package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is the first RMI Client made for RMI transport conection to the DSpace Server Some properties must be defined in * order to enable this Client to be used: 1. - The name of the properties file to * load the InitialContext JNDI properties from... It should be accessible from * ClassLoader.getResouceAsInputStream(path) 5. dspace.use.ssl - Should be 1, yes or true if you want to use ssl... In * that case, additional props should be defined 5.1 dspace.ssl.client.keystore - Should be the relative path to the * client keystore file 6. * * @author jpereira - Linkare TI */ public class DSpaceRmiClient implements IDSpaceClient { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DSpaceRmiClient.class.getName()); private String username = null; private String password = null; private int bytesStartLength = RMIConfig.DEFAULT_REMOTE_STREAM_BUFFER_MIN_PARAM; private int bytesIncreaseLength = RMIConfig.DEFAULT_REMOTE_STREAM_BUFFER_BLOCK_PARAM; private int maxBytesLength = RMIConfig.DEFAULT_REMOTE_STREAM_BUFFER_MAX_PARAM; private String dspaceManagerJndiName = null; /* * public FileSetDescriptor uploadFileSet(FileSet fs) throws DSpaceClientException { try { IDSpaceRMIOutputStream * outputStream = findRemote().getRemoteFile(username, password); BufferedInputStream bis = new * BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); int currentBytesRead = 0; int currentBufferSize = * bytesStartLength; double timeTakenBeforePerByte = 0.; double timeTakenNowPerByte = 0.; long timeBefore = 0; * byte[] data = new byte[maxBytesLength]; while ((currentBytesRead =, 0, currentBufferSize)) != -1) { * timeBefore = System.currentTimeMillis(); outputStream.write(data, 0, currentBytesRead); timeTakenNowPerByte = * ((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeBefore)) / (double) currentBufferSize; if (timeTakenNowPerByte > 1.10 * * timeTakenBeforePerByte) {// If the time per byte is 10% higher then // before - decrease the buffer size until // * it reaches the minimum defined currentBufferSize = (currentBufferSize - bytesIncreaseLength < bytesStartLength) ? * currentBufferSize : currentBufferSize - bytesIncreaseLength; } else if (timeTakenNowPerByte < 0.90 * * timeTakenBeforePerByte) {// If the time per byte is 10% lower // then the timeTakenBeforePerByte - try // to * increase the buffer size for best // performance currentBufferSize = (currentBufferSize + bytesIncreaseLength > * maxBytesLength) ? currentBufferSize : currentBufferSize + bytesIncreaseLength; } // prepare for next round... * timeTakenBeforePerByte = timeTakenNowPerByte; } // ok... all bytes written String uploadedFilePath = * outputStream.getUploadedFilePath(); // flush, close and then enable gc (because it is really a remote gc * outputStream.flush(); outputStream.close(); outputStream = null; return findRemote().uploadFile(uploadedFilePath, * fileUpload, username, password); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException("DSpace Server * Communication problem", e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException("File not found " + * file.getAbsolutePath(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException("Input/Ouput problem * reading file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } */ /* * public void deleteFile(String bitstreamIdentification) throws DSpaceClientException { try { * findRemote().deleteFile(bitstreamIdentification, username, password); } catch (Exception e) { throw new * DSpaceClientException("Error deleting file " + bitstreamIdentification + " in DSpace", e); } } public void * changeFilePermissions(String bitstreamIdentification, boolean privateFile) throws DSpaceClientException { try { * findRemote().changeFilePermissions(bitstreamIdentification, privateFile, username, password); } catch (Exception * e) { throw new DSpaceClientException("Error changing file permissions on file " + bitstreamIdentification + " in * DSpace", e); } } */ public DSpaceRmiClient() throws DSpaceClientException { } private IRemoteFileSetManager remoteDSpaceServer; private IRemoteFileSetManager findRemote() throws DSpaceClientException { if (remoteDSpaceServer == null) { Object oRemote; try { oRemote = RMIConfig.getInstance().locateJNDI().lookup(dspaceManagerJndiName); remoteDSpaceServer = (IRemoteFileSetManager) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(oRemote, IRemoteFileSetManager.class); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException("Error finding remote RMI endpoint...", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException("Error finding remote RMI endpoint...", e); } } return remoteDSpaceServer; } public void init(DSpaceFileManager ctx) { try { username = ctx.getProperty("dspace.username"); password = ctx.getProperty("dspace.password"); // bytesStartLength = Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(DSPACE_RMI_STREAM_BYTES_MIN)); // bytesIncreaseLength = Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(DSPACE_RMI_STREAM_BYTES_BLOCK)); // maxBytesLength = Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(DSPACE_RMI_STREAM_BYTES_MAX)); RMIConfig.getInstance().setJndiPropertiesFile(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.JNDI_PROPERTIES_FILE_PARAM)); RMIConfig.getInstance().setUseSSL(Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.RMI_SSL_PARAM)) != 0); RMIConfig.getInstance().setRegistryPortNumber( Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.RMI_REGISTRY_PORT_PARAM))); RMIConfig.getInstance().setDefaultPortNumber( Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.RMI_SERVER_PORT_PARAM))); RMIConfig.getInstance().setSslTrustStore(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.RMI_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PARAM)); RMIConfig.getInstance().setSslTrustStorePass(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.RMI_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASS_PARAM)); RMIConfig.getInstance().initializeSocketFactories(); dspaceManagerJndiName = ctx.getProperty(""); try { bytesStartLength = Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.REMOTE_STREAM_BUFFER_MIN_PARAM)); bytesIncreaseLength = Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.REMOTE_STREAM_BUFFER_BLOCK_PARAM)); maxBytesLength = Integer.parseInt(ctx.getProperty(RMIConfig.REMOTE_STREAM_BUFFER_MAX_PARAM)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to parse buffer block sizes... Assuming defaults!"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read configuration properties for " + getClass().getName(), e); } try { findRemote(); } catch (DSpaceClientException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error finding remote DSpaceServer implementation...", e); } } public FileSetDescriptor uploadFileSet(VirtualPath path, String originalFilename, FileSet fs, boolean privateFile) throws DSpaceClientException { try { String localBaseDir = fs.getContentFile(0).getParent(); IRemoteFile remoteDir = findRemote().getBaseRemoteDir(username, password); long timeStart=System.currentTimeMillis(); uploadTransferFileSetRecursive(localBaseDir, remoteDir, fs); FileSetDescriptor retVal=findRemote().uploadFileSet(remoteDir, path, originalFilename, privateFile, fs, username, password); System.out.println("RMI: uploadFileSet took "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-timeStart)+" ms"); return retVal; } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } } public void uploadTransferFileSetRecursive(String localBaseDir, IRemoteFile remoteDir, FileSet fs) throws IOException, RemoteException { HashMap pathReplacements = new HashMap(); for (File f : fs.getAllFiles()) { String relativePath = FileUtils.makeRelativePath(localBaseDir, f.getAbsolutePath()); remoteDir.createFile(relativePath); RemoteFileOutputStream rfos = new RemoteFileOutputStream(remoteDir); FileUtils.adaptativeCopyInputStreamToOutputStream(new FileInputStream(f), rfos, bytesStartLength, maxBytesLength, bytesIncreaseLength); rfos.close(); pathReplacements.put(f.getAbsolutePath(), remoteDir.getAbsolutePath()); } for (Entry pathReplacement : pathReplacements.entrySet()) { fs.replaceFileWithAbsolutePath(pathReplacement.getKey(), pathReplacement.getValue()); } for (FileSet childFs : fs.getChildSets()) { uploadTransferFileSetRecursive(localBaseDir, remoteDir, childFs); } } public FileSet retrieveFileSet(FileSetDescriptor descriptor) throws DSpaceClientException { try { IRemoteFile remoteBaseDir = findRemote().retrieveBaseRemoteDir(descriptor, username, password); String remoteBaseDirAbsolutePath = remoteBaseDir.getAbsolutePath(); File localBaseDir = FileUtils.createTemporaryDir("DSpaceTempDownload", ".tmp"); FileSet remoteFileSet = descriptor.createRecursiveFileSet(); downloadTransferRecursiveFileSet(localBaseDir, remoteBaseDirAbsolutePath, remoteBaseDir, remoteFileSet); return remoteFileSet; } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } } public void downloadTransferRecursiveFileSet(File localBaseDir, String remoteBaseDirAbsolutePath, IRemoteFile remoteBaseDir, FileSet remoteFileSet) throws IOException, RemoteException { HashMap pathReplacements = new HashMap(); for (File f : remoteFileSet.getAllFiles()) { String relativePath = FileUtils.makeRelativePath(remoteBaseDirAbsolutePath, f.getAbsolutePath()); File localFile = new File(localBaseDir, relativePath); localFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); localFile.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(localFile); remoteBaseDir.getFile(relativePath); RemoteFileInputStream rfis = new RemoteFileInputStream(remoteBaseDir); FileUtils.adaptativeCopyInputStreamToOutputStream(rfis, fos, bytesStartLength, maxBytesLength, bytesIncreaseLength); pathReplacements.put(remoteBaseDir.getAbsolutePath(), localFile.getAbsolutePath()); } for (Entry pathReplacement : pathReplacements.entrySet()) { remoteFileSet.replaceFileWithAbsolutePath(pathReplacement.getKey(), pathReplacement.getValue()); } for (FileSet childFs : remoteFileSet.getChildSets()) { downloadTransferRecursiveFileSet(localBaseDir, remoteBaseDirAbsolutePath, remoteBaseDir, childFs); } } public void deleteFileSet(FileSetDescriptor descriptor) throws DSpaceClientException { try { findRemote().deleteFileSet(descriptor, username, password); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } } public void changeFileSetPermissions(FileSetDescriptor descriptor, boolean privateFile) throws DSpaceClientException { try { findRemote().changeFileSetPermissions(descriptor, privateFile, username, password); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } } public FileSetDescriptor listAllDescriptorsFromRoot(FileSetDescriptor rootFileSetDescriptor) throws DSpaceClientException { try { return findRemote().listRecursiveFromRoot(rootFileSetDescriptor, username, password); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } } public FileSetDescriptor getRootDescriptor(FileSetDescriptor innerChildDescriptor) throws DSpaceClientException { try { return findRemote().getRootDescriptor(innerChildDescriptor, username, password); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } } public FileSetQueryResults searchFileSets(FilesetMetadataQuery query, VirtualPath optionalPathToRestrictSearch) throws DSpaceClientException { try { return findRemote().searchFileSets(query,optionalPathToRestrictSearch, username, password); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new DSpaceClientException(e); } } public FileSearchResult searchFiles(FileSearchCriteria criteria, VirtualPath optionalPathToRestrictSearch) throws DSpaceClientException { List descriptors = new ArrayList(); FilesetMetadataQuery query = criteria.getQuery(); FileSetQueryResults results = searchFileSets(query, optionalPathToRestrictSearch); for(FileSetDescriptor descriptor : results.getResults()) { descriptors.add(getRootDescriptor(descriptor).getContentFileDescriptor(0)); } return new FileSearchResult(descriptors, query.getStart(), query.getPageSize(), results.getHitsCount()); } public FileSearchResult searchFiles(FileSearchCriteria criteria) throws DSpaceClientException { return searchFiles(criteria, null); } public FileSetDescriptor addFileToItem(VirtualPath path, String name, String itemId, FileSet fileSet, boolean privateFile) throws DSpaceClientException { /** * Should be implemented */ return null; } public void changeItemMetaData(String itemHandler, Collection metaData) { /** * Should be implemented */ } public void removeFileFromItem(String uniqueId) throws DSpaceClientException { /** * Should be implemented */ } public InputStream retrieveStreamForFile(String uniqueIdentifier) throws DSpaceClientException { /** * Should be implemented */ return null; } }