ADD_NOT_ENOUGH_CHARACTER_CLASSES = The password is less than three character classes (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation).
ADD_TOO_SHORT = The password contains less than 8 characters.
AIR_FORCE_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Air Force
ANNULED = Annulled
APROVED = Approved
AcademicServiceRequest.hasnt.been.payed = The student must pay the application before it is delivered.
CHANGE_PASSWORD_CANNOT_REUSE = The password is already used an old password.
CHANGE_PASSWORD_NOT_ENOUGH_CHARACTER_CLASSES = The password is less than three character classes (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation).
CHANGE_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT = The password contains less than 8 characters.
CHECK_PASSWORD_LOW_QUALITY = The password is too weak because it is simple and based on a dictionary word.
CIVIL_UNION = Union of Fact
COORDINATOR = Coordinator
CREDITS_MANAGER = Claims Administrator
CandidacyAttributionType.ATTRIBUTED.description = Applications assigned by the teacher (confirmed)
CandidacyAttributionType.ATTRIBUTED_BY_CORDINATOR.description = Applications assigned by the coordinator
CandidacyAttributionType.ATTRIBUTED_NOT_CONFIRMED.description = Applications assigned by the teacher (not confirmed)
CandidacyAttributionType.NOT_ATTRIBUTED.description = Applications without attribution
CandidacyAttributionType.TOTAL.description = Total Applications
DELEGATE = Delegate
DEPARTMENT_CREDITS_MANAGER = Credit Administrator Department
DEPARTMENT_MEMBER = State Department
DIVORCED = Divorced
DUVIDAS = Questions of
EMPLOYEE = Employee
ENROLLED = Entered
EXTERNAL = External
FEMALE = Female
FIELD_WORK = Work Field
FIRST_TIME_STUDENT = Student 1st time
FOREIGNER_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity Card for Foreign Residents
FullGratuityPaymentPlan.description = Plan fees for regular students
FullGratuityPaymentPlanForFirstTimeInstitutionStudents.description = Plan fees p / students enrolled for the first time in the institution
FullGratuityPaymentPlanForPartialRegime.description = Plan fees for students with partial
GEP = Employee of the GEP
GratuityForStudentsInSecondCurricularYear.description = Plan fees for students enrolled in second curricular year
GratuityForStudentsInSecondCurricularYearForPartialRegime.description = Plan fees for students enrolled in second curricular year and part-time
GratuityPaymentPlan.description = Plan fees
GratuityPaymentPlanForPartialRegimeEnroledOnlyInSecondSemester.description = Plan fees for students enrolled in part-time in the 2nd half only
GratuityPaymentPlanForStudentsEnroledOnlyInSecondSemester.description = Plan fees p / students enrolled in second semester only
GratuityWithPaymentPlanPR.formulaDescription = Based Payment Plans
IMPROVEMENT = Improvement
INSTITUCIONAL_PROJECTS_MANAGER = Institutional Project Manager
INTERNATIONAL_RELATION_OFFICE = International Relations Office
MALE = Male
MANAGER = Administrator of the Phoenix
MARRIED = Married
NATIVE_COUNTRY_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Country of Origin
NAVY_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Navy
NEW = In Processing
NORMAL = Normal
NOT_APROVED = Disapproved
OPEN = In Processing
OPERATOR = Operator
OTHER = Other
PASSPORT = Passport
PERSON = Person
PRATICA = Practices
PROBLEMS = Problem
PROJECTS_MANAGER = Project Manager
PastDegreeGratuityPR.formulaDescription = Based Payment Plans (PAST)
PrecedentDegreeType.EXTERNAL_DEGREE = External Course
PrecedentDegreeType.INSTITUTION_DEGREE = Internal Course
ProposalStatusType.APPROVED = Approved
ProposalStatusType.FOR_APPROVAL = Pending
ProposalStatusType.PUBLISHED = Published
RESERVA = Reserve
RESOLVED = Resolved
RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_MANAGER = Resource Allocation Manager
RESOURCE_MANAGER = Heritage Manager = You can not make requests Enrollment over.
SEMINARY = Seminar
SEPARATED = Separate
SINGLE = Single
STUDENT = Student
StandaloneEnrolmentGratuityPR.formulaDescription = Students not enrolled in IST: SUM ({0} x Fee (i) x ({1} + EctsInscritos (i) / EctsAno)) where i = Course and EctsAno = {2} Students enrolled in IST: SUM (Fee (i ) EctsInscritos x (i) / EctsAno) where i = Course and EctsAno = {2}
TEACHER = Professor
TEMPORARILY_ENROLLED = Admitted Temporarily
TEORICA = Theoretical
TEORICO_PRATICA = Theoretical-Practical
TREASURY = Treasury Officer
ThesisPresentationState.APPROVED.label = Proposed jury agreed.
ThesisPresentationState.CONFIRMED.label = Documents submitted by the student confirmed and paper grade and date of discussion introduced.
ThesisPresentationState.DOCUMENTS_CONFIRMED.label = Documents submitted by the student confirmed by the advisor.
ThesisPresentationState.DOCUMENTS_SUBMITTED.label = Documents submitted by the student.
ThesisPresentationState.DRAFT.label = Proposed jury under construction.
ThesisPresentationState.EVALUATED.label = Dissertation evaluated and approved minutes of discussion by the Scientific Council.
ThesisPresentationState.EVALUATED_1ST.label = Dissertation evaluated and approved minutes of discussion by the Scientific Council.
ThesisPresentationState.REJECTED.label = Proposal submitted to the jury and rejected by the Scientific Council.
ThesisPresentationState.SUBMITTED.label = Proposed jury submitted for approval by the Scientific Council.
ThesisPresentationState.UNEXISTING.label = Students enrolled in dissertation. No proposal for a jury.
UNKNOWN = Unknown
WEBSITE_MANAGER = Site Administrator
WIDOWER = Widower
WebSiteManager = Site Administrator
and = and
button.accept = Accept
button.add = Add
button.back = « Back = Back to top
button.cancel = Cancel
button.change = Change
button.clean = Clear
button.confirm = Confirm
button.continue = Continue
button.coordinator.thesis.delete = Delete Proposal
button.coordinator.thesis.edit.externalPerson.create = Create External Person
button.coordinator.thesis.edit.externalUnit.create = Create External Drive
button.coordinator.thesis.edit.person.choose = Select Person
button.coordinator.thesis.edit.unit.choose = Choose Unit
button.coordinator.thesis.enterRevision = Log in Review
button.coordinator.thesis.proposal.create = Create Motion for Jury
button.coordinator.thesis.revision = Disconfirm
button.coordinator.thesis.submit = Submit for Approval
button.coordinator.tutor.associateManyStudent = Assign Students
button.coordinator.tutor.associateOneStudent = Assigning Student
button.coordinator.tutor.cancel = Cancel
button.coordinator.tutor.chooseTutor = Choose Teacher
button.coordinator.tutor.clear = Clear Selection
button.coordinator.tutor.continue = Continue
button.coordinator.tutor.createTutorships = Assign Students to Tutor
button.coordinator.tutor.remove = Remove Students = Select
button.coordinator.tutor.selectAnother = Select Another Tutor
button.coordinator.tutor.submitDate = Submit Date
button.coordinator.tutor.submitDates = Submit Date
button.coordinator.tutor.transfer = Transfer Students
button.coordinator.tutor.transferTutorship = Download
button.create = Create
button.define = Set
button.delete = Delete
button.deleteItem = Delete Item
button.deleteSection = Delete Section = Download = Download CSV = Download XLS
button.edit = Edit
button.editItem = Edit Item
button.editSection = Edit Section
button.enroll = Subscribe
button.executionCourse.archive.generate = Generate archive
button.exit = Exit
button.filter = Filter
button.forward = » Next
button.inquiries.respond.dont.respond = No Reply
button.inquiries.respond.later = Reply Later = Reply Now
button.insert = Insert
button.insertAluno = Insert
button.insertFile = Insert File
button.insertItem = Insert Item
button.insertSubSection = Insert Sub-Section
button.join = Associate
button.load = Upload
button.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.back = Back
button.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirm
button.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.continue = Continue
button.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.createReceipt = Create Receipt = Issue Guide = Pay
button.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.preparePayment = Payment
button.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt = Receipt
button.masterDegree.gratuity.addPhase = Add
button.masterDegree.gratuity.continue = Continue
button.masterDegree.gratuity.give = Assign
button.masterDegree.gratuity.list = List
button.masterDegree.gratuity.remove = Remove
button.masterDegree.gratuity.removeExemption = Delete Reduction
button.masterDegree.gratuity.submit = Submit = No
button.operator.candidacy.passwords.generatePasswords = Generate Passwords
button.person.send = Send = Affix
button.publication.DeleteAuthors = Clear Authors
button.publication.InsertAuthor = Insert Author
button.publication.InsertAuthors = Insert Authors
button.publication.clear = Clear
button.publication.continue = Continue = Search
button.reject = Reject
button.remove = Remove
button.removeAluno = Remove = Save = Save = Save and Equal = Save & New = Search
button.seeInformation = View Record
button.selectAll = Select All
button.selectNone = Deselect All
button.selectShift = OK
button.send = Send
button.sendMail = Send = Show
button.student.end = End
button.student.modify = Change
button.student.ok = Ok
button.student.other = Another Student
button.submit = Submit = Submit
button.submit.masterDegree.externalPerson.edit = Edit
button.submit.masterDegree.externalPerson.find = Search
button.submit.masterDegree.externalPerson.insert = Insert
button.submit.masterDegree.externalPerson.institution.editInstitution = Edit Work
button.submit.masterDegree.externalPerson.institution.insertInstitution = Insert the Workplace
button.submit.masterDegree.reimbursementGuide.edit = Edit
button.submit.masterDegree.reimbursementGuide.reimburse = Repay
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.addAssistentGuider = Add Co-Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.addExternalAssistentGuider = Add External Co-Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.addExternalGuider = Add External Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.addExternalJury = Add External Jury
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.addGuider = Add Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.addJury = Add Jury
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.changeProof = Change the Masters Race
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.changeThesis = Change Thesis
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.createThesis = Create Master Thesis
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.externalAssitentGuider = Search External Co-Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.externalGuider = Search External Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.externalJury = Jury External Search
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.removeAssistentGuiders = Remove Co-Advisors
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.removeExternalAssistentGuiders = Remove Foreign Co-Advisors
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.removeExternalGuiders = Remove Guiding Foreign
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.removeExternalJuries = Remove Foreign Juries
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.removeGuiders = Remove Advisors
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.removeJuries = Remove Judges
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.searchExternalAssitentGuider = Search Co-Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.searchExternalGuider = Search Advisor
button.submit.masterDegree.thesis.searchExternalJury = Search
button.submit.student = Submit
button.substitute = Substitute
button.teacher.tutor.clear = Clear Selection = Continue
button.teacher.tutor.selectAll = Select all
button.thesis.confirm.documents = Confirm
button.unenroll = Unsubscribe
button.update = Update
button.upload = Upload
button.view = Consult
button.visualize = Show = List
button.yes = Yes
cancel = Cancel
captcha.unknown.error = It was not possible to process the verification word. Please insert again.
captcha.wrong.word = The verification word is incorrect. Please insert again.
cardGeneration.campusCode = Campus Code:
cardGeneration.cardViaNumber = Card Via Number:
cardGeneration.categoryCode = Category Code:
cardGeneration.course = Course:
cardGeneration.courseCode = Course Code:
cardGeneration.courseCode2 = Course Code 2:
cardGeneration.editedSecondaryMemberNumber = Edited Secondary Member Number:
cardGeneration.editedStudentNumber = Edited Student Number:
cardGeneration.entityCode = Entity Code:
cardGeneration.expirationDate = Expiration Date:
cardGeneration.extraInformation = Extra Information:
cardGeneration.issueDate = Creation Date:
cardGeneration.levelOfEducation = Level Of Education:
cardGeneration.memberNumber = Member Number:
cardGeneration.registerPurpose = Register Purpose:
cardGeneration.registrationYear = Registration Year:
cardGeneration.reservedField1 = (Reserved Field 1):
cardGeneration.reservedField2 = (Reserved Field 2):
cardGeneration.secondaryCategory = Secondary Category:
cardGeneration.secondaryCategoryCode = Secondary Category Code:
cardGeneration.secondaryMemberNumber = Secondary Member Number:
cardGeneration.studentCompleteName = Student Complete Name:
cardGeneration.subClassCode = Sub-class Code:
cardGeneration.workPlace = Work Place:
cardGenerationBatch.description = Description
cardGenerationBatch.executionYear.year = Year
cardGenerationBatch.sent = Posted = Show all tests = All courses = All flags
choose.department = [CHOOSE A DEPARTMENT]
choose.execution.period = [CHOOSE ONE HALF] = Choose the school year to administer: = If you want to create the application process to create essays use the option in the corresponding year. = To start the application process along with other essays (s) course (s) contact CIIST.
classification.nonOfficial.information = All information on this page regarding classifications has no official value.
codigoPostal = Postal Code
concelhoMorada = County
concelhoNaturalidade = County of Birth
conclude = Finish
conclusionYear = Completion Year
content.delete.notAvailable = Unable to delete content. = The subject is mandatory.
coordinator = Coordinator
coordinator.thesis.approved.print.failed = Unable to generate the document for approval of the dissertation. Please contact the system support.
create.rooms.reserve.title = Application for Reservation of room (s)
creationDate = Creation Date
creator = Person Responsible
creditsManager = Claims Administrator
curricular.plan = Curriculum Plan
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.AnyCurricularCourseExecutor.already.approved.or.enroled = You can not choose to drive as an option {0} {1} of the unit, as is already approved or registered
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.AssertUniqueApprovalInCurricularCourseContextsExecutor.already.approved = Already approved the '{0}'
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.CreditsLimitExecutor.exceeded.maximum.credits.limit = The number of ECTS in the group {2} ({0}), exceeds the maximum allowed ({1} ECTS)
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.CreditsLimitExecutor.limit.not.fulfilled = To pass on '{0}' should have {1} ECTS. This entry would be {2} ECTS.
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.CreditsLimitExecutor.limits.not.fulfilled = To pass on '{0}' must be between {1} {2} ECTS. This entry would be {3} ECTS.
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.CreditsLimitInExternalCycleExecutor.enroling.dissertation = You can not enroll in a course outside Dissertation
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.CreditsLimitInExternalCycleExecutor.external.cycle.limit.exceeded = Enrollment in '{0}' {1} would be with ECTS (approved + subscribers), which exceeds the maximum {2} ECTS (max = 1.4 x {3} - 168)
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.CreditsLimitInExternalCycleExecutor.previous.cycle.minimum.credits.not.fulfilled = To sign up for '{0}' requires more than {1} ECTS approved in '{2}'
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.DegreeModulesSelectionLimitExecutor.limit.exceded = In group '{0}' must choose {1} module (s)
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.DegreeModulesSelectionLimitExecutor.limits.exceded = In group '{0}' must choose between {1} {2} modules = The student has already Enrollment Period Special Course on '{0}' for the Academic Year {1}. = The student has already obtained Utilization for the Course '{0}'.
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.EnrolmentInSpecialSeasonEvaluationExecutor.too.many.specialSeason.ects = Season Special: can only be registered to {0} ECTS. = Enrollment in '{0}' requires approval of the coordinator
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.EvenOddExecutor.invalid.number = Only students with number {0} may enroll in '{1}'
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.ExclusivenessExecutor.exclusive.degreeModule = Enrollment in '{0}' is exclusive with '{1}' = The student has already Registration Improvement Course to '{0}'. = The Course '{0}' is not valid in the Context of Implementation Period {1}. = The student has not obtained approval to the Course '{0}'. = Enrollment in no improvement is occurring in the period following the approval of the Executive Course.
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.MaximumNumberOfCreditsForEnrolmentPeriodExecutor = It is not permitted to register for the semester, more than {0} ECTS credits, with these inscriptions would be {1} ECTS
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.MaximumNumberOfEctsInStandaloneCurriculumGroupExecutor = The ceiling of ECTS credits is {0}, with these inscriptions would be {1}
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.MinimumNumberOfCreditsToEnrolExecutor.student.has.not.minimum.number.of.credits = The number of ECTS that has ({0}) is less than the minimum allowed ({1}) to enroll in '{2}'
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.PhdValidCurricularCoursesExecutor.invalid.curricularCourse = Discipline {0} does not exist in the group of subjects mentioned in your study plan and as such can not enroll.
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.PreviousYearsEnrolmentExecutor = '{0}': to enroll in courses of {1} th grade must have the approval or registration in the semester to courses from previous years = The inscription on the unit '{0}' has precedence as the unit '{1}' with {2} ECTS
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.RestrictionBetweenDegreeModulesExecutor.student.has.not.precedence.degreeModule = The inscription on the unit '{0}' has precedence as the unit '{1}' = You can not enroll simultaneously in the same semester, '{0}' and '{1}' = Enrollment in '{0}' has the precedence of approval '{1}' = Enrollment in '{0}' has precedence as entry '{1}'
curricularRules.ruleExecutors.SeniorStatuteSpecialSeasonEnrolmentScope.enrolment.out.of.senior.scope = The curriculum of which the student is a senior does not include the course '{0}'.
cycleCurriculumGroup = Cycle
dataEmissaoDocumentoIdentificacao = Issued
dataValidadeDocumentoIdentificacao = Valid until
datetime.out.of.range = The date is outside the range supported.
degree.scientificCommission.notMember = This operation can only be executed by scientific comission members.
degreeAdministrativeOffice = Undergraduate Services
degreeAdministrativeOfficeSuperUser = Super User Services Degrees
deliver = Delivered
destinationCourseGroup = Target Group = You can read the thesis style guide here (Portuguese only).
dissertationThesisDiscussedDate = Discussion of Thesis
dissertationThesisTitle = Dissertation Title
distritoMorada = District
distritoNaturalidade = District of Birth = Document
dropDown.Default = [Choose a category]
dropDown.Degree = [CHOOSE A COURSE]
dyanamicMailDistribution.prompt.message = Activate Mailing List
edit = Edit
editToCreate = Create a new proposal
email = Email = = = A room request was issued for {0} of course(s) {1} of degree(s) {4} on {2} at {3} = A room request was issued for {0} of course {1} of degree {4} on {2} at {3} = [{0}] Room request for {1} = Change : [{0}] Room request for {1}
employee = Employee
enderecoWeb = Homepage = Confirm Email = Can not create debt for old plans
error.AlreadyAcceptedProposal = The discipline which is making the proposal is already part of the chairs that have this grouping, as has already been realized and accepted this proposal.
error.CandidacyInformationBean.conclusionGrade.invalid.format = Invalid format.
Insert a maximum of 2 digits (0-20)
error.CandidacyInformationBean.conclusionYear.invalid.format = Invalid format. Insert a 4 digit number (example: 2004)
error.CandidacyInformationBean.designation.must.match.institution = The chosen degree designation is not taught at the chosen institution = Council of residence is mandatory for national students, and must be filled with one of the suggestions displayed = Foreigner students must say "Yes" in the filed "Moved from permanent residence" = Institution that awarded the Scholarship is mandatory for scholarships from other institutions
error.CandidacyInformationBean.numberOfCandidaciesToHigherSchool.invalid.format = Invalid format. Insert a numeric value
error.CandidacyInformationBean.numberOfFlunksOnHighSchool.invalid.format = Invalid format. Insert a numeric value = Description of degree level is mandatory if you choose "Other" = All fields are mandatory. = Council of residence of address during school time is mandatory for students moved from permanent residence = The start date can not be later than the end date
error.Contact = An Error has Occurred
error.Coordinator.cannot.delete.because.already.has.written.comments = You can not remove this coordinator. (This person is responsible for some feedback surveys QUC and its role is inseparable from its coordinator who has already played.) = Already made a finding in {0} = You can not change course, because the application already has established registration
error.DegreeCandidacyForGraduatedPerson.cannot.change.state.from.accepted.candidacies = You can not change the status of accepted applications and registration created = You should choose a course
error.DegreeCandidacyForGraduatedPerson.person.already.has.candidacy = The person already has an application for Middle and upper courses in {0}
error.DegreeCandidacyForGraduatedPersonProcess.invalid.interval = The range set is not correct
error.DegreeChangeCandidacyProcess.invalid.interval = The range set is not correct
error.DegreeChangeIndividualCandidacy.cannot.change.state.from.accepted.candidacies = You can not change the status of accepted applications and registration created
error.DegreeChangeIndividualCandidacy.cannot.create.abandon.state.due.enrolments = There are entries in the register {0} on {1} and as such can not put the registration in 'Abandonment' = The student already has a registration in {0} = You should choose a course = The chosen course can not be completed
error.DegreeTransferCandidacyProcess.invalid.interval = The range set is not correct
error.DegreeTransferIndividualCandidacy.cannot.change.state.from.accepted.candidacies = You can not change the status of accepted applications and registration created
error.DegreeTransferIndividualCandidacy.cannot.create.abandon.state.due.enrolments = There are entries in the register {0} on {1} and as such can not put the registration in 'Abandonment' = The student already has a registration in {0} = You should choose a course = The chosen course can not be completed
error.DeleteProjectProposal = Withdrawal was successful.
error.Enrolment.duplicate.enrolment = Can not sign up again to the discipline '{0}'
error.EnrolmentEvaluation.registration.with.invalid.state = The registration of student {0} is not in active status at the time of trial. = The definition of the target group requires that the modules are chosen below this in the course structure = The plan review equivalences should be made for an application for equivalence plan completed
error.Exception = An Error nas Occurred
error.ExtraExamRequest.registration.already.has.same.request = There is already an application for special exam for the subject '{0}' {1} year
error.ExtraExamRequest.registration.doesnot.have.valid.statutes = The student has the necessary statutes to request special exam
error.GroupPropertiesCreator = The discipline which is making the proposal is already part of the chairs that have this grouping, as is its creator.
error.GroupPropertiesShiftTypeChanged = Unable to perform the edit because the association was changed to shift the group by another. Try again.
error.IndividualCandidacy.invalid.candidacyDate = The date the application is outside the application period ({0}: {1})
error.IndividualCandidacy.invalid.candidacyProcess = To register a candidate must be a defined Application Process
error.IndividualCandidacy.person.with.registration = The person already has a registration in {0}
error.IndividualCandidacy.person.with.registration.previous.candidacy = The person already has a registration in {0} created before the application = The room is occupied. = Unable to create a lesson plan with no type of class. = Unable to create a lesson plan without content. = Unable to create a lesson plan untitled.
error.NewProjectCreated = Motion made and automatically granted since it is responsible for the discipline concerned.
error.NewProjectProposalSucessfull = Proposal sent successfully.
error.NotAuthorized = Not Authorized Operation
error.OptionalEnrolment.duplicate.enrolment = Can not sign up again to the discipline '{0}'
error.Over23CandidacyPeriod.executionInterval.already.contains.candidacyPeriod.type = There is already an application period for people over 23 set in {0}
error.Over23IndividualCandidacy.cannot.change.state.from.accepted.candidacies = You can not change the status of accepted applications and registration created
error.Over23IndividualCandidacy.invalid.acceptedDegree = Should indicate the course for each student who is placed
error.Over23IndividualCandidacy.invalid.degrees = You must choose at least one course
error.Over23IndividualCandidacy.invalid.person = The chosen person is or was a student of the institution
error.Over23IndividualCandidacy.person.already.has.candidacy = The person already has a bid Over 23 in {0}
error.PersonInformationBean.precedentDegree.fields.mandatory = All the fields in Precedent Degree are mandatory
error.ProjectProposalName = To accept the proposed co-evaluation, you must first change the name of their group {0}, because the proposed pool has the same name, and not allowed to have groups with the same names.
error.PunctualRoomsOccupationComment.comment.already.exists = The comment that is trying to create already exists.
error.PunctualRoomsOccupationRequest.impossible.edit = You can no longer edit the application because it is already in process. Alternatively you can submit a comment.
error.PunctualRoomsOccupationRequest.request.already.exists = The application that is trying to create already exists.
error.RegistrationAcademicServiceRequest.executionYear.before.registrationStartDate = The request's execution year cannot be previous to the registration's start date.
error.RegistrationAcademicServiceRequest.requestDate.before.registrationStartDate = The request date cannot be previous to the registration's start date. = Unable to calculate the year of completion, must put a completion date and place the completed registration with the state = The date entered is earlier than the date of registration = You can not apply this scheme to courses Curriculum Units Isolated
error.RegistrationRegime.semester.has.more.ects.than.maximum.allowed = Registration is {0} ECTS enrolled in {1}, which exceeds the maximum allowed per semester for a part-time ({2} ECTS)
error.Scheduleing.maximumNumberOfProposalsPerPerson = Maximum number of proposals per person reached
error.SecondCycleCandidacyPeriod.interception = There is already an entry for {0} from {1} and {2} = The student already has a registration in {0} = You should choose a course
error.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.invalid.precedentDegreeInformation = Qualifications must fill in correctly
error.SecondCycleIndividualCandidacy.person.already.has.candidacy = The person already has a bid in the 2nd cycle {0} = You should add at least one course
error.SentedProjectsProposalsWaiting = There are groups offered to other disciplines.
error.SeparationCyclesManagement.already.has.registration = Already have an enrollment in {0}
error.SeparationCyclesManagement.conclusion.processed = The curriculum has already made a finding
error.SeparationCyclesManagement.invalid.degreeType = You can not create a license plate from the cycle in question
error.SeparationCyclesManagement.invalid.firstCycle = The 1st cycle is not complete
error.SeparationCyclesManagement.invalid.secondCycle = Has no cycle or two is not external = The curriculum '{0}' is not active or completed = Only applicable to courses bologna
error.StandaloneCandidacyPeriod.interception = There is already an entry for {0} from {1} and {2}
error.StandaloneCandidacyProcess.invalid.interval = The start and end dates are not correct
error.StandaloneIndividualCandidacy.cannot.change.state.from.accepted.candidacies = You can not change the status of accepted applications and registration created
error.StandaloneIndividualCandidacy.ects.credits.above.maximum = The maximum number of ECTS credits is {0}
error.StandaloneIndividualCandidacy.person.already.has.candidacy = The person already has an application for Curriculum Units Isolated in {0}
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.create.dismissals = You are not allowed to manage equivalences made after the clearance
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.debts.for.previous.execution.years = You can not enroll because there are debts of previous years that are not settled
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.registration.inactive = Can not enroll on inactive enrollment
error.StudentCurricularPlan.cannot.enrol.with.residence.debts = You can not enroll because there are debts of residence which are not regulated = Can not move '{0}' to '{1}' = Can not move '{0}', for the registration of the target group ({1}) begins after the implementation period of the element you want to move ({2} before the start of registration {3}) = You are not allowed to move the subjects made after the clearance = Unable to remove a subscription to '{0}' because it has applications that depend on it = You can not make registrations, because registration is not active in {0} = Has no statute which gives access to special season. Please go to the office. = Do not have permission to enroll. Please go to the office.
error.StudentCurricularPlan.students.can.only.perform.curricular.course.enrollment.inside.established.periods = Students may only carry out registrations within the time set = There is already information for the year chosen
error.StudentGroupShiftIsChanged = The association to turn this group of students has been changed by someone else. Try again. = There is already a re-entry to the year chosen
error.StudentReingressionRequest.out.of.enrolment.period = It is beyond the period of re-entry.
error.StudentReingressionRequest.registration.has.conclusion.processed = The student has already made a finding in enrollment = Can not rejoin it already prescribed at least three times
error.StudentReingressionRequest.registration.with.invalid.state = The student's enrollment status does not allow re-entry is done
error.StudentReingressionRequest.student.has.debts = Unable to create re-entry, because the student has outstanding debts
error.UnEnrollStudentGroupShift = Impossible to dissociate the shift, because the association was changed to shift the group by another. Try again.
error.WaitingProposal = The discipline which is making the proposal is part of the seats which have been proposed for this grouping. Currently is awaiting a response from the teacher responsible for discipline. = Can not cancel payments that are active in receipts = Unable to repay the values that put the individual back into debt = You can not create credit memos to invoices canceled = You can not create credit memos without inputs = Debt {0} exceeds the maximum allowed for reimbursement ({1} euros). Check for other notes where credit is being carried out the repayment of this debt. = The amount to be reimbursed for '{0}' exceeds its current value = The amount to be reimbursed for '{0}' must be greater than zero = You can not cancel debt when payments are associated = The debt is already settled = Only debts that are open can be canceled = Can not delete payment plans that are already being used in debt = The amount payable must be greater than zero = Can not make a payment by the company that exceeds the total amount of debt = You should select one or more entries for payment = The amount to be refunded to {0} exceeds the maximum allowed = Não é possível anular o recibo por ter notas de credito activas. = You can not cancel for which receipts have been created credit notes
error.accounting.Receipt.contributor.and.contributorName.are.exclusive = Unable to set the taxpayer and the name simultaneously. You should only set the name if the person does not have taxpayer = You must fill in the taxpayer = Should set the taxpayer or the name = To create a receipt you should select the payments you want to include = Payments to issue a receipt must belong to the same calendar year
error.accounting.Receipt.invalid.receipt.year = The year of receipt shall be not less than {0} = The fiscal year of {0} is already closed = The course {0} does not belong to the list of types of courses accepted for debt creation of Secretariat and insurance fee = The course {0} is not running for the school year {1} = The course {0} does not belong to the list of types of courses accepted for debt creation of bribery = The course {0} does not belong to the list of types of courses accepted for the creation of debt insurance = The student enrollment at {0} {1} does not meet the conditions for the creation of Secretariat rate debt and secure. Make sure the registration is active, the course is running and the student has registrations for the academic year in question = The student enrollment at {0} {1} does not meet the conditions for the creation of the debt of a bribe. Make sure the registration is active, the course is running and the student has registrations for the academic year in question = The student enrollment at {0} {1} does not meet the conditions for the creation of debt insurance. Make sure the registration is active, the course is running and the student has registrations for the academic year in question and has a debt of insurance to another course (eg Diploma) = It is not possible to create a gratuity event. Please verify if in the student curricular plan there is a group called 'Unidades Curriculares Isoladas' with enrolments for the selected execution year. Also verify if the student has a gratuity event. = The student {0} already has a debt rate of secretarial and insurance for the academic year {1} = Student {0} already has a debt of bribes in the course {1} for the academic year {2} = Student {0} already has a debt of insurance for the school year {1} = {0} requires filing date of the Order and Reason = Student {0} already has a fine entry in the register after the deadline for the {1} {2} academic year in the first half {3} = {0} requires filing date of the Order and Reason = You can not delete the exemption because there are already in debt payments in question = The application has been accepted and therefore can not erase the exemption = Debt payments have and therefore can not erase the exemption = This debt does not permit application fee of such exemption = Unable to remove exemptions that put the student back into debt = The debt relief already has a fine choice for the provision = You can not assign the debt waivers of fines that have already been settled = Unable to remove exemptions from the penalty debts that have already been settled = The chosen type of exemption means filling the observations = {0} requires filing date of the Order and Reason = The amount payable does not match the value in debt = The amount payable to {0} must be equal to the amount owed = The amount payable does not match the value in debt = There are payments for subscriptions in improving whose enrollment periods are not defined in improving = Value of the benefit to {0} must be equal to the outstanding
error.accounting.postingRules.dfa.DFACandidacyPR.cannot.process.without.candidacy.period.defined = Unable to make payments for application of DFA without defining the relevant periods
error.accounting.postingRules.dfa.DfaRegistrationPR.cannot.process.without.registration.period.defined = Unable to make payments for fees DFA without defining the relevant periods = Value of the benefit to {0} must be equal to the outstanding
error.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.DFAGratuityPR.invalid.partial.payment.value = Value of the benefit to {0} must be {1}% of the total
error.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.GratuityWithPaymentConditionPR.invalid.number.of.entryDTOs = Only you can make a payment each time the debt to {0} = The amount payable to {0} must be equal to the amount owed = Unable to pay benefits at the same time and the total debt to {0} = The benefits must be paid in order. = The value of the benefit to {0} must be equal to the outstanding
error.accounting.postingRules.invalid.number.of.entryDTOs = Only you can make a payment each time the debt to {0} = You should select the entries and the amount to generate the payment guide
error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber = The application number does not exist
error.administrativeOffice.payments.invalid.candidacyNumber.withNumber = There is an application with the number '{0}' = You should select the entries and the amount for payment
error.administrativeOffice.payments.person.doesnot.contain.receipt = A person does not have that receipt
error.administrativeOffice.payments.person.not.found = There is a person with this information
error.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt.contributor.does.not.exist = The taxpayer identification number selected does not exist = You should select entries for a receipt
error.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt.not.found = The receipt does not exist
error.already.aproved = Already registered for {0} = You're already on curricular course {0} in {1}
error.areaCode.invalidFormat = Invalid format. Use xxx-xxxx
error.areas.choose = Must choose areas of specialization and secondary to proceed with registration.
error.attends.cant.delete = You cannot delete attends
error.attends.cant.delete.has.associated.marks = You cannot delete, because the student already has exams or tests with marksheets published = You can't delete this attend, because it has already been accounted for Credits for Orientation (Project/Seminars/Tutoring).
error.attends.cant.delete.has.project.submissions = You cannot delete attends because there are submissions of projects
error.attends.cant.delete.has.student.groups = You cannot delete attends, because the student is enrolled in groups
error.badMetadataFile = File metadata invalid.
error.badXmlFiles = O (s) file (s) (s) year (s) inserted (s) does not follow (s) the standard format QTI (version 1.2) for IMS.
error.badXmlZipFile = Zip file or xml invalid. = The date of registration can not be earlier than the current date.
error.beginDateAfterEndDate = The start date must be less than the end date.
error.candidacy.already.exists.for.this.person = There is already an application to the person selected
error.candidacy.hash.code.already.bounded = The email you entered is already associated with an application process. = You should select a person = To join a select person. Alternatively you can create.
error.candidatesNotFound = Candidates were not found in state "Admitted." = The student is already enrolled and / or attend discipline '{0}' {1} in one of their enrollments (see the entries and / or courses attended)
error.cannot.merge.execution.course.with.itself = Can not associate itself with a discipline.
error.cantRegisterCandidate = This candidate is not in a situation of being matriculated.
error.careerWorkshops.applicationPeriodExpired = The application period has expired.
error.careerWorkshops.confirmationPeriodExpired = The confirmation period has expired.
error.certificate.impossible.operations = It was impossible to launch the qualification.
error.collapsing.convokes = Overlapping convkes.
error.conclusionGrade.invalidFormat = Invalid format. Enter 2 digits = Este formulário serve para contactar o suporte técnico do sistema. Utilize-o para reportar o erro ocorrido no sistema.
error.contributor.not.found = Contributor {0} not found.
error.coordinator.chosenCurricularCourse = The course curriculum chosen does not exist.
error.coordinator.chosenDegree = The course chosen does not play there.
error.coordinator.chosenExecutionYear = The year implementation {0} does not exist.
error.coordinator.impossibleHistoricDegreeSite = Unable to make the historic sites of the course.
error.coordinator.noCurricularCourse = The course curriculum is invalid.
error.coordinator.noCurriculum = The course curriculum has no curriculum related information.
error.coordinator.noCurriculumInExecutionYear = The course curriculum has no information associated currilar year implementation {0}.
error.coordinator.noDegreeCurricularPlan = The current implementation does not have an associated curriculum.
error.coordinator.noExecutionDegree = Choose a course running.
error.coordinator.noExecutionYear = The year run is invalid.
error.coordinator.noHistoric = It was not impossible to provide the historical information.
error.coordinator.noUserView = Start one session.
error.coordinator.scientificComission.employee.doesNotExist = There is no official or teacher with the number entered.
error.coordinator.tutor.associateManyStudent.bothFieldsAreRequired = Both fields are required
error.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.mustSelectAtLeastOneStudent = Select at least one student.
error.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.notActiveRegistration = Student {0} does not have an active registration.
error.coordinator.tutor.manageTutorships.mustSelectStudents = Unable to proceed with transaction: select at least one student.
error.courseOrPosition.max.length.exceeded = The "subjects / positions" can not be longer than 100 characters.
error.create.internal.person.relation.type.none = At least one type of relation with the institution must be specified.
error.createExercise.noQuestionText = You must insert the wording of the question = Can not submit grades for the course
error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegrees = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in IST
error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInGivenPeriod = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in IST in the given period.
error.curricularPlanHasNoExecutionDegreesInNotClosedYears = This curricular plan hasn't been carried out in IST in an opened execution year.
error.curricularPlanInDraftStage = The curricular plan is still in draft stage.
error.curricularPlanNotApproved = The curricular plan hasn't been approved yet. = Date of examination invalid. = Release date invalid. = Invalid date format = Specify an end date of the examination period of the first half after the start.
error.dateSwitched.exams.two = Specify an end date of the examination period of the second half after the start. = Specify an end date of the class period of the first half after the start.
error.dateSwitched.lessons.two = Specify an end date of the class period of the second half after the start.
error.dateSwitched.periods = The ending date of a period should be prior to the beginning of the next continuation.
error.default = There was an error. = Unable to retrieve data from the course selected.
error.degreeAdministration.emptyField = Completion of the student number is required.
error.degreeAdministration.inexistentStudent = There is no student with the specified number.
error.degreeAdministration.notMereStudent = The student's teacher or employee.
error.degreeModuleToEvaluate.has.invalid.context = Enrollment in '{0}' in '{1}' is not a valid context. The course structure has been modified after such registration occurs.
error.deleteStudentGroupMembers.AttendsSet = You can not withdraw students from group because the group no longer exists in the database.
error.distributeTest.noExercise = The chip has not selected any questions.
error.distributedTests.notSelected = You must select at least one distributed statement. = You can only have an institutional email
error.domain.contacts.EmailAddress.cannot.remove.last.emailAddress = You can not delete all email addresses = You can not delete all contacts from the phone type
error.domain.contacts.PhysicalAddress.cannot.remove.last.physicalAddress = You can not delete all the addresses
error.double.format = The number {0} is not in the format ###.## = Student No. {0} has the situation of school fees, and insurance or incoherent.
error.duplicate.item = There is already an item with the same name in this section
error.duplicate.shift.names = The operation is not possible as there are shifts with the same name.
error.editStudentGroupMembers = Some of the students enter the group is not allowed since it is no longer in the set. = Unable to send an email to the address {0} =
The remaining emails were sent successfully. = Email is not valid : = Message required = Recipient required = Subject required
error.endDate.sooner.beginDate = The date of registration can not be later than the end date of registration
error.enrollStudentGroupShift = Unable to make the association because the association was changed to shift the group by another. Try again.
error.enrollment.notAuthorized = There is authorized to make the application process.
error.enrollment.notStudentTutor = The student is not your tutoring.
error.enrollment.student.withTutor = The student already has a tutor to make enrollment:
Tutor with No {0} - {1}.
error.enrolment.notExist = There is no enrollment in courses
error.enrolmentEvaluation.has.been.payed = Enrollment in improving already been paid by the student, can not be erased.
error.enrolmentPeriodNotDefined = Registration Period not defined
error.entity.max.length.exceeded = The "entity" can not be longer than 50 characters.
error.equal = {0} equals {1}
error.evaluation.begin.sooner.end = The start date of the assessment can not be earlier than the end date.
error.evaluation.process.already.under.way = The process is already underway!
error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriod = The valuation date is not within the examination period
error.evaluationDateNotInExamsPeriod.withEvaluationDateAndPeriodDates = The valuation date {0} is not within the examination period ({1} {2})
error.evaluator.not.found = Evaluator [{0}] does not exist
error.evaluee.duplicate = Reviewed {0} in duplicate.
error.evaluee.not.found = Evaluee [{0}] does not exist
error.examDate.sooner.endDate = The ending date of registration can not be later than the date of the examination
error.exams.period.undefined = The exam period is not defined.
error.exception.commons.externalPerson.existingExternalPerson = Foreign Person already exists
error.exception.commons.externalPerson.nonExistingExternalPerson = A foreign person does not exist
error.exception.commons.institution.institutionAlreadyExists = Work already exists
error.exception.commons.institution.institutionNotFound = Workplace Not Found
error.exception.commons.institution.rootInstitutionNotFound = Can not insert a new institution.
error.exception.duplicateSibsPaymentFileProcessing = The file has been processed SIBS
error.exception.editGroupProperties = INFORMATION:
The group properties have changed, however:
error.exception.existing = {0} already exists.
error.exception.existing.groupProperties = There is already a grouping with the name entered.
error.exception.existing.lesson = The class already exists.
error.exception.existingActiveStudentCurricularPlan = This student already has a plan Curricular Assets. Please contact support.
error.exception.externalPerson.existingExternalPerson = Information not saved. There is already another person outside of the same name, address and institution.
error.exception.intercepting.lesson = Already there are lessons in that time interval {0}.
error.exception.intercepting.rooms = The rooms are already booked for another test.
error.exception.invalid.existing.password = The current password is incorrect.
error.exception.invalid.guideSituationChange = This Guide may not be amended.
error.exception.invalid.invalidGratuityChange = This amendment is invalid.
error.exception.invalidGuideSituationChange = The Changing Status of the Guide is invalid.
error.exception.invalidInformationInForm = Invalid information in (s) Number (s) and / or price (s).
error.exception.invalidInformationInStudentNumber = Number of Student invalid.
error.exception.invalidStudentNumber = The number entered is invalid
error.exception.masterDegree.dissertationTitleAlreadyChosen = The title of master thesis already exists
error.exception.masterDegree.existingMasterDegreeThesis = The master's thesis already exists
error.exception.masterDegree.externalGuiderAlreadyChosen = The external co-supervisor is already on the list of external advisors chosen
error.exception.masterDegree.gratuity.gratuityValuesNotDefined = The course of the candidate has not yet defined tuition fees.
error.exception.masterDegree.gratuity.notExistingGratuitySituation = The situation there is no Fee.
error.exception.masterDegree.gratuityNotRegularized = The situation must be regularized Fee
error.exception.masterDegree.guiderAlreadyChosen = The co-supervisor is already on the list of advisors chosen
error.exception.masterDegree.invalidGuideSituation = Situation guide Invalid
error.exception.masterDegree.invalidInsuranceReimbursementValue = The insurance reimbursement has to be integral
error.exception.masterDegree.invalidReimbursementValue = Redemption value invalid
error.exception.masterDegree.noEntryChosen = The amount of reimbursement or justification are not properly filled
error.exception.masterDegree.noGuidersSelected = There was no guiding seleccioando
error.exception.masterDegree.noJuriesSelected = There was no jury seleccioando
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistentActiveStudentCurricularPlan = Could not find any asset of the student curriculum
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistentStudent = The graduate student was not found
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistentTeacher = The teacher was not found
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistingEntriesGuide = The Guide is not associated Entry Guides
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistingExecutionDegree = There are years of implementation related to curriculum
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistingMasterDegreeProofDataToDisplay = No data are yet to be consulted
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistingMasterDegreeProofVersion = Proof Masters was not found
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistingMasterDegreeThesis = The master's thesis was not found
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistingReimbursementGuides = The Guide is not associated Reimbursement Guides
error.exception.masterDegree.nonExistingSituationGuide = The Guide has no associated states
error.exception.masterDegree.requiredJustification = Field Justification is required for entries to be reimbursed
error.exception.masterDegree.scholarshipNotFinished = The share of pupils in schools is not yet complete
error.exception.maximumCapacity.editGroupProperties =
Some groups get more elements than the maximum amount you entered.
error.exception.minimumCapacity.editGroupProperties = Some of the groups is less evidence than the minimum capacity that entered.
error.exception.noActiveStudentCurricularPlan = This student is not enrolled in this school year.
error.exception.noCertificateChosen = No document was not chosen.
error.exception.noChangeMade = Not make any change.
error.exception.noChoiceMade = You must make at least one choice.
error.exception.noDegree = This course does not exist.
error.exception.noGuidesForPerson = There are no {0}.
error.exception.noStudents = Student None Found.
error.exception.nonExisting = {0} does not exist.
error.exception.nonExistingCandidates = There are no candidates.
error.exception.notAuthorized = You are not authorized to view this information.
error.exception.notAuthorized.student.warningTuition = This student does not belong to her mentoring.
error.exception.notAuthorized2 = You are not authorized to perform this operation.
error.exception.nrOfGroups.editGroupProperties = Some of the shifts get more groups than the maximum number of groups have entered a turn.
error.exception.unreached = Party school not completed.
error.excerptSize = The excerpt has to fulfill the number of words allowed.
error.execution.course.not.found = {0} not found.
error.exerciseCreationError = An error occurred while trying to create the exercise.
error.existing.marks = Already there are notes posted to the early discipline = There is already a course with the name and type chosen.
error.existingAnnouncement = There is already an ad with that title today.
error.existingTeacher = This professor is now coordinator of this course.
error.ficheiro.impossivelApagar = Can not delete this file.
error.ficheiro.impossivelFechar = Could not close this file.
error.ficheiro.impossivelLer = Could not open this file.
error.file.badFormat = File format invalid.
error.file.empty = The file does not exist or is empty.
error.filemanager.unableToStoreFile = Could not save the file {0} = The operation can not be performed because some courses have already related proposals.
error.findSpaces.empty.building = When choosing a campus will have to select a building.
error.findSpaces.empty.labelToSearch = Lack indicate the content of the research.
error.form.incomplete = Please complete all fields on the form before saving, or return to previous page. = The student is already enrolled and / or attend discipline '{0}' {1} in one of their enrollments (see the entries and / or courses attended) = The indication of a source address is required.
error.function.max.length.exceeded = The "function" can not be longer than 50 characters.
error.greaterThan = {0} is greater than {1}
error.greaterThanOrEqual = {0} is greater or equal to {1}
error.groupProperties.DiffCapacityNoShift = It's necessary to choose a type of shift.
error.groupProperties.DiffCapacityNoShiftsList = There aren't any shifts available.
error.groupProperties.capacityOverflow = Maximum room capacity exceeded.
error.groupProperties.delete = Could not delete the group.
error.groupProperties.delete.attendsSet.withGroups = Could not delete the group because there are still groups.
error.groupProperties.edit.attendsSet.withGroups = Could not edit the group because there are still groups.
error.groupProperties.edit.maxGroupCap.inferiorToExistingNumber = Could not edit the group maximum capacity because it's inferior to existing number of groups.
error.groupProperties.ideal.maximum = The ideal capacity is greater than the maximum capacity.
error.groupProperties.ideal.minimum = The ideal capacity is less than the minimum capacity.
error.groupProperties.minimum = The minimum capacity is greater than the maximum capacity.
error.groupPropertiesExecutionCourse.delete = Unable to delete the proposal.
error.guides.for.candidates.are.not.supported = Unable to create guides for candidates
error.impossible.gratuityWithTransactions = You can not change the bribe because he has associated transactions.
error.impossible.insertExemptionGratuity = Unable to proceed with the allocation of Reduced Fee.
error.impossible.insertGratuityValues = Unable to initiate the development of the Course Fee {0}.
error.impossible.invalidDate = Please choose a valid date.
error.impossible.noGratuityValues = Please note the course has not yet defined tuition fees.
error.impossible.noGratuityValues.degreeName = Note the course {0} does not have all tuition fees set.
error.impossible.noGratuityValuesThisExecutionDegree = Note the course {0} does not have all tuition fees set.
error.impossible.operations = It is impossible to continue the operation. Data unavailable.
error.impossible.operations.enroll = It was impossible to continue the student's Registration No {0}.
error.impossible.operations.unenroll = It was impossible to continue the student's point Unsubscribe {0}.
error.impossible.paymentPhaseWithTransactional = Can not change benefits because they have associated transactions.
error.impossible.paymentPhaseWithWrongDates = Can not change benefits because they have wrong dates.
error.impossible.problemsWithDegree = There are errors with the course the student {0}.
error.impossible.readStudent = It was impossible to get information from the student chosen.
error.impossible.removeExemptionGratuity = Unable to remove the Reduced Fee.
error.impossible.submit = Unable to submit grades.
error.impossibleCurricularCourseInfo = It was impossible to find information of the discipline.
error.impossibleCurricularCourseInfo.en = It was impossible display all information about the course.
error.impossibleCurricularPlan = There is no information about the degree's curricular plans.
error.impossibleDegreeInfo = It was impossible to find detailed information about the degree.
error.impossibleDegreeList = It was impossible to list the courses taught at the institution.
error.impossibleDegreeSite = Unable to deliver the chosen page of the Course
error.impossibleEditDCPInfo = It was impossible to edit information on the curriculum.
error.impossibleEditDegreeInfo = It was impossible to edit the information page of the course.
error.impossibleExecutionDegreeList = This degree hasn't been carried out in IST.
error.impossiblePublishMarks = Unable to publish the agenda
error.impossibleReadExam = Unable to read the exam.
error.impossibleReadMarksList = Unable to read the agenda
error.impossibleReadSection = Unable to read the section you want.
error.impossibleReadWebsite = Could not read the website you want.
error.insertApplicationDocuments.invalidExtensions = One of the files has introduced an extent permitted by the system
error.insertStudentGroupMembers.AttendsSet = Can not enter students in the group because the group no longer exists in the database.
error.integerArray = {0} must be defined and should be an integer.
error.invalid.contributorNumber = The VAT number is poorly filled
error.invalid.contributorType = You should choose a type of taxpayer = Invalid date or time = Invalid date format
error.invalid.evaluationDate = The valuation date must be between {0} and {1}
error.invalid.file.contents = File not imported because of the following errors: {0}
error.invalid.file.contents.line = Error at line {0}: {1}
error.invalid.file.format = Invalid file format.
error.invalid.hour = The {0} is invalid (hh: mm).
error.invalid.nickname = Invalid name. Observe the rules of the names.
error.invalid.session = Your session has expired.
error.invalid.situation = The situation '{0}' is invalid in this context.
error.invalidCurricularCourseScope = At least a part of a curriculum subject is invalid.
error.invalidDate = There are dates with invalid format.
error.invalidExecutionCourse = At least one chosen discipline is invalid.
error.invalidExecutionDegree = It was impossible to find the chosen course.
error.invalidGroupNumber = The group number entered already exists.
error.invalidMaximunNumberOfStudents = The maximum number of students outside the limits of capacity of the group.
error.invalidMinimumNumberOfStudents = The minimum number of students outside the limits of capacity of the group.
error.invalidNumber = You must enter a number.
error.invalidNumberOfStudentGroups = The maximum number of groups has been reached.
error.invalidNumberOfStudents = The number of students outside the limits of capacity of the group.
error.invalidOrdering = Numbering incorrect (the numbering will start at "1" and be sequential).
error.invalidStudentConclusion = Test results undefined.
error.invalidStudentType = Type of Degree invalid for this type of certificate
error.invalidTeacherRemoval = Unable to remove the teachers responsible for discipline.
error.invalidWrittenTestDate = The date of the test must be contained in the half where (s) subject (s) associated with (s) occurs (m).
error.lessThan = {0} is less than {1}
error.lessThanOrEqual = {0} is less than or equal to {1}
error.load.mark.file = It was impossible to save the file. Should eliminate the following problems of the file and to repeat the process. = You are not authorized to perform this operation
error.manager.implossible.findPerson = There is no person with the chosen criterion.
error.manager.invalidDate = The end date field must match the present or the past.
error.manager.oneItem.findPerson = Must enter data in at least one of the fields.
error.manager.wrongDates = The end date must be after start date.
error.markSheet.create.with.invalid.enrolmentEvaluations.number = Unable to create a staff or students
error.markSheet.invalid.arguments = The values used to create the agenda are not correct
error.markSheet.wrong.edit.method = This operation is not possible due to the state's agenda.
error.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonExistingAdmitedCandidates = No candidates were found to develop the syllabus.
error.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonExistingCandidates = We can not find suitable candidates to be approved for this course.
error.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonExistingContributor = The Taxpayer does not exist. You must fill in new data on the taxpayer to proceed.
error.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonExistingContributorSimple = The Taxpayer does not exist.
error.masterDegree.gatuyiuty.totalValuePaymentPhases = The total value of the benefits of the bribe exceeds the value of the bribe.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.adHocValueGreater = The chosen value is greater than the amount unpaid.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.chooseConflictToFix = Please choose a conflict to resolve.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.impossible.operation = It was impossible to proceed with the operation.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.impossible.studentsGratuityList = It was impossible to return the desired list.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.impossible.studentsGratuityList.empty = No data on your choice.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.nonExistingConflicts = There are no conflicts to resolve.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.paymentPhasesNeedToBeDefined = For the mode of payment chosen, the benefits must be met.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.phase.wrongDates = Check the dates of payment of the benefit.
error.masterDegree.gratuity.phaseValues = Fill in the values of the supply of bribes.
error.masterDegree.noDegreeCurricularPlan = There are no plans Curriculum.
error.masterDegree.noDegrees = There are no courses.
error.masterDegree.noStudentCurricularPlans = There are no plans Curriculum Student
error.masterDegree.showApplicationDocuments = Unable to display the desired document
error.masterDegree.studentsWithoutGrade = There are students without associated endnote. Choose Launch Schedule.
error.masterDegree.type = Only process data from the Postgraduate Courses.
error.message.GroupAlreadyAttributed = The proposal {0} already assigned to the selected group.
error.message.oldLeicStudent = Student of the curriculum of the old Leica. Should be entered without rules.
error.message.transaction.insuranceTransactionAlreadyExists = There is already a payment in respect of Insurance
error.needCorrectResponse = You must enter at least one correct answer.
error.needOptionText = At least one of the options is blank.
error.needResponse = At least one response is blank. = There is no selected rule. = You must select an academic year = You must select at least one discipline in order to proceed and make an entry. = a course = one type of course = You must select a department. = Please select a semester. = the period of execution = You must select a course = You must select an implementation period = No external person with the number {0}. = You must select at least one discipline in order to proceed and make an entry. = There are no rooms related to the written evaluation. = half = There is no student with the number {0}. = the number of student = There is no student who meets the criteria you entered. = There is no teacher with the number {0}. = year
error.noAttendsSet = This set does not exist in database.
error.noAuthor = The author with username {0} does not exist.
error.noDepartment = There is no department.
error.noEmployeeForIstUsername = There is no official IST with this id ({0}).
error.noEvaluation = The evaluation you want to manage is invalid.
error.noExecutionCourse = This discipline does not exist in database.
error.noGoalExecutionCourse = The subject of the proposed target does not exist in database.
error.noGroup = This group does not exist in database.
error.noGroupProperties = The group does not exist in database.
error.noGroupProperties.ProjectProposal = The proposed pool does not exist in database.
error.noPerson = There is not the person.
error.noProjectProposal = The proposal does not exist in the database.
error.noRoles = Unable to list the roles.
error.noSenderExecutionCourse = The origin of the proposed discipline does not exist in database.
error.noShift = The shift was eliminated by others.
error.noSite = The site you want to administer is invalid.
error.noStudents.selected = You did not select any students
error.noTeacher = The teacher does not exist.
error.noTutor = There is no teacher at the number indicated.
error.noUsername = We found no record with this username {0}.
error.noWrittenEvaluation = A written assessment that is trying to manage there.
error.non.defined.enrollment.period = Has not been set registration period.
error.non.positive = The number {0} must be positive.
error.nonExisting.AssociatedCurricularCourses = There is no curriculum related disciplines.
error.nonExisting.requester = The Applicant does not exist.
error.nonExistingTeacher = There is no teaching with that number.
error.not.authorized = You are not authorized to access the desired resource. = There are not enough places for all students in classrooms chosen.
error.not.found = The resource was not found.
error.notAuthorized.sumbitMarks = You are not authorized to submit memoranda to the secretariat
error.notAuthorizedExamDelete = Not allowed to delete tests with students enrolled.
error.notAuthorizedItemDelete.fileExists = Unable to delete the item. Delete the files associated with the first item.
error.notAuthorizedSectionDelete.fileExists = You can not delete the section. Delete the files associated with the items of the first section.
error.notAuthorizedWrittenEvaluationDelete.withStudent = Not allowed to delete the element of evaluation with students enrolled.
error.notFilled = Fill in the {0} validly.
error.nullXmlZipFile = You must insert the XML or ZIP file (s) year (s).
error.numberError = You must fill in all fields and all numbers should be.
error.numberFormat = The number of students must be an integer value.
error.numerusClausus.notDefined = Numerus clausus for this course is not defined. Please contact customer service.
error.optionNumberRange = The number of options must be between 1 and 99. = Description of precedent degree level is mandatory if you choose "Other"
error.out.of.period.enrollment.period = The registration period has ended or not the written evaluation has already occurred. = The Taxpayer indicated already exists! Please verify that the data submitted are correct.
error.paymentTypeRequired = For this type of situation should choose the type of payment.
error.permissions.cannot.enrol.without.rules = You are not allowed to make entries without rules
error.permissions.cannot.update.registration.after.conclusion.process = You are not allowed to modify the registration is completed after the clearance
error.person.addingInvalidRole = Can not add the 'role' {0} since the person in question does not meet the eligibility requirements.
error.person.addingRoleTwice = The person already has the 'role' that is trying to add.
error.person.existent.docIdAndType = The identification document indicated already registered in the system.
error.person.existent.username.or.docIdAndType = There is already a person with that username and / or identification number and type of identification document.
error.person.existentPerson = One already exists - can not be recreated.
error.person.existingUsername = Existing user name.
error.person.impossible.change = Unable to change the password, due to communication problems.
Try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us.
error.person.invalidEmptyPassword = New password can not be empty.
error.person.invalidExistingPassword = Password existing invalid.
error.person.invalidFiscalCodePassword = New password can not be your tax code.
error.person.invalidIDPassword = New password can not be your identification number.
error.person.invalidNullOrEmptyUsername = Invalid username or empty.
error.person.invalidNullPassword = New password can not be null.
error.person.invalidSamePassword = New password must be different from the old.
error.person.invalidTaxPayerPassword = New password can not be your tax number.
error.person.noMobileDefined = Do not have your mobile number set. Please set it on "Change personal contacts"
error.person.sendSms = Service Unavailable. Please try again later.
error.person.sendSmsLimitReached = Reached its limit for sending SMS's per month
error.person.splittedNamesDoNotMatch = Separate the names are not consistent with the full name of the student.
error.person.unExistingUser = User nonexistent.
error.personFunction.endDateBeforeBeginDate = The end date must be greater than the initial date.
error.personalInformation.required.degreeDesignation = The 'Degree designation' field is mandatory and it has to be filled through the suggested autocomplete options
error.personalInformation.required.institution = The 'Institution where the degree was concluded' field is mandatory and it has to be filled through the suggested autocomplete options
error.personalInformation.year.after.current = The conclusion year cannot be after the current year.
error.personalInformation.year.before.birthday = The conclusion year must be later than the birth year = The phone contact is invalid
error.project.cannotChangeGroupingBecauseProjectSubmissionsAlreadyExist = You can not modify the pool when there are already associated submissions
error.project.cannotDeleteBecauseHasSubmissionsAssociated = The project can not be deleted because it is already associated with electronic delivery
error.project.maxSubmissionsAndGroupingRequiredForOnlineSubmissions = Support for electronic delivery requires the definition of the grouping and the number of copies to keep
error.project.maxSubmissionsToKeepMustBeLessThan = The maximum number of copies to keep must be less than {0}
error.project.onlineSubmissionOptionsCannotBeChangedBecauseSubmissionsAlreadyExist = You can not modify the electronic delivery options associated with existing submissions
error.project.onlineSubmissionsCannotBeDisabledBecauseSubmissionsAlreadyExist = You can not disable the electronic delivery when there are already associated submissions
error.project.studentGroupDoesNotBelongToProjectGrouping = The group does not belong to the group defined project
error.project.studentGroupProjectSubmissionLimitExceeded = The group can not submit more copies, because I've reached the limit ({0})
error.project.submissionPeriodAlreadyExpired = The electronic submission period ended
error.public.DegreeInfoNotPresent = There is no detailed information about the degree.
error.publication.createPublicationWithoutAuthors = The publication can not be created without authors.
error.publication.editPublicationWithoutAuthors = The publication may not be amended without getting authors.
error.publication.existentPublication = The publication already exists - can not be recreated.
error.publication.teacherNotAuthor = The teacher is not the author of the publication you are wanting to join.
error.remove.professorship = You can not remove the teacher because it has summaries and / or classes of questions and / or credits associated with this discipline.
error.repeated.rooms = There are rooms in the repeated choice of occupation of rooms.
error.required.gratuityRemarks = For this situation you must complete the observations.
error.required.idNumber = If you select the type of identification must also enter the number of identification document.
error.required.idType = If you enter the number of identity document, must also choose the type of identification document.
error.required.paymentDate = You must fill in the Payment Date as the position of the guide is "Pay".
error.required.paymentType = Must complete the Payment Type for the state of the Guide is "Pay".
error.required.radioButtons = All fields are mandatory.
error.requiredBeginDate = You must fill out the start date.
error.requiredEndDate = You must fill in the date of order.
error.responseInvalidDecimalFormat = The answer given is not decimal.
error.responseInvalidIntegerFormat = The answer given is not full.
error.scheduling.not.defined = The period for submission of proposals has not yet been defined. = The number of people found exceeds the limit set for the research, please be more specific.
error.sectionAlreadyExists = There is already a section named {0}. = Canceled orders can not be reversed = This type of request is not allowed to be reversed = You can only revert applications that have more than one state = Revert to the status of 'Processing' is only possible if the request is in a later state
error.shift.duplicate = The shift {0} already exists for subject {1}.
error.shift.with.max.number.of.studentGroups = Unable to perform the association, since the new turn contains the maximum number of groups allowed.
error.shifts.class.not.associated = There are no shifts of the chosen discipline that may be associated with this class.
error.shifts.class.not.available = There are no available shifts. = There are outstanding debts. To rectify the situation, please go to the Academic Office.
error.student.Enrolment.curricularCourse.invalid = Student {0} is not enrolled in this course.
error.student.Enrolment.invalid = Student {0} is not subscribed to the subject {1}.
error.student.Mark.NotAvailable = The student {0} has no notes posted. = Can not pass that registrations are not active = To submit your vote to select a student.
error.student.curricularPlan.nonExistent = The student does not have a corresponding curriculum.
error.student.curriculum.noCurricularPlans = Student No. {0} has no associated curriculum.
error.student.curriculum.not.from.chosen.execution.year = The curriculum of the student No {0} does not belong to that application year chosen. = The student does not belong to a postgraduate course.
error.student.degreeCurricularPlan.LEEC = The student does not belong to the curriculum LEEC.
error.student.elections.candidacy.studentAlreadyCandidated = Your application has been posted. = Your vote has been registered previously, you can not vote again.
error.student.enrollment.AreasNotEqual = Areas of specialization and secondary have to be different.
error.student.enrollment.incompatibleAreas = The areas chosen are incompatible, having regard to the subjects in which the student is approved.
error.student.enrolmentPeriod = The registration period does not correspond to this time enforcement.
error.student.notExist = No. of student invalid. = The curriculum is not active or completed
error.studentCurriculum.CurriculumGroup.duplicate.courseGroup = Can not sign up again to the group '{0}'
error.studentCurriculum.CurriculumGroup.notEmptyCurriculumGroupModules = Unable to remove a subscription to '{0}' because it has applications that depend on it = Unable to remove a subscription to '{0}' = The cycle = Can not sign up again to the group '{0}'
error.studentGroup.cannotRemoveAttendsBecauseAlreadyHasProjectSubmissions = The student can not be removed because it has already submitted a job.
error.studentGroupAndGroupPropertiesDifferentShiftTypes = The type of turn grouping has changed. The operation that tried to run longer valid.
error.studentGroupNotFromGroupProperties = Someone changed one of the groups involved in this association. Try again.
error.studentGroupNotInList = At least one group no longer exists in the database. Try again.
error.studentNumber.required = You must fill in No. of Student.
error.students.Mark.NotAvailable = The agenda associated with the discipline does not exist. Choose Launch Schedule.
error.submitMarks.outOfPeriod = The period for submitting grades online for this course is closed
error.summary.already.exists = The summary already exists. = Unable to enter summary dated after the current one.
error.summary.impossible.delete = Unable to delete the summary.
error.summary.impossible.edit = Unable to change the summary.
error.summary.impossible.insert = Can not insert summaries.
error.summary.impossible.preedit = You can not change the summary. = Unable to display the summaries.
error.summary.inexistent.teacher = The internal teaching does not exist. = Unable to proceed with the operation. Data does not match the math classes. = Failure to set the date of the summary. = Failure to set the time of the summary. = Failure to select the class of the summary. = Failure to select the room. = Failure to define the type of class. = Failure to select the shift. = Can not enter a summary without content. = Have to choose a teacher. = Can not insert a brief untitled. = Invalid date. Can not enter a summary later date with the current or prior to the start of the semester.
error.summary.not.authorized = You are not authorized to perform the desired operation on the abstract.
error.summary.teacher.invalid = Unable to proceed with the operation. The teacher teaches the inner seat. = You can not select an internal teaching you are teaching the course.
error.summary.teacherNumber.invalid = The number of internal teaching must be an integer. = The teacher is already part of the team who teaches a course indicated.
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.firstSemester.normalSeason.dates = The period for submitting grades for first half of the regular season is {0} {1}.
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.firstSemester.normalSeason.notDefined = The period for submitting grades for first half of the regular season is not defined.
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.gradeSubmission.not.available = The submission of notes is not available online for this course = You may only submit notes for the curriculum '{0}' in the following periods:
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.noStudentsToSubmitMarks = There are no students to submit notes
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.noStudentsToSubmitMarksInPeriods = There are no students to submit notes on this period
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.secondSemester.normalSeason.dates = The period for submission of grades for the second half of the regular season is {0} {1}.
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.secondSemester.normalSeason.notDefined = The period for submission of grades for the second half of the regular season is not defined.
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.specialSeason.dates = The period for submission of notes to the particular time is {0} {1}.
error.teacher.gradeSubmission.specialSeason.notDefined = The submission period notes the particular time is not defined.
error.teacher.not.found = Lecturer not found.
error.teacher.siteAdministration.editItemFilePermissions.unableToChangeFilePermissions = Could not change file permissions
error.teacher.tutor.sendMail.chooseReceivers.mustSelectOne = Select at least one recipient.
error.teacherNotResponsibleOrNotCoordinator = The teacher is responsible for implementing discipline
error.teacherNumber.required = Must complete the Teacher in Charge.
error.teacherSheetFull = You can not associate the form of teaching more than five publications of type {0} (PublicationArea)
error.testQuestion.notSelected = You must select at least one year. = The title may not exceed 255 characters.
error.transaction.enrollment = The application process does not support the use of buttons "Back" (Back) and "Refresh" (Reload) your browser. Similarly, the selection of subjects should be done in isolation. For this reason have to start the application process.
error.transaction.enrolment = To maintain consistency, you can not use the "Back" (Back) or the "Refresh" button (update) of your browser. Restart the application process.
error.tutor.associateManyStudent = It was impossible to associate students {0} - {1} {2} to the teacher.
error.tutor.associateOneStudent = It was impossible to associate the student teacher to {0} {1}.
error.tutor.cannotBeTutorOfExecutionDegree = The teacher can not be shown to tutor students on the course selected.
error.tutor.changeTutorship.studentNoDegree = Unable to change the order of tutoring on student No {0}. The student does not belong to the selected course: {1} on {2}.
error.tutor.impossibleOperation = It was impossible to proceed with the operation.
error.tutor.noActiveTutorships = No students with active tutorships.
error.tutor.noActiveTutorships.for.selection = No students with active tutorships for the chosen parameters.
error.tutor.noPastTutorships.for.selection = No students with past tutorships for the chosen parameters.
error.tutor.noStudent = There are no students associated with the tutor.
error.tutor.notActiveRegistration = Unable to assign the student number {0}: the student does not have an active registration in the course selected.
error.tutor.notAuthorized.LEEC = You are not authorized to perform this operation. Only LEEC coordinators are authorized to perform the operation.
error.tutor.notAuthorized.notBolonhaOrLEEC = Only coordinators, or team coordination, LEEC-pB and courses under the Bologna are allowed to access this feature.
error.tutor.notAuthorized.notCoordinatorOfDegree = Only coordinators, or team members for coordination of travel you are allowed to access this feature.
error.tutor.numberAndRequired = You must enter a number.
error.tutor.numberStudents = Found {0} student (s) member (s) to the tutor.
error.tutor.numbersRange = The first number can not be greater than the second.
error.tutor.removeTutor = It was impossible to remove the mentoring relationship.
error.tutor.removeTutorship.studentNoDegree = Unable to remove the student No {0} to your tutor. The student does not belong to the selected course: {1} on {2}.
error.tutor.studentAlreadyHasTutor = The student {0} already has a tutor.
error.tutor.studentAlreadyWithThisTutor = The student {0} has been associated with this teacher.
error.tutor.studentAlreadyWithTutor = The student {0} already has a tutor.
error.tutor.studentNoDegree = The student with number {0} does not belong to the selected course: {1} on {2}
error.tutor.studentsNotAssociated = It was impossible to associate the following students to tutor:
error.tutor.tutor.notLEEC = The guardian you choose does not belong to the Department of LEEC.
error.tutor.unExistStudent = The student with number {0} does not exist
error.tutor.unExistTeacher = Teachers with number {0} does not exist.
error.tutorships.duplicatedTutorship = Existing mentoring.
error.tutorships.onlyOneActiveTutorship = There can be only one active mentoring relationship between a student and a tutor.
error.unit.does.not.exist = The unit itself does not exist.
error.viewNewProjectProposals = There are no proposed new groupings.
error.webSiteManagement.impossibleSubmit = Unable to send the file.
error.webSiteSection.configuration.allFields = You must fill in all the existing fields.
error.webSiteSection.configuration.integerFields = Fields excerpt and number of posts should be integers.
errors.InvalidGuideSituationServiceException = You can only create tabs for reimbursement of payment for guides are paid.
errors.InvalidReimbursementValueServiceException = This value exceeds the value of a payment slip.
errors.InvalidReimbursementValueSumServiceException = The sum of the tabs for reimbursement for payment of this guide does not allow this value because the total exceeds the payment of the tab.
errors.ShiftPercentage = Shift errors in {0}.
errors.byte = {0} must be a byte.
errors.classes.none = There are no classes to add.
errors.classes.notSelected = You must select at least one class. = {0} is not valid. = {0} is not a valid date.
errors.different.passwords = The passwords are different.
errors.double = {0} must be a real number.
errors.educationalTypeRequired = You must specify a content type = {0} is not a valid email address.
errors.exception.invalid.finalAvailability = Ultimate capacity insufficient for the number of students enrolled.
errors.exception.invalid.newCapacity = Capacity to insufficient capacity of the classes of turn.
errors.exception.invalid.newExecutionCourse = Lessons of the shift exceeds the maximum workload of the new discipline.
errors.exception.invalid.newShiftType = Lessons of the shift exceeds the maximum workload of the new type. = No courses were found running in the database.
errors.execution.period.none = Implementation periods were not found in the database.
errors.existAlunosDeTurno = There are no students enrolled
errors.existAulas = There are no classes
errors.existAulasDeDisciplina = There are lessons of discipline chosen.
errors.existAulasInTurno = There are no classes on Your Turn
errors.existClass = Could not create class {0}, because it already exists.
errors.existTurnos = There are no shifts
errors.existing.studentEnrolment = Any student who is trying to sign up, are already enrolled in another group.
errors.existing.studentInAttendsSet = Some of the students who are trying to insert is already inscribed in the set.
errors.existing.studentInGroup = Some of the students who are trying to insert is already enrolled in a group.
errors.fileAlreadyExists = It was impossible to save the file {0} because a file with the same name already exists in this item.
errors.fileNameInvalid = The file name can not contain &, # or +
errors.fileNameTooLong = It was impossible to save the file {0}, the file name is too long.
errors.fileRequired = You must specify the file.
errors.fileTooBig = The file {0} is too large.
errors.file.max.size.exceeded = O tamanho máximo de {0} bytes para o ficheiro foi excedido.
errors.float = {0} must be a real number.
errors.integer = {0} must be an integer.
errors.invalid = {0} is invalid. = The {0} is invalid (dd / mm / yyyy). = The {0} of {1} is not between {2} and {3}. = The year indicated is valid (yyyy).
errors.invalid.dateOfExecutionPeriod = The {0} is invalid (dd-mm-yyyy).
errors.invalid.delete.not.empty.branch = Unable to delete the branch {0} because it has curricula for students.
errors.invalid.delete.not.empty.curricular.course = Unable to erase the curriculum subject {0}, {1} with code since it still has dependencies. = Unable to delete {0} because the course has curricula. = Unable to erase the curriculum {0} because there is a dependency.
errors.invalid.delete.not.empty.execution.course = Unable to erase the discipline code execution with {0}, since it still has dependencies. = Unable to delete the current implementation for the academic year {0}, because there is information associated partners.
errors.invalid.delete.not.empty.studentGroup = You can not delete the group, because it has elements.
errors.invalid.delete.with.objects = Unable to delete {0}. Delete the first {1}. = Undergraduate non-existent.
errors.invalid.floatValue = {0} (s) must be greater than {1}
errors.invalid.insert.studentGroup = The group number you entered already exists in the Database
errors.invalid.insert.studentGroupShift = Fill in the desired shift = You can not delete rooms that are associated with classes. Delete the first classes.
errors.invalid.zipCode = Zip Code invalid. (XXXX-XXX)
errors.invalidAuthentication = Verify that you correctly entered your login details.
errors.invalidMark = Note {0} assigned to the student paragraph {1} is invalid.
errors.invalidSiteExecutionCourse = Unable to deliver the course page.
errors.invalidSiteExecutionDegree = Plan curriculum not available. = The date is invalid.
errors.lesson.invalid.time.interval = The time interval is invalid.
errors.lesson.invalid.weekDay = The weekday is invalid.
errors.lessons.notSelected = You must select at least one class.
errors.long = {0} Must Be an long.
errors.maxlength = {0} can only have at most {1} characters.
errors.mestrado = Student {0} is a graduate student.
errors.minlength = {0} must be at least {1} characters.
errors.missing.roleID = Role
errors.missing.username = Username
errors.noAuthorization = You are not authorized to access this server.
errors.noStudent = Student {0} does not exist in this discipline.
errors.non.existing = The course does not exist
errors.notEnrolled = Student {0} is not subscribed.
errors.notExisting.studentInAttendsSet = Any student who is trying to withdraw, no longer enrolled in the set.
errors.notExisting.studentInAttendsSetToCreateStudentGroup = Any student who is trying to sign up, is not in the set of students to which you may register in groups.
errors.notExisting.studentInGroup = Any student who is trying to withdraw, no longer subscribed to the group.
errors.notExisting.studentInGrouping = Any student who is trying to sign up, is not enrolled in the group. = Unable to read the person with username {0}.
errors.publications.authorshipWithIncorrectOrder = There is already an author for the publication {0} with order {1}.
errors.range = {0} is not between {1} and {2}.
errors.registo.invalid = The number of students {0} is invalid.
errors.required = Should define: {0}.
errors.required.a.checkbox = You must select at least one {0}.
errors.required.checkbox = You must select at least one {0}.
errors.required.undefined.checkbox = You must select at least one / a {0}.
errors.shift.full = The part {0} is complete.
errors.shift.hours.limit.exceeded = Load exceeded the maximum shift.
errors.shift.hours.limit.reached = Hours maximum shift reached.
errors.shift.lab.hours.limit.exceeded = Laboratory workload exceeded the maximum (max = {0}).
errors.shift.lab.hours.limit.reached = Maximum workload laboratory has been reached (max = {0}).
errors.shift.nonExisting = The part {0} does not exist.
errors.shift.pratical.hours.limit.exceeded = Hours practice exceeded maximum (max = {0}).
errors.shift.pratical.hours.limit.reached = Hours maximum practical has been achieved (max = {0}).
errors.shift.theo.pratical.hours.limit.exceeded = Hours theoretical and practical maximum exceeded (max = {0}).
errors.shift.theo.pratical.hours.limit.reached = Hours theoretical and practical maximum has been reached (max = {0}).
errors.shift.theoretical.hours.limit.exceeded = Theoretical maximum load exceeded (max = {0}).
errors.shift.theoretical.hours.limit.reached = Hours theoretical maximum has been reached (max = {0}).
errors.shifts.none = There are no shifts.
errors.shifts.not.available = There are no shifts.
errors.shifts.notSelected = You must select at least one shift.
errors.short = {0} must be an short.
errors.student.nonExisting = Student {0} does not exist. = The student {0} has no active curriculum.
errors.student.notEnroledInExecutionCourse = Student {0} is not registered in the discipline.
errors.student.with.impossible.enrolment = The enrollment of the student {0} is not valid. = Student {0} is active in various courses for which this course work. You can not submit the note. = Student {0} is not active in any way. You can not submit the note. = The shift has not registered students.
errors.submitMarks.allMarksNotPublished = The notes have not yet been published.
errors.submitMarks.markNotPublished = Note {0} assigned to the student paragraph {1} is not published.
errors.submitMarks.noMarks = There are no notes to be submitted.
errors.submitMarks.notEnrolmented = Student {0} is not subscribed to the discipline.
errors.submitMarks.yetSubmited = The notes have already been submitted.
errors.titleRequired = You must enter a title
errors.unableToDeleteFile = Could not delete the file.
errors.unableToReadShifts = Unable to read the shifts of the database.
errors.unableToReadVacancies = Unable to read the posts from the database.
errors.unableToStoreFile = It was impossible to save the file {0}.
errors.unknown = [Unknown error]
errors.unknownClass = Class unknown.
errors.working.area.none = There are areas of work created.
exception.error.abortTransaction = Abort Transaction
exception.error.beginTransaction = Begin Transaction
exception.error.closeDatabase = Close Database
exception.error.commitTransaction = Commit Transaction
exception.error.existing = There is already an element in the Database
exception.error.nonExisting = Element does not exist in the Database
exception.error.openDatabase = Open Database
exception.error.query = Query
exception.error.readLock = Read Lock
exception.error.unknown = Unknown error
exception.error.upgradeLock = Lock Upgrade
external = External = External Institutions
fileItem.cannotBeDeleted = This file can not be deleted because it is referenced = Date (dd / mm / yyyy)
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.CandidacyPeriod.hour = Time (hh: mm)
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.allowCandaciesOnlyForStudentsWithADissertationEnrolment = Block application for students not enroled in dissertation this year.
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.allowSimultaneousCoorientationAndCompanion = Allow co-advisor internal and external simultaneously
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.attributionByTeachers = Assignment made by teachers and confirmed by the students
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.maximumCurricularYearToCountCompletedCourses = Academic year maximum (inclusive) for the accounting of chairs
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.maximumNumberOfProposalCandidaciesPerGroup = Maximum number of essays that a student can apply
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.maximumNumberOfProposalsPerPerson = Maximum number of proposals for teacher / researcher (field not completed for unlimited)
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.maximumNumberOfStudents = Maximum number of students
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.minimumCompletedCreditsFirstCycle = No minimum ECTS credits completed in the 1st cycle
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.minimumCompletedCreditsSecondCycle = No minimum ECTS credits completed in the 2nd cycle
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.minimumCompletedCurricularYear = Year of study completed at least
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.minimumNumberOfCompletedCourses = No minimum chairs
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.requirements.minimumNumberOfStudents = Minimum No. of students
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.button = Establish
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.correctPeriodFormat = (Date format: dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm)
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.end = End
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.header = Application period
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.start = Home
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.sucess = The application period has been set successfully.
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.validator.end = The end of the period is required. Attention to the proper format.
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setCandidacyPeriod.validator.start = The beginning of the period is required. Attention to the proper format.
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setRequirements.header = Process requirements for proposals and applications
finalDegreeWorkCandidacy.setRequirements.sucess = The application requirements have been defined successfully.
finalDegreeWorkProposal.ListOfProposals = To create a new dissertation proposal in this execution year and this degree through the edition of an old proposal, please click = Date (dd / mm / yyyy)
finalDegreeWorkProposal.ProposalPeriod.hour = Time (hh: mm)
finalDegreeWorkProposal.ProposalPeriod.interval = The proposal submission period runs from:
finalDegreeWorkProposal.ProposalPeriod.interval.undefined = The period for submission of proposals has not yet been defined (a) coordinator (a):
finalDegreeWorkProposal.ProposalPeriod.validator.OutOfPeriod = Outside of the submission of proposals for the course selected.
finalDegreeWorkProposal.approve = Approve
finalDegreeWorkProposal.aproveSelectedProposals.button = Approve Proposals Selected
finalDegreeWorkProposal.attribution = Assign
finalDegreeWorkProposal.attribution.byTeacher = Assigned by Teacher
finalDegreeWorkProposal.attribution.confirmation.byStudents = Confirmation Students = Create New Proposal = The table bellow show the execution year and period of new disseration proposals submission.The selected line shows where the proposal will be created.
finalDegreeWorkProposal.delete = Delete
finalDegreeWorkProposal.delete.attribution = Delete Assignment
finalDegreeWorkProposal.delete.candidacy = Delete Jobs = here
finalDegreeWorkProposal.label.create = Create new proposal
finalDegreeWorkProposal.notPresent = The proposal was not found.
finalDegreeWorkProposal.publish = Publish
finalDegreeWorkProposal.publishAproved.button = Publish proposals approved
finalDegreeWorkProposal.publishSelectedProposals.button = Publish Selected Proposals
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.button = Establish
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.correctPeriodFormat = (Date format: dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm)
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.end = End
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.header = Period of submission of tenders
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.start = Home
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.sucess = The period for submission of bids was set successfully.
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.validator.end = The end of the period is required. Attention to the proper format.
finalDegreeWorkProposal.setProposalPeriod.validator.start = The beginning of the period is required. Attention to the proper format.
finalDegreeWorkProposal.status = State
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.candidacies = Candidacies = Email = Name
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.candidacies.student.number = Number = Phone
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.candidacies.student.preference = Student Preference
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.candidates = Candidates
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.companyLink = Company Link
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.coorientatorName = Coorientator Name = Degree = Filter By Branch
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.number = Proposal Number
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.orientatorName = Orientator
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.proposal = Proposal
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.teacher.attribute = Attribute
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.title = Title
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.transpose = Transpose Proposal
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeader.year = Year
finalDegreeWorkProposalHeaders.notPresent = There were no bids.
finalSubtitle = Subtitle
finalTitle = Title
finalWorkInformationForm.CreditsPercentage = The indication of the distribution of credits is required.
finalWorkInformationForm.companionPhone = The phone can only be composed of numbers.
finalWorkInformationForm.coorientatorOID = The indication of the co-supervisor is invalid.
finalWorkInformationForm.coresponsableNumber = The number of co-supervisor = Choosing a course is mandatory.
finalWorkInformationForm.degreeType = The indication of the type of course is compulsory.
finalWorkInformationForm.invalidCreditsPercentageDistribuition = Assignment of claims invalid.
finalWorkInformationForm.numberGroupElements.invalidInterval = Check the minimum and maximum number of elements.
finalWorkInformationForm.numberOfGroupElements = The indication of the number of elements in the group is mandatory.
finalWorkInformationForm.orientatorOID = The appointment of a supervisor is required.
finalWorkInformationForm.responsableNumber = The number of guiding
finalWorkInformationForm.role = The choice of a role is mandatory.
finalWorkInformationForm.scheduling.invalidInterval = Interval submission invalid.
finalWorkInformationForm.title = The indication of a title is mandatory.
finalWorkInformationForm.unexistingTeacher = Teacher / Researcher nonexistent.
finalWorkInformationForm.unsuportedFormat = Invalid Format
finaldegreeworkproposalstatus.approved = Approved
finaldegreeworkproposalstatus.published = Published = Select All = Invert Selection = Select None
freguesiaMorada = Parish
freguesiaNaturalidade = Town of Birth
gender = Sex
grantOwner = Baggins
grantOwnerManager = Manager Baggins
help.summary.choose.lessonPlanning = Select the lesson plan referred to in the summary that you want to insert.
Automatically the title and summary field is populated with the data plan selected.
The content of the lesson plan is independent of the contents of the summary.
help.summary.chooseLesson = Select the School referred to the summary you want to insert.
Can refer to an Extra Class is mandatory to fill in time and room.
If you want to write down the number of students who attended the class fill out the number of students.
help.summary.chooseShift = Choose the shift referred to the summary you want to insert.
help.summary.chooseTeacher = Select professor who taught the class referred to the summary you want to insert.
Can you quote a professor of the faculty outside the discipline and a teacher outside the institution.
Simply fill in the name or number field respectively.
html.validate.error = HTML errors:
idDocumentType = Identification Document
image.flag = / Images / flags / icon_uk.gif
image.flag.alt = English flag
info.cannot.view.schedule = The schedule is not available.
info.person.findPerson = You can search anyone IST, teacher, employee, student, through his name. = Values represent the effort in weekly hours reported by students enrolled in the course. = The values represent the average weekly work hours in indicated by students enrolled in each subject. = average of the values entered by the students = weekly average of the sum of the columns to the left = sum of the columns to the left = sum of the averages of the values entered by the students = The information submitted can not exceed {0} characters.
ingressionYear = Year of Admission
input = input
ist.unit.acronym = IST = Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
item.cannotDeleteWhileHasFiles = The item can not be deleted while you have files
javascript.notSupported = To use all the features of this form need to enable JavaScript in your browser = Date of Examination
labe.summary.year = Year
label.DUPLICATE_GRATUITY_PAYMENT = Duplicate Payment of Fee
label.DUPLICATE_INSURANCE_PAYMENT = Duplicate Payment Security
label.Degree = Course
label.ECTS.credits.ratio = Approved ECTS/Enrolled ECTS
label.GroupNumber = Group Number:
label.INVALID_EXECUTION_DEGREE = Course Execution Invalid
label.INVALID_INSURANCE_VALUE = Invalid Value Insurance
label.Installment.description = Provision {0} ({1} - {2})
label.InstallmentForFirstTimeStudents.description = Provision {0} ({1} - {2}) c / Interest {3}% per month from {4} day (s) start date of the registration
label.InstallmentWithMonthlyPenalty.description = Provision {0} ({1} - {2}) c / Interest {3}% per month from {4}
label.NOT_PROCESSED_PAYMENT = Payment Not Processed
label.PROCESSED_PAYMENT = Payment Processed
label.PartialRegimeInstallment.description.with.penalty = Provision {0} ({1} - {2} to {3}) c / interest of {4}% per month from {5}
label.PartialRegimeInstallment.description.without.penalty = Provision {0} ({1} - {2} to {3})
label.SentedProjectProposalsWaitingExecutionCourses = Disciplines in the decision stage
label.SentedProjectProposalsWaitingExecutionCoursesOption = Option
label.SeparationCyclesManagement.noPayments.reason = Canceled debt must be paid for in {0}
label.Simulate = Simulate
label.StandaloneEnrolmentGratuityPR.generic.formula = Formula: FactorPropina x Fee x (FactorECTS IECTS + / TECTS)
label.TeacherCreditsFillingCE.entry.title = Teaching Credits
label.Total = Total
label.UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_STUDENT_CURRICULAR_PLAN = Unable to process the payment because the student's curriculum with equal expertise and years of implementation coincided
label.WebSiteManagement = Management WebSites
label.a = the
label.accessRequirements = Access Regime
label.accessRequisites = Access Requirements
label.accessRequisitesEn = Access Requirements (English)
label.accountabilityType = Type of Association
label.accountabilityType.type = Type of Association
label.accounting.manager.transaction.comments = Comments = Credit
label.accounting.manager.transaction.processed = Processed
label.accounting.manager.transaction.registered = Registered
label.accounting.manager.transaction.responsibleUser = User
label.accounting.manager.transactions = Transactions
label.action.contributor.edit = Contributor Data Change
label.action.contributor.visualize = Information for Contributors
label.action.contributors.create = Creating Contributor
label.action.contributors.edit = Change of Taxpayer Data
label.action.contributors.visualize = Information for Contributors
label.action.edit = Data Change
label.action.editGuide = Change data Guides
label.action.visualize = Candidate Information
label.action.visualizeGuide = Information Guides
label.adHocEvaluation = Specific Evaluation
label.adHocEvaluations = Specific Evaluation
label.add = Add
label.add.Aula = Add Lecture
label.add.Aulas = Add Classes = Add Course
label.add.executionCourse = Associate another discipline
label.add.shifts = Manage Shifts = Add student to this shift
label.addPersons = Linking People
label.addShift = Add Shift
label.addUnit = Associate Unit
label.additional.credits = Additional Credits
label.additional.credits.reason = Justification
label.additionalInfo = Additional Information = Additional Information (Sidebar)
label.additionalInfoEn = Additional Information (English)
label.address = Address
label.administrativeOffice = Department of Postgraduate
label.advisories = Notice (s)
label.all = All
label.all.fields.are.required = All fields are required
label.allFieldsRequired = All fields are mandatory.
label.allShifts = All Shifts
label.allStudents = All Students
label.allStudentsStatistics = Statistics for all students = Show statistics for all students entered in
label.allowedChildPartyType = Entity Type Dad
label.allowedChildPartyType.type = Entity Type allowed Father
label.allowedParentPartyType = Entity Type Daughter
label.allowedParentPartyType.type = Entity Type allowed Daughter
label.amountPerEctsCredit = Value for ECTS
label.announcement.explanation = Here you can manage the ads of course. These are displayed in order with the latest in the first place.The latest announcement is accessible directly on the homepage of the discipline. The rest are presented in the section "Announcements".
label.announcements = Announcements
label.annul = Cancel
label.appdocuments.submit.ok = All files have been successfully submitted
label.applicationDocuments.fileNotSubmited = The file {0} was not submitted
label.applicationDocuments.fileSubmitNotOK = The {0} file submitted was not well
label.applicationDocuments.fileSubmitOK = The {0} file was submitted well
label.approved.all = All = No
label.approved.yes = Yes
label.approvedEnrolments = Disciplines concluidas
label.approvedProposalsCount = Proposals approved
label.approvedRatio = Approval Rate
label.archive.options.announcements = Announcements
label.archive.options.evaluations = Evaluation
label.archive.options.files = Files
label.archive.options.groupings = Groups
label.archive.options.planning = Planning
label.archive.options.schedule = Schedule
label.archive.options.shifts = Shifts
label.area = City
label.areaCode = Zip Code
label.areaOfAreaCode = Area of Area Code
label.arithmetricAverage = Arithmetric Average
label.aritmeticAverage = Average Disciplines
label.ascendant = Ascendent
label.associate = Use
label.aswered = Answered = to
label.atomic = ATOMIC
label.attending.students.count = Students attending the course
label.attends.allCourses = All
label.attends.allShifts = All
label.attends.allStudents = All
label.attends.and.enrolments = Attends / Enrolments = Courses
label.attends.enrolledStudents = Normal
label.attends.enrollmentState = Registration Type
label.attends.enrollmentState.improvement = Improvement
label.attends.enrollmentState.normal = Normal
label.attends.enrollmentState.notEnrolled = Not Enrolled
label.attends.enrollmentState.specialSeason = Special Season
label.attends.improvementStudents = Improvement
label.attends.notEnrolledStudents = Unregistered
label.attends.notWorkingStudents = No Worker Student
label.attends.shifts = Shifts
label.attends.shifts.fieldwork = Fieldwork
label.attends.shifts.laboratory = Laboratory
label.attends.shifts.practical = Practical
label.attends.shifts.problems = Issues
label.attends.shifts.seminary = Seminar
label.attends.shifts.theo-practical = Theoretical and Practical
label.attends.shifts.theoretical = Theoretical
label.attends.shifts.trainingperiod = Stage
label.attends.shifts.tutorialorientation = Tutorial
label.attends.shifts.tutorialperformance = Performance Grilles
label.attends.specialSeason = Special Season
label.attends.summary = Abstract:
label.attends.summary.enrollmentsNumber = Number of Applications
label.attends.summary.studentsNumber = Number of Students
label.attends.workingStudents = Student Worker
label.attendsSetManagement = Management Set:
label.attention = Attention
label.attributedByCoordinatorCandidaciesCount = Assigned by the coordinator
label.attributedCandidaciesCount = Assigned by the teacher confirmed
label.attributedNotConfirmedCandidaciesCount = Assigned by the teacher and not confirmed
label.attribution.confirmed = Confirmed Assignment
label.attributionStatus.simpleLabel = Attribution
label.aula.add = Add Lecture = Author
label.authorEmail = Email Author
label.authorName = Author Name
label.availableSpaces = Jobs
label.average = Average
label.back = Back = Not applicable
label.begin = Begin
label.begin.exam.enrollment = Start of Registration Period
label.beginDate = Start Date
label.beginning = Beginning
label.bibliography.authors = Author (s)
label.bibliography.explanation = The updating of the base Bibliography (Primary and Secondary) from a Course is made through the portal in Bologna where the Department Disciplinary Jurisdiction belongs, through the creation of a Proposal for Revision of the existing version, or creating a new version of Disciplinary Powers. You can however add / remove new references through the options: "Import References" and "Enter new bibliographic reference"
label.bibliography.reference = Reference
label.bibliography.title = Title
label.bibliography.year = Year
label.bolonha = Bologna
label.both = Both
label.branch = Branch
label.branch.credits = Credits
label.branch.en = Branch
label.breakLineAfterResponseTextBox = Line break between answer box and follow the wording of the question
label.breakLineBeforeResponseTextBox = Line break between question and statement of the reply box
label.brief.introduction = Brief Introduction
label.calendar.exams = Calendar of Exams
label.cancel = Cancel
label.candicaciesGrid.Title = Applications
# Erasmus applications
label.candidacies = Applications
label.candidacy = Application = Candidaturas_Cursos_Medios_Superiores = Candidaturas_Mudancas_Curso = Candidaturas_Transferencias = Candidaturas_Maiores_23 = Candidaturas_2_Ciclo = Candidaturas_Unidades_Curriculares_Isoladas
label.candidacy.address = Address
label.candidacy.affinity = Affinity
label.candidacy.approvedEcts = ECTS
label.candidacy.approvedEctsRate = The
label.candidacy.cancel = Cancel Application
label.candidacy.cancel.confirm.message = Want to cancel
label.candidacy.candidacyInformation = Data Application (Part II)
label.candidacy.choose.institution = Choose Existing Institution
label.candidacy.choose.registation.for.creation = Choose a course for creation of registration = Chosen course
label.candidacy.choosen.degrees = Selected Courses
label.candidacy.commonCandidacyInformation = Data Application (Part I)
label.candidacy.concludedUCs = UC's completed
label.candidacy.create = Create applicant
label.candidacy.create.registrations.question = Create registration for ALL students placed?
label.candidacy.createRegistration = Create Registration
label.candidacy.createRegistration.confirm.message = Want to make enrollment in {0}
label.candidacy.createRegistrations = Create Enrollments = Course enrolled = Application data = Application date = Course / School
label.candidacy.degreeChange = Course Changes = Candidaturas_Mudanca_Curso_Externa = Candidaturas_Mudanca_Curso_Interna
label.candidacy.degreeChange.seriesCandidacyGrade = C
label.candidacy.degreeNature = Nature
label.candidacy.degreeTransfer = Downloads = Candidaturas_Mudanca_Curso_Externa = Candidaturas_Mudanca_Curso_Interna
label.candidacy.degreeTransfer.seriesCandidacyGrade = C
label.candidacy.edit = Edit Application
label.candidacy.edit.documents = Edit Documents
label.candidacy.enroledEcts = ECTS UC's Inscribed
label.candidacy.grade = Note
label.candidacy.gradeRate = B
label.candidacy.gradeSum = Sum ratings
label.candidacy.gradeSum.abbr = Sum class
label.candidacy.graduatedPerson = Middle and upper courses
label.candidacy.identification = Identification
label.candidacy.individual.candidacyState = Application State
label.candidacy.individual.state = Application state
label.candidacy.information = Information
label.candidacy.institution = Institution
label.candidacy.interviewGrade = Interview
label.candidacy.introduce.result = Enter Results
label.candidacy.introduce.results = Enter Results
label.candidacy.invalid.precedentDegree = The student has no valid travel in the institution
label.candidacy.isRegistrationCreated = With enrollment?
label.candidacy.mfc = Average Final Course (MFC) = There are no applications accepted = Although there is no application process = Although there is no application process for the current year = The applicant is not one of the suggested persons
label.candidacy.notes = Remarks
label.candidacy.numberOfApprovedCurricularCourses = UC's No. Completed
label.candidacy.numberOfEnroledCurricularCourses = No UC's Inscribed
label.candidacy.otherEducation = Other grades obtained
label.candidacy.over23 = Largest 23
label.candidacy.over23.disabilities = Disabled People = School Qualifications
label.candidacy.over23.individualProcess = Candidates
label.candidacy.over23.languages = Languages = You must choose at least one course = There is no way associated
label.candidacy.over23.process = Application Process = Send to Jury = The application will stay with the status of 'Sent to the Jury'
label.candidacy.personalData = Personal data
label.candidacy.precedentCurricularCoursesInformation = Course Information
label.candidacy.precedentDegree.externalPrecedentDegreeType = If the foreign institution does not exist in the system should be established
label.candidacy.precedentDegreeInformation = Qualifications
label.candidacy.precedentDegreeType = Type of Course Previous
label.candidacy.precedentStudentCurricularPlan = Previous Course = Course completed
label.candidacy.process.candidacyState = Application state
label.candidacy.process.checked = Checked
label.candidacy.process.state = State
label.candidacy.professionalExperience = Professional Experience
label.candidacy.professionalStatus = Professional Status
label.candidacy.reject.confirm.message = Reject
label.candidacy.result = Result
label.candidacy.secondCycle = 2nd Cycle
label.candidacy.secondCycle.individualProcess = Candidates
label.candidacy.secondCycle.process = Application Process
label.candidacy.selectPerson = Select person = Send to Coordinator = The application will stay with the status of 'Sent to the Coordinator' = Send it to the Scientific Council = The application will stay with the status of 'Sent to the Scientific Council'
label.candidacy.seriesGrade = Note Seedings = View Applicant
label.candidacy.similar.persons = Has been found the following persons
label.candidacy.standalone = Isolated Curriculum
label.candidacy.standalone.curricularCourse = Course = There Curricular Units
label.candidacy.use.similar.person = The applicant is one of the suggested persons
label.candidacyDocuments = Documents for application
label.candidacyDocumentsEn = Documents for Application (English)
label.candidacyPeriod = Applications = Deadline for Applications (Sidebar)
label.candidacyPeriodEn = Applications (English)
label.candidate = Candidate
label.candidate.accessAddress = Address Access
label.candidate.applicationInfoSituation = Application Information
label.candidate.applicationSituation = Status of Application
label.candidate.applicationYear = Year Application
label.candidate.applications = Applications
label.candidate.average = Average Degree
label.candidate.candidateNumber = Number of Jobs
label.candidate.candidateSituation = Status of Applicants
label.candidate.changePasswordInfo = For the (a) candidate (a) fill in your personal data through the Phoenix system, in case of a (a) new (a) user (a) must "Generate New Password". = Course = [Choose a Course]
label.candidate.degreeName = Course Application
label.candidate.identificationDocumentNumber = Document Number Identification
label.candidate.identificationDocumentType = Type of Identification Document
label.candidate.infoCandidateSituation = Status of Application
label.candidate.infoCandidateSituationDate = Date Location
label.candidate.infoCandidateSituationRemarks = Remarks
label.candidate.majorDegree = Graduation
label.candidate.majorDegreeInfo = Degree Information
label.candidate.majorDegreeSchool = School Degree
label.candidate.majorDegreeYear = Year Degree = Name
label.candidate.newPassword = New password
label.candidate.newPasswordError = New Password
label.candidate.number = Number
label.candidate.oldPassword = Current password
label.candidate.oldPasswordError = Current Password
label.candidate.password = Password
label.candidate.personalInfo = Personal Information
label.candidate.reTypePassword = Confirm New Password
label.candidate.specialization = Specialization
label.candidate.specializationArea = Area of specialization you are applying
label.candidate.username = Username
label.candidate.values = values
label.candidateApprovalDone = Approval of applications completed.
label.card.generation.emission = Cards Issued
label.card.generation.entry = Generated Cards
label.card.generation.entry.fill.body = A new batch of identification cards has been generated: {0} - {1}.
label.card.generation.entry.fill.subject = Identification Cards - New Batch for Dispatching = Identification Card Managers = Start Year = Year End = Years
label.case1.candidaciesGrid = 1st Case = - 1st Case -
label.case2.candidaciesGrid = 2 If = - 2nd case -
label.case3.candidaciesGrid = 3 If = - 3rd case -
label.case4.candidaciesGrid = Case 4 = - Case 4 -
label.case5.candidaciesGrid = 5 Should = - 5th case -
label.caseSensitive = Distinguish between uppercase and lowercase
label.certificate = Certificate
label.certificate.create = Creating Certificates
label.certificate.declaration.create = Creation Statement
label.certificate.declarationsFound = Statements found.
label.certificate.default = [Choose a Certificate]
label.certificate.finalResult.create = Creation of Sheet Final Clearance
label.certificate.list = Certificates
label.change = Change = Change of Course
label.change.paymentPlan = Change Payment Plan
label.changeForOtherVariation = Another variation
label.changeParentSection = Change Section father
label.changeQuestion = Change Question
label.changeQuestionMark = Change Note
label.changeQuestionValue = Quote Change
label.chefe.artigo = The
label.choice = Option
label.choose = Select
label.choose.contributor = Enter the Number of Contributors:
label.choose.course = Discipline = Choose the discipline to manage
label.choose.curricular.year = Choose Year Curriculum
label.choose.curricularPlan = Choose the curriculum = Choose Course:
label.choose.execution.period = Choose the Period of Implementation:
label.choose.executionCourse = [Choose discipline] = [Choose one]
label.choose.semester = Choose a Semester:
label.choose.shift.import = Import summaries of turn
label.choose.student = No. of Student:
label.choose.year = Choose Year Curriculum:
label.choose.year.execution = Choose Year Implementation: = There are no cycles
label.chooseYear = Enter the desired year.
label.chooseYearAndSemester = Enter the desired semester and year.
label.chosse.situation = Choose = Lisbon
label.clarification = Clarification
label.class = Class
label.class.create = Create new group
label.class.edit = Edit group = Type
label.classList.view = View class
label.classOrClasses = Class(es)
label.classes = Classes
label.classes.add = Associate Classes
label.classesText = Classes in the course and timetable.
label.classifications = Cut Scores
label.classificationsEn = Cut Scores (English)
label.clear = Delete
label.clear.english = Reset
label.code = Acronym
label.comment = Comment
label.comments = Comments
label.commonBranch = Common Core
label.competenceCourse.notApproved = Not Approved
label.competenceCourse.notApproved.note = Note: The information is not approved by Cientifical Council.
label.concluded = Completed
label.conclusionDate = Completion Date
label.conclusionGrade = Note Completion
label.condition = Condition
label.confirm = Confirm
label.confirmedEnrollments = Registration Confirmed
label.consult = Consult = Contact = That contact is already present in your contact list. = Por favor proceda à validação dos contacto acima o mais rápido possível.
Se por algum motivo não for possível proceder à validação deverá cancelá-los.
Nota: A validação de contactos telefónicos está limitada a 5 por mês.Caso o limite seja ultrapassado deverá cancelar os contactos e validá-los apenas quando tiver essa funcionalidade disponível. = Contact Validation
label.contacts = Contacts
label.continue = Continue »
label.contributor = Taxpayer
label.contributor.number = Tax File Number
label.coordinator = Coordination Team Member
label.coordinator.activeTutor = Tutor current
label.coordinator.analyticTools = Analytic Tools
label.coordinator.candidate = Operations Candidates
label.coordinator.createTutorships = Allocation of Tutors
label.coordinator.curriculum = Curriculum
label.coordinator.definedProjects = Projects identified:
label.coordinator.definedWrittenTests = Test set: = Curriculum Plan Assets
label.coordinator.degreeCurricular.history = History Curriculum Plan = This course was considered mandatory = This course was not considered mandatory
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.current.information = Current Information
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.curriculum.english = English version
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.curriculum.portuguese = Portuguese Version
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.history.information = History
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scientificCommissionTeam.empty = Have not been defined in the Scientific Committee members.
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scope.laboratorial = L
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scope.numberHours = No. Hours
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scope.practical = P
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scope.theoretical = T
label.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scope.theoreticalPractical = TP
label.coordinator.degreeSite.additionalInfo = Additional Information
label.coordinator.degreeSite.additionalInfo.en = Additional Information
label.coordinator.degreeSite.announcements = Announcements
label.coordinator.degreeSite.candidacies = Application Processes
label.coordinator.degreeSite.classifications = Cut Scores
label.coordinator.degreeSite.classifications.en = Classifications of Ingression
label.coordinator.degreeSite.description = Description
label.coordinator.degreeSite.description.en = Description
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts = Jobs
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts.en = Drifts
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts.first = Stage 1
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts.first.en = 1st Period
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts.initial = Initials
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts.initial.en = Initials
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts.second = Stage 2
label.coordinator.degreeSite.drifts.second.en = 2nd Period
label.coordinator.degreeSite.driftsFirst = Jobs in Round 1
label.coordinator.degreeSite.driftsFirst.en = Drifts at 1st Period
label.coordinator.degreeSite.driftsInitial = Initial Jobs
label.coordinator.degreeSite.driftsInitial.en = Drifts Initials
label.coordinator.degreeSite.driftsSecond = Jobs in Round 2
label.coordinator.degreeSite.driftsSecond.en = Drifts at 2nd Period
label.coordinator.degreeSite.history = History
label.coordinator.degreeSite.history.en = History
label.coordinator.degreeSite.informations = Information
label.coordinator.degreeSite.lastModificationDate = Last modification date
label.coordinator.degreeSite.lastModificationDate.en = Last Modification Date
label.coordinator.degreeSite.links = Links
label.coordinator.degreeSite.mark.average = Average
label.coordinator.degreeSite.mark.average.en = Average
label.coordinator.degreeSite.mark.max = Maximum
label.coordinator.degreeSite.mark.max.en = Best
label.coordinator.degreeSite.mark.min = Minimum
label.coordinator.degreeSite.mark.min.en = Lowest
label.coordinator.degreeSite.markAverage = Average
label.coordinator.degreeSite.markAverage.en = Average Mark
label.coordinator.degreeSite.markMax = Maximum grade
label.coordinator.degreeSite.markMax.en = Best Mark
label.coordinator.degreeSite.markMin = Low Note
label.coordinator.degreeSite.markMin.en = Lowest Mark
label.coordinator.degreeSite.marks = Entrance Notes
label.coordinator.degreeSite.marks.en = Marks
label.coordinator.degreeSite.noBoards = There are no channels active ads for this course. Please contact the system administrator to support .
label.coordinator.degreeSite.objectives = Objectives
label.coordinator.degreeSite.objectives.en = Objectives
label.coordinator.degreeSite.professionalExits = Career
label.coordinator.degreeSite.professionalExits.en = Professional Exits
label.coordinator.degreeSite.qualificationLevel = Level of Qualification
label.coordinator.degreeSite.qualificationLevel.en = Qualification Level
label.coordinator.degreeSite.recognitions = Acknowledgments
label.coordinator.degreeSite.recognitions.en = Recognitions
label.coordinator.degreeSite.sections = Sections
label.coordinator.degreeSite.students = Students
label.coordinator.degreeSite.testIngression = Entrance Exams
label.coordinator.degreeSite.testIngression.en = Tests of Ingression
label.coordinator.degreeSite.tutorship = Management Mentoring
label.coordinator.degrees = Courses
label.coordinator.enroledStudents = Students
label.coordinator.enrolmentBegin = Home
label.coordinator.enrolmentEnd = End
label.coordinator.enrolmentPeriod = Registration Deadline
label.coordinator.evaluationDate = Date
label.coordinator.executionCourse = Discipline
label.coordinator.executionCourseWithoutDefinedProjects = Subjects without defined projects:
label.coordinator.executionCourseWithoutDefinedWrittenTests = Subjects without tests defined:
label.coordinator.freeSpaces = Jobs
label.coordinator.guiderNumber = Personnel number
label.coordinator.identification = Identification
label.coordinator.institution = Institution
label.coordinator.instruction1 = To create an assessment select the desired day for their achievement
label.coordinator.instruction2 = To edit an assessment select the respective discipline
label.coordinator.instructions = Instructions:
label.coordinator.list.submitted.thesis.print = Print Form of Approval
label.coordinator.list.submitted.thesis.reprint = Reprint Homologation Jury
label.coordinator.main.welcome = Welcome to the website coordinator
label.coordinator.manageEvaluations = Reviews
label.coordinator.manageProjects = Project Management
label.coordinator.manageWrittenTests = Test Management = Management
label.coordinator.missingPlaces = Places
Missing = Name
label.coordinator.noExecutionCoursesWithProjects = There are disciplines with projects defined
label.coordinator.noExecutionCoursesWithWrittenTests = There are no tests defined disciplines
label.coordinator.noExecutionCoursesWithoutProjects = All disciplines have defined projects
label.coordinator.noExecutionCoursesWithoutWrittenTests = All disciplines have defined test = Doctoral Program
label.coordinator.phdProcesses = PhD Process
label.coordinator.planState = State Plan
label.coordinator.proposal.assigned = The student has chosen a theme assigned. You can create a proposal for a jury to the topic.
label.coordinator.proposal.coorientator = Co-supervisor
label.coordinator.proposal.observations = Remarks
label.coordinator.proposal.orientator = Leader
label.coordinator.registrationStateType = Registration state
label.coordinator.rooms = Salas
label.coordinator.scientificCommision.add.message = To add a member to just insert the Scientific Commission IST Id (eg ist20707, ist13909) from a teacher or employee. = Only members of the Scientific Committee marked as Contact will be notified by e-mail of approval for the jury and approvals of the minutes of the lectures. = The contacts of the committee have changed.
label.coordinator.scientificCommision.remove = Remove Member
label.coordinator.searchStudent = Student Search
label.coordinator.selectedExecutionPeriod = Selected Period
label.coordinator.student = Student Operations
label.coordinator.studentInformation = Curriculum
label.coordinator.studentName = Student Name
label.coordinator.studentNumber = Student Number
label.coordinator.submitted.cancelRequest = Unsubscribe Request for Approval
label.coordinator.thesis = Dissertations
label.coordinator.thesis.confirm.delete.message = Are you sure you want to delete the proposal?
label.coordinator.thesis.confirm.message = By introducing the paper grade is confirms that the discussion took place on the date indicated.
You also confirm that all information entered by the student applies. This includes the files of the dissertation and extended abstract.
label.coordinator.thesis.confirm.noDissertation = The dissertation document has not been submitted.
label.coordinator.thesis.confirm.noExtendedAbstract = The extended abstract has not been submitted.
label.coordinator.thesis.confirm.revision.message = Are you sure you want to undo the confirmation made before?
If you clear the confirmation, the student may submit new documents and modify the information of the thesis. Will later confirm that the new documents and confirm the statement of claim and the date of discussion.
label.coordinator.thesis.confirm.submission.message = Confirms the submission of the proposal for approval of the jury by the Scientific Council?
Once submitted you can print a form for approval of the jury but can not make changes.
label.coordinator.thesis.delete.confirm = Are you sure you want to delete the proposal?
After you have to start off a new proposal for the student in question.
label.coordinator.thesis.discussed = Date of Discussion
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.externalPerson = Foreign
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.externalPerson.create = The outsider does not yet exist in the system. Make sure that the name you chose is correct. If the person you're looking for does not exist yet, you can create it.
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.externalUnit.create = The external drive does not exist in the system. Make sure that the name you chose is correct. If the unit you are looking for does not exist yet, you can create it.
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.internal = Type
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.internalPerson = Internal
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.personName = Person
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.personName.forUnit = Person
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.rejected.comment = Justification
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.rejected.empty = It was not a justification.
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.teacher.credits = Distribution of Credits
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.teacher.currentWorkingDepartment = Affiliation
label.coordinator.thesis.edit.unitName = Unit
label.coordinator.thesis.evaluation.grade.range = The grade of the dissertation must be a value of {0} {1}.
label.coordinator.thesis.evaluation.process = Evaluation of Theses
label.coordinator.thesis.existing = Already made a proposal to the jury for the selected student.
label.coordinator.thesis.list.empty = There are no students enrolled in dissertation.
label.coordinator.thesis.periods.and.rules = Periods and Rules = Local
label.coordinator.thesis.proposals = Proposals and Applications
label.coordinator.thesis.propose.shortcut = There is no dissertation proposal given to the student chosen.
If you want to be able to create a proposal for a jury to this student's dissertation.
label.coordinator.thesis.revision.confirm = Do you want to allow review of the dissertation? If you confirm you can change the note and the date of discussion.
The student can also change the information of the thesis and submit new files. So you have to confirm again that the contents of the thesis is correct.
label.coordinator.thesis.state.view = View status of the dissertation
label.coordinator.thesis.valid.false = Invalid
label.coordinator.thesis.valid.true = Valid
label.coordinator.title = Dissertation Title = until
label.coordinator.transition.bolonha.message.part1 = In order to prepare the transition of the curricula of students in the Bologna process, then offers up a framework that outlines how the courses that the student performed are to be accounted for in the new curriculum.
label.coordinator.transition.bolonha.message.part2 = Beneath the layoffs are listed the disciplines that represent the source of claims of exemption.
The equivalences temporary (shown in red) are those in which one or more courses are rated home yet.
label.coordinator.transition.bolonha.temporarySubstitution.explanation = The equivalences marked as temporary, are those in which one or more courses are rated home yet
label.coordinator.tutor.associateStudent = Assign a student to tutor
label.coordinator.tutor.associateStudent.studentNumber = Number of students
label.coordinator.tutor.associateStudents.firstStudentNumber = Number:
label.coordinator.tutor.associateStudents.secondStudentNumber = the number:
label.coordinator.tutor.changeEndDates.activeTutorships = Modification, individually, the end dates of active tutorials = Students are ordered by their dates of entry.
Change the ending date of mentoring for each student you want and click "Update."
label.coordinator.tutor.changeEndDates.allTutorships = Changing dates to tutoring for all students = Specify the ending date of mentoring to be assigned to all students listed below.
label.coordinator.tutor.changeEndDates.pastTutorships = Amendment, detached, end dates of the tutorials that have already finished = Students are ordered by their dates of entry.
Change the ending date of mentoring for each student you want and click "Update."
label.coordinator.tutor.changeEndDates.title = Change Dates End Mentoring
label.coordinator.tutor.chooseTutor = Choosing a guardian
label.coordinator.tutor.chooseTutor.tutorList = List of faculty in the departments of the course selected = Select the desired teaching, carrying on their number.
label.coordinator.tutor.chooseTutorHistory = List of tutors
label.coordinator.tutor.chooseTutorHistory.filter = List = Click on the name of a teacher to get his detailed history of mentoring.
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.confirmTutor = Confirm the assignment for this tutor:
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.selectEntryYear = Selecting the year of admission of students to assign = Click on one year of admission to see the students this year.
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.selectStudents = Selection of students to assign = Select students to be assigned the tutor via the table below.
To facilitate this process, it is possible to select automatically a given number of students, using the form below.
After selecting all the students want, click "Continue".
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.selectTutor = Selection Tutor = Enter the number of teachers to be assigned to tutor the students selected.
If you want, you can view a list of all faculty, with its history of mentoring. To do this, click on the link below.
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.selectedStudents = Students selected to be assigned to tutor
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.selectedTutor = Teacher selected
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.step = Step
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.students = Select students
label.coordinator.tutor.createTutorship.tutor = Select / Assign tutor
label.coordinator.tutor.emptyStudentsList = The teacher selected has no tutoring.
label.coordinator.tutor.goToBottom = Go to the bottom of the page
label.coordinator.tutor.manageStudents = Manage students tutor
label.coordinator.tutor.numberOfStudents = Number of students:
label.coordinator.tutor.selectedEntryYear = Year selected:
label.coordinator.tutor.studentsWithoutTutorship = No. of students without a tutor
label.coordinator.tutor.teacherId = IST Id:
label.coordinator.tutor.teacherNumber = No. of teachers:
label.coordinator.tutor.transferTutorship = Transfer Tutoring = Enter the number of teachers and define the purpose of mentoring
label.coordinator.tutor.transferTutorshipTitle = Download Tutorial
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.allTutoredStudents = Total tutorandos = Tutorandos
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.currentTutoredStudents = Tutorandos current
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.pastTutoredStudents = Tutorandos previous = Tutorandos
label.coordinator.tutor.tutorshipInfo.tutorshipHistory = History tutor
label.coordinator.tutorshipHistory = Tutors
label.coordinator.tutorshipManagement = Management Tutorials
label.coordinator.tutortList = List of Potential Tutors
label.coordinator.type = Type
label.coordinator.viewStudentCurriculum.noStudent = The student does not exist
label.coordinators = Coordinators
label.correct = Correct
label.correctAnswers = Certain
label.correctFeedbackText = Text of feedback for correct answer
label.correctResponse = Correct answer
label.correction = Correction
label.countryOfResidence = Country Of Residence
label.course.candidaciesGrid = Discipline = - Discipline -
label.courseInformation = Instances = Report
label.courseInformation.view = See datasheet
label.courseSites = Pages Disciplines = Disciplines
label.coursesText = Curricular structure of the course: organization of courses, weekly and distribution of units of credit.
label.create = Create = Create plan equivalences
label.create.evaluation = Create Evaluation
label.create.rooms.reserve = Make Reservation Request
label.create.tutorship.remaining.correct = The remaining {0} students were assigned correctly = Creation Date
label.creationDate = Created:
label.credits = Credits
label.credits.abbreviation = Cred.
label.credits.warning = The claims of each area are recorded as follows: credits for all approved dsiciplinas the area in question + credits for all courses completed to enroll in the same area.
When there are disciplines that may belong to both the area of specialization as the secondary area, the program does not know at the outset of the areas in which the student wishes to make these disciplines, or do not know which areas should assign their claims.
Thus, the program detects that the areas could be completed with the accounting for those credits, in which case assign correctly as intended by the student.
If however none of the areas may be terminated with the accounting for those credits, they will be broken down into two areas (never exceed the maximum power of a group) until the student makes a sufficient number of disciplines in order to complete the areas may be terminated.
Consequently, the total of claims presented here may not correspond exactly to that expected by the student, which however does not mean they are either poorly recorded.
label.creditsResume = Summary
label.currencySymbol = euro
label.curricular.course.branch = Branch
label.curricular.course.enrolment.state = State = Course
label.curricular.course.semester = Half = Subjects whose registration is revoked:
label.curricular.information = Course Information
label.curricular.plans = Plan (s) Course (s)
label.curricular.year = Year
label.curricular.year.en = Year
label.curricularCourse = Course Curriculum
label.curricularCourse.en = Course Curriculum
label.curricularCourse.pType = Propaedeutics
label.curricularCourseToAdd = Discipline
label.curricularCourseType = Type
label.curricularCourseType.en = Type
label.curricularCourses = Discipline (s) Course (s)
label.curricularInformation = Course Information
label.curricularPlan = Curriculum Plan
label.curricularPlanDescription = Description of Curriculum Plan
label.curricularPlans = Curriculum Plans
label.curricularYear = Year Course
label.curriculum = Curriculum
label.curriculum.credits.legend.approvedCredits = ca (): approved credits in the curriculum group
label.curriculum.credits.legend.creditsConcluded = c (): credits included in the curriculum group
label.curriculum.credits.legend.maxCredits = M (): maximum credit course in group
label.curriculum.credits.legend.minCredits = m (): minimum curriculum in the group of claims
label.curriculum.cycle.concluded = Completed = Valuation = Date = (Dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm) = dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm = (Dd / mm / yyyy at hh: mm) = (Dd / mm / yyyy) = (Dd / mm / yyyy)
label.dateOfBirth = Date of Birth = Day = Weekday
label.decimal = Decimal
label.decreto.lei.mestrado = b) of paragraph 2, art. 5, chapter II of Decree-Law 216/92 of 13 October
label.define.instructions = Set User Registration = course = Course = - Course - = Course = Degree = Type of Course
label.degreeCurricularPlan = Course Curricula = Degree = AW = C = T
label.degreeCurricularPlan.renderer.begin = Begin
label.degreeCurricularPlan.renderer.course.load = Course Load
label.degreeCurricularPlan.renderer.curricular.period = Period
label.degreeCurricularPlan.renderer.ects = Ects = Group
label.degreeCurricularPlan.renderer.option = (Option)
label.degreeCurricularPlan.renderer.title.course.load = C- Contact Lesson Hours, AW- Autonomous Work, T- Total Load (C + AW)
label.degreeCurricularPlan.renderer.title.regime = S- Semestrial, A- Anual
label.degreeEvaluation = Assessment of the Degree
label.degreeModule = Module
label.degreeType = Course type
label.degrees = Courses
label.delegateCandidacyPeriod = Applications
label.delegateVotingPeriod = Voting
label.delete = Delete
label.delete.Aula = Delete Class
label.delete.Turno = Delete Shift
label.deleteVariation = Delete this variation? = Delivery = Delivery Date
label.department = Department
label.deploy.warning = Attention: The system will go under maintenance in {0} to {1} minutes and will be temporarily unavailable. We'll be brief. Thank you.
label.deploy.warning.moment = Attention: The system will go under maintenence in brief moments and will be temporarily unavailable. We'll be brief. Thank you.
label.deploy.warning.undergoing.tests = Perturbações no acesso ao sistema Fénix. Entre as 18:00H e as 20:00H, serão realizados trabalhos de manutenção e teste do sistema Fénix. Embora o sistema seja mantido em actividade, é previsível que seja notado um aumento do tempo de resposta durante estes períodos, sendo mesmo possível que ocorram paragens pontuais.
label.deposit = Deposit
label.descendant = Descendent
label.description = Description
label.descriptionEn = Description (English)
label.designedFor = Recipients
label.designedForEn = Recipient (English)
label.destinationDegreeModule = Destination module
label.destinationOperator = Logical Operator to the destination
label.details = Details
label.dfaAmountPerEctsCredit = Value for ECTS
label.dfaPartialAcceptedPercentage = Percentage Partial Accept
label.dfaTotalAmount = Total Value
label.directiveCouncil.gratuityReports = Reports Fees
label.dislocatedFromPermanentResidence = Dislocated
label.dismissal = Exemption
label.distribute = Distribute
label.distribute.allAttend = Distribute all students of the chair, including those not enrolled in this evaluation
label.distribute.attend = Distribute all students enrolled in the chair
label.distribute.changeRoom = Rearrange the room
label.distribute.enrolled = Distribute only students enrolled in the evaluation
label.distribute.information = Distribute Rooms For Students
label.distribute.places = Places
label.distribute.position = to position
label.distribute.rooms = Order in which you want to occupy the rooms:
label.distribute.students = Students to be distributed in classrooms:
label.distributeFor = Dispense
label.distribution.information = Order in which you want to occupy the rooms:
By default, the rooms are in order of decreasing ability for examination.
label.districtOfResidence = District
label.districtSubdivisionOfResidence = County
label.document = document
label.documentIdEmissionDate = Emission Date
label.documentIdEmissionLocation = Emission Location
label.documentIdExpirationDate = Expiration Date
label.doublePoint = : = Download
label.driftsFirst = Jobs 1 Phase
label.driftsInitial = Initial Jobs
label.driftsSecond = Stage 2 Vacancies
label.duplicate = Duplicate
label.ects = ECTS
label.ects.credits = ECTS credits
label.edit = Edit
label.edit.Aula = Edit Classroom
label.edit.Turno = Edit Shift
label.edit.exam.enrollment = Create / Edit Enrollment Exam
label.edit.periods = Edit Periods
label.edit.requirements = Edit process requirements for proposals and applications
label.edit.rooms.reserve.request = Edit Request
label.edit.schedule = Edit Schedule
label.edit.shifts = Edit Shifts
label.editEvaluationMethod.explanation = To make the assessment methods in two languages (Portuguese and English) use the link "Add new language" in the menu and indicate the language of each respective block. To conclude please Submit.
label.editReport = Make Report
label.editStudentGroupShift.oldShift = The old part is:
label.editor = With Html Editor = Education
label.eidentifier = European identification
label.elections.candidacyPeriod = Candidates for delegate Year = If you want, you can remove his candidature for the post of Chief of the Year by ending the period of their applications = You are in progress the nomination period for the post of Chief of the Year and year of your course curriculum.
If you intend to apply, click on the link repectivo.
label.elections.candidated = Elections to which you are applying
label.elections.candidatesList = Student Delegate of the Year candidates
label.elections.endDate = End Date
label.elections.otherStudentsList = Students who do not self-applied
label.elections.startDate = Start Date = Vote
label.elections.votingPeriod = Vote
label.elections.votingPeriod.blankVote = Blank Vote
label.elections.votingPeriod.notVoted = Your vote for the election of Delegate of the Year has not yet been registered. Thank you for your participation. = You are taking place the vote for the election of the Chief of the Year and year of your course curriculum.
To vote, choose one student (candidate or not) and click Submit Vote. You may vote for any student, even in those who do not self-applied.
label.elections.votingPeriod.voted = Your vote for the election of Delegate of the Year was recorded. Thank you for participating. = Email = Text = Address = Sender = Subject = HTML Message
label.emailWord = Email
label.employee = Employee
label.employee.category = Category
label.employees = Employees
label.end = End
label.end.exam.enrollment = End of Registration Period
label.endDate = End Date
label.enrol = Subscribe
label.enroll = Subscribe
label.enrollmentStatus = Entered in the Registry
label.enrolment.curricularCourse = Discipline
label.enrolment.evaluationType = Rating
label.enrolment.extraCurricular = Extra Curricular
label.enrolment.note = Note: The disciplines in which the student is still enrolled, selected automatically appear below.
label.enrolment.period.information = Set the period during which students may enroll in the exam.
label.enrolment.state = State
label.enrolment.type = Type
label.enrolment.type.extra = Extra
label.enrolment.type.normal = Normal
label.enrolment.type.option = Option
label.enrolment.year = Year Registration
label.enrolmentEvaluationType = Type of Evaluation
label.enrolmentInstructions.instructions = Instructions
label.enrolmentPeriod = Subscriptions = Deadline for Registration (Sidebar)
label.enrolmentPeriodEn = Registration (English)
label.enrolmentPeriodInImprovementOfApprovedEnrolment = Period Subscriptions Improvement Notes
label.entranceMarks = Entrance Notes
label.entryGrade = Note Seedings
label.entryPhase = Stage Entrance
label.entryYear = Ingression Year = Plan Equivalence Applied to Student = Choose a curriculum = Equivalence rule:
label.erasmus.candidacy = Erasmus applications
label.erasmus.candidacy.degrees.and.subjects = Degree and subjects
label.erasmus.candidacy.educational.background = Educational background
label.erasmus.most.recent.approved.learning.agreement.not.viewed = Learning agreement pending = The characters '+', '?', '"', '<', '>' and '/' cannot be used in content names. = The characters '+', '?', '"', '<', '>' and '/' cannot be used in content names.
label.errors.notSubmited = Students will not be subjected to:
label.evaluation = Evaluation Method
label.evaluation.eng = Method of Assessment in English
label.evaluation.enrollment.period = Registration Period in {0}
label.evaluation.enrolment.period = Enrolment period
label.evaluation.type = Type of Evaluation
label.evaluation.type.exam = Exam
label.evaluation.type.project = Project
label.evaluation.type.writtenTest = Test
label.evaluationIntro = Here you can manage specific evaluations, Bookmarks, Projects, Tests, Examinations and Assessment Final.
label.evaluationMethod = Assessment Methods
label.evaluationMethod.explanation = Here you can edit or complete the evaluation methods of discipline. If you want you can use HTML.
label.evaluationMethodControl = Control Assessment Methods
label.evaluationQuestion = Question for evaluation (right answer)
label.evaluationType = Assessment
label.even = pair = Events
label.exam = Exam
label.exam.enrollment = Registration on Review = Start Day
label.exam.enrollment.begin.hour = Start Time = End Day
label.exam.enrollment.end.hour = End Time
label.exam.enrollment.period = Registration Period Exam
label.exam.enrollment.year = Year
label.exam.information = Exam Information
label.exam.year = grade
label.examDate = Date of Examination
label.examMap.unpublished = Date of examination awaiting publication
label.exams = Examinations
label.exams.explanation = Here you can see the tests of time.
label.exams.information = Entry Management Exam: Opens Registration for examination, see the list of students enrolled and distribute the students by relating to the examination rooms.
Management Guidelines: To publish the guidelines of the examinations of the discipline in public page.
Submission of the Staff Secretary: Allows the staff with the final grades are received by the secretariat for further signature by the head of discipline.
label.examsText = Information relating to the examinations of the 1st and 2nd Seasons: dates and rooms.
label.excerpt = Excerpt
label.excerpt.size = Size Excerpt = Disciplines Evaluation Method = Subjects without Evaluation Method
label.execution.year = Year
label.executionCourse = Disciplinary Enforcement
label.executionCourse.availableForInquiries = Available for investigations
label.executionCourse.degrees = Courses
label.executionCourse.departments = Departments
label.executionCourse.instructions = This portal may, among other features, customize the page and discipline of public information available. We will regularly introduce new features and improve existing ones. Therefore all the criticisms and suggestions are important. Contact us via email
- The Customization section allow you to input text to the homepage of the discipline, as well as indicate the page URL of alternative discipline - if any - and contact details.
- Ads can manage (add, edit or delete) by choosing the corresponding option.
- It also has the ability to create sections (and sub-optional sections) in the pages of the discipline to contain information such as lists of problems, support material, etc..
- You can enter the Summaries relating to their classes, and even create a summary from a summary / planning already exists.
- If other teachers to teach the subject may be indicated by choosing teachers, allowing them to also manage the homepage of discipline.
- The option allows students to obtain in the form of a table, lists information for pupils to attend the course. You can filter the list to get only those students enrolled in a given shift. The system can also send an email message to all students in the list visible at any given time, as well as export the list to a spreadsheet.
- The planning allows for a plan that will teach classes during the semester. To facilitate the creation of planning is to import summary or lesson plans already created in previous years, and then make changes.
- In Review can enter and edit notes, post notes on the course page and submit the notes to the Secretariat. Tests can also check out the period of examinations.
- Options Objectives, Program Evaluation Methods and Bibliography must be completed and / or updated (note that in the case of the basic disciplines, the objectives, the program and methods of evaluation are the responsibility of the Scientific Council) as well as being available pages of the discipline, they also serve to reports and evaluations of courses.
- If desired, you can make the management of groups, creating and editing groups of discipline, and can also export them to other (s) subject (s). Within each group can view, create and delete groups, students belonging to a team that can manage. Each group can be associated with a shift and changeable elements of the group can be modified according to the permissions given by the set.
label.executionCourse.lessonPlanningAvailable = Publish planning = Discipline
label.executionCourse.other.teachers = Other Faculty
label.executionCourse.responsible.teachers = Teachers responsible = Communication = Course Information = QUC - Reports and Results = Management = Home = Reports = Sections = Discipline and Public Page
label.executionCourseSites = Pages Disciplines
label.executionCourses = Courses in co-evaluation
label.executionDegree = Course Implementation
label.executionDegree.year = Year
label.executionInterval = Academic period
label.executionPeriod = Half
label.executionYear = Execution year
label.executionYear.year = Year
label.exemptionGratuity.FCTGrantOwner = FCT Scholarship
label.exemptionGratuity.MilitarySon = Son of Military
label.exemptionGratuity.PALOPTeacher = Teachers PALOP
label.exemptionGratuity.StudentTeacher = Providing support for student education
label.exemptionGratuity.exemption = Reduction
label.exemptionGratuity.institution = IST
label.exemptionGratuity.institutionGrantOwner = Research Fellow IST
label.exemptionGratuity.justification = Justification
label.exemptionGratuity.otherInstitution = Institutions with the arrangement with the IST
label.exemptionGratuity.polytechnicalTeacher = Professor Polytechnic Public
label.exemptionGratuity.universityTeacher = Public University Professor
label.exemptionGratuity.value = Value
label.exemptionGratuity.valueAdHoc = Cash Value
label.exemptionGratuity.valuePercentage = Value Percentage
label.expiration.warning = The periodic change of password is one way to at least reduce the duration and possible impact of a compromised password. Moreover, the longer the password, the greater the likelihood of it having been subjected to one of the above factors and, therefore, be compromised.
label.expiration.warning.change.later = If you do not want to change now can proceed to the application = Want to change your password now
label.expiration.warning.change.password = Change Password
label.expiration.warning.days = days
label.expiration.warning.expiration.message = Your pasword will expire in
label.export = Exportar
label.externalActivity.activity = Activity
label.externalGuider = External Advisor
label.extra = Extraordinary
label.extra.lesson = Extraordinary lesson
label.false = No
label.falseLabel = - = Feedback
label.file = File
label.fileAvailableFor = Available for
label.fileUpload.information = You can enter the scores of students enrolled in the discipline from a text file (txt). This file must contain a student on each line. Each line should contain the number and grade of students enrolled in the course separated by white space or tab.
Note: for those students who failed the symbol should be placed RE in the case of students not assessed NA.
label.files = File (s)
label.fill = Fill
label.fill.summaries = Fill Summary
label.filledPhase1 = Completed in Phase 1
label.filledPhase2 = Completed in Phase 2 = Final Occurrence Date = List Proposals = Final
label.finalDegreeWorkProposal.results = results for
label.finalEvaluation = Final Evaluation
label.find = Search = Criterion
label.find.spaces.building = Building
label.find.spaces.campus = Campus
label.find.spaces.identification = Space
label.find.spaces.label = Search for
label.find.spaces.location = Local = space (s) = Name
label.finish = End
label.first.semester = Semester 1
label.first.semester.short = 1st Sem
label.first.step.coordinator.equivalence = Step 1: Choose one of the following situations:
label.first.step.enrolment = Step 1: Indicate that you want inscerver student entering your number.
label.first.year = 1st Year
label.firstSeason = 1st Period
label.fiscalCode = VAT Number
label.fiveth.year = 5th Year
label.for = by
label.forApprovalProposalsCount = Motions to approve
label.forSemester = Season
label.fourth.year = 4th Year
label.from = From
label.ftp = FTP
label.ganttDiagram.event = Request
label.ganttDiagram.observations = Salas
label.ganttDiagram.period = Period
label.ganttDiagram.week = Week
label.gender = Gender
label.generalObjectives = General Objectives
label.generalObjectives.eng = General Objectives in English
label.generalObjectivesEn = General Objectives in English
label.generateRegistryCode = Generate Code
label.generic.check = Consult
label.get.certificate = Choose the certificate that you want to get
label.givenCredits = Laid Credits
label.givenCreditsRemarks = Justification
label.grade = Note
label.grade.a = Excellent
label.grade.b = Very Good
label.grade.c = Good
label.grade.d = Sufficient
label.grade.responsiblePerson = Person Responsible for Notes
label.gradeAvailableDate = Release Date
label.gratuity = Tuition
label.gratuityEn = Tuition fees (English)
label.gratuitySituationType.all = All
label.gratuitySituationType.creditor = Creditor
label.gratuitySituationType.debtor = Debtor
label.gratuitySituationType.regularized = Regularized
label.greenLines = Green lines = Group
label.groupManagement = Management Group:
label.groupName = Group Name
label.groupPropertiesManagement = Management Group
label.groupWord = View Group
label.grouping = Group
label.groupingDescription = Description
label.groupingName = Name
label.groupingProperties = Properties
label.groupings = Groups = Active
label.grp.concluded = Concluded = Date = Degree Type
label.grp.latest.requests = Latest requests
label.grp.latest.requests.done = Latest requests done for the year of {0}
label.grp.latest.requests.done.with.degreetype = Latest requests done for the year of {0} of type {1}
label.grp.options = Options
label.grp.person = Person
label.grp.request.listing = Request listing
label.grp.request.listing.success = Request of listing for the year of {0} confirmed.
label.grp.request.listing.success.with.degreetype = Request of listing for the year of {0} of type {1} confirmed.
label.grp.year = Year
label.guider = Leader
label.has.contributor.number = It has Tax File Number?
label.have = Has = Help
label.historic = History
label.history = History
label.historyEn = History (English)
label.hitCount = Results found
label.homepage = Homepage
label.hour = Time
label.hour.instructions = (Hh: mm)
label.hour.pattern = (Hh: mm)
label.hours = hours
label.hours.load.equal = Coherent
label.hours.load.fieldWork = Field Work Load
label.hours.load.laboratorial = Laboratory Load
label.hours.load.notEqual = Incoherent
label.hours.load.practical = Practice Charge
label.hours.load.problems = Load Problems
label.hours.load.seminary = Charge Seminars
label.hours.load.theoretical = Theoretical charge
label.hours.load.theoretical_practical = Theoretical load-Practice = Course Load
label.hours.load.trainingPeriod = Load Stage
label.hours.load.tutorialOrientation = Charge Tutorial
label.hoursPerWeek = Weekly lesson work load
label.html.breakLine =
label.idDocumentType = Identity Document Type
label.identificationDocumentNumber = Document Number Identification
label.identificationDocumentType = Type of Identification Document
label.identificationNumber = Identification Number
label.import.bibliographicReferences.title = Import References
label.import.customizationOptions.title = Import Customization
label.import.lessonPlannings.course = Discipline
label.import.lessonPlannings.importType = Import
label.import.lessonPlannings.title = Import Planning
label.import.sections = Import Sections
label.impossibleEnrollments = Subscriptions Impossible = in = the room
label.incorrect = Wrong
label.individual = INDIVIDUAL = Information on the course selected: = Information about the student selected: = Information on the period chosen for implementation:
label.infoFormat = Format of the information entered:
label.infoFormat.html = HTML
label.infoFormat.plainText = Text
label.information = Information: = This feature allows you to search files (documents and pedagogical content) entered in Phoenix in the context of a discipline. Search options allow you to get results by subject, author, title, academic year, semester, content type, etc.. = Information entered before 2007 is not classified with "Content-Type", so if you want to search for content related to that date will have to choose "All" in "Content Type".
label.initial = Start Date Occurrence
label.inquiryQuestion = Survey question (no answer)
label.insert = Insert
label.insert.extra.summary = Special Lecture to enter Summary
label.insertActivity = Insert Activity
label.insertAnnouncement = Insert new ad
label.insertBibliographicReference = Insert new bibliographic reference
label.insertCareer = Insert Career
label.insertPublication = Insert Publication
label.insertSummary = Insert new summary
label.insertUsername = Insert the person's username to add.
label.installment = Provision
label.instructions = Instructions = General Concepts and Types of Grouping
label.integer = Whole
label.invalid.student.number = Invalid student number to add to shift = IST Id
label.invalid.teacher.number = Invalid identification of teachers.
label.invalid.teacher.without.auth = Teacher doesn't have a valid authorization for this execution semester
label.irs.information = Irs statement
label.istUsername = Username IST
label.istid = IST ID
label.item = Item
label.itemOrder.before = Position before
label.itemValidity = Occurrence
label.keywords = Keywords
label.laboratorial.abbr = L
label.language = english version
label.last.lessons.without.summaries = Latest classes without abstract set:
label.last.responsible = Last Responsible
label.lastAnnouncement = Last Ad
label.lastAnnouncements = Recent Announcements
label.lastModificationDate = Date Last Modified
label.lecturingTeachers = Faculty
label.left.hand.operator = Operator Modules (source)
label.left.hand.transitive = Transitive Modules (source)
label.legend = Legend
label.lesson = Lesson
label.lesson.create = Create Lesson
label.lesson.end = End
label.lesson.notTaught = Class not taught
label.lesson.or.lessons = Lesson (s) = Room
label.lesson.start = Home
label.lesson.type = Type of class:
label.lessonPlanning = Lesson Plan
label.lessonPlanning.lessonType = Type of school
label.lessonPlanning.planning = Plan
label.lessonPlanning.title = Title
label.lessonPlannings.managent = Planning
label.lessonPlannings.not.available = No planning was found.
label.lessons = Lessons
label.lessonsPlanning.import.instructions = Select plan or set of statements that you want to import.
label.lessonsPlanning.instructions = This feature allows you to manage the planning of lessons. The planning may be published on the public page of the course (the "Planning") if you want.
The lesson plan can also help fill the summaries of the discipline. Simply download the lesson plan corresponding to the summary you want to fill, fill in the interface summaries.
To facilitate the creation of planning is to import summary or lesson plans already created in previous years, and then make changes if necessary. = Classes
label.links = Links = Links (Sidebar)
label.linksEn = Links (English)
label.list = List
label.load.marks = Entering Notes Using File
label.logicOperator = Logical Operator
label.longName = Original
label.mail = Email
label.main = Top
label.mainEntryText = Body = Management
label.manager.curricularCourse.message.basic = This course was considered basic
label.manager.curricularCourse.message.non.basic = This course was considered non-basic
label.manager.curricularCourseScope.beginDate = Start Date
label.manager.curricularCourseScope.branch = Branch
label.manager.curricularCourseScope.curricularSemester = Half
label.manager.curricularCourseScope.curricularYear = Year
label.manager.curricularCourseScopes = Scopes
label.manager.degrees = Courses
label.manager.delete.role.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to remove this role from this person?
label.manager.executionCourse.code = Code
label.manager.executionCourse.executionPeriod = Period of execution = Name of discipline enforcement = Site
label.manager.executionCourses = Disciplines Execution
label.manager.findPerson = Find Person
label.manager.findedOnePersons = {0} was found person.
label.manager.generateFiles.paymentDate = Payment Deadline = No
label.manager.numberFindedPersons = Found {0} people.
label.manager.yes = Yes
label.maritalStatus = State Civil
label.mark = Note
label.markAverage = Average Ticket
label.markMax = The Maximum Entry
label.markMin = Note Minimum Fee
label.markSheet.all.fem = All
label.markSheet.curricularCourse = Course
label.markSheet.evaluationDate = Valuation = Step 1: Set data
label.markSheet.gradeSubmission.step.two = Step 2: Choose Students = Name
label.markSheet.number = Number
label.markSheet.studentsWithImpossibleEnrolments = The following students have inscriptions impossible
label.markToSubmit = Submit a Note
label.marksOnline.currentGradeScale = Grade Scale:
label.marksOnline.information = Enter the notes one by one, the students enrolled in the course.
label.marksOnline.instructions = Assessment Type: indicates whether a normal evaluation, assessment for grade improvement, special time or if the student is not enrolled in the course.
Note: for those students who failed the symbol should be placed RE in the case of students not assessed NA.
label.marksToSubmit = Notes submitted by
label.masterDegree.AdministrativeOffice.gratuityInformationNotDefined = The situation of school fees is not defined.
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.activeSituation = Current Situation
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.address = Address
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.allExecutionYears = All
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.applicationInformation = Application Information
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.assistentGuiderNumber = The number of faculty co-advisor
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.assistentGuiders = CO-SUPERVISORS
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.attachedCopiesNumber = Number of Copies
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidate = Operations Candidates
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidateNumber = Application Number
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidateSituation = Location
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidatesFound = Candidate (s) found (s).
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.changeSuccess = Amended Registration Successful
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseBranch = Choose a Branch
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseDegreeCurricularPlan = Choose the Curriculum Plan
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseExecutionYear = Choose the year of implementation
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.confirmCandidateRegistration = Do you want to enroll this candidate?
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.contributor = Contributors
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.contributor.default = [Choose a Contributor]
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.contributorAddress = Address
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.contributorName = Name
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.contributorNumber = Tax File Number
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.contributorsFound = Contributor (s) found (s).
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.course = Discipline
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.creationDate = Date of Creation Guide
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.curricularCourse = Course Curriculum
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.curricularPlanFound = Plan (s) Course (s) found (s).
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.curricularPlans = Curriculum Plans
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.dataContributor = Data Contributor = Date = Day
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.default = [Choose a Guide] = Course
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.degreesFound = Course (s) found (s).
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.description = Description
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.destination = Fins
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.dissertationTitle = Title of Dissertation
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.documentType = Document Type
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.edit = Edit
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editExternalPersonSuccess = Foreign Person was edited with Success
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editInstitutionSuccess = The Work has been successfully edited
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editStudentData = Edit Student Data = Email
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.employee = Employee:
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.executionYear = Academic Year
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.executionYearsNotFound = Not found years of implementation
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalAssistentGuiders = GUIDING FOREIGN CO-
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalGuiders = GUIDING FOREIGN
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalJuries = FOREIGN JURIES
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersonInstitution = Workplace
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersonName = Name
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.finalResult = Final Result
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gradesList = Tariff
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.graduationType = Type of Degrees
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuityActualSituation = Current Situation of Fees
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuityInformation = Information Regarding Payment of Fees = Operations Guides = Name of Contributor = Tax File Number = No Payment Guide = Total Value = Year = History of Reimbursement Guide = Creation Date = Current Situation = Date = plots = Justification = Date Change = New Situation = Reimbursement Guide = Remarks = Location = Situations = State = Value
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideCreationSuccess = Guide created with Success
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideInformation = Information from the version {0} Guia number {1} {2} of the year
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideNumber = Guide Number
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideSituation = Situation Guide
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideSituationList = History of the situations of the tab
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideTotal = Total Unsettled
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideYear = Year Guide
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guiderNumber = The number of faculty advisor
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guiders = GUIDING
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guides = Guides
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guidesFound = Guide (s) found (s).
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.history = HISTORY
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.homepage = Homepage
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.idNumber = Document Number Identification
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.idType = Type of Identification Document
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.information.only = Fact Sheet
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.insertExternalPersonSuccess = Foreign Person was inserted with Success
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.insertInstitutionSuccess = The Workplace was successfully inserted
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.institutionName = Name of Work
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.institutionRequired = The Work is required
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.juries = JURIES
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.juryNumber = The number of faculty jury
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.lastModification = Last Modified:
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.listGuideByState = Listing By Location Guides
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.mark = Result
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marks = Management Guidelines
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marksConfirmation = Check Tariff
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marksSubmission = Launch Schedule
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.masterDegree = Master
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.masterDegreeGraduationInformation = Graduate Information = Mobile
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.modificationDate = Modification Date
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.modifiedBy = Modified
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.month = Month = Name = Name of the student chosen
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.newContributor = New Contributor
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.newGratuitySituation = New Situation of Fees
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.newGuideSituation = New state of the Guide
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.newInstitutionName = New Name
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.newSituation = New Situation
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.noBranch = Without Branch
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.noGuidesFound = Found 0 Guides.
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonChangeableGuide = This Guide is not changeable.
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonChangeableGuideSituation = The situation of this Guide is not changeable.
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonExistingExternalPersons = There are no People External
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.nonExistingInstitutions = There Workplaces
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.number = Number
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.number.of.chosen.student = Number of students selected
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.others = Other
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payment = Payment Type
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.paymentDate = Date of Payment
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments = Payments
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.amountToPay = Amount Payable (euro)
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.back = Back
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.candidacy = Application
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.confirmCreateReceipt = Confirm Receipt Creation
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.confirmCreateReceiptQuestion = Want to create a receipt?
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.contributor = Paying Entity
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.contributorAddress = Address
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.contributorName = Name
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.contributorNumber = No. of Contributor
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.currencySymbol = euro
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.currentEvents = Current debt
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.description = Description
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.documentNumber = Number
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.documentType = Document Type
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.entryType = Type
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.eventDate = Date of Occurrence = There are no debts = Guide = Name
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.noPaymentsWithoutReceipt = There are no payment without a receipt
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.noReceipts = There are no receipts
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.not.found = There are no payments
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.number = Number
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.operations = Operations
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.payedAmount = Amount Paid
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.payment = Payment
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.paymentConfirmed = The payment was successful
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.paymentsWithoutReceipt = Issuing Receipts
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.person = Person
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.preparePayment = Check Payment
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.print = Print = Lisbon
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.costCenter = Cost Center = Document processed by computer
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.footer.institutionIdentification = Av Rovisco Pais, 1 1049-001 Lisboa Codex Phone: 218417336 Fax: 218419531 Taxpayer No.: 501507930 = Payment Guide = TECHNICAL INSTITUTE
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.processFrom = Process
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.receipt.contributor = Paying Entity
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.receipt.receiptNumber = Receipt No.
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.receipt.secondPrintVersion = 2nd Copy
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.theEmployee = The Employee
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.printTemplates.totalAmountToPay = The outstanding importance of
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.receipt = Receipt
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.receiptOwner = Person
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.receipts = Query Receipts
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.receipts.printReceipt.title = Payment Receipt = Search
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.searchByCandidacyNumber = Find Jobs
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.searchByDocumentIDandType = Search for Personal Data
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.searchByUsername = Search by Username
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.totalAmount = Total Value
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.username = Username
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.year = Year = Telephone
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.price = Value
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.pricesManagement = Pricing
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.pricesManagement.edit = Edit
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.pricesManagement.price = Price
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.pricesManagement.pricePerPage = Price Per Page
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.pricesManagement.pricePerUnit = Price Per Unit
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.proofChangeSuccess = The test was changed to Master Success
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.proofDate = Date of professional examinations
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.quantity = Quantity
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.reimbursementValue = Reimbursement Amount
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.remarks = Remarks
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.requesterName = Name
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.requesterNumber = Number of Applicant
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.requesterType = Type of Applicant
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.responsibleTeacher = Teacher Responsible
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.rubrica = Category
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.searchResults = Search Results:
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.searchResultsEmpty = No results were found in the search
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.signature = Signature
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.situation = Location
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.situationDate = Date Location
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.situationHistory = Background Situation
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.specialization = Specialization
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentCurricularPlanBranch = Branch
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentCurricularPlanDegree = Course
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentCurricularPlanStartDate = Start Date
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentCurricularPlanState = State
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentCurricularPlans = View Plans Curriculum
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentData = View Student Data
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentGuide = Creating Guides for Students
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentName = Student's Name
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentNumber = No. of Student
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentSearchSubmit = Submit
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.studentsFound = Student (s) found (s).
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.teacherName = Name of Teacher
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.teacherNumber = No. of Faculty
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.theResponsible = The Responsible
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.hasThesis = It Thesis
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesisChangeSuccess = The Thesis has been amended with Success
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesisCreationSuccess = The Thesis was created with Success
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesisDeliveryDate = Delivery Date of Thesis
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.totalPrice = Total Value
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.value = Value
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.versionsFound = Versions of the guide found.
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.visualizeContributor = Taxpayer Information
label.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.year = Year
label.masterDegree.alreadyChosenCourses = Previously selected Chairs
label.masterDegree.applicationDocuments = Application Documents
label.masterDegree.applicationDocumentsSubmit = Send
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.ISTTitle = TECHNICAL INSTITUTE
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.candidacyNumber = Application Number
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.candidacySchool = School Application
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.candidateName = Candidate Name
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.classAssistant = Want to teach
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.courseAssistantNo = No
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.courseAssistantYes = Yes = Graduation = Email
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.filteredBy = Filtered by
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.listTitle = List of Candidates
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.phoneNumber = Telephone
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.situation = Location
label.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.specialization = Specialization
label.masterDegree.chooseNewCourses = Course Chairs Selected
label.masterDegree.chooseOne = Choose one:
label.masterDegree.coordinator.candidates = Number of Candidates:
label.masterDegree.coordinator.candidatesAmmount = candidate (s) so far.
label.masterDegree.coordinator.curricularPlan = Curriculum Plan:
label.masterDegree.coordinator.executionYear = Academic Year:
label.masterDegree.coordinator.selectedDegree = Course Selected:
label.masterDegree.curriculumVitaeDocument = Curriculum Vitae:
label.masterDegree.curriculumVitaeUpload = Upload CV
label.masterDegree.documentsToSubmit = Documents to be submitted
label.masterDegree.enrollment = Subscriptions
label.masterDegree.givenCredits = FOR ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS
label.masterDegree.gratuity.DCPlan = Curriculum Plan
label.masterDegree.gratuity.SCPlan = Plan
label.masterDegree.gratuity.SCPlanState = State Plan
label.masterDegree.gratuity.adHocValue = Pay Other Amount
label.masterDegree.gratuity.all = All
label.masterDegree.gratuity.annual.value = Annual Value
label.masterDegree.gratuity.anotherOne = Other
label.masterDegree.gratuity.creditValue = Amount Receivable
label.masterDegree.gratuity.dateInterval = Time Interval
label.masterDegree.gratuity.dateIntervalRange = the
label.masterDegree.gratuity.definedPhases = Defined Benefits
label.masterDegree.gratuity.description = Description
label.masterDegree.gratuity.euro = €
label.masterDegree.gratuity.executionYear = Academic Year = Date
label.masterDegree.gratuity.exemptionPenalty.exemption = Exemption
label.masterDegree.gratuity.exemptionPenalty.justification = Justification
label.masterDegree.gratuity.exemptionPenalty.responsible = Responsible
label.masterDegree.gratuity.finalDate = Final Date
label.masterDegree.gratuity.from = of
label.masterDegree.gratuity.gratuities = Tuition
label.masterDegree.gratuity.initialDate = Start Date = Insurance
label.masterDegree.gratuity.insuranceNotPayedValue = Amount Payable by Insurance
label.masterDegree.gratuity.insuranceValue = Value Insurance
label.masterDegree.gratuity.insuranceValueEndDate = Payment Deadline
label.masterDegree.gratuity.insurances = Insurance
label.masterDegree.gratuity.notPayedValue = Amount per Pay
label.masterDegree.gratuity.or = or
label.masterDegree.gratuity.partialPayment = Benefits
label.masterDegree.gratuity.payInsurance = Insurance Pay
label.masterDegree.gratuity.payedValue = Amount Paid
label.masterDegree.gratuity.paymentConditions = Terms of Payment
label.masterDegree.gratuity.paymentMode = Mode of Payment (Totality, benefits or both)
label.masterDegree.gratuity.paymentPeriod = Payment Period
label.masterDegree.gratuity.paymentSituation = Payment of the Application of Evidence Act
label.masterDegree.gratuity.phase = Phase {0}
label.masterDegree.gratuity.phaseDefinition = Definition of Benefit
label.masterDegree.gratuity.phaseValue = Value Delivery
label.masterDegree.gratuity.registrationPayment = In the enrollment
label.masterDegree.gratuity.scholarPart = Party School
label.masterDegree.gratuity.situation = Location
label.masterDegree.gratuity.sizeList = Found {0} results.
label.masterDegree.gratuity.specializationArea = Specialisation
label.masterDegree.gratuity.thesisPart = Party Masters Thesis = Total
label.masterDegree.gratuity.totalPayment = All
label.masterDegree.gratuity.unitaryValue = Unit Value
label.masterDegree.gratuity.until = until
label.masterDegree.gratuity.value = Value
label.masterDegree.gratuity.valueByCourse = By Discipline
label.masterDegree.gratuity.valueByCredit = Credit
label.masterDegree.gratuity.values = Values Fee
label.masterDegree.habilitationCertificateDocument = Certificate of qualifications:
label.masterDegree.habilitationCertificateUpload = Upload the certificate of qualification
label.masterDegree.insertApplicationDocuments = Enter application documents = Annual Value
label.masterDegree.manifestationLetterDocument = Letter of expression of interest:
label.masterDegree.manifestationLetterUpload = Upload Letter of Expression of Interest
label.masterDegree.newCourses = Course Selected:
label.masterDegree.secondHabilitationCertificateDocument = Second degree certificate:
label.masterDegree.showApplicationDocuments = Show application documents
label.masterDegree.showCurriculumVitae = CV Show
label.masterDegree.showHabilitationLetter = Show Certificate of Achievement
label.masterDegree.showManifestationLetter = Show Letter of Expression of Interest
label.masterDegree.showSecondHabilitationLetter = According Show Certificate of Achievement
label.masterDegree.studyPlan = Syllabus
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.NoAdvisorOrCoordinatorTitle = The candidate has no advisor / counselor assigned.
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.advisor = Leader
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.advisorOrCoordinatorChoose = Choose one of two roles for the teacher selected:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.advisorOrCoordinatorName = Name of counselor / advisor:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.advisorOrCoordinatorNumber = Number of academic advisor / counselor:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.advisorOrCoordinatorRole = Role played by the teacher:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.advisorOrCoordinatorTitle = Advisor / Counsellor
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.coordinator = Counselor
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.curricularCourseCredits = Credits
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.curricularCourseName = Name of chair
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.executionCoursesToAssist = Subjects the candidate intends to support:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.givenCredits = Credits assigned:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.givenCreditsRemarks = Notes:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.isClassAssistant = Applicant seeks to support education:
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.isClassAssistantTitle = Want To Give Support Education
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.listOfCurricularCourses = List of chairs that make up the syllabus
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.noStudyPlanForCandidate = The candidate has no curriculum related
label.masterDegree.studyPlan.studyPlanForCandidate = Curriculum of candidate
label.masterDegree.tiles.insertApplicationDocuments = Insert application documents
label.masterDegree.tiles.showApplicationDocuments = Show application documents
label.masterDegree.tiles.showStudyPlanForCandidate = Show syllabus
label.masterDegree.upload.sucessfull = success
label.masterDegree.upload.unsucessfull = failure
label.masterDegreeThesisList = List of Master Thesis
label.maxNumberOfChars = Maximum number of characters
label.maximum = Maximum
label.mecanographicNumber = No. mechanographical
label.member = State
label.members = Members
label.message.thesis.keyword.length.limit.exceeded = Each keyword is limited to 41 characters.
label.message.thesis.keyword.number.of.words.exceeded = You can only indicate 6 keywords.
label.metadataFile = Select the file's metadata
label.minimum = Minimum
label.minimumScores = Cut Scores
label.minutes = Minutes = Mobile
label.mobility.applications = Mobility applications
label.modality.candidaciesGrid = Mode = - Mode - = Date Last Modified
label.modifyBy = Change for
label.modifyFor = Change to
label.monitoringYear = Monitoring year
label.month = Month
label.move = Move
label.moveTo = Move = Name = Name / IST ID
label.nameWord = Name
label.nationality = Nationality
label.navheader.person = DSpace = Services
label.neededCredits = Credits needed to complete the course
label.neededFields = Required Field = Date of Order = Reason = Justification = Value (euro) = Apply to = Date of Order = Type of Exemption = Reason = Value (euro) = Payment method = Reason = Date = Description = Date of Occurrence = Reason for Cancellation = Value (euro) = Name of Contributor = Taxpayer = Description = Name = Taxpayer = Taxpayer = Year = Refund Amount (euro) = Description = Total Value (euro) = Value = Type = Reason = Date (Actual) = Amount Payable (euro) = Amount in Debt = Amount Paid = Date of Order = Type of Exemption = Reason = Name = Taxpayer = Taxpayer = Deferred Payment = Date of Payment = Reason = Reason for Cancellation = Destination debt = Half = Academic Year = Half = Academic Year = (Working) days of delay = Value = Date of Order = Type of Exemption = Another Percentage = Percentage = Reason = Value = ECTS corresponding to the value (applicable to part-time only) = End Date = Implementation periods to implement (applicable to part-time only) = Maximum number of months to implement fine = Monthly percentage of fines to be applied (eg 1% -> put 0.01) = Number of days to apply a fine (applicable to plan for students with enrollment at first institution) = Fines apply? = Select = Start Date = Date from which the penalty applies = Curriculum to be implemented = Only for students whose first enrollment at the institution? = Part-time? = For second curricular year students = For students enrolled in Semester 2 only? = Benefits = Top = Provision = Date of Order = Type of Exemption = Reason = Curriculum Plans = Rule Type = Start Date = Curriculum Plans = ECTS factor (see formula) = ECTS corresponding to the annual tuition fee of the course (eg 972.14 euros equivalent to 60 ECTS) = Factor for bribes (see formula) = Start Date = Price (euro) = Per Page Price (euro) = Price Per Unit (euro) = Base Price (euro) = Student No. = State = Justification = Number of Pages = Discipline = Time = Category = Percentage in Discipline = Summaries in the Discipline = Discipline = Hours Declared = Shifts in Percentage = Degree (s) = Summaries in Shifts = Name = Number = Number of Doc Id = Document Type = Name = Payment Code = Number of Students = Username = SIBS Payment Code = Average s / rounding = Completion Date = Completion date calculated = Completed = Completion Date = Remarks = Responsible = Processed Clearance = Approvals = Cycle = Cycle = Total ECTS Credits = Change Completion Date = Final Average = Type Average = Cycle = Cycle = Description = Scale Notes = Name = Course = Name = Address = Document Number = Email = No. of Contributor = Document Type = Name = Make uploaded documents available to teachers of the following departments = Description = Grouping = Maximum number of copies to keep = Name = Allows electronic delivery = Publication of Statement = Deadline Delivery = No. of Student = Student's Name = Semester: = File Name = Type = Size = No. Group = Date of Submission = Checksum (MD5) = Display Name = File Name = Mime Type = Size = No. of Student = Student's Name = Checksum (MD5) = Type = Size = File Name = No. Group = Date of Submission = All IST students = All teachers IST = Coordination Group = Students of = Faculty members = People IST = Staff = Number = State = Total Value (euro) = Creation Date = Year = Description = Value (euro) = Value (euro) = Description = Type = Value (euro) = Payment Date = Payment method = Refundable? = Date = Total Amount Payable (euro) = Reason for Cancellation = Description = Type = Date final payment = Amount Paid (euro) = Refundable value (euro) = Date of Occurrence = Value (euro) = Description = End date of reference = Entity = Reference = Amount (euro) = Start date of reference = Type = Name = Number = Date = State = Total Value (euro) = Creation Date = Year = Date of order = Reason = Justification = Value (euro) = Description = Kind = Reason = Description = Kind = Reason = Description = Type of Exemption = Reason = Type of Exemption = Reason = Course = Year = Description = Reason = Percentage = Value = Provision = Date of Order = Price per Page (euro) = Base Price (euro) = Price Per Unit (euro) = Base Price (euro) = Maximum (euro) = Price per Day Delay (euro) = Base Price (euro) = Maximum Price (euro) = Price (euro) = Fines apply from = Fine Price (euro) = Creation Date = End Date = Event = Calculation Formula = Start Date = External student (euro) = Student of the institution (euro) = External student (euro) = Student of the institution (euro) = External student () = Student of the institution (euro) = Montante por inscrição = ECTS corresponding to the annual tuition fee of the course (eg 972.14 euros equivalent to 60 ECTS) = Per Page Price (euro) = 1st Price Sheet (euro) = Value Max. the disc. more (euro) = Cost per course (euro) = Maximum value (euro) = 1st Price Sheet (euro)$ = Date$GratuityReportEntry.gratuityAmount = Value Fees (euro) = Total Amount of Fees Received (euro) = Type = Unit
#CandidacyInformationBean schemas = Final year grade = Year of completion of course = Country of Residence = Country where course was concluded = Concluded Degree name = Moved from permanent residence? = Council of residence (fill if the country of residence is Portugal, only) = Father's current ocupation (or former, in case of retirement or unemployment) = Father's professional status = Father's highest complete qualification = Institution that awarded the Scholarship (fill if you are a scholarship holder from another institution, only) = Type of scholarship holder = Type of institution attended in Secondary Education = Institution where the degree was concluded = Marital status = Mother's current ocupation (or former, in case of retirement or unemployment) = Mother's professional status = Mother's highest complete qualification = Number of applications to HE apart from this one = Number of times you have remained in Secondary Education = If you chose another course, please specify. = Student's current ocupation (or former, in case of retirement or unemployment) = Student's working status = Concluded Degree name = Concluded degree level = Council of residence during school time (fill if moved from permanent residence, only) = Spouse's type of profession = Spouse's professional status = Spouse's qualifications = Degree final grade (If the grade is not between 0 to 20, please enter the closest value within this range) = [?] If your classification it's not a value in the range of 0 to 20, fill in the most approximated value is this scale = Year of completion of course = Country of Residence = Country where course was concluded = Degree change/Transfer/Erasmus = Concluded Degree name = Moved from permanent residence? = Council of residence (fill if the country of residence is Portugal, only) = Father's current ocupation (or former, in case of retirement or unemployment) = Father's professional status = Father's highest complete qualification = Institution that awarded the Scholarship (fill if you are a scholarship holder from another institution, only) = Type of scholarship holder = Type of institution attended in Secondary Education = Institution where the degree was concluded = Marital status = Mother's current ocupation (or former, in case of retirement or unemployment) = Mother's professional status = Mother's highest complete qualification = Number of applications to HE apart from this one = Number of times you have remained in Secondary Education = If you chose another course, please specify. = Student's current ocupation (or former, in case of retirement or unemployment) = Student's working status = Concluded degree name = Concluded degree level = Council of residence during school time (fill if moved from permanent residence, only) = Spouse's type of profession = Spouse's professional status = Spouse's qualifications = Link = Types of website = Name = File = Size (bytes) = Year = Address = Postal Code = Location = Name = No. of Contributor = Cost Center = Name = State = Creation Date = Description = Student = Number of Students = State = Creation Date = Employee = Justification = c / Average = Discriminated = Purpose = Type = Number of Pages = Description of Purpose = Urgent = Discriminated = Current Status = Completion Date = Remarks = Responsible = Final Average = Course = Enrollment Source = Enrollment Source = Start Date = Number of Students = Name = Transfer of Personal Data = Type of Doc Id = Number of Doc Id = Name = Number of Students = Username = Action = Date = Type = User = Completion Date = Remarks = Responsible = Final Average = Name = Group = Registration / Waiver$ = Name$GratuityReportParametersBean.degreeTypes = Types of Courses$GratuityReportParametersBean.detailed = Detailed$GratuityReportParametersBean.endDate = End Date$GratuityReportParametersBean.executionYear = Academic Year$GratuityReportParametersBean.startDate = Start Date = Academic period = Sort by = View subjects = See rules
label.newExercise = New Exercise
label.newProjectProposalExecutionCourses = Disciplines grouping
label.newTest = New = Next = Next Day = Next Month = Next Week
label.nextSubQuestion = Closest point = no = There are no operations to perform = No = Does not exist for the chosen course, no student data as adopted in other disciplines of the curriculum.
There are no courses to give equivalence. = There are no rooms related to this written evaluation. = Not yet submitted any tariff
label.noMofify = Keep
label.noPrimaryBibliographicReference = Was not defined main bibliography
label.noProfessorships = There are no courses taught for the selected date
label.noSecondaryBibliographicReference = Secondary literature has not been set
label.noShifts = There are no set shifts.
label.nonExisting = The field {0} has no information filled.
label.none = Nenhum
label.not.authorized.action = Unauthorized operation.
label.not.found.spaces = No spaces were found with the criteria defined.
label.notAswered = Unanswered
label.notAttributedCandidaciesCount = Unassigned
label.notAuthorized.courseInformation = The teacher does not have permission to access this page.
This information is only available to the teachers responsible.
label.notAvailable = N / A
label.notPayed = Unpaid
label.notViewPhoto = Do not display photos
label.note = Note
label.nrOfElements = Number of vacancies within the group:
label.nrOfGroups = Vacancies:
label.null = -
label.number = Number
label.number.abbr = No. = Approved
label.number.of.found.spaces = Found
label.number.results = Number of results
label.number.semester = Semester
label.number.students.enrolled = No Students Enrolled
label.number.year = No Year
label.number0.0 = 0.0
label.numberOfCandidates = Number of candidates
label.numberOfCardGenerationEntries = Card Number
label.numberOfColumns = Number of columns
label.numberOfEnrollments = Total Enrolment
label.numberOfRegisteredStudents = Number of students enrolled
label.numberOfRows = Number of lines
label.numberOfTutoredStudents = No. of tutorandos
label.numberWord = Number
label.numbersRange = Range of Numbers
label.numbersRange.first = First number
label.numbersRange.second = Second Number
label.numerusClausus = Numerus Clausus:
label.objectives = Objectives
label.objectives.explanation = The updating of the Objectives of a Course is made through the portal in Bologna where the Department Disciplinary Jurisdiction belongs, through the creation of a Proposal for Revision of the existing version, or creating a new version of Disciplinary Powers.
label.objectivesEn = Objectives (English)
label.observation = Note
label.obtain.certificate.sitio = Lisbon
label.occupancy = Occupancy (%)
label.odd = odd
label.of = of
label.ok = Ok
label.oldPublication.publication = Published = Online Tests
label.onlineDay = Date
label.onlyApproved = Accepted = Open
label.operacionalObjectives = Operational Objectives
label.operacionalObjectives.eng = Operational Objectives in English
label.operacionalObjectivesEn = Operational Objectives in English
label.operationalRegime = Operating system
label.operationalRegimeEn = Operating system (English)
label.operator.candidacy.enrolment.process = Registration Process = https: / / / services / self_service / first_time.php
label.operator.candidacy.mail.creation.process = Email Creation Process
label.operator.candidacy.passwords = Passwords Candidate
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.chooseCandidacies = Choose candidates
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.chooseEntryPhase = Phase Entry
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.chooseExecutionDegree = Course Implementation
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.generatePasswords = Generate Passwords
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.istUsername.explanation = (IST Username awarded at the end of the enrollment process)
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.newPassword.explanation = (Password you selected during the Registration Process)
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.noCandidacies = There are no candidates
label.operator.candidacy.passwords.processFrom = Process
label.operator.candidacy.system.access = System Access
label.operator.choosePerson = Enter your username or number of identification document of the user.
label.operator.submit.ok = The file {0} has been submitted successfully.
label.option = Option
label.optionNumber = Number of options
label.optional = (Optional)
label.optionalCurricularCourse.enrolments = Subscriptions
label.optionalCurricularCourse.optionalEnrolments = Inscriptions on options
label.options = Options
label.or = or
label.order = Order = Order by number of candidates: = Order by proposal number: = Order by proposal status:
label.orderBy = Order
label.orderByDescription = Sort by Description
label.orderByDifficulty = Sort by Difficulty
label.orderByMateriaPrincipal = Sort by Top Feature
label.orderByQuantidadeExercicios = Sort by Number of Variations
label.ordinal.semester.abbr = No No
label.ordinal.year = No Year
label.orgUnit = Organizational Structure
label.originCourseGroup = Source Group
label.originDegreeModule = Source module
label.otherGratuity = Fees:
label.others = Other
label.overview = Brief Introduction
label.pages = Pages
label.parishOfResidence = Parish
label.partialAcceptedPercentage = Percentage Partial Accept
label.partiallyCorrect = Partly right = Unit
label.partyContacts.EmailAddress = Email
label.partyContacts.MobilePhone = Mobile
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label.partyContacts.PhysicalAddress = Address
label.partyContacts.Picture = Picture
label.partyContacts.WebAddress = Website
label.partyContacts.addEmailAddress = Add Email
label.partyContacts.addMobilePhone = Add Mobile Phone
label.partyContacts.addPhone = Add Phone
label.partyContacts.addPhysicalAddress = Add Physical Address
label.partyContacts.addWebAddress = Add Website
label.partyContacts.defaultContact = Default
label.partyContacts.editEmailAddress = Edit Email
label.partyContacts.editMobilePhone = Edit Mobile Phone
label.partyContacts.editPhone = Edit Phone
label.partyContacts.editPhysicalAddress = Edit Physical Address
label.partyContacts.editWebAddress = Edit Website
label.pass = Password
label.passportIdNumber = Passport / Identity Card
label.password = Password access
label.payed = Pay
label.paymentPlan = Payment Plan = Payment Management = There is no payment.
label.percentage = %
label.performanceGrid.year.notTutorated = {0} Year (Previous Years)
label.performanceGrid.year.tutorated = {0} Year ({1})
label.period = {0} Semester
label.period.information = Set the period of enrollment in the evaluation, by appointment of the day and at the beginning and end of registration.
label.periods.candidacy = Application period
label.periods.proposals = Period of submission of tenders
label.permalink = Permalink
label.person.address = Address:
label.person.addressDistrict = District:
label.person.addressMunicipality = County:
label.person.addressParish = Town:
label.person.aliass = Name (s) user
label.person.areaOfPostCode = Area Postal Code:
label.person.available = Available
label.person.birth = Birth date
label.person.birthPlaceDistrict = District of Birth:
label.person.birthPlaceMunicipality = County of Birth:
label.person.birthPlaceParish = Town of Birth:
label.person.changeContacts = Contacts
label.person.changeInformation = Change Personal Information
label.person.changePassword = Password
label.person.contributorNumber = No. of Contributor: = Nationality:
label.person.countryOfBirth = Country of Birth
label.person.destinationPhoneNumber = Recipient's number = IRS statement Change Link = Email:
label.person.fatherName = Father's Name:
label.person.findPerson = Find Person
label.person.idExpirationDate = Expiration Date of ID Document
label.person.idIssueDate = Date of Issue of Identity Document
label.person.identificationDocumentExpirationDate = Expires:
label.person.identificationDocumentIssueDate = Issued:
label.person.identificationDocumentIssuePlace = Place of Issue:
label.person.identificationDocumentNumber = No Document ID:
label.person.identificationDocumentType = Identification Document: = Authorizations for Release of Information
label.person.istUsername = IST ID: = Link
label.person.login.external = external = User Information
label.person.mailingPlace = Correspondence:
label.person.main.title = DSpace
label.person.maritalStatus = Marital Status:
label.person.message = Your message
label.person.mobilePhone = Mobile:
label.person.motherName = Mother's Name: = Name:
label.person.nationality = Nationality:
label.person.nickname = Name of Presentation
label.person.occupation = Occupation: = Photography: = Select the file = The file must be in jpeg or png formats, and its size must not exceed 1Mb.
The photo will be resized to fit in a square of 100x100 pixeis. = Neste espaço poderá substituir a sua fotografia actual.
A actualização da fotografia é obrigatória. Só são aceites fotografias de tipo passe de formato equivalente às habituais em documentos oficiais de identificação e seguindo as normas habituais nestes casos (fundo uniforme, não utilização de óculos escuros, chapéu ou outro tipo de cobertura). A utilização indevida deste espaço será considerada como fraude grave de identidade, ficando o infractor sujeito às penalizações disciplinares e legais que decorram dos seus actos.
Em caso de dificuldade na digitalização da fotografia, poderá dirigir-se pessoalmente ao CIIST e solicitar apoio neste processo. = The new picture is awaiting approval by are not yet visible to users. = The last picture that mattered was rejected by the authorities not to comply with the requirements. = Seleccione o Ficheiro = Approval State = Replace Photo = Location:
label.person.portugueseNationality = PORTUGUESE
label.person.portugueseNationalityFormated = Portuguese
label.person.postCode = Postal Code:
label.person.publicData = Public data for users of type Student.
label.person.remainingChars = Characters available
label.person.rooms = Office / Room
label.person.sectionPlace = Section:
label.person.sendSms = Send SMS = Gender:
label.person.similarResults = Similar persons on the system
label.person.smsDeliveryDate = Date of State
label.person.smsDeliveryState = State
label.person.smsDestinationNumber = Destination Number
label.person.smsSendDate = Date Sent
label.person.system.configuration = System Configuration
label.person.system.configuration.functionalities = Features
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label.person.system.configuration.root.portal = Portal Root
label.person.telephone = Phone:
label.person.title = Title
label.person.title.addressInfo = Housing
label.person.title.changePersonalInfo = Change Personal Data
label.person.title.contactAndAuthorization = Contacts and Availability Information
label.person.title.contactAndAuthorization.pending = Unconfirmed contacts
label.person.title.contactInfo = Contacts
label.person.title.filiation = Membership = Personal Data
label.person.title.personalConsult = Personal Information = Photograph
label.person.username = Username: = Visible to Students / Alumni?
label.person.visualizeInformation = Information
label.person.webSite = Website:
label.person.workPhone = Phone settings / Extension Work:
label.person.workPhone.short = Telephone / Ext.:
label.person.workPlace = Workplace:
label.personType = Type Person
label.personalDataAuthorization = Option
label.phase1 = Stage 1
label.phase2 = Stage 2 = Phone Number = Photography
label.plain.text = No Html Editor
label.portal.seminaries = Seminars
label.posts.number = No Posts
label.pratical.abbr = P
label.preBolonha = Pre-Bologna
label.preview = Preview = Previous Day
label.previous.month = Previous Month
label.previous.week = Previous Week
label.proceed = Continue = Prof.
label.professionalCareer.entity = Entity
label.professionalCareer.function = Functions
label.professionalExits = Career
label.professionalExitsEn = Career (English)
label.professionalStatus = Professional status
label.professorship.course = Discipline
label.professorship.percentage = % Who teaches
label.professorship.question = Teaches?
label.professorships = Subjects taught
label.professorships.acronym = Acronym
label.professorships.admin = Administering discipline
label.professorships.degrees = Degree (s) = Course Name
label.program = Program
label.program.eng = Program in English
label.program.explanation = The update of a Course is made through the portal in Bologna where the Department Disciplinary Jurisdiction belongs, through the creation of a Proposal for Revision of the existing version, or creating a new version of Disciplinary Powers.
label.programEn = Program in English
label.project = Project
label.projectDescription = Description of group
label.projectGroup = Grouping
label.projectName = Group Name
label.projectTable.GroupEnrolmentPolicy.title = Enrollment policy (Individual or Atomic)
label.projectTable.GroupMaximumNumber.title = Maximum number of groups in the grouping
label.projectTable.IdealCapacity.title = Ideal number of students per group
label.projectTable.MaximumCapacity.title = Maximum number of students per group
label.projectTable.MinimumCapacity.title = Minimum number of students per group = Properties
label.projects = Projects = Properties
label.proposal = Proposal
label.proposalStatus = State
label.proposalYear = Proposal Year = View public site
label.publicRelationOffice = Public Relations Office
label.publicRelationOffice.add.inquiry.answer = Add Reply
label.publicRelationOffice.add.inquiry.people = Add People
label.publicRelationOffice.add.inquiry.people.fileDescription = The text file should be composed with one user per line, for example
label.publicRelationOffice.add.inquiry.people.insertFile = Enter the file
label.publicRelationOffice.add.inquiry.people.title = Add People
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiries = Surveys
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiries.none = There are no surveys created.
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiry.answers.allow.observations = Display field for comments
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiry.answers.none = There were no answers.
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiry.description = The structure of the survey consists of title, body, and a multiple-choice question. In addition to this information must also set the time display and the list of respondents. The investigation is visible to the recipients during the defined period.
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiry.people = Respondents
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiry.people.answer = Answer
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiry.people.count = There are {0} associated with the respondents to the survey.
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimony.inquiry.people.none = Not yet added respondents.
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.answer = Answer
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.answer.count = Number of responses
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.begin = Commencement of investigation
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.description = Title
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.end = End of investigation
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.text = Message
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.text.notDefined = Not yet defined a message for the investigation.
label.publicRelationOffice.alumniCerimonyInquiry.viewAnswer = See Answer = Create new survey
label.publicRelationOffice.edit.inquiry = Edit investigation
label.publicRelationOffice.editAlumniCerimonyInquiry = Edit Survey
label.publicRelationOffice.editAlumniCerimonyInquiryAnswer = Change Response
label.publicRelationOffice.viewAlumniCerimonyInquiry = Survey
label.publicRelationOffice.viewAlumniCerimonyInquiry.answers = Replies
label.publication.delete = Remove = Choose Publication
label.publish = Publish = Publication of Statement
label.publish.information = Before posting notes you can write a message with information about the review of evidence. This message is posted on a public page ad in the discipline.
In the event of changes in staff are only sent notes changed.
label.publish.marks = Post Notes
label.publish.state = State
label.publishMarks.information = Allows you to post on the course page students' grades.
label.publishedMarks = Marks
label.publishedProposalsCount = Published proposals
label.publishment = Published = Course
label.qualification.mark = Note = School
label.qualification.title = Degree
label.qualification.year = Year
label.qualificationLevel = Level of Qualification
label.qualificationLevelEn = Qualification Level (English)
label.questionMark = ?
label.questionText = Wording of the question
label.questionValue = Rating
label.receiveFrom = Receive
label.recognitions = Acknowledgments
label.recognitionsEn = Honours (English)
label.redLines = Red lines
label.registration.state = State Registration
label.registration.student.number = Number = Email = Name
label.registrationConclusionProcess.enteredConclusionDate.comment = Please put a new completion date if you want to change the value that is suggested by the system)
label.registrations = Enrollments
label.reimbursementGuideState.ANNULLED = Annulled
label.reimbursementGuideState.APPROVED = Approved
label.reimbursementGuideState.ISSUED = Issued
label.reimbursementGuideState.PAYED = Paid
label.rejectionComment = Reason for rejection
label.remove = Remove
label.remove.Aula = Remove Class
label.requiredFieldsNotPresent = There are fields not filled = The information contained in this page is the responsibility of the coordinating team travel.
label.response = Answer
label.responseTextBox = Text box for the answer
label.responsible = Responsible
label.responsible.coordinator = Coordinator
label.responsibleFor = Responsible for
label.resultsFound = Results Found
label.return = « Back
label.right.hand.courseGroup = Group Modules (destination)
label.right.hand.operator = Operator Modules (destination)
label.roles = Roles = Room = Room request sent on {0}
label.rooms = Rooms
label.rooms.reserve.description = Description
label.rooms.reserve.empty.comments = Order without associated messages.
label.rooms.reserve.gantt.diagram = Calendar of Meetings Markers
label.rooms.reserve.instant = Date
label.rooms.reserve.list = Wish List = Send a message = Messages
label.rooms.reserve.order = Request
label.rooms.reserve.periods = Markings
label.rooms.reserve.periods.none = No markings were made.
label.rooms.reserve.resolved = Request Solved.
label.rooms.reserve.state = State
label.rooms.reserve.teacher.instructions = This feature allows you to make requests for marking rooms. When making a request includes all information needed for the GOP officials can proceed with the marking of the rooms. After the markings confirmed the request is marked as "Resolved." If you want a change of markings send a message with the necessary details.
label.rooms.reserve.teacher.reopen.instructions = The claim is "Resolved". If you want to change some of the markings made to send a message with the necessary information and click "Send and Mark Reopened."
label.rootSection = No father
label.rss = RSS = Save = Changes made successfully
label.saveChanges.message = Save the changes
label.schedule = Schedule
label.schedulesByClass = Schedules by Class = IST
label.schoolCalendar = School Calendar = Deadline for School Calendar (Sidebar)
label.schoolCalendarEn = School Calendar (English) = Contact the Commission
label.scientificCommission.delete.confirmation.message = Are you sure that you want to remove this member from the scientific council?
label.scope = Scope = Search = Advanced Search = No content found = There were no publications = Search Content = Simple search = You can search by area, discipline, individual (faculty or staff) or written assessments in this case by entering the name of the subject to search. In searching for individual spaces are shown that the person currently holds. In searching for subjects are shown the rooms where the subject occurs. In searching for written evaluations are displayed in the rooms which are scheduled for the course assessments.
label.searchField = Search for
label.season = Time
label.second.semester = Semester 2
label.second.semester.short = 2nd Sem
label.second.step.enrolment = Step 2: Select which of course, that semester and academic year that is the subject (or group of disciplines) that the student enroll pertende.
label.second.year = 2nd Year
label.secondQuestionText = Continuation of statement of the question
label.secondSeason = 2nd Period
label.section = Section:
label.sectionOrder.before = Before
label.sections.configuration = Configuration
label.sectionsManagement = Management Sections = Select = All Shifts = Select (s) year (s) course (s) = Select (s) course (s) (s) which one (s) you want to see the schedule of classes. = Select (s) flag (s) (s) which one (s) you want to view the schedules of the rooms.
label.selectAllExercises = Select all exercises
label.selectAllTests = Select All Sheets
label.selectCandicaciesGrid.Title = Candidates
label.selectDegree = Choose Course
label.selectShift = Shift
label.selectStudents = Students = Plant space = Sub-Spaces = Occupants of the space = Term Results of Selection (Sidebar)
label.selectionResultDeadline = Result of selection
label.selectionResultDeadlineEn = Result of selection (English)
label.semester = Semester
label.semester.en = Semester
label.semester.short = Sem
label.semestre = Half
label.seminaries.selectSubmissions = Select Candidate
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Back = Back
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Candidacy = Application
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Case = If
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.CurricularCourse = Discipline
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.CurricularCourse.Code = Code
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.CurricularCourse.Name = Name
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Modality = Mode
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Motivation = Motivation
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.See = View
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student = Student
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student.Average = Average
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student.Candidacy.Accepted = Accepted
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student.Email = Email
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student.Name = Name
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Student.Number = No. = Made Chairs
label.seminaries.showCandidacy.Theme = Seminar
label.seminaries.viewSubmissions = View Applications
label.seminary.candidaciesGrid = Seminar = - Seminar -
label.send = Send
label.send.mail = Send E-mail
label.sendDate = In
label.sendEmail.CC = Copy to
label.sendEmail.copyToSender = Copy to sender
label.sendEmail.message = Message
label.sendEmail.senderAdress = Return Address
label.sendEmail.senderName = Sender's Name
label.sendEmail.subject = Subject
label.set = Assign
label.shcedule.view = View Schedule
label.shift = Shift
label.shift.remove.body = "Dear student,\nthis e-mail serves to inform you of the cancelation of enrollement in the following shift: {0} \nFor more information please contact your teacher.
label.shift.remove.subject = Cancelation of enrollment in shift
label.shift.schedule = Schedule
label.shift.schedule.hasAllocatedRooms = With Room Attributed
label.shift.type = Type
label.shift.view.schedule = See Time Shift
label.shiftName = Shift Group
label.shifts = Shifts
label.shifts.add = Linking Turns
label.shifts.empty = Empty shift.
label.shifts.nondefined = There are no shifts for this course
label.shifts.remove = Remove all = Show summaries = Calendar of classes
label.showAffinityToEnrol.choice.message = Attention, after choosing the 2nd cycle it becomes definitive after the enrollment period, this process is not reversible.
label.showAffinityToEnrol.message = Are you sure you want to create the 2nd cycle (this process is irreversible)?
label.showBy.all = All
label.showSummaries = Show summaries
label.showVigilants = See Vigilantes
label.shuffle = Shuffle
label.sibsPaymentFileEntry.fix = Resolve = Insurance
label.sibsPaymentType.masterDegree.gratuity.first.phase = Fee Masters Round 1
label.sibsPaymentType.masterDegree.gratuity.second.phase = Fee Masters Stage 2 = Total Fee Masters
label.sibsPaymentType.specialization.gratuity.first.phase = Fee 1st phase Specialization
label.sibsPaymentType.specialization.gratuity.second.phase = Bribery Phase 2 Expertise = Total Fee Specialist
label.sigla = Acronym = Home = Name
label.smsDeliveryType.deliveryFailure = Not Sent
label.smsDeliveryType.deliverySuccess = Received
label.smsDeliveryType.messageBuffered = Pending
label.smsDeliveryType.notSent = Not Sent
label.smsDeliveryType.smscReject = Not Sent
label.smsDeliveryType.smscSubmit = Pending
label.socialSecurityNumber = No. of Contributor
label.sorting.field = Field Ordering
label.sorting.order = Order = Classification = Capacity Exam = Extensions = Normal capacity = Type
label.specialSeason = Special Season
label.specialization = Specialization
label.specializationDegreeAmountPerEctsCredit = Value for ECTS
label.specializationDegreePartialAcceptedPercentage = Percentage Partial Accept
label.specializationDegreeTotalAmount = Total Value
label.specializationGratuity = Fees: Pay for Expertise
label.specializationGratuityAmount = Amount of Fees
label.state = State
label.statistics = Statistics
label.status = Status
label.status.key = State
label.step = Step
label.student = Student No.
label.student.branch = Branch:
label.student.classification = Rating:
label.student.completedCourses = Finished courses:
label.student.credits = Credits:
label.student.curricular.plan.state = State
label.student.curricular.year = Year Course
label.student.curricularCourse = Discpline = Course
label.student.elections.candidacyPeriod = Applications
label.student.elections.electedDelegate = Delegate elected
label.student.elections.electionsInfoTitle = Delegate Election Year
label.student.elections.noCandidacyOrVotePeriods = There are ongoing periods of nominations and votes for Delegate Year
label.student.elections.operations = Delegates
label.student.elections.results.studentNumber = Student No.
label.student.elections.results.votes = No Votes
label.student.elections.results.votesRelativePercentage = Votes Percentage (%)
label.student.elections.votingPeriod = Voting
label.student.enrolledCourses = Course Enrolled:
label.student.enrollment.executionPeriod = Implementation period
label.student.enrollment.from = of = Not Assigned
label.student.enrollment.number = Student No.
label.student.enrollment.secondaryArea = Secondary Area = [Choose one]
label.student.enrollment.specializationArea = Specialisation
label.student.enrolments = Subscriptions = The student has debts of bribes and / or secretarial and insurance fee arrears
label.student.for.academic.year = Students = Group number
label.student.main.branch = Branch / Main Profile
label.student.minor.branch = Industry Profile / secondary = Student
label.student.number = Student Number
label.student.number.of.enrolments = Total registrations
label.student.number.short = No.
label.student.observations = Remarks: = Distribution of rooms
label.student.specialization = Specialization:
label.student.startDate = Start Date:
label.student.state = Status:
label.student.statistics.approvedEnrolmentsNumber = No chairs Approved
label.student.statistics.approvedRatio = Approval Rate (%)
label.student.statistics.aritmeticAverage = Average Disciplines
label.student.statistics.enrolmentsNumber = No chairs Inscribed
label.student.statistics.executionYear-semester = Academic Year - Semester
label.student.statistics.table = Table Statistics Registrations / Approvals
label.student.studentCPFound = Plan (s) Course (s) found (s)
label.student.tutorship.actualTutorInfo = Current Tutor
label.student.tutorship.noActualTutor = The student has no tutor assigned
label.student.tutorship.operations = Tutoring
label.student.tutorship.pastTutorsInfo = Previous Tutors
label.student.tutorship.tutorshipInfoTitle = Tutoring
label.student.username.or.number = Student Identification
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.GroupEnrolmentPolicy = Politics
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.GroupMaximumNumber = Groups
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.IdealCapacity = Ideal
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.MaximumCapacity = Maximum
label.student.viewExecutionCourseProjects.MinimumCapacity = Minimum
label.studentDetails = Student Details
label.studentGroupNumber = Group No.
label.studentNumber = Number
label.studentNumber.attended.lesson = Number of students
label.studentRegistrations = Enrollments
label.studentSchedule = Time Student
label.students = Students
label.students.attends.send.mail = {0} selected students
label.students.distribution.information = Allows, after the enrollment period, distribute the students enrolled in the examination rooms attached. = Students enrolled in the test
label.students.enrolled = Students Enrolled in Evaluation
label.students.enrolled.information = Lets see students enrolled in the survey. = Students of group nº {0} of grouping {1} = Students of {0} grouping = Student enroled in group:
label.students.inExecutionCourse = Number of Students enrolled in the Discipline
label.students.listMarks = Manage Tariffs
label.students.lowercase = students
label.students.size = Students Number
label.studentsEnrolled.information = Handouts: Allows, after the enrollment period, distribute the students enrolled in the examination rooms attached.
label.studentsEntryYear = Students entered in:
label.studentsList = Student List
label.studentsNumber = No. of students
label.studentsPercentage = % Of students
label.subject = Subject
label.submit = Submit
label.submit.and.reopen = Send and Mark Reopened
label.submit.information = Assessment may indicate a date in the format dd / mm / yyyy.
label.submit.listMarks = Submit to the Secretary Tariff = Submit Form
label.submitDate = Valuation
label.submitMarks.evaluationDate.instructions = Note: The valuation date must be within the examination period.
label.submitMarks.examDate = Valuation
label.submitMarks.information = Allows you to submit students' grades to the office, thus making them final.
label.submitMarks.instructions = Column Note Submit? Indicate which allows students whose grades will be submitted to the secretariat.
For students who are nominated and whose note is not defined, shall be submitted to NA note.
label.submitMarks.introduction = This feature lets you send notes to students for the undergraduate office and printing of the agenda to be signed by the teacher.
You can send multiple staves. However, a student may only appear on a single staff.
label.submitMarks.remainder = Warning: Before proceeding make sure that the notes in the system introduced in Final Evaluation -> Enter and Change Notes.
label.submitMarksErrors = Error Submission Notes
label.submitMarksNumber.marks = notes.
label.submitMarksNumber.submit = Underwent
label.submitMarksOk = The agenda was submitted successfully.
label.submited.markSheets = Tariffs Submitted
label.submited.marks = The following notes were submitted successfully:
label.submitedMark = Note Submitted
label.submitedMarks = Notes already submitted
label.summaries = Summaries
label.summaries.all = All
label.summaries.calendar.title = Schedule of Classes and Summaries
label.summaries.lab = Laboratory Classes
label.summaries.lesson.allType = Summaries
label.summaries.lesson.type = Summaries of classes of type = Manage Summaries = For a complete summary select (s) the lesson (s) in the table below and click on Complete Summary. The table shows the latest lessons (each shift) without summary set after the last lesson which was entered summary. You can also enter a single summary to several classes simultaneously. = If you want the class to write summary is not in the list or if you want to write a summary to a special class use the link below = You can also view the complete list of classes
label.summaries.not.found = There are summaries of the type that is specified
label.summaries.order = Ordination
label.summaries.prat = Practicals
label.summaries.theo = Lectures
label.summaries.theoPrat = Theoretical Lessons
label.summary = Contents
label.summary.explanation = Here you can manage the summaries of the discipline. You can filter the list of summaries by type of school, turn or teacher.
label.summary.lesson = Lesson = Lesson: You must set the type (ordinary or extraordinary), time, date and class of class. = Teacher: the teacher must choose which he lectured (s) the lesson (s). = Use: To facilitate the completion of the summary (s) you can use a lesson plan or existing previous summary. The fields "title" and "body" (s) of abstract (s) appear satisfied with the contents of the associated material. You can change the text freely without interfering with the lesson plan or pre-existing previous summary. = Summary: must indicate the number of students present in (s) lesson (s). Filling out the title and body (s) summary (s) are required. = [Choose one]
label.summary.shift.type = Shift type
label.summaryDate = Date of class:
label.summaryDateOptions = Another date:
label.summaryHour = Class time:
label.summaryOptions = Possible date of the class:
label.summaryText = Summary:
label.summaryType = Type of class: = Message: = Priority: = Portal: = Type: = Your email: = Subject:
label.taught.class = Taught Class
label.teacher = Teacher
label.teacher.CreateStudentGroup.description = To this end shall:
- Fill the number of the group;
- Add, if desired elements to the group.
As a teacher, you can create a group even though the shift is filled.
label.teacher.EditAttendsSetMembers.description = Notes:
- In the table above show the elements of set that can take;
- The table below show that students can enter. These are those who attend (s) chair (s) associated with (s) to the group on the selected set for viewing.
label.teacher.EditStudentGroupMembers.description = Group Show: Lets go back to page where you view the selected group.
- In the table above show the group members that can take;
- The table below show that students can enter. These are those who attend the course but have no group.
- How is a teacher, you need not comply with the maximum, minimum capacity of the group.
label.teacher.EditStudentGroupShift.description = To this end shall:
Select the part you want to change the group. If not selected, the group remains the same.
As a teacher, you can change the group for a full shift.
label.teacher.EnrollStudentGroupShift.description = To this end shall:
Select the part you want to change the group. If not selected, the group remains without a turn.
As a teacher, you can change the group for a full shift.
label.teacher.InsertStudentsInAttendsSet.description = Notes:
- Within the framework depicted students who can enter the set to allow them entry. These are those who attend (s) chair (s) associated with (s) to the group on the selected set for viewing.
label.teacher.NumberOfStudents = Total number of students enrolled in the group:
label.teacher.NumberOfStudentsInShift = Number of students enrolled in groups of turn:
label.teacher.NumberOfStudentsWithoutShift = Number of students enrolled in groups without turn:
label.teacher.SentedProjectProposalsWaiting.description = Description:
Giving up: Delete the proposed co-evaluation of the group sent to the respective discipline.
label.teacher.StudentEmail = Email
label.teacher.StudentName = Name
label.teacher.StudentNumber = Number
label.teacher.abbreviation = Prof.
label.teacher.applied = Assigned
label.teacher.category = Category
label.teacher.course = Professor in the Department
label.teacher.currentWorkingDepartment = Department
label.teacher.editGroupProperties.description = On this page you can edit the properties of the grouping.
label.teacher.editGroupProperties.notPosibleToRevert = You can not attribute the mark again after Automatic Enrollment saved the changes.
label.teacher.editStudentGroupsShift.description = On this page you visualize the groups of students that can associate with this shift.
Show Students Turn: Allows back to where they envision students enrolled in the groups of this turn.
label.teacher.emails = E-mails
label.teacher.emptyAttendsSet.description = On This Page manages the set selected for viewing.
Show Shifts: Lets go back to the page where you visualize the shifts of the group.
Change States: Allows you to insert and remove elements of the set.
label.teacher.emptyProjectsAndLink.description = Cluster Management
Create Group: Lets you create a new grouping in which the outset associated set contains the students of this discipline.
label.teacher.emptyProjectsAndLinkWithProposals.description = Cluster Management:
When there are groups you can manage them as follows:
Create Group: Lets you create a new grouping in which the outset associated set contains the students of this discipline.
Bids Received on Hold: Allows you to view and accept / reject proposals submitted by groups of teachers from other disciplines.
label.teacher.viewProjectsAndLink.MaximumCapacity = Maximum
label.teacher.emptyShiftsAndGroups.description = Since there are no shifts, this page can only:
Edit Properties: Edit the properties of the grouping.
Joint Managing Member: Allows you to view and manage all of students who may enroll in the group.
Share group: Allows you to bring the teachers from other disciplines to achieve this grouping together, allowing students to join these chairs to the set associated with the grouping.
Delete: Deletes the group.
label.teacher.emptyStudentGroupInformation.normalShift.description = On This Page manages to the selected group.
Show Shifts: Lets go back to the page where you visualize the shifts of the group.
Change States: Allows you to insert and remove elements of the group.
Shift Change: Change the shift of the group.
Delete: Deletes the group since it has no elements.
label.teacher.emptyStudentGroupInformation.notNormalShift.description = On This Page manages to the selected group.
Show Shifts: Lets go back to the page where you visualize the shifts of the group.
Change States: Allows you to insert and remove elements of the group.
Delete: Deletes the group since it has no elements. = Associated courses = Manage Subscriptions = Manage Subscriptions = Management Meetings
label.teacher.executionCourse.backToForum = « Back to forum = Forum
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.downloadProjectsInZipFormat = All projects (zip)
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.editObservation = Edit comment
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.editProjectObservation.title = Comments to the Draft
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.partsDownload = Projects per share
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.partsDownloadExplanation = This interface lets you download multiple files to the zip file containing a pre-defined number of projects for each file.
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.projectNumber = Enter number of projects prentendidos by zip
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.projectsFromTo = Download Making the groups {0} {1}
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.sendObsByEmail = Send comments by e-mail to the group
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewLastProjectSubmissionForEachGroup.noProjectSubmissions = There are no submissions associated
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewLastProjectSubmissionForEachGroup.title = Hosted Projects
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewProjectSubmissionLogsByGroup.LastSubmission = Latest Submissions Group
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewProjectSubmissionLogsByGroup.title = Registration submissions Group
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewProjectSubmissionsByGroup.title = Submissions Group
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.viewForuns.noForuns = There are no forums
label.teacher.executionCourseManagement.viewForuns.title = Forums
label.teacher.exportGroupProperties.description = Description:
You should select the degree and year curriculum for the discipline that you want to propose the grouping.
label.teacher.exportGroupProperties.executionCourse.description = Description:
You should select the discipline that you want to propose the grouping.
Should not be teaching the discipline to which the group is proposing, the teachers of this discipline will be informed (with a warning), and from that moment may respond to the proposed co-evaluation. When some teachers respond shall be given a warning.
In case of teaching the discipline to which the group is proposing, this proposal is accepted automatically, receiving a warning all teachers of the disciplines involved in the co-evaluation.
label.teacher.finalWork.attributedTo = Assigned To
label.teacher.finalWork.chooseDegreeAndYear = Choose the undergraduate curriculum for the year and the dissertation
label.teacher.finalWork.coResponsable = Co-Advisor
label.teacher.finalWork.coadvisor = Co-Advisor
label.teacher.finalWork.companion = External Co-Advisor
label.teacher.finalWork.companyAdress = Business address
label.teacher.finalWork.companyName = Company name
label.teacher.finalWork.credits = Distribution of credits faculty advisor / co-supervisor
label.teacher.finalWork.credits.short = % Loans
label.teacher.finalWork.degreeType = Suitability Essay
label.teacher.finalWork.deliverable = Expected Result
label.teacher.finalWork.department = Department
label.teacher.finalWork.description = Description
label.teacher.finalWork.framing = Guidelines (Indicate additional Branch / Specialty Area if applicable)
label.teacher.finalWork.framing.short = Placement
label.teacher.finalWork.location = Location of dissertations
label.teacher.finalWork.mail = Email
label.teacher.finalWork.maximumNumberGroupElements = Maximum
label.teacher.finalWork.minimumNumberGroupElements = Minimum = Name
label.teacher.finalWork.number = Username IST
label.teacher.finalWork.numberOfGroupElements = No. of group members
label.teacher.finalWork.objectives = Objectives
label.teacher.finalWork.observations = Remarks = Telephone
label.teacher.finalWork.priority = Priority = Specialisation is offered that preferentially
label.teacher.finalWork.proposal.number = Number
label.teacher.finalWork.requirements = Requirements (eg average, subjects completed)
label.teacher.finalWork.responsable = Leader
label.teacher.finalWork.role = Create dissertation on the role of
label.teacher.finalWork.section = Section
label.teacher.finalWork.title = Title
label.teacher.finalWork.transposition.periodNotDefined = Error! The proposal creation period was not yet defined by the coordinator.
label.teacher.finalWork.transpositionAlreadyTransposed = Error! The proposal has been previously transposed.
label.teacher.finalWork.transpositionError = Error! An error ocurred processing your request. Please try again later or contact the support.
label.teacher.finalWork.transpositionSuccess = Proposal transposed successfully!
label.teacher.finalWork.transpositionWarning = Warning: You are about to transpose the selected proposal to the current year. This operation cannot be reversed.
label.teacher.finalWork.url = URL of the detailed description of the dissertation = IST Id
label.teacher.importGroupProperties.description = Description:
Accept: By selecting this option is to join the co-chairs the group proposed assessment. Will be allowed to form groups with students from different seats in accordance with the permission of entry, ie according to whether or not the students belonging to the set associated with the grouping. Initially the set will contain all students of this course, then you can manage elements of the set (including those of the other seats).
Reject: Eliminates the proposal received.
In both cases the teachers of co-assessment in this group will be advised of their decision. = Internal Faculty
label.teacher.insertGroupProperties.IdealCapacityDescription = (Ideal number of students per group)
label.teacher.insertGroupProperties.MaximumCapacityDescription = (Maximum number of students per group)
label.teacher.insertGroupProperties.MinimumCapacityDescription = (Minimum number of students per group)
label.teacher.insertGroupProperties.description = On this page you can set the properties for the new grouping.
- Automatic Enrollment - By selecting this attribute causes the attributes below are completed automatically, with the maximum field is filled with groups the number of students with attendance discipline. Selecting this attribute will also do that when the membership of this group to a project (in the menu of assessments), all students attending the course are automatically enrolled in the group. If the group has already enrolled students can not set this option in its edition.
Note: There are two policies for inclusion and ATOMIC PERSONAL.
- ATOMIC means students must enroll concurrently in the group and the number of elements must be equal or greater than the minimum capacity and less than or equal to the maximum. In the case of the group already exists, there may be further individual registrations, provided that the maximum capacity is not exceeded. If any students if you want to unsubscribe, you may do so provided that the group stays with the minimum capacity.
- INDIVIDUAL means that students enroll in individual groups, provided that the maximum capacity is not exceeded. If a student wishes to unsubscribe you can do it forever, even if the number of elements of the group is less than the minimum capacity.
label.teacher.marks.filter.evaluation.type = Show only evaluations of the type:
label.teacher.newProjectProposals.description = Description:
Name of Group: Lets you view the properties of the group and respond to the offer received.
label.teacher.number = Personnel number
label.teacher.other = Another Teacher
label.teacher.out = External Lecturer
label.teacher.responsible = Responsible
label.teacher.siteAdministration.editItemFilePermissions.displayName = Display Name
label.teacher.siteAdministration.editItemFilePermissions.editPermissions = Edit Permissions
label.teacher.siteAdministration.editItemFilePermissions.fileAvailableFor = File available
label.teacher.siteAdministration.editItemFilePermissions.filename = File Name
label.teacher.siteAdministration.scorm.insertScormContent = SCORM Content
label.teacher.siteAdministration.uploadFile.AuthorsName = Author
label.teacher.siteAdministration.uploadFile.ResourceType = Content Type
label.teacher.siteAdministration.uploadFile.file = File
label.teacher.siteAdministration.uploadFile.fileDisplayName = Title
label.teacher.siteAdministration.uploadFile.insertFile = Insert File
label.teacher.siteAdministration.uploadFile.permissions = Permissions
label.teacher.siteAdministration.viewSection.deleteItemFile = Delete File
label.teacher.siteAdministration.viewSection.editItemFilePermissions = Edit Permissions
label.teacher.tfc.branch = Branch
label.teacher.tfc.coResponsable = Prof. External Co-supervisor = If the work is carried out under an agreement with a company,
enter the name and the name of the element designated as liaison to LEEC
label.teacher.tfc.companyContact = Contact company
label.teacher.tfc.companyLinkResponsable = Name of responsible connection to the company
label.teacher.tfc.companyName = Company Name
label.teacher.tfc.credits = Distribution of credits teacher in charge / co-supervisor external
label.teacher.tfc.degreeType = Adequacy via the Master
label.teacher.tfc.description = Description = Name
label.teacher.tfc.number = No. mechanographical
label.teacher.tfc.numberOfGroupElements = No. of group members
label.teacher.tfc.objectives = Objectives
label.teacher.tfc.observations = Remarks
label.teacher.tfc.partA = Part A: (To be completed if the work is appropriate for the manner MSc)
label.teacher.tfc.partB = Part B: (To be completed if the work is appropriate for the manner MSc)
label.teacher.tfc.priority = Priority = Branch that is offered preferentially (Priorities: a maximum, 4 minimum)
label.teacher.tfc.requirements = Requirements: (eg precendences, average, subjects completed)
label.teacher.tfc.responsable = Prof. Responsible
label.teacher.tfc.section = Section
label.teacher.tfc.title = Title
label.teacher.tfc.url = URL of the detailed description of the dissertation
label.teacher.thesis.confirm.documents = Confirm the proper introduction of the following elements of that argument: key words, abstract, extended abstract and paper.
label.teacher.tutor.edit.annotations = Annotations:
label.teacher.tutor.edit.difficulties.or.special.limitations = Existence of difficulties or special limitations associated with this student: = Expected help: = Expected help from relatives: = How many reunions has this student appeared: = Motivation for degree: = Position of this degree in the preference order: = Space to validate student's registration:
label.teacher.tutor.edit.students = Tutorship Edition = Student's wish to be followed by a tutor:
label.teacher.tutor.emptyStudentsList = There are no active tutoring. = There are tutorials for the chosen criteria.
label.teacher.tutor.operations = Management Mentoring
label.teacher.tutor.sendMail = Form for sending e-mail to tutorandos
label.teacher.tutor.sendMail.chooseReceivers = Choose tutorandos for sending email = Select the tutorandos to which to send the email. = Fill in the required fields. The email will be sent to all current tutorandos.
label.teacher.tutor.tutorshipInfo.allTutoredStudents = Total tutorandos
label.teacher.tutor.tutorshipInfo.currentTutoredStudents = Tutorandos current
label.teacher.tutor.tutorshipInfo.pastTutoredStudents = Tutorandos previous
label.teacher.tutor.tutorshipInfoResume = Tutors
label.teacher.tutor.viewStudentsByTutor = Tutorandos
label.teacher.tutor.viewStudentsPerformanceGrid = Grid Performance
label.teacher.viewAllStudentsAndGroups.description = Viewing this page to enrolled students and their group memberships.
label.teacher.viewAttendsSet.description = On this page visualizes and manages the set selected for viewing.
Send Mail to Students: You can send an email to all elements of the set.
Change Element: Allows you to insert and remove elements of the set.
States Remove this Discipline: Allows you to pull together all elements of attending this class.
Remove all: Allows you to pull all the elements of the set. Warning: If there are elements common to other disciplines that contain this group, they are deleted.
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.GroupEnrolmentPolicy = Politics
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.GroupMaximumNumber = Groups
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.IdealCapacity = Ideal
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.MaximumCapacity = Maximum
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.MinimumCapacity = Minimum
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.atomicDescription = This type of registration requires the students to form groups in person before enrolling. The enrollment of students in a group is made simultaneously by a single student. Students may enroll and withdraw from the groups that do not violate the minimum / maximum number of students that allows the grouping
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.atomicPolicy = Atomic Policy
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.individualDescription = This type of registration allows students to enroll and withdraw from the individual groups and freely provided they do not exceed the value of the maximum number of students allowed
label.teacher.viewExecutionCourseProjects.individualPolicy = Individual Policy
label.teacher.viewProjects.instructions = General Concepts
Grouping: a grouping is the group (which has the job name or project) which comprises the groups of students.
Group: Group formed by students within a group.
Types of Grouping
Atomic Policy: This type of registration requires the students to form groups in person before enrolling. The enrollment of students in a group is made simultaneously by a single student. Students may enroll and withdraw from the groups that do not violate the minimum / maximum number of students that pooling allows.
Individual Policy: This type of registration allows students to enroll and withdraw from the individual groups and freely provided they do not exceed the value of the maximum number of students allowed.
label.teacher.viewProjectsAndLink.MinimumCapacity = Minimum
label.teacher.viewProjectsAndLink.description = Cluster Management
Create Group: Lets you create a new grouping in which the outset associated set contains the students of this discipline.
Name of Group: Lets you view the shifts and managing their respective groups.
label.teacher.viewProjectsAndLinkAndWaiting.description = Cluster Management
Create Group: Lets you create a new grouping in which the outset associated set contains the students of this discipline.
Sent Proposals on Hold: Allows you to view and desist from proposals submitted by groups of teachers of the subject.
Name of Group: Lets you view the shifts and managing their respective groups.
label.teacher.viewProjectsAndLinkWithProposals.description = Cluster Management
Create Group: Lets you create a new grouping in which the outset associated set contains the students of this discipline.
Bids Received on Hold: Allows you to view and accept / reject proposals submitted by groups of teachers from other disciplines.
Name of Group: Lets you view the shifts and manage their student groups.
label.teacher.viewProjectsAndLinkWithProposalsAndWaiting.description = Cluster Management
Create Group: Lets you create a new grouping in which the outset associated set contains the students of this discipline.
Bids Received on Hold: Allows you to view and accept / reject proposals submitted by groups of teachers from other disciplines.
Sent Proposals on Hold: Allows you to view and desist from proposals submitted by groups of teachers of the subject.
Name of Grouping: Allows trnos view and manage their student groups.
label.teacher.viewShiftsAndGroups.description = Shift Grouping
Show Students Enrolled: View all registered students in groups.
Edit Properties: Edit the properties of the grouping.
Joint Managing Member: Allows you to view and manage all of students who may enroll in the group.
Share group: Allows you propose to teachers of other disciplines to achieve this grouping together, allowing students to join these chairs to the set associated with the grouping.
Name Your Turn: Allows students to see the turn.
Jobs: corresponds to the number of groups that you can still sign up for the shift turno.Caso not limit groups in column appears the words "No Limit". How is a teacher, this column is purely informative, since it can overcome the limited number of openings.
Create Group: Lets you create a new group of students.
[N]: Lets you view and manage the student group number N.
label.teacher.viewShiftsAndNoGroups.description = Shifts of the group selected:
Show All Students Enrolled: View all registered students in groups.
Edit Properties: Edit the properties of the grouping.
Joint Managing Member: Allows you to view and manage all of students who may enroll in the group.
Share group: Allows you to bring the teachers from other disciplines to achieve this grouping together, allowing students to join these chairs to the set associated with the grouping.
Delete: Deletes the group since it has no groups.
Column Shift table:
Name Your Turn: Allows students to see the turn.
Groups column of the table:
The sub Jobs column corresponds to the number of groups that you can still enroll in turn.
If the shift is not limited in groups, in column appears the words "No Limit".
How is a teacher, this column is purely informative, since it may exceed the limit of vacancies.
Create Group: Lets you create a new group.
[N]: Lets you view and manage the group number N.
label.teacher.viewStudentGroupInformation.normalShift.description = On this page visualizes and manages the group is selected.
Show Shifts: Lets go back to the page where you visualize the shifts of the group.
Send Mail to Students: You can send an email to all group members.
Change States: Allows you to insert and remove elements of the group.
Shift Change: Change the shift of the group.
label.teacher.viewStudentGroupInformation.notNormalShift.description = On this page visualizes and manages the group is selected.
Show Shifts: Lets go back to the page where you visualize the shifts of the group.
Send Mail to Students: You can send an email to all group members.
Change States: Allows you to insert and remove elements of the group.
label.teacher.viewStudentsAndGroupsByShift.WithLink.description = Viewing this page are all students enrolled in selected groups of turn earlier, and their respective groups.
label.teacher.viewStudentsAndGroupsByShift.WithoutLink.description = Viewing this page are all students enrolled in selected groups of turn earlier, and their respective groups.
label.teacher.viewStudentsAndGroupsWithoutShift.description = Viewing this page to students enrolled in groups with no shift and their respective groups.
label.teacherCategory = Status
label.teacherId = IST Id
label.teacherInformation.description = Description
label.teacherInformation.lecture = Teaching
label.teacherInformation.manage = Edit = Management
label.teacherInformation.other = Other
label.teacherInformation.providerRegimeType = Scheme of Service
label.teacherInformation.publicationsNumber = Number of publications
label.teacherInformation.research = Research
label.teacherInformation.studentsNumber = Number of students = Assistance to students
label.teacherName = Responsible
label.teacherNumber = No. of Faculty
label.teacherPortal = Portal Teaching
label.teacherService.credits = Credits
label.teachers.explanation = Here you can enter the other teachers who teach the course. Teachers indicated acquire the ability to manage the course page. = Referral to Faculty Discipline
label.teachers.specialTeacherWarning = The system does not support the introduction of data on teaching service provided by grantees and / or visiting scholars under the protocols, no contract with the IST, in which case, please indicate the name and position of each person involved in the report teaching the discipline.
label.teachersInformation.associatedLecturingCourses = Subjects taught
label.teachersInformation.associatedLecturingCourses.degrees = Courses
label.teachersInformation.dateInformation = Information regarding the academic year 2002/2003
label.teachersInformation.filled = Number of records with at least one item completed
label.teachersInformation.lastModificationDate = Last Change Date
label.teachersInformation.notModified = Information not satisfied.
label.teachersInformation.number = No. Mec.
label.teachersInformation.numberOfTeachers = Number of Teachers
label.teachersInformation.responsible = Responsible
label.teachersInformation.statistics = Statistics
label.teachersInformation.stats = Number of sheets completed / total number of chips
label.teachingCareer.courseOrPosition = Courses / Positions
label.teachingReport = Report of Teaching = Interim
label.temporaryEnrollments = Provisional Registration
label.test.correctionFormulas = Correction formulas
label.test.creationDate = Date Created
label.test.difficulty = Difficulty
label.test.evaluationTitle = Title Sheet for the agenda of evaluation
label.test.information = Information Sheet
label.test.insertQuestion = Insert new year
label.test.lastModifiedDate = Last modification date
label.test.learningTime = Average time to resolution
label.test.marks = Tariff
label.test.materiaPrincipal = Main Feature
label.test.materiaSecundaria = Secondary Matters
label.test.numberOfQuestions = Number of Questions
label.test.quantidadeExercicios = Quantity Variation
label.test.statistics = Statistics
label.test.title = Title Sheet
label.test.totalClassification = Total rating
label.testIngression = Entrance Exams
label.testIngressionEn = Entrance Exams (English)
label.testRequirements = Entrance Exams
label.testTitle.duplicated = {0} (Clone)
label.tests = Tests
label.testsAndExams = Tests/Exams
label.tfc.students.number = No. of students tfc
label.theme.candidaciesGrid = Theme = - Theme -
label.theoPrat.abbr = TP
label.theoretical.abbr = T
label.theses.empty.message = There are no published dissertations for this degree.
label.thesis.abstract = Summary
label.thesis.abstract.empty = The dissertation abstract is not yet defined.
label.thesis.abstract.notDefined = not defined = Date of Confirmation
label.thesis.coordination = Coordination
label.thesis.document.confirmation = Confirmation of Thesis Documents = Date of Discussion
label.thesis.evaluate.mark = Note
label.thesis.external.orientators = The co-advisors from outside the institution have to be added as guidelines indicating the type "External" interface for selecting the advisor.
label.thesis.field.empty = Not Entered
label.thesis.fullTitle = Title = Approval Date
label.thesis.keywords = Keywords
label.thesis.keywords.empty = The keywords of the paper are not yet defined.
label.thesis.keywords.notDefined = not defined
label.thesis.period = {0} to {1} to {2} to {3}
label.thesis.process.candidacy.conditions.defined = The requirements for nomination of students are defined .=======
label.thesis.process.candidacy.conditions.not.defined = The requirements for nomination of students not yet been defined.
label.thesis.process.candidacy.period = Application Period
label.thesis.process.creation.period = Period of Introduction of Proposed Jury
label.thesis.process.period.not.defined = undefined
label.thesis.process.proposal.period = Period of Submission of Bids
label.thesis.proposals.orientators = Leader
External Monitoring
label.thesis.proposals.title = Proposal
label.thesis.state = State
label.thesis.subtitle = Sub Title
label.thesis.teacher.cooriented = Co-guided Theses
label.thesis.teacher.oriented = Guided Theses
label.thesis.valid = Proposal
label.third.year = 3rd Year
label.thisStudent = This Student
label.title = Title
label.title.coordinator = Prof. Doctor = up to
label.toSubmit = Submit Note? = Initials = Total ECTS = Total Number of Courses = Total Hours
label.totalAmount = Total Value
label.totalCandidaciesCount = Total Applications
label.totalCredits = Total Credits
label.totalEntryStudents = Total number of students entered in
label.totalProposalsCount = Total proposals
label.totalTutorStudents = Total group of students
label.transaction.createGuides = Guides to create movements without associated Guides
label.transaction.paymentType = Type of Payment
label.transaction.status = State
label.transaction.transactionDate = Data Movement
label.transaction.transactionType = Description
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuityAdhocPayment = Payment of Fee
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuityFifthPhasePayment = Pag. Stage 5 of the Fee
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuityFirstPhasePayment = Pag. 1st Phase of the Bribery
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuityFourthPhasePayment = Pag. Phase 4 of the Fee
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuityFullPayment = Pag. Full Fee
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuityReimbursement = Refund Fee
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuitySecondPhasePayment = Pag. 2nd Phase of the Bribery
label.transaction.transactionType.gratuityThirdPhasePayment = Pag. 3rd Phase of the Bribery
label.transaction.transactionType.insurancePaymentType = Payment Insurance
label.transaction.transactionType.insuranceReimbursementType = Insurance Reimbursement
label.transaction.transactionType.systemSentSmsToUserPayment = SMS Payment System -
label.transaction.transactionType.userSentSmsPayment = SMS Payment - User
label.transaction.transactionsWithoutGuidesNote = * Movements without associated Guides
label.transaction.value = Value
label.transitive = Transitive = Operations Guides
label.true = Yes
label.tutor = Tutor
label.tutor.chooseTutor = Choose this teacher
label.tutor.chooseTutorFromListLink = Show list of teachers
label.tutor.tutorshipInfo.currentTutoredStudents = Students with active tutorials
label.tutor.tutorshipInfo.pastTutoredStudents = Students whose tutoring has ended
label.tutorNumber = Number Tutor
label.tutorStatistics = Statistics tutorandos
label.tutorship.endDate = End of tutorial
label.tutorship.endMonth = End of mentoring (months)
label.tutorship.endMonthYear = End of mentoring (month / year)
label.tutorship.endYear = End of mentoring (years)
label.tutorship.startDate = Home tutoring
label.tutorshipSummary = Form Tutor
label.tutorshipSummary.ableToCreate = Sheets Tutor Available
label.tutorshipSummary.create = Create bookmark
label.tutorshipSummary.create.conclusions = Conclusions
label.tutorshipSummary.create.contacts = Contacts
label.tutorshipSummary.create.programParticipation = Program Participation
label.tutorshipSummary.create.studentParticipation = Participation of Tutorandos = Date
label.tutorshipSummary.dueDate = Available for editing by:
label.tutorshipSummary.form.highPerformance = High Yield
label.tutorshipSummary.form.howManyContactsEmail = Approximate number of contacts - Email
label.tutorshipSummary.form.howManyContactsPhone = Approximate number of contacts - Phone
label.tutorshipSummary.form.howManyReunionsGroup = No meetings - Group
label.tutorshipSummary.form.howManyReunionsIndividual = No meetings - Individual
label.tutorshipSummary.form.lowPerformance = High Failure
label.tutorshipSummary.form.outOfTouch = Unreachable
label.tutorshipSummary.form.participationNone = Never participated
label.tutorshipSummary.form.participationRegularly = Regular participation
label.tutorshipSummary.form.participationType = Participation
label.tutorshipSummary.form.relationsSize = No. of tutorandos
label.tutorshipSummary.form.withoutEnrolments = No subscriptions?
label.tutorshipSummary.past = Sheets completed
label.tutorshipSummary.view = Record Display
label.tutorshipSummaryPeriod = Time Sheets
label.type = Type (s)
label.unenroll = Unsubscribe
label.unit = Unit
label.until = until
label.update = Update
label.urgent = Urgent
label.use = Use
label.userType = Type of User
label.username = Username
label.vacancies = Jobs
label.validate = Validate = Financial Audit Email
label.validationCode = Validation Code
label.validationString = Verification code
label.variation = Change
label.variations = Variations
label.view = View
label.view.StudentsInroled = See Students Enrolled
label.view.Turno = See Shift
label.view.all = View all
label.view.curricularCourses = Curricular units
label.view.markSheet = View
label.view.payments = See Payments
label.view.rules = Curricular rules
label.view.shifts = View Shifts = Organize by
label.view.students.enroled.shift = Students Enrolled
label.view.submited.markSheets = View Tariffs Submitted
label.viewAll.candidaciesGrid = See all
label.viewCandidacyTitle = Data Jobs
label.viewPhoto = Show Photos
label.vigilancies = Surveillance
label.visualization.options = Viewing Options
label.warning.coursesAndGroupsSimultaneousEnrolment = Attention: Registration in groups and disciplines must be made separately.
label.websiteSection = Section
label.weight = Weight
label.when = Date of change
label.whenSubmited = Date of Submission = Wiki
label.words = words
label.worker = Employee
label.workingStudents = Student Workers
label.written.test = Test
label.wrongFeedbackText = Text of feedback for the wrong answer
label.xmlZipFile = Select the XML or ZIP file (s) year (s)
label.year = grade
label.yellowLines = Yellow lines
label.yes = yes
label.yes.capitalized = Yes
label.yourEmail = Your email
lable.changeRoom = Changing Room
lable.choose = Select
lable.chooseRoom = Assign room
lable.newVariation = New Variation
lable.test = Worksheet
last.login.dateTime = Last access: = Access machine:
link.CreateSala = Create Room
link.EditSala = Handle Room
link.WebSiteManagement = Management WebSites
link.activate = Activate
link.adHocEvaluations = Specific Evaluation
link.add.remove.aulas = Add / Remove Classes
link.add.shift.classes = Add to shift classes.
link.addTeacher = Add Teacher
link.alternative = Page alternative
link.announcements = Announcements
link.associatedCurricularCourses = Curricular Disciplines
link.backToAttendsSet = Back
link.backToGroup = Back
link.backToProjectsAndLink = "Show Groups
link.backToShiftsAndGroups = Back
link.backToViewStudentsAndGroupsByShift = Back
link.basicCurricularCourseManagement = Set Basic Course Curriculum
link.bibliography = Bibliography
link.calendar = Calendar
link.candidate.changeApplicationInfo = Data Change Application
link.candidate.logoff = LogOff
link.candidate.visualizeSituation = Information on the Status of Jobs = Search
link.certificate = Issuance of Certificates and Diplomas
link.change.password = Change Password '
link.classes.consult = Consult Timetables
link.close.execution.period = Close = Download
link.control = Control
link.cooordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.edit.curriculum = Edit
link.coordinator.analyticTools.executionYear = Execution Year Analysis
link.coordinator.approve.jury = Probate of the Proposed Jury
link.coordinator.approveCandidates = Selection of Candidates
link.coordinator.back = Back to top
link.coordinator.candidate = Operations Candidates
link.coordinator.create.project = create project
link.coordinator.create.written.test = test score
link.coordinator.createTutorships = Allocation of Tutors = Applications Courses Holders Middle and upper = Course Change Applications = Applications downloads
link.coordinator.degreeCurricular.viewActive = See Curriculum Plan Assets
link.coordinator.degreeCurricular.viewHistory = View History Curriculum Plan
link.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.coordinationTeam = Coordination Team = Curriculum Plan
link.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scientificCommissionTeam = Scientific Committee
link.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.see = View
link.coordinator.degreeSite = Course page
link.coordinator.degreeSite.edit = Edit Information
link.coordinator.degreeSite.editEnglish = Edit Information in English
link.coordinator.degreeSite.editPortuguese = Edit in Portuguese
link.coordinator.degreeSite.historic = View History = Course page
link.coordinator.degreeSite.viewSite = See Page
link.coordinator.editCandidate = Change of Status Applicants
link.coordinator.equivalence = Manual assignment of Equivalences
link.coordinator.erasmus.application = Applications Erasmus
link.coordinator.executionCoursesInformation = Disciplines Execution
link.coordinator.gepTutorshipPage = Page Tutoring
link.coordinator.list.confirm = Check Documents and Sort
link.coordinator.list.create = Enter Proposed Jury
link.coordinator.list.edit = Change Proposed Jury
link.coordinator.list.evaluated = Show
link.coordinator.list.print = See Proposal File and Print
link.coordinator.list.revise = Skip to Review
link.coordinator.logoff = LogOff
link.coordinator.managefinalDegreeWorks = Applications to Dissertations
link.coordinator.processes = Processes
link.coordinator.second.cycle.applications = Applications 2nd Cycle
link.coordinator.sendEmail = Sending email
link.coordinator.sendMail = Send Email
link.coordinator.setEvaluations = Release Notes
link.coordinator.student = Students
link.coordinator.studentAndGratuityListByDegree = Pupils and Tuition
link.coordinator.studentAndGratuityListByDegree.title = Student Course Listing and Fees
link.coordinator.studentByThesis = Master Thesis
link.coordinator.studentByThesis.title = List of Master Thesis
link.coordinator.studentListByCourse = Students by Discipline
link.coordinator.studentListByCourse.title = Listing of Students by Discipline
link.coordinator.studentListByDegree = Students
link.coordinator.studentListByDegree.title = List of Students of
link.coordinator.teachersInformation = Teachers
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.addOrientation = Add Advisor
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.addPerson = Add
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.addVowel = Add Vowel
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.changeDate = Change Date
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.changeInformation = Change
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.changeMark = Change Note
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.changePerson = Change
link.coordinator.thesis.edit.removePerson = Remove
link.coordinator.thesis.list = List
link.coordinator.thesis.viewStudent = Student Show
link.coordinator.tutor.chooseTutorHistory.filter.showAll = All prospective tutors
link.coordinator.tutor.chooseTutorHistory.filter.showTutorsWithTutorshipHistory = Tutors with a history of mentoring
link.coordinator.tutor.manageStudents.changeTutorshipDate = Change dates to mentoring
link.coordinator.tutor.viewHistory = Show detailed history
link.coordinator.tutorshipHistory = Tutors
link.coordinator.tutorshipManagement = Management Tutorials
link.coordinator.visualizeCandidate = Candidate Information
link.coordinator.visualizeStudent = Student Information = Add Equivalence of Groups
link.courseInformationManagement = Instances
link.create.adHocEvaluation = Create Specific Evaluation
link.create.evaluation = Create Evaluation
link.create.lessonPlanning = Create Lesson Plan = Candidate Register = Creating Applications Course Middle and Upper = Create Applications for Change of Course = Candidate Register = Create Applications to Transfer = Candidate Register = Creating Applications Erasmus = Create Application = Open Mobility Application Period = Create Application = Creating Applications Over 23 = Candidate Register = Create Application Process 2nd Cycle = Candidate Register 2nd Cycle = Creating Applications Curriculum Units Isolated = Candidate Register
link.create.project = Create Project
link.create.written.test = Mark Test
link.createExercise = Create Exercise
link.createItem = Insert Item
link.createRootSection = Create new section
link.createSection = Create Section
link.createTest = Create Record
link.credits = Credits
link.current.execution.period = Making Current
link.curricular.course.equivalency.add = Add Equivalence Disciplines
link.curricularCourseManagement = Management Course Curriculum
link.curricularInformationManagement = Information Management Course
link.deactivate = Disable
link.declarations = Issue Statements = Degree = See Courses = Masters = Undergraduate
link.degreeManagement = Management Courses
link.delete = Delete = Delete all = Delete all such plans
link.delete.written.test = Remove Test
link.deleteAllAttendsSetMembers = Remove all
link.deleteAttendsSetMembersByExecutionCourse = Remove elements of this discipline
link.deleteGroup = Delete
link.deleteGroupProperties = Delete
link.deleteProjectProposal = Quit
link.directiveCouncil.externalSupervision = External Oversight
link.directiveCouncil.manageExternalSupervision = Manage External Supervisors
link.edit = Edit
link.edit.adHocEvaluation = Edit Specific Evaluation
link.edit.evaluation = Edit Rating
link.edit.lessonPlanning = Edit Lesson Plan
link.edit.project = Edit Project
link.edit.recipients.list = Edit recipients list
link.edit.written.test = Edit Test
link.editAttendsSetMembers = Changing Elements
link.editGroupMembers = Changing Elements
link.editGroupProperties = Edit Properties
link.editGroupShift = Shift Change
link.editStudentGroupsShift = Associate Groups to Turn
link.editTest = View Record
link.editTestHeader = Edit Header Record = IRS statement download
link.enrollStudentGroupInShift = Associate Shift = View Equivalencies
link.equivalencies.for.curricular.course.view = View Equivalencies
link.equivalency.add = Add Equivalence
link.equivalency.plan = Plan Equivalence
link.equivalency.plan.create.equivalence = Build Equity
link.equivalency.plan.student = Students plan Equivalencies
link.equivalency.view.plan = View plan
link.equivalency.view.table = See table of equivalences
link.evaluation = Rating = Living Room Set
link.evaluation.enrollment.period = Set Application Period = Entry Management in {0}
link.evaluationMethod = Assessment Process
link.evaluations = Assessment
link.evaluations.calendar = Schedule of Assessments
link.exam = Exam = Entry Management Exam
link.exams = Examinations
link.exams.consult = See Exams
link.exams.consultRoomOccupation = See Occupation of a Room
link.exams.create = Create Exam
link.exams.listAllByDegreeAndAcademicYear = All Courses and Curricular Years
link.exams.listByDayAndShift = By Day and Shift
link.exams.listByDegreeAndAcademicYear = Course by Course and Year = Calendar of Exams
link.exams.searchRoomsWithNoExams = Tests Find Salas without
link.exams.viewAllRoomOccupation = See all Occupied Rooms
link.execute.activity = Play
link.executionCourse.archive = Site Archive
link.executionCourse.archive.explanation = In this page you can select the information to include in the archive and the archive's format.
#property.executionCourse.fieldWorkHours=Field Work
#property.executionCourse.tutorialOrientationHours=Tutorial Orientation
link.executionCourse.archive.generate = Generate site's archive
link.executionCourse.consult = Consult Disciplines
link.executionCourse.log = Change Log
link.executionCourse.shifts = Shifts
link.executionCourse.timeTable = Hours
link.executionCourseAdministration = Administration of Discipline = Page Discipline
link.executionCourseProposals.received = Received Bids On Hold
link.executionCourseProposals.sented = Proposals Submitted On Hold
link.expiration.warning.change.later = Change later = Change Password = Read More
link.expiration.warning.rules = Conditions of Use of Passwords
link.export = Export = Export list to CSV (Comma-Separated Values) = Export file list to XLS (Excel)
link.exportGroupProperties = Share group
link.exportToExcel = Export to Excel file
link.filled = Filled
link.finalDegreeWorkProposals.view = Proposals for Dissertations
link.finalEvaluation = Final Evaluation
link.finalResult = Final Clearance Sheet
link.generate.password = Generate Password '
link.getExcelSpreadSheet = Generate Spreadsheet
link.getExcelSpreadSheetWithGrades = Generate Evaluation Spreadsheet
link.goBack = Back
link.groupPropertiesDefinition = Create Group
link.grouping = Grouping
link.groupings = Groups
link.groups = Groups
link.groupsList = All Groups
link.groupsManagement = Groups
link.hide.message = Hide Message
link.home = Instructions
link.homepage.activation = Activation
link.homepage.options = Options
link.import.bibliographicReferences = Import references
link.import.customizationOptions = Import Customization
link.import.evaluationMethod = Import Valuation Method
link.import.lessonPlanning = Import Planning
link.import.lessonsPlanning.planning = By planning
link.import.lessonsPlanning.summaries = Through summaries
link.importExercise = Import Year
link.inicialPage = First page
link.insertGroup = Create Group
link.insertStudentsInAttendsSet = Students enter
link.lessonPlannings = Planning
link.list.processes = See Case = List students with active registration
link.loadFileMarks = Load File with Notes
link.loadMarksOnline = Fill / Change Tariff
link.login = Please Login
link.logoff = Log Off
link.logout = Exit
link.manage.card.generation = Generation Identification Cards = See Category Codes = Upload Information Cards
link.manage.credits = Release of Claims
link.manage.executionCourse = Management Disciplines
link.manage.finalWork = Dissertations
link.manage.finalWork.candidacies = Applications
link.manage.finalWork.proposals = Proposals
link.manage.homepage.content = Contents
link.manage.people = Manage People
link.manage.people.create = Create Person = Search People
link.manage.publications = Publication Administration
link.manage.publications.authors = Insert Authors
link.manage.teacherInformation = Teacher Sheet
link.manage.tfc = Create Dissertation Proposal
link.manage.thesis.document.confirmation = Confirmation documents
link.manage.turmas = Management Classes
link.manage.turnos = Management Shifts
link.master = Masters in
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.back = Back
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidate = Candidates
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidateRegistration = Enrolment of Candidates
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidates = Candidates
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.changeGuideInformation = Change of Information Guide
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.changeGuideSituation = Change the Status of Guide
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.changeMark = Change Note
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.changePassword = Generate New Password
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.contributor = Operations Contributor
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.createCandidate = Create Candidate
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.createContributor = Create Contributor
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.createGuide = Create Guide
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.createReimbursementGuide = Refund Guide
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.edit = Edit
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editCandidate = Applicant Data Change
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editCandidateInformations = Data Change
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editContributor = Amendment of Contributors
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editGuide = Change data Guides
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editShort = Edit
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.edit = Edit External Pager
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.editInstitution = Edit Work
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.find = External Search People
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.insert = Insert External Pager
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.insertInstitution = Insert the Workplace
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.title = External People
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.view = Details of Foreign Person
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.externalPersons.visualize = People External View
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity = Tuition
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.chosenYear = Year Chosen
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.defineInsuranceValue = Setting Annual Value of Insurance
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.fixConflicts = Resolve Conflicts
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.gratuitySituationDetails = Details of the Situation of the Student Fee
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.insertExemption = Edit Reduction
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.insertGratuity = Data Entry Fees
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.listPayedInsurances = Insurance Paid List
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.listStudents = Students List = Pay
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.payGratuity = Pay Fee
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.payInsurance = Insurance Pay
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.penaltyExemption = Penalty Waiver
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.gratuity.studentSituation = Student Status = Guides
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideListing = Listing Guides
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideListingByPerson = Per Person
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideListingByState = By State
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideListingByYear = Per Year
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guides = Guides
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.listCandidates = Candidate Listings
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.listing = Listings
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.lists = Listings
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.makeStudyPlan = Study Plan
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.makeStudyPlan.title = Preparation of Plan of Study for Candidate
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marksConfirmation = Check Tariff
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marksManagement = Staves
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marksSubmission = Launch Schedule
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marksView = View Tariff = Next
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments = Payments
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.currentEvents = Current debt
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.paymentsWithoutReceipt = Issuing Receipts
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.payments.receipts = Query Receipts = View
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.pricesManagement = Pricing
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.pricesManagement.edit = Edit
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.print = Print Schedule
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.printCandidateRegistration = Print Sheet Tuition
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.printGuide = Print Guide
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.printReimbursementGuide = Print Repayment Guide
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.printShort = Print
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.receipts = Receipts
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.seeStudentCurricularPlans = Students Show and Plans
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.selectCandidates = Selection of Candidates
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.change = Change Thesis
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.changeProof = Proof of Registration of Change Masters
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.changeStudent = Changing Student
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.create = Create Master Thesis
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.title = Master Thesis and Examinations
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.visualize = See Thesis
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.visualizeProof = See Proof of Registration of Master
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.viewDetails = View Details
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.viewGuide = See Guide
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.viewReimbursementGuide = See Guide Reimbursement
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.viewReimbursementGuides = See Reimbursement Guides
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.visualizeCandidateInformations = Candidate Information
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.visualizeContributor = Consultation Contributor
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.visualizeGuide = Information Guides
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.visualizeStudent = Student Consult
link.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.visualizeStudentInformations = Student Information
link.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.printListAllCandidatesFilterMenu = Print List of Candidates
link.masterDegree.candidateListFilter.printListAllCandidatesFilterMenu.title = Print a list of all candidates with filters
link.masterDegree.enrollment = Subscriptions
link.masterDegree.equivalence = Equivalences
link.masterDegree.gratuity.insert = Data Entry Fee
link.masterDegree.gratuityOperations = Operations Fee
link.masterDegree.printCandidateApprovalList = Please click here to print the Order Acceptance
link.masterDegree.printCandidateStudyPlan = Please click here to print the Order of the Study Plan
link.masterDegreeThesisList = List of Master Thesis
link.more = more
link.move.down = Low
link.move.up = Top
link.notFilled = By Fill
link.objectives = Objectives
link.onlineTests = Online Tests
link.onlineTests.evaluation = Evaluation of Online Tests = Open
link.operator.candidacy.passwords = Passwords Candidate
link.operator.changePassword = Generate New Password
link.operator.newPassword = Generate Password
link.operator.submitPhoto = Submit Photos = Cancel submission
link.person.sms.viewDeliveryReports = View Reports received SMS
# Photos = Import photo
link.personalizationOptions = Customization
link.program = Program
link.projects = Projects
link.public.home = Home
link.publication.add = Add
link.publication.remove = Remove
link.publishMarks = Posting Notes Home, Discipline in
link.regentReportManagement = Regent
link.remove = Remove
link.remove.candidate = Remove Application
link.removeTeacher = Remove Teacher
link.removeTest = Remove sheet
link.removeTestQuestion = Remove Exercise = Request room reservation = Occupation Watch
link.rooms.consult = Consult Rooms
link.rooms.reserve = Room Reservations
link.rss = RSS
link.schedules.chooseContext = Schedule Management
link.schedules.listAllByClass = For Classes
link.schedules.listAllByRoom = By Salas
link.schedules.print = Print
link.schedules.remove = Disassociate = Search = Find empty rooms = Back = Advanced Search = Hide Advanced Search
link.sectionsManagement = Sections
link.see = View
link.sendEmailToAllStudents = Send Email to Students
link.shifts = Shifts
link.shifts.consult = See Shift
link.showAnnouncements = Show Ads
link.showDistributedTests = Distributed Bookmarks List
link.showExercises = Exercises List
link.showLog = View Log
link.showStudentTest = View Record
link.showTests = Bookmarks List
link.statistics.students = Student Statistics
link.student.LEEC.enrollment = Enrollment of Students in Courses - with Rules
link.student.curriculum = See Curriculum Student
link.student.elections.addCandidateStudent = Add application for delegate Year
link.student.elections.removeCandidateStudent = Remove application for delegate Year
link.student.enrollment = Registration
link.student.enrolment.other.shifts = Subscribe in shifts of other chairs = Distribute = Reprint Student Identification Card = Reprint Jury Report Sheet
link.student.view.schedule = My hours
link.studentListByCourse = Listing of Students by Discipline
link.studentListByDegree = Listing of Students per Course
link.students = Students
link.students.distribution = Distribute Students by Salas
link.students.enrolled.exam = View
link.students.enrolled.inExam = List of Students Enrolled
link.students.irs.declaration = IRS Statement - Student
link.students.listMarks = View
link.students.see = Show Students
link.students.tutor = See Tutorandos
link.submitMarks = Submit Notes
link.summaries = Summaries
link.summaries.control = Control Briefs
link.summaries.control.short = Summaries
link.summaries.public = Summaries = (Other dates / dates before, extra classes, etc.). = FAQ = Glossary
link.teacher.evaluation.grades = Entering and Changing Notes
link.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewLastProjectSubmissionForEachGroup.groupComment = Remarks
link.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewLastProjectSubmissionForEachGroup.viewProjectSubmissionLogsByGroup = View logs Submission
link.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewLastProjectSubmissionForEachGroup.viewProjectSubmissionsByGroup = Submissions
link.teacher.executionCourseManagement.evaluation.project.viewProjectSubmissions = View Projects Received
link.teacher.executionCourseManagement.foruns = Forums
link.teacher.executionCourseManagement.foruns.viewForum = View Forum
link.teacher.tutor.operations = Management Mentoring
link.teacher.tutorship.gepTutorshipPage = Page Tutoring
link.teacher.tutorship.history = See Tutorandos
link.teacher.tutorship.sendMailToTutoredStudents = Send Email
link.teacher.tutorship.students.performanceGrid = Grid Performance
link.teacher.tutorship.students.viewCurriculum = View Student Resumes
link.teacher.tutorship.summary = Form Tutor
link.teacherCreditsDetails = See details
link.teacherCreditsTeacher.manageDegreeFinalProjectStudents = Change
link.teacherCreditsTeacher.manageInstitutionWorkingTime = Change = Change = Change
link.teacherService = Service
link.teachers = Teachers
link.teachingReportManagement = Teacher
link.testsManagement = Bookmarks
link.thesis.confirm.documents = Documents Confirm
link.timeTables.consult = Consult Timetables
link.title.irsDeclaration = IRS Statement
link.title.person.changeContacts = Manage Contacts
link.title.person.changePassword = Change Password
link.title.visualizeInformation = Personal Information
link.treasury.createGuide = Creation Guide
link.treasury.editGuide = Change data Guides = Operations Guides
link.treasury.logoff = LogOff
link.treasury.visualizeGuide = Information Guides
link.tutorship.create = Assign Tutors
link.tutorship.students.ListLowPerformance = Students Low Performance
link.unEnrollStudentGroupShift = Dissociating Shift
link.validateTestChecksum = Validate code
link.view = View
link.view.schedule = Hours = View
link.view.teacher.credits.sheet = Service Professor
link.view.written.evaluations = Reviews
link.viewAllShifts = All
link.viewAllStudentsAndGroups = Show All Students Enrolled
link.viewAttendsSet = Joint Managing Associate
link.viewMore = View more = List Sites = Manage = Weekly Effort
link.writtenTests = Tests = Racing Disciplines
list.students = List of students
list.title.execution.course.toAssociate = Choose discipline implementation to associate with the current curriculum subject: = Disciplines associated with this implementation period running:
list.title.execution.periods = Existing Implementation periods:
list.title.working.areas = Areas:
listAlunos.OfTurno = Students Enrolled in Shift
listAulas.OfTurno = Lessons of Shift
listAulas.added = Lessons added
listAulas.available = Lessons available
listAulas.existing = Existing classes
listClasses.emptyClasses = There are no classes.
listTurnos.existing = Shift existing
localEmissaoDocumentoIdentificacao = Place of Issue
localidade = Location
localidadeCodigoPostal = Location
log.message.explanation = Here you can obtain the form of a table, lists information for changes
mades on Teacher. You can filter the list to get only the type of register or changes, by Months or by Teacher. = Changes Log
log.title = Changes Log on = log entries
log.label.selectLogType = Log Type
log.label.selectProfessorship = Faculty
log.label.selectMonth = Month
log.label.noResults = No results.
mail.academicServiceRequest.concluded.message1 = Your request No
mail.academicServiceRequest.concluded.message2 = on
mail.academicServiceRequest.concluded.message3 = has been completed.
mail.academicServiceRequest.concluded.message4 = Go to the secretariat. Thanks.
mail.academicServiceRequest.concluded.messageSSR4A = His request was granted.
mail.academicServiceRequest.concluded.messageSSR4B = His application was rejected.
mail.academicServiceRequest.concluded.messageSSR5 = For any further clarification, please go to the office. Thanks.
manager = Administrator of the Phoenix
manipularSalas.apagarSalaOperation = Delete Room
manipularSalas.editarSalaOperation = Edit Room
manipularSalas.titleInsuccess = There are no rooms
manipularSalas.titleSuccess = Existing rooms
manipularSalas.verSalaOperation = View Room
maritalStatus = State Civil
masterDegreeAdministrativeOffice = Department of Postgraduate
masterDegreeCandidate = Candidate Master = The status of your application process was changed to = = Department of Graduate IST = The Office of Graduate Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico = Caro (a) = . = Changing situation in the application process
message.Email = Email
message.NoShift = No Shift
message.accounting.manager.adjustment.transactions.empty = It has adjustments associated
message.accounting.manager.associated.adjusting.transactions = Adjustments associated with this transaction
message.accounting.manager.associoted.transactions.empty = Has no associated transactions
message.adHocEvaluations.not.scheduled = There are no specific evaluations scheduled for this course. = Note:
You can add more than one class at the same time to turn.
message.addExerciseVariation.information = Here you can add new variations to the exercise.
The XML files corresponding to the variations of exercise you want to add, should be included in ZIP format or in XML format, if it is just a variation.
You can also create new variations selecting Create.
message.addInstructions = This operation allows you to add an item in the chosen section.
For the item is published to select the status "Published" and indicate the date of publication.
message.additionalCredits = Additional Credits
message.additionalCreditsJustification = Justification for additional credits
message.addshift.toclasses.warning = Warning:
It is not done any verification of whether the discipline of turn for the course that the class can have.
In case of error should go to the class that linked the shift and removes it.
message.all = All = - Access to the job offer database of IST
- Personalized email and, if necessary, with automatic forward
- Hosting of an institutional web page
- Mailing lists subscription
- Online access to academic administrative office
- Collegues search
- Access to the IST library
- Alert service with useful and concise messages = To complete your Alumni profile, we appreciate that you fill in or update your personnel, professional and formation data at "Informação Profissional" and "Formação" in Alumni Portal. = More information at = The maintenance of your connection to IST, through your personal information update, may bring you several benefits at a personal and professional level. Some of the advantages are: = Alumni - Information Update
message.announcementInformation = Information
message.announcementTitle = Title
message.announcements.not.available = No announcements were found.
message.ascendent = Ascending
message.attendingStudents = Student (s)
message.authorPublications = Management of Nature Publications, Teaching and Educational Papers
message.availableCorrection = Correction Available
message.basicCurricularCoursesSelection = Select the Course Curriculum which aims to identify as being basic.
message.beginDay = Start Day
message.beginMinute = Minutes from Home
message.beginMonth = Start Month
message.beginYear = Start Year
message.bibliographicReferenceAuthors = Authors:
message.bibliographicReferenceOptional = Type:
message.bibliographicReferenceReference = Reference:
message.bibliographicReferenceTitle = Title:
message.bibliographicReferenceYear = Year:
message.bibliography.not.available = Bibliography not available.
message.bibliography.not.exists = There is no bibliography associated with discipline.
message.bibliography.optional.order = Sort secondary bibliography
message.bibliography.order = Sort main bibliography = Save brief and return to the list of summaries = Save and launch similar summary = Save and launch a new summary
message.candidaciesGridHints = To refine your search utitlize the form.
You can also select a table field to limit your search to applications that have this common ground.
To receive the information in the form of spreadsheet use the corresponding link.
To view the information that is abbreviated in the table, leave the mouse pointer over an abbreviation.
To access the student's curriculum, click on its name or number.
message.candidatesWithoutDissertationEnrolment = candidates with no affiliation proposal given to dissertation
message.cantDeleteDistributedTest = You can not remove this Worksheet because it is a Checklist that has been initiated.
message.cardinalityTypeRequired = You must choose the cardinality of the question.
message.careerWorkshops.confirmationSuccessful = Your confirmation has been successfully accepted.
message.change.password = Clicking on the link Change Password, will be forwarded to the password change system IST
message.changeStudentMarkLogMessage = Changed the classification of the student to {0} values
message.changeStudentQuestionLogMessage = Question No {0} has changed.
message.changeStudentTestQuestion.information = Here you can change a question from a record of a student. Note that this feature should be used only in limited cases, such as varying the exercise selected to be incorrect.
message.changeStudentValueLogMessage = Question quote changed to {0} values
message.choose.discipline = Please choose the discipline required for the course and year selected.
message.choose.semester = Choose Semester:
message.chooseCreateExerciseOrVariation.information = Here you must choose whether to create a New Year, a New Change or add to an existing exercise.
message.chooseQuestionScope.information = Here you must choose the application context of question.
The difference between questions of evaluation and investigation is the correct answer. Investigations need not have defined this response while the assessment is mandatory. However, both can be used both in assessment tests and surveys.
The set of unanswered questions are also useful if you want a manual correction rather than a correction of the system.
message.chooseQuestionType.information = Here you must choose the type of question you want to create. - questions of logical identifiers are questions that have answers and have pre-defined logical value true or false.
- The questions will be answered in a text box text.
- Numerical answers are questions that will be given in numerical form and the right answer will be, or a given value or range of values.
message.chooseSaveAsNewTestAction = If you choose Save, the form will be edited as a new form.
message.cientificPublications = Management of Scientific Publications and Projects
message.class.changeName = To change the name of the new class type and press ok.
message.classes.notExisting = There are no classes (s) course (s) and the implementation period selected.
message.comunicateErrors = Any inconsistencies in this page should be communicated in order to make their correction.
message.confirm.delete = Proceed with operation
message.confirm.delete.branches = Really delete the (s) branch (s) selected (s)?
message.confirm.delete.class = Really delete the (s) group (s) selected (s)? = All areas related to the (s) subject (s) course (s) selected (s) will be deleted you wish to continue? = Really delete the (s) plan (s) course (s) selected (s)?
message.confirm.delete.degrees = Really delete the (s) course (s) selected (s)?
message.confirm.delete.exam = Really delete the review? = Are you sure you want to delete (s) subject (s) selected implementation (s)?
message.confirm.delete.execution.degrees = Really delete the (s) course (s) selected implementation (s)?
message.confirm.delete.gratuitySituation = Really delete the reduction of student choice?
message.confirm.delete.groupProperties = Really delete this group?
message.confirm.delete.lesson = Really delete (s) the lesson (s) selected (s)?
message.confirm.delete.professorShip = Do you really want to withdraw (s) teacher (s) of the faculty?
message.confirm.delete.shift = Really delete the (s) turn (s) selected (s)?
message.confirm.delete.workingArea = Really delete the desktop?
message.confirm.deleteDistributedTest = Really delete the Worksheet?
message.confirm.deleteExercise = Really delete the exercise?
message.confirm.deleteTest = Really remove the plug
message.confirm.evaluation = Want to remove the evaluation?
message.confirm.non.reversable.operation = This operation is not reversable. Do you wish to continue with the operation?
message.confirm.remove.class = Do you really want to disassociate (s) group (s) selected (s)?
message.confirm.remove.execution.course = Do you really want to separate the discipline enforcement?
message.confirm.remove.shift = Really unbind (s) turn (s) selected (s)?
message.confirm.written.test = Want to remove the written assessment?
message.coordinator.thesis.collectBasicInformation = The student in question has a theme assigned in the system. This screen will indicate that the title of the topic that the student is developing. This title will only be used to formalize the proposal for a jury.
Optionally you can add a comment to explain why it takes the student has not previously assigned a theme.
message.coordinator.thesis.confirm.process = The jury was approved. After the student made the discussion of this thesis will introduce the final information relating to your dissertation, as well as documents and extensive summary of the dissertation. The coordinator must confirm the information entered by the student must be in possession of the identification form (generated by the student) and the minutes of discussion with the evaluation of the dissertation. It should also make the introduction of the note on this page to the Scientific Council to approve the minutes.
message.coordinator.thesis.confirmed.process = The documents of the dissertation are confirmed. The minutes of the discussion will proceed to the Scientific Council so that he may approve.
message.coordinator.thesis.introduction.information = The management of dissertations can be carried by each course (s) Coordinator (s) and members of the scientific committee set for the respective academic year. = Do not hesitate any resume running for this course.
message.coordinator.thesis.submitted.aprove.cannot = In the case of the coordinator to be the guiding thesis of the homologation form must be sent to the Scientific Council for approval.
message.coordinator.thesis.submitted.aprove.message = The designation of the jury and its president were made pursuant to Order No. 17062/2009 published in the Official Gazette, 2. First Series - No. 141, July 23, 2009 (points 22 and 23).
message.coordinator.thesis.submitted.aprove.send.papers = The approval certificate must be signed and sent to the Graduate Center.
message.coordinator.thesis.submitted.waiting = The proposed jury was submitted for approval by the Scientific Council. You should print the form and approval to convey this statement to the Scientific Council to continue the process. = In the section below you can assign a new student to this tutor.
message.coordinator.tutor.associateOneStudent.instructions = Enter the desired number of students followed the deadline for tutoring this student. = Enter the number of tutors who want to manage.
Additionally, the tutor can select from a list of faculty in the departments
the course selected by clicking the link below. = If you want to edit the end date of mentoring for both students and presented to students whose term has expired tutoring, click on the link below. = In the section below you can remove the current students to tutor students or transfer these to a new tutor.
message.correctionFormulas.information = The tokens could be corrected in two ways:
- Prices listed in the file. Other hypotheses response not listed in the file listing will be 0 (zero). You can see the quotes in the file indicated in the example of the exercise.
- Fenix formulas.
Multiple-choice questions: 
Multiple-choice questions and short answer: 
Numerical questions or text: total price if it is correct or 0 (zero) otherwise.
message.course.editing = Is administering discipline: = Equivalence of Groups = There are no established equivalencies.
message.courseInformation.CourseResults = Discipline Results
message.courseInformation.LecturingTeachers = Faculty
message.courseInformation.approvedPerEnrolled = AV / IN (%)
message.courseInformation.approvedPerEvaluated = AP / AV (%)
message.courseInformation.approvedStudents = Approved (AP)
message.courseInformation.categoryOfTeacher = Category
message.courseInformation.categoryOfTheResponsibleForCourse = Category:
message.courseInformation.classDuration = Duration of each class (h)
message.courseInformation.classType = Type of School
message.courseInformation.courseAvaliationMethods = Evaluation Method
message.courseInformation.courseBibliographicReference = Bibliography and elements of study available to students:
message.courseInformation.courseName = Discipline:
message.courseInformation.courseObjectives = Objectives of Discipline
message.courseInformation.coursePrincipalBibliographicReference = Main Bibliography
message.courseInformation.courseProgram = Program
message.courseInformation.courseReport = Small critical report / prepared by the teaching of the teacher in charge of operation including critical analysis of rates of success / failure rates and innovations in teaching in recent years:
message.courseInformation.courseSecondaryBibliographicReference = Secondary Bibliography
message.courseInformation.courseSemesterOrAnual = Semester / Annual:
message.courseInformation.courseSupportLessons = Monitoring and care of the students (schedule of questions, etc..)
message.courseInformation.courseType = Required / Optional:
message.courseInformation.curricularYear = Year Course:
message.courseInformation.enrolledStudents = Subscribers (IN)
message.courseInformation.evaluatedPerEnrolled = AV / IN (%)
message.courseInformation.evaluatedStudents = Rated (AV)
message.courseInformation.executionYear = Academic Year:
message.courseInformation.mandatory = Mandatory
message.courseInformation.nameOfTeacher = Name of Teacher
message.courseInformation.notYetAvailable = Information not yet available.
message.courseInformation.numberOfClasses = Number of Classes
message.courseInformation.numberOfStudents = Number of Students
message.courseInformation.optional = Optional
message.courseInformation.responsibleForTheCourse = Head Teacher:
message.courseInformation.responsiblesForTheCourse = Teachers responsible
message.courseInformation.semester = Semester:
message.courseInformation.specialTeacherWarning = The system does not support the introduction of data on teaching service provided by grantees and / or visiting scholars under the protocols, without a contract with IST.
message.courseInformation.timeTable = Weekly work hours scheduled for each class:
message.courseInformation.totalDuration = Total Hours
message.courseInformation.typeClassLab = Laboratory
message.courseInformation.typeClassPraticas = Practices
message.courseInformation.typeClassTeoPrat = Theoretical and Practical
message.courseInformation.typeClassTeoricas = Theoretical
message.courseInformation.typeOfClassOfTeacher = Type of School
message.courseInformation.warning = The form contains information previously presented by the teacher filled in the Management Discipline. The form only shows the information and if the teacher wants to edit this information must refer to the part of management discipline.
message.courseInformationReport = Report of the Discipline
message.createLIDExercise.information = You must fill in the mandatory wording of the question, choose at least one right answer and fill in all the options you want.
You also have chance to shuffle the order of options. For each student the options are shuffled only once, keeping the same positions every time a student accesses the plug.
message.createLIDInquiryExercise.information = You must fill in the mandatory wording of the question and fill in all the options you want.
message.createLesson = Note:
After creating the class, the program returns to show the form of creating classroom filled with the data of the class you just created.
message.createMetadata.information = Here you must fill out the information on the exercise. None of these fields is mandatory.
message.createNUMExercise.information = You must fill in the mandatory wording of the question and choose a condition right answer. You must set the value type of response (integer / decimal). You can also set the size of the reply box.
message.createNUMInquiryExercise.information = You must fill in the mandatory wording of the question. You must set the value type of response (integer / decimal). You can also set the size of the reply box.
message.createRootSection = Create Section
message.createSTRExercise.information = You must fill in the mandatory wording of the question and choose an answer. You can also set the size of the reply box.
message.createSTRInquiryExercise.information = You must fill in the mandatory wording of the question. You can also set the size of the reply box.
message.createTest.information = Here you should create the header sheet.
The "Information Sheet" is an optional field where the teacher can write information about the plug. Only the field "Title of Record" will be visible in the schedules of students.
message.createdOn = Created
message.curricular.course.equivalencies = Equivalencies Course Curriculum = There are no established equivalencies. = Situation of the student number {1} for the course "{0}" in years and semesters chosen:
message.curricularCourseManagement.instructions = In this area it is possible to define the core curriculum subjects or manage these curricular information.
message.curriculum.notAvailable = Course Information nonexistent.
message.cycles.separated.with.success = Separate cycle successfully
message.dateFormat = (Dd / mm / yyyy)
message.dateTimeFormat = (Dd / mm / yyyy hh: mm) = Equivalences existing
message.delete = Delete
message.descendent = Down
message.destination.curricular.course = Select the target subjects to include in the rule = Add the modules to be included in the target rule: = Select the target group for the modules to be included in the rule
message.distributeTest.evaluation = The {0} is composed of {1} question (s). A right question is worth the price indicated.
message.distributeTest.information = To distribute the plug by students should follow the instructions:
- Should indicate the type of plug and the point at which the hotfix is available. Should also indicate whether the system will display the student feedback indicated in xml file (only available option to correct the questions come from the xml file).
- Information Sheet is the information and instructions that appear in the headers of records of students. There is a default message that can be changed. This information is optional.
- Should indicate the dates and corresponding start and end of the plug. These fields are required.
- After completing the fields must distribute the plug shifts or by students, by pressing the corresponding button.
message.distributeTest.inquiry = This questionnaire has a role purely statistical and contributing to the substantial improvement of teaching quality. The final answer will be final.
message.distributedTest.allStudents = Worksheet distributed to all students.
message.distributedTest.changeInquirySubject = {0}: Change Questionnaire
message.distributedTest.changeTestSubject = {0}: Change in Form
message.distributedTest.distributeInquiryMessage = Has a questionnaire to answer between the {2} {3} and {4} of {5}.
message.distributedTest.distributeTestMessage = It has a Worksheet to be completed between the {2} {3} and {4} of {5}.
message.distributedTest.from = Teacher of the subject {0}
message.distributedTest.messageChangeInquiry = A question on your questionnaire has been altered. Should respond to the questionnaire between the {2} {3} and {4} of {5}.
message.distributedTest.messageChangeInquiryDates = The dates for responding to the questionnaire were changed. Should respond to the questionnaire between the {2} {3} and {4} of {5}.
message.distributedTest.messageChangeTest = A question of your Worksheet has changed. Should carry Worksheet among {2} {3} and {4} of {5}.
message.distributedTest.messageChangeTestDates = The dates of the Worksheet have changed. Should perform the plug between the {2} {3} and {4} of {5}.
message.distributedTest.shifts = Worksheet distributed by shifts:
message.distributedTest.subjectChangeDates = {0}: Change of dates
message.distribution.alreadyExists = Warning:
There are already associated with student rooms. If you make a new arrangement, students will be divided again as associates. After having made the distribution, you can not reverse the operation.
message.distribution.notReversible = After having made the distribution, you can not reverse the operation.
message.edit = Action
message.edit.teacher.credits = Write the number of teachers to edit:
message.editAttendsSetMembers.InsertMembers = Select students who want to add to the set:
message.editAttendsSetMembers.NoMembersToAdd = There are no students to add to the set.
message.editAttendsSetMembers.RemoveMembers = Select students who wish to withdraw the set:
message.editDistributedTest.information = Here you can change settings on the chip distributed, and distribution to new shifts / students.
message.editExercise.information = Here you can view and change the information associated with exercise.
message.editSection = Edit section
message.editStudentGroupMembers.InsertMembers = Select students who want to add the group:
message.editStudentGroupMembers.NoMembersToAdd = There are students without a group to add.
message.editStudentGroupMembers.RemoveMembers = Select students wishing to withdraw from the group:
message.editStudentGroupShift = Select new turn:
message.editStudentGroupsShift = Select groups of students who want to associate with this turn:
message.editTest.information = - The Edit Header Record allows you to modify the title and / or the information from.
- If you select Insert new year will see a list of exercises available and add them into the socket.
- To change the rate or position of some exercise choose Edit Exercise associated with exercise you want to change.
- Remove option to remove the financial year of the plug.
- To accept the changes, click Finish. You can always return to this page by editing the bookmark in your bookmarks list.
message.editTestHeader.information = Here you can change the header of the plug.
The "Information Sheet" is an optional field where the teacher can write information about the plug. Only the field "Title of Record" will be visible in the schedules of students. = This message was sent through the Phoenix system, on behalf of (the) = To the following recipients: = Their process on {0} was sealed by his appraiser. You can access the classification proposed in their private area of the Phoenix (Portal Curriculum). Under the Regulations of performance evaluation in force has 10 days to exercise the right of reply to the evaluator, based on the audience interested.
message.emailStudents = Contact all Students
message.endDay = Day's End
message.endMinute = Minutes End
message.endMonth = Month End
message.endYear = End Year
message.enrolledStudents = Student (s) Registered (s)
message.enrollmentBeginDay = Registration Start Date
message.enrollmentBeginHour = Start Time Registration
message.enrollmentEndDay = Enrollment End Date
message.enrollmentEndHour = End Time Registration
message.enrollmentsWarning = WARNING: Students are presented enrolled in Shifts. For this reason the column 'Admitted to Registry' has value 'No' to all students. Soon the entries of the registry will be migrated to the system. Just to indicate what degree, column 'Course' for students enrolled in the registry.
message.enrolment.state.aproved = Approved = Course of origin:
message.error.curriculumHistoric.degreeCurricularPlan = Curriculum Plan
message.error.curriculumHistoric.executionYear = Academic Year
message.error.goBack = Otherwise push back. = If you want to tell the development team of the error occurred, please send us a short description of the action that caused it. Thanks.
message.error.notAuthorized = Attempted to perform a service for which you are not allowed.
message.error.notAuthorized.create.evaluation.during.exan.period = Only the GOP and graduate coordinators can schedule assessments for the period of written exams.
message.error.notAuthorizedContents = Warning: You are not allowed to access this content.
message.error.ocurred = An error occurred
message.error.sendEmail = If you want to tell the development team of the error, complete the required fields to find and press submit (all fields are optional)
message.error.submitted = Your request has been logged.
message.evaluation = Evaluation Method
message.evaluation.not.available = No assessment process was found.
message.evaluation.not.editable = The GOP has allocated rooms for this assessment. To change the date of completion will need to contact the GOP.
message.evaluationElements = Rating
message.evaluationElementsEn = Evaluation = unassigned
message.exam.not.scheduled = Not available = There are no exams on the day shift and indicated.
message.exams.none.for.executionDegree.CurricularYear.ExecutionPeriod = There are no examinations for the degree, academic year, semester and academic year indicated.
message.exams.not.scheduled = There are no exams scheduled for this course.
message.excerpt = Excerpt
message.executionCourse.classes.none = There are no groups associated with the discipline. = There are more variations of the exercise. Choose a new exercise.
message.exerciseTypeRequired = You must choose the type of exercise.
message.exercisesFirstPage.information = Here you can see which exercises you have available and can enter through the new exercises Import option exercise. If you want to add new variations to an existing exercise choose Add. You can also remove exercises if you do not want to keep them, choosing the Delete option, or change some information by choosing Edit.
message.exist = Exists (m)
message.expiration.warning = You can change your password now or leave for later:
message.expiration.warning.long = The password only allows entry to various services provided by CIIST such as the phoenix, access to the wireless network, the service proxy authenticated, access to a UNIX cluster, disk space, an area AFS, and mail service.
Being a single password for phoenix to all these services will be more exposed to possible attempts to abuse by others. For this reason, it is essential to ensure robustness and quality of this password. Also for this reason the validity of the password must be necessarily limited.
The periodic change of password is one way to reduce the duration and possible impact of a compromised password.
message.expiration.warning.short = The periodic change of password is one way to reduce the duration and possible impact of a compromised password.
message.expired.password = Please note: the term of your password has expired. For security reasons the password management system needs to update your password. We appreciate your understanding.
For further information see this explanatory page or contact
message.externalActivities = Management of connection to the outdoors activities carried out under the IST
message.externalActivities.activity = Activity
message.externalActivities.edit = Edit active connection to the outside
message.externalActivities.insert = Insert
message.externalActivities.insertActivity = Insert a link to the Outdoor Activity = On this page the teacher can manage your activity history of connection to the outdoors.
message.externalActivities.managementCleanExplanation = If you click "delete" will delete the binding activity to outer chosen.
message.externalActivities.managementEdit = On this page the teacher can edit a new binding activity abroad.
message.externalActivities.managementInsert = On this page the teacher can insert a new binding activity abroad.
message.externalActivities.managementInsertActExplanation = If you click "Insert" will insert a new table ctivities connection to the outside.
message.externalActivities.managementInsertExplanation = By clicking "edit" will change the binding activity abroad.
message.externalActivities.managementSaveExplanation = To save changes click on "Continue".
message.externalActivities.managementSeeExplanation = If you click on "View Schedule" returns to the Form Teacher and loses the information changed.
message.feedbackScope = Only apply to questions addressed by the formulas for the correction of the Phoenix.
message.fifty = 50 = The proposal is not published. Contact the course coordinator. = Nominations are to administer the dissertations for the period: = Proposal offered jointly for the following courses: = Proposals offered together for the following courses: = Proposal without candidates
message.generalObjectives = General Objectives
message.generalObjectivesEn = General Objectives
message.generate.password = Clicking on the link Generate Password, will be forwarded to the password change system IST = Application developed under Project Phoenix . Questions, suggestions: .
message.gratuity.payments.reminder.text = Information for Students of the courses at 1st and 2nd cycle and Master of IST, academic year 2012/2013
- Registry Fee - 25.00 a
- School Insurance - 1.48 a
- Tuition fees - a 1037.20 (excluding Masters in Pharmaceutical Engineering Bologna, Bologna Master in Complex Systems Infrastructure for Transport, Masters in Transport Planning and Operations, Masters in Structural Engineering and a Masters in Construction and Rehabilitation and the particular cases of units isolated and part-time)
- At the time of registration or within 10 working days, the students of Technical University will make payment of the fee in full or choose to pay an initial installment. May pay the amount of the fee in installments during the school year as follows:
- second installment, the 15th day of March;
- third installment, until 31 May.
- The remaining students of the Instituto Superior Técnico, may pay the amount of the fee in installments during the school year as follows:
- first delivery until the 31th of December
- second installment, the 15th day of March;
- third installment, until 31 May.
- Students can choose to pay the full amount of tuition fees during the first installment.
- For students who enroll only in courses the second semester, the payment of tuition fees is made in full by May 31, 2013
- Students must pay in accordance with instructions issued by the Instituto Superior Técnico
- For further information consult the Academic Course Guide 1st and 2nd Cycles and Cycle Integrated 12'13
Given the current regulations and decisions of the Board of Management of STIs, payment of the fee Secretariat, Insurance and School Fees must be realized through the network of ATM or local branch of academic services.
It is noted that the delay in payment of fees subject to payment of monthly default interest at the rate of statutory interest of 1% per month. The delay in payment of the Secretariat implies an increase of 50% of its value.
Mode of Payment
Payment of Fee, as stated above, may be paid in full or its value in three installments (for this mode, refer to the Regulation of Fees in force). Not so with the payment of the fee and the School Insurance Department which shall be performed once in its entirety. Payment through ATM network can be run by observing the following instructions:
- Enter the Entity, and Reference Amount for the option, according to the tables and deadlines are available on Phoenix (Student Portal> Academic Services> Payments)
- Complete data entry confirming with the green key
Please retain your receipt that will serve as proof of payment.
message.gratuity.payments.reminder.title = Payment of Fees
message.groupPropertiesAutomaticEnrolment = Automatic Enrollment
message.groupPropertiesDifferentiatedCapacity = Differentiated Capacity
message.groupPropertiesEnrolmentBeginDay = Date of Initial Registration
message.groupPropertiesEnrolmentEndDay = Closing date for entries
message.groupPropertiesEnrolmentPolicy = Registration Policy
message.groupPropertiesGroupMaximumNumber = Maximum Groups
message.groupPropertiesIdealCapacity = Optimum capacity
message.groupPropertiesMaximumCapacity = Capacity
message.groupPropertiesMinimumCapacity = Minimum Capacity
message.groupPropertiesName = Name of group
message.groupPropertiesProjectDescription = Description
message.groupPropertiesShiftType = Type of shift = To enroll the student to new disciplines. = To enroll the student subjects simply select them below. = To unsubscribe simply subjects the student to select them below. = Information on managing personal page should be placed here.
message.hourFormat = (Hh: mm)
message.html.allowed = It is allowed to use HTML.
message.imsFeedback = Feedback Question
message.infoAttendsSet.not.available = There are elements in the set.
message.infoGroupProperties.not.available = You can not edit the properties of this group.
message.infoGroupPropertiesList.not.available = No group exists.
message.infoNewProjectsProposalsList.not.available = There are no proposed new groupings.
message.infoSentedProjectsProposalsWaitingList.not.available = There are groups offered to other disciplines.
message.infoSiteStudentGroupList.not.available = There are elements in the group.
message.infoSiteStudentsAndGroupsList.not.available = There are no students in groups.
message.infoSiteStudentsAndShiftByStudentGroupList.not.available = There are no groups of students to join the round.
message.initialStatement = Initial Declaration:
message.initialStatement.explanation = The initial statement is a small text or an optional service that teachers can put on the homepage. If you want you can use HTML. = here
message.inquiries.available.non.students = Students may participate via Internet in the Student Portal.
message.inquiries.available.prefix = Surveys are available for evaluating the functioning of the disciplines.
message.inquiries.available.students = To participate can answer
message.insert.infoGroupProperties.not.available = It is not possible to create a new group.
message.insertBibliographyData = Enter data of references
message.insertGroupPropertiesData = Insert Data Group Properties
message.insertItem = Insert item
message.insertNewExercise.information = Here you can enter new exercises. The exercises were accepted by the system following the Question and Test Interoperability specification (version 1.2) for IMS.
Initially, the exercises are only supported containing content in text format (<mattext>) or image (<matimage>). Additionally these images must be embedded in the exercise in BASE64. Right now are supported multiple-choice questions, multiple response, text and numeric.
The files in XML format, corresponding to variations of the exercise, should be included in ZIP format or in XML format, if it is just a variation.
The metadata file corresponding to the exercise is not mandatory and follows the Meta-data specification (version 1.2) also for IMS.
You can see both the specification on the website of IMS .
message.insertStudentGroup.groupNumber = The group number
message.insertStudentGroupData = Enter the number of the group and allowed students
message.insertStudentGroupShift = Select round:
message.insertStudentsInAttendsSet.NoMembersToAdd = There are no students to add to the set.
message.insuccessfulAdvisoryDistribution = Unable to send alerts to the following students:
message.insuccessfulAdvisoryDistributionForAll = Unable to send reminders to students.
message.insuccessfulStudentAddition = It was not possible to distribute the statement by the students.
message.insuccessfulTestEdition = There was an error. Worksheet was not altered.
message.introduction = Brief Introduction
message.introduction.explanation = You may want to include a little blurb about the study object of discipline, as well as their thematic or problematic. It is suggested that the brief introduction is a general wording. The specifics of the discipline and its program point to other areas of the administration pages. If you want you can use HTML.
message.invalid.password = Please note: the password management system has undergone a change with a view to optimizing system security and users. The implementation of this new system brings a new set of requirements associated with the format of passwords.
Your current password violates some (s) of these requirements, for this reason it was redirected to this page is essential to update the password before re-entering the application. We appreciate your understanding.
For further information see "Authentication and Conditions of Use of Passwords (FAQ)" or contact
message.irs.declaration.not.available = None of irs declarations are not available for download.
message.item.title = Title
message.itemDay = Occurrence
message.itemInformation = Information
message.itemName = Name
message.itemOrder = Order
message.itemUrgent = Urgent = separated by a comma and a space - ','
message.keywords = Keywords
message.label.Hints = With this form you can send emails to recipients selected in advance.
The address field refers to the email address of the sender, for example "
The sender field is the sender's name, eg "Foo Teachers of Discipline."
You can not send attachments with your email. To publish files using the upload feature.
message.lastAnnouncement = Last Ad
message.lastAnnouncements = Latest Ads
message.lastWeekAnnouncements = Announcements last week
message.listInstructions = This operation allows you to display items associated with the chosen section. You can also delete the items you want to put an endorsement on the item you want to delete and confirm deletion. Clicking on the title of an item can edit the information concerning him.
message.mailAddress = Email the teacher responsible
message.mailAddressCourse = Email Subject
message.mailAdressCourse = Email Subject
message.mainEntryText = Body
message.manager.credits = Credits
message.manager.curricular.course.credits = Credits
message.manager.curricular.course.ectsCredits = ECTS credits
message.manager.curricular.course.maxIncrementNac = Maximum number of entries accumulated
message.manager.curricular.course.minIncrementNac = No minimum cumulative enrollment
message.manager.curricular.course.weight = Weight
message.manager.fieldWorkHours = Number of hours of field work
message.manager.labHours = Number of hours of lab
message.manager.praticalHours = Number of practice hours
message.manager.problemsHours = Number of hours of trouble
message.manager.seminaryHours = Number of hours of seminars
message.manager.theoPratHours = Hours of theoretical and practical
message.manager.theoreticalHours = Number of hours of theory
message.manager.trainingPeriodHours = Number of hours of internship
message.manager.tutorialOrientationHours = Number of hours of tutorial guidance
message.mandatory.fill = Required
message.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.proofDateNotDefined = Undefined
message.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesisDeliveryDateNotDefined = Undefined
message.masterDegree.evaluation.alreadyConfirmed = The agenda has already been confirmed. Choose Change Note.
message.masterDegree.evaluation.invalidDate = The Valuation Date is invalid
message.masterDegree.gratuity.chooseExecutionPeriod = Choose one Academic Year.
message.masterDegree.gratuity.createGuideSuccess = The Guide was created successfully
message.masterDegree.gratuity.definition.success = The fee was set successfully.
message.masterDegree.gratuity.insuranceDefinition.success = The value of insurance has been set successfully. = In the following fields must indicate which of the modes of payment available: Totality and / or benefits.
The Payment Period found in different situations must have completed the mandatory deadline. = Add a service must meet the corresponding values and clicking Add.
Remove any case wish to provide added, select its and click Remove.
In the definition of benefits must be aware that the various periods of payment may not be coincidental, including the time of registration. = If a portion of the fee must be paid upon registration must put its stamp on the next option and fill in the corresponding data.
message.masterDegree.gratuity.successInsertExemptionGratuity = The reduction was attributed to Success.
message.masterDegree.gratuity.successRemoveExemptionGratuity = The reduction was successfully removed. = The values of the bribe must be to fill your Value or Annual Party School and Party Masters Thesis for the Master's case Inter-schools.
Similarly, the Unit Value must have only one field: On Discipline For Credit or filled. = To proceed with the listing of Guides by People can choose from the following options: - Enter the number of student
- enter the number and type of identification document
message.masterDegree.notfound.degrees = No courses were found for the school year {0}.
message.masterDegree.notfound.students = There are no students enrolled.
message.masterDegree.notfound.studentsByDegree = No students found the course to {0}.
message.masterDegree.reimbursementGuide.createReimbursementGuideSuccess = The Guide was created successfully Reimbursement
message.masterDegree.reimbursementGuide.editReimbursementGuideSuccess = The guide was edited successfully Reimbursement
message.min = The {0} must be greater than {1}
message.modifiedOn = Updated
message.motiveText = Reason
message.moved.permanently = The location of the site has been permanently moved. You should update your bookmarks. = No = There are no commentaries. = Note: The student number {0} has completed all course subjects "{1}", chosen in the years and semesters. = There are courses for course "{0}", chosen in the years and semesters. = There are subjects on which to register the student with the chosen data. = There are no entries in this curriculum. = Has not been defined table of equivalencies for this course. = There are no scheduled evaluations. = Note: The student number {0} already completed all of their optional subjects course for the current semester. = There was no clear timetable for the student = There are no students enrolled.
message.noEmployees = There are no employees in this unit
message.noMarkToSubmit = There are no notes to refer
message.noRelations = There are no relations with official / unit
message.noResults = No results were found.
message.noSubmitedMarks = There are no notes submitted
message.nonExisting = There are no {0}.
message.nonExistingWebSite = The website is intended does not exist.
message.not.insertedExercise = The metadata entered is invalid.
message.not.insertedList = The following exercises were not included
message.notEnroled = Not Enrolled
message.notPublished = Unpublished
message.notSpecified = not counted.
message.numberOfStudentsOutsideAttendsSet = Students can not enroll in the cluster groups, did belong to the set.
message.objectives.not.available = There are no stated objectives for this course.
message.objectives.not.defined = Objectives not defined.
message.onlineDay = Date Published
message.onlineTests.not.scheduled = There are no chips scheduled for this course.
message.only.presented.thesis.with.orientator.defined = Only the theses for which the juri proposal has been entered can be listed.
message.operacionalObjectives = Operational Objectives
message.operacionalObjectivesEn = Operational Objectives
message.optionNumberRequired = You must indicate the number of options in question.
message.optional = Optional = Situation of the student number {0} with respect to elective courses of your course for the current semester:
message.optionalBibliography = Optional Bibliography
message.orderItems = Items sorted by
message.origin.curricular.course = Select the original disciplines to be included in the rule = Add the source modules to include in the rule:
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.default = Out of the registration period.
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.flunked.students = Students who have been prescribed: enrollment period to {0} {1}
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.normal = Normal Season: enrollment period to {0} {1}
message.out.curricular.course.enrolment.period.specialSeason = Students in special time: enrollment period to {0} {1}
message.out.special.season.enrolment.period.upcoming = Out of the registration period. The next enrollment period begins on Season Special {0} and will run through {1}.
message.parentSection = Edit section parent
message.partiallyCorrectScope = Apply only to multiple-choice questions.
message.pass.classes = password must use at least three different characters. The variants may be: uppercase, lowercase, numerals, special characters.
message.pass.reuse = when you update your password should not reuse an old password.
message.pass.size = the password must be at least 8 characters.
message.pass.weak = password should not be too simple nor based on a dictionary word. = On this page you can manage your contacts PEOPLE to implement intranet. If you want to change their contacts with administrative purposes must do so directly in the staff section, the secretary of undergraduate or postgraduate office.
If you wish to update your photo may do it in the next section or alternatively the operator at the reception CIIST.
message.person.remainingSms = {0} has messages available to ship this month
message.person.sendSmsSuccess = Your message has been sent successfully.
message.person.smsSignature = fAnixIST-{0}
message.person.welcome.body = Here you can view and change your personal information and undertake to change your password.
message.person.welcome.header = Welcome to the personal area. = Entries are provisional pending approval
message.presences = Number of attending students
message.professionalCareer = Management Career
message.professionalCareer.edit = Edit Career
message.professionalCareer.entity = Entity
message.professionalCareer.function = Functions
message.professionalCareer.insert = Insert
message.professionalCareer.insertProfessional = Insert Career = On this page the teacher can manage your career history in teaching.
message.professionalCareer.managementCleanExplanation = If you click "delete" will delete the chosen career.
message.professionalCareer.managementEdit = On this page you can edit the teaching career.
message.professionalCareer.managementInsert = On this page the teacher can enter a new career.
message.professionalCareer.managementInsertCareerExplanation = If you click "Insert" will insert the table a new career.
message.professionalCareer.managementInsertExplanation = By clicking "edit" will change career.
message.professionalCareer.managementSaveExplanation = To save changes click on "Continue".
message.professionalCareer.managementSeeExplanation = If you click on "View Schedule" returns to the Form Teacher and loses the information changed.
message.professionalCareer.years = Years
message.program = Program
message.program.not.available = Declared no program for this discipline.
message.program.not.defined = Program not defined.
message.programEn = Program
message.project.wihtout.coavaliation = None exist
message.project.wihtout.description = No description = Properties without restrictions
message.projects.not.scheduled = There are no projects scheduled for this course.
message.public.chooseContext.warning1 = Warning - If you find information on subjects of 4 or 5 or 5 in 2003/2004 in 2004/2005 Travel Information - Alameda, you must select the curriculum "Degree in Engineering and Computer Science - LEIC - Former Curriculum"
message.public.chooseContext.warning2 = Attention - Due to change in the timing of Degrees in Civil Engineering, Engineering Planning, and Architecture (Order of the Board of the 29th of July), the classrooms of these three have changed Undergraduate = Please proceed to the desired degree of choice.
message.public.degreeCurricularPlan.choose = Please proceed to the choice of curriculum you want. = If you need help, contact us using:
message.public.index.course.consult = This area is the official pages of disciplines that include information on the schedule, curriculum information, ads, etc.. = In this area you can see all the information regarding the courses taught at the institution.
message.public.index.exam.consult = This area is the information on the exams. Here you can see the dates of assessment (1st and 2nd season). = In this area you will find information relating to a room. Here you can see the school hours that same room.
message.public.index.timetable.consult = In this area you can perform a search by course (currently only find degrees) and academic year. What is the current semester.
message.public.notfound.classes = There was no class.
message.public.notfound.curricularCourses = There were no corresponding curriculum subjects.
message.public.notfound.executionCourse = No shifts were found for this discipline.
message.public.notfound.infoShifts = There are no shifts.
message.public.notfound.professorships = Teachers were not found in this query. = Error reading the information requested.
message.public.notfound.rooms = There was not room.
message.public.notfound.shifts = No shifts were found for this discipline.
message.public.notfound.timeTable = Time not available
message.public.thesis.coordination.empty = coordination not defined
message.publication.InsertAuthors = By clicking "Insert Authors" will be able to look for authors who want to, if not find, you can insert a new author.
message.publication.InsertSearchAuthors = Here on this page authors can insert through search service.
message.publication.alreadyInserted = Can not insert the publication on the list, having already been inserted. = Authors
message.publication.deleteAuthorExplanation = If authors want to delete the pre-list of authors, the authors have to select and click on "Delete Authors."
message.publication.insertAuthorExplanation = If authors want to insert the pre-list of authors, the authors have to select and click on "Insert Authors."
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors = To this has to specify the name or part of it and then click "Search" to list the authors found.
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors1 = Note: In the name can be provided only part of the author's name.
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors2 = Example 1: To browse all authors' names that begin with the letter "A" type A%
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors3 = Example 2: To select all author names that start with the letter "A" and having a second name that starts with the letter "M" type A% M%
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors4 = If you do not find the author you want you can insert it by filling out the name and organization.
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors5 = If you find you have to choose the author of the list, marking with a tick on their author.
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors6 = If you want to add more authors will have to do a search again.
message.publication.manageSearchAuthors7 = Then he must press the "Continue" to continue the Insert Publication.
message.publication.missingAuthor = Should set the field "Author".
message.publication.missingOrganization = Should set the field "Organization".
message.publication.notNameFilled = Should set the field "name".
message.publication.notOrganisationFilled = Should set the field "Organization".
message.publication.notSearchFilled = You set the Name field or part of the search. "
message.publication.notfound = Unable to remove the publication from the list, having already been removed or is not listed.
message.publication.stringNomeSearch = Name or part thereof to look for:
message.publicationAttribute.authors = Authors:
message.publicationAttribute.conference = Conference: = Country:
message.publicationAttribute.criticizedAuthor = Criticized Author:
message.publicationAttribute.edition = Edition:
message.publicationAttribute.editor = Publisher:
message.publicationAttribute.editorCity = City of Publisher:
message.publicationAttribute.fascicle = Volume:
message.publicationAttribute.finalPage = End Page:
message.publicationAttribute.format = Format:
message.publicationAttribute.inicialPage = Homepage:
message.publicationAttribute.instituition = Institution:
message.publicationAttribute.isbn = ISBN:
message.publicationAttribute.issn = ISSN:
message.publicationAttribute.journalName = Name of Newspaper / Magazine:
message.publicationAttribute.language = Language:
message.publicationAttribute.local = Location:
message.publicationAttribute.month = Month:
message.publicationAttribute.monthInith = Start Month:
message.publicationAttribute.month_end = Month End:
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.conference = Should set the field "Conference." = You should set the field "Country".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.criticizedAuthor = You should set the field "Author Criticized."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.edition = Should set the field "Edition".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.editor = Should set the field "Company".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.editorCity = Should set the field "City Editor."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.fascicle = Should set the field "Volume".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.firstPage = Should set the field "Home."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.format = You should set the field "Format".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.instituition = You should set the field "institution."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.isbn = Should set the field "ISBN".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.issn = You should set the field "ISSN".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.journalName = You should set the field "Name of Newspaper / Magazine."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.language = Should set the field "Language".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.lastPage = Should set the field "Final Home".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.local = Should set the "Location" field.
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.month = Should set the field "Month".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.monthInith = Should set the field "Start Month".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.month_end = Should set the field "Month End".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.notVAlidate.scope = Should set the field "Scope."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.number = You should set the field "Number".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.numberPages = Should set the field "Number of Pages."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.observation = Should set the field "Notes".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.originalLanguage = Should set the field "Original Language".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.serie = You should set the field "Series".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.subType = Should set the field "Subtype".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.title = Should set the "Title" field.
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.translatedAuthor = Should set the field "Translated Author". = Should set the field "University."
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.url = Should set the field "URL".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.volume = Should set the field "Volume".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.year = You should set the field "Year".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.yearInith = Should set the field "Start Year".
message.publicationAttribute.notVAlidate.year_end = Should set the field "Year End".
message.publicationAttribute.notValidate.value.edition = Should set the field "Edition" numerical.
message.publicationAttribute.notValidate.value.fascicle = Should set the field "Volume" numerical.
message.publicationAttribute.notValidate.value.serie = You should set the field "Series" numerical.
message.publicationAttribute.number = Number:
message.publicationAttribute.numberPages = Number of Pages:
message.publicationAttribute.observations = Remarks:
message.publicationAttribute.originalLanguage = Original Language:
message.publicationAttribute.publicationType = Publication Type:
message.publicationAttribute.required = (*)
message.publicationAttribute.scope = Scope:
message.publicationAttribute.serie = Series:
message.publicationAttribute.subType = Sub-Type:
message.publicationAttribute.title = Title:
message.publicationAttribute.translatedAuthor = Translated Author:
message.publicationAttribute.type = Type: = University:
message.publicationAttribute.url = URL:
message.publicationAttribute.volume = Volume:
message.publicationAttribute.year = Year:
message.publicationAttribute.yearInith = Start Year:
message.publicationAttribute.year_end = Year End:
message.publications.authorPublications = Management of Nature Publications, Teaching and Educational Papers
message.publications.authorsInserteds = Authors who will be Inserted
message.publications.choosePublicationType = On this page the lecturer has to choose what type of publication you want to embed
message.publications.cientificContinue = To return press the "Continue".
message.publications.cientificPublications = Management of Scientific Publications and Projects
message.publications.cleanPublication = To clear fields click the "Clear" button.
message.publications.edit = Edit
message.publications.editPublication = Editing a Publication
message.publications.explanationInsertPublication = To insert a new publication has to go to the section "Management of publications" and follow the instructions.
message.publications.explanationTeacherCientific = Here on this page are presented all its publications or Scientific Project.
message.publications.explanationTeacherDidatic = Here on this page are presented all its publications Nature Teaching-Pedagogical and Monographs.
message.publications.fieldsToFill = Fields to complete (required to fill in fields marked with (*)):
message.publications.insert = Insert
message.publications.insertAuthors = Insert Authors
message.publications.insertInTeacher = To insert a form publishing his teacher hit "Enter" concerning the publication of choice.
message.publications.insertPublication = Enter a Publication
message.publications.insertPublication.Unstructured = The option lets you enter Unstructured each publication as a block of text, similar to what happened in the old system acronym. Please note that the information to be inserted must be complete (author, title, etc. ...). This option is the least that will set the future management of intellectual publication to make the system, yet has enough information on what is required in the evaluation / accreditation of degree. = On this page the teacher can manage their record of publications. = The Administration Module Publications is developing in order to allow for the future management of the intellectual output of the School. This will be even established contacts with the FCT. At present the bibliographic items stored here are used only in Form Teacher.
message.publications.managementCleanExplanation = If you click "delete" will delete the selected publication.
message.publications.managementCleanPublicationTeacher = By clicking 'Remove' will remove only the publication of the statement of Professor.
message.publications.managementConfirmDelete = This publication will be deleted.
message.publications.managementContinue = Clicking on "Continue" will return to the form for Faculty.
message.publications.managementDeleted = The publication was successfully deleted.
message.publications.managementEdit = On this page the teacher can edit a publication.
message.publications.managementEditPublication = By clicking "edit" will change the publication.
message.publications.managementInsert = On this page the teacher can insert a new publication.
message.publications.managementInsertExplanation = By clicking "edit" will change the publication.
message.publications.managementInsertPubExplanation = If you click "Insert" will insert the table a new publication.
message.publications.managementInsertPublication = If you click "Insert" will insert the table a new publication.
message.publications.managementInsertPublicationTeacher = By clicking "Add" a publication will add to your record as a teacher.
message.publications.managementNoPublications = Not have any publication associated with sheet Lecturer.
message.publications.managementSeeExplanation = If you click on "View Schedule" returns to the Form Teacher and loses the information changed.
message.publications.more5 = Reached the maximum number (5) publications, so in order to add a new one has to remove. = Name:
message.publications.noAuthorpublicationsCientific = There were no scientific or any publication project, to be able to include in their form teacher, or already have all Inserted into the socket.
message.publications.noAuthorpublicationsDidatic = There were no publication of any nature or Pedagogical-Didactic Essay, in order to include in their form teacher, or have already been Inserted in any form.
message.publications.noAuthors = The only author is Professor.
message.publications.notFound = The name I searched was not found, so fill out the form below and click "Insert Author."
message.publications.organisation = Organization:
message.publications.publication = Published
message.publications.publicationType = Publication Type:
message.publications.savePublication = To save your publication in the table click the Save button. = Name
message.publications.table.organisation = Organization
message.publications.table.result = Search results: = Select
message.publications.teacherPresent = The author is the sole teacher.
message.publications.teacherPresentAndListPresent = The Faculty is already present in the list, just not displayed.
message.publications.warning = In this section, you can manage your publications, or to edit, insert, etc. ..
message.publish = Publish = You must fill in the date of publication only if you select the published state.
message.publishMarks = Publishing Schedule
message.published = Published
message.publishment = Publication Notes
message.publishmentMessage = Message
message.qualification = Management Skills
message.qualification.insert = Insert = On this page the teacher can manage their history of academic qualifications.
message.qualification.managementCleanExplanation = If you click "delete" will delete the chosen qualification.
message.qualification.managementInsert = On this page the teacher can insert a new qualification.
message.qualification.managementInsertExplanation = By clicking "edit" will change the classification chosen.
message.qualification.managementInsertQualExplanation = If you click "Add Qualification" will insert a table in the new qualification.
message.qualification.managementSaveExplanation = To save changes click on "Continue".
message.qualification.managementSeeExplanation = If you click on "View Schedule" returns to the Form Teacher and loses the information changed.
message.questionValue = The value of the question
message.recommended = Main
message.recommendedBibliography = Recommended Bibliography
message.available = are now
message.not.available = are now not
message.removeVariation.changeStudentVariation = There are more variations of this exercise. Want to swap questions with another student, and erase this variation?
message.removeVariation.noMoreVariation = There are other variations of the exercise. To delete the change must first change the students' questions with another question for this variation.
message.requirements = Requirements
message.resource.does.not.exist = The requested resource was not found = Last Comment
message.rooms.none = There were no rooms.
message.rooms.notExisting = There are no rooms.
message.rss.1 = You can receive information of each course at IST via RSS. Simply subscribe to the feed in your favorite RSS viewer.
message.rss.2 = What is RSS?
message.rss.3 = RSS (Really Simple Syndication ou Rich Site Summary) is standard based on an XML language. It allows you to get updated information from multiple sources in your RSS viewer.
message.rss.4 = RSS viewers
message.rss.5 = RSS viewers group information from multiple sources in a summarized manner. Many free and comercial viewers exist on the web for all platforms.
message.rss.6 = List of news aggregators in Wikipedia:
message.rss.7 = Available feeds
message.rss.copy.feeds = Copy the URL's to your RSS viewer. = Please enter some data on the room you want.
message.sectionName = Name
message.sectionOrder = Before
message.sectionsConfiguration.instructions = This operation allows you to configure the details of the existing sections. Please note that the name change has an affect on the FTP directory on the server that receives the presentation files of the sections.
message.sectionsManagement = The Management option allows you to create sections sections on the main page of the Institution. It also allows managing the existing items in their respective sections. = Select the group of origin and the target group to include in the rule
message.selectShifts = Select the shifts
message.selectStudents = Select students
message.sendSMS = Send SMS
message.set.destination.curricular.course.operator = Select the operator to apply the disciplines of destination = Select the operator to apply the modules target
message.set.non.list.fields = Enter the relevant properties for the rule of equivalence to create
message.shift.classes.none = There are no classes assigned to shift.
message.shift.lessons.none = There are no classes assigned to shift. = The part {0} has no associated class.
message.shift.without.groups = No groups
message.shifts.not.available = There are no shifts.
message.shiftsOrStudents = Shifts or Students = Show previous degree curricular plans
message.showAvailableQuestions.information = In the years following table are available to insert into the worksheet.
If you press in describing an exercise, you may see other available information about the exercise, an example of a variation and you can also insert it into the socket.
To insert exercises in the worksheet, select the exercises you want and select Insert.
After entering the exercises you want, press Continue to view the bookmark and where you can change the rating or financial position of the plug. You can always return to this page if you want to insert new exercises.
If you wish to cancel, press Remove sheet.
message.showAvailableQuestionsForChange.information = In the years following table are available to exchange for the selected exercise.
message.showDistributedTests.information = In the following table are presented the worksheets that were distributed by students. You can make changes by pressing the title sheet for the form to change.
You can view statistics for a card by choosing Statistics. To view the guidelines, the bookmarks for each student and their logs choose Schedule.
You can also export a set of guidelines for an Excel file. To do this select the music that you want and choose Export.
message.showExercise.information = Here are some information about exercise and an example of a variation.
You can insert, choose the price, form and position correction in the form of exercise. You can always remove the exercise, change the quotation form of correction or the position of the same form in the editing form.
message.showStudentTest.information = Here you can view information about the selected student with the answers submitted so far. You can change the form of questions the student choosing the option associated Change the question to change.
message.showStudentTestLog.information = Here you can view the records of the selected student. In relation to the event "Submit Form" are registered note that all student attempts, even if the RESPONSE has not been accepted by the system (where the plug is an evaluation form and only the first response is accepted by the system) .
message.showTestMarks.information = In the following table are the grades given for each question and the final score for this statement. For each student can view the worksheet, as well as its log by using the options sheet and See See log. If desired, you can create a spreadsheet by choosing Export to Excel file.
message.showTestMarksStatistics.information = The following table shows the percentage of correct answers, wrong and unanswered so far.
message.showTests.information = In the following table are the chips that have already been created.
Here you can, with the Create Form, create a new worksheet. You can also choose Edit to view or change the plug, remove the plug, or duplicate the form if you want to create a new bookmark equal. You can also distribute the plug by students enrolled in the course.
message.showVariation.information = You can view all the variations of this exercise.
You can see the correction, and feedback associated with listing every variation and will also be given the correct answer if you want to use the formulas for correction of Phoenix.
message.siteAddress = Alternative Site
message.siteandmail.information = Please indicate what the page address alternative discipline (if any) and email the person responsible for administration of the pages of the discipline. The indication of email, since this is a personal data, it is not mandatory.
message.sms.unavailable = The sms service is unavailable. = No courses were found
message.sortOptionalBibliography = Sort entries
message.sortRecommendedBibliography = Sort entries
message.student.cannotEnroll.inquiriesNotAnswered = Surveys have to be answered. Please fill them before continuing your Enrollment Courses.
message.student.curricular.plan.various = Note: It is normal that there are two curricula for the same course.
The curriculum plan with the earliest date (year of entry into the IST), contains his resume just like the viewing point can usually accessed through the page of the IST.
The curriculum with the most recent date (this school year), it contains your resume as if you had started this year, ie only with the disciplines in which they are enrolled from this school year.
The reason for this separation is to give chance to check the correctness of his past to resume later (and after to make sure everything is in order), gathering all the information in a single curriculum.
message.student.curriculum = Curriculum Student
message.student.does.not.exist = There is no student with the indicated number
message.student.does.not.have.equivalence.plan = The student indicated he is unable to have a plan of equivalents.
message.student.enrolled.curricularCourses = Curriculum subjects that are subscribed
message.student.enrollment.confirmation = The registration was successful. Confirm the current situation below. = If you want subscriptions to other areas should select the ones you want. = Chairs without shifts to which it is written:
message.student.enrolment.discipline.not.available = There are no entries in any discipline.
message.student.enrolment.not.available = Registration not yet available.
message.student.enrolment.not.selected = ---
message.student.enrolment.shifts.not.available = There are shifts available for registration.
message.student.shift.enrolment = Shift and Discipline
message.student.unenrolled.curricularCourses = Curriculum subjects in which they can register
message.student.whithout.enrollments = The student has no inscriptions.
message.studentGroup.without.students = No Students
message.studentGroups.not.available = There are no groups.
message.studentQuestionsAnsweredNumber = Number of questions answered:
message.studentQuestionsNotAnsweredNumber = Number of unanswered questions:
message.studentTest.notSent = The worksheet has not been sent. The deadline for completing the form is finished.
message.studentTest.sent = The worksheet was sent.
message.students = {0}
message.students.attendsSearch.noResults = Previous search has no results
message.students.explanation = Here you can obtain the form of a table, lists information for pupils to attend the course. You can filter the list to get only the students belonging to one or more courses, students with registration in the office or students enrolled in a given shift. The system can also send an email message to all students in the list visible at any given time, as well as export the list to a spreadsheet.
message.studentsWithDistributedTest = student (s) with this statement.
message.studentsnumber.attended.lesson = {0} students attended the lecture. = There is no information regarding the number of students who attended the lecture.
message.subQuestions = This question is a question with points. After answering a new point may appear to respond. = Help: Fail - RE; Not Rated - NA; Approved without quantitative note - AP
message.submit.warning = The scores of students who are to conduct improve grades must be posted in the office
message.successful.enrolment = Registration successful.
message.successfulChanged = The student's question was changed successfully.
message.successfulDeletion = The exercise was successfully removed.
message.successfulDistribution = Worksheet was distributed successfully.
message.successfulExerciseCreation = The exercise was successfully created.
message.successfulExerciseEdition = The exercise information was changed successfully.
message.successfulTestDeletion = Worksheet has been successfully removed.
message.successfulTestEdition = Worksheet successfully changed.
message.sucessfullInsert = The exercises have been successfully inserted.
message.summaries.not.available = No summaries were found.
message.summaries.not.found = No summaries were found this type of class.
message.summaryDate = Date of Lecture
message.summaryHour = Lecture Time
message.summaryText = Contents
message.summaryText.last = Previous Contents
message.summaryType = Type of school = Use the following form to contact the development team. Send us a short description of your request. Thanks.
message.teacher.edit.marks.mixedGrades = There are assigned marks using a grade scale that is incompatible with the current grade scale for this evaluation.
message.teacher.evaluation = There are no students attending the course. = The teacher teaches courses not chosen for the semester.
message.teacher.scientificCouncilControl.objectives = Only the Scientific Council has privileges to change the basic objectives of curriculum subjects.
message.teacher.scientificCouncilControl.program = Only the Scientific Council has privileges to modify the basic program curriculum subjects.
message.teacher.thesis.confirmed.documents = We confirmed the correct introduction of the following elements: keywords, abstract, extended abstract and paper.
message.teacherCredit.notFound = No records found of service of teachers.
message.teacherCredits.explanation = On the table are listed the semesters for which data were found on his teaching.
message.teacherInformation.actualizationDate = Date Updated Information:
message.teacherInformation.articlesAndChaptersPublications = Articles and Chapters (in Books)
message.teacherInformation.articlesPublications = Articles in magazines
message.teacherInformation.birthDate = Date of Birth:
message.teacherInformation.bookAuthorPublications = Books (Author)
message.teacherInformation.bookEditorPublications = Books (Editor)
message.teacherInformation.careerCategory = Category
message.teacherInformation.careerPositions = Discipline / Functions
message.teacherInformation.category = Category:
message.teacherInformation.cientificPublications = Scientific publications or projects of his own (or co-authored), by itself considered most important (maximum 5)
message.teacherInformation.comunicationsPublications = Communications (in / Conference)
message.teacherInformation.course = Course:
message.teacherInformation.department = Department:
message.teacherInformation.description = Description
message.teacherInformation.editQualifications = Edit Rating
message.teacherInformation.entity = Entity
message.teacherInformation.externalActivities = Liaison activities abroad undertaken under the IST (training courses, community support projects, liaison with other institutions, etc.) in
message.teacherInformation.functions = Functions
message.teacherInformation.insertQualifications = Post feedback
message.teacherInformation.institution = Institution: = International
message.teacherInformation.investigation = Research (ID)
message.teacherInformation.lectureCourse = Discipline
message.teacherInformation.lectureCourses = Discipline (s) taught (s)
message.teacherInformation.managementEdit = On this page you can edit the teacher qualification selected.
message.teacherInformation.managementWorks = Management / Administrative Tasks
message.teacherInformation.managerPosition = Management positions within the University exercised in
message.teacherInformation.masterThesis = Masters Thesis = Name:
message.teacherInformation.national = National
message.teacherInformation.noExecutionCourseLectured = Not taught any discipline in this period.
message.teacherInformation.notYetAvailable = Information not yet available.
message.teacherInformation.number = No.
message.teacherInformation.numberOfClass = No classes
message.teacherInformation.numberOfHours = No. of Hours
message.teacherInformation.numberOfPublications = No. of national and international publications (last 5 academic years)
message.teacherInformation.numberOfStudents = No. Students
message.teacherInformation.numberOfWeeklyHours = Number of Hours (weekly)
message.teacherInformation.orientations = Guidance and Training Thesis / Final Works Course (# of students and description) in
message.teacherInformation.others = Other
message.teacherInformation.ownPublications = Among his publications (or co-author), pedagogical-didactic in nature and monographs disclosure by itself considered most important (maximum 5)
message.teacherInformation.phdThesis = Doctoral Thesis
message.teacherInformation.professionalCareer = Career
message.teacherInformation.qualifications = Educational Qualifications
message.teacherInformation.qualificationsDegree = Course
message.teacherInformation.qualificationsMark = Note
message.teacherInformation.qualificationsTitle = Degree = School
message.teacherInformation.semester = Half
message.teacherInformation.serviceRegime = Service Delivery scheme in July
message.teacherInformation.supportLessons = Assistance to students
message.teacherInformation.teachers = Teaching
message.teacherInformation.teachingCareer = Career in Teaching
message.teacherInformation.tfc = Internships / TFC 's
message.teacherInformation.typeOfClass = Type of Lessons
message.teacherInformation.warning = The form should be filled in the order that is presented and the data filled in paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will only be saved after teaching press "Confirm."
message.teacherInformation.weeklySpendTime = Average time spent in the IST (no. of hours per week), the following activities in
message.teacherInformation.year = Year
message.teacherInformation.years = Years
message.teacherNumber = The number of Teacher
message.teachers.not.available = Information not available. Contact us so we can provide this information.
message.teachingCareer = Management Career in Teaching
message.teachingCareer.CourseOrPosition = Courses / Positions
message.teachingCareer.category = Category
message.teachingCareer.edit = Edit Career in Teaching
message.teachingCareer.insert = Insert
message.teachingCareer.insertCareer = Insert Career in Teaching = On this page the teacher can manage your career history in teaching.
message.teachingCareer.managementCleanExplanation = If you click "delete" will delete the chosen career.
message.teachingCareer.managementEdit = On this page you can edit the teaching career.
message.teachingCareer.managementInsert = On this page the teacher can enter a new career.
message.teachingCareer.managementInsertCareerExplanation = If you click "Insert" will insert the table a new career.
message.teachingCareer.managementInsertExplanation = By clicking "edit" will change career.
message.teachingCareer.managementSaveExplanation = To save changes click on "Continue".
message.teachingCareer.managementSeeExplanation = If you click on "View Schedule" returns to the Form Teacher and loses the information changed.
message.teachingCareer.notpresent = There are no categories
message.teachingCareer.years = Years
message.teachingReport.AP = No. of Students Approved (AP)
message.teachingReport.AP/AV = AP / AV
message.teachingReport.AP/IN = AP / IN
message.teachingReport.AV = Number of Students Evaluated (AV) **
message.teachingReport.IN = Number of Students Enrolled (IN)
message.teachingReport.approvalRates = Evolution rates of adoption
message.teachingReport.courseDepartment = Department:
message.teachingReport.courseInfo = Semester:
message.teachingReport.courseName = Discipline:
message.teachingReport.courseSection = Section:
message.teachingReport.courseURL = Web Address:
message.teachingReport.curricularName = Course Curriculum
message.teachingReport.executionYear = Academic Year
message.teachingReport.lab = Laboratory
message.teachingReport.note1 = * These figures do not include students improve their grades, and include the proceeds of the notes released daily into the system after validation of the secretariat.
message.teachingReport.note2 = ** Rated - students in the Graduate Department had launched a note as approved or disapproved with a grade greater than or equal to 10.
message.teachingReport.note3 = (Approval Rate, Number of Students Examined, Global Assessment)
message.teachingReport.prat = Practice = Comments on the Functioning of the Disciplinary
message.teachingReport.responsibleTeacher = Responsible:
message.teachingReport.students = Students
message.teachingReport.text1 = Send to Section Coordinator until one month after completing its latest assessment of the discipline (preferably in electronic format):
message.teachingReport.text3 = Schedule weekly program actually given.
message.teachingReport.text4 = Statements of Examinations, Assignments and other forms of assessment.
message.teachingReport.thanks = Thank you for your cooperation.
message.teachingReport.theo = Theoretical
message.teachingReport.theoPrat = Theoretical and Practical
message.ten = 10 = Sheet unavailable. = No events registered.
message.testBeginDate = Start Date
message.testBeginHour = Start Time
message.testDistributed = This sheet is distributed. You are not allowed to change this statement because the statement is distributed.
message.testEndDate = End Date
message.testEndHour = End Time = Tariff unavailable.
message.testOrder = Insert the sheet before
message.testType = File Type = Author (s):
message.tests.instructions = - The Create Card lets you create new worksheets.
- With the option List Sheets can create, view, change, remove, and distribute the worksheets available.
- Distributed Bookmarks List allows you to manage the chips that have been distributed.
- Create Exercise enables the creation of new exercises in the system or add variations to an existing exercise.
- Import allows you insert new financial year in the system.
- With the option List Exercises can enter, edit, add or remove exercises variations.
- The Administration option allows the Department to return to the administration menu of disciplines.
message.tests.instructionsIntroduction = The Phoenix system includes features which allow for a quick and efficient, build and distribute worksheets for their students, which are answered by the Internet and automatically corrected. These chips can be used as a means of evaluation, self-assessment, or even to make inquiries to their students.
Questions for the chips to be imported into the system, and should be in standard QTI (version 1.2) of the IMS . Are there authoring tools that support this format, such as tool IMS Assesst Designer .
Right now are supported multiple-choice questions, multiple response, numeric and text ( see examples ).
The STI has also developed a very powerful tool to create questions (READ), which generates as many variations as one wants from a single question format. If you wish to use this system should contact the GAEL (ext 3549) that may help.
Below is a brief description of several features already implemented. = There are no worksheets distributed = There are exercises available = This sheet is not assigned to any student. = There are worksheets available
message.tests.notDefined = Not defined
message.tests.question = Question
message.tests.questionCardinality = Response Type
message.tests.questionValue = Question quote:
message.tests.subQuestionValue = Quote of the paragraph:
message.text.editor.requires = Information: Only the following browsers support the HTML editor - Mozilla 1.3 +, Mozilla Firebird / Firefox 0.6.1 +, Internet Explorer 5 +, Netscape 7.1 +
message.tfcStudentsNumber = Number of students tfc
message.thesis.publication.notAvailable = There is no publication associated with this dissertation.
message.title = Title
message.tutorshipSummary.confirm = Form tutor edited successfully!
message.tutorshipSummary.empty = There are no records available
message.twentyFive = 25
message.unavailableObjectives = Targets not available
message.unavailableProgram = Program not available
message.unavailableStudents = There are no students available.
message.user.does.not.exist = The account that has logged in is not active for this service. = The CIIST is to make the total renovation of the Mail service in the IST. With this process, will be unified into a single system, capacity and reliability substantially higher, several sub-systems of mail currently in operation. For simplicity and ease of use, access to new mail system will be made using your username and password system Phoenix.
The passage of the accounts of older systems to the new system requires a process of migration (transfer) of accounts. The transfer of the account of each user to the new system will only take place after the user receives an email on this subject, which will include detailed instructions to be followed to complete this process. = You will be redirected to the site of self-service CIIST. = Enter in the box following the verification code you received via email:
message.way = so
message.webSiteManagement = This feature allows you to configure and manage their websites. Below is a list of sites for which permission has to manage.
message.weekdays = The weekdays are of the form: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in which S 2 corresponds to second Friday, and S stands for Saturday. = Welcome to the homepage of Management
message.without.shift = Without Shift
message.writtenTests.associate.rooms = Rooms Available:
message.writtenTests.empty.associate.rooms = There are no rooms available to associate with the test
message.writtenTests.not.scheduled = There are no tests scheduled for this course.
message.yes = Yes
message.your.information.was.sucessully.changed = Your data has been changed successfully.
morada = Address
msg.annuled = Annulled
msg.approved = Approved
msg.apt = Apt
msg.enroled = Entered
msg.enrolled = Entered
msg.notApproved = Disapproved
msg.notEvaluated = Not Rated
msg.temporarilyEnroled = Admitted Temporarily
nascimento = Date of Birth
nationality = Nationality
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.dataTransferObject.spaceManager.FindSpacesBean$SpacesSearchCriteriaType.EXECUTION_COURSE = Discipline
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.dataTransferObject.spaceManager.FindSpacesBean$SpacesSearchCriteriaType.PERSON = Person
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.dataTransferObject.spaceManager.FindSpacesBean$SpacesSearchCriteriaType.SPACE = Space
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.dataTransferObject.spaceManager.FindSpacesBean$SpacesSearchCriteriaType.WRITTEN_EVALUATION = Writing Assessment
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accounting.postingRules.AdministrativeOfficeFeePR.startDate = Start Date
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.DFAGratuityByAmountPerEctsPR = Value for ECTS
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.DFAGratuityByNumberOfEnrolmentsPR = Value for Registration
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.GratuityWithPaymentPlanPR = Rule-based Fee Payment Plans
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.PastDegreeGratuityPR = Rule-based Fee Payment Plans (Apply the courses PAST)
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.SpecializationDegreeGratuityByAmountPerEctsPR = Value for ECTS
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.accounting.postingRules.gratuity.StandaloneEnrolmentGratuityPR = Fee rule p / Subscriptions Curriculum Units Isolated
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.presentationTier.jsf.validators.INVALID_INPUT = Entered value is not a valid format
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.presentationTier.jsf.validators.autoCompleteValidator.AUTO_COMPLETE_VALUE_REQUIRED = Required Field
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.presentationTier.jsf.validators.autoCompleteValidator.INVALID_AUTO_COMPLETE_INPUT = Choose one of the existing elements
net.sourceforge.fenixedu.presentationTier.jsf.validators.dateValidator.INVALID_DATE = Invalid date. Use {0}
no.execution.course = Chair nonexistent = Site nonexistent
noAuthorization = You are not authorized to perform operation.
nome = Name
nomeMae = Mother's Name
nomePai = Father's Name = To mark the assessment exam period should contact the GOP.
notes = Remarks
numContribuinte = No. of Contributor
numeroDocumentoIdentificacao = Number of Identity Document
of = of
of.feminine = of
of.masculine = of
operator = Operator
option.all.execution.periods = All periods
option.bibliographicReference.optional = Secondary
option.bibliographicReference.recommended = Top
option.curricularCourse.extra = Extra
option.curricularCourse.optional = Optional
option.groupProperties.enrolmentPolicy.atomic = Atomic
option.groupProperties.enrolmentPolicy.individual = Single
payments = Payments
person = Person
person.disable.send.emails = I don't want to receive any further emails from any unit, department or the Fénix system.
person.homepage.url = Address:
principalSalas.createSalaLinkName = Create Room
principalSalas.manipulateSalasLinkName = Handle Salas
print = Print
processing = Process
professorship.permissions = Premissions
professorship.permissions.options = Options for
profissao = Profession
property.advisory.expirationDate = Validity:
property.advisory.from = From:
property.advisory.message = Message:
property.advisory.recipients = Recipients:
property.advisory.recipients.employees = Staff
property.advisory.recipients.students = Students
property.advisory.recipients.teachers = Teachers
property.advisory.subject = Subject:
property.aula = Class
property.aula.disciplina = Discipline
property.aula.sala = Room
property.aula.time.begining = Start Times
property.aula.time.end = End times
property.aula.time.minutes.begining = Minutes beginning
property.aula.time.minutes.end = Minutes End
property.aula.type = Type
property.aula.weekDay = Weekday
property.capacity = Capacity
property.certificate = Certificate
property.class = Class = Name
property.class.nameShift = Name of the class:
property.classes = Classes
property.classesList.not.null = You must select at least one class.
property.context.course = Discipline
property.context.curricular.year = Year Course = Course
property.context.pavillion = Pavilion
property.context.semester = Half
property.course = Discipline
property.course.initials = Course Code = Disciplines
property.curricularCourse.branch = Branch
property.curricularCourse.curricularYear = Year = Name
property.curricularCourse.semester = Half
property.curricularYear = Year Course = Graduation = Graduation
property.degrees = Undergraduate = Email:
property.evaluationType = Type of evaluation
property.exam.1stExam = 1st Period
property.exam.2stExam = 2nd Period
property.exam.beginning = Shift
property.exam.comment = Note = Day
property.exam.manage = Manipulate
property.exam.month = Month
property.exam.number.vacancies = Number of seats per booking
property.exam.reservedRooms = Reserved rooms
property.exam.rooms = Salas
property.exam.season = Time
property.exam.specialSeasonExam = Special Season
property.exam.year = Year
property.examsFirstEnd = Period End of 1st Semester Exams
property.examsFirstStart = Beginning of Period 1st Semester Exams
property.examsSecondEnd = End of Semester 2 Exams
property.examsSecondStart = Start Period Examination of 2nd Semester
property.execution.period = Implementation Period
property.executionCourse = Discipline
property.executionCourse.associatedCurricularCourses = Associated Curriculum Subjects:
property.executionCourse.curricularHours = Course load:
property.executionCourse.fieldWorkHours = Fieldwork
property.executionCourse.labHours = Laboratory = Name of the Discipline
property.executionCourse.practicalHours = Practice
property.executionCourse.problemsHours = Issues
property.executionCourse.seminaryHours = Seminars
property.executionCourse.theoreticalHours = Theoretical
property.executionCourse.theoreticalPracticalHours = Theory-Practice
property.executionCourse.trainingPeriodHours = Stage
property.executionCourse.tutorialOrientationHours = Tutorial
property.executionDegree = Course Implementation
property.executionPeriod = Implementation Period
property.faq.answer = Answer
property.faq.question = Question
property.glossary.definition = Definition
property.glossary.term = Term
property.groupOrGroups = Group(s)
property.groups = Groups = Help:
property.hours = Time (s)
property.index = An element
property.lesson.beginning = Beginning
property.lesson.end = End = Room
property.lesson.weekDay = Weekday
property.lessonFirstEnd = Classes End of 1st Half
property.lessonFirstStart = Start of classes for the 1st Semester
property.lessonSecondEnd = Lessons from the End of Semester 2
property.lessonSecondStart = Start of Classes of Semester 2
property.lessons = Classes
property.login.password = Password:
property.login.username = Username:
property.message = Message: = Name
property.number = Number:
property.number.students.attending.course = No. of students = Room = Edificio = Capacity Examination = Normal Capacity = Floor = Name = Type
property.semester = Half
property.semester.toCreate = Half create
property.semester.toImport = Semester to import data
property.shift = Shift
property.shift.capacity = Capacity = Name
property.shift.ocupation = Occupation
property.shift.percentage = Percentage
property.shift.type = Type = Type of Course:
property.students.enroled = No Students Enrolled
property.subject = Subject:
property.time.end = End Time
property.time.start = Start time
property.turno = Shift
property.turno.capacity = Capacity
property.turno.disciplina = Discipline = Name
property.turno.type = Type
property.turnos = Shifts:
property.type = Type
property.week = Week
property.weekday = Day of the week
property.year.toCreate = Year to create
property.year.toImport = Year to import data
registration.has.not.payed.gratuities = The Student Tuition Payments has at this late enrollment. = The Student School Insurance payments have delayed this Registration.
reject = Reject
required.searchField = You must specify a search field
required.value = You must specify a search term
role.delegate = Delegate
role.department.credits.manager = Credit Administrator Department
role.department.member = State Department
role.directiveCouncil = Board
role.gep = Employee of the GEP
rooms.reserve.title = Room Reservations
sala.bulding = Building:
sala.examinationCapacity = Capacity Survey:
sala.floor = Floors:
sala.minimalExaminationCapacity = Examination Minimum Capacity:
sala.minimalNormalCapacity = Max Normal Low: = Name:
sala.normalCapacity = Max Normal:
sala.type = Type:
scientificCommission.person.duplicate = The person chosen is already part of the Scientific Commission. = There are rooms that meet the search criteria.
section.cannotDeleteWhileHasItemsWithFiles = The section can not be deleted while their items or their subsections have associated files
see.specified.rooms.reserve.title = Showing Request
seminariesCoordinator = Seminar Coordinator
sendMail.students = Send email to students
special.season.filename = SpecialSeason
special.season.semester = Term
student = Student
student.registration.states.log = Log of state tuition
studentMasterDegree = M.Sc. student
support.Contact = Support Form = This form allows you to contact the system technical support team. Use it to report an error, to tell us your sugestion or request or if you have any doubt. To solve any academic issue, please contact the central services.
support.form.message.exception = Be as detailed as possible in the problem description. Please tells us the steps to reproduce it, as well as what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. = Be as detailed as possible when describing a problem. If you're reporting an error, please tells us the steps to reproduce it, as well as what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. = Help us resolve the most urgent issues by telling us the importance of your request.
support.mail.sent = Your request was sent to the technical support team. You will soon receive an answer. Thank you.
support.mail.session.error = user without active session / no roles obtained
support.mail.submitted = Your message will be processed as soon as possible.
Thank you for contact.
The Fenix team.
support.mail.url =
teacher = Professor
teacher.docente = Lecturer
telefone = Telephone
telemovel = Mobile
test.message = Class {0}.
text.coordinator.degreeSite.editOK = The changes were made successfully. Displays the page of the course through the Link = Here you can:
- manage all information available on the Home Course;
- see page history Course;
- and still see their home page. = Here you can:
- View the curriculum for the student;
- Enroll the student in courses under the rules of their course;
text.masterDegree = In terms of Education Graduate IST offers a set of programs and PhD thesis, which seek to respond to training needs posed by the new demands of the knowledge society.
text.nonMasterDegree = Since its creation, the IST has been constantly evolving and growing, both quantitatively and qualitatively, having heard increasingly contribute to the social and economic development of the country. Today, IST offers 22 undergraduate programs, attended by over 8600 students, covering a wide range of disciplines, including not only all the traditional specialties of Engineering, as well as other highly topical, such as the Biological Engineering, the Biomedical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering or Engineering Physics. = Here you can:
- See tutorandos their dependents;
- Show a grid containing the evolution of performance tutorandos their dependents;
- View the curriculum for the student;
- Send email to a group of students;
- Enroll the student in courses under the rules of their course;
the.feminine = the
the.masculine = the
thesis.already.evaluated = This thesis is already evaluated.
thesis.approved.mail.sent = He was sent an email to the student and all members of the jury to notify the approval. = You should print the homologation form, sign and send to the Graduate Center.
thesis.condition.orientation.credits.notDefined = You have to define the distribution of credits.
thesis.condition.orientation.notInternal = One of the advisors have to be an internal person to the IST.
thesis.condition.orientator.required = You have to add someone to the orientation.
thesis.condition.people.few = The jury must be composed of at least three people.
thesis.condition.people.number.exceeded = Just can propose up to five people for the jury.
thesis.condition.people.repeated.coordination = The mentors have to be different.
thesis.condition.people.repeated.vowels = Repeatedly chose the same person as member of the jury.
thesis.condition.people.repeated.vowels.inOtherPosition = A vowel can not perform other functions on the jury. = You must add at least one vowel.
thesis.condition.president.notInternal = The foreman has to be an internal person to the IST.
thesis.condition.president.required = The foreman has to be defined.
thesis.condition.president.scientificCommission.notMember = The foreman must be a property of the Scientific Commission.
thesis.confirm.noAbstract = The student did not define the abstract of the dissertation.
thesis.confirm.noDiscussionDate = The student did not make the date of discussion.
thesis.confirm.noDissertation = The student has not submitted the dissertation.
thesis.confirm.noExtendedAbstract = The student has not submitted the extensive summary of the dissertation.
thesis.confirm.noKeywords = The student did not define the key words of the dissertation.
thesis.confirm.notConfirmed = The thesis is not confirmed in the state.
thesis.creation.not.allowed.because.out.of.period = Finished the period of creation of theses for the academic year selected.
thesis.enrolment.hasFinalThesis = Student No. {0} has already finished his dissertation process for this year. Check the list of dissertations the current status of the student.
thesis.enrolment.thesis.notEvaluated = Student No. {0} has already created a proposal for a jury. Check the list of dissertations the current status of the student.
thesis.finalTitle = Title = The operation can not be made because the student is enrolled in an essay in a school year after this.
thesis.mark.invalid = The note inserted is not a valid thesis statement. You must enter a score between 0 and 20. = The person's name is a required field.
thesis.selectPerson.internal.required = You should choose a person from the list.
thesis.selectPerson.president.required.scientific.commission = The president of the jury has to be a member of the scientific committee of the course.
thesis.selectPerson.vowel.duplicated = A duplicated member of the jury was found.
thesis.selectStudent.degreeCurricularPlan.notEnroled = The student has not chosen entries in {0}.
thesis.selectStudent.dissertation.notEnroled = The student has not chosen inscriptions disciplines dissertation.
thesis.selectStudent.notFound = There is a student with that number. = The unit name is a required field.
thesis.selectUnit.internal.required = You should choose a unit from the list.
thesis.submit.cancel.alreadyApproved = The dissertation has been approved by the Scientific Council. Have to communicate directly with a member of the Scientific Council.
thesis.submit.cancel.alreadyRejected = The dissertation has been rejected by the Scientific Council. Return to consult the list of dissertations.
thesis.submit.cancel.unable = Unable to cancel the request for approval. Or there is no application for approval for this proposal or the proposal is already at an advanced stage of the process.
thesis.submit.hasConditions = The proposal can be submitted while you are invalid.
thesis.submit.needsTeacher = Only one teacher who belongs to the Scientific Committee of the course may submit the proposal for approval.
#--Table Header = Date
table.header.person = Person
tilte.manual.equivalence = Manual assignment of Equivalences
timeTableManager = Employee of the SOP
title.ExecutionCourseProjects = View of the Discipline Groupings
title.NewProjectProposals = View New Proposals Received Groupings
title.SentedProjectProposalsWaiting = View Bids Cluster Sent On Hold
title.ShiftsAndGroups = Viewing the Shift Grouping
title.StudentGroupInformation = Group view
title.addCoordinator = Add Element to the Coordination Team
title.addExerciseVariations = Add variations
title.associateTeacher = Associate Professor
title.attendsSetInformation = View Set
title.bibliography = Bibliography
title.candidacy = Applications
title.candidate.changeApplicationInfo = Data Change Application
title.candidate.changePassword = Change Password
title.candidate.chooseCandidate = Several candidates found = Applicant Information
title.candidate.main = Portal de Prospective Postgraduate
title.candidate.studyPlan = Preparation of Plan of Study
title.candidate.visualizeApplicationInfo = New Candidate
title.changeTestQuestion = Change Exercise
title.choose.certificate = Choose Certificate
title.choose.discipline = Choose Discipline
title.choose.disciplineAndType = Choose Discipline and Type
title.choose.disciplineAndTypeOfAula = Choose Discipline and Type of School
title.choose.semester = Choose Semester
title.chooseRoom = Select Room
title.chooseRooms = Select rooms
title.class.timetable = Class Schedule:
title.coordinationTeam = Coordination Team
title.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scientificCommissionTeam = Management Scientific Committee
title.coordinator.degreeCurricularPlan.scientificCommissionTeam.chooseExecutionDegree = Choose the year
title.coordinator.degreeSite.announcements = Announcements
title.coordinator.degreeSite.chooseBoard = Announcements
title.coordinator.degreeSite.edit = Edit Course Information Page
title.coordinator.degreeSite.editEnglish = Edit Page Information in English Course
title.coordinator.equivalence = Manual assignment of Equivalences
title.coordinator.main = Portal Coordinator
title.coordinator.scientificCommision.add = Addionar = Choose = ORIENTED = leader = President = vowel
title.coordinator.thesis.approved.abstract = Summary
title.coordinator.thesis.back = List of Dissertations
title.coordinator.thesis.changeInformation = Change general information
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm = Dissertation
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm.delete = Delete Proposal for Jury
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm.details = Details
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm.dissertation = Dissertation
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm.extendedAbstract = Extended abstract
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm.revision = Disconfirm Note Documents and Thesis
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm.section = Confirmation
title.coordinator.thesis.confirm.submission = Submit Application for Approval
title.coordinator.thesis.create = Create Motion for Jury
title.coordinator.thesis.delete = Delete Proposal
title.coordinator.thesis.edit = Edit Details Thesis
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.coorientator.empty = The co-supervisor is not defined.
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.discussion = Discussion
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.dissertation = Dissertation
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.fields.afiliation = Affiliation
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.fields.category = Category = Name
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.fields.title = Title
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.orientation.empty = Defined yet people for guidance.
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.orientator.empty = The mentor is not defined.
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.president.empty = The president is not defined.
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.proposal = Proposal
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.rejected = Proposed Jury Rejected by the Scientific Council
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.section.jury = Jury
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.section.jury.president = President
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.section.orientation = Guidance
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.section.orientation.coorientator = Co-Advisor
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.section.orientation.orientator = Leader
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.section.vowels = Vowels
title.coordinator.thesis.edit.vowels.empty = Vowels are not defined.
title.coordinator.thesis.editParticipant = Edit Person Details
title.coordinator.thesis.editParticipant.change = Change
title.coordinator.thesis.enterRevision = Skip to Review
title.coordinator.thesis.evaluated.view = Dissertation with Approved Minutes
title.coordinator.thesis.list = List of Proposals and Dissertations
title.coordinator.thesis.proposal = Proposed Jury
title.coordinator.thesis.proposal.view = View Details of Proposal
title.coordinator.thesis.revision.gradeAndDate = Note Date and talk
title.coordinator.thesis.submit = Submit for Approval
title.coordinator.viewStudent = Student Show
title.coordinator.viewStudent.subTitle = Choose student
title.courseInformation = Form of Discipline
title.createAula = Create Lesson
title.createExercise = Create Exercise
title.createRoom = Create Room
title.createTurno = Create Shift
title.credits.warning = Warning (aimed at children who have to choose areas of specialization primary and secondary)
title.criarAula = Create Lesson
title.criarSala = Create Room
title.criarSalaBody = Create Room
title.degrees = Undergraduate
title.deletedStudentGroup = Group Information Off
title.dissertations = Dissertations
title.distributeTest = Distribute Worksheet
title.editAnnouncement = Edit Ad
title.editAttendsSetMembers = Elements of Change Set
title.editAula = Edit Classroom
title.editAulaOfTurno = Edit Lessons From Shift
title.editAulaOfTurnoXPTO = Lessons From the Edit Shift
title.editBibligraphicReference = Edit Bibliographic Reference
title.editDistributedTest = Edit Worksheet Distributed
title.editGroupProperties = Edit Group Properties
title.editSiteAndEmail = Edit Page and Alternative Email
title.editStudentGroupMembers = Change Group Elements
title.editStudentGroupShift = Shift Change Group
title.editStudentGroupsShift = Associate Groups to Turn
title.editTest = View Record
title.editTestHeader = Edit Header Record
title.editTestQuestion = Edit Exercise
title.editTurno = Edit Shift
title.editarSala = Edit Room
title.editarSalaBody = Edit Room
title.enrollStudentGroupShift = Associate Shift Group
title.enrolments = Subscriptions
title.equivalency.plan = Plan Equivalence = Plan for course equivalencies
title.equivalency.plan.origin = Curriculum Plan Source
title.error = Error Occurred
title.errors.server.error = An error occurred
title.evaluation = Assessment
title.evaluation.Exam = Examinations
title.evaluation.WrittenTests = Tests = Living Room Set
title.evaluation.create.writtenEvaluation = Mark {0}
title.evaluation.edit.writtenEvaluation = Edit {0}
title.evaluation.enrollment.period = Set Application Period = Entry Management in {0}
title.evaluation.loadMarks = Entering Notes
title.evaluation.manage.marksList = {0}
title.evaluation.manage.marksListWithFile = Entering Notes Using File
title.evaluation.manage.marksListWithFile.course = {0}
title.evaluation.manage.publishMarks = Post Notes
title.evaluation.publish = Post Notes
title.evaluationMethod = Assessment Process
title.evaluationMethod.eng = Assessment = Evaluation Method in Portuguese
title.exam.comment = Review to include
title.exam.create = Create Exam
title.exam.edit = Edit Review
title.exam.setRooms = Assign the exam rooms
title.example = Example
title.exams = Examinations
title.exams.list = Map Testing
title.exercise = Exercise
title.exerciseType = Types of Exercises
title.exercises = Exercises
title.exportGroupProperties = Creation of Co-Assessment Proposal
title.files = Files: = Application Dissertation
title.finalDegreeWorkCandidates = Jobseekers Dissertations
title.finalDegreeWorkProposal = Thesis proposal
title.finalDegreeWorkProposals = Dissertation proposals
title.homepage = Home
title.importExercises = Import Exercises
title.importGroupProperties = Management Proposal for Co-Assessment = Room
title.insertAnnouncement = Post Ad
title.insertGroupProperties = Define Group Properties
title.insertStudentGroup = Create Group
title.insertStudentsInAttendsSet = Students enter the Joint
title.insertTestQuestionInformation = Financial Information
title.listClasses = Management classes.
title.loadMarks = Select the file
title.loginStudent = Authentication
title.manage.aulas = Handle Classes
title.manage.homepage = Management Homepage
title.manage.rooms = Management Meetings
title.manage.salas = Handle Salas
title.manage.schedule = Schedule Management
title.manage.schedule.students = Student Consultation Hours
title.manage.turnos = Shift Handle
title.manage.working.area = Desktop Management
title.manager.generate.pass = Generate Password
title.manipularSalas = Management of Meetings
title.masterDegree.administraiveOffice.createGuide = Creation Guide
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice = Graduate Services
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.candidateSituation = Location
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseCurricularCourse = Choose the Discipline Course
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseCurricularCourseToStudyPlan = Choose the Course Curriculum to include in the study plan
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseDegree = Choose Course
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseExecutionYear = Choose the Academic Year
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseMasterDegree = Choose the Masters
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseSecondMasterDegree = Choose which contains the Master disciplines sought
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseStudent = Choose Student
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.chooseStudentCurricularPlan = Choose the Student Curriculum Plan
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.createCandidate = Creation of Candidate
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.createContributor = Creating Contributor
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.curricularPlan = Choosing Curriculum Plan
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.editContributor = Change Data Contributor = Creating Reimbursement Guide = Edit Reimbursement Guide number {0} = Details Repayment Guide number {0} = See Reimbursement Guides
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideListingByPerson = Listing Guides One Person.
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.guideListingByYear = Listing by Year Guides
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.listCandidates = List of Candidates
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.listContributors = List of Contributors
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.listSubstituteCandidates = Alternates List of Candidates
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.main = Portal Department of Graduate Studies
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.marksManagement = Management Guidelines
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.printDeclaration = DECLARATION
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.printGuide = Payment Guide
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.visualizeHistory = See History Master Thesis
title.masterDegree.administrativeOffice.thesis.visualizeProofHistory = See Historical Records of Evidence Master
title.masterDegrees = Masters
title.moved.permanently = 301 Moved Permanently
title.navigation.local = Navigation
title.not.authorized = Unauthorized
title.objectives = Objectives
title.objectives.eng = Objectives in English
title.periods = Periods for submission of proposals and applications
title.person.changepass = Change Password
title.person.sms.deliveryReports = Reports received SMS
title.person.welcome = DSpace
title.personalizationOptions = Customization Options
title.pesquisarSalas = Select rooms
title.pesquisarSalasBody = Select rooms
title.program = Program
title.program.eng = Program in English = Program in Portuguese
title.proposals = Theme Proposals
title.publications.Management = Publication Administration
title.remove = Remove {0}
title.removeExerciseVariations = Remove Change
title.removeTest = Remove Worksheet
title.resource.does.not.exist = 404 Not Found = Room = Occupancy of the Room = Search Empty Rooms = Result of looking for empty rooms: = Result of looking for rooms with no exams: = Search Rooms = Spaces = Space = The course selected is:
title.sendEmail = Send Email
title.shift.classes = Classes in turn:
title.shift.timetable = Time Shift:
title.shifts = Shifts
title.shifts.available = Shifts Available
title.shifts.inserted = Added shifts
title.showAvailableQuestions = Exercises Available to Insert Data Sheet
title.showAvailableQuestionsForChange = Exercises Available for Swap
title.showDistributedTests = Worksheets Distributed
title.showStudentTestLog = Student records with the numbers:
title.showTests = Worksheets
title.statistics.students = Student Statistics
title.student.LEEC.enrollment.rules.without = Enrollment of students in disciplines
title.student.curriculum = View Student Resumes
title.student.elections.results.elections = Results of last poll
title.student.enrollment = Student Enrollment in Courses
title.student.enrolment = Registration Shift
title.student.equivalency.plan = Students plan Equivalencies
title.student.information = View student information
title.student.main = Student Portal
title.student.marksSheetConsult = Consultation Guidelines
title.student.number = Student
title.student.obtainCertificate = Get Certificate
title.student.reports = Listing of Students
title.student.view.schedule = Hours
title.studentCurricularPlan = Student Curriculum Plan
title.studentListByCourse = Listing of Students by Discipline
title.studentListByDegree = Listing of Students per Course
title.summaries.insert = Insert Summaries
title.summary.edit = Edit Summary
title.summary.insert = Insert Table of Contents = Support - FAQ = Support - Glossary
title.teacher.finalWorkInformation = Thesis proposal
title.teacher.tfcInformation = Thesis proposal
title.teacherInformation = Teacher Sheet
title.teachers = Teachers
title.teachersInformation = Point Location of Fill Teaching Sheets
title.teaching = Teaching
title.teachingReport = Assessment of Functioning of the Disciplines - Teaching Report
title.teachingReport.evaluation = Assessment of Functioning of the Disciplines
title.teachingReport.teacherReport = Teaching Report
title.tests = Bookmarks
title.testsManagement = Management Worksheet
title.thesis.details.coordination = Coordination
title.thesis.details.details = Details
title.thesis.details.discussion = Discussion
title.thesis.details.publication = Publication
title.transaction.createGuides = Creating Guides Movements
title.treasury.main = Treasury Operations
title.verSala = View Room
title.verSalaBody = View Room
title.view.alunosOfTurno = See Students Enrolled in Shift = Consult Room
title.view.turno = See Shift
title.viewAllStudentsAndGroups = Show All Students Enrolled in Groups
title.viewExecutionCourse.shifts = Shifts
title.viewStudentsAndGroupsByShift = Show Students Enrolled in Groups Shift
title.viewStudentsAndGroupsWithoutShift = Show Students Enrolled in Groups No Shift = Academic period = Autonomous Study = Autonomous Study: study, job preparation, implementation of projects = Contact = Contact: school, work and evaluations of projects, examinations, tests, oral tests = Academic year = Course = Discipline execution = Number of responses = Other = Other: study visits, other = Total = Average
Weekly = Week
treasury = Treasury Officer
two.evaluations.cannot.occur.withing.48.hours = The minimum interval between two written evaluations of a course is 48 hours.
username = Username
verSala.seeOcupationLinkName = Occupation Watch
view = View
websiteType.creationDate = Date Created
websiteType.creator = Creator
websiteType.description = Description
websiteType.error.hasWebsites = The type of website is that one or more websites and therefore can not be erased
websiteType.functionalityLinks = Links to features
websiteType.mandatoryContents = Compulsory contents = Name
written.evaluation.has.alocated.rooms = The assessment has already alloca rooms.
years = years
label.manager.add.subject = Fénix Administration Portal - New Member
label.manager.add.body = The Fénix Administration portal has now been atributed to: {0}
label.manager.remove.subject = Fénix Administration Portal - Member Removed
label.manager.remove.body = The Fénix Administration portal has now been removed for: {0}