package pt.linkare.ant; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import pt.linkare.ant.propreaders.PropertyReaderManager; /** * Represents an input property for ant * * @author jpereira - Linkare TI * */ public class InputProperty { private InputPropertyMap propertyMap=null; private String propertyName=null; private String propertyMessage=null; private String propertyDefaultValue=null; private boolean propertyRequired=true; private boolean propertyPersist=true; private boolean propertyPersistNull=true; private String propertyType=null; private HashMap propertyMetaData=new HashMap(); private String encoding=null; private String propertyValue=null; private List dependencies=new ArrayList(); private boolean read=false; public InputProperty(InputProperty other) { this.propertyMap=other.propertyMap; this.setPropertyMessage(other.getPropertyMessage()); this.setPropertyDefaultValue(other.getPropertyDefaultValue()); this.setPropertyName(other.getPropertyName()); this.setPropertyType(other.getPropertyType()); this.setPropertyPersist(other.isPropertyPersist()); this.setPropertyRequired(other.isPropertyRequired()); this.setPropertyValue(other.getPropertyValue()); this.setRead(other.isRead()); this.setDependencies(other.getDependencies()); this.propertyMetaData=other.propertyMetaData; this.setEncoding(other.getEncoding()); } public InputProperty(InputPropertyMap propertyMap,String enconding) { super(); this.setEncoding(enconding); this.propertyMap=propertyMap; } /** * @return Returns the dependencies. */ public List getDependencies() { return dependencies; } /** * @param dependencies The dependencies to set. */ public void setDependencies(List dependencies) { this.dependencies = dependencies; } public boolean validateDependencies() { boolean valid=true; for(PropertyDependency propDep:getDependencies()) { valid=valid & propDep.validateDependency(); if(!valid) break; } return valid; } /** * @return Returns the propertyValue. */ public String getPropertyValue() { return propertyValue; } /** * @param propertyValue The propertyValue to set. */ public void setPropertyValue(String propertyValue) { this.propertyValue = propertyValue; } /** * @return Returns the propertyDefaultValue. */ public String getPropertyDefaultValue() { return propertyDefaultValue; } /** * @param propertyDefaultValue The propertyDefaultValue to set. */ public void setPropertyDefaultValue(String propertyDefaultValue) { this.propertyDefaultValue = propertyDefaultValue; } /** * @return Returns the propertyName. */ public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } /** * @param propertyName The propertyName to set. */ public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } /** * @return Returns the propertyRequired. */ public boolean isPropertyRequired() { return propertyRequired; } /** * @param propertyRequired The propertyRequired to set. */ public void setPropertyRequired(boolean propertyRequired) { this.propertyRequired = propertyRequired; } /** * @return Returns the propertyType. */ public String getPropertyType() { return propertyType; } /** * @param propertyType The propertyType to set. */ public void setPropertyType(String propertyType) { this.propertyType = propertyType; } public void setMetaData(String key,String value) { this.propertyMetaData.put(key,value); } public void removeMetaData(String key) { this.propertyMetaData.remove(key); } public String getMetaData(String key) { return this.propertyMetaData.get(key); } public Map getMetaData() { return this.propertyMetaData; } public void clearMetaData() { this.propertyMetaData.clear(); } /** * @return Returns the propertyMessage. */ public String getPropertyMessage() { return propertyMessage; } /** * @param propertyMessage The propertyMessage to set. */ public void setPropertyMessage(String propertyMessage) { this.propertyMessage = propertyMessage; } /** * @return Returns the propertyPersist. */ public boolean isPropertyPersist() { return propertyPersist; } /** * @param propertyPersist The propertyPersist to set. */ public void setPropertyPersist(boolean propertyPersist) { this.propertyPersist = propertyPersist; } /** * @return Returns the read. */ public boolean isRead() { return read; } /** * @param read The read to set. */ public void setRead(boolean read) { = read; } public Collection readNow(boolean fromDefault) throws InvalidPropertySpecException,NoPropertyReaderException, UnsupportedEncodingException { ArrayList generatedProperties=new ArrayList(); if(isRead()) return generatedProperties; //do not read the prop again in any case this.setRead(true); for(PropertyDependency dep:getDependencies()) { if(dep.getParentProperty()!=null && !dep.getParentProperty().isRead()) { generatedProperties.addAll(dep.getParentProperty().readNow(fromDefault)); } } if(validateDependencies()) generatedProperties.addAll(PropertyReaderManager.getInstance(getEncoding()).readProperty(this,fromDefault)); else setPropertyValue(null); return generatedProperties; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "InputProperty " + getPropertyName() + ", Type=" + getPropertyType()+", Default="+getPropertyDefaultValue()+", Required="+isPropertyRequired()+", Persistent="+isPropertyPersist()+", Message="+getPropertyMessage()+" Metadata="+metadataToString(); } private String metadataToString() { StringBuilder metadataStr=new StringBuilder(); if(this.propertyMetaData!=null) for(Map.Entry entry: this.propertyMetaData.entrySet()) { if(metadataStr.length()>0) metadataStr.append(","); metadataStr.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()); } if(metadataStr.length()<0) metadataStr.append("}").reverse().append("{").reverse(); return metadataStr.toString(); } /** * @return Returns the propertyMap. */ public InputPropertyMap getPropertyMap() { return propertyMap; } /** * @return Returns the propertyPersistNull. */ public boolean isPropertyPersistNull() { return propertyPersistNull; } /** * @param propertyPersistNull The propertyPersistNull to set. */ public void setPropertyPersistNull(boolean propertyPersistNull) { this.propertyPersistNull = propertyPersistNull; } public String getEncoding() { return encoding; } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } }