Fénix Manual - Requierments

1. Requierments
1.1 Java Virtual Machine

The Fénix application requires Java Virtual Machine 1.4 or higher to run. To compile the application, J2SE 1.4 or higher is required. This software may be obtained at http://java.sun.com/.

1.2 Apache Ant

While Ant is not required to either run or compile the Fénix application, it is highly recommended. The Fénix application is shipped with various Ant scripts which contain various tasks (to compile, install, etc.). We recommend Ant 1.5 or higher. If you are an official Fénix developer, Ant 1.6beta2 or higher is recommended.

1.3 Servlet Container

To run the Fénix application, a servlet container must be used. The container must support Servlet specification 2.3 and JSP specification 1.2. We recommend Apache Tomcat 4.1.24 or higher. Note: The Fénix application will NOT run on Apache Tomcat 5 or higher!

1.4 Application Server

The Fénix application requires J2EE libraries to run as a standalone application. The Fénix application requires a J2EE application server to run in client/server mode. We recommend JBoss 3.0 or higher.