#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net) # # Local menu links # accessControl.group.builder.custom.class.notGroup = The type "{0}" is not a subtype of Group. accessControl.group.builder.custom.constructor.doesNotExist = Unable to create the group. Could not find a constructor for the types {0}. accessControl.group.builder.custom.constructor.exception = An error as occured while invoking the constructor for the types {0}. accessControl.group.builder.custom.constructor.failed = An unexpected error occured while trying to invoke the constructor for types {0}. accessControl.group.builder.noSuchGroup = There is no group defined with the name "{0}". accessControl.group.builder.role.type.doesNotExist = There is no role with the name "{0}". accessControl.group.builder.role.type.notAvailable = It's not possible to obtain a persistent role with the name "{0}". # # Expression errors # accessControl.group.expression.evaluation.error = An error occured while evaluating the availability expression. accessControl.group.expression.invalid = The given expression is invalid. accessControl.group.expression.method.notAvailable = The method "{1}" is not defind in type "{0}" and with arguments of types {2}. accessControl.group.expression.operator.class.invalidName = The name "{1}" is not a valid class name even considering the prefix "{0}". accessControl.group.expression.operator.enum.invalidName = It's not possible to obtain an enum named "{0}" and of type "{1}". accessControl.group.expression.operator.number.invalid = The value "{0}", present in the parameter, is not a valid number accessControl.group.expression.operator.number.invalidType = The type "{0}" is not supported in the number conversion. accessControl.group.expression.operator.parameter.required = The parameter "{0}" is not present in the current context. accessControl.group.expression.property.notAvailable = The property "{1}" is not defined for type "{0}". accessControl.group.expression.variable.notDefined = A variable named "{0}" is not defined in the current context. accessControl.group.expression.wrong.argumentType = Argument {0} should be of type {1} and not {2}. accessControl.group.expression.wrong.numberOfArguments = Wrong number of arguments. You gave {0} but it was expecting between {1} and {2}. accessControl.group.expression.wrong.numberOfArguments.simple = Wrong number of arguments. You gave {0} but {1} expected. button.tree.reset = Cancel changes # # Buttons # button.tree.save = Save structure filterTest.person.select.id.invalid = There is no person with the given id. filterTest.person.select.name.invalid = You must select a person from the completion list. functionalities.delete.confirm = Do you wish to delete this functionality? functionalities.expression.help = The availability of a functionality is specified by writting an expression in a groups combination language. A tipical usage example of the this language is the specification of groups of people with a certain role:
role(MANAGER)To obtain more information you may visit the list of group types available or the groups language description. # # General Messages # functionalities.expression.success = The expression was changed. functionalities.functionality.availability.notPrincipal = You can only change the availability policy for the principal functionality of a public path. # # Exceptions # functionalities.functionality.matchPath.conflict = There is a conflict with the match path of the functionality. Only one functionality can be marked as principal for a certain path. functionalities.groupLanguage.list.help = The following table shows lists all the groups builders currently registered in the application and that can be used in functionalitiies' availability expressions. The name shown is the name that can be used in the expression. The number of arguments expected by the builder and a description of the builder inner workings is also shown. functionalities.import.file.failed = There was an error while reading the file: {0} functionalities.import.file.read.failed = Could not read the provided file. The structure was not imported. functionalities.import.structure.invalid = The provided file is invalid. functionalities.import.version.notSupported = The version of the indicated structure is not currenlty supported. functionalities.module.required.prefix = You have to specify a prefix for every module. label.accessible = Accessible label.arguments = Arguments label.availabilityPolicy = Availability Expression label.builder.class = Description label.currentParentUsed = Use current module as parent label.description = Description label.enabled = Active label.executionPath = Path label.expression = Expression label.maximized = Maximizado label.module.name = Module label.name = Name label.net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accessControl.PersonGroup$Builder = A group of one person. This group can be usefull to create exceptions to more generic groups. This group receives as argument the internal identificator of the person. label.net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accessControl.RoleGroup$Builder = All person with a certain role. The given argument is interpreted as the name of the role. label.net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accessControl.groups.language.CustomGroupBuilder = This constructor allows you to create groups that don't have registered builder in this list. The first argument is the class of the group to create. The remaining arguments are passed to the group construction. label.parameters = Parameters label.parameters.required = Parameters # # Labels # label.path = Path label.person = Person (by name) label.personId = Person (by id) label.prefix = Prefix label.principal = Principal label.principalPreserved = Principal label.publicPath = Complete Path label.publicPrefix = Complete Prefix label.relative = Relative Path label.stream = File label.title = Title label.type = Type label.uuidUsed = Use UUIDs defined in the file label.visible = Visivel link.filter.test = Test Filter link.functionalities = View Functionalities link.functionality.bottom = Bottom link.functionality.create = Create functionality link.functionality.delete = Delete link.functionality.delete.cancel = Cancel link.functionality.disable = Disable link.functionality.down = Down link.functionality.edit = Edit link.functionality.enable = Enable link.functionality.export = Export structure link.functionality.indent = Indent link.functionality.manage = Manage availability link.functionality.outdent = Outdent link.functionality.top = Top link.functionality.up = Up link.functionality.view = View link.module.create = Create module link.module.delete = Delete link.module.edit = Edit link.module.import = Import structure link.module.manage = Manage availability link.module.view = View link.remove = Remove # # Links # link.toplevel.view = Top link.tree.collapse-all = Collapse all link.tree.expand-all = Expand all # # Not available page # notAvailable.main.message = The requested functionality is not available at the moment. title.delete.confirm = Confirm Deletion title.filter.test = Test Filter title.functionalities = Functionality Management title.functionality = Manage Funcionalidade title.functionality.create = Create Functionality title.functionality.edit = Edit Functionality title.functionality.manage = Manage Availability title.functionality.parameters = Parameters title.groupLanguage = Group Language title.module = Manage Module title.module.create = Create Module title.module.edit = Edit Module # # Titles # title.toplevel = Manage Toplevel Functionalities title.uploadStructure = Import Structure tree.unavailable = There are no functionalities under this module.