EXTRA_CURRICULAR = Extra-Curricular
IRSDeclarationRequest.only.available.for.bolonha.registrations = The IRS declaration for pré-bolonha is printed in GIAF.
PROPAEDEUTICS = Propaedeutics
LEGACY=enrolments not part of actual study plan
academic.services = Requests management
academicAdminOffice.title = Home
concluded.requests = Concluded requests
documentRequests = Document requests
domain.metaobject.service.failed = There was a flaw in the system.
error.dcp.is.required = Have to choose a curricular plan.
error.person.existent.docIdAndType = The identification document is already registered in the system.
# added by nmsa - ISCTE
label.academicAdminOffice = Academic Services Portal
label.action.contributor.visualize = Visualize contributor
label.course.enrolments = Enrollment in curriculum units
label.course.moveEnrolments = Move enrolment's
label.createMarkSheet = Create mark sheet
label.credits.not.used = Not used
label.credits.weight = Weight
label.curriculum.group = Curricular Group
label.existingStudentDismissal = Existing student dismissal
label.externalUnits = External institutions
label.externalUnits.createCountry = Create Country
label.externalUnits.createDepartment = Create department
label.externalUnits.createSchool = Create school
label.externalUnits.createUniversity = Create university
label.generateFiles = Generate files
label.generateFiles.CGD = the CGD
label.generateFiles.generating = Generating files for
label.homologationDate = Validation date
label.notNeedToEnrol.chooseStudent = Associate enrolment
label.person.title.precedenceDegreeInfo = Precedence degree info
label.registrationDetails = Registration details
label.student.create = Create student
label.student.manageExternalEnrolments = Manage external enrolments
label.studentCurricularIntegration.create = Create student curricular integration
label.studentCompetenceDismissal.create = Create student competence course substitution
label.studentCurricularPlans = Student curricular plans
label.studentDismissal.management = Equivalences management
label.studentDismissal.step.one.block.substitution = Step 1: Chose substitution origin
label.studentDismissal.step.one.curricular.integration = Step 1: Chose curricular integration origin
label.studentDismissal.step.three.block.substitution = Step 3: Check
label.studentDismissal.step.three.curricular.integration = Step 3: Check
label.studentDismissal.step.two.block.substitution = Step 2: Choose equivalent curricular unit(s)
label.studentDismissal.step.two.curricular.integration = Step 2: Choose equivalent curricular unit(s)
label.studentPage = Student page
label.studentStatutes.manage = Manage student statute
label.studentsListByCurricularCourse = List students by curricular courses
label.studentsListByDegree = List of student by degree
label.studiesStartDate = Registration start date
label.title.RegistrationState = Registration state
label.type = Type
label.visualizeRegistration = Visualize registration
label.sourceRegistration = Previous registration
link.bankReport = Bank report (CGD)
link.markSheet.management = Mark sheet management
link.notNeedToEnrol.enrolment = Associate enrolments
link.registration.viewStudentCurricularPlans = View student curricular plans
link.student.create.credit = Create credits dismiss
link.student.create.dismissal = Create equivalences
link.student.create.equivalence = Create equivalence
link.student.create.substitution = Create substitution
link.student.create.competence.dismissal = Create competence courses substitution
link.student.dismissal.management = Equivalences management
link.student.editPersonalData = Edit personal data
link.student.manageIngression = Change ingression
link.student.manageRegistrationStartDates = Manage Registration/Validation dates
link.studentOperations.createStudent = Enroll student
link.studentOperations.viewStudents = View students
link.studentsListByCurricularCourse = Student by curricular courses
message.curriculum.group.to.select = Choose the destination Curricular Group:
new.requests = New request
print.preBolonha.documentRequest.in.aplica = This document request has to be printed in GIAF.
processing.requests = Processing request
registration.curriculum = Curriculum registration
requests.historic = Request history
student.registrationConclusionProcess = Conclusion registration process
studentCurricularPlan.registration.student.person.name = Name
label.grade = Grade (0-20/NA/RE/F/D)
error.enrollment.cant.anull.has.mark.sheet = Unable to annul the enrollment in the curricular course {0}, because it's already in a mark sheet for the {1} execution year and {2} semester.
label.enroledInExecutionYear = Enroled in execution year?
label.confirmedEnrolment = Confirmed enrolement?
label.validatedEnrolmentDate = Validated enrolement Date?
label.enroledInExtraCurriculumGroup = Inscrito em unidades isoladas?
label.RegistrationNote.notes = Notes
label.RegistrationNote.notes.create = Crete note
label.RegistrationNote.notes.edit = Edit note
label.RegistrationNote.note = Note
label.RegistrationNote.notes.no.notes = There are no notes yet.
label.RegistrationNote.creationDate = Creation Date
label.RegistrationNote.author = Author
label.RegistrationNote.confirm.delete = Do you want to delete this note?
label.RegistrationNote.lastUpdater = Changed by
label.RegistrationNote.changeDate = Last change
label.RegistrationNote.isVisibleToStudent = Visible to student
label.RegistrationNote.message = Note: Wen set to visible, the note will be shown to the student on every log in to Fénix.
link.Photo.upload = Submit foto
label.photo.ManageStudentPhoto = Submit student foto
label.photo.UploadStudentPhoto = Submit foto
label.photo.File = File
error.photo.invalidFormat = Invalid image format
success.photo.upload = File successfully uploaded
label.photo.photographHistory = Student Photos
link.Photo.approve = Approve
link.Photo.reject = Reject
link.Photo.delete = Delete
label.photo.photo = Photo
label.photo.creationDate = Creation date
label.photo.state = State
label.photo.photographManagement = Photo Management
link.photo.backToSudentDetails = Back
link.photo.manage = Manage photos
label.photo.confirm.delete = Delete photo?
label.photo.confirm.reject = Reject photo?
label.photo.confirm.approve = Approve photo?
label.photo.existPending = (Photos waiting for approval)
link.studentOperations.managePendingPhotos = Photos waiting for approval
label.photo.managePendingPhotos = Photos waiting for approval
label.photo.studentNumber = Student number
label.photo.studentName = Name
label.photo.current = Current photo
label.photo.new = New photo
link.Photo.details = Details
label.photo.noPhotosToApprove = There are no photos to approve.
label.photo.rejectPhoto = Reject photo
label.photo.rejectPhotoReason = Reason for rejection
label.photo.reason = Reason
label.photo.rejectionNote = The reason for rejection will be sent by e-mail
photo.email.subject.rejection = Photo rejection
photo.email.subject.approval = Photo approval
photo.email.body.rejection = The photo submitted on {0} was rejected.
photo.email.body.approval = The photo submitted on {0} foi approved.
label.photo.details.viewPhotoDetails = Photo details
label.photo.details.details = Details
label.photo.details.submission = Submission date:
label.photo.details.state = Current state:
label.photo.details.stateChange = State chage date:
label.photo.details.approver = Approved by:
label.photo.details.rejector = Rejected by:
label.photo.details.reasonForRejection = Reason for rejection:
link.student.manageSourceRegistration = Change source registration
label.SourceRegistration.manage = Choose source registration
label.SourceRegistration.SourceRegistration = Source registration
success.sourceRegistration.set = Source registration successfully changed.
error.sourceRegistration.not.accepted.ingression = Only registrations with the following ingression types can be changed: {0}
label.looseGrade.manage = Loose grades for: {0}
label.looseGrade.create = New loose grade
label.looseGrade.enrolmentEvaluationType = Enrolment evaluation type
label.looseGrade.gradeValue = Grade
label.looseGrade.executionYear = Execution year
label.looseGrade.executionPeriod = Period
label.looseGrade.examDateYearMonthDay = Exam date
label.looseGrade.delete = Delete
label.looseGrade.confirmDelete = Delete loose grade?
label.looseGrade.creator = Created by:
label.looseGrade.error = A loose grade for the selected evaluation type already exists.
label.looseGrade.notPresent = There are no loose grades for this curricular unit.
label.postalCode = Postal Code
label.documentIdNumber = Identification document number
label.emissionDateOfDocumentIdYearMonthDay = Emission date of identification document
label.jobs.link.manage = Jobs Management
label.curricular.course.sheet.approved.enrolment = Approved UC
enrolment.for.improvement.email.subject = Notificação de inscrição em melhoria
unenrolment.for.improvement.email.subject = Notificação de cancelamento de inscrição em melhoria
enrolment.for.improvement.email.body = \nA(o) aluna(o) {0}, com o n.º {1}, matriculado no curso de {2}, foi inscrita(o) em melhoria de nota à unidade curricular: {3} em {4}, para o {5}º semestre do ano lectivo {6}.\n\nA(o) funcionária(o) que efectuou a inscrição foi: {7} em {8}.\n
unenrolment.for.improvement.email.body = \nA inscrição em melhoria de nota da(o) aluna(o) {0}, com o n.º {1}, matriculado no curso de {2}, à unidade curricular: {3} em {4}, para o {5}º semestre do ano lectivo {6}, foi cancelada.\n\nA(o) funcionária(o) que cancelou a inscrição foi: {7} em {8}.\n
error.no.execution.degree.for.execution.year=No execution in {0} for the degree {1}.
label.tuitionPaymentPlan.active=Active payment plan
label.tuitionPaymentPlan.fulfilling=Is fulfilling the plan
label.tuitionPaymentPlan.detail=Additional information
link.payments.manageOverrideOnDebt = Manage access blocking
label.payments.studentOverrides.manageOverride = Manage access blocking
label.payments.studentOverrides.has.debts = Current debts
label.payments.studentOverrides.createOverride = Create excepton to access blocking
label.payments.studentOverrides.reasonForOverride = Reason for exception
label.payments.studentOverrides.list = Previous access blocking exceptions
label.payments.studentOverrides.creationEntityDate = Creation date
label.payments.studentOverrides.creator = Created by
label.payments.studentOverrides.reasonForOverride = Reason for the exception
label.payments.studentOverrides.no.studentOverrides = There are no revious access blocking exceptions.
message.payments.studentOverrides.successfully.created = Blocking exception successfully created.
message.payments.studentOverrides.successfully.deleted = Blocking exception successfully deleted.
label.payment.studentOverrides.confirm.delete = Delete blocking exception?
label.payment.studentOverrides.student.has.debts = Student currently has debts to ISCTE
label.payment.studentOverrides.student.has.no.debts = Student currently doesn't have any debt to ISCTE
label.payment.studentOverrides.GIAF.communication.problem = Cannot comunicate with GIAF system.
label.studentsEnrolmentStatistics = Enrolment statistics
label.studentsEnrolmentStatistics.degreeName = Degree name
label.studentsEnrolmentStatistics.normalSeason = Normal season
label.studentsEnrolmentStatistics.specialSeason = Special season
label.studentsEnrolmentStatistics.totalNormalEnroled = Total enrolments in normal season
label.studentsEnrolmentStatistics.totalSpecialSeasonEnroled = Total enrolments in special season
label.person.not.working.on.administrativeOffice = Your current working place isn't the administrative office
rule.secondcycle = Rule: Maximum of ECTS credits in arrears, in order to move up a year: