Convention: I am using the following parameters for the following objects. RequestUtils methods also use the following parameters: eYName -> executionYear name ePName -> executionPeriod year evaluationElements -> evaluation evaluationElements siteMail -> site mail altSite -> site alternativeSite initStat -> site initialStatement intro -> site introduction exeCode -> executionCourse code exeCourse.theo -> executionCourse theoretical hours exeCourse.prat -> executionCourse pratical hours exeCourse.theoPrat -> executionCourse theoretical-pratical hours exeCourse.lab -> executionCourse lab hours exeName -> executionCourse nome program -> curriculum program genObjectives -> curriculum generalObjectives opObjectives -> curriculum operationalObjectives lessonList -> list of lesson to the gerarHorario Tag sections -> list of site sections to the sections tag infoSection -> infoSection publico.infoCurricularCourses -> list of curricular Courses resTeacherList -> responsible Teachers List lecTeacherList -> lecturing Teachers List lastAnnouncement -> last Announcement announcementList -> annoucements list exeCourseList -> executionCourseList itemList-> item list shift -> infoShift exeDegree -> executionDegree curricularYearList-> curricular Year List curYear -> curricularYear degreeList -> degree list class -> classView aka infoClass infoExamsMap -> list of infoExams semesterList-> semester List degreeCurPlan -> degree curricular Plan