button.add = Add button.associate = Associate button.back = Back button.cancel = Cancel button.change = Change button.continue = Continue button.create = Create button.createEventEdition = Create new edition button.delete = Delete button.edit = Edit button.finish = Finish button.ignoreBibtexPublication = Ignore Publication button.insert = Insert button.next = Next button.previous = Previous button.remove = Remove button.save = Save button.search = Search button.submit = Submit error.Scheduleing.maximumNumberOfProposalsPerPerson = Maximum number of proposals per person reached error.evaluee.has.no.process = {0} does not have an evaluation process for this period. error.eventAlreadyExists = Error creating a new event: existing event. error.eventEditionAlreadyExists = Error creating a new edition of the event selected: existing edition. error.importBibtex.expandingReferences = Error expanding references in BibTeX entries: {0} error.importBibtex.expandingReferencesForEntry = Problem found in the entry "{0} {1} publication. error.importBibtex.invalidParticipationType = Invalid type of participation error.importBibtex.needOrganization = All the new persons need their organizations. error.importBibtex.needOtherPerson = All the persons without corresponding person in the found list must have a name indicated. error.importBibtex.noEntries = No valid entries in the BibTeX file. error.importBibtex.notPossibleToReadFile = Not possible to read file. error.importBibtex.parsingBibtex = Incorrect format on BibTeX entries: {0} error.importBibtex.personImportingNotInParticipants = The user importing need to have participation in the publication. # ERROR EDIT FIND RESEARCHER OPTIONS error.keywords.maxlength.exceeded = As palavras-chave não deverão exceder os 512 caracteres. error.label.invalidNameForInternalUnit = You have to select an internal unit error.label.invalidNameForPersonInSelection = You have to select a person from the sugestion error.professionalcareer.endYearBeforeStart = End year before start. # RESEARCH ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION error.reasearcher.ResearchActivityParticipation.participation.exists = Existing participation. error.researcher.Article.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.Article.journal.null = Mandatory field: Journal. ### ARTICLE error.researcher.Article.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.Article.year.null = Mandatory field: Year. error.researcher.Book.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.Book.description.null = Summary error.researcher.Book.keywords.null = Required Field: Keywords error.researcher.Book.publisher.null = Mandatory field: Publisher. ### BOOK error.researcher.Book.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.Book.year.null = Mandatory field: Year. error.researcher.BookPart.bookPartType.null = Mandatory field: Type. error.researcher.BookPart.bookTitle.null = Mandatory field: Book Title. error.researcher.BookPart.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.BookPart.needChapterOrPages = Mandatory field: Chapter and/or inital and final page. error.researcher.BookPart.pagesNeeded.null = You must specify the pages error.researcher.BookPart.publisher.null = Mandatory field: Publisher. ### BOOKPART error.researcher.BookPart.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.BookPart.wrongType = Error: wrong value for Book Part Type. error.researcher.BookPart.year.null = Mandatory field: Year. ### CONFERENCE ARTICLES error.researcher.ConferenceArticles.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.Inproceedings.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.Inproceedings.event.null = Mandatory field: Event. error.researcher.Inproceedings.eventEdition.null = Required Field: Event. #### CA - INPROCEEDINGS error.researcher.Inproceedings.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.Inproceedings.year.null = Mandatory field: Year. error.researcher.Manual.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} ### MANUAL error.researcher.Manual.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.OtherPublication.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} ### OTHERPUBLICATION error.researcher.OtherPublication.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.Proceedings.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.Proceedings.event.null = Mandatory field: Event. error.researcher.Proceedings.eventEdition.null = Required Field: Event. #### CA - PROCEEDINGS error.researcher.Proceedings.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.Proceedings.year.null = Mandatory field: Year. error.researcher.ResearchActivityParticipation.cooperation.exists = Existing cooperation error.researcher.ResearchActivityParticipation.inexistentInternalPerson = It's impossible to create new internal persons. error.researcher.ResearchActivityParticipation.invalidParticipationsCount = It's impossible to remove all roles: to rmeove your participation in this activity, you must choose "Delete activity" in the previous page. error.researcher.ResearchActivityParticipation.participation.exists = Existing shareholding. error.researcher.ResearchActivityParticipation.unitMustBeExternal = It's impossible to create new internal units. error.researcher.ResearchResultPatent.approval.before.registration = Approval date must be after the registration. error.researcher.ResearchResultPatent.approvalDate.null = Required Field: Date Approval. error.researcher.ResearchResultPatent.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.ResearchResultPatent.registrationDate.null = Required Field: Date Registry. error.researcher.ResearchResultPatent.title.null = Required field: title. error.researcher.Result.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.Result.cannotRemoveCreatorParticipation = Cannot remove creator from participations ###### DOMAIN EXCEPTION MESSAGES (by class) ######### # RESULT error.researcher.Result.null = Error: result not found. error.researcher.Result.onlyCreatorCanDelete = Only creator can delete error.researcher.Result.onlyParticipantsCanDelete = Only participants may delete the publication error.researcher.ResultDocumentFile.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.ResultDocumentFile.displayName.null = Mandatory field: Display name. error.researcher.ResultDocumentFile.filename.null = Mandatory field: File name. # RESULT DOCUMENT FILE error.researcher.ResultDocumentFile.null = Error: result document file not found. error.researcher.ResultDocumentFile.permittedGroupType.null = Mandatory field: Permitted Group Type error.researcher.ResultDocumentFile.result.null = Error: result not found. error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.association.exists = Existing association: Event({0}) - Role({1}). error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.event.null = Mandatory field: Event. # RESULT EVENT ASSOCIATION error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.null = Error: event association not found. error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.result.null = Error: result not found. error.researcher.ResultEventAssociation.role.null = Mandatory field: Role. error.researcher.ResultParticipation.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.ResultParticipation.last.one = Cannot delete last participation. Delete Result instead. # RESULT PARTICIPATION error.researcher.ResultParticipation.null = Error: participation not found. error.researcher.ResultParticipation.orderChange.null = Error: unable to change author order. error.researcher.ResultParticipation.participation.exists = Existing participation: Person({0}) - Role({1}). error.researcher.ResultParticipation.person.null = Mandatory field: Person. error.researcher.ResultParticipation.result.invalid.participation.role = Error: participation role invalid for result. error.researcher.ResultParticipation.result.null = Error: result not found. error.researcher.ResultParticipation.role.null = Mandatory field: Role. error.researcher.ResultPatent.approval.before.registration = Approval Date must be after or equal Registration Date. error.researcher.ResultPatent.approvalDate.null = Mandatory field: Approval Date. error.researcher.ResultPatent.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.ResultPatent.registrationDate.null = Mandatory field: Registration Date. ## PATENT error.researcher.ResultPatent.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. ## RESULTPUBLICATION error.researcher.ResultPublication.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.association.exists = Existing association: Unit({0}) - Role({1}). error.researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} # RESULT UNIT ASSOCIATION error.researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.null = Error: unit association not found. error.researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.result.null = Error: result not found. error.researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.role.null = Mandatory field: Role. error.researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.unit.null = Mandatory field: Organization. error.researcher.TechnicalReport.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.TechnicalReport.institution.null = Mandatory field: Organization. ### TECHNICAL REPORT error.researcher.TechnicalReport.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.TechnicalReport.year.null = Mandatory field: Year. error.researcher.Thesis.call = Error trying to execute method: {0} error.researcher.Thesis.dateBeginBeforeDateEnd = The begin date has to be before the end date. error.researcher.Thesis.school.null = Mandatory field: University. error.researcher.Thesis.thesisType.null = Mandatory field: Thesis Type. ### THESIS error.researcher.Thesis.title.null = Mandatory field: Title. error.researcher.Thesis.year.null = Mandatory field: Year. errors.event.inexistantTranslation = The selected translation is inexistant errors.event.requiredAttributes = Event creation has required fields. errors.project.inexistantTranslation = The selected translation is inexistant errors.researchInterest.inexistantTranslation = The selected translation is inexistant errors.researchInterest.lastTranslation = This is the only translation left. It can't be deleted finalDegreeWorkProposal.ProposalPeriod.interval.undefined = The period for submission of proposals has not yet been defined (a) coordinator (a): finalDegreeWorkProposal.ProposalPeriod.validator.OutOfPeriod = Outside of the submission of proposals for the course selected. finalWorkInformationForm.unexistingTeacher = Teacher / Researcher nonexistent. journalIssue.publisher = Publisher label.1stStepInsertPublicationData = Step 1: Define Data Article label.2ndStepAssociateEvent = Step 2: Associating an Event label.2ndStepAssociateJournal = Step 2: Subscribe to a magazine label.Cooperation = Cooperation label.Event = Event label.EventEdition = Editing Event label.JournalIssue = Volume of a Magazine label.Publications.explanation = With this functionality you are able to insert publications from anyone that belongs to the research unit. label.ScientificJournal = Magazine label.accessGroup = Access Group label.accessGroup.explanation = These groups can be used for file permissions and email sending. label.acronym = Acronym label.activities = Actividades label.activities.chooseJournal.instructions = Before the participation is defined the journal you participated must be choosen. First the journal has to be choosen or created, in the case it doesn't yet exist. Then the journal issue as to be choosen. If the journal issue doesn't yet exist in the system it must be created also.
Please verify the journal already exists in the system. If doesn't a new one can be created. label.activityData = Activity data label.activityParticipants = Other participants label.activityRole = Played role label.activityRoles = Played roles label.addFile = Add File label.addUnit = Add Unit label.address = Address label.aditionalInfo = Info label.all = All label.allFiles = View Files label.allows.contact.from = Allows contacts from label.allowsContactByMedia = Allows contact by media label.allowsContactByOtherResearchers = Allows contact by other researchers label.allowsContactByStudents = Allows contact by students label.approvalDate = Approval Date label.articleData = Article Data label.articleEvent = Event Article label.articleEventEdition = Edit Event label.articleIssue = Volume Magazine label.articleJournal = Magazine Article label.articleList = List of publications reviewed in the system label.articleType = Article Type label.articles = Articles label.associatingDocumentsAndUnits = Associar Documentos e Unidades label.attention = Attention label.author = Author label.authors = Author(s) label.authorsParticipations = Author(s) label.availability = Availability label.available.contacts = Should be contacted using the following label.available.to.search.question = Are you available to be contacted label.back = Back label.backToPublications = Back to publications label.beginDate = Home ## Result Publications Bibtex Import label.bibtexPerson = Name from BibTeX entry label.bookPartType = Type label.bookTitle = Book Title label.browser.by.department = Browse by department label.can.contact = Select who can contact you label.cannot.select.person.to.create.new = You can not create an existing person. label.career = Professional Career label.career.delete.confirm = Do you wish to remove the professional activity: label.career.list = Professional Activities List label.career.purpose.help = Insert only professional activities developed outside the academic context and activities of university extension (this excludes teaching, R&D, Management Roles, Conference Organizations, ...) label.change.options = Change options label.changeUnit = Change Unit label.chapter = Chapter label.chooseEvent.firstInstructions = The inclusion of participation in an event is divided into two steps. In the first step select an event. Check if the event exists in the system and choose from the list. If the event does not exist you can create a new one. In the second step is to choose the edition in which it participated and add the data of participation. An edition of an event characterized by the name of the edition, place, date, for example:
Event: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming http://www.ecoop.org/
Edition: 21st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Berlin 2007 http://2007.ecoop.org/ label.chooseEvent.instructions = You will then have to choose the event and its edition. For example, the event "European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)" has an edition called "21st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming 2007.
Check if the event exists in the system, and choose from the list. If the event you want does not exist you can create a new one. label.chooseEventEdition.instructions = Make sure the edition of the event exists in the system. If there is select it from the list. If it does not exist you can create a new one. label.chooseEventEditionFromList = Choose Issue label.chooseEventFromList = Choose Event label.chooseExternalUnit = Choose the unit associated label.chooseIssue = Select Volume label.chooseIssue.instructions = Make sure the volume and issue number exists in the system. If so select it from the list. If it does not exist you can create a new one. label.chooseJournal.instructions = All data referring to the article will have to choose the Journal in which it was published. The choice of the magazine is divided into two steps. First you have to choose or create the magazine, if it does not currently exist. Once you get to choose the volume / number. If the volume / issue of the magazine does not exist will also have to create it.
Verify that the magazine already exists in the system, and select it from the list. If you want the magazine does not exist you can create a new one. label.chooseJournal.instructions.small = Please confirm that the journal doesn't exist in the system. If the journal really doesn't exist you can create a new one. label.chooseMagazineFromList = Choose Magazine label.chooseNewEvent = Choose Another Event label.chooseNewJournal = Choose Another Magazine label.chooseVolume.instructions = Make sure the volume / number already exists in the system. If there can create a new one. You can also choose another journal or create a new one. label.choosen.interval = Choose the interval you wish to visualize the data label.choosen.keywords = Select keywords to search label.close = Close label.communicationError = Could not perform the requested operation due to a communication error with the repository meta-data. Please try again later. label.conference = Conference label.conferenceArticleList = List of publications of the event in the system label.conferenceEndDate = Conference End Date label.conferenceLocal = Conference Local label.conferenceStartDate = Conference Start Date label.configurePersistentGroups = Groups label.configurePersistentGroups.explanation = With this functionality you can create and edit new access groups that will be used in the research unit. Also you can define who can insert publications and who can upload files. label.configurePublicationCollabaratorsGroup = Group of Publication Collaborators label.contacts = Contacts label.cooperation = Cooperation label.cooperation.colaboration = Collaboration label.cooperation.colaborationForm = Collaboration form label.cooperation.cooperationName = Cooperation name label.cooperation.cooperationType = Cooperation type label.cooperation.cooperationUnitName = Cooperation with: label.cooperation.cooperationUnitType = Organization type label.cooperations.bilateral.additionalInformation = Example: Expert (Role) - External Expert for Project Evaluation (Additional Information) label.cooperations.comission.additionalInformation = Example: Member (Role) - Responsible for the Environmental Area (Additional Information) label.cooperations.networks.additionalInformation = Example: Secretary (Role) - Treasury (Additional Information) label.country = Country label.create.career = Create Professional Activity label.create.inproceedings.instructions = The insertion of an article of the conference is divided into two steps. The first is to enter data for the article. The second is to associate the item at a conference. label.create.journalArticle.instructions = The inclusion of a journal article is divided into two steps. The first is to enter data for the article. The second is to link the article to a magazine. label.create.prize = Create Prize label.create.proceedings.instructions = Inserting a record is divided into two steps. The first is to introduce information about the minutes. The second is to link the record to an event. label.createEvent = Add New Event label.createEventEdition = Create a New Issue label.createIssue = Create Journal Issue label.createJournalAndIssue = Create New Journal label.createMagazine = Create Magazine label.createNewIssue = Create New Volume label.createNewPersistedGroup = Create group label.createPerson = Create External Person label.createUnit = Create Unit label.data = Data label.date.from = From label.date.from.without.to = Start at label.date.to = until label.displayName = Visualization name label.doNotCreateJournalIsSelected = Chose an existing magazine, you can not create a new one with that name. label.documents = Documents label.editAccessGroup = Edit Access Group label.editEvent = Edit Event label.editFile = Edit File label.editJournal = Change Magazine Article label.editPrize = Edit Prize label.edition = Edition label.editor = Editor label.editors = Editor(s) label.editorsParticipations = Editor(s) label.email = Email label.employee = Employee label.end = End label.endDate = End label.endPage = Back page label.error.cannotEditDueToOthersAssociation = You can not change the data of cooperation because there are other associated users. label.event = Event label.event.additionalInformation = Example: Organizing Member (Role) - Workshop Chair (Additional Information) label.event.endDate = End date label.event.eventLocation = Location label.event.eventType = Event type label.event.locationType = Scope label.event.name = Event name label.event.role = Your role in the event label.event.startDate = Start date label.eventData = Event Information label.eventEdition = Edition label.eventName = Event name label.eventNameMLS = Name label.eventType = Event Type label.eventUrl = URL (Editing Event) label.external = External ###### END OF DOMAIN EXCEPTION MESSAGES ######### ####################################################### ####### END OF RESOURCES FOR RESULTS MANAGEMENT ####### ####################################################### label.externalPerson = External Person label.fileAvailableFor = Available for label.fileDescription = File Description label.fileResultPermittedGroupType = Permission label.filename = File name label.files = Files(s) label.filter = Filter label.find.an.expert.intro = Here you can configure if you are or aren't available to the expert search, and if you are who may contact you and which information is available. If you accept to be reachable, you'll show up in the find an expert search engine. label.firstPage = First Page label.group = Group label.groupName = Group name label.hit.count = {0} results found. label.hitCount = Results found label.howPublished = How Published label.index = Index label.informationForCreateEvent = The selected event does not exist in the system. Make sure that the name of the event is correct. If you want to create a new event, choose Create New Event. label.informationForCreateMagazine = The magazine selected does not yet exist in the system. Make sure that the name of the magazine is correct, confirm that the magazine already exists. If you want to create a new magazine press the Create New Journal. label.informationForCreateUnit = The chosen unit is not available in the system. Make sure the unit name is correct. If you wish to create an external unit choose create unit. label.informationForCreateUser = The external person do not exists in the system. Make sure the chosen name is correct. If the person does not exist, you can always create it. label.inputStream = File name label.insertArticle = Insert Article label.insertAuthor = Add Author label.insertEditor = Insert Editor label.insertJournalArticle = Insert Article label.institutionUnit = Institution label.instructions = Instructions ###### InterestsManagement label.interest = Research Interest label.interests.alterOrder.note = Note: To change the order of items click, drag, and then Save. label.internal = Internal label.internationalArticles = International Journal Articles label.internationalScope = International label.isbn = ISBN label.issn = ISSN label.issn.explanation = The ISSN should have the format xxxx-xxxx label.journal = Journal/Magazine label.journal.name = Journal Name label.journalAndIssue = Journal and Volume / Number label.journalData = Data Review label.journalIssue = Magazine label.journalIssues = Journal Issues label.journalIssues.additionalInformation = Example: Reviewer (Role) - Databases (Additional Information) label.journalNeedsNameAndLocation = You must specify the name and scope of the journal label.keyword.explanation = The keywords should be separed by commas label.keywords = Keywords label.keywords.english = Keywords (English) label.keywords.help = The keywords must be separated by comma and they might be composed by two or more words. label.keywords.portuguese = Keywords (Portuguese) label.language = Language label.lastModificationDate = Last modification label.lastPage = Last Page label.local = Local label.localScope = Local label.magazine.additionalInformation = Example: Editorial Board (Role) - Evolutionary Biology (Additional Information) label.magazineUrl = URL of the journal label.manageAccessGroups = Access Groups Management label.manageFiles = Files label.manageFiles.explanation = With this functionality you can view all the files available for you within the research unit and if you have permission also share with others your own files label.members = Members label.modifications.done = Modifications done label.modifiedBy = Modified by label.month = Month label.monthBegin = Month Begin label.monthEnd = Month End label.myFiles = Edit My Files label.name = Name label.nationalArticles = National Journal Articles label.nationalScope = National label.net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.EmailAddress = Email label.net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.MobilePhone = Mobile Phone label.net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.Phone = Phone label.newEvent.eventEdition.fieldHelp = Example: 21st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming label.newEvent.eventEditionOrganization = Example: Technische Universität Berlin label.newEvent.eventEditionPlace = Example: Berlin, Germany label.newEvent.eventEditionURL = Example: http://2007.ecoop.org/ label.newEvent.eventName.fieldHelp = Example: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP label.newEvent.eventURL.fieldHelp = Example: http://www.ecoop.org/ label.newEvent.instructions = In field event dedicated to specify the name of the event regardless of its many editions. label.newEventEdition.instructions = Edit the field to specify the name of the edition accompanied by the name of the event. label.newPersistentGroup = Create Access Group label.no.availableContacts = No available contacts label.no.career.in.person = There are no registered professional activities label.no.prizes.associated = There are no prizes associated with the publication label.no.prizes.in.person = You have no prizes label.no.results.found = No results were found label.no.units.for.prize = There are no associated units for prize label.noAccessGroups = There are no access groups defined label.noArticlesAssociated = There are no related articles label.noDescription = No abstract label.noFilesAvailable = No files available label.noKeywords = No keywords label.noMagazineSelect = Não foi seleccionada uma revista. Caso a revista não se encontre na selecção poderá sempre criar uma nova revista label.noPublicationCollaborators = There isn't anyone responsable for publication insertion label.noPublicationsForUnit = No publications associated to {0} label.noUploadersDefined = Noone can upload files. label.not.permitted.to.edit.prize = Cannot edit the prize label.note = Abstract label.number = Number label.numberPages = Number of Pages label.options = Options label.organization = Organization label.organization.name = Organization label.organizationNameObject = Organization label.otherPerson = Other Person label.otherPublicationType = Publication Type label.otherUnits = Other units label.participant = Participant: label.participantName = Name label.participantType = Type label.participants = Holdings label.participation.party.name = Name label.participation.remove = Remove participation? label.participation.removeWarning = If you remove your participation, only the remaining participators can view/edit the result in the future. label.participator = Name label.participator.name = Name label.participatorName = Name label.party.name = Name label.passwordLength.explanation = The minimum password length is 8 characters label.patent = Patent label.patentData = Patent Data label.patentList = Patent List label.patentNumber = Patent Number label.patentStatus = State label.patentType = Type label.permission = Permission label.permissions.explaination = Permissions explained label.person = Person label.person.name = Name label.personChosen = Corresponding Person label.personDescription = Corresponding Person label.personName = Name label.personalCard.notDefined = Not defined. label.prize.people = Associated People label.prize.result = Associated Publication or Patent label.prize.resultPatent = Patent related label.prize.resultPublication = Published associated label.prize.unit = Associated Units label.prizeAuthors = Associate Person label.prizeData = Data label.prizeResults = Associate Research Result label.prizeUnits = Associate Unit label.prizes = Prizes label.prizes.list = Prize List label.project.acronym = Acronym label.project.endDate = End date ###Rendereres Titles label.project.number = Project Number label.project.projectAbstract = Abstract label.project.projectType = Project type label.project.startDate = Start date label.project.title = Title label.projectAbstract = Summary label.projectType = Type label.publication = Publication label.publication.created.note = You may associate units to the publication or proceed to the publication page. label.publication.created.with.success = Publication created with success label.publicationCollaborators = Publication Collaborator Group label.publicationCollaboratorsGroupManagement = Manage group label.publicationData = Publication data label.publicationEvent = Event Publication label.publicationManagers = Publication Managers label.publicationManagers.explanation = People who belong to this group are able to insert publications of authors from the research unit. label.publicationType = Publication Type label.publicationUrl = URL (Publication) label.publisher = Publisher label.publisher.name = Publisher label.registrationDate = Registration Date label.requiredFieldsNotPresent = There are no fields present label.research = Curriculum label.research.contact.media = media label.research.contact.otherResearchers = other researchers label.research.contact.students = students label.researchPortal = Curriculum Vitae Portal label.researchUnitElement = Research Unit Element label.researchUnits = Research Units label.researcher.thesis.notEvaluated = Not Evaluated label.result.prize = Premiums associated label.resultParticipations = Author(s) label.role = Role label.roleMessage = Additional information
on paper label.roleMessage.explanation = Insert additional information about your role. label.roles = Papéis label.school = School label.scientificJournal = Journal label.scientificJournal.locationType = Scope label.scientificJournal.name = Name label.scope = Scope label.search = Search label.search.advanced = Advanced Search label.search.by.keyword = Search by keyword label.search.by.name = Search by name label.search.description = In this interface you can search for publications and patents which are present in the Fenix system. There are various search criterias, such as : authors, units, titles among others. label.search.noResultsFound = No publications found label.search.publications.department = Publications Department label.search.publications.ist = Publications IST label.search.publications.person = Publications of the Person label.search.publications.researchUnit = Publications of the Research Unit label.search.publications.scientificArea = Scientific Publications Area label.search.simple = Simple Search label.searchByDate = Search by date label.searchByKeyword = Search by keyword label.searchField = Search label.searchIn = Search in label.selectAuthorToCreatePublication = Select an author to create a publication label.selectedInterval = Selected time frame label.sendEmailToGroups = Send Email label.sendEmailToGroups.explanation = With this functionality you can easily send emails to groups already defined in the research unit label.series = Series label.showAllFiles = show all files label.showAvailableFunctionalities = Available Functionalities label.showProjects = Projects label.size = Size (bytes) label.specialIssue = Special Edition label.specialIssueComment = Comment label.start = Home label.startDate = Home label.student = Student label.tagCloud = Tag Cloud label.tagCloud.available.explanation = - Available Tag: available tags for selection. When there is at least one selected tag, the ones who look liket this are not present in any of the listed files. label.tagCloud.cleanTags = Clean tags label.tagCloud.explanation = The files can be classified using a set of keywords (tags) so they can be easily found and identified. The tag cloud represents the all amount of tags present in all existent files. Selecting the tags filters are applied to the available files, being only displayed the ones who have those tags. label.tagCloud.neighbour.explanation = - Neighbour Tag: when at least one tag is selected, the tags that look like this are tags not yet selected from the listed files. label.tagCloud.selected.explanation = - Selected Tag: indicates tha the tag has been selected, hence, all the files that are presented in the list have such tag. label.tagCloud.selectedTags = Selected Tags label.teacher = Teacher label.teacher.evaluation.approvedMark = Approved Mark label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.changeEvaluationType = Change evaluation type label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.changeEvaluationType.title = Choose Evaluation Type label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.lock = Lock label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.lock.confirm = Declaro que são verdadeiras todas as informações submetidas ao presente processo de avaliação e que tomei conhecimento do Regulamento de Avaliação de Desempenho dos Docentes do Instituto Superior Técnico (RADIST) label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.setEvaluationType = Choose evaluation type label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.title = Avaliado label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.topHelpText =

Procedimentos para a disponibilização da informação necessária à avaliação:

\n label.teacher.evaluation.autoevaluation.unlock = Unlock auto-evaluation label.teacher.evaluation.coEvaluator = Coevaluator label.teacher.evaluation.date = Date label.teacher.evaluation.empty = \ label.teacher.evaluation.evaluation = Evaluation label.teacher.evaluation.evaluation.ccad.title = Process Management label.teacher.evaluation.evaluation.lock = Lock label.teacher.evaluation.evaluation.lock.confirm = Declaro que a avaliação efectuada reflecte com rigor as normas constantes do Regulamento de Avaliação de Desempenho dos Docentes do Instituto Superior Técnico (RADIST) label.teacher.evaluation.evaluation.title = Evaluator label.teacher.evaluation.evaluation.unlock = Unlock evaluation label.teacher.evaluation.evaluator = Evaluator label.teacher.evaluation.evaluee = Evaluee label.teacher.evaluation.evaluees.title = Evaluees label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.add.list.of.evaluees = Adicionar Lista de Avaliados e Avaliadores label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.add.list.of.evaluees.instruction = O ficheiro deverá ser um ficheiro de texto com quatro colunas por linha em que cada coluna é separada por uma tab. A primeira coluna deve conter o identificador do docente a ser avaliado. A segunda coluna deve conter o identificador do avaliador. A terceira coluna deverá conter o identificador do avaliador coadjovante (quando aplicavel). A quarta coluna deverá conter o nome do avaliador coadjuvante no caso de este ser externo à instituição. label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.allowNoEval = Allow no evaluation label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.approved.marks.publish = Publish label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.approved.marks.unPublish = Unpublish label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.areApprovedMarksPublished.no = The final approved classifications are not published. label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.areApprovedMarksPublished.yes = The final approved classifications are published. label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.autoEvaluationInterval = Auto-Evaluation Interval label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.autoEvaluationIntervalEnd = End of Auto-Evaluation Interval label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.autoEvaluationIntervalStart = Start of Auto-Evaluation Interval label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.create = Create New Evaluation Process label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.edit = Change label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.evaluationInterval = Evaluation Interval label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.evaluationIntervalEnd = End of Evaluation Interval label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.evaluationIntervalStart = Start of Evaluation Interval label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.exportAutoEvaluationFiles = Export auto-evaluation files label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.exportEvaluationFiles = Export evaluation files label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.load.approved.marks = Load Final Approved Classification label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.load.approved.marks.instruction = The file should be a simple text file with multiple columns per line in which each column is seperated by one tab.The first column should contain the identifier of the teacher being evaluated.The second column, which will be discarded, should contain the name of the teacher being evaluated and serves for a better manual reading of the file.The following columns should contain the teachers evaluation in each year.The first line of the file should contain a header, which for the columns of each evaluation year must indicate the year being evaluated. label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.none = No processes exist. label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.process = Process label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.suffix = Suffix label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.teacherEvaluationProcess.autoEvaluation.locked.count = Number of locked auto-evaluations label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.teacherEvaluationProcess.coevaluators = Coevaluators label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.teacherEvaluationProcess.count = Number of evaluation processes label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.teacherEvaluationProcess.evaluation.approved.count = Number of approved evaluations label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.teacherEvaluationProcess.evaluation.locked.count = Number of locked evaluations label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.teacherEvaluationProcess.evaluator = Evaluator label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.teacherEvaluationProcess.evaluee = Evaluee label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.title = Title label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.upload = Add List of Evaluators and Evaluees label.teacher.evaluation.facultyEvaluationProcess.view = View label.teacher.evaluation.file = File label.teacher.evaluation.insertApprovedEvaluationMark = Insert Approved Mark label.teacher.evaluation.insertEvaluationMark = Insert Mark label.teacher.evaluation.insertEvaluationMark.title = Insert Mark label.teacher.evaluation.management.title = Teacher Evaluation Process Management label.teacher.evaluation.mark = Mark label.teacher.evaluation.mark.approved = Final Approved Classification label.teacher.evaluation.noFilesNeeded.warning = No files are needed for this evaluation type. label.teacher.evaluation.state = State label.teacher.evaluation.title = Performance Evaluation label.teacher.evaluation.type = Evaluation type label.teacher.evaluation.upload = Upload label.teacher.evaluation.upload.title = Upload File label.technicalReportType = Report Type label.thesisType = Thesis Type ### Result Rendereres Titles label.title = Title label.top = Top label.type = Type label.types = Tipos label.unableToEditFile = Unable to edit file label.undefined = Indefinite label.unit = Unit label.unit.name = Name label.unit.suggestion = Suggested Units label.unit.suggestion.explanation = The list of suggested units represents the units that are related with the authors. If the unit you want to associate isn't in the list please use the form, other units to choose such unit. label.unitFileTags = Tags label.unitType = Type label.units = Units label.until = until label.uploadTime = Submission date label.uploader = Submited by label.uploaders = Group of people that can upload files. label.uploaders.explanation = People who belong to this group can upload files. label.uploaders.groupName = File managers label.uploadersManagement = File Managers Group label.url = URL label.url.explanation = The URL must be entered with the protocol, eg "http://www.ist.utl.pt" and not "www.ist.utl.pt" label.value = Term label.visualOrder = Order label.volume = Volume label.welcomeToIntranet = Welcome to the intranet. label.year = Year label.yearBegin = Year Begin label.yearEnd = Year End lable.result.prize = Associated Prizes link.Publications = Publications link.Search = Search link.activitiesManagement = Activities link.add = Add link.alterOrder = Change Order link.back = Back link.delete = Delete link.dissertation.download.extendedAbstract = Extended Abstract link.dissertation.download.thesis = Thesis link.download = Download link.edit = Edit link.editRoles = Edit roles link.eventsManagement = Events link.goBackToView = Go Back link.interestsManagement = Research Interests link.managed.associated.documents = Manage associated documents link.managementTitle = Management of link.moveBottom = Move Bottom link.moveDown = Move Down link.moveTop = Move Top link.moveUp = Move Up link.new.interest = Insert New Interest link.participationsTitle = Participations in link.patentsManagement = Patents link.projectsManagement = Projects link.remove = Remove link.viewCurriculum = Curriculum link.viewPublicationPage = Skip to the publication page » message.confirm.add.unit.to.all.publications = Are you sure that you want to add this unit to all structured publications? message.confirm.add.unit.to.all.publications.successful = Unit added successfully! required.searchField = At least one search Field is required required.value = At least one value to search is required research.PrizeAssociation.PrizeDescription = Description research.ResultPublication.Inproceedings = Articles in conferences research.expert.configuration = Configuration researcher.PrizeAssociation.title.label = Prizes researcher.ResearchResultPatent.create.link = Create Patent researcher.ResearchResultPatent.create.title = Create Patent researcher.ResearchResultPatent.delete.useCase.title = Want to delete this patent? researcher.ResearchResultPatent.details.useCase.title = Patent Data researcher.ResearchResultPatent.edit.useCase.title = Create Patent researcher.ResearchResultPatent.emptyList = There are no patents to his own. researcher.ResearchResultPatent.list.label = List of patents researcher.ResearchResultPatent.management.title = Patent Management researcher.Result.delete.warning = Warning: on delete, this result and is referencies will be removed from system. researcher.Result.edit.data = Edit data researcher.Result.edit.patentData = Edit Data Patent researcher.Result.edit.publicationData = Edit Data Published researcher.Result.manage.documents.link = Document Files Management researcher.Result.manage.eventAssociations.link = Event associations management researcher.Result.manage.participations.link = Participations management researcher.Result.manage.unitAssociations.link = Unit associations management ###### JSP MESSAGES ###################### # ResultsManagement researcher.Result.superUseCase.title = Result Participation researcher.ResultDocumentAssociation.add = Insert Document # Result Document Files Management researcher.ResultDocumentFiles.emptyList = (There are no documents) researcher.ResultDocumentFiles.selectFile = Choose file to upload researcher.ResultDocumentFiles.useCase.title = Manage Result Document Files researcher.ResultEventAssociation.add = Associate event # Result Event Associations Management researcher.ResultEventAssociation.emptyList = (There are no associations with events) researcher.ResultEventAssociation.title.label = Associated events researcher.ResultEventAssociation.useCase.title = Edit result event associations researcher.ResultParticipation.add = Insert new author researcher.ResultParticipation.addExternal = Create participation with a new external person # Result Participations researcher.ResultParticipation.emptyList = (There are no participations defined for this result) ################################################ ####### RESOURCES FOR RESULTS MANAGEMENT ####### ################################################ researcher.ResultParticipation.last.participation.warning = Warning: your participation has been removed. This result will no longer be displayed for you. researcher.ResultParticipation.useCase.title = Edit result authors researcher.ResultPatent.create.link = Create Patent researcher.ResultPatent.delete = Delete Patent researcher.ResultPatent.delete.useCase.title = Delete Patent? researcher.ResultPatent.details.useCase.title = Patent Details researcher.ResultPatent.edit.useCase.title = Edit Patent researcher.ResultPatent.emptyList = (There are no patents of your authorship to display) researcher.ResultPatent.list.label = Patents List ## Result Patents Management researcher.ResultPatent.management.title = Patents Management researcher.ResultPublication = Publication researcher.ResultPublication.Articles = Articles researcher.ResultPublication.BookParts = Book Chapters researcher.ResultPublication.Books = Books researcher.ResultPublication.InternationalInproceedings = Articles in International Conferences researcher.ResultPublication.Manuals = Manuals researcher.ResultPublication.NationalInproceedings = Articles in National Conferences researcher.ResultPublication.OtherPublications = Other Publications researcher.ResultPublication.Proceedings = Proceedings researcher.ResultPublication.TechnicalReports = Technical Reports researcher.ResultPublication.Theses = Thesis researcher.ResultPublication.Unstructureds = Unstructured publications researcher.ResultPublication.Unstructureds.description = These publications are inserted through the old system. It is recommended the conversion to the new system. researcher.ResultPublication.backTo.link = Back to Publications Management researcher.ResultPublication.create = Create Publication researcher.ResultPublication.createConference = Insert the information to create associated Conference. researcher.ResultPublication.delete = Remove Publication researcher.ResultPublication.delete.useCase.title = Remove Publication? researcher.ResultPublication.details.link = Publication Details researcher.ResultPublication.details.title = Edit Information researcher.ResultPublication.edit = Edit Publication researcher.ResultPublication.editData.hasDocumentFiles = Warning! Publication type changed: document files will be removed. researcher.ResultPublication.emptyList = (There are no publications of your authorship to display) researcher.ResultPublication.insert = Insert Publication researcher.ResultPublication.insert.link = Insert new Publication ## Result Publications Management researcher.ResultPublication.management.title = Publications Management researcher.ResultPublication.publications = Publications researcher.ResultPublication.type = Type researcher.ResultPublication.type.Article = Journal Article researcher.ResultPublication.type.Book = Book researcher.ResultPublication.type.BookPart = Book Chapter researcher.ResultPublication.type.Inbook = Book Chapter researcher.ResultPublication.type.Incollection = Incollection researcher.ResultPublication.type.Inproceedings = Conference Article researcher.ResultPublication.type.Manual = Manual researcher.ResultPublication.type.OtherPublication = Other Publication researcher.ResultPublication.type.Proceedings = Proceedings researcher.ResultPublication.type.TechnicalReport = Technical Report researcher.ResultPublication.type.Thesis = Thesis researcher.ResultPublication.type.Unstructured = Unstructured Publication researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.add = Associate unit # Result Unit Associations Management researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.emptyList = (There are no associations with units) researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.label = Associated units researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.title.label = Associated units researcher.ResultUnitAssociation.useCase.title = Edit result unit associations researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.cooperations = Cooperations researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.cooperationsTitle = Cooperations researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.createCooperation = Add new cooperation participation researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.createEvent = Add new event participation researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.createParticipation = Add new participation researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.createScientificJournal = Add new journal participation researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.delete = Remove participation researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.delete.editParticipantsUseCase = Removing all roles implies removing this activity. researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.delete.useCase = Are you sure you want to delete this activity? researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.edit = Edit researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.editData.useCaseTitle = Edit Activity Data: researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.editParticipation.useCaseTitle = Edit Played Roles: researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.emptyList = (There aren't any research activities participations to show) researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventEditions = Event Editions researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventEditions.roles = Organizing Chair, Organizing Member, Program Chair, Program Member, Invited Speaker, Reviewer researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventEditions.types = Seminar, Conference, Symposium, Workshop researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventEditionsTitle.international = International Event Editions researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventEditionsTitle.national = National Event Editions researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.events = Events researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventsTitle = Events researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventsTitle.international = International Events researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.eventsTitle.national = National Events researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.issueTitle.international = International Journal Issue researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.issueTitle.national = National Journal Issue researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.journalIssues = Journal Issues researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.journalIssues.roles = Guest Editor, Reviewer researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.mainTitle = Research Activities Management researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.scientificJournals = Scientific Journals researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.scientificJournals.roles = Editor in Chief, Associate Editor, Editorial Board researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.scientificJournalsTitle = Scientific Journals researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.scientificJournalsTitle.international = International Scientific Journals researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.scientificJournalsTitle.national = National Cientific Journals researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.superTitle = Research Activities researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.view = Details researcher.activity.activitiesManagement.viewActivityTitle = Activity Details: researcher.activity.bilateralCooperationRoles = Bilateral Cooperations researcher.activity.bilateralCooperationRoles.roles = Visitor, Expert researcher.activity.chooseEdition = Add Participation researcher.activity.chooseEvent = Choose Event researcher.activity.chooseIssue = Add Participation researcher.activity.chooseJournal = Choose Magazine researcher.activity.comission = Comission researcher.activity.comission.roles = President, Member researcher.activity.cooperation.create.collaborationForm = Add participation researcher.activity.cooperation.create.cooperationInitialData = Create cooperation researcher.activity.cooperation.create.cooperationUnit = Associate organization to cooperation ##### ResearchActivity - Cooperation - state bar researcher.activity.cooperation.create.step = Step researcher.activity.createCooperation.data = Data researcher.activity.createCooperation.mainTitle = Cooperations researcher.activity.createCooperation.role.label = Collaboration form researcher.activity.createCooperation.select = select researcher.activity.createCooperation.type.label = Cooperation type researcher.activity.createCooperation.useCasetitle = Add New Cooperation Participation ##### Activity - createCooperation researcher.activity.createCooperationUseCase.step.insertData = Insert data researcher.activity.createCooperationUseCase.step.insertDataExplanation1 = Insert all the required data to create cooperation: researcher.activity.createCooperationUseCase.step.insertDataExplanation2 = Select the type of organization associated to the cooperation: researcher.activity.createCooperationUseCase.step.insertDataExplanation3 = Insert the name of the organization associated to the cooperation: researcher.activity.createCooperationUseCase.step.insertDataExplanation4 = Specify how you collaborate in this cooperation: researcher.activity.createEvent.createParticipation = Add participation researcher.activity.createEvent.data = Data researcher.activity.createEvent.mainTitle = Events ##### ResearchActivity - createEvent researcher.activity.createEvent.searchEvent = Search event researcher.activity.createEvent.select = select researcher.activity.createEvent.useCasetitle = Add New Event Participation researcher.activity.createEventEdition.useCasetitle = Add Participation: Event (Edition) researcher.activity.createEventUseCase.insertEventData = The event doesn't exist in our system. Specify all data required to create a new event, and the role you played on it: researcher.activity.createEventUseCase.insertEventParticipationRole = The event already exists in our system. Select the role you played on this event: researcher.activity.createEventUseCase.searchEvent = Specify the name of the event in which you participated: researcher.activity.createIssues.mainTitle = Volumes of Journals researcher.activity.createIssues.searchIssue = Browse Volumes researcher.activity.createIssues.useCasetitle = Add Participation: Volume Magazine researcher.activity.createJournal.createParticipation = Add participation ##### ResearchActivity - createScientificJournal researcher.activity.createJournal.searchJournal = Search journal researcher.activity.createJournalUseCase.insertJournalData = The journal doesn't exist in our system. Specify all data required to create a new journal, and the role you played on it: researcher.activity.createJournalUseCase.insertJournalParticipationRole = The journal already exists in our system. Select the role you played on this journal: researcher.activity.createJournalUseCase.searchJournal = Specify the name of the journal in which you participated: researcher.activity.createScientificJournal.mainTitle = Journals researcher.activity.createScientificJournal.role.label = Role researcher.activity.createScientificJournal.useCasetitle = Add New Journal Participation researcher.activity.editResearchActivity.Cooperation = Cooperations researcher.activity.editResearchActivity.Event = Events researcher.activity.editResearchActivity.EventEdition = Events (Issues) researcher.activity.editResearchActivity.JournalIssue = Volumes of Journals researcher.activity.editResearchActivity.ScientificJournal = Scientific Journals researcher.activity.editResearchActivityAssociations.addNewParticipationRole = Select another role that you have played in this activity: researcher.activity.editResearchActivityData.Cooperation = Edit Cooperation Data researcher.activity.editResearchActivityData.Event = Edit Event Data researcher.activity.editResearchActivityData.EventEdition = Edit Data Edit researcher.activity.editResearchActivityData.JournalIssue = Edit Data Volume researcher.activity.editResearchActivityData.ScientificJournal = Edit Scientific Journal Data researcher.activity.editResearchActivityData.explanation = Modify the data and submit when done: researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants = Edit roles researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.Cooperation = Edit Cooperation Collaboration Form researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.Event = Edit Roles Played In The Event researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.ScientificJournal = Edit Roles Played In The Scientific Journal researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.createNewParticipationRole = Add new role researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.editRoles = Below, you can change, add and remove roles. If you only have a defined role in order to remove the paper and their participation will have to do on previous page. researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.editRoles.Cooperation = In the following table you may edit the collaboration form: researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.editRoles.Event = In the following table you may edit or remove the roles you played in this event: researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.editRoles.ScientificJournal = In the following table you may edit or remove the roles you played in this journal: researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.unableToEdit = It was impossible to make the following changes researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.unableToEdit.Cooperation = It was impossible to change the collaboration form. researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.unableToEdit.Event = It was impossible to change the following roles: researcher.activity.editResearchActivityParticipants.unableToEdit.ScientificJournal = It was impossible to change the following roles: ##### ResearchActivity researcher.activity.goBack = Go Back researcher.activity.remove = Remove researcher.activity.scientificOrganizationsAndNetworksRoles = Scientific Organizations and Networks researcher.activity.scientificOrganizationsAndNetworksRoles.roles = President, Vice-President, Secretary, Local Chair, National Representative, Member researcher.activity.showParticipations = View Holdings researcher.activity.step = Step researcher.activity.types = Types of research activities in the system researcher.career.title.label = Non Academic Professional Career researcher.changeLanguage = Choose a language researcher.experts = Experts researcher.find.an.expert = Find Experts researcher.interests.management.tableTitle = Research interests are sorted by preference researcher.interests.title = Research Interests researcher.interests.title.complete = Research Interests researcher.interestsManagement.delete = remove researcher.interestsManagement.down = down researcher.interestsManagement.edit = edit researcher.interestsManagement.title = Research Interests researcher.interestsManagement.up = up researcher.main.page.title = TITULO researcher.prize.association.add = Add Prize researcher.prize.delete = Delete Prize researcher.prize.delete.confirmation = Do you wish to delete the prize? researcher.project.createProject.data = Data researcher.project.createProject.useCasetitle = New Participation in a Project ##### Project - createProject researcher.project.createProjectUseCase.step.insertData = Insert data researcher.project.createProjectUseCase.step.insertDataExplanation = Choose the role you played in the project and insert the needed data to create it. researcher.project.editProject.data = Data researcher.project.editProject.data.explanation = Please edit the data and submit in the end researcher.project.editProject.data.useCaseTitle = Edit Data Project researcher.project.editProject.editAssociatedEvents = Edit Associated Events researcher.project.editProject.editAssociatedUnits = Edit Associated Units researcher.project.editProject.editData = Edit Data researcher.project.editProject.editParticipants = Edit Participants researcher.project.editProject.events = Associated Events researcher.project.editProject.events.addNewEventAssociation = Add a new event association researcher.project.editProject.events.remove = remove researcher.project.editProject.events.useCaseTitle = Events associated with project : researcher.project.editProject.events.view = view ##### Project - editProject researcher.project.editProject.goBackToView = Go Back researcher.project.editProject.participants = Participants researcher.project.editProject.participants.AddExternalPerson = Person does not belong to IST researcher.project.editProject.participants.AddInternalPerson = Person belongs to IST researcher.project.editProject.participants.addNewExternalParticipant = Insert a new external participant researcher.project.editProject.participants.addNewInternalParticipant = Insert a new internal participant researcher.project.editProject.participants.addNewParticipant = Add a new participant researcher.project.editProject.participants.explanation = Please add/remove participants to the Project researcher.project.editProject.participants.external = external researcher.project.editProject.participants.internal = belonging IST researcher.project.editProject.participants.ok = OK researcher.project.editProject.participants.or = or researcher.project.editProject.participants.remove = remove researcher.project.editProject.participants.searchName = Name researcher.project.editProject.participants.useCaseTitle = Participants associated with the project : researcher.project.editProject.participantsUnits.useCaseTitle = Units participating with the project : researcher.project.editProject.units = Associated Units researcher.project.projectsManagement.createProject = Add new participation researcher.project.projectsManagement.delete = remove researcher.project.projectsManagement.edit = edit researcher.project.projectsManagement.superUseCaseTitle = Research Activities Management ##### Project - projectsManagement researcher.project.projectsManagement.title = Projects in wich you participate researcher.project.projectsManagement.view = view ##### Project - viewProject researcher.project.viewProject.useCasetitle = View Project researcher.result.publication.associate.unit.all.publications = Associate Unit to all publications researcher.result.publication.convertUnstructured = Convert Publication researcher.result.publication.exportAllToBibTeX = Export BibTeX researcher.result.publication.exportToBibTeX = BibTeX researcher.result.publication.importBibtex = BibTeX Importation researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.author = Author researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.authors = Authors researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.bibtexToProcess = Bibtex entry to process researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.editor = Editor researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.editors = Editors researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.insertAuthorsAndEditors = Insert Authors and Editors researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.participations = Participations researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.publicationData = Publication Data researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.setAuthorsAndEditors = Definition of the Authors and Editors researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.setPublicationData = Definition of Publication Data researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.step = Step researcher.result.publication.importBibtex.warningParticipants = * The user importing need to have participation in the publication. researcher.result.publication.openBibtexFile = Choose a BibTeX file to import researcher.result.publication.preferredPublications.help =

In this page you can set weigths from 1 to 5 on 5 of your publications, 5 meaning most relevant. This setting will be used automatically in listings requested by the institution (usually by creditation, auditing, and financial agencies) that require a list of the most relevant publication of each researcher.

researcher.result.publication.preferredPublications.help.management = Note: The codes P1 to P5 indicate the weight of the publication, where the value of 5 indicates the greatest importance. This value can be set by the investigator on the page researcher.result.publication.preferredPublications.help2 = Note: The codes P1 to P5 indicate the relevenace of the publication, 5 meaning most relevant. This value can be set by the researcher. For more information consult the researcher.result.publication.preferredPublications.title = Define Priorities researcher.result.publication.setPreferredPublications = Define priorities researcher.viewCurriculum.activityParticipationTitle = Research Activities researcher.viewCurriculum.category = Cat. researcher.viewCurriculum.name = Name researcher.viewCurriculum.number = Num. researcher.viewCurriculum.patentsTitle = Patents researcher.viewCurriculum.personalInformationTitle = Personal Information researcher.viewCurriculum.productsTitle = Products researcher.viewCurriculum.projectParticipationTitle = Projects researcher.viewCurriculum.publicationsTitle = Publications researcher.viewCurriculum.researchInterestsTitle = Research Interests researcher.viewCurriculum.title = Curriculum title.edit.interest = Edit Interest title.insert.new.interest = Insert New Interest title.unit.communication.section = Communication