administrativeOffice.editContributor.success = Contributor changed successfully!
button.add = Add
error.NotAuthorized = Operation not authorized
error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegrees = This curricular plan has not yet occurred in ISCTE.
error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInGivenPeriod = This curricular plan has not yet occurred in ISCTE in the seleceted curricular year.
error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInNotClosedYears = This curricular plan has not yet occurred in ISCTE in a open curricular year.
error.impossibleExecutionDegreeList = This course has not yet occurred in ISCTE.
error.not.found = The feature that you search was not found.
error.problem.encoding.password = Unable to encrypt the password.
error.problem.resetting.password = Unable to change the password.
error.problem.with.tls = There was a problem communicating with the server. = {0} is not a valid e-mail address.
info.person.findPerson = You can search any person of ISCTE, teacher, employee, student, through its name. =
label.action.contributors.create = Create contributor
label.action.contributors.edit = Change contributor data
label.action.contributors.visualize = Create contributor
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.allTutoredStudents = Total tutored students = All
tutored students
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.currentTutoredStudents = Current tutored students
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.pastTutoredStudents = Past tutored students = Past
tutored students
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.tutorshipHistory = History of the tutor
label.curricularPlanDescription = Curricular plan description
label.homepage = Homepage
label.instructions = Instructions
# Added by ISCTE - nmsa
label.manager.findPerson = Find person
label.messaging.portal = Messaging portal = Management
label.navheader.person = Personal information
label.operator.candidacy.passwords = Generate candidates password
label.orgUnit = Organizational structure
label.partyContacts.editPhone = Change phone
label.person.changePassword = Change password
label.person.externalCurriculumUrl = Address of external CV = Family names:
label.person.given.names = Given names: = Providing information autorization
label.person.istUsername = Username:
label.person.main.portal.title = Personal portal = Personal data
label.person.title.personalConsult = Personal information = Used family names:
label.person.used.given.names = Used given names: = Used name:
label.person.visualizeInformation = Edit information
label.teacher.finalWork.chooseDegreeAndYear = Choose the degree and curricular year for the dissertation
label.teacher.finalWork.coResponsable = Co-advisor
label.teacher.finalWork.companion = Accompany
label.teacher.finalWork.companyAdress = Company adress
label.teacher.finalWork.companyName = Company name
label.teacher.finalWork.credits = Distribution of credits teacher supervisor/co-advisor
label.teacher.finalWork.credits.short = % Credits
label.teacher.finalWork.degreeType = Suitability for dissertation
label.teacher.finalWork.deliverable = Expected result
label.teacher.finalWork.description = Description
label.teacher.finalWork.framing = Guidelines
label.teacher.finalWork.location = Location
label.teacher.finalWork.mail = Email
label.teacher.finalWork.maximumNumberGroupElements = Maximum
label.teacher.finalWork.minimumNumberGroupElements = Minimum = Name
label.teacher.finalWork.number = Mecanografic number
label.teacher.finalWork.numberOfGroupElements = Number of group elements
label.teacher.finalWork.objectives = Objectives
label.teacher.finalWork.observations = Observations = Phone
label.teacher.finalWork.priority = Priority = Area of expertise that is offered preferentially
label.teacher.finalWork.requirements = Requirements: (e.g. average, completed curricular units)
label.teacher.finalWork.responsable = Advisor
label.teacher.finalWork.role = Create dissertation on the role of
label.teacher.finalWork.section = Section
label.teacher.finalWork.title = Title
label.teacher.finalWork.url = URL for detailed description of the dissertation
label.teachers.specialTeacherWarning = The system does not support the introduction of data on the service provided by teaching fellows and / or teachers invited under protocols, without a contract with the ISCTE; in these cases, please give name and position of each of the persons involved in the report to teaching the curricular unit.
# Added by ISCTE - pramc
link.coordinator.managefinalDegreeWorks = Final degree works candidacy
link.coordinator.tutor.viewHistory = Show detailed history
link.equivalency.plan = Equivalency plan
link.homepage.options = Manage homepage
link.manage.homepage.content = Homepage contents
link.manage.teacherInformation = Teacher information
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.createContributor = Create contributor
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editContributor = Edit contributor
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.visualizeContributor = See contributor
link.operator.candidacy.passwords = Generate candidates password
link.title.person.changePassword = Change password
link.title.person.funcionalities = Funcionalities
link.title.person.metadomainobjects = Meta domain objects
link.title.person.rootportal = Portal management
link.title.visualizeInformation = Personal information
message.authorPublications = Management of content of the publications of a teaching-learning and monographs
message.bibliography = Bibliography
message.expired.password =
Warning: your password has expired. For security reasons the system requires that you update your password. We appreciate your understanding.
For more information see this explaininf page or contact
message.externalActivities = Content management of the activities of connection to the outside world under the ISCTE message.externalActivities.edit = Edit content of the activities of connection to the outside world under the ISCTE message.externalActivities.insertActivity = Insert content of the activities of connection to the outside world under the ISCTE message.invalid.password =Atention: the passwords management system has been changed in order to optimize the security of the system and users. The implementation of this new system brings a new set of requirements associated with the passwords format.
Your password violates at least one of these requirements, for that reason you have been redirected to this page and it is essential that you update the password before re-entering the application. We appreciate your understanding.
For more information see "Authentication and password quality service (FAQ)" or contact