AIR_FORCE_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Air Force CITIZEN_CARD = Citizen card CIVIL_UNION = Union of Fact DIVORCED = Divorced EXTERNAL = External FOREIGNER_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity Card for Foreign Residents IDENTITY_CARD = Identity MARRIED = Married MILITARY_IDENTITY_CARD = Military ID Card NATIVE_COUNTRY_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Country of Origin NAVY_IDENTITY_CARD = Identity of the Navy OTHER = Other PASSPORT = Passport RESIDENCE_AUTHORIZATION = Residence Permit SEPARATED = Separate SINGLE = Single UNKNOWN = Unknown WIDOWER = Widowed button.back = Back button.cancel = Cancel button.continue = Continue button.correct = Correct button.create = Create button.edit = Edit button.editGrantInsurance = Edit Security button.manageGrantContract = Manage Contract button.manageGrantOwner = Manage Baggins button.manageGrantSubsidy = Manage allowance button.ok = Ok = Save = Search button.stat = Calculate button.submit = Submit dropDown.Default = [Choose a category] error.credits.nonExistingManagementPosition = The management position was not found! errors.byte = {0} must be a byte. = {0} should have the following format: MM-dd-yyyy. errors.double = {0} must be a real number. = {0} is not an e-mail address. errors.float = {0} must be a real number. errors.footer = = An error occurred while reading the contract regime. Please try again. = The contract has no associated a contract basis. Please contact the development team. = An error occurred creating the contract of the grantee. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the agreement of the fellow. Please try again. errors.grant.contract.conflictdates = The start date of the contract must be prior to the end of it. errors.grant.contract.movement.beginDateBeforeEnd = The starting date is after the date of arrival. errors.grant.contract.movement.delete = There was an error deleting the movement of the fellow. Please try again. errors.grant.contract.movement.edit = An error occurred while creating / editing a visit. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the movement. Please try again. errors.grant.contract.orientation.teacher.conflictdates = The start date for orientation has to be before the expiry date of orientation. errors.grant.contract.orientation.teacher.not.found = Professor not found. errors.grant.contract.orientation.teacher.periodconflict = The orientation period the teacher has to be within the validity period of the contract. errors.grant.contract.regime.edit = An error occurred while creating / editing system contract. Please try again. errors.grant.contract.regime.unknownTeacher = Not found a teacher with the number {0}. errors.grant.contract.responsible.teacher.conflictdates = The date of the responsibility has to be before the date of waiver. errors.grant.contract.responsible.teacher.not.found = The number {0} to teacher in charge there. Professor not found. errors.grant.contract.responsible.teacher.periodconflict = The period of responsibility of the teacher has to be within the validity period of the contract. errors.grant.correction.contractWithSameNumberExists = Contract with the same number already exists. errors.grant.correction.fillAllFields = Fill in all fields! errors.grant.correction.personAlreadyGrantOwner = Person is already scholarship. errors.grant.correction.unknownContract = Non-existent contract. errors.grant.correction.unknownGrantOwner = Fellow unknown. errors.grant.correction.unknownPerson = Unknown person. = An error occurred while creating / editing a cost center. Please try again. errors.grant.costcenter.duplicateEntry = There is already a cost center with the number {0}. = There was an error loading the cost center. Please try again. = An error occurred while creating / editing the insurance contract. Please try again. = Choose only ONE payment entity. = Choose ONE payment entity. = An error occurred while reading the insurance contract. Please try again. errors.grant.list.beginDateBeforeEnd = The start date is greater than the End Date! errors.grant.list.beginDateNotNullAndEndNull = The end date must be completed. errors.grant.list.beginDateNotPossible = You must fill in the fields: Dates Start / End - OR - Active to date. errors.grant.list.beginDateNullAndEndNotNull = The start date must be completed. errors.grant.list.invalidSpan = Requested an invalid page listing. errors.grant.list.noResults = No results were found. = An error occurred while reading from the database. Please try again. errors.grant.owner.exists = Baggins already exists. errors.grant.owner.idtype = Choose one type of valid identification. errors.grant.owner.not.found = Fellow with number {0} not found. errors.grant.owner.personexists = User already exists. errors.grant.owner.readafterwrite = An error occurred while creating a new scholarship. Please try again. errors.grant.part.delete = There was an error deleting the sharing of the fellow. Please try again. errors.grant.part.duplicateEntry = The organization has chosen a share this allowance. errors.grant.part.edit = An error occurred while create / edit co. Please try again. errors.grant.part.invalidPartTeacher = The teacher with the number {0} does not exist. errors.grant.part.invalidPaymentEntity = It must set a payment entity. errors.grant.part.loadingCostCenters = An error occurred while reading the list of projects. errors.grant.part.loadingProjects = An error occurred while reading the list of cost centers. errors.grant.part.mustBeOnePaymentEntity = Choose only ONE payment entity. = An error occurred while reading the reimbursement of the fellow. Please try again. errors.grant.paymententity.unknownCostCenter = Not found the cost center number {0}. errors.grant.paymententity.unknownProject = Not found the project number {0}. errors.grant.paymententity.unknownTeacher = Not found a teacher with the number {0}. = An error occurred while creating / editing the project. Please try again. errors.grant.project.duplicateEntry = There is already a project with the number {0}. = An error occurred while reading the draft. Please try again. = An error occurred while editing / creating the enabling of the database. Please try again. = There was an error deleting the qualification of the database. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the license of the grantee. Please try again. errors.grant.stat.beginDateBeforeEnd = The start date is greater than the end date! errors.grant.subsidy.conflictdates = The end date of the grant is less than the start date. errors.grant.subsidy.edit = An error occurred while creating / editing the grant contract. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the grant contract. Please try again. = An error occurred while creating the kind of bag. Try again. = An error occurred while creating / editing the type of grant. Please try again. = An error occurred while reading the kind of scholarship. Please try again. errors.grant.type.maxminconflit = The maximum period in days is less than the minimum period. errors.grant.unrecoverable = There was an error. Try again or contact the development team. errors.header =
To proceed must correct the following errors: