AcademicServiceRequest.already.has.event = The student already has a debt. AcademicServiceRequest.hasnt.been.payed = The student has to pay the request first. = Has to indicate a mobility program for the creation of this certificate. ApprovementCertificateRequest.registration.hasnt.finished.third.year = The student may not apply for request improvement certificate for business purposes because he hasn't have the third year completed. = The Student may not apply for registration certificate because he has the degree completed. ApprovementCertificateRequest.registration.without.approvements = The Student may not apply for a registration certificate because hasn't finished at least one unit curriculum. CREDITS = Credits CURRICULAR_COURSE_CREDITS = Equivalence courses CURRICULUM_GROUP_CREDITS = Group credits dismissal ConcludedState.cannot.create.concluded.state.on.registration.with.average = Cannot create or change concluded state because there is a registration conclusion process submitted. ConcludedState.must.use.registration.conclusion.process = For create concluded state must use registration conclusion process. = Mobility program cannot be null. = The Student may not apply for a certificate of the degree because the degree is not complete. = The Student's enrollment has not been subject to final conclusion. DegreeFinalizationCertificateRequest.registration.withoutDegreeDiplomaDocumentRequest = The Student may not apply for a degree finalization certificate without the diploma document request. DegreeFinalizationCertificateRequest.registration.withoutDiplomaRequest = The Student may not apply for a degree finalization certificate without the diploma request. DiplomaRequest.diploma.already.requested = The student already requested the diploma. DiplomaRequest.diploma.not.available = The diploma is not available. DiplomaRequest.registration.doesnt.have.dissertation.thesis = The Student has no dissertation thesis. = The student's registration has not yet been submitted to the final clearance. DocumentRequest.cannot.create.for.transited.registrations = This registration has transited! Request transition document. DocumentRequest.registration.has.not.payed.gratuities = The Student has not payed gratuities. DocumentRequestCreateBean.error.other.purpose.required = It should have the purpose of document EQUIVALENCE = Equivalence EXTRA_CURRICULAR = Extra-Curricular = The Student may not apply for a registration certificate because has no entry in the academic year application. = The Student may not request a school registration declaration because is not registered in current execution year. EnrolmentEvaluation.cannot.set.grade.on.not.payed.enrolment.evaluation = Canot add grade from student {0} because is has not payed yet. IRSDeclarationRequest.only.available.after.first.valid.year = The IRS declaration for student enrolment is only available in 2006. IRSDeclarationRequest.only.available.for.bolonha.registrations = The IRS declaration for pré-bolonha is printed in Aplica. = Registration is not active. NO_COURSE_GROUP_CURRICULUM_GROUP_CREDITS = Extra-Curricular dismissal PROPAEDEUTICS = Propaedeutics = Registration cannot be transited. = The student cannot request registration certificate because is not registered in given execution year. = The Student may not request a enrolment declaration because is not registered in current execution year. academic.service.request.concluded.with.success = The academic service request was concluded with success. academic.service.request.delivered.with.success = The academic service request was delivered with success. academic.service.request.processed.with.success = The academic service request was processed with success. = Requests treated by employee = Requests treated by others #Service Requests Management = Requests management academicAdminOffice.title = Home adress.receipt = Av.ª das Forças Armadas 1649-026 Lisbon, Phone: +351 217903000, Fax: +351 217964710 all.curriculum = all student curriculum information. average.rule = MC = Sum (Weight x Classification) from curricular units / Sum (Weight) from curricular units back = Back begin.of.execution.year = the begin of execution year = This methodology for calculating is different for the students who will finish their courses in "Bologna" because the averages are calculated separately for each cycle (1 st and 2). button.back = Back button.cancel = Cancel button.choose = Choose button.confirm = Confirm button.continue = continue button.create = Create button.delete = Delete button.end = End button.enrol = enrol button.generateFiles.generate = Generate button.insert = Insert button.payments.back = Back button.payments.cancel = Cancel button.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirm button.payments.continue = Continue button.payments.create = Create button.payments.createReceipt = Create Receipt button.payments.creditNotes = Credit notes button.payments.delete = Delete button.payments.gratuityExemption.create = Create button.payments.gratuityExemption.delete = Delete = Issue Guide = Pay button.payments.preparePayment = Prepare payment button.payments.print = Print button.payments.receipt = Receipt = Save button.print = Print = Search button.submit = Submit campus = Campus cancel.request = Cancel request = Cannot delete concluded state of registration with concluded degree finalization request. cannot.delete.concluded.state.of.registration.with.concluded.diploma.request = Cannot delete concluded state of registration with concluded diploma request. certificates = Certificates concluded.requests = Concluded request = Conclusion date = The completion date of registration is suggested for this confirm.cancel = Do you want to cancel request? confirm.reject = Do you want to reject request? credits.abbreviation = Créd. curricular.year = Curricular year curricular.year.abbreviation = AC = The calculation of the curriculum year is based on information in the student curriculum from the current year curricular.year.rule = AC = Min (whole ( (Approved Credits ECTS + 24) / 60 + 1) ; Number of degree years) declarations = Declarations degree = degree degree.average = Degree average degree.average.abbreviation = MC = The calculation of the average is based on curriculum information actual do aluno. document.print = Print document document.request.created.with.success = Document created with success documentRequest.confirmDocumentSuccessfulPrinting = Has the document been correctly printed? #Document Requests Management documentRequests = Document requests documents.declaration.valid.purpose = This declaration is valid for purpose = Courses executed under the mobility program {0} = Approved enrolment's info = with final arithmetic mean domain.metaobject.service.failed = There was a flaw in the system. error.ChangeCurricularYear.unchanged = You must select a different curricular year from the current year. error.ChangeSchoolClass.classfull = The selected class is full. error.ChangeSchoolClass.unchanged = You must select a class different from the selected. error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.registration.inactive = The state of the enrol is inactive. error.StudentEnrolmentDA.must.choose.externalCurricularCourses = Must choose curricular courses = Only unsettled debts can be cancelled. error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber = Invalid candidacy number error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber.withNumber = Invalid candidacy number '{0}' error.administrativeOffice.payments.person.not.found = Person not found with this information error.allStudentsAreInMarkSheets = There are no students to this mark sheet error.already.aproved = The student is already approved for {0} = The student is already approved for {0} in {1} error.areaCode.invalidFormat = Invalid format. Use xxxx-xxx error.automaticEnrollment.alreadyEnrolled = Unable to automatic enrollment because the student is already enrolled in curricular units. error.candidacy.already.created = There is already a enrollment for the indicated degree! error.cannot.add.registrationState.incoherentState = ERROR! Cannot create registration state because will be incoherent states. error.cannot.change.specialSeasonCode = You can not change this code. error.cannot.delete.registrationState.incoherentState = ERROR! Cannot delete registration state because will be incoherent states. error.chooseExecutionPeriod = You must choose a curricular period. error.conclusionGrade.invalidFormat = Invalid format. Insert 2 digits error.conclusionYear.invalidFormat = Invalid format. Insert 4 digits error.create.person.fields.required = The document ID is required. error.createContributor.existing.contributor.number = The contrubutor number already allocated for {0}. = The origin can not be empty, you must choose at least one entry error.creating.cgd.file = It was impossible to generate the file to send to the CGD. error.credits.invalid.credits = The credits number ({0})does not respect the ceiling set by the degree error.curriculumGroup.required = ERROR! Curriculum group required = Curricular plan is required. error.externalSystem.communicationException = Unable to communicate with the {0} system error.enrolmentEvaluation.examDateNotInRegistrationActiveState = The student {0} enrolment is not in a active state error.equivalence.must.define.enrolments.and.grade = To create an equivalence should select enrolments and / or insert a grade error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriod = The evaluation date is not in the exams period error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriod.withEvaluationDateAndPeriodDates = The evaluation date {0} is not in the exams period ({1} to {2}) error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriodWithDates = The evaluation date is not in the exams period ({0} to {1}) error.exception.commons.institution.codeIsEmpty = The code is empty = The parent institution already has child with same name and type error.executionYear.required = Execution year is required. = Cannot be deleted = Execution Period cannot be null. error.incomplete.student.card.information = Fill the missing fields to make the search error.ingression.fields.required = The type of admission and/or phase of entry should be given. = You can not change the information because there is no active registration. = Invalid date format = The state is invalid! error.invalid.student.number = The student with this number {0} dont exists error.markSheet.already.confirmed = The mark sheet is confirmed and can not be modified = The mark sheet cannot be deleted error.markSheet.create.with.invalid.enrolmentEvaluations.number = Unable to create a mark sheet without students error.markSheet.edit.with.invalid.enrolmentEvaluations.number = It is not possible, with editing, remove all students of the mark sheet error.markSheet.invalid.arguments = The values used to create the mark sheet are not correct error.markSheet.invalid.state = You can not perform this operation with thos state of a marksheet error.markSheet.student.alreadyRectified = The student {0} grade is .already rectified = The registration number is already assigned. = There is no student with the number inserted = No student in mark sheet error.noTeacher = The teacher with the number {0} dont exists error.nonExisting.AssociatedCurricularCourses = There are no curricular courses related. error.nonExisting.Registrations = There are no students enrolled in the chosen class. error.nonExisting.SchoolClasses = There are no associated classes. error.nonExisting.Students = There are no students associated with the selected school year. error.notAuthorized = You are not authorized. Please contact the suport. error.notNeedToEnrol.empty = The student with this number {0} dont have dismissals error.payments.gratuityExemption.amount.or.percentage.are.required = Should select only one of the options (Value or Percentage) = Should select only one of the options (Value or Percentage) = Should select the entries and amount to generate the bill of payment error.payments.noDetailAvailable = There is no detail of payment in GIAF for this person = Should select the entries and the amount to make payment error.payments.person.doesnot.contain.receipt = Person does not have this receipt error.payments.receipt.contributor.does.not.exist = Receipt contributor does not exist = Will select entries to pass a receipt error.payments.receipt.not.found = Receipt not found error.person.existent.docIdAndType = This person already exists. = Invalid format. Insert 9 digits error.print.failed = Print failed #Added by ISCTE- Begin error.print.missingData = Unable to print {0}. Missing information: error.registration.has.not.concluded.cycle = The student has not yet concluded the {0} in this registration. = To mark the registration as complete, it must first meet the criteria for conclusion of curricular plans. error.registration.preBolonhaSourceDegreeNotFound = Not found any enrollment of pre-bolonha. error.registration.preBolonhaSourceRegistrationCannotReingress = The state of enrolment is incorrect. = The state cannot be changed '{0}' for '{1}' = The request is not editable = Justification cannot be null error.serviceRequests.documentRequests.cannot.change.numberOfPages.on.payed.documents = The number of pages can not be modified in documents already paid. error.socialSecurityNumber.invalidFormat = Invalid format. Insert 9 digits error.student.enrolments.invalid.choice = Invalid choice error.studentCurriculum.ExternalEnrolment.already.exists.externalEnrolment.for.externalCurricularCourse = Already have registration on this curricular course - {0}; error.studentDismissal.curricularCourse.required = You have to choose at least one curricular course error.studentDismissal.curriculumGroup.required = You must choose one group error.studentStatute.alreadyExistsOneOverlapingStatute = Error! Already exists one overlapping statute. error.teacherNotResponsibleOrNotCoordinator = The teacher is not responsible for the curriculum unit or is not coordinator = There is already a unit with the same name or code. error.unit.ampty.acronym = The code has to be filled. = Unit cannot be deleted error.wrong.student.number = Wrong student number file.format.error = Error-file format final.average.sugested = The final average suggested is = Final degree average = The following average and conclusion date is on the final course certificate. = The following info refers to in.feminine = in int = int justification = Justification label.academicAdminOffice = Academic administrative office label.academicOfficeAreaCoordenatorTitle = Chief of label.acronym = Acronym label.action.contributor.visualize = Visualize contributor label.actual.grade = Actual grade label.add.studentData = Insert info label.addNewStatute = Add student statute label.address = Address label.anotation = Annotation label.approvementState = Repeater/Non repeater label.area = Area label.areaCode = Area code label.areaOfAreaCode = Area of area code label.back = Back label.beginExecutionPeriod = Begin execution period label.branch = Branch label.cancel = Cancel label.candidacy.registration.declaration = DECLARATION label.candidacy.registration.declaration.academicServicesOffice = ACADEMIC SERVICE OFFICE label.candidacy.registration.declaration.graduationSection = Graduation section label.candidacy.registration.declaration.institution.responsible = THE ACADEMIC SERVICE DIRECTOR FROM @institution.nameUpperCase@ label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section1 = DECLARES, upon request, the student number label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section2 = bearer of label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section3 = natural of label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section4 = son of label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section5 = and of label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section6 = in the school year label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section7 = IS ENTERED in the degree of label.candidacy.registration.declaration.section8 = of the institute. = CC label.checksum = Checksum label.choosePrinter = Choose the printer label.classDetails = Class and curricular year, for each curricular year label.classDetails.prefix = Class for label.classDetails.suffix = .º year in label.code = Code label.common.branch = Common branch label.conclusionDate = conclusion date label.conclusionGrade = conclusion grade label.conclusionYear = Conclusion year label.confirm = Confirm label.confirmMarkSheet = Confirm mark sheet label.continue = Continue label.coordinatorName = Coordinator name = Country label.countryOfBirth = Country of birth label.countryOfPrecedenceDegree = Country of precedence degree label.countryOfResidence = Country of residence label.countryOfResidence.descriptive = Residence country label.course.enrolmentWithRules = Curricular units enrolment's (with rules) label.course.enrolmentWithoutRules = Curricular units enrolment's (without rules) label.course.enrolments = Enrollment in curriculum units label.course.improvementEnrolments = Improvement enrolment's label.course.moveEnrolments = Move enrolment's label.course.specialSeasonEnrolments = Special season enrolment's label.create = Create label.createMarkSheet = Create mark sheet = Step 1: Create mark sheet label.createMarkSheet.step.two = Step 2: Insert grades = Credit = Credits in any secondary area = Credits in scientific area label.credits.temporarySubstitution = Temporary? label.creditsNumber = Credits number label.currencySymbol = € label.currentInstitutionName = Institution name label.currentSituation = Current situation label.currentState = Current state label.curricular.course.aproved = Approved unit(s) label.curricular.course.from.curriculum = Curricular unit label.curricular.course.from.curriculum.withBreak = Curricular
unit label.curricularCourse = Curricular course label.curricularCourse.code = Curricular course code = Curricular course name label.curricularCourseRequestType = Request type label.curricularCourseRequests = Curricular course requests label.curricularPlan = Curricular plan label.curricularYear = Curricular yearThe number of pages cannot be changed in already payded requests. label.curricularYear.edit = Change curricular year label.curricularYearExecutionYear.prefix = Current curricular year: label.curricularYearExecutionYear.suffix = .º year in label.curriculumGroup = Group label.cycle = Cycle label.cycleType = Cycle type label.dateOfBirth = Birth date = Degree label.degreeCurricularPlan = Degree curricular plan label.degreeCurricularPlan.student = Student degree curricular plan label.degreeDesignation = Degree designation label.degreeType = Degree type label.delete = Delete label.deleteActualInfo = Delete actual info label.directly.approved = Directly approved label.dismissalClass = Type label.dismissalType = Dismissal type label.districtOfBirth = District of birth label.districtOfResidence = District of residence label.districtSubdivisionOfBirth = District subdivision of birth label.districtSubdivisionOfResidence = District Subdivision of residence label.documentIdEmissionDate = Place of issue label.documentIdEmissionLocation = Id EmissionLocation label.documentIdExpirationDate = Expiration date label.documentRequests.DocumentRequest.numberOfPages = Number of pages label.documentRequests.confirmation = Confirm request label.documentRequestsManagement.back = Back label.documentRequestsManagement.conclude = Conclude label.documentRequestsManagement.createDocumentRequest = Create request label.documentRequestsManagement.document = Document label.documentRequestsManagement.documentRequestInformation = Document request information label.documentRequestsManagement.documentRequestNotModifiable = You can not modify the request label.documentRequestsManagement.documentRequestSituation = Document request situation label.documentRequestsManagement.documents = Documents label.documentRequestsManagement.editDocumentRequest = Edit document request label.documentRequestsManagement.editRequest = Edit label.documentRequestsManagement.finantialSystem.unpayedTuition = Unpayed tuition (GIAF) label.documentRequestsManagement.operations = Operations label.documentRequestsManagement.payedTuition = Payed tuition label.documentRequestsManagement.process = Process = Search label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.average = Average label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.detailed = Detailed label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.document.purpose = Document purpose label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.documentRequestType = Document request type label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.notes = Notes label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.otherPurpose = Other label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.requestSituationType = Situation type label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.studentNumber = Student number label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.urgency.charge = Do you want to pay urgency tax? label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.urgent = Urgent = No label.documentRequestsManagement.searchDocumentRequests.urgent.yes = Yes label.documentRequestsManagement.showDocumentRequests = Show document requests label.documentRequestsManagement.unpayedTuition = Unpayed tuition label.documentRequestsManagement.viewDocumentRequest = View document request label.documentRequestsManagement.viewRequest = View #End: MarkSheets label.dropDown.all = All label.ects = ECTS label.ects.credits = ECTS label.edit = Edit label.editDate = Edit date = Email label.employee.create = Create employee label.endExecutionPeriod = End execution period label.enrollment.state = State label.enrollment.gradeValue = Grade label.enrollment.enrolmentEvaluationType.description = Season = Enrolment date label.enrolmentEvaluationType = Evaluation type label.enrolmentModel = Enrolment model label.entryPhase = Entry phase label.epoca = Season label.equivalence = Equivalence label.equivalency = Equivalence label.evaluation = Evaluation label.evaluationDate = Evaluation date label.even = Even label.executionCourse = Execution course label.executionCourse.code = Code = Execution course name label.executionPeriod = Execution period label.executionYear = Academic year label.existingStudentDismissal = Existing student dismissal label.expirationDate = Expiration date label.paymentDate = Payment date label.externalRegistrationData.manage = Manage external registration data #Begin: External Units label.externalUnits = External institutions label.externalUnits.confirmDeleteExternalCurricularCourse = Want to delete the curricular unit label.externalUnits.confirmDeleteUnit = Want to delete the unit label.externalUnits.countries = Countries = Country label.externalUnits.createCountry = Create Country label.externalUnits.createDepartment = Create department label.externalUnits.createExternalCurricularCourse = Create curricular course label.externalUnits.createExternalEnrolment = Create external enrolment label.externalUnits.createSchool = Create school label.externalUnits.createUniversity = Create university label.externalUnits.deleteInformation = Delete label.externalUnits.department = Department label.externalUnits.departments = Departments label.externalUnits.editExternalCurricularCourse = Edit curricular course label.externalUnits.editExternalEnrolment = Edit external enrolment label.externalUnits.editInformation = Edit information label.externalUnits.enrolStudent = Enrol student label.externalUnits.externalCurricularCourse = Curricular course label.externalUnits.externalCurricularCourses = Curricular courses label.externalUnits.externalEnrolments = Enrolments label.externalUnits.noDepartments = There are no departaments label.externalUnits.noExternalCurricularCourses = There are no curricular courses label.externalUnits.noExternalEnrolments = There are no enrolments label.externalUnits.noSchools = There are no schools label.externalUnits.noSearchResults = No search results label.externalUnits.noUniversities = There are no universities = School label.externalUnits.schools = Schools label.externalUnits.type = Type label.externalUnits.universities = Universities = University label.extra.curricular.course = Extra curricular course label.fatherName = Father name label.from = From label.gender = Gender label.generateFiles = Generate files label.generateFiles.CGD = the CGD label.generateFiles.generating = Generating files for label.generateFiles.nameOfFile = Choose name for file label.generateFiles.beforeDate = Enter the minimum date (yyyy/mm/dd) of the enrolment (optional) label.grade = Grade (0-20/NA/RE/F/D) label.grades = Grades = Group = Group credits label.homologationDate = Homologation date label.idDocumentType = Id document type label.idDocumentType.descriptive = Id document type label.identification = Identification label.identificationNumber = Identification number label.identificationNumber.descriptive = Identification number label.improvement.enrolment = Improvement enrolment = in label.ingression = Ingression code label.ingression.short = Ingression label.installmentOrder = Number of installment label.installmentValue = Installment value label.installmentValuePayed = Payed label.institution = Choose institution label.institutionUnitName = Institution name label.institutions = Institutions #Students Lists label.lists = Lists label.manage = Manage label.managementSciencesArea = Management Sciences Area label.manager.curricularCourse.acronym = Acronym = [Select one] label.maritalStatus = Marital status label.markSheet = Mark sheet label.markSheet.all.masc = All label.markSheet.archive = Archive label.markSheet.change = Change label.markSheet.confirm = Confirm label.markSheet.edit = Edit label.markSheet.evaluatedStudents = Evaluated students label.markSheet.leftToPrint = There are '{0}' submited mark sheets left to print = No label.markSheet.numberOfNotEvaluatedStudents = Students to evaluate label.markSheet.of = of label.markSheet.original.grade = Original grade label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.curricularCourse = Curricular course = Degree label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.degreeCurricularPlan = Curricular plan label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.markSheets.lefToPrint = Mark sheets lef to print label.markSheet.printMarkSheetsWeb.numberOfMarkSheets = Number of mark sheets label.markSheet.reason = Order label.markSheet.rectification = Rectification label.markSheet.rectificationHistoric = Rectification historic label.markSheet.rectify = Rectify label.markSheet.remove = Remove label.markSheet.removeMarkSheet = Are you sure you want to remove the mark sheet? label.markSheet.send.mail = Send email to teachers label.markSheet.students = students label.markSheet.students.capitalized = Student label.markSheet.students.with.grade = Students with grade label.markSheet.students.without.grade = Students without grade label.markSheet.submit = Submit label.markSheet.submittedByTeacher = web label.markSheet.totalNumberOfStudents = Total students number label.markSheet.update = Update label.markSheet.view = View label.markSheet.yes = Yes label.markSheetState = State label.markSheetType = Type = Execution course with grades to submit = Mark sheets to confirm label.message = Message = Mobile phone label.mobilePhones = Mobile phones label.mobilityProgram = Mobility program label.motherName = Mother name = Name label.nameMaxEctsCredits = Name - Max. ECTS label.nationality = Nationality #Begin: MarkSheets label.navheader.marksSheet = Marks sheet = Situation type = Creation date = Creation
Date = Description = Employee = Processed without payment = Justification = Student = Student number = Urgent = New Grade label.newInstitutionName = or create new institution label.newPerson = New person label.newState = New state = No = There are no entries in this semester = There are no entries in this group label.noMarkSheetsFound = No mark sheets found label.noStudentRegistrations = The student has no active registrations = Dismiss label.notApproved = Repeater label.notNeedToEnrol = Dismissal label.notNeedToEnrol.associated.enrolments = Associated enrolments #End: Party Contacts label.notNeedToEnrol.chooseStudent = Choose student label.notNeedToEnrol.code = Dismissal code label.notNeedToEnrol.code.withbreak = Dismissal
code label.notNeedToEnrol.degreeCurricularPlan.withbreak = Dismissal
curricular plan label.notNeedToEnrol.deleteQuestion = Do you want to delete this dismissal? label.notNeedToEnrol.enrolment = Associate enrolment to dismissal label.notNeedToEnrol.list = Dismissal list = Dismissal name label.number = Number label.numberAprovedCurricularCourses = Approved label.numberEnroledCurricularCourses = Enroled label.odd = Odd label.parentUnit = Parent institutions label.parishOfBirth = Parish of birth label.parishOfResidence = Parish of residence label.partyContacts.addEmailAddress = Add email label.partyContacts.addMobilePhone = Add mobile phone label.partyContacts.addPhone = Add phone label.partyContacts.addPhysicalAddress = Add address label.partyContacts.addWebAddress = Add web address #End: Reports #Begin: Party Contacts label.partyContacts.defaultContact = Default contact label.partyContacts.delete = Delete label.partyContacts.edit = Edit label.partyContacts.editEmailAddress = Edit email label.partyContacts.editMobilePhone = Edit mobile phone label.partyContacts.editPhone = Edit phone label.partyContacts.editPhysicalAddress = Edit address label.partyContacts.editWebAddress = Edit web address label.partyContacts.isNotValidated = Contact not validated label.partyContacts.isValidated = Contact validated = There are no email's = There are no mobile phones = There are no phones = There are no phones or mobile phones = There are no addresses = There are no web address label.partyContacts.view.falseLabel = - label.partyContacts.view.trueLabel = yes #Begin: Payments label.payment = Payment label.payments = Payments label.payments.amountToPay = Amount to pay(€) label.payments.back = Back label.payments.cancel = Cancel label.payments.cancelEvent = Cancel debt label.payments.candidacy = Candidacy label.payments.confirmCancelReceiptQuestion = Do you confirm the cancel of the receipt? label.payments.confirmCreateOtherPartyPayment = Do you confirm the creation of other party payment? label.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirm create the receipt label.payments.confirmCreateReceiptQuestion = Do you confirm the creation of the receipt? label.payments.contributor = Paying Entity label.payments.contributorAddress = Address label.payments.contributorName = Name label.payments.contributorNumber = Contributor number label.payments.create = Create #Credit Notes label.payments.creditNotes = Credit notes: Receipt {0}/{1} label.payments.creditNotes.entries.with.reimbursement.appliable = Entries with applicable reimbursement = There are no reimbursable entries label.payments.creditNotes.printCreditNote.title = Credit note label.payments.currencySymbol = € label.payments.currentEvents = Current debts label.payments.defaultValue.warning = Attention, the values that follow are the default values because they are not defined for the person label.payments.description = Description label.payments.details = Consult state/information on the payment of gratuities label.payments.documentNumber = Document number label.payments.documentType = Document type label.payments.entryType = Type label.payments.event = Debt label.payments.eventDate = Event date label.payments.eventDetails = Debt details = Debts = Are you certain that you want to cancel the debt? = Are you sure you want to OPEN debt? If you choose to continue, the dates to be considered for calculation of taxes (if applicable) will be the present dates. = There are no details = There are no debts = There are no payments label.payments.eventsWithInstallments = Debts with several payments label.payments.exemptions = Exemptions label.payments.exemptions.noEventsToApplyExemption = There are no debts to apply for exemption label.payments.extract = Extract label.payments.giafDetail = Detail of payment according to the GIAF system label.payments.gratuityExemptions = Gratuity exemptions label.payments.gratuityExemptions.amount = Amount label.payments.gratuityExemptions.createExemption = Create gratuity exemption label.payments.gratuityExemptions.deleteExemption = Delete label.payments.gratuityExemptions.editExemption = Edit label.payments.gratuityExemptions.noGratuityExemption = No gratuity exemption defined label.payments.gratuityExemptions.or = or label.payments.gratuityExemptions.other = Other (Value or Percentage) label.payments.gratuityExemptions.percentage = Percentage label.payments.gratuityExemptions.viewExemption = View gratuity exemption = Guide = Payments management = Name label.payments.noActiveRegistration.warning = No information on payments to this person because don't have an active enrolment. label.payments.noAnnouncement.warning = There is no advertisement for this person regarding on payments. label.payments.dates.noAnnouncement.warning = There is no advertisement regarding tuition payments dates. label.payments.noCreditNotes = Don't have credit notes label.payments.noPaymentsWithoutReceipt = There are no payments without receipt label.payments.noReceipts = There are no receipts label.payments.not.found = Not found any payments label.payments.number = Number label.payments.operations = Operations label.payments.otherPartyPayment = Other party payment label.payments.otherPartyPayment.details = Details label.payments.otherPartyPayment.noEntriesForEvent = There are no debts from companies for the debt label.payments.otherPartyPayment.noEvents = There are no debts to be paid by companies label.payments.payedAmount = Payed amount label.payments.payedEvents = Payed label.payments.payedEvents2 = Carried payments label.payments.payment = Payment label.payments.paymentConfirmed = The payment was made with success label.payments.paymentsWithoutReceipt = Create receipts label.payments.penaltyExemptions = Penalty exemptions label.payments.penaltyExemptions.noPenaltyExemptions = No penalty exemptions label.payments.penaltyExemptions.showPenaltyExemptions = Show penalty exemptions label.payments.person = Person label.payments.preparePayment = Confirm payment label.payments.print = Print label.payments.printTemplates.annulledDocument = *****DOCUMENT CANCELED***** = Lisbon label.payments.printTemplates.costCenter = Cost center label.payments.printTemplates.creditNote.numberInformation = Credit note number {0}/{1} label.payments.printTemplates.creditNote.receiptInformation = Refering to receipt number {0}/{1} label.payments.printTemplates.duplicate = DUPLICATED = Document processed by computer label.payments.printTemplates.footer.institutionIdentification = Avenida das Forças Armadas 1649-026 Lisboa Telefone:+351 217 903 000 Fax: +351 217 964 710 Contribuinte N.º: 501510184 label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.administrativeOfficeFee = Administrative office fee label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.administrativeOfficeFeeAndInsurance = Administrative office fee and insurance label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.body = Given the current regulations and decisions of the Presidency of @institution.acronym@ the payment of the administrative office fee and school insurance should be made through the Network of ATMs or in the administrative office. Note that the delay in payment causes a aggravation of {0} €, in accordance with the regulations in force. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.footer.first.note = From this date the amount will be increased by a aggravation of {0} €. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.footer.second.note = From this date shall be added to value monthly interest at the statutory rate in force. The interest is payable in the first day of the month to which they relate. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.grautity = Gratuity label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.installmentsGratuity = Installments gratuity = School insurance # Gratuity Template Resources = Letter of gratuity label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode = Method of payment label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.amount = Amount label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.body = The payment of administrative office fee and school insurance and the gratuity can be may be made in its total or in installments. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.entity = Entity label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions = Payment through ATMs Network can be performed observing the following instructions: label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.first = Select inOTHER OPERATIONS the option PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.fourth = Save the voucher which will serve as proof of payment. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.second = Enter the Organization, and Reference Amount of the option, according to the following tables: label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.instructions.third = End the release of data confirming with the green key. label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.paymentMode.paymentCode = Payment code label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.title = Information for Undergraduate Students of the @institution.acronym@, curricular year {0} = Exmo(a). Senhor(a) label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.totalGratuity = Total fee label.payments.printTemplates.gratuityLetter.until = Until = Payment Guide label.payments.printTemplates.guideForOtherPartyPayments.contributor = Paying Authority #Print Templates = @institution.nameUpperCase@ label.payments.printTemplates.issuedBy = Issued by label.payments.printTemplates.original = ORIGINAL label.payments.printTemplates.processFrom = Process label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.contributor = Paying Authority label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.receiptNumber = Receipt Number label.payments.printTemplates.receipt.secondPrintVersion = Second Version label.payments.printTemplates.theEmployee = The employee label.payments.printTemplates.totalAmountReceived = Received the importance of label.payments.printTemplates.totalAmountToPay = To liquidate label.payments.printTemplates.vatExemptionNotice = Exempt from IVA under art.º 9 label.payments.receipt = Receipt label.payments.receiptOwner = Person label.payments.receipts = Receipts consult label.payments.receipts.confirmAnnul = Are you sure you want DELETE the receipt? label.payments.receipts.printReceipt.title = Payment receipt = Search label.payments.searchByCandidacyNumber = Search candidacy label.payments.searchByDocumentIDandType = Search by document ID and type label.payments.searchByUsername = Search by username = View label.payments.sibsPayments = Sibs payments label.payments.totalAmount = Total amount label.payments.transferPayments = Transfer payments label.payments.transferPaymentsAndCancel = Transfer payments and cancel label.payments.tuitionPaymentMessage = Information on tuition payment of the student is shown as follows: label.payments.username = Username label.payments.viewDetails = Details label.payments.year = Year label.period = {0} .º Year, {1} º Semester #End: External Units label.periodDescription = {0} .º Semester {1} label.person.similarResults = Similar results in the existing system label.person.title.addressInfo = Address info label.person.title.addressesInfo = Addresses info label.person.title.contactInfo = Contact info label.person.title.filiation = Filiation = Personnel info label.person.title.precedenceDegreeInfo = Precedence degree info = Phone label.phones = Phone label.precedenteCountry.descriptive = Precedent degree country label.pricesManagement = Prices management label.pricesManagement.edit = Edit Prices label.pricesManagement.price = Price label.pricesManagement.pricePerPage = Price per page label.pricesManagement.pricePerUnit = Price per unit label.print = Print label.print.web.markSheets = Print web mark sheets label.printer = Printer label.profession = Occupation label.proposedCurricularCourse = Curricular course proposal label.raides = RAIDES Lists label.raides.enroledStudentsByDegree = Enroled students by degree label.rectified = Rectified label.rectify = Rectify label.rectifyMarkSheet = Rectify mark sheet label.rectifyMarkSheet.chooseStudent = Choose student/grade to rectify label.rectifyMarkSheet.chooseStudent.fromList = Or select a student from the list: label.rectifyMarkSheet.chooseStudent.studentNumber = Through the student number: = Step 1: Choose student label.rectifyMarkSheet.step.two = Step 2: Rectify mark sheet label.register.confirmation = Confirm register label.registration = Registration label.registration.addNewSCP = Add new degree curricular plan label.registration.historic = Registration historic label.registration.manageState = Change state label.registration.newSCP = New degree curricular plan label.registration.number = Student number label.registration.number.withLineBreak = Registration
number label.registration.state = Registration state label.registrationAgreement = Registration agreement label.registrationDetails = Registration details label.registrationState = State label.remarks = Remarks label.remove.grades = Remove grades = I also certify that you is enrolled in the following curricular units of the next curricular cycle: = I also certify that you is enrolled in the following curricular units of the next curricular cycle: = Extra-Curricular = Curricular units in which you are enrolled: ## use this for curricular year and semester = st = nd = rd = th ## labels for reports ## = Student Number #Begin: Reports label.reports = Reports label.requestedCurricularCourse = Curricular course label.responsible = Responsible label.responsibleTeacher = Teacher label.schollclass.optional = Class (optional) label.schoolClass = School Class label.schoolClass.available = available label.schoolClass.capacity = Capacity label.schoolClass.curricularYear = Curricular year label.schoolClass.dayPeriodType = Period label.schoolClass.edit = Change school class label.schoolClass.full = full label.schoolClass.lotation = Enrolled = Name label.schoolClass.of = of label.schoolClass.unknown = School Class not assigned label.scope.curricular.semester = {0} Year, {1} Semester = Search label.searchMarkSheet = Search mark sheet = Select by classgroup = Select by student number label.semester = Semester label.send.mail = Send emails = Search criteria label.serviceRequestNumber = Service request number label.serviceRequestNumber.withLineBreak = Request
number label.serviceRequests = Services label.serviceRequests.documentRequests.executionYear = Execution year label.serviceRequests.documentRequests.executionYear.withLineBreak = Execution
year label.serviceRequests.enrolment = Course label.serviceRequests.equivalencePlanRequest = Equivalence plan label.serviceRequests.newCourseGroup = New course group label.serviceRequests.oldCourseGroup = Old course group label.serviceRequests.purpose = Description label.serviceRequests.sendEmailToStudent = Send email to student label.since = Since label.socialSciencesArea = Social Sciences Area label.socialSecurityNumber = Taxpayer number label.special.season.enrolment = Special season enrolment label.specialSeasonCode = Special season code label.startDate = Start date label.startDateOrHomologation = Start date (Homologation) label.state = State label.statuteType = Statute type label.statutes = Statutes label.student = Student label.student.create = Create student label.student.create.block.substitution = Create block substitution label.student.create.external.enrolment = Create external enrolment label.student.enrollment.choose.externalCurricularCourses = Choose curricular courses label.student.enrollment.choose.externalUnit = Choose unit = Elrolment in curricular courses label.student.enrollment.cycleCourseGroup.noCycleDestinationAffinities = Dont exist cycle for registration label.student.enrollment.enrolIn = Enrol in = Error in enrolment = Error in unenrolment label.student.enrollment.externalUnit = Unit = The chosen unit has not external curricular courses = Dont have enrolment in external curricular courses label.student.enrollment.optional.course = Elrolment in optional courses = Warnings label.student.enrollment.withRules = With rules label.student.enrollment.withoutRules = Without rules label.student.enrolment.chooseExecutionPeriod = Choose execution period label.student.enrolments = Enrolments label.student.enrolments.executionPeriod = Execution period enrollment: label.student.enrolments.executionYear = Curricular units label.student.existingExternalEnrolments = Registration in existing external curricular courses label.student.externalEnrolments = External enrolments label.student.grade = Grade = The student has debts of gratuity = Student number label.student.loose.enrolments.executionYear = Extra curricular units label.student.manageExternalEnrolments = Manage external enrolments label.student.moveCurriculumLines.curriculumLines.selection.required = Select registrations / dismissals to move label.student.moveCurriculumLines.noCurriculumLinesSelected = There were no selected registrations / dismissals = Name = There is no information of borrowed data label.student.number = Number label.student.optional.enrolments = Enrollment in optional curriculum label.student.registerStudent = Register student label.studentCardPrinting.degreeCode = Degree code label.studentCardPrinting.not.found = There were no students with the specified criteria label.studentCardPrinting.print = Print label.studentCardPrinting.registrationNumber = Registration number label.studentCardPrinting.selectAll = Select all label.studentCardPrinting.studentName = Name label.studentCardPrinting.studentNumber = Student number label.studentCredits.create = Create new dismissal credits = Active = Total students found label.studentCurricularPlan.state = Student curricular plan state label.studentCurricularPlans = Student curricular plans label.studentDataByExecutionYear = Borrow personal data label.studentDataByExecutionYear.delete.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete the information? label.studentDetails = Student details = Insert courses: = Insert new dismissal course: label.studentDismissal.chooseCreditsDismissalEnrolments = Create dismissal credits label.studentDismissal.chooseEquivalenceDismissalEnrolments = Create dismissal credit label.studentDismissal.chooseExternalCurricularCourse = Choose external curricular course label.studentDismissal.confirmCreateDismissals = Confirm label.studentDismissal.create = Create new student dismissal = Origin of credits dismissal label.studentDismissal.dismissals = Curricular unit / Destination group label.studentDismissal.dismissals.enrolments = Curricular unit / Origin group label.studentDismissal.ects.message = ECTS: Student credits ECTS. label.studentDismissal.equivalence.origin = Origin of equivalence label.studentDismissal.equivalences = Equivalences label.studentDismissal.equivalent.enrolments = Equivalent courses label.studentDismissal.equivalents = Equivalents label.studentDismissal.evaluationDate = Evaluation date label.studentDismissal.externalEnrolments = External courses label.studentDismissal.externalEnrolments.empty = The student has no external enrolment = Final group label.studentDismissal.grade = Grade = Group credits label.studentDismissal.internalEnrolments = Enrolments from @institution.acronym@ label.studentDismissal.internalEnrolments.empty = The student has no enrolment approved in @institution.acronym@ = Student dismissal management = There are no equivalents credits label.studentDismissal.max.message = Máx: Number of maximum credits that a student can be enrolled. label.studentDismissal.min.message = Min: Number of minimum credits to approve the student in the group. = There were no selected equivalences = Not need to enrol this courses = Step 1: Choose origin of student dismissal = Step 1: Choose origin of student credits dismissal = Step 1: Choose origin of student equivalence = Step 1: Choose origin of student substitution label.studentDismissal.step.three = Step 3: Confirm label.studentDismissal.step.two = Step 2: Choose equivalent curricular Unit(s) / Group label.studentDismissal.substitution.origin = Origin of substitution label.studentEquivalence.create = Create new student equivalence label.studentNumber = Student number label.studentPage = Student page label.studentRegistrations = Student registrations label.studentStatutes = Student statute label.studentStatutes.manage = Manage student statute label.studentStatutes.unavailable = The student has no defined statutes label.studentSubstitution.create = Create new student substitution label.studentsListByCurricularCourse = List students by curricular courses label.studentsListByCompetenceCourse = List students by competence courses label.studentsListByDegree = List of student by degree label.studentsListByExecutionYear = List of student by execution year label.studentsListByParameters = List of student by parameters label.studentsListBySchoolClass = List of student by school class label.studiesStartDate = Studies start date label.subject = Subject label.submit = Submit label.submit.markSheet = Submit label.summary = Summary label.teacher = Teacher #text.declaration.publicTransport=Para os devidos efeitos se comunica que {0}, portador do Bilhete de Identidade N.º. {1}, passado pelo Arquivo de Identificação de {2} em {3} é aluno(a) do {4} no presente ano lectivo de {5} e pretende que lhe seja fornecido passe de transporte colectivos {6}. #text.declaration.renewVisa=Para efeitos de Obtenção/Renovação de Visto se declara que {0}, portador do Passaporte N.º {1}, filho de {2} e de {3}, no ano lectivo {4} encontra-se inscrito no {5}.º ano do curso de {6}. label.technologySciencesArea = Technology Sciences Area label.title.ExternalRegistrationData = External registration data label.title.RegistrationNumber = Registration number label.title.RegistrationState = Registration state label.title.deleteActualInfo = Delete actual info label.title.enrollmentLooseGrade = Loose grade = Total credits ECTS label.type = Type label.type.of.aproval = Approval type label.type.of.aproval.withBreak = Approval
type label.username = Username = Validation Date = Confirmation Date (by student) label.view = View label.viewMarkSheet = View mark sheet label.visualizeRegistration = Visualize registration label.warning = Warning label.webAddress = Web address label.webAddresses = Web addresses label.with = with label.write.mail = Write email #End: Price Management label.year = Year label.yes = yes lable.year.semester = Year / Semester last.modification = Last modification last.modification.withLineBreak = Last
modification = The calculation of the presented average is only indicative having no legal value. link.bankReport = Bank report (CGD) link.consult = Consult link.documentsOperations = Documents operations link.guides = Guides link.lists.xlsFileToDownload = Download Excel (XLS) = Mark sheet management link.notNeedToEnrol.enrolment = Associate enrolments link.option.choose.curricular.course = Choose option link.option.enrol.curricular.course = Enrol link.payments = Payments #End: Payments #Begin: Price Management link.pricesManagement = Prices management link.pricesManagement.edit = Edit link.receipts = Receipts link.registration.associateSchoolClass = Associate school class link.registration.manageSchoolClass = Change school class link.registration.view.approvements = View Approvements/Enrollments link.registration.viewCurriculum = View curriculum link.registration.viewStudentCurricularPlans = View student curricular plans link.student.automaticEnrollment = Automatic enrollment link.student.back = Back link.student.backToSudentDetails = Back = Create credits dismiss link.student.create.dismissal = Create equivalences link.student.create.equivalence = Create equivalence link.student.create.substitution = Create substitution link.student.createSchoolRegistrationDeclarationRequest = Create registration declaration request link.student.deleteRegistrationState = Delete state link.student.deleteStudentIngression = Delete Ingression = Equivalences management link.student.editPersonalData = Edit personal data link.student.editRegistrationState = Edit State link.student.editStudentIngression = Edit Ingression link.student.enrolInCourses = Enrol management link.student.manageEnrolmentModel = Edit enrolment model link.student.manageExternalRegistrationData = Managing external data link.student.manageIngression = Change ingression link.student.manageRegistrationNumber = Change registration number link.student.manageRegistrationStartDates = Manage registration start dates link.student.manageRegistrationState = Change state link.student.manageSchoolClass = School class management link.student.manualEnrollment = Manual enrollment link.student.printRegistrationDeclaration = Print the registration declaration link.student.statute.delete = Delete statute link.student.transitToBolonha = Transit to bolonha link.student.unenrol = Withdraw link.student.viewCurriculum = View curriculum link.student.viewPersonalData = View personal data link.student.visualizeRegistration = Visualize process link.student.visualizeStudent = View student details link.studentOperations = Student operations link.studentOperations.createStudent = Enrol student link.studentOperations.printStudentCards = Student cards link.studentOperations.registerStudent = Enrol Candidate link.studentOperations.viewStudents = View students link.studentsListByCurricularCourse = Student by curricular courses link.studentsListByCompetenceCourse = Listagem de aluno por unidade competência link.studentsListByDegree = Student by degree link.studentsListBySchoolClass = Student by school class link.submit.loose.grade = Manage Loose grades link.view.deleteActualInfo = Delete actual info message.confirm.create.service = Service = When you click delete actual info all erolment's without grade and shift reserves for next year {0} will be deleted. message.confirm.delete.registrationState = Do you really want to delete registration state? message.declaration.registration.comma = , = .º. year from degree = bearer of = Courses. = this Institute in message.declaration.registration.execution.year.prefix = execution year message.declaration.registration.father.prefix = son of = in = IS ENROLED message.declaration.registration.location.prefix = Academic office from, in message.declaration.registration.mother.prefix = and message.declaration.registration.nationality.prefix = natural message.declaration.registration.of = of message.declaration.registration.person.tail = FROM GRADUATION SECTION OF @institution.nameUpperCase@ message.declaration.registration.person.title.female = THE TECNICHAL message.declaration.registration.person.title.male = THE TECNICHAL message.declaration.registration.student.number.header.female = DECLARES, by request that the student number is message.declaration.registration.student.number.header.male = DECLARES, by request that the student number is message.declaration.registration.was.enroled = WAS ENROLED = Choose document to request message.ingression.edit.success = The information of the ingression was edited with success. message.markSheet.confirm = Want to confirm this mark sheet? message.markSheet.rectify = Want to rectify this grade? = There are {0} execution course grades to submit. = There are {0} mark sheets submited to confirm. = There are no students associated with the selected criteria = No students found. message.registration.addNewSCP.success = New student curricular plan added with success. message.registration.ingression.edit.success = The ingression was edited with success! = Choose service to request message.student.personDataEditedWithSuccess = Person data edited with success! message.student.personIsEmployee = The person is a employee. Its data can only be changed in human resources. message.student.registerStudent.confirm = Confirm that want to register this student? message.student.registerStudent.success = Student registered with success. message.success.deleteActualInfo = Success deleting actual info! message.success.state.delete = The enrolment state was successufuly deleted! message.success.state.edit = Success editing state! message.urgency.charge.explanation = The acts required could be executed, unless some unexpected, in five days, by a payment of a fee equal to the value of the act required. minimum = Minimum = The degree average was not inserted into the system or the enrollment has not yet been submitted to the final clearance. new.requests = New request no.academic.service.requests.found = No academic service requests found. no.approvements = There is no approvement's in this execution year. no.concluded.academic.service.requests = No concluded academic service requests. no.document.requests = Don't have document requests in the student name no.historical.academic.service.requests = No historical academic service requests. no.historical.document.requests = No historical document requests. = No new academic service requests. no.processing.academic.service.requests = No processing academic service requests no.processing.document.requests = No processing document requests. number.of.pages.printed = Number of pages printed portal.academicAdminOffice = DSA Portal portal.academicAdminOffice.welcome = Welcome to DSA portal = This document request has to be printed in aplica. processed.receipt = Document processed by computer. processing.requests = Processing request quick = Quick registration.curriculum = Curriculum registration registration.curriculum.approvements = Approvements/Enrollments registration.not.concluded = The student enrollment does not have the necessary credits for the Final Clearance reject.request = Reject request request.information = Request information request.situation = Request status requests.historic = Request history result = Result rule = Rule = The following rules applied are in the book Regulations of the degrees for firt and second cycle, 2007/2008 from .
>Warning! The rules are general to all courses and in future will be correctly calculated. Information = The average presented is merely indicative.
Warning! The rule for calculating the average is generic to all courses, not behaving as the specificities of each course. We will further implement the correct calculation. For more information may check the following information. student.registrationConclusionProcess = Conclusion registration process studentOperations.printStudentCards.intro = To print the student cards just select the number of student or the Execution Year, Degree, Cycle, Curricular plan and optionally the scholl class. studentOperations.printStudentCards.title = Print student cards text.declaration.familyAllowance = I declare for the purposes of family allowances which {0}, born in {1} from {2}, son of {3} and {4}, attended the {5} , frequented the previous curricular year, {6} from the degree {7} and is enrolled in the current curricular year, in {8} year from the degree {9}. text.declaration.generic = For the purposes of {0} declares that {1}, with {2} number {3}, son of {4} and {5}, in the curricular year {6} is enrolled in {7} year {8}. text.declaration.genericOther = Declares that {0}, with the {1} number {2}, atributed by the identification archive of {3} in {4}.
In the day {5} was in this institute for:
{6}. thesis.selectUnit.internal.required = You must choose a unit from the list. title.payments.currentEvents = Current debts title.payments.paymentConfirmed = Confirmation of payment values = Values label.raides = RAIDES list label.raides.enroledStudentsByDegree = Enroled students by degree label.raides.concludedStudentsByDegree = Concluded students by degree label.printings = Printings label.print.registrationLabels = Registration labels message.markSheet.warnUserIfGradeNotApproved=Some of the students has not received approval.
If some student has an opportunity to change the mark, or because they can still go to the 2th examination, or because it is the oral, or for another reason, it must appear on the mark sheet.
If the mark sheet is confirmed, the only way to correct the mark of the student is carry out acorrection.
It will not be possible to put this student in another mark sheet with normal season. label.documentLayout=Format label.language=Language label.choose.executionPeriod.before.printing.marksheet=To print the mark sheets submitted by web, should first choose the corresponding execution period. label.classification=Classification link.student.registerStudent=Enroll student this screen you can see the external institutions, including countries, universities, schools and registered departments. \ You can also check the created external curricular units. the name and type of institution to search. the name of the external curricular unit to search. label.dismissal.origin=Origin label.dismissal.destiny=Destiny label.dismissal.given.credits=Given ECTS link.student.create.certification=Create certification label.studentCertification.create=Create new student certification of different ECTS allocated the number of destination ECTS are exceeding the ECTS, at least,one enrollment of a origin curricular unit error.enrolment.without.weight.or.ects=There is an enrolment without weight or ECTS which makes impossible the calculation of average # "label.blank" is really blank. It has no text, do not delete it! label.blank= label.mobilityDetails = Mobility Agreements link.registration.createMobilityAgreement = Create label.mobilityAgreement.edit = Edit label.mobilityAgreement.remove = Remove not have any agreement for mobility. label.endDate = End date label.institution = The teaching institution label.visualizeRegistration.mobilityAgreements=Mobility agreements link.student.create.curricular.integration=Curricular integration label.description=Description label.additional.information=Adicional information label.additional.information.manage=Manage adicional information message.confirm.delete.additional.information=Do you really want delete the information? label.visualizeRegistration.mobilityAgreements=Mobility agreements label.calculateAverage=Calculate average label.existingStudentCredits=Existing student credits label.existingStudentCertifications=Existing student certifications fields grade and ECTS are mandatory. = Change begin date link.student.manageScpStartDate = Change the starting date of the student curricular plan info.generic.success.operation = Operation successful link.submit.delete.loose.grade= Delete loose grade EnrolmentEvaluation.error.invalidEnrollmentDate = {0}: The introduced date of registration "{1}" is invalid. label.improvement = Melhoria title.importMarkSheet = Launch marksheet by importing Excel file title.errorsMarkSheetNotImported = The marksheet was not imported because the below errors title.changedMarkSheets = Marksheet created or modified title.deletedMarkSheets = Marksheet deleted title.errorsInImportedMarkSheets = Errors during import title.importMarkSheetReport = Report of the import marksheet label.createMarkSheetManually = manuallly label.createMarkSheetImport = import excel file label.studentName = Name of student label.schoolClass = School class label.noMarksheetsChanges = Was not created or modified any marksheet. label.noMarksheetsDeleted = The marksheet were not erased. label.importSuccess = No error occurred. table.header.file.lineNumber = Number of line table.header.student.number = Number of student = Student name table.header.file.error = Error error.importMarksheet.unsupportedFile.format = The file format is not supported. error.importMarksheet.unsupportedFile.structure = The file structure is invalid. error.importMarksheet.invalidGradeFormat = Grade with invalid value. error.importMarksheet.notEnrolled = The student is not enrolled in the curricular unit. error.importMarksheet.marksheetConfirmed = The student is in a confirmed marksheet error.importMarksheet.gradeSubmittedByOtherTeacher = The student grade was inserted by another teacher. error.importMarksheet.invalidMarkSheetType = The student may not be in the indicated marksheet. label.finalEvaluation=Final evaluation label.students.listMarks = Manage marksheet link.teacher.evaluation.grades=To introduce and to alter grades link.publishMarks =Publish grades on the curricular unit page label.students.listMarks = List marks = Support material the grades launch = Support material the summaries launch = Training label.teacher.gradeSubmission.trainning = Training for the grades launch label.teacher.gradeSubmission.trainning.enrollment = Enrollment label.teacher.gradeSubmission.trainning.schedule = Schedule link.teacher.gradeSubmission.trainning.enrollment = link.teacher.gradeSubmission.trainning.schedule = error.seasonTwoMarkSheet.already.confirmed = As the marksheet of the 2nd season is not confirmed, you can not aprove the student on the 1st of season. error.improvementMarkSheet.already.confirmed = As there is a confirmed marksheet of improvement, you can not flunk the student. label.markSheetImport.instructions.fileStructure.faq= To know the Excel file structure please see FAQ. label.markSheetImport.instructions.fileStructure=Structure of the Excel file:
\ label.markSheetImport.instructions.TYPE20.faq=To find the range of possible values for a grade please see this FAQ. label.markSheetImport.instructions.TYPE20=The possible values for the grades are:
\ error.markSheet.studentAlreadyInMarkSheet = The student {0} with the number of {1} is already in the marksheet. link.annulGradeBook = Annul term link.regularizeGradeBook = Regularize term link.annulGradeBook.grade = Cancel grade of the grade book label.annulGradeBook.all = Cancel complete marksheet label.annulGradeBook.warning = The terms already signed will be inconsistent with the information in the Fénix system.
\ The terms have to be re-signed.
\ Are you sure you want to continue? error.mandatory.reason = Must indicate the reason. label.annulGradeBook.reason = Reason error.annulGradeBook.enrollmentEvaluation.justOneGrade = Because the marksheet that gave origin to the term has only one note. You should cancel the marksheet. error.annulGradeBook.enrollmentEvaluation.rectified = You can not cancel, because the grade has been corrected. error.annulGradeBook.enrollmentEvaluation.season1 = You can not cancel because the student has a confirmed grade in a later season. error.annulGradeBook.markSheet.rectified = You can not cancel, since the grade of the student {0} has been rectified. error.annulGradeBook.markSheet.season1 = You can not cancel, because the student {0} has a confirmed grade in a later season label.originDcp = Studies plan of origin label.destinyDcp = Studies plan of destination label.dcpTransitionPlan.delete.confirmation.message=Are you sure you want to delete the transition plan? error.cannot.delete.transitionPlan=Unable to remove the transition plan of study plans. First remove all the rules. link.equivalency.plan.list.equivalencePlans=Transition plans of study plans label.add.transitionPlan=Add label.transitionPlans.list=List of transition plans label.manageRules=Manage rules rules for transition plans of study plans label.dcpTransitionPlanRule.create=Add are no rules associated with the transition plan label.existingDcpTransitionPlanRules=Rules of the transition plan link.student.create.dcpTransitionPlan.rule=Create a new rule of transition between plans of study label.dcpTransitionPlanRule.origin=Curricular units of origin plan label.originEntry=Curricular unit of origin label.dcpTransitionPlanRule.destiny=Curricular units of destination plan label.destinyEntry=Curricular unit of destiny creditsEcts=ECTS label.empty.dcpTransitionPlans=There are no plans for transition label.curricularCourse.ectsCredits=ECTS from the curricular unit unit name label.originDcpTransitionPlanRuleWrappers=Curricular units of origin plan label.destinyDcpTransitionPlanRuleWrappers=Curricular units of destination plan lavel.dcp.transition.plan.rule.type=Rule type error.transition.rule.origin.credits.different.from.destiny.credits=The sum of ECTS of origin is different from the sum of the target ECTS must select at least one curricular unit of the studies plan of origin must select at least one curricular unit of the studies plan of destination error.transition.rule.ects.must.have.positive.value=ECTS from the curricular units of the plan of origin must be completed error.transition.rule.weigth.must.have.positive.value=The weights of the curricular units of the origin planhome must be completed label.registration.makeTransitionPlan=Transition plans! The following rules of transition could not be applied: success.transition.rules.have.been.applied=The following rules were applied in selected transition successfully: link.studentOperations.validateEnrolmentFilename=Validate name in the registration sheet label.validateEnrolmentFilename=Validation of the file name of the registration sheet label.rule=Rule link.make.transition.plan.for.student=Applying the rules for the transition plan label.dcpTransitionPlan=Transition plan must select at least one rule must select the original plan of studies must select the destination plan of studies original plan of studies can not be equal to the destination plan of studies sum of allocated ECTS is greater than the sum of the original curricular units ECTS. error.cannot.delete.transitionPlan=You can not delete the transition plan errors.fileRequired = Must specify a file to send. cycleCurriculumGroup=Cycle label.navheader.gradeBook=Grade book link.gradebook.manage=Manage grade book grades label.currentVolumeNumber=Current volume link.gradeBook.manage=Grade book management book's link.gradeBook.volume.title=Grade book volumes link.gradeBook.sheet.title=Sheet of the grade book volumes link.gradeBook.annulledsheet.title=Deleted sheet's of the grade book volumes link.gradeBook.back=Back label.gradeBook.volumes.list=Volumes list label.gradeBook.volume.sheets.list=List of grade book sheet's label.gradeBook.volume.annulledsheets.list=Canceled sheets, lists of terms label.gradeBook.sheet.evaluations.list=List of evaluations label.gradeBook.toProcess=To process? label.gradeBook.annulledsheet.lines.list=List of evaluations (with indication of the canceled lines) label.annulledGradeBookSheet.deleted=Deleted label.enrolmentEvaluation.examDate=Date label.gradeValueForGradeBook=Classification label.evaluationStatusForGradeBook=Final resault label.processOrUnprocess=Proceded/unprocessed label.gradeBook.newControlNumber=New control number label.gradeBook.oldControlNumber=Old control number label.gradeBook.controlNumber=Control number pages.button.previous=<<>> label.gradeBook.code=Term code label.gradeBook.currentVolumeNumber=Current volume number label.gradeBookVolume.number=Volume number label.gradeBookSheet.number=Volume sheet warning.gradeBook.not.found=The book of grades with the code {0} was not founded. label.codeToSearch=Search by code by grade book label.gradeBook.list=Search by grade book list button.searchAll=List all label.curricular.course.code=Code label.dcpTransitionPlanRule.given.credits=ECTS atribuídos #added by nmsa - ISCTE curricularCourse.oneFullName = Full name of the curricular unit curricularCourseEctsCredits = ECTS document.request.director.title=Director of Academic Services error.cannot.delete.registration.hasEnrollments=Registration with enrollments. error.beforeDate.invalidFormat = Invalid date format. error.substitution.wrong.arguments = The inserted curricular units are not right with the rules error.Enrolment.cannot.delete.has.extra.exam.requests=Não é possível apagar a inscrição, pois existem pedidos de exame associados. error.Enrolment.cannot.delete.has.enrolment.wrappers=Não é possível apagar a inscrição, pois existem creditações associadas. error.Enrolment.cannot.delete.has.finalGrade=Não é possível apagar a inscrição, já tem a nota final.ão é possível apagar a inscrição. title.evaluationState = Evaluation submition state = Degree = Degree Curricular Plan table.header.gradeBook.mine = Mine table.header.gradeBook.otherTeachers = Mate table.header.gradeBook = Grade book to sign success.move.enrolments = Enrolments sucssefully mooved. button.moveExternalEnrolments = Moove enrolments label.student.enrollment.choose = Choose target label.physicalAddress.confirm.delete = DeleteAddress?