errors.integer = {0} must be an integer. errors.invalid.time.interval = The time interval is invalid. errors.invalidEndTime = The end date can not be earlier than the current date. errors.noPerson = Invalid Username errors.noValidPerson = You can only delegate access to faculty, staff and fellows. errors.personAlreadyExists = This person has access to this project. errors.range = {0} is not between {1} and {2}. errors.required = Should define: {0}. errors.requiredProject = You must choose at least one project. label.OAOverhead = Overhead OA label.OARevenue = OA Recipe label.OEOverhead = Overhead OE label.OERevenue = Revenue Budget label.OGOverhead = Overhead OG label.OGRevenue = Prescription OG label.OOOverhead = Overhead OO label.OORevenue = Revenue OO label.academicUnit = Unid. Academic label.acronym = Acronym label.add = Add label.adiantPorJust = Advances. by Just. label.adiantamentos = Advances label.adiantamentosReport = Advance label.adiantamentosReportResume = Overview of Advances label.allRubrics = All Categories label.back = Back label.balance = Balance label.beginDate = Start Date = NIB label.budget = Budget label.budgetBalance = Budget balance (*) label.budgetaryMemberControl = Budgetary Control for States label.budgeted = Budgeted label.cabimentos = FITNESS label.cabimentosReport = Belong label.cabimentosReportResume = Overview of appropriateness label.code = Code label.confirm = Confirm label.contractNumber = No Contract label.coordination = Coordination label.coordinator = Coordinator label.cost = Cost label.costCenter = Cost Center label.currency = Currency = Date label.description = Description label.docNumber = In Doc label.docType = Doc Type label.duration = Duration = Email label.endDate = End Date label.entity = Entity label.eur = EUR label.executed = Run label.executedOrJustified = Run / Justified: label.executionsOf.adiantamentosReport = Justification for the Advance label.executionsOf.cabimentosReport = Plays the appropriateness label.explorUnit = Unid Expl label.explorationUnit = Unid. Exploration label.ext = ext. label.financialEntity = Ent. Financing label.financing = Financing label.financingPercentage = % Financing label.financingSource = Financing Source label.find = Search label.forExecute.adiantamentosReport = Justified by label.forExecute.cabimentosReport = On the Run label.forExecuted = On the Run / Justify: = DG = Help label.idMov = Id Mov label.ilegivelTaxControl = Eligible VAT label.imputedPercentage = % Impurities label.initialDate = Home label.ivaPercentage = % VAT label.listByCoordinator = Listing Coordinator for label.listByCostCenter = Listings by Cost Center label.listByProject = List by Project label.managementUnitOverhead = Org Management label.maxFinance = Eligible Maximum label.mecanographicNumber = No. mechanographical label.member = State label.months = Months = Name label.operationalUnit = Unid. Operational label.origin = Source label.overheadsDistribution = Internal Distribution of Overheads label.overheadsList = Listing Overheads = OVH label.parentProjectNumber = Previous Project No. label.partnersTransfers = Partners trf label.percentageSymbol = % label.print = Print report label.program = Program label.projNum = No. Proj label.projectFinancialEntities = Financing Entities label.projectInvestigationTeam = Research Team label.projectManager = Account Manager label.projectMembersBudget = Budget of the Consortium Members label.projectNumber = Project No. label.projectRubricBudget = Budget Categories Project label.projectsAccess = Access Projects label.pte = Pte label.returnsExecuted.adiantamentosReport = Rationale / Returns label.returnsExecuted.cabimentosReport = FITNESS Executed label.rubric = Category = Select label.supplier = Supplier = Iva label.taxControl = VAT Accounting label.title = Title label.toExecute.adiantamentosReport = Advances For Justify label.toExecute.cabimentosReport = Belong to Run = Total = Total Advances = Total FITNESS label.totalExecuted = Total Runs / Justified: label.totalExecuted.adiantamentosReport = Total Justified label.totalExecuted.cabimentosReport = Total Runs label.totalOverheads = Total Overheads label.transferedOverheads = Transferred overheads label.treasury = Treasury label.treasuryBalance = Treasury Balance label.trf = Trf label.type = Type label.unit = Unit label.username = Username label.value = Value label.workPhone = Telephone / Ext. label.year = Year link.budgetaryBalance = Budget Deficit link.completeExpenses = Expense (Detailed) link.delegateAccess = Delegate Access link.expenses = Expenditure link.expensesRubric = Expenditure Lines link.explorationUnitsRubric = Operating Units link.exportToExcel = Export to Excel link.generatedOverheads = Generated overheads link.listHelp = Listings link.openingProjectFile = Opening Sheet link.overheadTypesRubric = Types of overheads link.projectTypesRubric = Project Types link.revenue = Revenue link.revenueRubric = Recipe Categories link.showAccesses = Show Hits link.summary = Summary link.transferedOverheads = Transferred overheads message.accessDelegation.information = Here you can delegate access to other projects coordinated by other faculty or staff. message.availableProjects = Projects available to add message.beginDay = Start Day message.beginMonth = Start Month message.beginYear = Start Year message.budgetaryBalanceReport = Note: In cases where the project is composed of several members, the budgeted amount is the total budget for all members. message.dateFormat = (Dd / mm / yyyy) message.delegateAccess = To delegate access to other projects for the person selected, choose the projects you want, fill in the dates of beginning and end of the access and press the Add button. message.endDay = Day's End message.endMonth = Month End message.endYear = End Year message.explorationUnitsRubric = Note: Unit Operation refers to the IST unit which carries out the project management. message.extraInformation.a = (A) the value of advances is not Justified considered for purposes of calculating the balance of the Treasury. message.extraInformation.b = (B) The value of no place to run does not affect the balance of the Treasury. On the other hand, expenses incurred in connection with pertinence affect Treasury Balance. message.listHelp =

General Information

The information contained in these pages of documents corresponds to the values recorded in the GGP to date. This does not mean that all expenses are able to be included in financial reports.

Notes to the listings

Project identification Listing expenses Listing revenue Summary Print and Export Listings
message.noMovements = Movements were not found. message.noOtherUserProjects = There are more projects available. message.noOtherUsers = This project has no other users. message.noUserProjects = You have no project. message.notAvailableOpeningProjectFile = Form Opening unavailable. The project is not yet fully open. message.overheadsSummaryReport = Note:
Revenue OG - is the total revenue on which overheads were calculated for the Cost Center stated in its quality of management bodies.
OA Recipe - is the total revenue on which overheads were calculated for the Cost Center indicated in his capacity as Academic Unit.
Revenue OO - is the total revenue on which overheads were calculated for the Cost Center stated in its capacity as Operating Unit.
Revenue Budget - is the total revenue on which overheads were calculated for the Cost Center stated in its capacity as Unit Operation. message.person.noProjectAccesses = The person selected does not have access to any project. message.personProjectAccess = Projects that the selected person has access message.printLayoutOrientation = To print you must change the print orientation to landscape (horizontal). message.projectAccess = You can change the dates of access to a particular project, selecting Edit. To remove access simply choose Remove. message.rubricBudgetReport = Note: This budget relates to all partners (if any) message.sinceDate = From date message.summaryReport = (*) The budget balance is calculated based on the value of column Max Eligible message.untilDate = to date title.accessDelegation = Delegation of access title.adiantamentosReport = Listing Advances title.allProjectsAccesses = View all accesses title.cabimentosReport = Listings for FITNESS title.changeProjectAccessDates = Change dates to access project title.completeExpensesReport = Listing Expenses Detailed title.costCenter = Cost Centers title.expensesReport = Listing Expenses in Euros title.generatedOverheadsReport = Listing Generated Overheads title.institucionalProgectsManagement = Institutional Project Management title.openingProjectFileReport = Opening Sheet Project title.overheadsSummaryReport = Summary of Overheads title.progectsManagement = Project Management title.projectBudgetaryBalanceReport = Budget Balance by Project Category title.projects = Projects title.revenueReport = Listing Revenue in Euro title.summaryReport = Summary by Coordinator title.transferedOverheadsReport = Listing Transferred Overheads