email.login.message = Caro (a) {0}, was added (a) as an external member of the research unit ({3}) of the Phoenix system with the username {4} and as such will receive a login. To complete the process go to {2} Thanks, {1} email.login.subject = Login System Fenix error.contract.already.exists = The person in question already has a contract with the unit for that date. = Email already exists, please try to locate the person in the system. error.person.existent.docIdAndType = Identification document that already exists, please try to locate the person in the system. errors.byte = {0} must be a byte. = {0} is not a valid date. errors.double = {0} must be a real number. = {0} is not an E-Mail valid. errors.float = {0} must be a real number. errors.footer =
errors.header =
To proceed must correct the following errors: