package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.exceptions.DomainException; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.util.State; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanComparator; /** * @author Nuno Nunes ( Joana Mota ( */ public class Guide extends Guide_Base { public static Comparator COMPARATOR_BY_VERSION = new Comparator() { public int compare(Guide leftGuide, Guide rightGuide) { int comparationResult = leftGuide.getVersion().compareTo(rightGuide.getVersion()); return (comparationResult == 0) ? leftGuide.getIdInternal().compareTo(rightGuide.getIdInternal()) : comparationResult; } }; public Guide() { super(); setRootDomainObject(RootDomainObject.getInstance()); } public void delete() { if (canBeDeleted()) { removeRootDomainObject(); deleteDomainObject(); } else { throw new DomainException(""); } } public boolean canBeDeleted() { return !(hasAnyGuideEntries() || hasAnyGuideSituations() || (getVersion() == 1)); } public final static Comparator yearAndNumberComparator = new Comparator() { public int compare(Guide g1, Guide g2) { Integer yearComparation = g1.getYear().compareTo(g2.getYear()); if (yearComparation == 0) { return g1.getNumber().compareTo(g2.getNumber()); } return yearComparation; } }; public GuideSituation getActiveSituation() { if (this.getGuideSituations() != null) { Iterator iterator = this.getGuideSituations().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { GuideSituation guideSituation = (GuideSituation); if (guideSituation.getState().getState().equals(State.ACTIVE)) { return guideSituation; } } } return null; } public void updateTotalValue() { BigDecimal total = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (final GuideEntry guideEntry : getGuideEntries()) { total = total.add(guideEntry.getPriceBigDecimal().multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(guideEntry.getQuantity()))); } // @Linkare(author = "Paulo Zenida", comments = // "Prevented the violation of a Useless operation on imutable") total = total.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); setTotalBigDecimal(total); } public GuideEntry getEntry(GraduationType graduationType, DocumentType documentType, String description) { for (GuideEntry entry : getGuideEntries()) { if (graduationType == null || !graduationType.equals(entry.getGraduationType())) { continue; } if (documentType == null || !documentType.equals(entry.getDocumentType())) { continue; } if (description == null || !description.equals(entry.getDescription())) { continue; } return entry; } return null; } public static Integer generateGuideNumber() { return Collections.max(RootDomainObject.getInstance().getGuides(), Guide.yearAndNumberComparator).getNumber() + 1; } public static Guide readByNumberAndYearAndVersion(Integer number, Integer year, Integer version) { for (Guide guide : RootDomainObject.getInstance().getGuides()) { if (guide.getNumber().equals(number) && guide.getYear().equals(year) && guide.getVersion().equals(version)) { return guide; } } return null; } static public Guide readLastVersionByNumberAndYear(Integer number, Integer year) { Set result = new HashSet(); for (Guide guide : RootDomainObject.getInstance().getGuides()) { if (guide.getYear().equals(year) && guide.getNumber().equals(number)) { result.add(guide); } } if (result.isEmpty()) { return null; } return Collections.max(result, Guide.COMPARATOR_BY_VERSION); } public static List readByNumberAndYear(Integer number, Integer year) { List guides = new ArrayList(); for (Guide guide : RootDomainObject.getInstance().getGuides()) { if (guide.getYear().equals(year) && guide.getNumber().equals(number)) { guides.add(guide); } } Collections.sort(guides, new BeanComparator("version")); return guides; } public static List readByYear(Integer year) { List guides = new ArrayList(); for (Guide guide : RootDomainObject.getInstance().getGuides()) { if (guide.getYear().equals(year)) { guides.add(guide); } } return guides; } public static List readByYearAndState(Integer guideYear, GuideState situationOfGuide) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Guide guide : RootDomainObject.getInstance().getGuides()) { GuideSituation activeSituation = guide.getActiveSituation(); if (activeSituation != null && activeSituation.getSituation().equals(situationOfGuide)) { if (guideYear == null || (guideYear != null && guide.getYear().equals(guideYear))) { result.add(guide); } } } return result; } @Deprecated public void setTotal(Double total) { if (total != null) { setTotalBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(total)); } else { setTotalBigDecimal(null); } } @Deprecated public Double getTotal() { return getTotalBigDecimal().doubleValue(); } }