#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Web Container Configuration #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # app.path: relative path the application will be accesible under # manager.username: username of web container manager for installing the app # manager.password: the password of the web container manager # manager.url: absolute path to the web container managment interface # install.extension=-fenix app.name=dspace${install.extension} app.path=/${app.name} postgres.version=8.1 dspace.handle=10071 dspace.dir=/home/fenix_teste/dspace_repositories/${app.name} dspace.hostname=dspace-fenix.iscte.pt dspace.name=DSpace-Fénix at ISCTE dspace.url=https://dspace-fenix.iscte.pt db.username=${app.name} db.password=${app.name} db.host=localhost cas.enabled=true cas.baseurl=https://cas.iscte.pt fenix.groupName=fenix-cert fenix.serverUrl=https://fenix-cert.iscte.pt manager.username=admin manager.password=admin manager.url=http://localhost:8080/manager #Comma separated list of hosts authorized to use remote manager in HTTP mode dspace.remoteManager.authorizedHosts=, #Added by Jpereira to enable the use of the RMI Server #Should we start the Fenix RMI Server? 0 to disable, 1 to enable dspace.start.rmi.server=0 #And should we start an RMI Registry also? 0 to disable, 1 to enable dspace.start.rmi.registry=0 #Port for the RMI Registry dspace.rmi.registry.port=1091 #Port for the DSpaceServer - 0 means the first available dspace.rmi.port=0 #What is the name to bind the rmi server with the name service dspace.rmi.server.name=DSpaceRMIRemoteManager #Should we start over ssl? 0 to disable, 1 to enable dspace.rmi.over.ssl=1 #In case we start with ssl, path to keystore to use dspace.rmi.ssl.keystore=DSpaceServer.keystore #In case we start with ssl, password to the keystore to use dspace.rmi.ssl.keystore.password=changeit #In case we start with ssl, path to truststore to use dspace.rmi.ssl.truststore=DSpaceClient.truststore #In case we start with ssl, password to the truststore to use dspace.rmi.ssl.truststore.password=changeit #The jndi properties file to configure access to the ns so as to bind the server dspace.jndi.properties.file=dspace.rmi.location.properties #The maximum idle timeout for a remote rmi stream before being forced close - milliseconds dspace.rmi.remote.streams.idle.timeout=10000 #The interval between successive checks of rmi idle streams - milliseconds dspace.rmi.remote.streams.idle.check.interval=5000 #The start buffer size for streaming dspace.rmi.stream.bytes.min=2048 #The maximum buffer size for streaming dspace.rmi.stream.bytes.max=32768 #The buffer adaptation size for streaming dspace.rmi.stream.bytes.block=512