According\ with\ the\ regulation of the QUC system, the Departments should,
1) For the Audit processes, analyse the results and register the measures that will be taken to resolve the problems pointed out by the students. The auditors will have access to all the data and comments that are in the process so that they can produce the audit report. If they think is necessary, they can ask for more information or a meeting.
2) For the teachers with results to improve, contact with those teachers and, along with the teacher, identify the problems and register the actions that were agreed to avoid the problem from occuring again.
button.back = « Back button.backWithArrow = « Back button.continue = Continue » button.createClassifications = Create Classifications button.inquiries.choose = Choose button.inquiries.confirm = Confirm Submission button.inquiries.confirm.evaluation = Confirm button.inquiries.continue = Continue button.inquiries.edit.evaluation = Edit button.inquiries.edit.inquiry = Edit Survey button.inquiries.evaluate = Assess button.inquiries.insertNewTeacher = Add New Professor = New Rating button.inquiries.preview.inquiry = View Survey button.inquiries.remove.evaluation = Remove = Send Reminder button.inquiries.submit = Submit Inquiry button.previewAndConfirm = Confirm button.resetAnswers = Cancel answers button.saveInquiry = Save Changes button.simulateAWH = Estimate NHTA button.simulateECTS = Estimate ECTS button.submit = Submit button.submitInquiry = Submit Inquiry button.title.inquiries.edit.evaluation = Edit this Assessment = Rate this Room or Laboratory = Start a new rating for the Teacher button.title.inquiries.remove.evaluation = Remove this rating error.NonAffiliatedTeacher.hasAnyAssociatedInquiriesTeachers = Teacher Non-Binding to IST are associated Surveys error.QuestionChoice.scaleDontMatchValues = The size of the scale has to match the size of the associated values error.StudentInquiriesCourseResult.cannotDelete.hasCoordinatorComment = Unable to erase the results of the survey, because this is a comment (s) done (s) by the Coordinator. error.StudentInquiriesCourseResult.executionCourseNotFound = Not found the discipline of execution with key {0} error.StudentInquiriesCourseResult.executionDegreeAndCourseYearDoesntMatch = The Year of Implementation of the Course {0} {1} does not correspond to the Year of Discipline {2} {3} Execution error.StudentInquiriesCourseResult.executionDegreeNotFound = Not found the Course Performance with key {0} error.StudentInquiriesCourseResult.headerNotFound = The field {0} "File not found Result! error.StudentInquiriesCourseResult.professorshipNotFound = Not found the Professorship of Teaching with key {0} and Discipline of Execution {1} error.StudentInquiriesCourseResult.teacherNotFound = Not found the key lecturer with {0} error.StudentInquiriesTeachingResult.headerNotFound = The field {0} "File not found Result! error.executionCourse.dontExist = The Execution Course doesn't exit. error.executionDegree.dontExist = The Execution Degree doesn't exit. error.inquiries.fillAllFields = All questions are compulsory response error.inquiries.fillAllRequiredFields = Please complete all the required questions (marked with *) error.inquiries.fillInQuestion = Please fill in question number {0} error.inquiries.fillOtherJustification = Please indicate the reason for not wanting to respond to the Survey error.inquiries.fillOtherJustificationLengthOversized = The reason for not wanting to respond to the survey can not exceed 200 characters. error.inquiries.notAnsweredFillAtLeastOneField = Please fill out one option error.inquiries.notTheSamePerson = Apenas o aluno pode preencher e submeter este inquérito. error.inquiry.audit.hasToBeStudent = The person chosen for the Student field has to be effectively a student error.inquiry.audit.hasToBeTeacher = The person chosen for the Teacher field has to be effectively a teacher error.inquiry.audit.isSealedByStudent = It is not possible to edit the process as it has been sealed by the student auditor. error.inquiry.audit.isSealedByTeacher = It is not possible to edit the process as it has been sealed by the teacher auditor. error.inquiry.audit.mandatoryStudent = Please select a Student, by writing its name. error.inquiry.audit.mandatoryTeacher = Please select a Teacher, by writing its name. error.inquiry.endDateMustBeAfterBeginDate = A data de Fim tem de ser superior à data de Início error.inquiryQuestion.dontExist = The Inquiry Question doesn't exit. error.inquiryResult.hasComments = The question: "{0}" has associated comments for the Execution Course: {1}, Execution Degree: {2} and Professorship: {3} error.message.inquiries.course.form = Must answer at least one question = Must answer at least one question error.message.inquiries.current.attending.course.teacher.form = Must answer at least one question and select at least one type of class error.message.inquiries.javascript.disabled = WARNING! Your browser is not using javascript.Instructions:
Instituto Superior TAcnico - Pedagogical / GEP
1st half year 2006/2007
Get involved!
The school needs your opinion.
Individual results of teaching, discipline and the rooms are all read and considered by the central organs and graduate coordinators. Documents are produced, bringing together information which is significant and suggests that problems with the conduct of teaching work, so that they can confront the teacher with their results.
The participation of all students is essential for the evaluation of courses takes place in an efficient and can accurately reflect your opinion. If there is a considerable turnout, the results will be meaningless. It brings together your colleagues and encourage them to fill.
Students can only assess the subjects they are registered, their teachers and classrooms. The system does not store user's connection to the responses, ensuring confidentiality of responses and uniqueness. The student's anonymity is guaranteed.
The overall results are public and can consult them in .
Also available at this address some information concerning the whole process.
Note: Questions marked with * are compulsory.
message.inquiries.nhta.definition = Autonomous work is the time devoted by a student to research, self-study, individual or group work (field work, problem-solving, case studies, projects, etc.), i.e., all the work developed under the scope of the course units he or she is enrolled during the semester and out of the class period (contact hours).. = NAWH = overall autonomous work for all course units message.inquiries.nhtaSuccessfullyEstimated = NHTA successfully estimated. = There is no investigation being conducted now. message.inquiries.noTeachersToAnswer = Nesta UC não é possível preencher os inquéritos relativos ao corpo docente. Deve concluir o inquérito através do botão "Submeter Inquérito". message.inquiries.not.inside.period = The surveys will be available shortly and will work for undergraduate students and integrated Masters = The surveys will only work for students and licentiaturas integrated master. message.inquiries.notCoordinator = Results not available, you are part of the coordination team of this degree. message.inquiries.notOpen = Your inquiries are all filled. Thank you for your cooperation. message.inquiries.ord.semester = Semester message.inquiries.period.not.defined = The duration of responses has not been defined. = View the survey before submitting final: message.inquiries.publicResults.moreInfoLink = More information can be obtained in . message.inquiries.publicResults.notAvailable = Curricular course without available results. message.inquiries.publicResults.notAvailable.0 = Surveys are underway in this Course. PARTICIPATE! message.inquiries.publicResults.notAvailable.1 = The results of investigations of UC are being established. Could soon be found here. message.inquiries.publicResults.notAvailable.2sr = This course is not available QUC results of this semester because the student participation in surveys of this unit was below 50%, and as such is not considered representative to be disclosed to the academic community of the IST. message.inquiries.publicResults.notAvailable.m1 = The operation of this unit will be assessed shortly. message.inquiries.publicResults.notAvailable.m2 = The QUC system only became operational in the 2nd half of 2007/08. = This course is not subject to assessment under the QUC this spring, because it is an exceptional course format (laboratory, seminars, portfolio, etc..) For which is being developed an assessment model specific. message.inquiries.requiredFieldsMarkedWithAsterisk = Fields marked with * are mandatory. message.inquiries.submitInquiryWhenFinnish = When you finish filling out the survey is "Submit Inquiry". After submission you can not change the answers. The responses submitted will be saved without any allusion to the student ID. message.inquiries.submition.ok = Survey submitted successfully. message.inquiries.teachers.inquiries.instructions1 = The UC's not under investigation, and according to information from the results of UC, are not subject to report by the Teaching faculty who comprise its faculty. message.inquiries.teachers.inquiries.instructions2 = Some of UC's faculty have not assigned, this situation should be investigated by the coordinator and commented in the report. message.inquiries.theFillingIsOptional = The filling is optional. If you don't want to answer you may end the inquiry now, by pressing the button "Submit Inquiry".\\ message.inquiries.title = QUC - Quality of the courses message.inquiries.unavailable.course = This course is not available for evaluation. = The surveys are available only to students in Architecture and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer. = Confirm the survey data before submitting: message.inquiry.delete.dataNotFound = No records found with the specified data. message.inquiry.delete.sucess = The data was successfully deleted. message.inquiry.doesntExistForSpecifiedParameters = It doesn't exist an inquiry for the specified parameters = The inquiry is {0}. = You should also fill in the Inquiry = Inquiry successfully updated. message.inquiry.response.period.defined = The period for responses has been updated. message.inquiry.upload.sucess = The file was imported with success! message.regent.details.inquiry = Para além das alterações de apresentação, esta versão QUC 2.0 inclui um sistema de acompanhamento das questões que os estudantes consideraram "a melhorar" (Mediana igual a 3.5 ou 4) ou "Inadequado" (Mediana inferior a 3.5). Nesses casos foi solicitado aos delegados que consultassem os colegas e comentassem e/ou interpretassem esse resultado. Foi posteriormente solicitado aos docentes também um comentário nas questões relativas à docência. Esses comentários estão acessíveis ao regente da UC e esperamos que permitam perceber a razão da insatisfação dos estudantes.