#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
# Resources for vigilancy system
email.convoke.active.body = Caro(a) {0},\n\n{1}\n\nProva de avaliacao: {2}\nData: {3} ({4})
email.convoke.convokedAgain = He returned to be convened
email.convoke.subject = [{0}] {1} - {2} - {3}
email.convoke.unavailablePeriod = The following unavailability has been added:\n\n {0} {1} a {2}\n Reason: {3}
email.convoke.unavailablePeriod.subject = [{0}] - Unavailability
email.convoke.uncovoked = It was off after
error.there.are.not.so.many.vigilants = Asked to off after more vigilant than those that exist
label.GroupReport = Group Report Vigilantes
label.activate = Convoke
label.attendedConvokes = Holdings
label.avgVigilancies = Average Points
label.cancel = Cancel
label.cancelledConvokes = Calls Cancelled
label.confirm = Confirm
label.confirmedConvokes = Calls Confirmed
label.convokeMore = Convene more vigilant
label.create = Create
label.deactivate = Revoke Convoke
label.delete = Delete
label.edit = Edit
label.estimatedPoints = Dear Points
label.evaluationAfterDate = The assessment date has passed
label.exportGroupReport = Export data
label.generateStats = Generate Report
label.manage = Manage
label.navheader.person.examCoordinator = Exam Coordination
label.navheader.person.vigilant = Vigilancy
label.next = Next
label.noVigilanciesFoundForEvaluation = There are no surveillance for the evaluation element
label.numberOfAttendedConvokes = No. of Holdings
label.numberOfCancelledConvokes = No. Call Cancelled
label.numberOfConfirmedConvokes = Number of Calls Confirmed
label.otherVigilants = Convocations
label.person.vigilancy.addUnavailablePeriod = Add unavailable period
label.person.vigilancy.createCompetenceCourseGroup = Create course group
label.person.vigilancy.currentConvokes = Current Vigilancies
label.person.vigilancy.displayGroupHistory = Vigilant group history
label.person.vigilancy.displayIncompatibleInformation = Incompatibilities
label.person.vigilancy.displayUnavailableInformation = Unavailables
label.person.vigilancy.editConvokes = Edit Vigilancies
label.person.vigilancy.editExamCoordinator = Edit previledges
label.person.vigilancy.editIncompatiblePerson = Incompatibility
label.person.vigilancy.editUnavailablePeriods = Manage unavailable periods
label.person.vigilancy.editVigilancyCourseGroup = Edit Course Group
label.person.vigilancy.editVigilantGroup = Edit Vigilant Group
label.person.vigilancy.generateConvokes = Generate Vigilancies
label.person.vigilancy.manageExamCoordinator = Manage Exam Coordinators
label.person.vigilancy.noConvokesToDisplay = There are no vigilancies for the request period
label.pointsForConvoked = Points for a vigilancy in another course
label.pointsForDisconvoked = Points for being uncovoked early
label.pointsForDismissed = Points for being dismissed in the exam's day in another course
label.pointsForMissing = Points for missing (or being late)
label.pointsForTeacher = Points for a vigilancy in an own course
label.problematicConvoke = Lack of surveillance / Report undelivered
label.selectAll = Select all
label.showNames = Show names
label.showNoNames = Show no names
label.showPoints = Points
label.submit = Submit
label.teachersVigilants = Surveillance
label.totalVigilancies = Total Surveillance
label.unconfirm = Uncofirm
label.unselectAll = Unselect all
label.urlInput.explanation = The URL must be written with protocol: "http://www.ist.utl.pt"
label.viewVigilancies = Query Surveillance
label.vigilanciesFromOthers = Call No.
label.vigilanciesFromTeachers = No. of Vigilance
label.vigilanciesReport = Surveillance Report
label.vigilanclabel.vigilancy.isConvokabley.externalPersonToGroup = Add person by nº mecanografico
label.vigilancy.TemporalInformation = Temporal Space
label.vigilancy.VigilantGroupManagement = Vigilant Group
label.vigilancy.active = Convoked
label.vigilancy.active.header = Conv.
label.vigilancy.add = Add
label.vigilancy.addAnUnavailablePeriodOfVigilant = Add unavailable period to vigilant
label.vigilancy.addCourse = Add Courses
label.vigilancy.addExternalCourse = Add external course
label.vigilancy.addIncompatibilityToVigilant = Add incompatibility to vigilant
label.vigilancy.addIncompatibilityToVigilant.title = Add Incompatibility To Vigilant
label.vigilancy.addIncompatiblePerson = Manage incompatibilities
label.vigilancy.addUnavailablePeriod = Add Time unavailability
label.vigilancy.algorithm = Selection criteria
label.vigilancy.allowedToCreateGroups = Allowed to create group
label.vigilancy.alreadyConvoked = Vigilants already convoked for this exam
label.vigilancy.alreadyConvokedForAnotherExam = already called for further evaluation
label.vigilancy.associatedRooms = Associated rooms
label.vigilancy.associatedRoomsUnavailable = There are no associated rooms
label.vigilancy.attended = Attended
label.vigilancy.attended.header = Att.
label.vigilancy.attendedStatus = Participation
label.vigilancy.availableVigilantsFromGroup = Available vigilants
label.vigilancy.back = Back
label.vigilancy.beginDate = Begin date
label.vigilancy.boundsJustification = Grounds are not we called to
label.vigilancy.campus = Campus
label.vigilancy.capacity = Capacity
label.vigilancy.category = Category
label.vigilancy.category.header = Cat.
label.vigilancy.competenceCourseGroup = Competence Course Group
label.vigilancy.confirmed = Confirmed
label.vigilancy.confirmed.header = Conf.
label.vigilancy.contactEmail = Contact e-mail group
label.vigilancy.convokable = Convokable
label.vigilancy.convokable.abbr = (Conv)
label.vigilancy.convokeInstructions = Bellow you can find the vigilant list of {0} group. The system has ordered the vigilants from bottom to top.
label.vigilancy.convokeManagement = Manage vigilancies
label.vigilancy.convokes = Vigilancies
label.vigilancy.coordinatorsForUnit = Coordinators for unit
label.vigilancy.coordinatorsGroup = Coordinator Group
label.vigilancy.course = Course
label.vigilancy.courseGroupManagement = Course Group
label.vigilancy.courses = Courses
label.vigilancy.createCompetenceCourseGroup = Create group of subjects
label.vigilancy.createUnavailablePeriod = Create new unavailable period
label.vigilancy.currentConvokes = Current Calls
label.vigilancy.date = Date
label.vigilancy.delete = Delete
label.vigilancy.department = Departament
label.vigilancy.dismissed = Exempt
label.vigilancy.displayBoundsJustification = There we called
label.vigilancy.displayGroupHistory = History of vigilante groups
label.vigilancy.displayIncompatibleInformation = Incompatibilities
label.vigilancy.displayUnavailableInformation = Unavailability
label.vigilancy.editConvokes = Edit Call
label.vigilancy.editExamCoordinator = Edit Privileges
label.vigilancy.editIncompatiblePerson = Incompatibilities
label.vigilancy.editPermissions = Permitions
label.vigilancy.editPreviledges = Edit priviledge
label.vigilancy.editStartPoints = Edit Points
label.vigilancy.editUnavailablePeriod = Edit unavailable period
label.vigilancy.editUnavailablePeriods = Management of downtime
label.vigilancy.editVigilancyCourseGroup = Edit Group Courses
label.vigilancy.editVigilantGroup = Edit vigilant group
label.vigilancy.email = Email message
label.vigilancy.emailConvoke = You received a new convoke please go to http://fenix.ist.utl.pt:8080/ciapl/departmentMember/vigilancy/vigilantManagement.do?method=prepareMap
label.vigilancy.employees = Employees
label.vigilancy.end = End
label.vigilancy.endDate = End date
label.vigilancy.error.cannotDeleteGroupWithVigilants = Cannot delete a vigilant group with vigilants inside
label.vigilancy.error.invalidBeginDate = Invalid begin date
label.vigilancy.error.invalidEndDate = Invalid end date
label.vigilancy.examCoordinators = Coordinators
label.vigilancy.executionCourseGroup = Course Group
label.vigilancy.executionCourses = Execution Course
label.vigilancy.executionYear = Execution Year
label.vigilancy.exportVigilantTable = Export Table Surveillance
label.vigilancy.externalPersonToGroup = Add external person
label.vigilancy.firstStep = 1st Step: Choose vigilants
label.vigilancy.firstUnavailablePeriod = 1st period to specifiy unavailables
label.vigilancy.generateConvokes = Generate notices
label.vigilancy.groupHasNoIncompatibilities = There are no incompatibilities within the group
label.vigilancy.groupsInformation = Group Information
label.vigilancy.hasGroupCreationPreviledge = Priviledge to create group?
label.vigilancy.hasIncompatibility = incompatibility with the security guard has
label.vigilancy.hasServiceExemption = is in remission Service
label.vigilancy.hasUnavailablePeriod = has a period of unavailability
label.vigilancy.hour = Hour
label.vigilancy.implementationClass = Implementation class
label.vigilancy.incompatibilities = Incompatibility
label.vigilancy.incompatibilityDetected = Incompatibility detected
label.vigilancy.incompatible.vigilants = Incompatible Vigilants
label.vigilancy.incompatiblePerson = Incompatible Person
label.vigilancy.incompatibleWith = incompatible with
label.vigilancy.inexistingUsername = The given username doesn't exist
label.vigilancy.information = Information
label.vigilancy.isConvokable = Convokable?
label.vigilancy.justification = Justification
label.vigilancy.label = Legend
label.vigilancy.listInformationForGroups = Groups
label.vigilancy.manageCompetenceCourseGroups = Manage Course Groups
label.vigilancy.manageDepartmentVigilants = Manage the department's watchful
label.vigilancy.manageExamCoordinator = Management Coordinators Exams
label.vigilancy.manageExternalVigilants = Manage external vigilant
label.vigilancy.manageVigilantGroups = Manage Vigilant Group
label.vigilancy.manageVigilantsInGroups = Manage vigilant
label.vigilancy.manageVigilantsInGroups.title = Manage Watchers
label.vigilancy.name = Name
label.vigilancy.newCompetenceCourseGroup = Create group of subjects
label.vigilancy.newVigilantGroup = Create vigilant group
label.vigilancy.newVigilantGroup.title = Create Vigilant Group
label.vigilancy.noCompetenceCourseGroups = There are no course groups
label.vigilancy.noContactEmailDefined = This group has not set a contact email
label.vigilancy.noConvokes = No vigilancies
label.vigilancy.noConvokesToDisplay = There are calls for the required time period.
label.vigilancy.noCourses = There are no courses
label.vigilancy.noCoursesInGroup = There are no courses in the group
label.vigilancy.noCoursesInSelectedUnit = There are no courses for the selected unit
label.vigilancy.noEmployees = There are no employees
label.vigilancy.noExamCoordinatoresForUnit = There are no coordinators for the selected unit
label.vigilancy.noExamCoordinators = There are no exam coordinators
label.vigilancy.noExamCoordinatorsInGroup = There are no exam coordinators in the group
label.vigilancy.noIncompatibilitiesToManage = There are no incompatibilities
label.vigilancy.noIncompatiblePerson = You have no incompatible person
label.vigilancy.noRulesLinkDefined = This group does not have a link to the document rules
label.vigilancy.noUnavailablePeriodsToManage = No unavailable periods to manage
label.vigilancy.noVigilantGroupsToDisplay = No vigilant groups to display
label.vigilancy.noVigilants = There are no vigilants
label.vigilancy.noVigilantsInGroup = There are no vigilants in the group
label.vigilancy.notAttended = Missed
label.vigilancy.notAvailableOnCampus = is not available on campus survey
label.vigilancy.notConvokable = Not convokable
label.vigilancy.notConvokable.abbr = (Not conv.)
label.vigilancy.notInAllowedPeriod = Not in the allowed period to specifiy unavailable periods
label.vigilancy.numberOfVigilants = Number of Watchers
label.vigilancy.personUsername = Username (istxxxxxx)
label.vigilancy.points = Points
label.vigilancy.points.header = P.
label.vigilancy.pointsWeight = Weight
label.vigilancy.remove = Remove
label.vigilancy.removeCourse = Remove Courses
label.vigilancy.rulesLink = Link to the document with the rules
label.vigilancy.rulesLink.optionalField = Link to the document with the rules (optional)
label.vigilancy.scientificArea = Cientific Area
label.vigilancy.secondStep = 2nd Step: Confirm and send email
label.vigilancy.secondUnavailablePeriod = 2nd periodto specifiy unavailables
label.vigilancy.selectNumberOfVigilantsToUnconvoke = Indicate how many off after vigilantes want
label.vigilancy.selectPersonToCoordinate = Select person to coordinate
label.vigilancy.selectPreviousPointsSchema = Select previous points schema
label.vigilancy.showAllVigilancyInfo = Vigilancy detail
label.vigilancy.showAllVigilancyInfo.temp = Detalhes das convocatórias
label.vigilancy.showByGroups = Show in Groups
label.vigilancy.showByVigilant = Show by vigilantes
label.vigilancy.showConvokesByEvaluation = Show vigilancies by evaluation
label.vigilancy.showConvokesByVigilant = Show vigilancies by vigilant
label.vigilancy.showNotActiveConvokes = Show canceled invitations
label.vigilancy.showOwnVigilancies = Show surveillance
label.vigilancy.showWeightPoints = Show Pesos
label.vigilancy.splash = Operation completed successfully
label.vigilancy.start = Start
label.vigilancy.startPoints = Thresholds
label.vigilancy.startPoints.header = PI
label.vigilancy.subjectEmailPrefix = Prefix the email subject
label.vigilancy.totalPoints = Total of Points
label.vigilancy.totalpoints.header = T.P.
label.vigilancy.unableToRemoveVigilantsDueToConvokes = Unable to remove the following vigilants for having vigilancies:
label.vigilancy.unavailablePeriods = Unavailble Periods
label.vigilancy.unavailablePeriodsShortLabel = Unavailables
label.vigilancy.unavailableVigilants = Unavailable vigilant(s)
label.vigilancy.unavailableVigilantsFromGroup = Unavailable vigilants
label.vigilancy.unit = Unit
label.vigilancy.unknownCause = has an unknown cause
label.vigilancy.username = Nº Mec.
label.vigilancy.vigilancyCount = Vigilancy Number
label.vigilancy.vigilancyPoints = Vigilancy points
label.vigilancy.vigilant = Vigilant
label.vigilancy.vigilantGroup = Vigilant Group
label.vigilancy.vigilantGroups = Vigilant Groups
label.vigilancy.vigilantPermissions = Permitions Edition
label.vigilancy.vigilantSugestion = Sugestion
label.vigilancy.vigilants = Vigilants
label.vigilancy.vigilantsFromGroup = Group vigilants
label.vigilancy.vigilantsThatCantBeConvoked = Non convokable vigilants
label.vigilancy.vigilantsThatDoNotTeachCourse = Vigilant(s) available and that do not teach course
label.vigilancy.vigilantsThatTeachCourse = Vigilants that teach course
label.vigilancy.whyUnavailable = Unavailable information
label.vigilancy.writtenEvaluation = Written Evaluation
label.vigilancy.writtenEvaluation.header = Evaluation
label.vigilancy.youHaveNoIncompatibilities = You have no incompatibilities
label.vigilancy.youHaveNoUnavailablePeriods = You have no unavailable periods
label.writtenEvaluationChangedMessage = Dear Vigilante, The proof EVAUATION {0} {1} {2}, {3} was changed to 4 {} - {5} by PCOS.
label.writtenEvaluationDeletedMessage = The assessment test {0} - {1} - {2} has been deleted, so your call for this element was deleted.
label.writtenEvaluationReport = Summary of assessment test
pointsForDismissedTeacher = Points for being dismissed in the exam's day in their own course
pointsForMissingTeacher = Points for missing (or late arrival) in your chair
vigilancy.error.InvalidConvokeNoEvaluationAvailable = Invalid convoke, no exam associated
vigilancy.error.cannotAddExecutionCourseToGroup = The following courses weren't added for being already in a group
vigilancy.error.cannotAddUnavailablePeriodDueToExistingConvoke = Cannot add unavailble period due to existing convoke
vigilancy.error.cannotBeIncompatibleWithYourself = Cannot be incompatible with yourself
vigilancy.error.cannotChangeActive = Cannot change activation state
vigilancy.error.cannotChangeAttended = Cannot change attendence state
vigilancy.error.cannotDeleteVigilantDueToConvokes = Cannot delete vigilant due to convokes
vigilancy.error.cannotEditClosedUnavailablePeriod = Can not perform the requested operation because the end date of the downtime is before the current date.
vigilancy.error.executionCourseAlreadyInAGroup = The selected executionCourse is already in a vigilant group
vigilancy.error.notAuthorized = You are not authorized to perform the operation
vigilancy.error.outOutPeriodToSpecifyUnavailablePeriods = Cannot add unavailable period because you are outside the allowed period
vigilancy.myConvokes = Your vigilancies
vigilancy.myIncompatibility = Your incompatible person
vigilancy.myUnavailablePeriods = Your unavailable periods
vigilancy.yourGroups = Your groups
vigilantTable.convoke.title = Vigilancy