AIR_FORCE_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Air Force
CITIZEN_CARD = Citizen card
CIVIL_UNION = Union of Fact
DIVORCED = Divorced
EXTERNAL = External
FOREIGNER_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity Card for Foreign Residents
MARRIED = Married
NATIVE_COUNTRY_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Country of Origin
NAVY_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Navy
OTHER = Other
PASSPORT = Passport
SEPARATED = Separate
SINGLE = Single
UNKNOWN = Unknown
WIDOWER = Widowed
button.back = Back
button.cancel = Cancel
button.continue = Continue
button.correct = Correct
button.create = Create
button.edit = Edit
button.editGrantInsurance = Edit Security
button.manageGrantContract = Manage Contract
button.manageGrantOwner = Manage Baggins
button.manageGrantSubsidy = Manage allowance
button.ok = Ok = Save = Search
button.stat = Calculate
button.submit = Submit
dropDown.Default = [Choose a category]
error.credits.nonExistingManagementPosition = The management position was not found!
errors.byte = {0} must be a byte. = {0} should have the following format: MM-dd-yyyy.
errors.double = {0} must be a real number. = {0} is not an e-mail address.
errors.float = {0} must be a real number.
errors.footer = = An error occurred while reading the contract regime. Please try again. = The contract has no associated a contract basis. Please contact the development team. = An error occurred creating the contract of the grantee. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the agreement of the fellow. Please try again.
errors.grant.contract.conflictdates = The start date of the contract must be prior to the end of it.
errors.grant.contract.movement.beginDateBeforeEnd = The starting date is after the date of arrival.
errors.grant.contract.movement.delete = There was an error deleting the movement of the fellow. Please try again.
errors.grant.contract.movement.edit = An error occurred while creating / editing a visit. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the movement. Please try again.
errors.grant.contract.orientation.teacher.conflictdates = The start date for orientation has to be before the expiry date of orientation.
errors.grant.contract.orientation.teacher.not.found = Professor not found.
errors.grant.contract.orientation.teacher.periodconflict = The orientation period the teacher has to be within the validity period of the contract.
errors.grant.contract.regime.edit = An error occurred while creating / editing system contract. Please try again.
errors.grant.contract.regime.unknownTeacher = Not found a teacher with the number {0}.
errors.grant.contract.responsible.teacher.conflictdates = The date of the responsibility has to be before the date of waiver.
errors.grant.contract.responsible.teacher.not.found = The number {0} to teacher in charge there. Professor not found.
errors.grant.contract.responsible.teacher.periodconflict = The period of responsibility of the teacher has to be within the validity period of the contract.
errors.grant.correction.contractWithSameNumberExists = Contract with the same number already exists.
errors.grant.correction.fillAllFields = Fill in all fields!
errors.grant.correction.personAlreadyGrantOwner = Person is already scholarship.
errors.grant.correction.unknownContract = Non-existent contract.
errors.grant.correction.unknownGrantOwner = Fellow unknown.
errors.grant.correction.unknownPerson = Unknown person. = An error occurred while creating / editing a cost center. Please try again.
errors.grant.costcenter.duplicateEntry = There is already a cost center with the number {0}. = There was an error loading the cost center. Please try again. = An error occurred while creating / editing the insurance contract. Please try again. = Choose only ONE payment entity. = Choose ONE payment entity. = An error occurred while reading the insurance contract. Please try again.
errors.grant.list.beginDateBeforeEnd = The start date is greater than the End Date!
errors.grant.list.beginDateNotNullAndEndNull = The end date must be completed.
errors.grant.list.beginDateNotPossible = You must fill in the fields: Dates Start / End - OR - Active to date.
errors.grant.list.beginDateNullAndEndNotNull = The start date must be completed.
errors.grant.list.invalidSpan = Requested an invalid page listing.
errors.grant.list.noResults = No results were found. = An error occurred while reading from the database. Please try again.
errors.grant.owner.exists = Baggins already exists.
errors.grant.owner.idtype = Choose one type of valid identification.
errors.grant.owner.not.found = Fellow with number {0} not found.
errors.grant.owner.personexists = User already exists.
errors.grant.owner.readafterwrite = An error occurred while creating a new scholarship. Please try again.
errors.grant.part.delete = There was an error deleting the sharing of the fellow. Please try again.
errors.grant.part.duplicateEntry = The organization has chosen a share this allowance.
errors.grant.part.edit = An error occurred while create / edit co. Please try again.
errors.grant.part.invalidPartTeacher = The teacher with the number {0} does not exist.
errors.grant.part.invalidPaymentEntity = It must set a payment entity.
errors.grant.part.loadingCostCenters = An error occurred while reading the list of projects.
errors.grant.part.loadingProjects = An error occurred while reading the list of cost centers.
errors.grant.part.mustBeOnePaymentEntity = Choose only ONE payment entity. = An error occurred while reading the reimbursement of the fellow. Please try again.
errors.grant.paymententity.unknownCostCenter = Not found the cost center number {0}.
errors.grant.paymententity.unknownProject = Not found the project number {0}.
errors.grant.paymententity.unknownTeacher = Not found a teacher with the number {0}. = An error occurred while creating / editing the project. Please try again.
errors.grant.project.duplicateEntry = There is already a project with the number {0}. = An error occurred while reading the draft. Please try again. = An error occurred while editing / creating the enabling of the database. Please try again. = There was an error deleting the qualification of the database. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the license of the grantee. Please try again.
errors.grant.stat.beginDateBeforeEnd = The start date is greater than the end date!
errors.grant.subsidy.conflictdates = The end date of the grant is less than the start date.
errors.grant.subsidy.edit = An error occurred while creating / editing the grant contract. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the grant contract. Please try again. = An error occurred while creating the kind of bag. Try again. = An error occurred while creating / editing the type of grant. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the kind of scholarship. Please try again.
errors.grant.type.maxminconflit = The maximum period in days is less than the minimum period.
errors.grant.unrecoverable = There was an error. Try again or contact the development team.
errors.header =
To proceed must correct the following errors:
errors.integer = {0} must be an integer.
errors.invalid = {0} is invalid. = {0} is not a valid date.
errors.invalid.teacher-id = Invalid IST Id
errors.invalid.teacher-number = Number of teachers invalid
errors.invalidCostCenter = Cost Center invalid.
errors.long = {0} must be an integer (long).
errors.maxlength = {0} can only have at most {1} characters.
errors.minlength = {0} must be at least {1} characters.
errors.person.not.found = User not found.
errors.prefix = -
errors.range = {0} is not between {1} and {2}.
errors.required = Should define: {0}.
errors.short = {0} must be an integer (short).
errors.suffix =
errors.teacher.not.found = The teacher sought was not found.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.contractnumber = Indicate the number of contract change.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.delete.numbolseiro = Indicate the number of scholarship associated with the contract to delete.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.delete.numcontrato = Enter the contract number to delete.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.delete.title = Here you can delete a particular contract for a scholarship.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.grantownernumber = Indicate the number of scholarship holder of the contract.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.move.grantcontract = Indicate the number of the contract.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.move.grantowner = Indicate the number of fellow of the current contract holder.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.move.newgrantowner = Indicate the number of fellow new contractor.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.move.title = Here you can change the holder of a contract.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.newcontractnumber = Enter the new number for the contract to change.
info.grant.correct.grantcontract.title = Here you can change the number of a contract for a scholarship.
info.grant.correct.grantowner.grantownernumber = Enter the "Number of Fellow" the fellow who wants to correct.
info.grant.correct.grantowner.grantpersondocument = Enter in the following fields, information on the identity of the new person that the fellow will be linked.
info.grant.correct.grantowner.title = Here you can fix the identity of a fellow by their number. Join a number of fellow to the right person. = This contract does not have insurance. To create a complete the form.
info.grant.manage.grantcostcenter.create = To create a new Cost Center follow the link
info.grant.manage.grantcostcenter.edit = To edit the information on each Cost Center follow the link
info.grant.manage.grantcostcenter.information = This page contains information about Cost Centers.
info.grant.manage.grantproject.create = To create a new project follow the link
info.grant.manage.grantproject.edit = To edit the information in each project follow the link
info.grant.manage.grantproject.information = This page contains information on the projects.
info.grant.manage.granttype.create = To create a new exchange follow the link
info.grant.manage.granttype.edit = To edit the information of each exchange follow the link
info.grant.manage.granttype.information = This page contains information on the markets. = For everyone whose first name is 'John' should write 'John%' = For everyone whose last name 'Singh' to write '% Smith' = For all the people bearing the name 'Peter' to write 'Peter%%'
info.grant.searchform.grantowner.number = Searching for a person by their number of fellow = Searching for a person by name and / or Personal Identification
info.grant.searchform.only.grants = For people who are fellows only select the "Search only fellows"
label.CIVIL_UNION = Union of Fact
label.DIVORCED = Divorced
label.FEMALE = Female
label.MALE = Male
label.MARRIED = Married
label.SEPARATED = Separate
label.SINGLE = Single
label.UNKNOWN = Unknown
label.WIDOWER = Widowed
label.contract = Contract
label.creditsResume = Summary
label.dateformat = (Dd-mm-yyyy)
label.euroSymbol = (Euro)
label.execution-course.degrees = Undergraduate
label.execution-course.degrees.all = Courses = Course Name
label.execution-course.responsibleFor = Responsible
label.execution-period = Half
label.executionPeriod = Half
label.executionYear = Academic Year = Teaching Staff and Researcher = Active
label.grant.andDate = and date
label.grant.betweenDate = Enter date
label.grant.contract.contractnumber = Contract Number
label.grant.contract.edition = Issue of Contract
label.grant.contract.endMotive = Reason for Termination
label.grant.contract.information = Contract Information
label.grant.contract.manage = Contract Management
label.grant.contract.movement.arrivalDate = Arrival Date
label.grant.contract.movement.departureDate = Departure Date
label.grant.contract.movement.edition = Scrolling Scholarship Edition
label.grant.contract.movement.information = Travel Management
label.grant.contract.movement.location = Destination
label.grant.contract.number = Number
label.grant.contract.number.correction = Contract Number
label.grant.contract.orientationTeacher = Advising Professor = Active
label.grant.contract.regime.actual.list = Actual Conditions of Contract
label.grant.contract.regime.beginDate = Start Date
label.grant.contract.regime.dateAcceptTerm = Terms of acceptance of appointment signed
label.grant.contract.regime.dateDispatchCC = Date of dispatch of C. Scientific
label.grant.contract.regime.dateDispatchCD = Date of dispatch of Directors C.
label.grant.contract.regime.dateSendDispatchCC = Date of dispatch order for the Scientific C.
label.grant.contract.regime.dateSendDispatchCD = Date of dispatch order to the Steering C.
label.grant.contract.regime.desactive = Finished
label.grant.contract.regime.edition = Editing Scheme Contract
label.grant.contract.regime.endDate = End Date
label.grant.contract.regime.information = Current Scheme Information
label.grant.contract.regime.list.information = Information about the Contract Regimes
label.grant.contract.regime.manage = Contract Management Procedures
label.grant.contract.regime.notactive.list = History of Past Regimes of Contract
label.grant.contract.regime.state = State
label.grant.contract.regime.state.actual = Current Conditions
label.grant.contract.regime.state.past = Past Regime
label.grant.contract.state = State
label.grant.contract.state.close = Finished
label.grant.contract.state.inactive = Idle = Active
label.grant.contract.teacherId = IST Id
label.grant.contract.teacherName = Name
label.grant.contract.teacherNumber = Number
label.grant.contract.teachersList = List of Teachers
label.grant.contract.type = Scholarship type = Workplace
label.grant.costcenter.designation = Designation
label.grant.costcenter.edition = Cost Center Edition
label.grant.costcenter.information = Cost Center Management
label.grant.costcenter.number = Number
label.grant.costcenter.responsibleTeacher.number = No. of Professor
Responsible = Date
label.grant.inactive = Idle = Start Date = End Date = Insurance Issue = No. paying entity = Insurance Information = Insurance Information from {0} and {1} = Cost Center = Project = Total value of insurance = New contract number
label.grant.owner.cardCopyNumber = Via Credit Card
label.grant.owner.correction = Document information identifying the person to associate with fellow
label.grant.owner.dateSendCGD = Data Transmission CGD
label.grant.owner.documentidentification = Identification Document
label.grant.owner.edition = Editing Fellow
label.grant.owner.filter = Filtering active fellows!
label.grant.owner.idNumber = Number of Identity Document
label.grant.owner.idType = Type of Identification Document
label.grant.owner.infoperson.address = Address
label.grant.owner.infoperson.addressDistrict = District
label.grant.owner.infoperson.addressDistrictSub = County
label.grant.owner.infoperson.addressParish = Parish
label.grant.owner.infoperson.area = Location
label.grant.owner.infoperson.areaCode = Postal Code
label.grant.owner.infoperson.areaOfAreaCode = City Zip
label.grant.owner.infoperson.birthdate = Date of Birth
label.grant.owner.infoperson.cellPhone = Mobile = Country
label.grant.owner.infoperson.districtBirth = Natural District
label.grant.owner.infoperson.districtSubBirth = County's natural
label.grant.owner.infoperson.documentId = Number
label.grant.owner.infoperson.documentIdType = Type = E-mail
label.grant.owner.infoperson.fatherName = Father's Name
label.grant.owner.infoperson.fiscalCode = Tax Code
label.grant.owner.infoperson.homepage = Web Address
label.grant.owner.infoperson.idDate = Issue Date
label.grant.owner.infoperson.idLocation = Place of Issue
label.grant.owner.infoperson.idNumber = Number
label.grant.owner.infoperson.idType = Type
label.grant.owner.infoperson.idValidDate = Validity
label.grant.owner.infoperson.idinformation = Information of Identification Document
label.grant.owner.infoperson.maritalStatus = State Civil
label.grant.owner.infoperson.motherName = Mother's Name = Name
label.grant.owner.infoperson.nationality = Nationality
label.grant.owner.infoperson.parishOfBirth = Natural Parish = Telephone
label.grant.owner.infoperson.profession = Profession = Sex
label.grant.owner.infoperson.socialSecurityNumber = Tax File Number
label.grant.owner.infoperson.username = Username
label.grant.owner.infoperson.workphone = Work Phone
label.grant.owner.information = Scholarship Information
label.grant.owner.list = List by Baggins
label.grant.owner.list.byCriteria = Stock Exchange Listing by
label.grant.owner.list.byInsurance = Listing for Insurance = Management Fellow = Name of Fellow
label.grant.owner.number = Number of scholarship
label.grant.owner.personalinformation = Personal Information
label.grant.owner.searchresult = Found (s) {0} record (s).
label.grant.owner.stats = Fellowship Statistics = Statistics Baggins
label.grant.owner.visualize = Show Baggins
label.grant.part.edition = Issue of Reimbursement
label.grant.part.grantPaymentEntity.designation = Paying Entity
label.grant.part.grantPaymentEntity.number = No. paying entity
label.grant.part.information = From holdings information
label.grant.part.paymentEntity.costCenter = Cost Center
label.grant.part.paymentEntity.project = Project
label.grant.part.paymentEntity.type = Paying Entity Type
label.grant.part.percentage = Percent (%)
label.grant.part.project = Project Number
label.grant.part.responsibleTeacher = Teacher Responsible
label.grant.part.responsibleTeacher.number = No Teacher Responsible
label.grant.paymententity.costcenter = Cost Center
label.grant.paymententity.costcenter.list = List of Cost Centers
label.grant.paymententity.designation = Designation
label.grant.paymententity.number = Number
label.grant.paymententity.project = Project
label.grant.paymententity.project.list = List of Projects
label.grant.paymententity.teacher = Teacher Responsible
label.grant.project.designation = Designation
label.grant.project.edition = Editing Project
label.grant.project.grantCostCenter.number = No. of Cost Center
label.grant.project.information = Project Management
label.grant.project.number = Number
label.grant.project.responsibleTeacher.number = No. of Professor
label.grant.qualification.branch = Area / Branch = Country
label.grant.qualification.create = New Qualification = Course
label.grant.qualification.degreeRecognition = Recognition of the degree
label.grant.qualification.edition = Issue of Qualification
label.grant.qualification.equivalenceDate = Date of equivalence
label.grant.qualification.equivalenceSchool = Establishing equivalence
label.grant.qualification.information = Information Skills
label.grant.qualification.manage = Management Skills
label.grant.qualification.mark = Classification
label.grant.qualification.qualificationDate = Date of obtaining = Establishment where he obtained a license
label.grant.qualification.specializationArea = Area of Specialization
label.grant.qualification.title = Academic Degree
label.grant.renewals = Renewals
label.grant.searchChoice = Search for:
label.grant.stat.grantowner.filterType = Filtering applied for state grant
label.grant.stat.grantowner.result = Results Statistics
label.grant.stat.grantowner.selection = Criterion (s) (s) used for statistical
label.grant.subsidy.dateBeginSubsidy = Start Date
label.grant.subsidy.dateEndSubsidy = End Date
label.grant.subsidy.edition = Editing Grant
label.grant.subsidy.information = Grant Information
label.grant.subsidy.notactive.list = History Past Grants
label.grant.subsidy.state = State
label.grant.subsidy.state.actual = Current Conditions
label.grant.subsidy.state.past = Past Regime
label.grant.subsidy.totalCost = Total Charge
label.grant.subsidy.value = Monthly payment
label.grant.subsidy.valueFullName = Tuition in full
label.grant.type.edition = Editing Kind Of Bag
label.grant.type.indicativeValue = Indicative value
label.grant.type.information = Types of Management Scholarship
label.grant.type.maxPeriodDays = Maximum (day)
label.grant.type.minPeriodDays = Minimum time (days) = Name
label.grant.type.sigla = Acronym
label.grant.type.source = Source
label.grant.type.state = State = Active
label.grant.type.state.nonActive = Not Active
label.grant.withRenewals = With Renovations
label.grant.withoutRenewals = No Renewals
label.grantPeriod = Period of scholarship
label.grantValue = Tuition / Fee Total = Insurance
label.integer = (Full Value)
label.list.byCriteria = Listing Criteria for Scholarship Grant
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.dateBegin = Start Date
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.dateEnd = End Date
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.designation = description
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.grantType = Type of Grant
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.numberCostCenter = Cost Center / Project = All bags = Only the active = Only completed
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.totalInsurance = Total Insurance
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.totalInsurance.betweenDates = Total insurance between dates
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.totalOfGrantPayment = Total burden (in Euros)
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.validToDate = Active date
label.list.byCriteria.grant.owner.valueOfGrantPayment = Monthly payment
label.list.grant.contract.subsidies = Information on Grants Contract
label.list.grant.owner.contract.type = Bag Type = First Name = Insurance = Last Name
label.list.grant.owner.number = Number Baggins
label.list.grant.owner.totalOfDays = No. Days
label.list.grant.owner.totalOfDays.betweenDates = Number of Days Between Dates
label.managementPosition.credits = Credits
label.managementPosition.end = End
label.managementPosition.position = Position
label.managementPosition.start = Home = Management positions
label.month = Month = Associate fellow at the contract number = No
label.percentage = %
label.professorship.hours = Hours that teaches
label.professorship.responsibleFor = Responsible?
label.requiredfield = * = Enter the number of teachers that you want to view the summary of credits. = Enter the number of teachers who want to manage the management positions. = Enter the number of teachers that you want to manage the situations are not exercised. = Enter the number of teachers who want to manage the hours of master's courses. = Search only fellows
label.serviceExemption.end = End
label.serviceExemption.start = Home
label.serviceExemption.type = Location = Situations do not exercise
label.stat.byCriteria.grant.contract.grantType = Type of Grant
label.stat.byCriteria.grant.owner.dateBegin = Start Date
label.stat.byCriteria.grant.owner.dateEnd = End Date = All Bags = Only the Active = Only Completed
label.stat.grantcontract.numberOfResultsOfCriteria = Number of contracts meeting the criteria
label.stat.grantcontract.resultpercentage = Percentage of contracts meeting the criteria
label.stat.grantcontract.totalValue = Total number of contracts
label.stat.grantowner.numberOfResultsOfCriteria = Number of grantees that meet the criterion
label.stat.grantowner.resultpercentage = Percentage of grantees that meet the criterion
label.stat.grantowner.totalValue = Total number of grantees
label.subsidy = Allowance
label.teacher.department = Department = IST Id = Name of lecturer
label.teacher.number = Number of teachers
label.teacher.professorships = Subjects taught
label.teacherService.credits = Credits
label.teacherService.credits.diferentCategories.explanation = When a change of grade in the middle of a semester, to calculate the credit is used first to existing category this semester.
label.teacherService.credits.explanation = In the table below are listed the semesters for which data were found on the teaching service. = Final
label.teacherService.credits.mandatory = Due
label.teacherService.credits.obtained = Obtained
label.teacherService.credits.resume = Summary = Totals
label.teacherService.credits.totalSum = Total
label.teacherService.credits.until = Until the 2nd Sem
label.year = Year
label.yes = Yes = Miscellaneous Management
link.create.contract.regime = Create Contract Scheme
link.create.grant.contract.movement = Create Displacement
link.create.grant.costcenter = Create Cost Center
link.create.grant.owner = Create Baggins
link.create.grant.part = Create Reimbursement
link.create.grant.project = Create Project
link.create.grant.type = New Type of Pouch
link.create.person.grant.owner = Create Person Scholarship
link.creditsSheet.view = Summary of credits
link.delete = Delete
link.edit = Edit
link.edit.grant.owner = Edit Baggins
link.export = Export
link.export.grants = Export Grants
link.grant.contract.change.number.correction = Contract Number Change
link.grant.contract.create = Create Contract
link.grant.contract.delete.correction = Delete Contract
link.grant.contract.edit = Edit Contract
link.grant.contract.move.correction = Move Contract
link.grant.contract.movement.manage = Manage Travel
link.grant.contract.regime.edit = Edit Conditions
link.grant.correction = Corrections = Create Insurance = Edit Security
link.grant.list = Listings
link.grant.owner.correction = Correction Baggins
link.grant.owner.list = By Baggins = Next Page = Previous Page
link.grant.owner.list.byCriteria = By Grant
link.grant.owner.list.byInsurance = By Insurance = Show Baggins
link.grant.owner.stats = Fellow of
link.grant.qualification.delete = Clear Proof
link.grant.qualification.edit = Edit Qualification
link.grant.stats = Statistics
link.grant.subsidy.create = Create Grant
link.grant.subsidy.edit = Editing Grant
link.grantcostcenter.showList = List of Cost Centers
link.grantproject.showList = List of Projects = Management of credit = Management Scholarship
link.manage.grant.contract = Manage Contracts
link.manage.grant.contract.regime = Manage Regimes
link.manage.grant.costcenter = Cost Centers = Manage Insurance
link.manage.grant.owner = Manage Baggins
link.manage.grant.part = From holdings Manage
link.manage.grant.project = Projects
link.manage.grant.qualification = Managing Skills
link.manage.grant.subsidy = Manage Grant
link.manage.grant.type = Types of Scholarship = Management positions = Disciplines = Scholarship Search = Situations do not exercise
link.teacher.showList = List of Teachers
link.teacherCreditsDetails = See details = Select the Academic Year on which you want to view the subjects taught.
message.grant.contract.creation = If you want to create a new contract associated with this scholarship click on the following link
message.grant.contract.manage = If you want to manage the contracts of the grantee click the following link
message.grant.contract.movement.creation = If you want to create a new movement for this contract click on the following link
message.grant.contract.movement.manage = If I wanted to access information on the movements of the fellow-click the following link
message.grant.contract.movement.nonExistent = There are no travel associated with this contract.
message.grant.contract.nonExistentContracts = There are no contracts.
message.grant.contract.number = Contract number
message.grant.contract.regime.creation = If you want to create a new system associated with this contract click on the following link
message.grant.contract.regime.creation.note = (NOTE: If you already have an active regime, will be transferred to the history)
message.grant.contract.regime.nonExistent = There is no scheme assets associated with this contract.
message.grant.correction.successfull = Correction successfully!
message.grant.costcenter.creation = If you want to create a new cost center, click the following link
message.grant.costcenter.nonExistentGrantTypes = There are Cost Centers
message.grant.grantType.alreadyExistsSigla = There is already a type with this Acronym Scholarship
message.grant.grantType.emptyName = Should define the name.
message.grant.grantType.emptySigla = You set the Acronym. = If you want to create a new insurance policy associated with this contract click on the following link = (NOTE: If you already have a safe asset will be transferred to the history) = There is no insurance involved in this contract.
message.grant.list.grantcontractbycriteria.options = You can choose the following options to filter the listing.
message.grant.list.grantcontractbycriteria.optionsselected = Only the ones selected to enter the filtering criteria.
message.grant.list.grantcontractbycriteria.resume = On this page you can create listings on stock exchanges.
message.grant.list.grantcontractbycriteriaandinsurance.resume = On this page you can create listings on Insurance.
message.grant.owner.creation = If you want to set up a new scholarship click on the following link
message.grant.part.manage = If you want to manage reimbursements for this allowance charge on the following link
message.grant.part.nonExistent = There are contributions associated with this grant.
message.grant.paymentEntity.emptyCostCenter = Should define a Cost Center.
message.grant.paymentEntity.emptyTeacher = Should establish a teacher responsible.
message.grant.paymentEntity.invalidCostCenter = Invalid cost center number
message.grant.personAlreadyExists = One already exists in Phoenix, and possess the following:
message.grant.personDoesNotExist = The person does not exist in Phoenix.
message.grant.project.alreadyExistsNumber = There is already a project with that number
message.grant.project.creation = If you want to create a new project click on the following link
message.grant.project.nonExistentProjects = There are no projects
message.grant.qualification.creation = If you want to create a new habilitation click the following link
message.grant.qualification.manage = If you want to manage the qualifications of the grantee click the following link
message.grant.qualification.nonExistentContracts = There are no qualifications.
message.grant.stat.grantcontractbycriteria.options = You can choose the following options to filter the results of statistics.
message.grant.stat.grantcontractbycriteria.optionsselected = Only the ones selected to enter the filtering criteria.
message.grant.stat.grantcontractbycriteria.resume = On this page you can create statistics on Scholarship.
message.grant.subsidy.creation = If you want to create a new grant associated with this contract click on the following link
message.grant.subsidy.creation.note = (NOTE: If you already have an active grant, will be transferred to the history)
message.grant.subsidy.nonExistent = There is no allowance asset associated with this contract.
message.grant.type.creation = If you want to create a reimbursement for this allowance charge on the following link
message.grant.type.nonExistentGrantTypes = There are types of scholarship.
message.searchResultNumber = Your search returned {0} contracts.
message.teacherCredit.notFound = No records found of service of teachers.
message.teacherCredit.teacherSearch = Enter the number of teachers that you want to view the summary of credits.
message.teacherCredits.explanation = On the table are listed the semesters for which data were found on his teaching.