diploma.degree.description={0}, Director of the Academic Services of the @institution.name@ hereby certifies that \
, daughter of {4} and {5}, born in {6}, successfully completed all the \
curricular units in the course work of the degree's in {7}, on {8}, obtained {9} credits. \
All legal requirements have been complied with and I have therefore authorized the issue of this Diploma conferring the degree in \
with the final classification of .
diploma.master_degree.graduate=MASTER'S DEGREE
diploma.master_degree.description={0}, Director of the Academic Services of the @institution.name@ hereby certifies that \
, daughter of {2} and {3}, born in {4}, successfully completed all the \
curricular units in the course work of the masters's in {5}, as well as the public defense of {6} dissertation on {7}, {8} obtained {9} credits. \
All legal requirements have been complied with and I have therefore authorized the issue of this Diploma conferring the master's degree in \
with the final classification of .
diploma.supplement.title=Diploma Supplement
diploma.supplement.structure.description=This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. \
The purpose of the Supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international 'transparency' and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications \
(diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued \
and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this Supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or \
suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.
diploma.supplement.section.1=1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification
diploma.supplement.subsection.1.1=1.1 Family name(s):
diploma.supplement.subsection.1.2=1.2 Given name(s):
diploma.supplement.subsection.1.3=1.3 Date of birth (year/month/day):
diploma.supplement.subsection.1.4=1.4 Student identification number or code: {0}\n Identity card/Passport number: {1}
diploma.supplement.section.2=2. Information identifying the qualification
diploma.supplement.subsection.2.1=2.1. Name of qualification and title conferred (in original language):
diploma.supplement.subsection.2.2=2.2. Main field(s) of study for the qualification:
diploma.supplement.subsection.2.3=2.3. Name (in original language) and status of awarding institution:
diploma.supplement.subsection.2.4=2.4. Name (in original language) and status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies:
diploma.supplement.subsection.2.5=2.5. Language(s) of instruction/examination:
diploma.supplement.section.3=3. Information on the level of the qualification
diploma.supplement.subsection.3.1=3.1. Level of qualification:
diploma.supplement.subsection.3.2=3.2. Official length of programme:
diploma.supplement.subsection.3.3=3.3. Access requirement(s):
diploma.supplement.section.4=4. Information on the contents and results gained
diploma.supplement.subsection.4.1=4.1. Mode of study:
diploma.supplement.subsection.4.2=4.2. Programme requirements:
diploma.supplement.subsection.4.3=4.3. Programme details (e.g. modules or units studied), and individual grades/marks/credits obtained:
diploma.supplement.subsection.4.4=4.4. Grading scheme and, if available, grade distribution guidance:
diploma.supplement.subsection.4.5=4.5 Overall classification of the qualification:
diploma.supplement.section.5=5. Information on the function of the qualification
diploma.supplement.subsection.5.1=5.1 Access to further study:
diploma.supplement.subsection.5.2=5.2 Professional status:
diploma.supplement.section.6=6. Additional information
diploma.supplement.subsection.6.1=6.1 Additional information:
diploma.supplement.subsection.6.2=6.2 Further information sources:
diploma.supplement.section.7=7. Certification of the Supplement
diploma.supplement.subsection.7.1=7.1 Date:
diploma.supplement.subsection.7.2=7.2 Signature:
diploma.supplement.subsection.7.3=7.3 Capacity:
diploma.supplement.subsection.7.4=7.4 Official stamp or seal:
diploma.supplement.section.8=8. Information on the National Higher Education System
diploma.supplement.section.8.description=The description of the Portuguese Education System, officially provided by NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre), can be found enclosed (see Appendix II).
diploma.supplement.annex2.description=The Framework Law on the Education System (Law nr. 46/86, dated 14 October 1986, further amended by Laws nr. 115/97, \
dated 19 September and nr. 49/2005, dated 30 August) establishes the general legal framework of the Education System. According to this Law, \
the educational system comprises three levels: basic, secondary and higher education.
Basic Education is universal, compulsory and free and comprises three cycles, the first cycle lasts for four years, the second lasts for two years \
and the third lasts for three years. Pre-school education is optional and is for children between the ages of 3 and the age of entering basic education.
Secondary education is not compulsory and it comprises a 3-year cycle (corresponding to 10th, 11th and 12th year of schooling).\
Higher Education Structure\
Higher Education includes university and polytechnic education.
University education is offered by public, private and cooperative university institutions and polytechnic education is offered by public, \
private and cooperative non-university institutions.
Private higher education institutions must be subject to the previous recognition of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.\
Licenciado degree
Both university and polytechnic institutions confer the degree of licenciado (bachelor).
In polytechnic education, the cycle of studies that leads to the degree of licenciado has 180 credits and a normal length of \
six curricular semesters of students' work. In certain cases namely those covered by internal legislation or by European legislation, \
the cycle of studies can have up to 240 credits with a normal length of up to seven or eight curricular semesters of students' work.
In university education, the cycle of studies that leads to the degree of licenciado has from 180 to 240 credits and a normal length between \
six to eight curricular semesters of students' work. \
In the 1st cycle of studies, the degree of licenciado is conferred to those that, after concluding all the curricular units that integrate \
the study programme of the licenciatura course, have obtained the established number of credits.\
Mestre degree
Both university and polytechnic institutions confer the degree of mestre (master).
The cycle of studies that leads to the degree of mestre has from 90 to 120 credits and a normal length of between three to four curricular semesters of students' work.
In polytechnic education, the cycle of studies that leads to the mestre degree must ensure predominantly that the student acquires a \
professional specialization. In university education, the cycle of studies that leads to the mestre degree must ensure \
that the student acquires an academic specialization resorting to research, innovation or expansion of professional competences.
In university education, the mestre degree may also be conferred after an integrated cycle of studies, with 300 to 360 credits and a normal length \
of 10 to 12 curricular semesters of students? work, in cases for which the access to the practice of a certain professional activity depends on that length \
of time established by legal EU standards or resulting from a stable practice consolidated in the European Union. In this cycle of studies the degree \
of licenciado is conferred to those who have obtained 180 credits corresponding to the first six semesters of work. \
The degree of mestre is conferred to those that, after concluding all the curricular units that integrate the study programme of the mestrado course, \
have obtained the established number of credits, as well as successfully defended in public their dissertation, their project work or their traineeship report.\
Doutor degree
The Doutor (doctor) degree is only conferred by university institutions. The degree of Doutor is conferred to those that, after concluding all the \
curricular units that integrate the study programme of the Doutoramento (doctorate) course have successfully defended their thesis in the public act.\
Access conditions
General regime to accede to higher education
National and foreign students wishing to apply through the general regime to the first cycle of studies, must fulfil the following conditions:\
(*)Except when in order to exercise a certain professional activity requiring \ education and training rating between 210 and 240 ECTS. \
\(**) In exceptional circumstances, and subject to the fulfillment of every requirement relating to the definition of the \ objectives of the degree and the conditions for acquiring the latter, a cycle of studies leading to a Mestre degree in \ a specialized field may be amount 60 credits resulting from a stable and consolidated practice in that specific field \ at international level.\
\(***) A Mestre degree may also be granted following an integrated cycle of studies of which the duration, for the \ purposes of obtaining access to a professional activity, a) is established by European Union regulations; and b) \ results from a regular and consolidated practice within the European Union; in such cases, a Licenciado degree is \ granted to students having obtained 180 ECTS (3 years, 6 semesters)