package; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; public class TreeUtilities { private TreeUtilities() { super(); } public static TreeUtilities createTreeUtilities() { return new TreeUtilities(); } private ArrayList pathRecurseComponents = new ArrayList(); public void recurseTreeCallMethod(Object rootOfTree, Method mGetChildsMethod, Object callMethodTarget, Method mCallMethodAtLevel, Object[] additionalParametersToTargetMethod) throws TreeRecurseException { if (pathRecurseComponents.contains(rootOfTree)) throw new TreeRecurseException("infinite.loop.detected", pathRecurseComponents, null); try { pathRecurseComponents.add(rootOfTree); Object callTarget = callMethodTarget == null ? rootOfTree : callMethodTarget; Object[] argsAtLevel = new Object[(callMethodTarget == null ? 0 : 1) + (additionalParametersToTargetMethod == null ? 0 : additionalParametersToTargetMethod.length)]; if (callMethodTarget != null) argsAtLevel[0] = rootOfTree; if (additionalParametersToTargetMethod != null) System.arraycopy(additionalParametersToTargetMethod, 0, argsAtLevel, (callMethodTarget == null ? 0 : 1), additionalParametersToTargetMethod.length); mCallMethodAtLevel.invoke(callTarget, argsAtLevel); Object oChilds = mGetChildsMethod.invoke(rootOfTree); if (oChilds != null) { if (oChilds instanceof Iterable) { Iterable iterableChilds = (Iterable) oChilds; for (Object child : iterableChilds) { recurseTreeCallMethod(child, mGetChildsMethod, callMethodTarget, mCallMethodAtLevel, additionalParametersToTargetMethod); } } else if (oChilds instanceof Iterator) { Iterator iteratorChilds = (Iterator) oChilds; for (; iteratorChilds.hasNext();) { Object child = (Object); recurseTreeCallMethod(child, mGetChildsMethod, callMethodTarget, mCallMethodAtLevel, additionalParametersToTargetMethod); } } else if (oChilds.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] arrayChilds = (Object[]) oChilds; for (Object child : arrayChilds) { recurseTreeCallMethod(child, mGetChildsMethod, callMethodTarget, mCallMethodAtLevel, additionalParametersToTargetMethod); } } else { recurseTreeCallMethod(oChilds, mGetChildsMethod, callMethodTarget, mCallMethodAtLevel, additionalParametersToTargetMethod); } } pathRecurseComponents.remove(rootOfTree); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TreeRecurseException e2 = new TreeRecurseException("illegal argument invoking method", pathRecurseComponents, e); pathRecurseComponents.clear(); throw e2; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { TreeRecurseException e2 = new TreeRecurseException("illegal access invoking method", pathRecurseComponents, e); pathRecurseComponents.clear(); throw e2; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { TreeRecurseException e2 = new TreeRecurseException("target object does not have method", pathRecurseComponents, e); pathRecurseComponents.clear(); throw e2; } } public void recurseTreeCallMethod(Object rootOfTree, String strGetChildsMethod, Object callMethodTarget, String strCallMethodAtLevel, Class[] additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod, Object[] additionalParametersToTargetMethod) throws TreeRecurseException { try { Method mCallMethodAtLevel = null; if (callMethodTarget != null) { // There is a callMethodTarget, so the object must // allways be the same being called, and we have to pass in the // Object at the correct level Class[] argTypes = new Class[1 + (additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod == null ? 0 : additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod.length)]; argTypes[0] = rootOfTree.getClass(); if (additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod != null) System.arraycopy(additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod, 0, argTypes, 1, additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod.length); mCallMethodAtLevel = callMethodTarget.getClass().getMethod(strCallMethodAtLevel, argTypes); } else { // There is no callMethodTarget, so the method should be called // on each // object in the tree (so instrospect it from the tree Object - // we don't expect to pass in the Object itself, as the method // is being // called on the correct object allready) Class[] argTypes = new Class[(additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod == null ? 0 : additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod.length)]; if (additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod != null) System.arraycopy(additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod, 0, argTypes, 0, additionalParametersTypesToTargetMethod.length); mCallMethodAtLevel = rootOfTree.getClass().getMethod(strCallMethodAtLevel, argTypes); } Method mGetChilds = rootOfTree.getClass().getMethod(strGetChildsMethod); recurseTreeCallMethod(rootOfTree, mGetChilds, callMethodTarget, mCallMethodAtLevel, additionalParametersToTargetMethod); } catch (SecurityException e) { TreeRecurseException e2 = new TreeRecurseException("security exception occured", pathRecurseComponents, e); pathRecurseComponents.clear(); throw e2; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { TreeRecurseException e2 = new TreeRecurseException("unable to instrospect method", pathRecurseComponents, e); pathRecurseComponents.clear(); throw e2; } } public void recurseTreeCallMethod(Object rootOfTree, String strGetChildsMethod, Object callMethodTarget, String strCallMethodAtLevel) throws TreeRecurseException { recurseTreeCallMethod(rootOfTree, strGetChildsMethod, callMethodTarget, strCallMethodAtLevel, null, null); } public void recurseTreeCallMethod(Object rootOfTree, String strGetChildsMethod, String strCallMethodAtLevel) throws TreeRecurseException { recurseTreeCallMethod(rootOfTree, strGetChildsMethod, null, strCallMethodAtLevel, null, null); } public void recurseTreeCallMethod(Object rootOfTree, String strGetChildsMethod, Object callMethodTarget, Method mCallMethodAtLevel) throws TreeRecurseException { try { recurseTreeCallMethod(rootOfTree, rootOfTree.getClass().getMethod(strGetChildsMethod, new Class[0]), callMethodTarget, mCallMethodAtLevel, null); } catch (SecurityException e) { TreeRecurseException e2 = new TreeRecurseException("security exception occured", pathRecurseComponents, e); pathRecurseComponents.clear(); throw e2; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { TreeRecurseException e2 = new TreeRecurseException("unable to instrospect method", pathRecurseComponents, e); pathRecurseComponents.clear(); throw e2; } } public Collection recurseToRoot(Object child, String strGetParentMethod) throws TreeRecurseException { class PathSaver { private ArrayList path = new ArrayList(); public Collection getTotalPath() { ArrayList pathReversed = new ArrayList(); pathReversed.addAll(path); Collections.reverse(pathReversed); return pathReversed; } public void addPathElement(Object element) { path.add(element); } } PathSaver thePathSaver = new PathSaver(); recurseTreeCallMethod(child, strGetParentMethod, thePathSaver, "addPathElement"); return thePathSaver.getTotalPath(); } public class TreeRecurseException extends Exception { private ArrayList path; public TreeRecurseException(String message, Collection pathOfError, Throwable rootCause) { super(message, rootCause); this.path = new ArrayList(); this.path.addAll(pathOfError); } public String getMessage() { StringBuilder pathBuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (Object o : path) { pathBuffer.append("/"); pathBuffer.append(o); } return super.getMessage() + " error occurred at path " + pathBuffer.toString(); } } }