Fénix Manual - Installing

2. Intalling the Fénix Application
2.1 Configuring the application

To configure the Fénix application create a file build.properties (if it does not already exist). An example file can be found under the name build.properties.sample.

2.2 Installing as a standalone

There are two alternatives to install a standalone Fénix application. The first is to run the "deploy-standalone" task from the build_jboss.xml script (the servlet container must be running). The second alternative is to run the "jar-standalone" or "war-standalone" task from the build_jboss.xml script and deploy it manually to the servlet container.

2.3 Installing as a client/server application

2.3.1 Installing the application server

To install the Fénix application server simply run the "deploy-app-server" task from the build_jboss.xml script.

2.3.2 Installing the web client

There are two alternatives to install the Fénix web-client. The first is to run the "deploy-web-client" task from the build_jboss.xml script (the servlet container must be running). The second alternative is to run the "jar-web-client" or "war-web-client" task from the build_jboss.xml script and deploy it manually to the servlet container.