<band height="269" isSplitAllowed="true" > <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement x="320" y="25" width="251" height="116" key="textField-3"/> <box></box> <textElement textAlignment="Left"> <font size="9"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["\n\nLetter No. " + $P{notificationNumber} + "\n\nDate: "+ $P{date} + "\n\nApplication No. " + $P{processNumber}+ "\n\n" + $P{name} + "\n" + $P{address} + "\n" + $P{areaCode} + " " + $P{areaOfAreaCode}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> Subject: \n\n" + "Dear " + $P{name} + ",\n\n" + "Concerning the above matter and in accordance with the IST PhD Programmes General Regulations, we hereby inform you that your application to " + $P{programName} + " PhD Program, " + $P{guidingsInformation} + " has been accepted by IST's Scientific Board on " + $P{ratificationDate} + ", as informed by the Department's PhD Scientific Coordinator. " +"\n\nPlease be advised that you must address our desk here at Post-Graduation Unit in order to proceed to the payment of the due Application fee (" + $P{registrationFee} + " eur) and annual insurance (" + $P{insuranceFee} + " eur) plus tuition fees." +"\n\nAs to the academic path that you will pursue at IST, , as well as to alert you to the obligation of every PhD student to present a Thesis Proposal Seminar within the Department. This should be done is the first 24 months of your PhD." +"\n\nFinally, we point out that you must submit the first draft of your thesis in our services, within the minimum stated period of 2 years and maximum of 5 years from the date of your registration, as established in artº 10 of the IST PhD Programmes General Regulations."]]>