button.submit = Submit error.TeacherCredits.notPerson = Session Expired label.advises = 3) End of Course Work label.assignedOrientations = Assigned Orientations label.attributedReductionCredits = Attributed credits label.attributionDate = Approval Date label.availableOrientations = Available Orientations label.category = Category label.changeType = Change type label.closeCreditsDate = Closing date label.comment = Comment label.confidencialInformation = Confidencial Information label.costCenter = Cost Center label.course = Discipline label.credits = Credits label.credits.accumulatedCredits = Accumulated credits label.credits.accumulatedCredits.simpleCode = CLA label.credits.creditsReduction = Credits Reduction label.credits.creditsReduction.definition = Credits reduction from teaching evaluation and/or age label.credits.creditsReduction.simpleCode = AD65 label.credits.degreeFinalProjectStudents.code = (TFC) label.credits.degreeFinalProjectStudents.code.definition = Credits from students working end of course label.credits.degreeFinalProjectStudents.code.explanation = Working students final course label.credits.degreeFinalProjectStudents.simpleCode = TFC label.credits.fill.information.for.current.semester = Fill information for current semester label.credits.finalCredits = Final credits label.credits.finalCredits.simpleCode = FC label.credits.institutionWorkTime.code = (P) label.credits.institutionWorkTime.code.explanation = Weekly hours spent on IST label.credits.institutionWorkTime.simpleCode = P (h) label.credits.legenda = Legend label.credits.lessons.code = (A) label.credits.lessons.code.definition = Credits from graduate school label.credits.lessons.code.explanation = Hours per week of undergraduate label.credits.lessons.simpleCode = A label.credits.manageCreditsReduction = Manage credits reduction label.credits.managementPositions.code = (CG) label.credits.managementPositions.code.definition = Credits from management positions label.credits.managementPositions.code.explanation = Has management positions label.credits.managementPositions.simpleCode = CG label.credits.masterDegreeLessons.code = (M) label.credits.masterDegreeLessons.code.explanation = Credits from master classes label.credits.masterDegreeLessons.simpleCode = M label.credits.masterDegreeTheses = Credits from master degree thesis label.credits.masterDegreeTheses.simpleCode = COM label.credits.normalizedAcademicCredits = Nominal Teaching Load label.credits.normalizedAcademicCredits.simpleCode = CLN label.credits.otherCredits.simpleCode = O label.credits.otherTypeCreditLine.code = (O) label.credits.otherTypeCreditLine.code.explanation = Claims fall under the category other label.credits.otherTypeCreditLine.simpleCode = O label.credits.pastCredits.code.definition = Credits approved by the Scientific Council label.credits.phdDegreeTheses = Credits from phd thesis label.credits.phdDegreeTheses.simpleCode = COD label.credits.projectsAndTutorials = Credits from Project/Seminars/Tutorials courses label.credits.projectsAndTutorials.simpleCode = COT label.credits.resume = Summary of credits label.credits.serviceExemptionSituations.code = (SNE) label.credits.serviceExemptionSituations.code.definition = Credits from non-exercise situations label.credits.serviceExemptionSituations.code.explanation = Has not exercised in situations label.credits.serviceExemptionSituations.simpleCode = SNE label.credits.supportLessons.code = (D) label.credits.supportLessons.code.explanation = Hours per week of questions label.credits.supportLessons.simpleCode = D (h) label.credits.teachingCredits = Teaching Credits label.credits.teachingCredits.simpleCode = CL label.credits.thesis.code = (Diss) label.credits.thesis.code.definition = Credits from Dissertations label.credits.thesis.simpleCode = Diss label.credits.totalCredits = Totals label.credits.yearCredits = Obtained credits label.credits.yearCredits.simpleCode = OC label.creditsReduction.exceededMaxAllowed = Credit's reduction cannot be more than 3 credits label.creditsReduction.exceededMaxAllowed.evaluationAndAge = A sua avaliação e idade não lhe permitem reduzir mais do que {0} créditos. label.creditsReduction.invalidCategory = A sua categoria não lhe permite ter redução de créditos label.date = Date label.dateOfBirth = Date of birth label.day.of.week = Weekday label.degree.professorships = 1) Undergraduate courses taught in label.degrees = Degrees label.delete = Delete label.department = Department label.departmentOrDegreeOrUnit = Department/Degree/Unit label.edit = Edit label.empty = \ label.enrolmentsNumber = Enrolment number label.evaluation.mark = Evaluation Mark label.evaluation.year = Evaluation Year label.execution-period = Half label.executionCourses.types = Courses Types label.executionYear = Year label.finalCalculationDate = Final calculation date label.function = Office label.functionsAccumulation = 9) Accumulation Functions label.functionsAccumulationNote = Accumulation Function label.functionsAccumulationNote.help = This space should be declared in all activities of roles, which do not match award academic credit, such as the teaching of classes in schools.
Sample entry: Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Structural Mechanics, 4h label.hasSchedule = Has schedule label.hours = Hours label.insertNew = Insert new label.institution.working.time = 5) Stay in IST label.lastModifiedDate = Last modified date label.lesson.end = End label.lesson.room = Room label.lesson.start = Home label.lessons = Classes label.managementFunctionNote = Management Positions label.managementPosition.credits = Credits label.managementPosition.end = End label.managementPosition.position = Office label.managementPosition.start = Home label.managementPosition.unit = Unit label.managent.functions = 7) Management Positions label.master.degree.professorships = 2) subjects taught in the Graduate label.masterDegree.credits = Credits label.masterDegree.curricularCourse = Discipline label.masterDegree.curricularPlans = Plan (s) curriculare (s) label.masterDegreeTeachingNote = Subjects taught in Master label.name = Name label.newComment = New Comment label.no = N label.notes = Remarks label.number = Number label.number.super.identification = . label.observations = Remarks label.organization = Organization label.orientationsCalculationDate = Orientations calculation date label.otherNote = Other label.otherNote.help = In this space, should be reported when they are not yet entered, claims resulting from situations such as:
Medical casualties, with Accumulation Function Assignment of Credits and other cases that do not fit in the overall. This information has declared it will not take effect for accounting for credits when sent to the Scientific Council Departments. label.otherTypeCreditLine.credits = Credits label.otherTypeCreditLine.credits.size = (Actual value with a maximum of two decimal places) label.otherTypeCreditLine.reason = Reason label.others = 6) Other label.percentage.exceededMaxAllowed = A percentagem de créditos tem de ser menor que 100 label.percentageDistribuition = Percentage distribuition label.period = Period label.place = Local label.professorship = Teaches label.professorship.percentage = % Who teaches label.professorship.question = Teaches? label.projectTutorialCourseType = Type A label.reason = Reason label.reductionService.insert = Insert reduction label.requestedReductionCredits = Requested credits label.room = Room label.schedule = Hours label.schedules.department.president = The Chairman of the Department label.schedules.section.coordinator = The Coordinator of Chamber / Scientific Area label.schedules.teacher = The Teacher label.section = Section label.service.exemptions = 8) Situations Not Exercise label.serviceExemption.end = End label.serviceExemption.organization = Organization label.serviceExemption.start = Home label.serviceExemption.type = Location label.serviceExemptionNote = Situations Not Exercise label.shift = Shift label.shift.noLessons = Has no classes label.shift.type = Type label.situation = Location label.support-lesson.end-time = End label.support-lesson.place = Local label.support-lesson.start-time = Home label.support-lesson.weekday = Day of the week label.supportLessons = Questions label.teacher = Lecturer label.teacher-assistant-guiding-number = Assistant guiding number label.teacher-dfp-student.percentage = Percentage label.teacher-dfp-student.student-name = Student Name label.teacher-dfp-student.student-number = Number of students label.teacher-institution-working-time.end-time = End label.teacher-institution-working-time.start-time = Home label.teacher-institution-working-time.weekday = Day of the week label.teacher-thesis-student.function = Function label.teacher-thesis-student.percentage = Percentage label.teacher-thesis-student.student-name = Student Name label.teacher-thesis-student.student-number = Number of students label.teacher-thesis-student.title = Dissertation title label.teacher.advise.service.help = To make the launch of TFC in guiding students must enter the number of the student and the percentage of time devoted to that direction. Students of the Military Academy, Air Force Academy and Erasmus are already entered in the Phoenix system with a number of student constructed as follows:
No student in Phoenix = 100000 + # of students assigned by the Graduate Center.
You can get the number of students in Phoenix on its portal Personnel, Person Search by name of student, you will be presented with the username of the person, which should discard the first character. label.teacher.degreeProjectTutorialService.change = Lançamento disciplinas tipo A: {0} - Docente: {1} - Aluno: {2} - {3}% label.teacher.degreeProjectTutorialService.delete = Eliminação disciplinas tipo A: {0} - Docente: {1} - Aluno: {2} - {3}% label.teacher.id = IST Id label.teacher.id.short = IST Id label.teacher.lockTeacherCredits = Lock teacher credits for {0} label.teacher.lockTeacherCredits.confirmationMessage = Com esta operação irá indicar que terminou o lançamento do seu serviço de docência e que não pretende efectuar mais alterações. Esta operação não é reversível. Deseja continuar? label.teacher.name = Name of lecturer label.teacher.name.short = Name label.teacher.number = Number of teachers label.teacher.number.short = Number label.teacher.otherService = Lançamento de Outros Créditos: {0} créditos - {1} - ({2}) label.teacher.otherService.delete = Eliminação de Outros Créditos: {0} créditos - {1} - ({2}) label.teacher.personFunction.createOrEdit = Cargo de Gestão: {0} - Unidade: {1} - Docente: {2} - Valor: {3} label.teacher.personFunction.delete = Eliminado Cargo de Gestão: {0} - Unidade: {1} - Docente: {2} - Valor: {3} label.teacher.schedule.change = Definition of teachers schedule: label.teacher.schedule.delete = Eliminação de Lançamento do horário do docente: {0} - Turno: {1} = {2}% label.teacher.schedule.institutionWorkTime.create = Lançamento do horário de permanência: label.teacher.schedule.institutionWorkTime.delete = Eliminação do horário de permanência: label.teacher.schedule.institutionWorkTime.edit = Alteração do horário de permanência: label.teacher.schedule.reductionService.approve = Credits reduction validation: label.teacher.schedule.reductionService.create = Credits reduction request: label.teacher.schedule.reductionService.edit = Credits reduction request modification: label.teacher.schedule.supportLessons.change = Changed support lesson: label.teacher.schedule.supportLessons.create = Created support lesson: label.teacher.schedule.supportLessons.delete = Deleted support lesson: label.teacher.service.logs = Logs label.teacher.service.logs.description = Description label.teacher.service.logs.none = There are no logs. label.teacher.service.logs.when = When operation was done label.teacher.service.logs.who = Operation done by label.teacher.teacherServiceComment.create = New comment: {0} - ({1}) label.teacher.teacherServiceComment.delete = Deleted comment: {0} - (Created {1}; Modified {2}) label.teacher.teacherServiceComment.edit = Changed comment: {0} - (Created {1}; Modified {2}) label.teacher.unlockTeacherCredits = Unlock teacher credits from {0} label.teacher.unlockTeacherCredits.confirmationMessage = O docente marcou como terminado o lançamento do serviço de docência. Com esta operação irá desmarcar como terminado por parte do docente, permitindo que este possa alterar novamente o serviço de docência. Pretende continuar?\n label.teacherCreditsSheet.degreeFinalProjectStudents = End of Course Work label.teacherCreditsSheet.degreeFinalProjectStudents.expirationWarning = (Up to Academic Year 2006/2007) label.teacherCreditsSheet.degreeFinalProjectStudents.items = Students label.teacherCreditsSheet.functionsAccumulation = Accumulation Function label.teacherCreditsSheet.institutionWorkingTime = Stay in IST label.teacherCreditsSheet.institutionWorkingTime.items = Periods of Stay in IST label.teacherCreditsSheet.institutionWorkingTime.optional = Permanência no IST (opcional) label.teacherCreditsSheet.managementPositionLines = Management Positions label.teacherCreditsSheet.masterDegreeProfessorships = Subjects taught in Master label.teacherCreditsSheet.noDataFound = There is no information label.teacherCreditsSheet.noDegreeFinalProjectStudents = No records found students working end of the course. label.teacherCreditsSheet.noInstitutionWorkingTime = No records found to remain in the IST. label.teacherCreditsSheet.noLessons = No records found for lessons. label.teacherCreditsSheet.noMasterDegreeProfessorships = No records found for Masters courses. label.teacherCreditsSheet.noProfessorships = The teacher teaches not no discipline in this semester. label.teacherCreditsSheet.noSupportLessons = No records found lessons in doubt. label.teacherCreditsSheet.noThesis = There were no Dissertations. label.teacherCreditsSheet.otherTypeCreditLines = Other label.teacherCreditsSheet.professorships = Courses Taught label.teacherCreditsSheet.professorships.graduation = Undergraduate courses taught in label.teacherCreditsSheet.professorships.postGraduation = Subjects taught in the Graduate label.teacherCreditsSheet.serviceExemptionLines = Situations Not Exercise label.teacherCreditsSheet.shiftProfessorships = Classes label.teacherCreditsSheet.supportLessons = Lessons doubts label.teacherCreditsSheet.thesis = Dissertations label.teaching.service.alter = Change label.teaching.service.help.bottom = Note: The claims that are justified by low situations must be referred by the Department of the Scientific Council for release for it. label.teaching.service.help.top = In this form must be filled out only the shifts which he lectured. It is not necessary to give 0% not taught in shifts.
To remove a share in a round must put the value 0 and click the Save button.
The percentage to launch a round must be calculated based on 14 weeks of classes. For example, if a shift that runs from 2 to 2 weeks should be launched as value 50, in the case of a shift that runs from 3 in 3 weeks should be released is 33. In case you have not taught the entire semester due to low should release only the percentage corresponding to the time taught. label.thesis = 4) Dissertations label.thesisNote = Dissertations label.time.separator = to label.type = Type label.unit = Unit label.user = User label.view = View label.weekDay = Weekday label.yes = S link.managementPosition.create = Assign new management position link.notes = Edit Note link.other-type-credit-line = Other link.otherTypeCreditLine.create = Create new item link.serviceExemption.create = Assign new situation link.teacher.creditsSupervision = Credits supervision link.teacherCreditsSheet.view = Summary of credits message.confirmation.changeExecutionCourseType = Pretende alterar o tipo da disciplina? message.creditsCorrections = Correcções efectuadas no ano lectivo indicado\n message.exceeded.percentage = A soma das percentagens não pode ser superior a 100% message.functionsAccumulation.noRegists = No records found accumulation of functions. message.hasCreditsLimitation = The amount of Obtained Credits is limited. For more information see the regulation. message.invalid.executionCourseType = Invalid execution course message.invalid.percentage = As percentagens têm que ser maiores ou iguais que 0 e menores ou iguais que 100. message.managementPositions.noRegists = No records found in management positions. message.otherTypeCreditLine.noRegists = No records found in this category other half. message.serviceExemptions.noRegists = No records found in situations where no exercise category. message.teacher.not-found-or-not-belong-to-department = O docente pretendido não pertence ao departamento ou não existe.