begin = Home = Back to top
button.cancel = Cancel = Making Change of Course
button.clean = Clear
button.confirm = Confirm
button.continue = Continue
button.delete = Delete
button.enroll = Subscribe
button.exit = Exit
button.insert = Insert = No
button.payments.back = Back
button.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirm
button.payments.continue = Continue
button.payments.createReceipt = Create Receipt = Issue Guide = Pay
button.payments.preparePayment = Payment
button.payments.receipt = Receipt = Select
button.student.end = End
button.student.modify = Change
button.student.ok = Ok
button.student.other = Another Student = Submit
button.submit.student = Submit
button.unenroll = Unsubscribe
button.yes = Yes = Department of Undergraduate
error.CurricularCoursesEnrollmentDispatchAction.cannot.manage.studentCurricularPlan = The student has no curriculum for which it is possible to make entries
error.ManageNotNeedToEnrollDispathAction.cannot.manage.studentCurricularPlan = The student has no curriculum for which you can add Layoffs
error.SpecialSeasonEnrolmentDispatchAction.cannot.manage.studentCurricularPlan = The student has no curriculum for which you can enroll on special season = You should select the entries and the amount to generate the payment guide
error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber = The application number does not exist
error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber.withNumber = There is an application with the number '{0}' = You should select the entries and the amount for payment
error.administrativeOffice.payments.person.doesnot.contain.receipt = A person does not have that receipt
error.administrativeOffice.payments.person.not.found = There is a person with this information
error.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt.contributor.does.not.exist = The taxpayer identification number selected does not exist = You should select entries for a receipt
error.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt.not.found = The receipt does not exist
error.areas.choose = Must choose areas of specialization and secondary to proceed with registration.
error.cannot.change.specialSeasonCode = Can not change to this code. = The student has no curriculum for which you can change the areas = Unable to retrieve data from the course selected. = Only process data from undergraduate courses.
error.enrollment.notAuthorized = There is authorized to make the application process.
error.enrollment.notStudentTutor = The user does not have the mentoring of student No. {0}.
error.enrollment.student.withTutor = The student already has a tutor to make enrollment:
Tutor with No {0} - {1}.
error.exception.notAuthorized = You are not authorized to view this information.
error.exception.notAuthorized.student.warningTuition = This student must carry your registration with your tutor.
error.exception.notAuthorized2 = You are not authorized to perform this operation.
error.exists.curricular.course.equivalency = The equivalence exists.
error.impossible.operations = It is impossible to continue the operation. Data unavailable.
error.impossible.operations.enroll = It was impossible to continue the student's Registration No {0}.
error.impossible.operations.unenroll = It was impossible to continue the student's point Unsubscribe {0}. = Invalid date
error.message.noTuitonPayed = The situation of school fees is not regularized. = You must select at least one discipline in order to proceed and make an entry. = a course = one type of course = You must select at least one discipline in order to proceed and make an entry. = half = Before enrolling you must define the Code for Special Season. = There is no student with the number entered. = There is no student with the number {0}. = the number of student = year = You can only make one transaction with each entry.
error.student.activeCurricularPlan.nonExistent = The student shall not have an active curriculum.
error.student.curricular.plan.areas.conflict = Areas of specialization and secondary have to be different.
error.student.curricularPlan = Student {0} has no active curriculum.
error.student.curricularPlan.nonExistent = The student does not have a corresponding curriculum.
error.student.curriculum.noCurricularPlans = No Students {0} has no associated curriculum.
error.student.curriculum.not.from.chosen.execution.year = The curriculum of the student n. {0} does not belong to that application year chosen. = The student does not belong in a graduate course.
error.student.degreeCurricularPlan.LEEC = The student does not belong to the curriculum LEEC.
error.student.enrollment.AreasNotEqual = Areas of specialization and secondary have to be different.
error.student.enrollment.incompatibleAreas = The areas chosen are incompatible, having regard to the subjects in which the student is approved.
error.student.enrolmentPeriod = The registration period does not correspond to this time enforcement. = The student has no entries in this year running.
error.student.notExist = Student {0} does not exist.
error.too.many.specialSeason.enrolments = In this code, the student can only have {0} entries.
error.transaction.enrollment = The application process does not support the use of buttons "Back" (Back) and "Refresh" (Reload) your browser. Similarly, the selection of subjects should be done in isolation. For this reason have to start the application process.
error.transaction.enrolment = To maintain consistency, you can not use the "Back" (Back) or the "Refresh" button (update) of your browser. Restart the application process.
errors.footer =
errors.header =
The Technical High
tilte.manual.equivalence = Manually assigning equivalences title.equivalencies.curricular.course = Equivalences title.student.change.areas = Areas / Sections / Branches title.student.curricularEnrollments = Subscriptions Curriculum title.student.curriculum = Curriculum Student title.student.enrollment = Enrollment of students in disciplines - with rules title.student.enrollment.improvment = Student enrollment for grade improvement title.student.enrollment.rules.without = Enrollment of students in disciplines - without rules title.student.enrolment.specialSeason = Registration of Students - Special Season title.student.enrolment.with.rules = Enrolling students in courses (with application of the rules of registration) title.student.enrolment.without.rules = Enrollment of students in disciplines (without applying the rules of registration) title.student.information = Student Personal Information title.student.marksSheetConsult = Consultation Guidelines title.student.notNeedToEnroll.current = Disciplines to which the student has waiver title.student.notNeedToEnroll.toInsert = Disciplines to be exempt title.student.optional.enrollment = Enrollment of students in the discipline of choice title.student.print.enrollmentsDeclaration = Registration Statements title.student.print.registrationDeclaration = Registration Statement title.welcome = Welcome to the Department of Undergraduate