package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.assiduousness.util; import; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.assiduousness.Clocking; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.Interval; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import com.linkare.commons.metainfo.Linkare; public class TimeInterval implements Serializable { // TODO mudar para immutable private LocalTime startTime; private LocalTime endTime; private Boolean nextDay; // some schedules may end in the next day public TimeInterval(LocalTime startTime, LocalTime endTime, Boolean nextDay) { setStartTime(startTime); setEndTime(endTime); setNextDay(nextDay); } public TimeInterval(LocalTime startTime, Duration duration) { setStartTime(startTime); setEndTime(; DateTime now = LocalTime.MIDNIGHT.toDateTimeToday(); Duration maxDuration = new Duration(startTime.toDateTime(now).getMillis(), now.plusDays(1).getMillis()); if (duration.compareTo(maxDuration) > 0) { setNextDay(true); } else { setNextDay(false); } } private void setNextDay(boolean newNextDay) { nextDay = newNextDay; } private void setStartTime(LocalTime newStartTime) { startTime = newStartTime; } private void setEndTime(LocalTime newEndTime) { endTime = newEndTime; } public Boolean getNextDay() { return nextDay; } public void setNextDay(Boolean newNextDay) { nextDay = newNextDay; } public LocalTime getEndTime() { return endTime; } public LocalTime getStartTime() { return startTime; } // Returns the duration of the time interval public Duration getDuration() { DateTime startDate = getStartTime().toDateTimeToday(); DateTime endDate = getEndTime().toDateTimeToday(); if (getNextDay()) { endDate = endDate.plusDays(1); } return new Duration(startDate, endDate); } public long getDurationMillis() { return getDuration().getMillis(); } public boolean contains(LocalTime timeOfDay, boolean nextDay) { if (nextDay == false) { if ((getStartTime().isBefore(timeOfDay) || getStartTime().isEqual(timeOfDay)) && (getEndTime().isAfter(timeOfDay) || getEndTime().isEqual(timeOfDay))) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { // nextDay == true if (getNextDay() == false) { return false; } else { // nextDay e this.nextDay if (getEndTime().isAfter(timeOfDay) || getEndTime().isEqual(timeOfDay)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } } // TimeInterval e' antes de timeOfDay? Se timeinterval nao esta definido // no // dia seguinte e timeofday // e' no dia seguinte entao natărlich devolve true public boolean timeIntervalIsBefore(LocalTime timeOfDay, boolean nextDay) { if (nextDay && (this.getNextDay() == false)) { return true; } else { return this.getEndTime().isBefore(timeOfDay); } } // public boolean timeIntervalIsAfter(LocalTime timeOfDay, boolean nextDay) { if (nextDay && (this.getNextDay() == false)) { return false; } else { return this.getStartTime().isAfter(timeOfDay); } } // Returns true if the TimeInterval contains the date. public Boolean contains(DateTime date) { // convertion to compare LocalTime dateTimeOfDay = date.toLocalTime(); // Next day e inicio e' depois do fim (pq fim e' no dia seguinte) if (this.getNextDay()) { // se inicio e' antes da data e data e' antes ou igual // meia-noite // ou data e' depois ou igual 'a meia-noite e fim e' depois da // data if ((this.startIsBeforeOrEqual(dateTimeOfDay) && (dateTimeOfDay.isBefore(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT) || (dateTimeOfDay .isEqual(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT)))) || ((dateTimeOfDay.isAfter(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT) || (dateTimeOfDay.isEqual(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT))) && this .endIsAfterOrEqual(dateTimeOfDay))) { return true; } } else { // inicio do periodo e' igual ou antes da data if (this.startIsBeforeOrEqual(dateTimeOfDay) && this.endIsAfterOrEqual(dateTimeOfDay)) { return true; } } return false; } public Boolean endIsAfterOrEqual(LocalTime timeOfDay) { if (this.getEndTime().isAfter(timeOfDay) || this.getEndTime().isEqual(timeOfDay)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Boolean endIsBeforeOrEqual(LocalTime timeOfDay) { if (this.getEndTime().isBefore(timeOfDay) || this.getEndTime().isEqual(timeOfDay)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Boolean startIsAfterOrEqual(LocalTime timeOfDay) { if (this.getStartTime().isAfter(timeOfDay) || this.getStartTime().isEqual(timeOfDay)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Boolean startIsBeforeOrEqual(LocalTime timeOfDay) { if (this.getStartTime().isBefore(timeOfDay) || this.getStartTime().isEqual(timeOfDay)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Return true if public Boolean startIsBefore(DateTime date) { return this.getStartTime().isBefore(date.toLocalTime()); } public Boolean startIsAfter(DateTime date) { return this.getStartTime().isAfter(date.toLocalTime()); } // Converts a TimeInterval to Interval // completes the YearMonthDay with the date from variable date. public Interval toInterval(DateTime date) { return toInterval(date.toLocalDate()); } public Interval toInterval(LocalDate datePartial) { if (getNextDay()) { datePartial.plusDays(1); // adds a day if the interval ends the // next day } return (new Interval(datePartial.toDateTime(getStartTime()), datePartial.toDateTime(getEndTime()))); } // TODO change to more suitable class // Overlaps the clocking interval with the working (fixed // period/lunch/whatever) interval and // calculates the amount of time the employee worked. public static Duration countDurationFromClockings(Clocking clockIn, Clocking clockOut, TimeInterval timeInterval) { Interval intervalFromTimeInterval = timeInterval.toInterval(clockIn.getDate()); Interval clockingInterval = new Interval(clockIn.getDate(), clockOut.getDate()); Interval overlappedInterval = intervalFromTimeInterval.overlap(clockingInterval); if (overlappedInterval == null) { return new Duration(0); } else { return overlappedInterval.toDuration(); } } // Converts one of the limits of the interval to a TimePoint public TimePoint intervalLimitToTimePoint(LocalTime intervalLimit, AttributeType attribute) { return new TimePoint(intervalLimit, attribute); } public TimePoint startPointToTimePoint(AttributeType attribute) { return this.intervalLimitToTimePoint(getStartTime(), attribute); } public TimePoint endPointToTimePoint(AttributeType attribute) { return this.intervalLimitToTimePoint(getEndTime(), attribute); } public String toString() { return new String(getStartTime() + "-" + getEndTime() + " today: " + getNextDay()); } @Linkare(author = "Paulo Zenida", comments = "Added to prevent violating the Naming - Suspicious equals method name practice") @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof TimeInterval)) { return false; } return equalsTo((TimeInterval) obj); } @Linkare(author = "Paulo Zenida", comments = "Made private to prevent violating the Naming - Suspicious equals method name practice") private boolean equalsTo(TimeInterval timeInterval) { return (getStartTime().equals(timeInterval.getStartTime()) && (getEndTime().equals(timeInterval.getEndTime())) && (getNextDay() .equals(timeInterval.getNextDay()))); } public boolean isTimeIntervalBeforeTime(LocalTime timeOfDay, boolean nextDay) { if ((nextDay && getNextDay()) || (nextDay == false && getNextDay() == false)) { return (getEndTime().isBefore(timeOfDay) || getEndTime().isEqual(timeOfDay)); } else if (nextDay && getNextDay() == false) { return true; } else if (nextDay == false && getNextDay()) { return false; } return false; } public Interval overlap(TimeInterval interval) { DateTime now = new DateTime(); return toInterval(now).overlap(interval.toInterval(now)); } public boolean abuts(TimeInterval interval) { DateTime now = new DateTime(); return toInterval(now).abuts(interval.toInterval(now)); } // // TODO reminder to turn to immutable // /** // * @param regularSchedule1 // * The regularSchedule1 to set. // */ // public WorkPeriod setNormalWorkPeriod1(Interval normalWorkPeriod1) { // if (normalWorkPeriod1.equals(this.normalWorkPeriod1)) { // return this; // } else { // return new NormalWorkPeriod(normalWorkPeriod1, // this.getNormalWorkPeriod2()); // } // } // // public NormalWorkPeriod setNormalWorkPeriod2(Interval // normalWorkPeriod2) // { // if (normalWorkPeriod2.equals(this.normalWorkPeriod2)) { // return this; // } else { // return new NormalWorkPeriod(this.normalWorkPeriod2, // getNormalWorkPeriod2()); // // NormalWorkPeriod clonedNormalWorkPeriod = this.clone(); // // // clonedNormalWorkPeriod.regularSetNormalWorkPeriod2(normalWorkPeriod2); // // return new NormalWorkPeriod(normalWorkPeriod2); // } // } }