error.impossibleExecutionDegreeList = This degree hasn't been carried out in ISCTE. error.impossibleDegreeInfo = It was impossible to find detailed information about the degree. error.public.DegreeInfoNotPresent = There is no detailed information about the degree. error.impossibleCurricularPlan = There is no information about the degree's curricular plans. error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegrees = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in ISCTE. error.curricularPlanInDraftStage = The curricular plan is still in draft stage. error.curricularPlanNotApproved = The curricular plan hasn't been approved yet. error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInNotClosedYears = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in ISCTE in an opened execution year. error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInGivenPeriod = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in ISCTE in the given period. label.person.given.names=Given Names: Names: label.person.used.given.names=Used Given Names: Family Names: Name