#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net) # # Resources used by renderers # # labels for object slots use the following convention # 1) the key specified for the slot in the used schema # 2) label.package.object.slotName # 3) label.slotName # 4) slotName # # If none of the keys is found then the default bundle for the module is searched. # When the key is not found the programatic slot name is used. # FALSE = No # # Boolean # TRUE = Yes datetime.out.of.range = The date is outside the range supported. fenix.renderers.autocomplete.error = Could not retrieve suggestions from the server fenix.renderers.autocomplete.loading = Loading... fenix.renderers.captcha.process = Write the characters you see in the image fenix.renderers.converter.dateTime.convert = Could not convert "{0} {1}:{2}" into a date fenix.renderers.converter.dateTime.incomplete = To give the time "{0}:{1}" you must also introduce the date fenix.renderers.converter.dateTime.invalid = The input "{0}" is not recognized as a date fenix.renderers.converter.grade.invalid = The given grade is invalid fenix.renderers.converter.partial = Could not convert '{0}' into a date fenix.renderers.converter.timeOfDay = Could not convert '{0}' to time fenix.renderers.dataPicker.image.title = Use calendar to select the date fenix.renderers.length.exceeded = The text size exceeeds the {0} characters allowed fenix.renderers.length.exceeded.character = The size of the text exceeds the {0} characters fenix.renderers.length.exceeded.word = The text exceeds the {0} words fenix.renderers.organigram.date.from = From fenix.renderers.organigram.date.since = Since fenix.renderers.organigram.date.to = to fenix.renderers.organigram.employees = Employees fenix.renderers.organigram.function.implicit = Implicit Function org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.days.short = d org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.hours.short = h org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.millis.short = ms org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.minutes.short = m org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.months.short = M org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.seconds.short = s org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.weeks.short = W #org.joda.time.DurationFieldType org.joda.time.DurationFieldType.years.short = Y renderers.checkboxlist.selectAll = All # # Actions # renderers.convert.error = It was not possible to convert the given value renderers.converter.bigdecimal = Could not convert '{0}' into a number renderers.converter.date = Could not convert '{0}' into a date renderers.converter.double = Could not convert '{0}' into a decimal renderers.converter.file.obtain = Could not obtain the uploaded file renderers.converter.float = Could not convert '{0}' into a decimal renderers.converter.integer = Could not convert '{0}' into a integer renderers.converter.long = Could not convert '{0}' into a integer renderers.converter.money = Could not convert '{0} "amount to a valid renderers.converter.short = Could not convert '{0}' into a integer # # Converters # renderers.converter.time = Could not convert '{0}' to time renderers.datePicker.currentText = Today renderers.datePicker.dayNamesMin = ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'] renderers.datePicker.dayNamesShort = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'] renderers.datePicker.monthNames = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'] renderers.datePicker.monthNamesShort = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] renderers.form.cancel.name = Cancel renderers.form.submit.name = Submit renderers.label.tags.are.space.separated = Tags are space separated renderers.language.add = Add a new language renderers.language.remove = Remove renderers.list.management.add = Add renderers.list.management.delete = Remove renderers.menu.default.title = -- Choose an option -- renderers.menu.other.title = Other renderers.rich-text.editor.add = With editor renderers.rich-text.editor.mathjax.message = This editor supports LaTeX and MathML mathematical elements. renderers.rich-text.editor.mathjax.message.moreinfo = For more information please check renderers.rich-text.editor.mathjax.message.usage = MathML must be introduced with the HTML editor. renderers.rich-text.editor.mathjax.url = http://www.mathjax.org/ renderers.rich-text.editor.no.editor.warning = When using the simple editor you must only use HTML. renderers.rich-text.editor.remove = Without editor renderers.show.all = Show All # # Components # renderers.table.selectAll = Select All renderers.validator.advancedDate.pastOrToday = The date entered must be earlier than or equal to the current renderers.validator.autoComplete.required = Please choose an existent item renderers.validator.captcha.required = Required field renderers.validator.date = The given date is not valid renderers.validator.dateInExecutionPeriod.notInExecutionPeriod = The date entered must be contained in a Period of Execution renderers.validator.dateTime.beforeNow = The specified date is in the past renderers.validator.dateTime.incomplete = You must specify the date renderers.validator.dateTime.invalid = The given date is not valid renderers.validator.dateTime.notInRange = Please give values between 0 and 23 or 0 and 59 when specifying the hour renderers.validator.dateTime.notNumbers = The values you used when specifying the hour must be numbers renderers.validator.dateTime.required = You must at least specify a date renderers.validator.degree.id.card.name = The name of the course to present the card can not exceed 42 characters. renderers.validator.email = The given email is not valid (check format and remove empty spaces at begin or end) renderers.validator.file.extension = The file must have one of the following extensions: {0} renderers.validator.file.size = The maximum file size of {0} bytes ({1}) was exceeded renderers.validator.file.type = The file must have one of the following types: {0} renderers.validator.grade = The grade {0} is invalid renderers.validator.grade.invalid.grade.value = Note {0} is invalid for the range {1} renderers.validator.grade.no.grade.scale = You must choose a scale of Notes renderers.validator.invalid.captcha.value = The given value does not match the image text. Try again renderers.validator.invalid.length = Invalid input length renderers.validator.isbn.error = The format of ISBN is invalid renderers.validator.issn = The format of the ISSN is invalid renderers.validator.language.null = You need to choose a language renderers.validator.language.repeated = You have repeated languages renderers.validator.language.required = Required field renderers.validator.list.emails = The provided emails are not valid renderers.validator.ministry.code = The code of the ministry has to be a four digit number renderers.validator.number = You need to insert a number renderers.validator.number.integer = You need to insert an integer renderers.validator.number.range.both = The number must be between {0} and {1} renderers.validator.number.range.lower = The number must be grater or equal to {0} renderers.validator.number.range.upper = The number must be less or equal to {0} renderers.validator.optional.mark = (optional) renderers.validator.phone.number = Invalid Number (please use a portuguese number, started by +/00 or an internal extension) renderers.validator.regexp = The field value does not match the regular expression {0} renderers.validator.required = This field cannot be empty renderers.validator.required.mark = * # # Validators # renderers.validator.required.mark.explanation = Fields marked with (*) are required renderers.validator.url = The url is not valid student.thesis.document.type = You must submit the file in PDF format