CareerWorkshopThemes.CAREER_MANAGEMENT = Career Management CareerWorkshopThemes.LABOUR_MARKET_STRATEGIES = Labour Market Insertion Strategies CareerWorkshopThemes.RECRUITMENT_TECHNIQUES = Interviews and Other Selection Techniques CareerWorkshopThemes.RESUME = Resume Elaboration Label.groupings = Groupings address = Address = Academic Services = Here you can request certificates and check the status of the requests. Declaration requests and Diploma requests should be made at the academic office desk. = The student chooses a Utilization Certificate and has completed the degree. aprovementType.professionalPurpose.fithGrade = The student chooses a Certificate of Utilization aimed at professional purposes but is a student of 5th year with the completed course. aprovementType.professionalPurpose.thirdGrade = The student chooses an Utilization Certificate aimed at professional purposes but he has not yet completed the 3rd year. areaCode = Postal Code areaOfAreaCode = Area of the Area Code arithmeticMean = Arithmetic Mean average = Average average.view = Average? button.accept = Accept button.addCourse = Add Course button.anull = Cancel button.back = Back button.cancel = Cancel button.change = Change button.change.enrolment = Change button.choose = Choose button.clean = Clear button.confirm = Confirm button.continue = Continue » button.continue.enrolment = Continue » button.decline = Decline button.enroll = Enroll button.exit = Exit button.exit.enrollment = Exit the enrollment process button.exit.shift.enrollment = Cancel button.finalize.enrolment = Confirm button.finish = Finish button.remove = Remove button.removeCourse = Remove Course button.reset = Reset button.student.end = End button.student.modify = Change button.submit = Submit button.submitTest = Submit Test button.thesis.declaration.accept = I Accept button.thesis.declaration.reject = Reject confirm.cancel = Do you want to cancel this order? consult = View = The subject is mandatory. degreeFinalizationType.withoutDegreeCertificate = The student chooses a Degree Finalization Certificate but has not yet made Diploma Request. detailed = Detailed detailed.view = Detailed? document.purpose = Purpose document.request = Document Request document.request.warnings.title = Requests that do not meet the following conditions will be invalidated manually at the academic office: = Document Type documents.requirement = Certificate Request documents.requirement.consult = View Requests = Check the status of your requests to the academic office = Here you can request a set of documents from the Academic Office email = E-mail = Enroll in classes enroll = Subscribe error.Enrolment.has.CourseLoadRequests = The enrollment to be deleted is associated with Course Load Requests. error.Enrolment.has.ExtraExamRequests = The enrollment to be deleted is associated with extra exam requests. error.Enrolment.has.ProgramCertificateRequests = The enrollment to be deleted is associated with Program Certificate Requests. = That enrollment that you wish to delete is the source of one or more equivalencies. error.GroupPropertiesShiftTypeChanged = Unable to perform the edition, because someone has changed the association of the shift to the group. Please try again. error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.debts.for.previous.execution.years = You cannot enroll because there are debts of previous years that are not settled error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.residence.debts = You cannot enroll because there are debts of residence that are pending error.StudentGroupShiftIsChanged = The association to the shift of this group of students has been changed by someone else. Please try again. error.UnEnrollStudentGroupShift = Impossible to dissociate the shift, because someone changed the association of the shift to the group. Please try again. error.alreadyEnrolledError = It is not possible to enroll because you are already enrolled in this exam. error.areas.choose = You must choose the specialization and secondary areas to proceed with the enrollment. error.areas.notAuthorized = You cannot change the area of specialization/branch without the consent of the degree coordinator. error.attend.curricularCourse.impossibleToEnroll = You cannot enroll in courses that were not chosen on the LEEC courses enrollment. error.attends.cant.change.attends = Unable to book this class because you are already enrolled. error.cannot.reserve.first.year.shift = The booking of classes of the 1st year is available only after the 26th September. = Please enter at least one document type. error.enrollStudentGroupShift = Unable to make the association, because someone changed the association of the shift to the group. Please try again. error.enrollment.notAuthorized = You are not authorized to perform the enrollment process. error.enrollment.notStudentTutor = The student is not of your tutoring. error.enrollment.personalInquiry.mandatory = The response to this survey is mandatory. error.enrollment.student.withTutor = The student already has a tutor to perform the enrollment:
Tutor with No. {0} - {1}. error.enrolmentPeriodNotDefined = Enrollment Period not defined error.exception.notAuthorized = You are not authorized to access this information. error.exception.notAuthorized.student.warningTuition = You are not authorized to view this information.
Make sure that:
error.existingGroup = Please try again to create the group. error.fill.notes = Please indicate the other purposes that the document is intended for. error.message.CandidacyInOtherExecutionDegreesNotAllowed = The application to proposals from other degrees is not allowed. error.message.CandidacyPeriodNotDefinedException = Application period is not defined for this degree. error.message.CurrentClassesEnrolmentPeriodUndefinedForDegreeCurricularPlan = The deadline for the booking of classes is not set for your degree. error.message.EnrolmentInDissertationIsRequired = Candidacies are only open for students enroled in dissertation courses. error.message.GroupProposalAttributedByTeacherException = You cannot remove an application from a proposal that has already been assigned. You should contact the teacher to remove the assignment. error.message.GroupProposalAttributedException = You cannot remove an application from a proposal that has already been assigned to you. You should contact the coordinator to remove the assignment. error.message.GroupProposalCandidaciesExistException = There are still existing candidacies. Please remove first the candidacies. error.message.GroupStudentCandidaciesExistException = There are still other students in the group. Please remove first your colleagues from the group. error.message.InsufficientCompletedCoursesException = For the selected course, you must have passed in more {0} discipline(s) from among the following: {1}. error.message.InsufficientCompletedCreditsInFirstCycleException = For the selected degree, you must have obtained {1} credits in the first cycle, but you still only got {0}. error.message.InsufficientCompletedCreditsInSecondCycleException = For the selected degree, you must have obtained {1} credits in the second cycle, but you've still only got {0}. error.message.MaximumNumberOfProposalCandidaciesPerGroupReachedException = Each student can only apply to a maximum of {0} dissertations. error.message.MaximumNumberOfProposalCandidaciesPerGroupUndefinedException = The maximum number of dissertations that each group can apply is not defined. error.message.MaximumNumberOfStudentsReachedException = The maximum number of students of each group is {0}. error.message.MaximumNumberOfStudentsUndefinedException = The maximum number of students is not defined. error.message.MinimumNumberOfStudentsNotReachedException = The minimum number of students in each group is {0}. error.message.MinimumNumberOfStudentsUndefinedException = The minimum number of students is not defined. error.message.NoAttributionToConfirmException = It is not possible to confirm an assignment that has not yet been made. error.message.NoConfirmationInProcessException = For the course of the dissertations to which you are applying, the allocation process does not involve the confirmation of the student. error.message.NoDegreeStudentCurricularPlanFoundException = You are not an undergraduate student. error.message.NotCompletedCurricularYearException = For the selected degree, you must have completed the {0} academic year. To that end, you must still obtain approval for the following courses: {1}. error.message.NumberOfNecessaryCompletedCoursesNotSpecifiedException = The minimum number of concluded courses has not yet been completed specified by the coordinator. error.message.NumberOfNecessaryCompletedCreditsInFirstCycleNotSpecifiedException = The minimum number of completed credits was not specified by the coordinator. error.message.NumberOfNecessaryCompletedCreditsInSecondCycleNotSpecifiedException = The student is not yet enrolled in the 2nd cycle or else the minimum number of completed credits was not specified by the coordinator. error.message.OutOfCandidacyPeriodException = For the selected degree, the application period runs from: {0} error.message.OutsideOfCurrentClassesEnrolmentPeriodForDegreeCurricularPlan = Out of the booking class period. error.message.ProposalPeriodNotDefined = Proposal period is not defined for this degree. error.message.StudentCannotBeACandidateForSelectedDegree = You cannot apply for the selected course. error.message.debts.from.past.years.not.payed = Your situation of tuition and/or office fee and insurance is not settled. Please go to the academic office. error.message.flunked = The student's registration is flunked. Please go to the academic office. = There are no classes that you can book. = Your state does not allow you to enroll. Please go to the academic office. error.message.oldLeicStudent = The student will have to go to the academic office to process the registration. You can make your reservation of classes by choosing the courses that you wish to attend. Thank you. = The student is in the process of changing course. Please go to the academic office. error.message.secretaryEnrolmentStudent = You will have to go to the academic office to process your registration. You can make your booking of classes by choosing the courses that you wish to attend. Thank you. error.message.tuitionNotPayed = Your tuition, office tax, or insurance fees are not in order. Please go to the academic office desk. = You have had no curricular enrollment during the last two semesters. Please go to the academic office. = You must select at least one course in order to proceed with the enrollment. = Enrollment in courses (performed by the student) are only for undergraduate students. If you are a graduate student, you should go to the graduate academic office. error.noAttendsForStudent = The student does not attend any discipline. error.noGroup = That group no longer exists in the database. error.noProject = That grouping no longer exists in the database. error.noStudent = The student that you are trying to modify does not exist. error.notAuthorized.ShiftEnrollment = Unable to make the booking of classes. error.notAuthorizedUnEnrollment = You cannot unsubscribe from that exam.
Either the enrollment period has ended or you have already been assigned a room. = You can only choose one purpose for the document. error.projectSubmissions.viewProjectSubmissions.submitProject.unableToStoreFile = Could not save the file error.seminaries.candidaciesLimitReached = You cannot make more than {0} application(s) in this series of seminars. If you want to make a new application, you must cancel one that is pending. error.senior.studentNotASenior = You do not have the Finalist student statute. For more information, please contact the Alumni - IST error.senior.terminationDateBeforeToday = Please specify a termination date of the degree that is after the current date. = You must enter a justification error.shift.enrollment.capacityExceded = The shift {0} has exceeded its capacity. In the absence of any other available shift, you should contact the GOP service at Alameda or the Personal and Academic Area at Taguspark depending of which campus is this particular course. error.shift.enrollment.capacityLocked = The shift {0} is not open for enrollment. In case its the first semester and the shift is for the first academic year, the enrollment period may not yet have started. There are still some laboratories whose teachers have chosen not to use the electronic enrollment in shifts. error.shift.enrollment.nonExistingShift = An error has occured during the processing of the enrollment in the shifts that you have chosen. error.shift.enrollment.nonExistingStudent = That student does not exist. = There are outstanding debts. To rectify the situation, please go to the Academic Office. error.special.season.not.granted = You do not have the statute that allows access to the special season on the desired period. error.student.curricularPlan.nonExistent = The corresponding student does not have a curricular plan. error.student.degreeCurricularPlan.LEEC = The student does not belong to the curriculum LEEC. error.student.enrollment.AreasNotEqual = The specialization and secondary areas have to be different. error.student.enrollment.incompatibleAreas = The chosen areas are incompatible, given the student's approved courses. error.student.enrolmentPeriod = The enrollment period does not correspond to the current execution period. error.student.thesis.declaration.visibility.required = You must choose whether the files associated with the dissertation are available only for internal use (Intranet) or are public and of open access (internet). error.studentNotEnroled = You are not enrolled in the exam. error.test.cantDoTest = The worksheet is not ongoing at this time. error.test.cantShowTestCorrection = Worksheet is still ongoing. error.test.invalidTest = Nonexistent test. error.transaction.enrollment = The enrollment process does not support the use of buttons "Back" (Back) and "Refresh" (Reload) of your browser. Similarly, the selection of courses should be done independently. For this reason you will have to restart the enrollment process. error.transaction.enrolment = To maintain coherence, you cannot use the "Back" or the "Refresh" buttons of your browser. Please restart the application process. errors.editStudentGroupShift.allShiftsFull = You cannot change the shift of your group because all the other groups are full. errors.editStudentGroupShift.notEnroled = You cannot change the shift because you are not enrolled in the group. errors.editStudentGroupShift.shiftFull = You cannot change your group's shift, because the shift that you selected is full. errors.enrollStudentGroupShift.allShiftsFull = You may not assign any shift to your group because they are all full. errors.enrollStudentGroupShift.notEnroled = You may not assign a shift to the group because you are not subscribed to the group. errors.enrollStudentGroupShift.shiftFull = You cannot assign the shift to your group, since the shift you selected is full. errors.existing.elementsEnrolment = One of the elements that you are trying to enroll is already enrolled in another group. errors.existing.groupStudentEnrolment = You are already enlisted in a group. errors.footer = errors.fullShift = You cannot create a group, because all the shifts are already full. errors.header =