interval justificationInterval : justificationsIntervals) { for (Interval workedInterval : timePointIntervals) { Interval overlap = justificationInterval.overlap(workedInterval); if (overlap != null) { totalDuration = totalDuration.minus(overlap.toDuration()); } } } return totalDuration; } private Duration getDurationBetweenPoints(TimePoint firstTimePoint, TimePoint lastTimePoint, TimePoint minimumClockTimePoint, TimePoint maximumClockTimePoint) { DateTime startDate = firstTimePoint.getTime().toDateTimeToday(); if (firstTimePoint.isBefore(minimumClockTimePoint)) { startDate = minimumClockTimePoint.getTime().toDateTimeToday(); firstTimePoint = minimumClockTimePoint; } else if (maximumClockTimePoint.isBefore(firstTimePoint)) { startDate = maximumClockTimePoint.getTime().toDateTimeToday(); firstTimePoint = maximumClockTimePoint; } DateTime endDate = lastTimePoint.getTime().toDateTimeToday(); if (lastTimePoint.isBefore(minimumClockTimePoint)) { endDate = minimumClockTimePoint.getTime().toDateTimeToday(); lastTimePoint = minimumClockTimePoint; } else if (maximumClockTimePoint.isBefore(lastTimePoint)) { endDate = maximumClockTimePoint.getTime().toDateTimeToday(); lastTimePoint = maximumClockTimePoint; } if (firstTimePoint.isNextDay() != lastTimePoint.isNextDay()) { endDate = endDate.plusDays(1); } return new Duration(startDate, endDate); } public Duration calculateWorkPeriodDurationBetweenDates(DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate) { Duration totalDuration = Duration.ZERO; Interval interval = new Interval(beginDate, endDate); for (AttributeType attributeType : DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES.getAttributes()) { TimePoint[] timePoints = findWorkedIntervalByAttribute(attributeType); if (timePoints != null) { DateTime end = timePoints[1].getTime().toDateTime(beginDate); if (timePoints[1].isNextDay()) { end = end.plusDays(1); } Interval workedInterval = new Interval(timePoints[0].getTime().toDateTime(beginDate), end); Interval overlap = interval.overlap(workedInterval); if (overlap != null) { totalDuration =; } } } return totalDuration; } // Returns a list will all points that contain the specified attributes public List getAllAttributePoints(Attributes attributes) { List pointList = new ArrayList(); for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (point.getPointAttributes().contains(attributes)) { pointList.add(point); } } return pointList; } // // METODOS ESPECIFICOS PARA A ASSIDUIDADE // public Duration calculateFixedPeriod(AttributeType fixedPeriodAttribute) { List pointList = new ArrayList(); for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { AttributeType workedAttribute = point.getWorkedAttribute(fixedPeriodAttribute); if (workedAttribute != null && findIntervalEndPointByAttribute(workedAttribute) != null) { pointList.add(point); } } return this.calculateDurationPointList(pointList); } // Calcula o intervalo de refeicao feito pelo funcionario public TimeInterval calculateMealBreakInterval(TimeInterval scheduleMealBreakInterval) { if (getNumberOfWorkPoints() <= 2) { return null; } // find Meal's start and end points TimePoint startMealBreakPoint = findStartLunchBreak(scheduleMealBreakInterval); TimePoint endMealBreakPoint = findEndLunchBreak(scheduleMealBreakInterval, startMealBreakPoint); if (startMealBreakPoint == null && endMealBreakPoint == null) { return null; } else if (startMealBreakPoint != null && endMealBreakPoint != null) { return new TimeInterval(startMealBreakPoint.getTime(), endMealBreakPoint.getTime(), false); } else if (startMealBreakPoint != null && endMealBreakPoint == null && startMealBreakPoint.getTime().isBefore(scheduleMealBreakInterval.getEndTime())) { return new TimeInterval(startMealBreakPoint.getTime(), scheduleMealBreakInterval.getEndTime(), false); } else { return calculateBreakPeriod(); } } private int getNumberOfWorkPoints() { int numberOfWorkPoints = 0; for (TimePoint timePoint : getTimePoints()) { if (timePoint.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES)) { numberOfWorkPoints++; } } return numberOfWorkPoints; } // Calcula a duracao do periodo em q o funcionario saiu para almoco // durante // o periodo de almoco. // 3 casos, um em que sai depois do periodo de almoco comecar, e outro q // entra ja almocado. // e o caso em q entra e sai durante o periodo de almoco public TimeInterval calculateBreakPeriod() { TimePoint mealStart = findIntervalStartPointByAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); TimePoint mealEnd = findIntervalEndPointByAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); if (mealStart.getIntervalAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES)) { // meal esta' dentro de um periodo de trabalho // TODO pode haver varios worked dentro de meal... AttributeType workedAttribute = mealStart.getIntervalAttributes().intersects(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES); // saber qual o atributo de worked encontrar o ponto dentro de // meal // q termina o periodo de trabalho TimePoint workedEndPoint = findIntervalEndPointBetweenPointsByAttribute(mealStart, mealEnd, workedAttribute); TimePoint workedStartPoint = findWorkedStartPointBetweenPoints(mealStart, mealEnd); // ver se nao houve marcacao antes do final da refeicao if (workedStartPoint != null && workedEndPoint != null) { return (new TimeInterval(workedEndPoint.getTime(), workedStartPoint.getTime(), workedStartPoint.isNextDay())); } else if (workedEndPoint != null) { return (new TimeInterval(workedEndPoint.getTime(), mealEnd.getTime(), mealEnd.isNextDay())); } } else { // mealStart nao esta' dentro dum worked procurar inicio // de // periodo de trabalho TimePoint workedStartPoint = findWorkedStartPointBetweenPoints(mealStart, mealEnd); TimePoint workedEndPoint = null; // caso em q trabalhou dentro da meal e nao almocou if (workedStartPoint != null) { // encontrar ponto a partir de workStartPoint AttributeType workedAttribute = workedStartPoint.getPointAttributes().intersects( DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES); // saber qual o // atributo de worked workedEndPoint = findIntervalEndPointBetweenPointsByAttribute(workedStartPoint, mealEnd, workedAttribute); if (workedEndPoint != null) { // saiu antes do final do periodo de almoco entao foi // almocar... return (new TimeInterval(workedEndPoint.getTime(), mealEnd.getTime(), mealEnd.isNextDay())); } else { return (new TimeInterval(mealStart.getTime(), workedStartPoint.getTime(), workedStartPoint.isNextDay())); } } else { if (workedEndPoint != null) { return (new TimeInterval(workedEndPoint.getTime(), mealEnd.getTime(), mealEnd.isNextDay())); } else { return (new TimeInterval(mealStart.getTime(), mealEnd.getTime(), mealEnd.isNextDay())); } } } return null; } // Encontra 1o ponto do intervalo de refeicao feito pelo funcionario. public TimePoint findStartLunchBreak(TimeInterval scheduleMealBreakInterval) { List workedPointsList = getAllAttributePoints(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES); TimePoint[] mealInterval = findWorkedIntervalByAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); TimePoint startMealBreakPoint = null; TimePoint firstPoint = workedPointsList.get(0); for (TimePoint point : workedPointsList) { // ponto esta dentro do intervalo de refeicao if (point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES) == false) { if (point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(AttributeType.MEAL) || (point.isBefore(mealInterval[0]) && !point.equals(firstPoint))) { startMealBreakPoint = point; } } } if (startMealBreakPoint != null) { TimePoint nextWorkedPoint = getNextWorkedPoint(startMealBreakPoint); if (nextWorkedPoint != null && nextWorkedPoint.isBefore(mealInterval[0])) { return null; } } return startMealBreakPoint; } // procura final da refeicao feita pelo funcionario public TimePoint findEndLunchBreak(TimeInterval scheduleMealBreakInterval, TimePoint startMealBreakPoint) { if (startMealBreakPoint != null) { List workedPointsList = getAllAttributePoints(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES); TimePoint[] mealInterval = findWorkedIntervalByAttribute(AttributeType.MEAL); for (TimePoint point : workedPointsList) { // ponto abre worked e e' depois do inicio da refeicao if (point.getIntervalAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES) && (mealInterval[0].isBefore(point) || mealInterval[0].isAtSameTime(point))) { if (point.getTime().isAfter(startMealBreakPoint.getTime())) { return point; } } } } return null; } // Returns the time the employee worked during Normal Work Period 1 or 2 // time interval. The clockings should be done during the Normal Work // Period // 1 or 2. // TODO verify this! public Duration calculateNormalWorkPeriod(AttributeType normalWorkPeriodAttribute) { Duration totalDuration = Duration.ZERO; // get the workedAttributes during the normal work period Attributes overlappedAttributes = findAttributesIntervalThatOverlapFromAttributes(normalWorkPeriodAttribute, DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES); // since the worked times are not overlapped lets calculate each // duration for (AttributeType attribute : overlappedAttributes.getAttributes()) { TimePoint[] attributeInterval = findWorkedIntervalByAttribute(attribute); DateTime startDate = attributeInterval[0].getTime().toDateTimeToday(); DateTime endDate = attributeInterval[1].getTime().toDateTimeToday(); if (attributeInterval[0].isNextDay() != attributeInterval[1].isNextDay()) { endDate = endDate.plusDays(1); } totalDuration = Duration(startDate, endDate)); } return totalDuration; } public TimePoint getFirstWorkTimePoint() { for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (point.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES)) { return point; } } return null; } public TimePoint getLastWorkTimePoint() { for (int i = getNumberOfTimePoints() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TimePoint point = getTimePoints().get(i); if (point.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES)) { return point; } } return null; } // Plots the pairs of clockings in the timeline // Converts pairs of clockings of the clockingList to clockingInterval // and // adds it to the pointList. public void plotListInTimeline(List clockingList, List leaveList, Iterator attributesIt, LocalDate day) { List pointList = new ArrayList(); Iterator clockingIt = clockingList.iterator(); DateTime lastClock = null; while (clockingIt.hasNext()) { final AssiduousnessRecord clockIn =; DateTime clockInDate = clockIn.getDate().minusSeconds(clockIn.getDate().getSecondOfMinute()); for (Leave leave : leaveList) { if ((lastClock == null || leave.getDate().isAfter(lastClock) || leave.getDate().isEqual(lastClock)) && leave.getDate().isBefore(clockInDate)) { pointList.addAll(leave.toTimePoints((AttributeType); } } final AttributeType attribute =; final TimePoint timePointIn = constructTimePoint(clockIn, day, attribute); pointList.add(timePointIn); lastClock = timePointIn.getTime().toDateTime(clockInDate); if (clockingIt.hasNext()) { final AssiduousnessRecord clockOut =; final TimePoint timePointOut = constructTimePoint(clockOut, day, attribute); pointList.add(timePointOut); } } for (Leave leave : leaveList) { if ((lastClock == null || leave.getDate().isAfter(lastClock) || leave.getDate().isEqual(lastClock))) { pointList.addAll(leave.toTimePoints((AttributeType); } } plotList(pointList); } private TimePoint constructTimePoint(AssiduousnessRecord clockIn, LocalDate day, AttributeType attribute) { final LocalTime timeIn = new LocalTime(clockIn.getDate().getHourOfDay(), clockIn.getDate().getMinuteOfHour(), 0); return new TimePoint(timeIn, clockIn.getDate().toLocalDate().isAfter(day), attribute); } public TimePoint getNextWorkedPoint(TimePoint timePoint) { int timepointPosition = getTimePointIndex(timePoint); for (int iter = timepointPosition + 1; iter < getTimePoints().size(); iter++) { TimePoint tempTimePoint = getTimePoints().get(iter); if (tempTimePoint.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES)) { return tempTimePoint; } } return null; } public TimePoint getPreviousWorkedPoint(TimePoint timePoint) { int timepointPosition = getTimePointIndex(timePoint); for (int iter = timepointPosition - 1; iter >= 0; iter--) { TimePoint tempTimePoint = getTimePoints().get(iter); if (tempTimePoint.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES)) { return tempTimePoint; } } return null; } private TimePoint findWorkedPointBefore(TimePoint pointAfter) { TimePoint result = null; for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (point.isBefore(pointAfter)) { if (point.getPointAttributes().contains(DomainConstants.WORKED_ATTRIBUTES)) { result = point; } } else { return result; } } return result; } public TimePoint[] findIntervalByAttribute(AttributeType attribute, LocalTime time) { TimePoint[] result = null; for (TimePoint point : getTimePoints()) { if (isPointStartingAttributeInterval(point, attribute) && point.getTime().isEqual(time)) { result = new TimePoint[2]; result[0] = point; } else if (result != null && isPointClosingAttributeInterval(point, attribute)) { result[1] = point; } } return result; } public boolean hasWorkingPointBeforeLeave(Leave leave) { TimePoint[] result = findIntervalByAttribute(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION, leave.getDate().toLocalTime()); return (result != null && getPreviousWorkedPoint(result[0]) != null); } public boolean hasWorkingPointAfterLeave(Leave leave) { TimePoint[] result = findIntervalByAttribute(AttributeType.JUSTIFICATION, leave.getDate().toLocalTime()); return (result != null && getNextWorkedPoint(result[1]) != null); } }